January 2009 California Food and Justice Coalition Newsletter
January 2009 California Food and Justice Coalition Newsletter
January 2009 California Food and Justice Coalition Newsletter
:: January 2009 Newsletter ::
:: CFJC Welcomes New Director
:: Funding and Grant Opportunities – Harvest Resources from the New Farm Bill
:: Workshops, Conferences & Seminars
:: New Years Resolution – Build Urban Agriculture
:: In the News
:: New Resources
:: Announcements
:: Jobs
CFJC Welcomes New Director
CFJC is pleased to welcome our new Director, Shereen D'Souza. Shereen is a long time food justice advocate and
organizer from the Bay Area. Before joining CFJC Shereen was the Youth Programs Coordinator at OBUGS
(Oakland Based Urban Gardens), where she developed a youth internship program focused on empowering teens to
create food systems change, and created a farm stand at a local middle school. At OBUGS, Shereen was
instrumental in organizational and program development and created numerous collaborative relationships with area
non-profits, schools, community groups and government agencies. Shereen was a founding board member of
Oakland Food Connection where she raised start-up program funds and helped develop a three-year strategic plan.
She is also the Co-Director of Sustaining Ourselves Locally, a grassroots group focused on sustainable urban living
and food justice issues. Shereen began her work as a food and farming activist while working with hillside farmers in
rural Honduras as a Peace Corps volunteer. Shereen graduated from Georgetown University with a BS in Foreign
Service and is a recent graduate of the Center for Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems' Apprenticeship in
Ecological Horticulture where she gained hands-on experience in organic gardening and small-scale farming
practices. Shereen also holds a certificate in Permaculture Design. Shereen’s diverse experience’s in organizational
development and building connections with diverse communities and constituencies will be a valuable asset as CFJC
moves forward in developing and implementing our “Grow Local” campaign and our Training and Mentorship
Program. We hope you will join us in welcoming her.
Message from Director Shereen D'Souza: Greetings California Food and Justice Coalition members and allies: I
look forward to collaborating with you on the important work you are doing around the state. My years of working with
food and farming organizations have made me passionate about access issues, and I feel that my work with CFJC
will be the perfect opportunity for me to further our collective goals. I am eager to use the skills I have gained working
with many grassroots projects in the Bay Area to help grow and strengthen the Coalition. I hope to meet many of you
in the coming months and hear how the Coalition can best meet your organizations' needs. I can be reached at
CFJC's Berkeley office at 510-704-0245 or by email at [email protected]
Funding & Grant Opportunities: Harvest Resources from the 2008 Farm Bill Deadlines are
coming up fast!
:: Harvesting Resources from the 2008 Farm Bill While the Farm Bill passed by Congress in 2008 had many
short comings their were a few bright spots for local food systems, small farmers and organics (read CFJC’s
statement on the passing of the 2008 Farm Bill and a report of outcomes at:
http://www.foodsecurity.org/california/Farm_Bill.html). <http://www.foodsecurity.org/california/Farm_Bill.html%29.>
USDA is now moving forward to implement the bill with new funding and guidelines. We will continue to post
notices as RFP’s are released and funds become available, but we also encourage you to look into what is coming
over the next year and what opportunities might exist to support your work. Its critical that we generate a flood of
applications for programs that support local food, small farmers, organics and food access first so that our
communities don’t miss out on any of these resources and second to support our on going call for more investment in
these programs. Check out these two resources to learn more about programs.
:: NRDC First Annual Growing Green Award! Honor extraordinary contributions to the sustainable food movement.
The NRDC is accepting nomination until February 1, 2009 for outstanding persons in the field of Food Production,
Business Leaders and Though Leaders. A Growing Green Award will be given to an outstanding individual in each of
three categories and a $10,000 cash prize will be awarded in the Food Producer category. Winners will be celebrated
on May 9, 2009 at an event to benefit NRDC in San Francisco. Visit
http://www.sfgov.org/site/shapeupsf_page.asp?id=96043 for more info or email Suzanne Vyborney at
[email protected]
:: USDA National Scholars Program applications are now being accepted by the U.S. Department of Agriculture
for the 2009 academic school year. Recruitment of talented students to public service in agriculture-related fields,
including food sciences, natural resource sciences and agricultural sciences. USDA/1890 scholarship recipients
receive full tuition, fees, books, use of laptop computers and printers, software, employment and benefits for each of
the four years they pursue a Bachelor's degree. For each year of the scholarship, students receive room and board
provided by the partnering institutions. Students are required to work one year at USDA for each year of their
scholarship. Proposals are due February 1, 2009. http://www.ascr.usda.gov/1890programs.html
:: Organic Agriculture Research and Extension Initiative (OREI). The purpose of OREI is to fund research and
extension projects that will enhance the ability of producers and processors who have already adopted organic
standards to grow and market high quality organic agricultural products. Proposals Due March 9, 2009. Now is the
time to roll up your sleeves, sharpen your pencils, and prepare your organic research and extension proposals! It is
crucial that the organic research community demonstrate the necessity of this funding by responding with a flood of
high-quality proposals submitted from every part of the U.S. OREI is the rare federal grant program that specifically
funds organic research and extension. If not enough proposals are submitted, it is possible that funding could be cut
in future years. The full RFA may be read online at
<http://www.csrees.usda.gov/fo/organicagricultureresearchandextensioninitiative.cfm. Only electronic applications
may be submitted via Grants.gov http://Grants.gov.
:: Organic Farming Research Foundation Education and Outreach Grant: will fund the development of
educational opportunities and materials that are: pertinent to organic agricultural production or marketing; and aimed
at organic producers and/or those considering making the transition to organic certification. OFRF will also accept
proposals to fund activities that promote information sharing among organic agricultural researchers and organic
farmers and ranchers. Proposals are due May 15, 2009. http://ofrf.org/grants/apply_education&outreach.html
:: Real Food Challenge! The Farm to School program is hosting a contest! They are asking people to create a
video which is 30 sec - 3 minutes long that completes the phrase "Real food is....". Two winners, one k-12 video and
one college video entry, will receive $1,000 for their cafeteria food project, and an opportunity for a representative to
attend the National Farm to Cafeteria conference in March. Video entries are due by February 8, 2009. To learn more
go to http://farmtocafeteriaconference.com/real-food-is-video-contest/
Workshops Conferences & Seminars
:: A Simple Way to Change the World: Inspiring Panel Discussion at the Sacramento Natural Food Coop.
Farmers from eight local organic farms including Soil Born, Full Belly Farm, Good Humus, T&D Willey Farm, Terra
Firma Farm, Steamboat Acres, Blue Heron Farm and Durst Organic Growers will speak at the 24th Street Theatre on
Wednesday, February 25, about the value of local organic food from small farms, and the impact our food choices
make on our environment, community, economy and health. All the proceeds will benefit Soil Born Farms and the
Good Humus Land Preservation Project. For more info call: (916) 736-6800
:: Going the Distance and Shortening it: From Farm to Cafeteria. Join hundreds of people from across the
country who is working to get local food to every table. There will be field trips, workshops on grant writing and much
more! It will be a 3 day Conference March 19th- 21, 2009 in Portland Oregon To learn more go to
<http://www.farmtocafeteriaconference.com/> some scholarships are available for those who need them**
:: UC Santa Barbara Food Sustainability & Food Security Conference This conference will gather some of the
country's leading food scholars to examine the meaning of food sustainability in particular regional contexts from
Africa to the Middle East to the Americas. To learn more and register February 5-7, 2009
:: Rooted in the Community Conference: Registration is now open for the 10th annual conference which will take
place in the Bay Area July 23-27. The San Francisco Bay Area is home to many innovative, creative food and
environmental justice organizations During the conference you will have the opportunity to visit many of these
organizations with great field trips and a wide range of learning and leadership development experiences. Visit
:: California Small Farms Conference: March 1-3, 2009 This year’s theme is "Farming for the Future" Higher
energy costs, a statewide drought, new air and water quality requirements, invasive plants and global warming are all
cited as significant threats to California's agricultural industry, and especially to small farms. But in the midst of these
threats are incredible opportunities! Small Farmers and those who support them in any way are invited to attend and
learn more about these opportunities. http://www.californiafarmconference.com/
:: Empowering Women of Color Conference: February 14th Celebrate Valentine’s Day in a radical & thought
provoking way . Discuss the redefinition of intimacy and activism turning "me" into "we". To register go to
:: Twelfth Annual Network for a Healthy California Conference “Inspiring Healthy Change Together” Network
projects, partners, and others will gather in Sacramento on March 4-5, 2009. Come together for two days of
inspiration and ideas as we collectively focus the spotlight on perspectives and actions that lead to positive change.
More information available here http://networkforahealthycalifornia.net/2009Conference/
:: Sowing the Seeds of Farm Succession: Planning the Transition to the Next Generation of Family Farmers:
A conference hosted by CA FarmLink in San Luis Obispo: Sat. Feb 28th and Sat. March 28th from 8:30 am to 4:30
pm at the Courtyard Marriot Hotel. For more information or to register call Reggie Knox at CA FarmLink, 831-425-
0303, or visit http://www.californiafarmlink.org
New Years Resolution – Build Urban Agriculture
As we look over our New Year’s resolutions lets all add one more to the list! If we all Increase food production in and
near our cities it can have a huge impact on the community. By planting gardens in and near our cities we can
reverse the trends of outsourcing the food we eat which results in more oil used per calorie of food and most of the
time food that is not as fresh or healthy. The benefits of a community garden or a neighborhood garden are
innumerable. Here are resources and information to help you build urban agriculture in your community.
:: Videos Highlighting Urban Gardening: a series of online videos produced by Penn State Outreach that
discusses the benefits of greening up city landscapes. http://www.youtube.com/user/pennstateoutreach
:: A testimonial to the huge impact Victory Garden can have on a community- San Francisco's victory gardens
project grows a community. The city-funded effort to help residents grow food in their own backyards yields more
than just nourishment reports the LA Times in their recent article http://www.latimes.com/features/home/la-hm-
victoryside10-2009jan10,0,4985503.To learn more about the Victory Gardens plus project in San Francisco visit
:: Cities are eating up our prime farmland at the rate of two acres per minute. How can you help to save this precious
farmland and maintain our food chain? http://www.metrofarm.com/forum/viewforum.php?f=2
:: Here is another way to help to reverse some of the effects of the harm our cities ....Plant and farm in the Heart of
Your City! Read an exert from the book The Urban Homestead: Your Guide to Self-sufficient Living in the Heart of a
City to get you on your way. http://www.alternet.org/environment/118483/how_you_can_start_a_farm_in_%5C
:: Container Gardening Website Launched: University of Illinois Extension has launched a new website to help
create special gardens to fit any situation. "Successful Container Gardens contains a wide range of helpful
information http://www.urbanext.uiuc.edu/containergardening/default.cfm
In the News
:: Jackson and Berry Call for 50-year Farm Bill Writing in an Op-Ed piece in The New York Times, Wendell Berry
and Wes Jackson argue for a long-term farm policy that supports the restoration of ecological health to agricultural
landscapes. They conclude by calling for "a 50-year Farm Bill that addresses forthrightly the problems of soil loss and
degradation, toxic pollution, fossil-fuel dependency and the destruction of rural communities."
http://www.nytimes.com/2009/01/05/opinion/05berry.html?_r=3 Did you agree or disagree? What would you like to
see included in the 50- year Farm Bill? To make you voice heard go to http://www.rocfund.org/blogs/related-news/a-
:: Hospital System Announces Sustainable Food Purchasing Catholic Healthcare West has announced its plan
to promote sustainable food production practices through its food purchasing policies. In particular, the company is
asking its suppliers to seek alternatives to genetically modified sugar and avoid meat and dairy produced with animal
clones. Read more here. http://www.noharm.org/details.cfm?ID=2134&type=document
In Government News........
Whether it’s a 50 year or a 5 year Farm Bill its critical who’s in charge of implementing the policies that congress
passes. With Vilsack election, it is even more important to have allies in the roles of Under Secretaries. Under
Secretaries play a huge role in the day to day decision making and have a powerful position within the government.
To learn more about these positions and the importance they carry visit -
:: Food Democracy Calls for the “Sustainable Dozen” to fill undersecretary seats at USDA:
::The Center for Rural Affairs has written a letter to Vilsack with a few recommendations on what lies ahead.
Some highlights include health care reform, Farm Bill Programs for You and lessons from 35 Years of Working for
Positive Change. To read the letter and to sign it yourself go to
:: California State Senate Forms new Committee on Food and Agriculture. The new committee will be holding
hearings across the state on the future of California's food and agriculture policies. Led by Majority Leader
Dean Florez, the Committee seeks more public influence over four interrelated issues: food safety, food security,
animal welfare, and sustainable farming systems. The Committee recently launched a new website that offers many
opportunities to engage. Let the Governor, Secretary and the Senate Committee know what critical changes are
needed to create the future you want to see. Join a campaign that seeks practical programs and policies supported
with federal and state funds. Visit
New Resources
:: The Food Crisis and Latin America: A new policy brief by the Oakland Institute examines the impact of the 2008
food crisis on Latin America. The policy brief finds that even though world commodity prices have somewhat
stabilized and recent reports indicate a downward turn in commodity prices, store shelves across the region are still
void of affordable food and the crisis warrants immediate measures to address the failures in the global food system.
Read the full report here http://www.oaklandinstitute.org/pdfs/Latin_America-Food_Prices_Brief.pdf
:: SEIZED is the title of a new report by the organization GRAIN The report is coupled with a great Google docs
group that contains a database of all articles written about land deals, both public and private, happening across the
globe. To read more go to http://www.grain.org/nfg/?id=610
:: In Search of Good Food Benefit Dinner. Support this documentary about California's emerging sustainable food
system and enjoy some good food! Leif Hedenal (The Secret Cafe, Noise In My Kitchen, Greens Restaurant) is
serving up several courses of wintery vegetarian delicacies using produce freshly plucked from local farms, urban
gardens, and foraging conspiracies. Also featuring musical accompaniment, a preview of the in-progress movie, and
a talk by Bu Nygrens of Veritable Vegetable! Check http://www.insearchofgoodfood.org for more info! Saturday,
February 7th, 7-10pm @ Million Fishes Art Collective. Tickets are $40-100 sliding scale, RSVP to
[email protected].
:: The Greenhorns, A documentary Film About Young Farmers - A new documentary film explores the lives of
young American farming communities. In this documentary you can see a promising revival of agriculture and
inspiring stores about people who are making a difference. Watch the trailer here
:: Pilot study looking for houses to try out a small grey water system the new innovative device takes water
from the bathroom sink and pumps it into the adjacent toilet tank. If you live in the Contra Costa Water District and
you are interested in participating in this study contact Chris Dundon 925-688-8136 or email at
[email protected]
:: City Slicker Farms is looking for new Interns: They are seeking motivated interns to work in our Community
Market Farms and Backyard Garden Programs, as well as in our office. Responsibility may vary based on the
individual’s interests and no prior background in farming is necessary. Application Instructions: Please email us at
[email protected] with "Internship" in the subject line in order to request an application. West Oakland
residents and people of color are strongly encouraged to apply. To learn more about City Slicker Farms visit
:: Community Alliance with Family Farmers has two job openings! A Local Food Guide Production Manager and
a Central Coast Project Coordinator. Application Deadline: January 21, 2009. Visit http://www.caff.org/index.shtml for
more information.
:: Center for Food and Justice at Occidental College, UEPI is seeking a candidate for the position of Farm to
Preschool Program Manager to advance the work of a newly developed project that is connected to UEPI's current
farm to institution programs. Farm to Preschool, Program Manager more info at: http://www.uepi.oxy.edu/
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The California Food and Justice Coalition is a statewide membership coalition committed to
the basic human right to healthy food while advancing social, agricultural and environmental
We collaborate with community-based efforts in California working to create a socially just,
and economically sustainable food supply. We envision a California food system in which all
from farm to table, are equitable, healthful, regenerative, and community-driven.