Conceptualizing The Role of Organizational Commitment
Conceptualizing The Role of Organizational Commitment
Conceptualizing The Role of Organizational Commitment
ABSTRACT: This study aims to examine and analyze the influence of organizational culture, work
environment and organizational commitment on organizational citizenship behavior and employee performance.
This research was conducted on 60 respondents using a quantitative descriptive approach. The approach used in
this research is Structural Equation Model (SEM) with Smart-PLS analysis tools. The results showed that
organizational culture, The work environment, Organizational commitment has a significant positive effect on
organizational behavior citizenship. Organizational Culture, Work environment, Organizational Commitment
has a significant positive effect on Employee Performance. Organizational Citizenship Behavior has a
significant positive effect on employee performance.
Planned and sustainable human resource development is an absolute necessity especially for the future
of the organization. Management is required to develop new ways to keep employees at high productivity and
develop their potential to make maximum contributions to the organization. (Kartika, 2016; Mugiono et al,
2020; Nurhayati, 2017; Hafid and Prasetio, 2017).. An employee will have a high level of performance if there
is a match between work and ability. If this is fulfilled, then there will be a feeling of responsibility towards its
workers and their willingness to participate in achieving organizational goals through the implementation of
tasks to the fullest. (Jufnidar, 2018). According to Elisa Hilda (2016), To be able to survive and continue its
business, companies need to improve themselves and begin to consider all aspects related to the company's
Acording Soelton et al, 2020; Ramli et al, 2019; Sebayang, 2017; Makel and Trang , 2015, argue that
efforts to improve employee performance, including by paying attention to the work environment, because
everything around workers can affect themselves in carrying out the tasks that are charged. So that it will affect
the organization's culture, work environment and commitment to work so that organizational citizenship
behavior will be realized which will affect employee performance in order to increase company productivity.
Every individual who is incorporated in an organization has a different culture. Like humans, organizations also
have certain characteristics. Through these characteristics we can also find out how the character of the
organization. We are familiar with this organizational culture (Soelton et al, 2020; Soelton et al, 2018; Kartika,
Ika. 2016).
Organizational culture directs employee behavior to improve work skills, commitment and loyalty, and
extra role behavior such as: helping co-workers, volunteering to do extra activities, avoiding conflicts with
coworkers, protecting organizational property, respecting applicable regulations, tolerating less than ideal /
pleasant situations, giving constructive advice, and not wasting time at work. (Andi Tri Haryono, 2016).
According to Soelton and Saptarini (2018), organizational culture refers to a system of shared meanings shared
by members that distinguishes the organization from other organizations. The formation of an organizational
culture based on the vision and mission of the organization or company created as an effort to fulfill the creation
of company goals. Each organization has a different culture so employees must adjust the organizational culture
where the employee is located. Organizational culture as a foundation for employees both in norms and
employee behavior in an effort to achieve organizational goals. (Putra, Susilo, Aini, 2018). Waspodo,
Lindawati, Sholikhah, (2019). Explain to create a pleasant friendly atmosphere where employees can have
identification with the organization and feel satisfied with their work, and explain individual perceptions about
the work environment based on their daily experiences.
Research conducted by Sukmawati and Surachman (2013), states that psychological evaluation of the
work environment by individuals is starting to become increasingly important for extra role behavior (OCB),
which can further explain what individual needs are in the workplace. A work environment that is in accordance
*Corresponding Author: Mochamad Soelton 178 | Page
Conceptualizing The Role of Organizational Commitment
with the needs of employees will create positive work enthusiasm so that employees will further enhance good
work performance, employees will feel responsible for their work so that they do not require more supervision
from the company but instead remind and supervise each other so that together the same can achieve the
achievements and goals that the company expects (Lindawati, 2019).
The factors that influence OCB and other performance are Organizational Commitment. According to
Soelton and Rahasidhi (2018), states that an organizational commitment shows a power of someone in
identifying involvement in an organization. So that organizational commitment will create a sense of belonging
for employees towards the organization. It can also be concluded that organizational commitment is an attitude
regarding employee loyalty to the organization and is an ongoing process of organizational members to express
their concern for the organization and this continues to success and prosperity. (Restu Fajar Nurhayati, 2019).
According to Soelton & Yasintha (2018), argues that if the office wants to create a comfortable work
environment situation, it should pay more attention to the arrangement of workspaces such as the placement of
work equipment, lighting, noise, and comfort that can later improve a better work environment.
Figure 1. Framework
The variables in this study consisted of the independent variable (X) and the dependent variable (Y).
The research design used is causal using a quantitative analysis approach. According to Sugiyono (2014), causal
design is a causal relationship between the independent variable and the dependent variable. This study is a
study to determine the effect of three independent variables namely cultural organization, work environment,
and organizational commitment to the dependent variable, organizational citizenship behavior and employee
performance. In this case, this study aims to determine the effect of cultural organization, work environment,
and organizational commitment to organizational citizenship behavior and employee performance. The
population in this study were all employees 60 people. Dtermination of the sample used in this study uses the
type of saturated sample method. According to Arikunto (2012) if the total population is less than 100 people,
then the total sample is taken, but if the population is greater than 100 people, then it can be taken 10-15% or
20-25% of the total population. Based on this study because the population is not greater than 100 respondents,
the authors take 100% of the population with 60 employees. The method of data analysis in this study uses
component or variance based Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) where the data processing uses the Smart-
Partial Least Square (Smart-PLS) version 3.0 program. PLS (Partial Least Square) is a model of SEM-based
Table 4.10 Validity Result
Outer Loading
Variable Indicator Description
Outer Loading
Variable Indicator Description
Work Environment L1
L2 0,611
0,854 Valid
L3 0,818 Valid
L4 0,879 Valid
L6 0,811 Valid
L8 0,661 Valid
L9 0,650 Valid
Figure 4.2
Table 4.14
From the data in Tables 4.12 and 4.13 it can be concluded that the square root of the average variance extracted
(√AVE) for each construct is greater than the correlation between one construct and the other constructs in the
model. AVE value based on the table above, it can be concluded that the construct in the estimated model meets
the criteria of discriminant validity.
Table 4.16
Based on Tables 4.15 and 4.16 that the results of testing the reliability and cronbach's alpha composite showed
satisfactory value, because all latent variables have a reliable composite value and cronbach's alpha ≥0.70. This
states that all latent variables are said to be reliable.
Table 4.17
The variable model of organizational citizenship behavior and employee performance can be said to be
strong because it has a value above 0.67. model of the influence of independent latent variables (cultural
organization, work environment, and organizational commitment) on organizational citizenship behavior and
employee performance gives an r-square value of 0.792 (organizational citizenship behavior) which can be
explained by the variability of cultural organization constructs, work environment, and organizational
commitment of 79.2% while 20.8% is explained by other variables outside of the study and by 0.815 (employee
performance) which can be interpreted that the variability in the construct of employee performance can be
explained by the variability of the construct of cultural organization, work environment, organizational
commitment and organizational citizenship behavior by 81 , 5% while 18.5% explained by other variables
outside the study.
The calculation results above show a predictive-relevance value of 0.961 which is greater than 0 (zero).
This means that 96.1% of the variation in the variable organizational citizenship behavior and employee
performance (the dependent variable) is explained by the independent variables used. thus the model is said to
have a relevant predictive value.
Table 4.18
Figure 4.3
organizational commitment has a positive and significant effect on employee performance. (Kurniawati,
Sunaryo and Khoirul, 2019; Winarno and Hermana, 2019; Liu and Huang, 2019; Aktar and Pangil, 2018)
5.2. Recommendations
1) Companies pay more attention to the comfort of organizations in the company so that each employee
can feel comfortable in working.
2) The company should pay attention to the work space for its employees so that employees can work
better in doing their jobs.
3) The company can make decisions for the responsibilities of each of its employees so that the
responsibilities do not match the work and level accepted by the employee.
4) The company must be able to control every performance and result of every employee's work, so that
they can see and reprimand employees who are not working well.
5) The company must pay attention to the skills of each employee, by holding training every year so that
the skills and abilities of each employee can be improved.
Further Research Suggestions, This study aims to examine and analyze the influence of organizational
culture, work environment and organizational commitment on organizational citizenship behavior and employee
performance. The results showed that organizational culture, The work environment,
Organizational commitment has a significant positive effect on organizational behavior citizenship.
Organizational Culture, Work environment , Organizational Commitment has a s ignificant positive effect on
Employee Performance. Organizational Citizenship Behavior has a significant positive effect on employee
performance. According to the hypothesis we developed, we can look for it in the future with a variety of
variables and more population
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