Mark Scheme Paper C12 (WMA01) June 2014
Mark Scheme Paper C12 (WMA01) June 2014
Mark Scheme Paper C12 (WMA01) June 2014
Summer 2014
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Summer 2014
Publications Code IA038473
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© Pearson Education Ltd 2014
General Marking Guidance
2. The Edexcel Mathematics mark schemes use the following types of marks:
M marks: Method marks are awarded for ‘knowing a method and attempting to
apply it’, unless otherwise indicated.
A marks: Accuracy marks can only be awarded if the relevant method (M) marks
have been earned.
B marks are unconditional accuracy marks (independent of M marks)
Marks should not be subdivided.
3. Abbreviations
These are some of the traditional marking abbreviations that will appear in the mark
4. All A marks are ‘correct answer only’ (cao.), unless shown, for example, as A1 ft to
indicate that previous wrong working is to be followed through. After a misread
however, the subsequent A marks affected are treated as A ft, but manifestly absurd
answers should never be awarded A marks.
5. For misreading which does not alter the character of a question or materially simplify
it, deduct two from any A or B marks gained, in that part of the question affected.
1. Factorisation
2. Formula
Attempt to use the correct formula (with values for a, b and c).
Solving x bx c 0 :
x q c 0, q 0 , leading to x = …
1. Differentiation
n 1
Power of at least one term decreased by 1. ( x x
2. Integration
n 1
Power of at least one term increased by 1. ( x x
Use of a formula
Where a method involves using a formula that has been learnt, the advice given in recent
examiners’ reports is that the formula should be quoted first.
Method mark for quoting a correct formula and attempting to use it, even if there are small
errors in the substitution of values.
Where the formula is not quoted, the method mark can be gained by implication from
correct working with values, but may be lost if there is any mistake in the working.
Exact answers
Examiners’ reports have emphasised that where, for example, an exact answer is asked for,
or working with surds is clearly required, marks will normally be lost if the candidate resorts
to using rounded decimals.
Scheme Marks
(6 marks)
102 AC 2 82 82 AC 2 102 M1
Alt (b) cos A A ... OR cos C C ...
2 10 AC 2 8 AC
M1 Uses the cosine rule, or otherwise to find AC. The rule, if stated, must be correct. If it is not stated it
must be of the correct form. Accept AC 2 10 2 82 2 10 8cos 65 AC ..
It is possible to find AC by other methods, eg dropping a perpendicular from A to a point X on BC. For
M1 to be scored it must be a full method Eg A full method could be; find AX by using sin 65, BX by
cos 65, and CX by subtraction of BX from 8. The M1 is finally scored after an application of
Pythagoras' theorem to find AC.
A1 Accept answers rounding or truncating to AC 9.8... (km)
A1 Accept AC 9.82 km or 9820m . Both the accuracy and the units are necessary.
M1 Uses the sine rule (or cosine rule) with their answer for AC to find angle A or angle C.
sin A sin 65 102 '9.817 '2 82
Accept A or cos A A ...
8 '9.817..' 2 10 '9.817 '
sin C sin 65 82 '9.817 '2 102
Accept C or cos C C ...
10 '9.817..' 2 8 '9.817 '
In the sine rule the sides and angles need to be correctly matched
A1ft Awrt 132.4 or follow through on their (180 A ) if they found A or (65 C ) if they found C.
Scheme Marks
2 27 3 3, 2 3
x 27 21 3 3 x 21 2 3 x M1 A1
3 x 21
x x 7 3 M1 A1
(4 marks)
6 6 3
M1 Simplify either 27 3 3 or 2 3
3 3
A1 Uses both 27 3 3 and 2 3 to rewrite equation in a form equivalent to 3 3 x 21 2 3 x
M1 Collects x terms on one side of the equation, simplifies and divides reaching x=…
A1 Writes answer in the required form 7 3 . Accept 1 147
Scheme Marks
Alt 2 x 27 21
3 3 27 x 21 3 6 x M1
9 x 21 3 6 x A1
3 x 21 3 x 7 3 M1A1
(4 marks)
30b dM1
23 2
b ..
b 3.75 A1
(7 marks)
Alt (b) 3 2 log 2 b log 2 30b 3 2 log 2 b log 2 30 log 2 b 2nd M1
3 log 2 b log 2 30
log 2 8 log 2 b log 2 30 1st M1
log 2 8b log 2 30 A1
8b 30 b .. dM1
b 3.75 A1
M1 Takes logs of both sides leading to a ...
log 20
Accept for this mark log 4 20, or a log 4 log 20 a ..
log 4
A1 awrt 2.16 . Just the answer with no incorrect working scores both marks.
Do not accept answers from trial and error.
(b) Note that this part is B1M1M1dM1A1 on e pen. We are scoring it M1M1A1dM1A1
M1 Score for a correct use of the power law for logs
Accept either 2 log 2 b log 2 b 2 , 2 log b log b 2 or 3 log 2 8
M1 Score for a use of the addition or subtraction law of logs.
Examples of this would be log(30 b ) log 30 log b and log(30b ) log(b 2 ) log 2
30 b
Do not accept attempts such as log(30b ) 2 log( b ) log
A1 Achieving a correct intermediate line of the form log 2 .. .. or log 2 ... log 2 ...
30b log (30) 3
Accept exact equivalents of 3 log 2 2 , log 2 8b log 2 30 and log 2 8b 2 log 2 30b , b 2 2
dM1 Dependent upon both previous M's it is for correctly undoing the logs and solving to get a value for b
16 16
4(a) f ( x) x 2 f '( x ) 2 x 2
x x M1A1
(b) Setting 2x 0 x .. M1
x3 8 x 2 dM1A1
A (2,12) A1
1 1
M1 x n x n1 for either term. Accept x 2 x or 2 x 1 x 2
x x
A1 A correct unsimplified f '( x) 2 x . Accept versions such as f '( x) 2 x 16 1x 2
M1 Sets their f '( x) 0 and proceeds to x =.... Don't be overly concerned with how they get to x=..
dM1 Dependent upon the previous M mark. It is scored for x 2 to reach x 3 k x 3 k
This may be implied by the correct answer to their equation.
A1 Correctly achieving x 2 . Ignore any additional solutions.
A1 Correctly achieving A (2,12) . Accept x 2, y 12 .
If any additional solutions are given x 0 this mark will be withheld.
Accept y 12 appearing in part (c) as long as you are convinced that it is for y = f ( x )
B1 ft A ' (1,12). Accept this on a sketch graph or as x 1, y 12
If A ( p , q ) was incorrect follow through on their value from part (b), A ' ( p 1, q )
If part (b) was not attempted this can be scored from an algebraic or 'made up' answer
B1 ft A ' (2, 6) Accept this on a sketch graph or as x 2, y 6
If A ( p , q ) was incorrect follow through on their value from part (b), A ' ( p, q )
If part (b) was not attempted this can be scored from an algebraic or 'made up' answer
Do Not allow multiple attempts, mark in the order given if not clearly labelled.
The isw rule is suspended for this part of the question.
Scheme Marks
y1 y2 74 3
5(a) Gradient PQ = M1A1
x1 x2 4 ( 1) 5
3 y7 3 y4
Equation of line PQ , oe M1
5 x 4 5 x 1
k (3 x 5 y 23 0) k an integer A1
5 7 5
(b) Uses gradient PR= M1
3 p 1 3
5 p 5 21 p oe. dM1, A1
(7 marks)
cos 2 x sin 2 x
(b) 2 0 1 tan 2 x 2 0 M1
1 sin 2 x
tan 2 x 3 A1
tan x ( ) 3 x .. dM1
1 2 4 5
x , , A1,A1
3 3 3 3
M1 Uses 1 sin 2 x cos 2 x in the denominator of their expression.
cos 2 x sin 2 x cos 2 x sin 2 x
The usual case will be sight of
1 sin 2 x cos 2 x
sin 2 x cos 2 x sin 2 x cos 2 x sin 2 x
If candidate starts on the right hand side 1 tan 2 x 1 then
cos 2 x cos 2 x 1 sin 2 x
M1A1 is scored at the end
If the candidate multiplies both sides by 1 sin 2 x and multiples out then
1 tan 2 x 1 sin 2 x 1 tan 2 x sin 2 x sin 2 x tan 2 x
they will not get any credit until they start to use 1 sin 2 x cos 2 x
A1* Completes proof with no errors. This is a show that question.
Look for a minimum of ALL 3 steps shown below
cos 2 x sin 2 x
M1 Scored for using part (a) 2 0 tan 2 x k
1 sin 2 x
A1 tan 2 x 3
M1 Correct order tan 2 x k tan x ( ) k , no need for negative, leading to at least one value of x (which
may not be correct). Evidence could be the answer in degrees x 60() or in radians 1.047
If they achieve tan 2 x k , with k 0 this mark cannot be scored.
A1 Two correct answers as multiples of . Accept versions such as .
Degrees and answers like 1.047 etc score A0 although recovery is allowed.
A1 All four correct with no extras inside range. Ignore any extra solutions outside the range.
Special Case Although this question clearly states ‘Hence’ we will allow a maximum of 1,1,1,0,0 for a
solution where candidates re start as follows
cos 2 x sin 2 x 1 1 2 4 5
2 0 cos 2 x x , ,
1 sin x2
4 3 3 3 3
First '1' for either sin 2 x A OR cos 2 x A where 0 A 1 followed by '1' for two correct solutions and '1'
for two additional correct solutions.
Scheme Marks
4 4 2 M1A1
7(i) f '( x ) 2 x 1 f ( x) x x 2 1x ( c )
x 3
1 3
Sub (2, 3) 3 42c c dM1A1
2 2
2 2 3 1
f (1) 1 1
2 2 A1
4 4
3 x A dx
Ax 21
3 41.5 3 11.5
4 A 1A 21 M1
1.5 1.5
16 4 A 2 A 21
7 dM1A1
3A 7 A
(10 marks)
M1 Score for raising the power by 1 in any of the 3 terms. Accept x 3 x 2 , x x 2 or 1 x
x 2 x2
A1 A correct and unsimplified form. Accept f ( x) 4 2 1x (c) . There is no requirement for +c
2 2
dM1 Substitutes (2, 3) into their f ( x ), which must have a +c and proceeds to find a numerical value to c
It is dependent upon the previous M having been scored.
A1 c or equivalent.
A1 cso f (1) Accept exact equivalents such as 0.5
M1 Score for either 3 x ....x 2 or A Ax
A1 Fully correct (unsimplified) integral- There is no need to set =21or sub in any limits or have +c.
Accept versions of 3 Ax ( c )
M1 Sub in the limits 4 and 1 into a 'changed' function, subtract (either way around) and set the result =21.
3 41.5 3 11.5
Accept versions of 4A 1A 21 with their integrand with or without brackets
1.5 1.5
dM1 Proceed to solve equation in A.
This is dependent upon both previous M’s and having achieved A Ax
It must end with a numerical value for A.
7 1 .
A1 A or equivalents such as 2 , 2.3 . Do not accept 2.3 or 2.33 but remember to isw.
3 3
Scheme Marks
n(n 1)(bx ) 2
8 (a) 1 bx
1 nbx
1 12 x 70 x
Compares x terms nb 12 B1*
n(n 1)b 2
(b) Comparing x2 terms 70 n(n 1)b2 140 M1A1
12 n( n 1)144
Substitutes b into n(n 1)b 2 140 140
n n2 M1
144(n 1) 140n n 36 dM1A1
Substitutes n 36 into nb 12 b cso
3 A1
(7 marks)
(a) For the purpose of marking parts (a) and (b) can be scored together
B1* Use the binomial series expansion with ' x ' bx and proceeding as far as the x term.
This is a show that question and you cannot just accept the given statement nb 12
Accept minimal evidence however:
Accept either (including the 1) 1 bx 1 nbx ... nb 12 OR
1 bx
1 nC1bx ... nb 12
or a statement to the effect that 'comparing the x /second terms n C1 1n1 ( bx ) 12 x nb 12 '
Note: nbx = 12 x nb = 12 does not score B1 unless you see the accompanying statement ‘comparing
x or second terms’
M1 Attempts to set the x 2 term of the binomial expansion equal to 70. The form of the binomial must be
n(n 1)(bx) 2 n !(bx)2
correct so accept 70 x 2 , nC2 (bx ) 2 70 x 2 or 70 x 2 with or without brackets.
2 2!(n 2)!
It may be implied by a correct equation. It could be scored in part (a)
n( n 1)b
Condone invisible brackets, so accept for M1 just the statement 70
A1 Compares terms in x 2 to achieve a second correct equation in b and n .
n(n 1)b 2
Accept equivalent versions of 70 or n(n 1)b 2 140
n !b 2
Do not accept 70 or nC2 (b) 2 70 unless one of the above could be implied by later work.
2!(n 2)!
12 12
M1 Substitutes either b or n or nb 12 into their second equation involving both b and n to
n b
produce an equation in a single variable.
dM1 A valid method of solving their equation allowing for slips. See practice items for examples
This is dependent upon both previous M's
A1 Correct solution only n 36 or b
A1 Correct solution only n 36 and b and no other solutions such as n 0
Allow solutions just written down after two correct equations provided you don’t see incorrect
Scheme Marks
r 1
(3 5r ) 8 13 18 ........... 103 M1
n n
Use of S n 2a (n 1)d or Sn a l with a=3or 8, n=19 or 20, M1
2 2
d=5 and l=103
S 20 8 103 1110 A1
a a a a 1
(ii) 4 r 0
16 .... 16
1 4 16
oe B1
Use of S with 0 r 1 and S 16 M1
1 r
16 a .. dM1
1 'r '
a = 12 A1
(7 marks)
M1 Minimal evidence of the sum of an arithmetic sequence .
Accept as evidence the first 3 terms written out as 8+13+18.. or 8 + 13 + .. + 103
or 8,13,18 followed by the sum formula S n 2a ( n 1) d
or 8,13,...103 followed by the sum formula S n a l
Do not accept on its own however 3 5 20 or 103 without any reference to a sum
M1 Uses S n 2a ( n 1) d with a 3or 8, d 5 and n 19 or 20
or S n a l with n 19 or 20 , a 3or 8 , and l=103
Accept a list of 20 terms as long as all terms are written out.
A1 1110. Accept this for all 3 marks as long as no incorrect working is seen.
Alt (i)
n(n 1)
M1 Splits the sum into two separate parts, and uses/states 1 n and r 2
n(n 1)
3 5r 3 5r 3 n 5 2
M1 sub 20 or 19 into the above
A1 1110
B1 For stating or implying that r .
You may see a series or sequence of terms with or 0.25 .
a a a a a
Accept variations on a 2 or even , , ,...
4 4 4 16 64
M1 For using the formula S with S 16 and 0 r 1
1 r
dM1 Dependent upon the previous M. For proceeding to a ..
A1 12
Scheme Marks
10(a) kx 2 4 x k 2 kx 2 4 x k 2 0
Attempts to calculate b 2 4ac with a k , b 4 and c k 2 M1
b 4ac 4 4 k (k 2)
2 2
Sets their b 4ac 0 16 4k (k 2) 0
4k 2 8k 16 0
k 2 2k 4 0 A1*
(b) Solves ( k 1) 5 0 k 1 5
‘Insides’1 5 k 1 5 M1A1
(7 marks)
(a) Note that this is M1M1A1A1 on e pen. Mark in the order seen below as M1A1M1A1.
M1 Attempts to calculate b 2 4ac with a k , b 4 and c k 2 . Condone poor/incomplete bracketing.
Alternatively they may set b 2 ...4ac with ... being , , , or with a k , b 4 and c k 2 .
A1 Correct (unsimplified) b 2 4ac . Accept 42 4k (k 2) oe. The bracketing must be correct.
In the alternative it is for 42...4k (k 2) with ... being , , , or The bracketing must be correct
dM1 Sets their b 2 4ac 0 with a k , b 4 and c k 2 42 4k (k 2) 0
In the alternative it is for just b 2 4ac with a k , b 4 and c k 2 42 4k (k 2)
A1* Proceeds correctly to the given answer k 2 2k 4 0 . You should expect to see the terms moved over
` to the other side of the inequality and a division of 4. Alternatively a division of 4 should be
proceeded by the reversal of the inequality. There is no requirement for these steps to be explained but
you need to check for sign errors which would be A0.
Special case: If they start with a kx 2 , b 4 x and c k 2 and proceed correctly they will score a maximum
of M1A1dM1A0*. Treat candidates who start with b2 - 4ac in a similar way.
M1 For an attempt by either the formula or completing the square to solve 3TQ=0. Do not accept
factorisation. If the formula is quoted it must be correct. If it is not quoted only accept expressions of
(2) (2) 2 4 1 4
the form with or without either bracket. Accept awrt 3.24, -1.24 from a
2 1
If completing the square is attempted accept k 2 2k 4 0 ( k 1) 2 1 4 0 k ...
M1 Chooses the inside values to their solution to the 3TQ=0. This is not dependent upon the previous M
so for this mark you can accept the inside region from their roots obtained factorisation. If α is the
smaller root and β is the larger root look for k or k > and k or k > or k or (α, β )
A1 1 5 k 1 5 . Accept also k >1 5 and k 1 5 , k >1 5 k 1 5 , 1 5 , 1 5
Also allow k >1 5 k 1 5 with a comma between.
2 20 2 20 20 20
Accept exact equivalents like k or 1 k 1
2 2 2 2
Do not accept k >1 5 or k 1 5 , 1 5 , 1 5 or decimals
Do not accept x in place of k for the final mark.
Special case for candidate who achieves 1 5 k 1 5 or 1 5 , 1 5 score M1M1A0
Scheme Marks
x2 y 2 6x 2 y 5 0 Obtains ( x 3) 2 and M1
( y 1) 2
( x 3) 2 9 ( y 1) 2 1 5 0 Obtains ( x 3) 2 and ( y 1) 2 A1
Centre = (3, 1) A1
(ii) Radius2 = '3'2 ' 1'2 5 5 r 5 M1A1
5 M1A1
50 Uses cos 1.249...
1 1
(c ) Area of sector = ' r 2 ' 5 2.498 awrt 6.24 / 6.25 M1A1
2 2
1 1
Area of triangle = ' ab sin C ' 5 50 sin1.249 7.50 M1
2 2
Shaded Area = 15.0 – 6.245 = 8.76 or 8.75 dM1,A1
(15 marks)
M1 Calculates the distance TQ from points (8,4) and their Q using Pythagoras.
Look for TQ 2 (8 '3') 2 (4 '( 1) ') 2 TQ ..
There must be an attempt seen to find the difference between the coordinates.
A1 Calculates the length of TQ = 50 . Accept 5 2, awrt 7.07
their r
M1 Uses a correct method to find the half angle. Usually cos ...
their TQ
A1 Correct half angle calculated or implied. Accept awrt 1.25..., 71.6 or arcos
A1* cso Angle MQN IS 2.498 radians to 3 decimal places.
This is a show that questions and all elements including the accuracy must be correct.
Therefore this must follow accuracy of at least 1.249 for the half angle.
(c )
M1 Uses area of a sector formula A ' r 2 ' with their value of r and 2.498 or 1.249rads
If the formula is quoted it must be correct. It can be embedded within the area of a segment
A1 For the area of the sector. Accept 5 2.498 or 5 2.498 or awrt 6.24 or awrt 6.25
2 2
This may be scored on the penultimate line for 2 5 1.249
M1 A correct method of finding the area of the triangle TQN or triangle TQM or the kite TNQM.
Accept use of ' ab sin C ' with their r, their TQ and 1.249
TN r
Alternatively candidates could find TN from TQ 2 r 2 followed by
The kite TNQM could be found by NM QT with NM being found by the cosine rule
Gradient completely correct (unsimplified). Accept 2 x 3 x 2
dx 3
dM1 substitutes x = 3 into their derivative. The previous M must have been awarded.
ddM1 Full method to find a numerical equation of the tangent at (3, 0). It is dependent upon both previous
y 0
Method marks having been scored. Accept as evidence ' 3'
If the form y mx c is used it must be a full method to find the numerical value of c.
So (3,0) must be subbed into y ' 3' x c to find a value for c
A1* cso y 3 x 9 . This is a given answer and all aspects must be correct.
Note: It is possible to gain marks in part (b) by using roots of equations. It must be clearly part (b) and not part
(c) Minimal evidence is required to part (c) but the requirement of the question is to use algebra
M1 Setting equations equal to each other. Look for x 2 x 3 3 x 9
It may be implied by x 3 x 2 3 x 9 0
A1 Correct cubic equation = 0. Accept either x 3 x 2 3 x 9 0 or multiples of x 3 3 x 2 9 x 27 0
The ‘= 0’ may be implied by subsequent working such as factorisation etc
dM1 Solving by factorisation to find another value of x other than 3.
This is dependent upon the previous M.
Accept as evidence division of cubic by ( x 3) 2 - check first and last terms only
Accept as evidence division of cubic by ( x 3) followed by factorisation or use of formula on resulting
quadratic. Accept the solution 'appearing' from a graphical calculator
A1 cso x 3 .
Note: We are going to allow a special case, scored 1,1,0,0 where the candidate writes down
x 2 x 3 3 x 9 followed by x 3
1 3 1 3 x4
M1 Attempts the integral of x x . One term must be correct, (un simplified) accept either
x or
3 3 12
1 1
A1 Correct simplified expression x 3 x 4 ( c ) .
3 12
However the correct answer of 18 for this area, or 36 for the required area would imply this mark.
M1 Correct method for the area of the triangle. Look for 3 xB yB = 54
dM1 For subtracting the area under the curve (with their 'correct' limits used) from area of the triangle.
It is dependent upon both M’s and the subtraction of the areas can be either way around.
A1 cso 36
x x 3 part
The alternative version can be marked in an equivalent way. M1A1 scored for integrating the
correctly. Condone sign errors made before the integration takes place. 2 M1 scored for using integration to
3 x2
find the area of the triangle. The integration must be correct 9 x and evaluated with limits of 3 and
their ‘-3’ dM1 For subbing in their 'correct' limits and subtracting the functions (either way around). It is
dependent upon both M’s. A1 cso 36 Subtracting the wrong way around would score A0
Scheme Marks
B1 hmax 6.2 (m) . The units are not important.
40 400
M1 Solves either 30t 40 0 t .. or 30t 40 360 t .. . It may be implied by t , oe
30 30
40 4 .
A1 t , or exact equivalents like , 1.3 .
30 3
A1 1: 20am or 01: 20 The exact time of day is required. 1: 20 or 1: 20 pm is incorrect.
Special case: Candidates who solve this part by differentiation can be allowed full marks
B1 hmax 6.2 (m) . The units are not important
M1 For h ' A sin(30t 40) 0 t ..
40 4 .
A1 t , or exact equivalents like , 1.3 .
30 3
A1 1: 20am Accept 01: 20 or 0120 The exact time of day is required. 1: 20 or 1: 20 pm is incorrect
M1 Sets h=3 and proceeds to cos(30t 40) .. Accept inequalities in place of = sign
A1 Proceeds by taking invcos to reach either 30t 40 awrt 106.3, or 30t 40 awrt 253.7
Accept inequalities in place of = sign. This may be implied by a correct answer for t awrt 4.9, (9.8)
A1 One value for t correct. Accept either awrt 1 dp t 4.9 or 9.8
M1 For the correct method of finding a second value of t.
Accept 30t 40 (360 ) t ... where α is their principal value
A1 Both values of t correct awrt 1dp. t 4.9 and 9.8 . Ignore any values where t12 but withhold this
mark for extra values in the range. These may be implied by 293 minutes and 587 minutes
A1 cso Both 04:53 and 09:47. Accept both 0453 and 0947
Accept 4:53 and 9:47 without the am as the question requires morning times.
Accept 293 and 587 minutes
If they state between 0 and 293 minutes and 587 and … minutes it is A0
Scheme Marks
1 1
14(a) Area of triangle = ' ab sin C ' 2 x 2 x sin 60 3 x 2 M1
2 2
S 2 3 x 2 3 2 xl 2 x 2 3 6 xl dM1A1*
960 2 x 2
(b) 960 2 x 2 3 6 xl l M1A1
V x2 3 l B1
960 2 x 2 3
Substitute l into V x 2 3 l
960 2 x 2 3
V x2 3 160 x 3 x
6 x
(c ) 160 3 3 x 2 0 M1A1
x awrt 9.6 A1
V 160 9.611 3 9.611 1776
dM1 A1
d 2V
(d) 6 x 0 Maximum M1A1
dx 2
(15 marks)
(a) E pen has this part marked M1 A1 A1*. We are going to score it M1dM1A1*
M1 Score for an acceptable method for finding the area of the triangle. You may have to look at the
diagram for evidence.
1 1 1 3
Using ab sin C sight of 2 x 2 x sin 60 is sufficient or 2 x 2 x with 60 on the diagram.
2 2 2 2
Use of bh is fine with Pythagoras’ theorem being used to find h using h 2 x 2 2 x 2
Accept 2 x 3 x with 3 x marked as a perpendicular height on the diagram
dM1 For adding the area of 3 rectangles and two triangles. It is dependent upon the previous M mark.
Look for something like 3 2 xl 2 2 x 2 x sin 60 before the given answer
A1* For completing the proof with no errors. Accept it written in a different order. Eg S 2 3 x 2 6 xl
This is a proof so the expectation is that they show that the area of the triangle is 3 x 2
1 3 1
But accept for special case 1,0,0 S 3 2 xl 2 2 x 2 x or S 3 2 xl 2 2 x 3 x
2 2 2
M1 Substitutes S 960 into S 2 x 2 3 6 xl and attempts to make l or lx the subject of the formula.
Accept as evidence 960 2 x 2 3 6 xl l ... or 960 2 x 2 3 6 xl lx ...
960 2 x 2 3 160 x 3 960 2 x 2 3 x2 3
A1 l oe l or lx oe lx 160
6x x 3 6 3
B1 States that the volume V is V x 3 l . The order of the terms is not important.
There are alternatives using values of the gradient and values of the function.
M1 Attempts to find the value of V either side of the value of x found in part (c), and starts to compare
these with the value of V found in part (c).
A1 Correct numerical values Eg V9.60 1775.694, V9.61 1775.698, V9.62 1775.695 followed by a
reason which could include a sketch and a conclusion, hence maximum.
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