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Deep Beam

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1 Haunch Beams

Haunch beams are beams with variable depth. When the depth required at interior
supports of continuous beam is large as compared to the span length, haunch beam are
more economical. Such types of beams are more common in large span continuous bridge
girders. The haunch may be straight or parabolic as shown below.

Straight Haunch Continuous Beam

Parabolic Haunch Continuous Beam

The fixed-end moments, stiffness and carry-over factors of haunch beam are not the same
as that of prismatic beam. There values may be determined using column analogy or
tables and charts of member constants given by Portland Cement Association (PCA)
depending on the dimensions of the haunches.
Fixed-End Moments:-End moments of fixed span haunch beam caused by applied load.

Rotational Stiffness of Beam:-the ratio of the applied end-moment to the corresponding
end rotation of propped cantilever span of haunch beam.
Carry-over Factor:-the ratio of the induced moment at far end to the applied near end
C AB 

Description of the Tables of Member-Constant (PCA)
b .l

rA . hc W A WB rB . hc
a A .l aB .l
rA , rB  ratio of haunch depth to depth of mid span
a A , a B  ratio of haunch length to the length of span

The member-constants of haunch beam are given in table are in terms of these two ratios
(ratio of depth of haunch to depth of mid span and ratio of length of haunch to length of
span) for two ends of span. PCA provides member-constants for both straight and
parabolic haunches. Using these constants, the continuous haunch beam may be analyzed
using moment distribution method.

Shear in Members of Variable Depth

For members of varying depth, the relation for shear must be modified to account for the
inclination of resultant compressive force.
M z (lever arm) V
C . cos 

C . sin 

From  F y 0  

V1  C . sin   V  0

 V 1  V  C . sin  (*)

and, from  F x 0   T  C . cos  

M 1
 C .
z cos 
Substituting in Eq.(*), the shear force at a section is obtained as
 M sin  M
V1  V  .  V . tan 
z cos  z
1940 ACI joint committee gave effective shear at section as
 M
V1  V  . tan 
where  --the inclination angle
Minus (-) sign is used when depth is increasing as moment is increasing
Plus (+) sign is used when depth is decreasing as moment is increasing

3.2 Deep Beams

Deep-beam is a member with depth large enough to make shearing deformations

important in comparison to pure flexure. Plane-sections in deep-beams do not remain
essentially plane after bending. This implies strains across section of beam in not linearly
varying and shear deformation is significant compared with flexural deformation. As a
result, flexural stresses are not linearly distributed, even in the elastic range as shown in
figure below.


For L D  2 For L D  1

For this reasons, the flexural behavior of deep beams is different from that of ordinary
beam. Therefore, the strength limit state method is no longer applicable for design of
such beam. But deep-beams supporting mainly concentrated load may be designed using
a simple strut and tie (truss) model in strength limit state. Because, plane section for such
case remains nearly plane after loading for section between support and applied
concentrated load.
Note: Simple strut and tie model can not apply for deep-beam loaded by concentrated
load along the bottom edge of beam.
The limiting values of span to depth ratio of deep-beams are as follows (EBCS-2/95 &
L D  2.0 -for simple span deep-beam
L D  2.5 -for continuous span deep-beam
Deep-beams may be used in:
-transfer girder of multi story building to provide column offsets
-foundation walls
-walls of rectangular tanks and bins
-shear walls
-floor diaphragms
Deep-beams are usually loaded along the top face and supported at bottom, sometimes
loaded along the bottom edge. Deep-beams may be simply supported or continuous.

Design of Deep-beam for Flexure

Design of deep-beams are rarely be governed by flexure. However, it is important to

provide enough flexural reinforcement to prevent development of excessive tension
cracks. These flexural-reinforcements shall be determined taking into account non-linear
distribution of strains. According to BS-8110/85, satisfactory flexural behavior is assured
if flexural reinforcements are determined using the empirical relation for lever-arm of
internal forces in elastic design method as follows.

For simply supported beams, lever-arm between internal force in section
 z  0.6 L when L D  1 .0

 z  0.2 L  2 D  when 1 L D  2

For continuous beams, lever-arm between internal force in section

 z  0 .5 L when L D  1.0

 z  0.2 L  1.5 D  when 1  L D  2.5

Therefore, area of longitudinal steel is given by:

As 
f s , allow . z
Where M –service load moment developed in beam
f s , allow --allowable stress of longitudinal steel (
f s , allow  0.522 f y ESCP  2 )
And this reinforcement is distributed along the depth of beam as follow.
a) The reinforcement for positive moment shall be placed within a zone of depth to
‘0.25D-0.05L’ from the extreme tension fiber at mid-span and shall be extended into
the supports without curtailment a length not less than 0.8 times the development
length beyond the face of the support.
b) The reinforcement for negative-moment shall conform the following requirements:
-Half of the reinforcement may be terminated at a distance of ‘0.5D’ from the face of
the support and the remaining shall be extended over the full span.
-When ‘L/D ≤ 1’, the negative reinforcement shall be evenly distributed over a depth
of 0.8D from the top tension fiber at support. When ‘1 < L/D ≤ 2.5’, negative
reinforcement shall be provided in two zones as follows:
i) 0.5(L/D-0.5) times the negative reinforcement shall be distributed over zone of
depth ‘0.2D’ from the top tension fiber at support.
ii) The remaining negative reinforcement shall be distributed over a zone measuring
‘0.3D’ on either side of the mid-depth of the beam.
Note: -Since for deep beams the main steel is fully stressed over nearly its entire length
rather than only the maximum moment section, special attention must be paid to
anchor such steel at the end. Horizontal hooks or bends are used to anchor such steel.
If these anchors are not adequate, the ends of the longitudinal bars may be welded to
the horizontal cross-reinforcement placed at the ends.
If deep-beam supporting concentrated loads, longitudinal reinforcement can be
determined using a simple strut and tie (truss) model in strength limit state as follow.
Simple strut and tie model is composed of tension tie-bar at bottom and an inclined
compression concrete strut forming a truss as shown in figure below.
Pu Pu (factored ultimate conc.
av 1.3 * Weight
av of beam

FC  d

RX R X (support reaction)
Therefore, tension force in steel, Ts  R X . cot   R X . -------------(1)

av  z 2
And, compressive force in concrete strut, Fc  R X . cos ec  . R X ----(2)
Lever-arm, z  d  0.5 y  d  0.5 * (0.8 x)
 z  d  0.4 x
Then, neutral-axis depth  x  2.5 * ( d  z ) ----(3)
The compressive force in concrete strut in terms of internal compressive force of concrete
beam section is also given by
Fc  C c . cos  where, C c  f cd . b . y  0.8 f cd . b . x
 Fc  0.8 f cd . b . x . cos 
Substituting x  2.5 * ( d  z ) and cos  
av  z 2
 Fc  0.8 f cd . b * 2.5 * (d  z ) . 2
av  z 2
 Fc  2 f cd . b .(d  z ) . 2 --------(4)
av  z 2
Equating Eq(2) and Eq(4),  Fc=Fc
av av  z 2
2 f cd . b .(d  z ) .  .R X
av  z 2 z
z 2
or, 2 f cd . b. d . (1  ). a v . z  ( a v  z 2 ) . R X ------------(5)
RX av
Let  and 
2 f cd . b. d d
Eq(5) becomes,
 . (a v 2  z 2 )  (1  ). a. z
Multiplying both sides by
av z2 z a z
 . ( 2  2 )  (1  ) . v .
d d d d d
z2 z z
or,  . ( 2 2
)  (1  ).  .
d d d
z z z2
  . 2  . 2   .   . 2
d d d
Collecting the like term and simplifying,
z2 z
(   ) . 2   .   .  2  0
d d
z2    z   
  . d     .  0
or, ---------(6)
  
d   

Rx av z
For given values of   and  , the values of ( ) can be
2 f cd . b. d d d
calculated using Eq(6).

Then, neutral-axis depth is determined using Eq(3) and the strain in tension steel is
obtained using
(d  x)
 s   cu .
Check yielding of steel by comparing the strain in tension steel with yield strain of given
steel. If  s   yd , the stress in tension steel is obtained using f s   s . E steel , and if
 s   yd , the stress in tension steel is the yield stress value, f s  f yd . Therefore, area of
tension steel required by the section is obtained using
T a
As  s where, Ts  R X . v
fs z

Design of Deep-beam for Shear

Design of deep-beams is governed by shear strength. For deep-beams, with small shear-
span to effective depth ratio ‘ a v d ’ (say a v d ≤2), a significant part of the shear force is
transferred directly from the load to the supports by tie-arch action as shown below.
av a v


Fig : Tie-arch Mechanism

Because of shear transfer mechanism for deep-beams, shear strength of deep-beams may
be as much as 2 to 3 times greater than that predicted for normal beams. According to
ACI code, allowable shear strength of deep beam (or enhanced allowable shear strength
of beam) is given in terms of shear strength of normal beam as,
 Md 
Vc   3.5  2.5  .Vc , allow
 Vd . d 
where Vc , allow  0.17 k . 0.8 f cu . bw . d , k=0.55 ---for beam
 Md 
and  3.5  2.5   2.5
 Vd . d 
The critical beam section for shear is to be taken at ‘ 0.5a v ’ for concentrated loads and
0.15l for uniform load, but not to exceed a distance ‘ d ’ from the face of the support.

Both vertical and horizontal shear (web) reinforcement are used to provide resistance to
excess shear. The minimum area of vertical and horizontal shear reinforcement according
to BS:8110 code shall be:
-0.12% of gross area of concrete for vertical reinforcement
-0.20% of gross area of concrete for horizontal reinforcement
if diameter of bars less than or equal to 16mm and f y  415MPa .
And, these shear reinforcement are assumed to satisfy the provision for shear.
ACI code express the shear resistance of web reinforcement as the weighted sum of the
two types of reinforcement is given by
 A 1 l d  Avh  11  l d 
V s  V d  Vc   v     . f s , allow . d
 s  12  s 2  12 
where Av –area of one pairs of vertical bars
Avh –area of one pair of horizontal bars
s –spacing of vertical bars
s2 –spacing of horizontal bars
Enhanced shear strength of deep-beam supporting mainly concentrated load in strength
limit state according to EBCS-2 is given by
vc '  . vc  v Rd (shear resistance of section for diagonal compression
where vc –ultimate shear strength of normal concrete beam to prevent diagonal tension
d –effective depth of beam
av –shear span
Ultimate shear strength of normal concrete beam to prevent diagonal tension failure shall
be taken as:
v c  0.25 f ctd . k1 . k 2
0.21 f c ' 2 3
where f ctd  and  c  1 .5
f c ' --cylinder compressive strength of concrete ( f c '  0.8 f cu )
k1  (1  50  )  2.0
 
bw . d
k 2  (1.6  d )  1.0 (d  in meter )
Ultimate shear resistance of beam section to prevent diagonal compression failure shall
be taken as:
0.67 f cu
v Rd  0.25 f cd where f cd 

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