Preferred Price Frequency Percentage
Preferred Price Frequency Percentage
Preferred Price Frequency Percentage
The graph shows 28.7% or 25 out of 91 respondents who want to try two-way power bank
answered “₱300-₱500”, 18.4% or 16 out of 91 respondents who want to try two-way power bank
answered “₱501-₱700”, 27.6% or 24 out of 91 respondents who want to try two-way power bank
answered “₱701-₱900”, and 29.9% or 26 out of 91 respondents who want to try two-way power bank
answered “₱901 and above”.
10. Are you familiar with a two-way (solar and electric charging) power bank?
The graph shows that 22% or 22 of the total 100 respondents are familiar with two-way (solar
and electric charging) power bank while 78% or 77 of total 100 respondents does not familiar with two-
way (solar and electric charging) power bank.