Integrated Brake in Hydraulic Motor For Winch Applications: Emil Lantto
Integrated Brake in Hydraulic Motor For Winch Applications: Emil Lantto
Integrated Brake in Hydraulic Motor For Winch Applications: Emil Lantto
winch applications
Emil Lantto
Thank you for the valueable help Marcus Björling, Senior Lecturer at Luleå University of Technology
and also the examiner of this project.
For providing this opportunity, helping out finding data and giving relevant input, thank you
Joel Andersson, Anders Nordin, Andreas Wallgren and more at Bosch Rexroth’s engineering
Roger Granström and Hans Sahlin at Bosch Rexroth’s sales department.
The company named Bosch Rexroth, previously Hägglunds drives, in Mellansel, Sweden develops,
produces and sells radial piston hydraulic motors for industrial use, some are used to drive winches.
The winch application mostly needs a brake to function as a parking brake and emergency brake. The
company offers brakes that are installed as external assemblies.
This thesis work is done to finding brake concept solutions that requires less space and doesn’t add
as much to weight and cost and that could be better integrated in the application.
The steps to achieve this includes evaluating the needs, generating new brake concepts, refining
these, evaluating the concepts found, refining the best concept and finally presenting the result.
The brake concept found to be the best of the set generated is a slightly altered drum brake that, as
an example, is integrated into the winch drum and has the potential to have a shorter response time
than concepts used today.
1. Project introduction & methodology .............................................................................................. 4
1.1. Project phases ......................................................................................................................... 5
1.1.1. Risk analysis ..................................................................................................................... 5
1.1.2. Need finding .................................................................................................................... 5
1.1.3. Litterature study and benchmarking ............................................................................... 5
1.1.4. Specification of demands and decision making .............................................................. 5
1.1.5. Concept generation ......................................................................................................... 5
1.1.6. Screening ......................................................................................................................... 6
1.1.7. Concept refinement ........................................................................................................ 6
1.1.8. Concept evaluation.......................................................................................................... 6
1.1.9. Finishing work.................................................................................................................. 6
1.1.10. Report and presentation ................................................................................................. 6
1.2. Project scope ........................................................................................................................... 6
2. Risk analysis ..................................................................................................................................... 8
3. Need finding .................................................................................................................................. 10
3.1. Understanding the motors .................................................................................................... 10
3.1.1. Working principles ......................................................................................................... 10
3.1.2. Strengths ....................................................................................................................... 10
3.1.3. Weaknesses ................................................................................................................... 11
3.2. Understanding the previous and current brakes .................................................................. 11
3.2.1. The Viking band brake ................................................................................................... 11
3.2.2. The MDA wet multi disc brake ...................................................................................... 12
3.2.3. The BICA dry multi disc brake ........................................................................................ 12
3.3. Understanding the manufacturing methods......................................................................... 12
3.4. Understanding the use of the applications ........................................................................... 13
3.5. Needs found .......................................................................................................................... 15
4. Competitor study and benchmarking............................................................................................ 18
5. Literature study ............................................................................................................................. 22
5.1. Mechanical brakes................................................................................................................. 22
5.1.1. Disc brakes ..................................................................................................................... 22
5.1.2. Drum brakes .................................................................................................................. 22
5.1.3. Cone brakes ................................................................................................................... 23
5.1.4. Multi-disc brakes ........................................................................................................... 23
5.1.5. Hydraulic braking and hydraulic brakes ........................................................................ 23
9.3.2. Lift 200 tons with the security factor five ..................................................................... 49
10. Concept evaluation.................................................................................................................... 50
10.1. B3: Brake torque characteristics........................................................................................ 51
10.1.1. B4: Static braking torque ............................................................................................... 51
10.1.2. B5: Reliable static braking ............................................................................................. 51
10.1.3. B6: Dynamic braking torque .......................................................................................... 51
10.1.4. B7: Predictable dynamic behavior ................................................................................. 52
10.1.5. B8: Small backlash ......................................................................................................... 52
10.1.6. B9: Function well with contaminations ......................................................................... 52
10.1.7. B10: Adjustable braking torque ..................................................................................... 52
10.2. B11: Engagement mechanism ........................................................................................... 53
10.2.1. B12: Self adjusted when worn ....................................................................................... 53
10.2.2. B13: Low engagement force .......................................................................................... 53
10.2.3. B14: Low disengagement force ..................................................................................... 53
10.2.4. B15: Short engagement time ........................................................................................ 53
10.2.5. B16: Short disengagement time .................................................................................... 54
10.2.6. B17: Simple engagement ............................................................................................... 54
10.2.7. B18: Simple disengagement .......................................................................................... 54
10.2.8. B19: Failsafe .................................................................................................................. 54
10.2.9. B20: Gentle emergency release ..................................................................................... 55
10.3. B21: Space intrusion .......................................................................................................... 55
10.3.1. B22: Small axial dimension ............................................................................................ 55
10.3.2. B23: Small radial dimension .......................................................................................... 55
10.3.3. B24: No need for large external devices ........................................................................ 55
10.4. B25: User interface and serviceability ............................................................................... 56
10.4.1. B26: Not easily tampered with ...................................................................................... 56
10.4.2. B27: Easily inspected, maintained and rebuilt .............................................................. 56
10.5. B28: Environmental interaction ......................................................................................... 56
10.5.1. B29: Weather resistant.................................................................................................. 56
10.5.2. B30: Connection compatibility....................................................................................... 57
10.5.3. B31: No environmentally hazardous emissions ............................................................. 57
10.6. B32: Motor interaction ...................................................................................................... 57
10.6.1. B33: Low motor contamination risk .............................................................................. 57
10.6.2. B34: Low drag ................................................................................................................ 57
10.6.3. B35: No motor action needed when disengaged .......................................................... 58
10.6.4. B36: Efficient cooling/energy storage ........................................................................... 58
1. Project introduction and methodology
This introductory part of the report describes the phases of this project and describe the limitations
of the scope.
All the technology of the products included in a customer application is looked into to
provide knowledge about the constraints and possibilities for the function of the
The needs are broken down along with the primarily stated ones, into as small
constituents as possible to express the needs in a more fundamental way. This is done
to enhance the inputs to the following concept development phase, allowing a more
precise but possibly also wider part of the solution space to be taken into account.
1. Project introduction and methodology
concepts generated during these sessions are then organized in such a way that the
needs are satisfied.
1.1.6. Screening
The concepts are then either accepted or excluded in a rough screening process
considering their properties soundness and a rough estimation on whether they’re
achievable or not.
- To develop concepts for braking winch applications by e.g. either braking the
motor or the winch drum. The brake shall be used as parking brake and
emergency brake.
- To perform a benchmarking process to map the company’s brakes in
comparison to competitors to clarify where the needs are.
- To demonstrate the function of the found concepts by means of eg. a CAD-
- To propose further work.
1. Project introduction and methodology
In the most successful scenario of the project some efforts can be added. These would be:
2. Risk analysis
2. Risk analysis
Here the risk analysis matrix is presented. The severity and plausibility is set on a scale of one to
three and the result being a number between one and nine. These risks are then coupled with
actions for both preventive and damage limiting use. This matrix functions as a reminder of what to
do in case a foreseeable problem occurs.
Table 1. The risk analysis matrix filled in.
2. Risk analysis
house and at
3. Need finding
3. Need finding
Here follows the process of gaining insight into what functions that needs to be fulfilled.
The hydraulic motors produced at Bosch Rexroth in Mellansel uses rings with radial cam
profiles on their inside coupled with rolls pressed radially outwards onto the ring’s cams
by means of hydraulic pressure exerted on pistons holding the rolls as seen in Figure 2.
By applying pressure as the roll travels over sections of the ring with increasing inner
radius and relieving the pressure as the roll travels over sections of the ring with
decreasing inner radius, a torque is driving the cylinder housing and the ring to rotate
relative each other. By having multiple rolls and even more cams on the ring, the torque
distributed over the full revolution can be kept even. The company’s earlier (and some
still produced) motors has a fixed cylinder housing and a rotating cam ring on which the
power output shaft was installed (such as their Viking and Marathon motors). Newer
models however have their cylinder housing as power output shaft and their cam rings
stationary (such as CA, CB, etc.) presenting variations in possible customer applications.
By adopting technical development and by varying number of rings and rolls mounted in
parallel, radiuses, various internal interfaces, output shaft interface, hydraulic
connection interface etc., the company can deliver motors with a diversity in torque-
speed characteristics to match whatever application that has a shaft to be turned.
3.1.2. Strengths
As said, the working principle is suitable to vary for different characteristics and in
relation to its size, it can produce a very high output torque.
3. Need finding
3.1.3. Weaknesses
None of the existing models has an integrated brake. Installing a brake, should the
customer need one, of any sort coaxial with the motor adds to application space
requirements and weight as this part of the application has to be installed in a separate
space with a separate housing. This also adds to cost and subsequently to customer
price if the customer were to need one. This is why an integrated brake that has
components in common with or more adjacent to the motor would be desirable.
As the motor is a hydraulic one it is also sensitive to heat. Excessive heat contribute to
thinner oil with deteriorated lubricating properties during operation and also reduces oil
life. In the long term a lack of lubrication shortens motor life as well.
Another drawback with being a hydraulic motor is the need to keep the oil free of flow
restricting and abrasive particles that in obvious and similar ways also shortens motor
Both the need to keep the temperature low as well as the need to keep the oil free from
particles are needs inflicting on the set of solutions when prospecting for alternatives for
integrating a brake into the motor.
3. Need finding
Aside from the piston insertion during the piston block preassembly, most motor components
are manually assembled in an axial direction at one single station with aid of a bearing press
and other standard tools.
3. Need finding
The MDA and BICA brakes are preassembled before arriving the facility in Mellansel, while the
band brakes are assembled in house. The brake assemblies are then installed at a station for
accessory installment.
Due to the design of the MDA brake, both the brake and the motor must be partly
disassembled prior to installation of the brake on the motors when done on site. This ads to
manual labor and uncertainties concerning maximum brake torque.
The winches are typically used as an internal component in cranes for hoisting the different
constituent structures of the crane or to wind the lifting wire with. These cranes are of varying
size, lifting capacity and location around the working site. In cases where the load capacity
demand for the crane is big, multiple winches are rather used than one big. This allows the use
of thinner wires. A thinner wire allows bending in smaller radiuses without suffering from
premature failure due to material fatigue as a wire of bigger diameter would have. For the
application this means narrower winch drums, smaller motors and smaller brakes reducing the
When placing cranes on board the ship the foundation space needs to be narrow to maximize
cargo space. Rotation of the crane around the crane’s vertical axis takes place in the interface
between the narrow crane foundation and the crane by means of a pinion/pinions driving a
gear mounted on either side of the interface. The foundation is higher than the expected cargo
height in order to make room for containers, movement of hatch coverings and so forth.
Above this interface the crane increases in width and acts as protective housing for internal
components such as winches for lowering and lifting the top beam of the crane and winding
the lifting wire. In cases where the crane is situated on the dock, the space limitations aren’t as
severe as on deck.
Electric power is mostly present on both ship and dock application which can be used to drive
hydraulic pumps which in turn can drive the hydraulic motors. Pressurized air is seldom a
readily available power source.
The lowering and raising of ramps on either ships or docks for loading ships are also done with
hydraulic motor winches with the wires approaching the ramp from above. A high angle
between the ramp and the wire produces lower wire forces due to trigonometry, causing the
wire outlet to be placed highly with reference to the ship deck. In order to prolong wire fatigue
life the winch drum is placed coincident with the wire outlet to avoid unnecessary bending
that otherwise would add to cyclic loading of the wire.
Since the water and thus the ship is in constant motion with respect to the dock, the winch is
actively regulating the force put on the ground or deck by the ramp by lifting and lowering as
3. Need finding
When winding fishing nets on trawlers or towing boats with tuggers, winches are used. Safety
demands are then somewhat lowered due to the nature of the activity with lesser safety
consequences associated with snapping a wire. If only considering the brakes, a strong brake
can be disadvantageous as unexpected heavy tugs can damage gear; it can even flip the boat if
unfortunately arranged.
In dredging works the ladder on which the cutterhead are mounted are positioned with
winches, both in elevation and rotation.
All so far mentioned applications are mainly used at sea or port in a marine and very corrosive
environment, requiring the application to be well sealed or corrosion persistent. As marine
environment also hosts life, applications stationed at sea needs to be environmentally friendly.
This leads to ever increasing requirements on materials and oils to be biologically
decomposable and non-toxic.
Winches are also used in industrial applications, foremost as belt tensioner in conveyor band
applications as an alternative to weight stacks that for bigger sized conveyors would be too
space demanding. A winch is then placed at the non-drive side of the band, pulling the tail end
pulley to provide belt tension to maintain drive pulley traction on the belt.
The motors are often driven by hydraulic pumps driven by electric motors delivered by Bosch
Rexroth, but can be driven by any pressurized flow of hydraulic fluid available. This also applies
for brakes with the only difference being the pressure applied. Also, the brakes doesn’t
demand the high flux of fluid as the motors does. The motors typically operates at 350 bar
whereas the brakes are sufficiently pressurized at only 15 bar. Higher pressure contributes to
higher axial forces leading to more bearing wear and is therefore not wanted. The brakes MDA
and BICA are failsafe brakes, which means that the brakes are applied by spring force at
hydraulic pressure relief and vice versa for the band brakes that the Viking motors are suited
When dimensioning a winch the load is the first thing to consider, these typically reaches
between 5 and 150 tons but could be even higher. This gives the necessary thickness of the
wire and how many of them that are needed. The thickness of the wire gives the required
radius of the winch drum to avoid excessive bending of the wire. The radius of the drum
combined with the load gives the torque demanded of the motor, which then with a safety
factor gives the required braking torque. The brake properties are carefully regulated by a
diversity of certifying organs spread across the globe, and since Bosch Rexroth has customers
across the globe most of these organs are relevant to the company products. Luckily, most
have overlapping and similar demands.
When in use, winch applications typically has to prevent load drops occurring at movement
initiation as the parking brake opens and the hydraulic motor engages and vice versa at the
end of the movement. This is handled by applying hydraulic pressure to the motor prior to
brake disengagement to relieve brake strain before opening. Upon completion the brakes are
applied prior to motor pressure relieving. This is done automatically by the operating system.
Winch applications meant to carry personnel need to have two independent emergency brake
systems according to DNVGL [15] certification. Braking with the motor or parking brake are not
valid as emergency brakes.
3. Need finding
The brakes needs to be able to stop a falling load within 0.5 𝑠. The faster the brake applies, the
lesser the energy is that the brake needs to handle, and the lesser the force is on the rest of
the equipment. If the brake was to be applied later and the energy and forces involved were to
increase, the braking would have to be more gentle not to snap the lifting wire or equipment.
This results in a greater stopping distance and thus an increased risk of human and/or
equipment injury.
In order to avoid excessive wear on pumps, motors and brakes the brake has to open within
one second at the start of operation.
In case of emergency braking, the brake needs to be designed so that the brake manually can
be gently disengaged in order to hoist the load down.
Typically brake calipers, discs, lamellae packages etc. is dimensioned big enough to deal with a
worst case scenario load and then, if deemed necessary, the actuating forces are decreased to
make the brake characteristics milder.
Customers need to maintain their brakes, so other valuable properties of brakes are to be
easily understood, inspected, disassembled and assembled. At the same time the whole
application is appreciated if it is compact and not intruding on space used for other purposes.
After a certain number of emergency brakings, the brake needs to be inspected or rebuilt. Very
robust and capable brakes can be inspected and rebuilt more seldom, also adding to customer
During the interview the importance of a low cost for marine applications was emphasized
over and over. One way of avoiding cost is if the motor’s bearing can act as the bearing of the
application and thus eliminate the need for extra components that otherwise would’ve added
to the price. The Viking motor is an example on how the motor eliminates the need for extra
components as the rotor, radially being the outer part, directly can be bolted onto the winch
drum without the need for any adapter. The band brakes used with this motor are installed
around the rotor without the need for any additional drum or disc as being the case with BICA
and MDA brakes.
3. Need finding
- Be cheap to produce.
- Be resistant to marine environment.
- In combination with the motor, be able to deal with load drops that occur
during operation.
- Not affect the motor life.
- Be non-intrusive on working space.
- Be easily inspected.
- Be easily serviced and rebuilt.
- Disengage within one second.
- Have a long life-span.
- Be compatible with relevant power supplies.
- Be energy efficient.
- Have predictable, even and suitable brake characteristics.
- Be easily installed.
- Be highly reliable.
- Be easily adjusted.
- Be simple.
- Be readily modularized.
- Work well with product architecture.
- Be easily engaged
- Be easily disengaged
- Have an emergency release function with suitable characteristics.
- Be environmentally friendly.
- Have an indicator showing brake engagement.
- Be able to deal with radial and axial forces
- Preferably acts directly on the winch drum.
Here the same properties are sorted into needs that are either critical and beneficial.
- Be able to exert a braking torque 1.8 times greater than the maximum torque
of the motor.
- Bring the load to a halt within 0.5 𝑠 as an emergency brake.
- Hold the load still as a parking brake.
- Deal with the heat generated from braking.
- Be resistant to marine environment.
- In combination with the motor, be able to deal with load drops that occur
during operation.
- Operate without affecting motor life.
- Disengage within one second.
- Be compatible with relevant power supplies.
- Have suitable brake characteristics.
- Be highly reliable.
- Have an emergency release function with suitable characteristics.
- Not be easily interfered with.
- Function well, even with humidity, oil or other contaminations entering the
- Spring-loaded braking pads or discs shall be loaded by pressure springs.
3. Need finding
- Is cheap to produce.
- Be non-intrusive on working space.
- Be easily inspected.
- Be easily serviced and rebuilt.
- Have a long life span.
- Be easily installed.
- Be easily adjusted.
- Be simple.
- Be readily modularized.
- Be environmentally friendly.
- Be able to operate over the whole speed interval of the motor.
- Isn’t deteriorating the winch’s energy efficiency.
- Preferably acts directly on the winch drum.
4. Competitor study and benchmarking
In cases with brake calipers installed on brake discs, the assumption is made that the disc mean
radius is 0.4 𝑚. The caliper dimensions decides how many calipers are used on this brake disc. For
more precise data on how much torque each brake can deliver, another evaluation is needed.
4. Competitor study and benchmarking
Figure 6. The braking torque delivered by some brakes (brakes currently used by Hägglunds in yellow and other brakes in
black) and the braking torque demanded for use with Hägglunds hydraulic motors (red). M, D and Q is for 1, 2 and 4 (Mono-,
Dual- & Quad- ) pistons/caliper respectively where applicable. The brake torque is presented on the vertical axis and brake
models are scattered along the horizontal one.
In Figure 6 it can be seen that there’s quite good availability of brakes for lower levels of torque while
the bigger motors doesn’t have that many matching brakes.
4. Competitor study and benchmarking
Figure 7. Axial dimension including service space if stated by the manufacturer for some brakes. Brakes currently used by
Hägglunds in yellow, others in black. The axial dimension is presented along the vertical axis and the brake models are
scattered along the horizontal one.
Figure 7 tells us that the brakes used by the company is among the brakes with the smallest axial
dimensions. The other brakes found are of bigger axial dimensions but the smaller ones are rarer.
4. Competitor study and benchmarking
Figure 8. Radial dimension including service space if stated by the manufacturer for some brakes. Brakes currently used by
Hägglunds in yellow, others in black. The radial dimension is presented along the vertical axis and the brake models are
scattered along the horizontal one.
As in the case with axial dimension, Figure 8 tells us that many brakes with larger dimensions exists.
Finding brakes that are radially smaller than those already used can be hard. Note that the brakes
listed in Figure 7 and Figure 8 are the brakes found during this search with a given dimension. Many
more brakes were found as seen in Figure 6, but many of them came without dimensions.
5. Literature study
5. Literature study
Brakes in general have a number of functions to fulfill. These are to dissipate the kinetic energy of
the components braked, store or transmit the energy absorbed and hold the braked components
fixed [3][4][5]. Stopping often is a crucial safety consideration requiring the brake to be designed and
dimensioned to do so even under misfortunate conditions [3], e.g. partial brake system failure,
power failure etc. Often this is achieved and even prompted to be achieved by means of redundancy.
[14][15]. Brakes can also work over a transmission. Using a transmission between the brake and the
axle to brake permits torque- and speed converting and thus the use of components dimensioned to
deal with different situations in terms of torque and speed.
Braking can be achieved in numerous ways; mechanically, hydraulically, electrically etc. and there is
variation within all of these ways. [3][4][5][16][17]
5. Literature study
5. Literature study
5.1.7. Cooling
The cooling of the brakes is crucial since the braking power often is very high and the
frictional heat isn’t applied uniformly but on certain areas. Brakes often reaches as high
temperatures as 700°C and temporarily on the friction interfaces even higher. While
being of steel, this comes with a risk for phase changes and stresses leading to failure. In
some applications fire hazard and fluid degradation are also limiting factors. [3][5] Fading
The brake provides a torque by means of a friction force between the
friction material in the brake lining and the disc/drum material. The force
generated also needs to be dealt with by the lining resin. As the brake pad
is subjected to high temperatures the resin fails and the shear strength of
the material decreases and is thus more easily sheared away. When this
happens the braking torque is reduced for a given force applied. [5] Glazing
The opposite problem to fading; glazing, occurs when the brake lining isn’t
subjected to enough heat. While braking mildly under low temperatures,
the wear particles aren’t disposed of and instead clogs the friction surface,
deteriorating the contact between liner and disc/drum. This could be
interpreted as a too light usage of too large friction surface area. [5]
5. Literature study
Brakes used only for holding the structure fixed generally do not generate any
heat as everything has come to a stop before the brake is engaged, and therefore
does not have to be cooled.
If using the brake as an emergency brake that seldom is used and thus is having
sufficient time to cool down even without design features promoting energy
dissipation, energy can be stored within the structure material.
When using a brake more frequently so that the heat generated from each
braking isn’t fully dissipated before the next braking occurs measures have to be
taken, and what else is there besides enhancing dissipation if storing isn't
5. Literature study
liquid cooling can be less space demanding and still a cooling enhancement.
5.1.8. Materials
In designing brakes of the mechanical kind, much interest is placed in choice of material,
especially considering linings and multi-disc brake lamellas. The choice of material has
an influence on frictional behavior and also states what forces can be applied.
Mineral based friction materials may be used in either wet or dry conditions, their
coefficient of frictioin ranges between 0.1 and 0.6. They can operate in
temperatures at up to 600° 𝐶 and can deal with pressures of up to 2.41 𝑀𝑃𝑎.
This makes the material suitable for applications where high torque is needed
with low engagement force. Due to the fact that some of the resins used in these
materials are hazardous any debris must be collected and removed.
Sintered metal materials can provide good frictional performance with high
coefficients of friction, even at high temperatures and while fading. A proprietary
material, HF-61 shows a coefficient of friction at approximately 0.6 during fade at
up to 600° 𝐶.
In Dry clutch control for automotive applications [20], P. J. Dolcini et al. speaks of
the technologically feasible static coefficient of friction as being 0.4.
5. Literature study
- Cast iron, a material that is cheap and paves way for easily manufactured disc
brake that performs well.
- Titanium alloys, a more expensive material that promotes weight reduction.
- Aluminum metal matrix composites, AMC, which is aluminum based materials
with added ceramic reinforcements to enhance material strength and wear
When comparing the materials, Maleque et al. finds that cast iron performs well
considering friction, cost, weight etc.
6. Specification of demand and decision making
Figure 9: Specification of demands and decision matrix. Line 3, 11, 21, 25, 32 and 37 are main topics, the other lines are
subtopics. Column D specifies the weight to distribute within each main topic. Columns E and F specifies the internal relation
among the subtopics. Column G specifies the actual weight of each subtopic. Columns H and J is where the score for each
concept are placed. Columns I and K is where the result emerges. Line 43 sums the results.
6. Specification of demand and decision making
The demands listed in Figure 9 are sorted into a number of main topics. These are weighted
against each other in a way so that the ratio between the weight numbers in corresponding
row and in column C: Weight to distribute all makes sense from a customer and company value
perspective. The higher the number is the more important the corresponding topic is.
These main topics are the divided into more specific topics which in a similar way are
compared and weighted. The ratio between the numbers in column D: Internal weight within
each group should, again, make sense from a customer and company value perspective.
The individual weights in column D are then evaluated as a share of the sum of all weights of
all subtopics under that main topic. The share of the weight is presented on corresponding
rows in column E: Weight share. This multiplied with the weight of the corresponding main
topic is presented in column F: Weight.
As the concepts are evaluated by scoring each of these subtopics in corresponding rows in
column G: Score concept 1, the score is multiplied with the corresponding Weight from column
F and divided by the maximum score, 5 in this case, which is producing a result in column H:
Result concept 1. A concept with the highest score thus has a result column identical to column
F: Weight.
More concepts are evaluated in the same way in column I and forth.
The concept result can be read and compared for each evaluated concept as either a total
result of all main topics in row 42, as a result on a specific main topic in the rows 2, 10, 19, 23,
27, 31 and 36 or even a specific subtopic on all other rows.
This produces a specification of demands and a decision matrix where the main topics and
subtopics are distinguished and kept apart so that the internal weighting among the subtopics
in one group and the number of them doesn’t inflict on the inter main topic weight ratio, and
the same goes for how the inter main topic weight ratio inflicts on the subtopics. In other
words adding another subtopic under a main topic doesn’t lessen the value of subtopics in
another group, as would be the case without this distinction.
6. Specification of demand and decision making
Static braking torque should have the weight ratio 10: 7, i.e. Reliable static
braking should be weighted 10 while Static braking torque should be weighted 7.
6. Specification of demand and decision making
With that said, comparing the importance of the engagement mechanism being
Self adjusted when worn and demanding a Low engagement force it would be fair
to set the ratio to 9: 7, meaning that Self adjusted when worn gets the weight
number 9 and Low engagement force a 7.
6. Specification of demand and decision making
6. Specification of demand and decision making
6. Specification of demand and decision making
desirable that the brake concept is flexible and could be operated with the same
oil as used for driving the motor or any other conveniently available power source
or easily adapted as environmental restrictions change.
It seems fair to say that this is half as important as the brake being Weather
resistant, thus giving Weather resistant the weight number 2 while Connection
compatibility gets a 1.
6. Specification of demand and decision making
less important, perhaps half as important as the rest of the topics within this
group. Thus the weight ratio should be 2: 2: 2: 1, giving them those very numbers
7. Concept generation
7. Concept generation
By looking at the problems and needs present and the available solution space, multiple
brainstorming sessions are held. The concept ideas and ideas of specific parts of such concepts
generated during these sessions are then organized in such ways that the needs are satisfied. These
concepts are then refined by drawing or CAD-modeling until they’re comprehensible enough to be
either accepted or dropped in a rough screening considering their properties soundness and a rough
estimation on whether they’re achievable or not.
It is written [10] that the primary preparation phases of any engineering project is of considerable
importance, and that they should be done carefully before jumping into concept generation to avoid
proceeding with misinterpreted project goals and purposes. But to avoid only finding the already
found ideas and miss the opportunity to come up with something new the concept generation at this
occasion was divided into two time periods. The first one being at a quite early stage in the project
after only having done some light investigation on customer needs, motor functions, currently
available brakes and seeing the methods of production. After having done the primary phases more
thoroughly, now with more insight, more ideas were generated to cover the solution space to a
wider extent. This method was tried in order to make this project as rewarding as possible in terms
of generated concepts since this is one of the higher ranked goals of the work.
During the first sessions of brainstorming the following ideas were found.
7. Concept generation
Figure 11: Multi mode drum brake. The blue position is for
directional parking brake, the red is for emergency braking.
7. Concept generation
This conical drum brake idea comprises two conical drums working on the same axis mirrored
on each side of a mid plane as seen in Figure 12. The two bodies located inside the drums are
equipped with friction material and kept from rotating. A lever pushing these bodies apart
axially and into the drums causes the braking torque. The axial force acting between the drum
and the friction material body on one side is matched and counteracted by the arrangement
on the other side. Due to the symmetry of this concept, no axial forces would be exerted on
any bearing. The conical brake also has the advantage of amplifying the force applied by the
lever to a higher normal force between the cones.
7. Concept generation
7. Concept generation
7. Concept generation
8. Screening
8. Screening
After the first phase of the concept generation a screening is done to eliminate some of the least
interesting ideas. Some of the ideas are to complicated, not robust enough, to space demanding etc.
8. Screening
is a well known brake concept that works. This slightly altered brake takes advantage of those
benefits while being slightly quicker. The concept passes the screening.
9. Concept refinement
9. Concept refinement
When the concept generation phase and subsequent screening is over the work with refining the
remaining concepts begins. The work is done iteratively as new ideas of how the concepts are to
fulfill the demands are getting more refined and are ending up better, simpler, lighter, cheaper etc.
This phase leaves the concepts developed up to the point where a rough quantitive analysis can be
done. This means that a concept ranking with help of the earlier mentioned decision matrix is
When modifying the cylinder block to house the brake it becomes apparent that the space is
quite narrow. In order to make the brake perform as needed the cone has to be wider at both
ends and longer than the cylinder block permits. Figure 17 shows a cylinder block roughly
extended lengthwise and also in radius. The radius of the cone is this illustration enlarged so
much that if further enlarged it would need alteration of other components. On the right hand
side of the cylinder block holes are seen, these holes provide hydraulic pressure to the motor
9. Concept refinement
pistons through channels seen running axially through the motor. The flat faces radially inside
and outside the right ends of these channels are matching the face of the ring formed oil
distributor in the complete assembly. This ring would have to become enlarged in order for the
cone to be further enlarged. This is a severe operation that’s followed by much work and cost
on redesigning the motor, not necessarily to the better.
At this size the brake contact area is approximately 37 𝑐𝑚 long, has a 5.3 𝑐𝑚 radius on the
wider end and 2.7 𝑐𝑚 on the thinner, the angle between the cone and the plane orthogonal to
the axial direction of the cone is 86°.
The CAb 40 produces 40 𝑁𝑚 for every 𝑏𝑎𝑟 of hydraulic pressure applied. At maximum
operating pressure, 250 𝑏𝑎𝑟, the motor thus produces 10 𝑘𝑁𝑚. This means that the brake
needs to exert a braking torque of 18 𝑘𝑁𝑚 to pass the certification demands for lifting
appliances [14][15].
In order to roughly estimate the braking torque that the brake can exert some simple formulas
are used:
Which equates to
𝑑𝑟 𝑑𝑟 𝑙 2
= 2 ∙ 𝜋 (𝑟𝑚𝑖𝑛 ∙ ∫ 𝑑𝑙 + ∙ ∫ 𝑙 𝑑𝑙 ) = 2 ∙ 𝜋 (𝑟𝑚𝑖𝑛 ∙ [𝑙]𝐿0 + ∙[ ] )
𝑑𝑙 𝑑𝑙 2 0
0 0
= 𝟎. 𝟎𝟗𝟐𝟕 𝒎𝟐
Assuming that the mean radius is
𝑟𝑚𝑖𝑛 + 𝑟𝑚𝑎𝑥 0.027 + 0.053
𝑟𝑚𝑒𝑎𝑛 = = = 𝟎. 𝟎𝟒 𝒎
2 2
and choosing 𝜇 = 0.3, Eq. 9.2 says that the surface pressure would have to be
18 000
𝑝𝑏𝑟𝑎𝑘𝑒 = ≈ 𝟏𝟔 𝑴𝑷𝒂
0.0927 ∙ 0.3 ∙ 0.04
to brake the motor enough. This brake pad pressure is not feasible and the brake concept is
excluded from further development.
9. Concept refinement
The brake drum is assumed to be placed on the outer edge of the winch drum wall, and
the winch drum wall is designed to be five cable radiuses high to prevent the cable from
leaving the winch drum.
The smallest motor alternative to satisfy this is the CAb 10 which delivers 3000 𝑁𝑚. This
means that the brake needs to brake with
The braking torque is at this stage calculated via the simplified formula Eq. 9.1.
At this stage the brake radius and the brake torque is known. 𝜇 is assumed to be 0.3.
The friction material is assumed to cover 2/3 of the brake drum circumference and the
brake pad pressure is assumed to be 6 𝑀𝑃𝑎. This means that the width can be
determined by inserting Eq. 9.9. and rearranging Eq. 9.1.
𝑇𝑏𝑟𝑎𝑘𝑒 𝑇𝑏𝑟𝑎𝑘𝑒
𝑤𝑏𝑟𝑎𝑘𝑒 = 2 = 2 2
𝑝𝑏𝑟𝑎𝑘𝑒 ∙( )2∙𝜋∙𝑟𝑏𝑟𝑎𝑘𝑒 ∙𝜇∙𝑟𝑚𝑒𝑎𝑛 𝑝𝑏𝑟𝑎𝑘𝑒 ∙( )2∙𝜋∙𝑟𝑏𝑟𝑎𝑘𝑒 ∙𝜇
3 3
(Eq. 9.10)
which equates to
9. Concept refinement
𝑤𝑏𝑟𝑎𝑘𝑒 = = 0.0465 ≈ 𝟒𝟕 𝒎𝒎
6106 ∙ (3) 2 ∙ 𝜋 ∙ 0.1242 ∙ 0.3
The radius of the winch drum wall edge and also the brake drum is
𝑇𝑟𝑒𝑞𝑢𝑖𝑟𝑒𝑑 𝑚𝑜𝑡𝑜𝑟 = 𝑚𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑 ∙ 𝑔 ∙ 𝑃𝐶𝑅 = 200 000 ∙ 9.81 ∙ 1.342 = 𝟐 𝟔𝟑𝟐 𝟖𝟒𝟖 𝑵𝒎
The smallest motor alternative to satisfy this is two CBm 5000 which delivers
3 284 000 𝑁𝑚. This means that the brake needs to brake with
At this stage the brake radius and the brake torque is known. 𝜇 is assumed to be 0.3.
The friction material is assumed to cover 2/3 of the brake drum circumference and the
brake pad pressure is assumed to be 6 𝑀𝑃𝑎. This means that the width can be
determined by inserting Eq. 9.9. and rearranging Eq. 9.1.
𝑇𝑏𝑟𝑎𝑘𝑒 𝑇𝑏𝑟𝑎𝑘𝑒
𝑤𝑏𝑟𝑎𝑘𝑒 = 2 = 2 2
𝑝𝑏𝑟𝑎𝑘𝑒 ∙( )2∙𝜋∙𝑟𝑏𝑟𝑎𝑘𝑒 ∙𝜇∙𝑟𝑚𝑒𝑎𝑛 𝑝𝑏𝑟𝑎𝑘𝑒 ∙( )2∙𝜋∙𝑟𝑏𝑟𝑎𝑘𝑒 ∙𝜇
3 3
(Eq. 9.10)
which equates to
5 911 200
𝑤𝑏𝑟𝑎𝑘𝑒 = = 0.3070 ≈ 𝟑𝟎𝟕 𝒎𝒎
6106 ∙ (3) 2 ∙ 𝜋 ∙ 1.5982 ∙ 0.3
9. Concept refinement
The brakes corresponding to these two cases are modeled and could be seen in Figure 18.
Figure 16: The linearly acting drum brake modeled two fit the two cases.
9. Concept refinement
than that of the drum brake. Instead of having gaps between the pads, the band brake has a
gap between the two bands. The radius of the brake drum is the same for both brakes. One
could roughly assume that the braking torque is the same for the two concepts as long as only
Eq. 9.1 is used. This substantially reduces calculatuion work during this stage. The outer
dimensions and the braking torque for these two brakes are identical to the ones of drum
brake type.
The brakes corresponding to these two cases are modeled and could be seen in Figure 19 and
Figure 20.
Figure 19: The winch Figure 17: The winch drum and band
drum and band brake brake for lifting 200 tons with the
for lifting two tons safety factor five.
with the safety factor
10. Concept evaluation
Figure 18: The decision matrix filled in for the C1 Band brake and the C3 Drum brake.
10. Concept evaluation
As the properties of the concepts are better known a concept ranking can be done using the decision
matrix (see Specification of demands and decision making). This evaluation is done in order to decide
where it is most worth to invest in continued work. The concepts that are previously deemed without
prospect of performance or to complex to manufacture aren’t evaluated in this step as they’re
already excluded in the screening process described in Screening. That leaves C1 and C3 for
The first main topic in the decision matrix is how the brakes are performing in terms of braking and
there’s a maximum of 10 points to distribute within this subject.
The first subtopic up is Static braking torque. As the concepts are designed to withstand a worst case
scenario load it is also known that both of them are capable of performing a sufficient static braking
torque and both concept thus should be given the score five on this topic.
Second is
The score is 2.
The score is 3.
The score is 4.
The score is 4.
10. Concept evaluation
The score is 2.
The score is 3.
The score is 4.
The score is 3.
The score is 2.
The score is 2.
The score is 5.
10. Concept evaluation
The score is 5.
The score is 5.
The score is 5.
The score is 3.
The score is 5.
The score is 5.
The score is 5.
The score is 5.
10. Concept evaluation
The score is 4.
The score is 3.
The score is 3.
The score is 2.
The score is 5.
The score is 2.
The score is 5.
The score is 5.
The score is 5.
10. Concept evaluation
The score is 5.
The score is 3.
The score is 4.
The score is 4.
The score is 2.
The score is 2.
The score is 3.
The score is 3.
10. Concept evaluation
The score is 2.
The score is 4.
The score is 3.
The score is 5.
The score is 1.
The score is 1.
10. Concept evaluation
The score is 5.
The score is 5.
The score is 3.
The score is 3.
The score is 5.
The score is 5.
The score is 5.
The score is 5.
10. Concept evaluation
The score is 5.
The score is 5.
The score is 3.
The score is 4.
10. Concept evaluation
The score is 3.
The score is 4.
The score is 3.
The score is 3.
The score is 3.
The score is 2.
The score is 4.
The score is 2.
The score is 5.
11. Finishing work
The linearly acting drum brake is much like a shoe brake. The brake shoe in such a brake is fastened
in one end and pushed towards the drum on the other end and thus causing a rotating motion
towards the drum. This means that the brake shoe is pushed against the drum as the drum rotates in
one direction, and pushed from the drum when rotating in the other direction. Being a linearly acting
drum brake means that both ends (A & C in Figure 22) of the brake shoe or brake pad is pushed
towards the brake drum. That both point A and C are pushed towards the drum is reducing the
leverage that causes a moment around either one of them dependent on the direction of rotation.
Designing a brake where A and C are further away from the drum increases this leverage and vice
versa. This makes the brake being less prone to self-energizing, but does not eliminate it.
Figure 19: Linearly acting external and internal drum brakes as described by William C. Orthwein in 'Clutches and Brakes -
Design and Selection, 2nd ed.' [3]. The same nomenclature is used in this section.
11. Finishing work
Orthwein argues that the pressure distribution is an effect of the deforming condition of the friction
material lining so that
Where 𝑘 is the stiffness of the lining, ∆ is the deformation and 𝜃 is the angle as shown in Figure 22.
Except for the lining, all the pad is assumed to be completely rigid.
This makes it possible to rewrite Eq. 11.1 as a function of the maximum pressure, 𝑝𝑚𝑎𝑥 .
If this is multiplied by radius and area of contact an expression for torque emerges.
Now, if the pad is assumed to only move in the radial direction and not in the peripheral one, 𝑝𝑚𝑎𝑥 is
obtained at 𝜃 = 0. That means that integrating Eq. 11.3 is simplified by doubling half the integral and
thus expressing the torque as
𝑇 = 2 ∙ 𝜇 ∙ 𝑝𝑚𝑎𝑥 ∙ 𝑟 2 ∙ 𝑤 ∙ sin( 0 ) (Eq. 11.4)
where 𝑇 is the torque and 𝜙 is the angle measured from the end of the lining rather than the middle.
is half the angle covered by the lining. From Eq. 11.4 the following expression for width can be
𝜙 =𝑤 (Eq. 11.5)
2∙𝜇∙𝑝𝑚𝑎𝑥 ∙𝑟 2 ∙sin( 0 )
This is quite close to the equation that describes the torque for the drum brake concept of this
project. This equation shows that the brake drum has to be widened slightly to mitigate the fact that
the maximum pressure doesn’t act over the whole brake lining. Instead of having a brake drum that
is 47 𝑚𝑚 wide, 58 𝑚𝑚 is needed for the least case scenario. Instead of the worst case scenario
brake having to be 307 𝑚𝑚, it is 379 𝑚𝑚 wide.
12. Discussion and subsequent work
The C1 Freehub is a concept that with a further developed engagement mechanism, could reduce the
brake engagement time in an emergency brake situation. This would mean that the forces exerted on
the structure would decrease at the same time, which means a safer product. Shorter response time
also reduces the need for a high braking torque; could this mean that smaller and cheaper brakes can
be used without compromising safety in the future? This engagement mechanism can also be
combined with other brake types than a band brake. The heat production during emergency braking
also needs to be investigated to ensure suitable temperatures.
The concept deemed most interesting in the concept evaluation this time, the C3 Drum brake, also
has refining to be done. The brake internals and the suspending structure needs to be redesigned to
make sure that the material is in its right places. This can prove to be useful in order to reduce weight
as well as cost. The heat production during emergency braking also needs to be investigated to
ensure suitable temperatures. Further investigation on it’s dynamical behaviors would also have to
be carried out and ways to restrict these might improve the reliability of the brake.
13. References
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