Petrographic and Stratigraphic Analyses of Palaeogene Ogwashi-Asaba Formation, Anambra Basin, Nigeria
Petrographic and Stratigraphic Analyses of Palaeogene Ogwashi-Asaba Formation, Anambra Basin, Nigeria
Petrographic and Stratigraphic Analyses of Palaeogene Ogwashi-Asaba Formation, Anambra Basin, Nigeria
Key words: Ogwashi-Asaba Formation, Anambra Basin, Palaeogene, sandstone lithofacies, Nigeria
The Anambra Basin (SE Nigeria)
consists of rhythmic clastic se-
quence of sandstones, shales,
siltstones, mudstones and sandy
shales interbedded with coal
seams.32 It covers about 40 000 km2
and a thickness of 6 km. The
Anambra Basin was exploring from
19th century and has been a major
geological centre for coal explora-
tion since 1909. Assessment of pe-
troleum potential has been done,
especially the geochemical evalua-
tion of the shales. The
Ogwashi–Asaba Formation is identi-
fied within the Palaeogene Anambra
Basin, i.e. Afikpo Geosyncline.31
This formation is also referred to as
the Lignite “series”.33 The Formation
is characterized by widely differing
lithologies comprising alternation of
clays, sands, grits and lignites.
Numerous reports exist that de-
scribed the occurrence, areal extent
and economic importance of the lig-
nite seams.1, 3, 4, 5, 13, 17, 33, 37, 47 Those
results asked for defining transport
Fig. 1. Sample Location Map (inserted map of Nigeria showing study area)
history and depositional environ- Sl. 1. Karta lokacija na kojima su uzeti uzorci (karta Nigerije s prikazanim podruèjem
ment of the sediments using their prouèavanja)
lithological/petrographic character-
The geology of the Anambra Basin has been docu-
mented by various workers.3,16,27 The basin is a
synclinal megastructure located at the southwestern
edge of the Benue Trough in Nigeria (Figure 1). The
proto Anambra Basin was a platform during
Albian–Santonian period with reduced sedimentation.
Major folding episode occurred in the Benue Trough
during Late Cretaceous, i.e. Santonian.10 The
Santonian event uplifted Abakaliki–Benue Trough into
Abakiliki Anticlinorium, and created the Anambra Ba-
sin.3, 25, 37, 41 Today basin included 6 km thick sedi-
ments of Campanian to Miocene ages. Structurally, it is
located between Cretaceous Benue Trough and
Delta.24, 32 Sedimentation in the Anambra Basin contin-
ued with Campanian-Maastrichtian marine and
paralic sediments of the Nkporo/Enugu Shales and the
Owelli Sandstones. These formations are overlain by
Mamu Formation (lower coals measure), Ajali Sand-
stone, Nsukka Formation (upper coal measure), Imo
Formation, Ameki Formation and Ogwashi–Asaba For-
mation (Figure 2). Sediments in the Anambra Basin
are of continental, fluvial and shallow marine type.3, 29, Fig. 2. Stratigraphic subdivision of Abakaliki-Anambra-Afikpo
31, 32 Basin for Early Cretaceous-Tertiary strata in the
south-eastern Nigeria (modified from ref.27)
The Ogwashi–Asaba Formation is identified within Sl. 2. Stratigrafska rašèlamba bazena Abakaliki-Anambra-Afikpo za
the Palaeocene Anambra Basin (Afikpo geosynyn- razdoblje od donje krede do tercijara u jugozapadnoj Nigeriji
cline).31 The formation is characterized by alternation (modificirano prema ref.27)
of clays, sands, grits and lignites.12, 47 The formation
occurs mainly in Benin, Asaba, Onitsha and Owerri ar-
eas (Figure 1). centiles of f5, f16, f25, f50, f75, f84 and f95. Maceral analy-
sis was conducted on three lignite samples. The samples
Reyment37 suggested Oligocene–Miocene age for this were crushed and pulverized into a mesh of 1.18 – 1.16
formation, but palynological results by the work of mm. Hardener and epoxy at a ratio of 1:3 was prepared.
Cherie et al.21 assigned a Middle Eocene age to the basal Standard laboratory techniques of digesting sediments
part. The Ogwashi–Asaba Formation is a surface lateral with potassium dichromate and sulphuric acid were
equivalent of the Agbada Formation which occurs in the used to process samples for the TOC analysis according
subsurface of the Niger Delta.6, 7, 41 to Wackley-Black46 Wet Oxidation method. The oxides of
Al, Fe, Mg, Na, K, Si, Ca and Mn were determined using
3. METHODOLOGY the Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (AAS) method of
Field data were taken from successive outcrops at quar- the Swiss buck 2000 model.
ries, valleys and river/stream channels, and measured to
gather information on the rock types and their stratigra- 4. RESULTS AND INTERPRETATION
phy. Samples are taken from Asaba, Azagba-Ogwashi, Results of all analytical techniques in the study are pre-
Okpana and Ibusa areas (Figure 1). Data about texture, sented below. A critical assessment of each set of the re-
colour, grain size, thickness, sedimentary structures, sults has aided its proper interpretation and discussion.
rock types and logs are collected.
A total of 17 samples were selected for laboratory anal-
4.1. Results
yses of granulometry, petrography and organic com- The summary of calculated results from grain size analy-
pounds (TOC and maceral). The granulometric studies sis is presented in Table 1. The graphic mean size (M) for
were carried out with nine samples of unconsolidated the sandstone varies from 0.10 to 2.20 with an average
sandstone in a set of stacked British standard mesh mean size of 0.98, which is coarse. Inclusive graphic
sieves comprising 1180, 1000, 850, 600, 212 and 75 mi- standard deviation (Si) ranges from 0.82 to 1.91 suggest-
crons, shaken by a Ro–Tap Shaker. Techniques adopted ing moderately to poorly sorted sandstones. Inclusive
for graphic construction of frequency curves are as given graphic skewness values (SK1) of –0.07 to 0.84 indicate
by Agagu.2 Mathematical solutions are as proposed by near symmetrical to very fine skewed. The grain size dis-
Friedman19 and Lindholm.23 Mean diameter, standard tribution values plotted on histograms show predomi-
deviation, skewness and kurtosis values were calculated nantly bimodal pattern. The non-normal kurtosis values
using linear interpolation of the cumulative weight per- recorded here are characteristics of bimodal sediments
(d1) (SK1)
f 50 M Standard Inclusive
S/N Sample No Graphic Interpretation
median Mean deviation graphic
(sorting) skewness
1 OGS/1/003 1.60 1.60 1.12 -0.07 0.93 Medium grained, poorly sorted, near symmetrical, mesokurtic
Coarse grained, moderately sorted, very fine skewed,
2 OGS/2/003 0.65 0.81 0.86 0.37 1.28
Coarse grained, moderately sorted, very fine skewed,
3 OGS/3/003 0.57 0.66 0.82 0.17 1.05
Medium grained, moderately sorted, near symmetrical,
4 OGS/1/004 1.77 1.78 0.87 -0.01 1.20
5 OGS/2/004 1.75 2.20 1.91 0.39 1.31 Fine grained, poorly sorted, very fine skewed, leptokurtic
Medium grained, moderately sorted, coarse skewed,
6 OGS 221 – 250 1.10 1.03 0.83 -0.16 1.08
Coarse grained, moderately sorted, near symmetrical,
7 OGS 93 – 122 0.22 0.23 0.89 0.01 0.83
8 OGS 138 – 174 0.38 0.38 1.01 0.40 1.03 Coarse grained, poorly sorted, very fine skewed, mesokurtic
9 OGS 205 - 221 0.12 0.10 1.01 0.48 1.02 Coarse grained, poorly sorted, very fine skewed, mesokurtic
Table 2b. Recalculated Percentage of Quartz, Feldspar, Rock Fragment and MMI
even where such modes are not evident in the frequency elements adopted from Pettijohn35, allowed sandstones
curves.42 to be classified as lithic arenite (Figure 3). The feldspars
The mineralogical composition of framework compo- found in the sand are detrital and are made up of
nents of the sandstones and other minerals are pre- potassic and sodic feldspars. Silica cement is present in
sented in Tables 2a and 2b. Quartz is 31%, rock fragment the form of microcrystalline and crystalline aggregates in
is 64% and feldspar is 5%. Ternary plot of the framework pores and as overgrowth on silica grains. The quartz
S/N Sample No. MnO2, wt% Na2O, wt% K2O, wt% CaO, wt% MgO, wt% Total Fe, wt% SiO2, wt% Al2O3, wt% Rock Type
1 OGS/2/001 0.03 0.26 0.16 TRACE 0.03 67.45 3.71 28.18 Claystone
2 OGS/4/003 0.02 0.81 1.09 TRACE 0.25 27.29 34.44 36.38 Claystone
3 OGS/1/002 0.01 0.37 0.54 TRACE 0.12 60.12 37.90 1.16 Sandstone
4 OGS/2/002 TRACE 0.27 0.21 0.01 0.05 81.65 17.50 1.73 Sandstone
5 OGS/3/002 0.01 0. 20 0.21 0.02 0.08 92.07 5.84 1.55 Sandstone
6 OGS/1/003 0.02 0.82 1.20 TRACE 0.23 59.72 29.95 8.27 Sandstone
7 OGS/2/003 0.02 5.55 1.95 TRACE 0.26 23.96 64.49 3.74 Sandstone
8 OGS/3/003 0.01 0.54 0.40 TRACE 0.18 12.69 84.57 1.36 Sandstone
9 OGS/1/004 0.02 0.95 1.09 TRACE 0.30 35.84 56.05 5.46 Sandstone
10 OGS/2/004 0.02 0.90 0.91 TRACE 0.18 23.33 67.60 7.06 Sandstone
Table 5. Result of Maceral Analysis Showing Maceral Composition of Lignites From Study Area