Review Correlation Between Diabetes Mellitus and Residual Ridge Resorption PDF
Review Correlation Between Diabetes Mellitus and Residual Ridge Resorption PDF
Review Correlation Between Diabetes Mellitus and Residual Ridge Resorption PDF
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Abstract:- Diabetes mellitus is a disease resulting from compared with upper jaw (maxilla), the ratio 4:1
impaired insulin availability in the body leading to mandibular to maxillary resorption .(9)Factors
increased blood glucose which is called as type 1 diabetes affecting RRR are both systemic and local factors.
mellitus,or varying degree of insulin resistance or unable systemic fact ors are: nutritional in sufficiency,
to use the available insulin by the body is called type 2 impaired hormonal production , bone disorders,
diabetes mellitus. Residual ridge resorption is a some renal diseases, uses of drugs, constant
progressive disease which is not a reversible process that hormonal changes in women etc. (10) .some of the
occurs in every patient and itsone of the main cause for local fact ors that leadingRRR are lack of denture
complete denture failures. Uncontrolled diabetes is one retention and stability, constant pressure, incorrect
of the main reason for acceleration of residual ridge relationship and night time wearing
resorption, so the aim of this review is to find a (11).Osteoporosis i s another common reason for
correlation between diabetes mellitus and residual ridge RRR it usually increases with advance in age.
resorption. PATHOGENESIS of RRR
Keywords:- Diabetes Mellitus Type 1, Diabetes Mellitus Immediately foll owing the extract ion
Type 2, Residual Ridge Resorption.
According to the study done by oxford dental collegeand hospital, showedthat, when compared among male and female
groups the females had significantly increased resorption compared to the male group.