Magnetic Particle Inspection Reference: Goodrich NDT Manual Chapter: 32-40-75

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Form Reference.

No: BDA/ENG/QD/B757/NDT/007/Issue-3


(Wet- Fluorescent)
Reference: Goodrich NDT Manual Chapter: 32-40-75
Goodrich CMM, 32-40-24 (Nose Wheel Assembly)
Goodrich CMM, 32-40-22 (Main Wheel Assembly)
Goodrich CMM, 32-40-26 (Brake Assembly)
ASTM 1444 – M16
Prepared by Approved by



Designation NDT MGR

Equipment details:

Magnetic Particle: Method : Wet continuous Carrier Fluid: Carrier Oil

Magnaglo 14A MX/MG II
Make : Magnaflux Make : Magnaflux

MPI Test Machine Model : AD923 SN: 2007123496

(Wet Horizontal Bench unit)
Gauss meters Model: __________________ SN:___________________________
White Light Meter Model: __________________ SN:___________________________
Black Light Meter Model:__________________ SN:___________________________
UV Lamp Make: ZB100F 100W
Job details:
Work Order No:

Nomenclature No:

Work Scope :

Job SN :

Job PN :

NDT Shop Reference No :

S/n Preparation Sign

A Preparation of the Part for the Test
1 Remove grease, scale, corrosion and other contamination from test part.
2 Demagnetize the test part, if it has more than three Gauss of negative or

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Form Reference. No: BDA/ENG/QD/B757/NDT/007/Issue-3

positive residual magnetism. Make sure the test part temperature is less
than 57 C during the test procedure.
B Preparation of the Equipment for the Test

Warning: Do not touch parts energized with electrical current. Do not use the equipment
1 in areas with water on the floor. Wear rubber gloves rated for electrical work and rubber
soled shoes or boots.
Quality inspections ( Record in MPI QC Register)
o Black light intensity (Minimum of 1000W/cm2 at the examination
2 o Ambient white light back ground shall not exceed 21.5 Lux at
examination surface
o System performance check
o Magnetic particle concentration

C Inspection Procedure
Turn ON the pump to circulate the bath mixture for 30 minutes before
the test procedure.
Before inspection is done on the part, ensure dark adaptation of the eyes
for more than one minute by either (i) dark adaptation goggles or (ii) stay
3 in dark inspection area after each direct exposure of eyes to white light or
UV light. This will let the eyes adjust enough to make an accurate
Set up the equipment for application of magnetizing current at
4 appropriate Amperes and for appropriate direction by any one of the
following methods;
Head Shot Test (Circular Magnetization): A head shot test is done when magnetizing
current is applied through the longest dimension of the part. This test is done to find
Longitudinal (Axial) cracks in bolt shanks and the radius under bolt heads and in torque
bars. This test is also done on the back leg of a torque plate to find cracks at rivet holes.
Offset Central Conductor Shot Test (Circular Magnetization): An offset central
conductor shot test is done when magnetizing current is applied through a conductor
6 that passes through the inside of round parts. This test is done on the barrel section of a
torque plate to find longitudinal cracks and on steel disks (pressure plates, stator plates
and end plates to find cracks at rivet holes, stop holes and drive slots.
Coil Shot Test (Longitudinal Magnetization):
A coil shot is done when magnetizing current is applied by a coil to a part inside the coil
7 (with the axis of the part to be parallel to the axis of the coil). This test is done on the
head, shank & threads of bolts and on the barrel section of a torque plate to find
latitudinal (circumferential) cracks.
Put the part in the correct position (Ref Sketch). Set the necessary current
as per required magnetization method as BELOW;
Component Calculated Coil shot Current (A) Calculated Contact shot Current (A)
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Form Reference. No: BDA/ENG/QD/B757/NDT/007/Issue-3

Main wheel Tie Bolts 1500 A NA

Nose wheel Tie Bolts 1500 A NA
Steel disks NA 2200 A
Torque tube 2300A 2200 A
Apply the calculated Amperes to the part and measure the magnetic field
strength with a Gauss meter or Hall effect meter. If necessary, increase
9 the amperes until the field strength is in the recommended 30 – 60
Gauss. Demagnetise if strength exceeds 60 before magnetizing again at
lower values.
10 Apply a steady flow of bath mixture to the full area to be examined.
Divert the flow of bath mixture away from the test part and immediately
11 apply two shots of magnetizing current for 0.5 to 1.0 second for each
shot and with one second between shots.

12 Use the black light to inspect the part for indications of defects.

NOTE: (i) When an offset central conductor shot is done, the effective test area is 4D where D is the
diameter of the central conductor. Turn the part and repeat the test as necessary to make sure that
test areas have a 10 % overlap.

S/n Preparation Sign

(ii)When a coil shot is done and the part is longer than 18 inches repeat the test as
necessary to make sure that the test segment lengths have a 10 % overlap.
D Identification of Defects / Inspection result
If the applicable CMM is available refer to it for defect limits. Record defects
that are found and isolate rejected parts.
Typical relevant indications of defects:
a) Linear indications (cracks) that have a length more than three times the width are
usually fatigue cracks.
b) Round or elliptical indications that have a length less than three times the width are
usually corrosion pits.
Typical non relevant indications that are not defects can be particle buildup due to sharp
geometrical or magnetic permeability changes in the part. Demagnetise and retest at lower
magnetization for better differentiation of cracks/pits from false buildup
Typical service (Fatigue) crack location
Experience with inspection of parts has shown that they develop cracks in typical location
1) Bolts – Coil shot usually finds latitudinal cracks in the shank radius under the bolt
head or in a thread root at the 3rd or 4th thread from the bolt thread
2) Steel disks (Pressure plates & Stator plates) without friction material – an offset

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Form Reference. No: BDA/ENG/QD/B757/NDT/007/Issue-3

central conductor shot usually finds cracks that start at rivet hole, stop holes and
drive slots.
3) Torque plates – An offset central conductor shot usually finds longitudinal cracks
in the barrel flats, along torque lugs (Drive lugs), or at the end of drive slots. Head
shots usually finds cracks at rivet holes in the back leg of torque plate.

E Demagnetization of the test part

After inspection of the test part, demagnetize the part. Measure residual
1 magnetism and demagnetize the part again if the magnetic field is more than
3 Gauss.
F Post Cleaning

Clean the test part to remove the bath mixture.


Certified that the work specified was carried out in accordance with CAR – 145 and in
respect of that work the aircraft item is considered ready for release to service and therefore
is in a condition for safe operation.

Component Sketch and Magnetizing position

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Tie Bolts

Torque Tube

Central conductor

Steel disks

Central conductor

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