St. Joseph's SR - Sec. Co Ed School Social Science (GEOGRAPHY) Class IX
St. Joseph's SR - Sec. Co Ed School Social Science (GEOGRAPHY) Class IX
St. Joseph's SR - Sec. Co Ed School Social Science (GEOGRAPHY) Class IX
Co‐ed School
Social Science (GEOGRAPHY)
India‐ Size and Location
Topics covered :
Location and size
India and the world
India’s neighbours
India is one of the ancient civilization in the world.
It has achieved multi‐faceted socio‐economic progress in the field of
agriculture, industry ,technology and overall economic development.__
Location and size :‐
India is a vast country located in the Northern Hemisphere.
Latitudinal extent : 8˚4’ North to 37˚6’ North
Longitudinal extent : 68˚7’ East to 97˚25’ East
North‐South extend : 3214 Km
East‐West extend : 2933 Km
Land Frontiers : 15200 Km
Total coastline :7516.6 Km
India is the seventh largest country of the world 3.28 sq Km.
India is divided into almost two equal parts by the Tropic of
Cancer(23˚30’ N).
From Gujarat to Arunachal Pradesh there is a time lag of 2 hours.
Hence, time along the Standard Meridian of India(82˚30’E) passing
through Mirzapur(UP) is taken as the standard time for the whole
India and the world :‐
The Indian landmass has a central location between the East and the
West Asia.
India is a Southward extention of the Asian Continent.
The trans‐Indian Ocean routes which connect the countries of Europe
in the West and the countries of East Asia provide a strategic central
location to India.
The Deccan Peninsula protrudes into the Indian Ocean, thus helping
India to establish close contact with West Asia, Africa and Europe
from the Western coast and with the South East and East Asia from
the Eastern coast.
Since the opening of the Suez Canal in 1869, India’s distance from
Europe has been reduced by 7000 Km.
Also, the canal is the boom for trade as it had reduced the
transportation cost and number of days involved.
India’s contacts with the world have continued through the ages but
her relationships through the land routes how much older than her
maritime contacts.
India’s neighbours :‐
India occupies a significant strategic position in South Asia.
India has 28 states and 9 Union Territories.
India shares its boundaries with
Northwest : Pakistan and Afghanistan
North : China, Nepal and Bhutan
East : Myanmar and Bangladesh
South : Sri Lanka and Maldives
Sri Lanka is separated from India by a narrow channel of sea formed
by the Palk Strart and the Gulf of Mannar.
Maldives islands are situated to the South of the Lakshadweep
Conclusion :‐
The ideas of Upanishads, the Ramayana, the stories of Panchatantra,
the Indian Numerals, the decimal system, the spices, the Muslin were
taken from India to different countries.
The influence of Greek sculpture, architectural styles of dome and
minarets from West Asia can be seen in different parts of our
India has a strong geographical and historical links with her
Question and answers:‐
Q.1.Why 82˚30’E has been selected as the Standard Meridian of India?
A.1.Reasons for selecting 82˚30’E as the Standard Meridian of India are:
I. 82˚30’E is almost the middle of longitude of India.
II. It is divisible by 7˚30’ which is considered ideal for calculation of time on
the basis of meridians.
III. It time is considered the standard throughout India, even on the
easternmost tip and the westernmost tip of India (Arunachal Pradesh and
Gujarat) where there is a two hours difference between their local times.
Q.2.Why is the difference between the duration of day and night hardly felt at
Kanyakumari but not so in Kashmir?
A.2.The Difference between the duration of day and night hardly felt at
Kanyakumari but not so in Kashmir are:
I. The difference in the duration of day and night at Kanyakumari and Kashmir
are respectively due to their latitudinal locations.
II. Kanyakumari is located closer to the equator that is 8˚ away from the
III. It receives maximum sunlight and experience a minimum gap between day
and night. On the other hand, Kashmir lies further away from the equator
and experiences as significant gap between the duration of day and night.
Q.3. The Sun rises two hours earlier in Arunachal Pradesh as compared to Gujarat
in the West, but the watches show the same time. How does this happen?
A.3. The time difference between any two longitude is 4 minutes. The longitudinal
difference between Arunachal Pradesh and Gujarat is 30˚(4x30˚=120 mins) so
there is a time lag of 2 hours. Hence, time along the Standard Meridian of India
(82˚30’ E) passing through Mirzapur(UP) is taken as the Standard Time for the
whole country.
1) When was Suez Canal opened?
2) What is the latitude of the Southernmost point of the Indian mainland?
3) Name the states through which Tropic of Cancer passes.
4) Which Indian states border three countries?
5) Which Indian states has the longest coastline?
6) If you visit Kavaratti Island, which Union Territory of India you will be going to?
7) Which is the smallest and largest state of India area wise?
8) Which Island group of India lies to its South‐East?
9) Why is India called as a peninsula?
10) Name the countries sharing the land boundary with India?
11) What is the Easternmost longitude of India?
12) What is the position of India is respect of area in the world?
Note : All the above content(Topics covered, question/answers,
worksheet)should be written in social science notebook.
St. Joseph’s Sr. Sec. Co‐ed School
Social Science (Democratic Politics)
Chapter ‐1
What is Democracy? Why Democracy?
Topics covered:
What is Democracy?
Features of Democracy?
Why Democracy?
Broader meaning of Democracy?
What is Democracy?
Democracy is the form of government in which rule over the country is of
the people, for the people, and elected by the people.
This definition allows to separate democracy from other forms of
government that are not clearly not democratic.
Features of Democracy?
Features of Democracy
Major decisions by
elected leaders Free and fair electoral
One person, one vote,
One value. Rule of Law and Respect
for Rights.
Major decisions by elected leaders:‐
In Pakistan: General Pervez Musharraf led a military coup in October
1999. He overthrew a democratically elected government and
declared himself the ‘Chief Executive’ of the country.
Later he changed his designation to President and in 2002 held a
referendum in the country that granted him a five‐year extension. The
referendum was based on malpractices and fraud.
In 2002 he issued a ‘Legal Framework Order’ that amended the
constitution of Pakistan.
Free and fair electoral competitions:‐
In China: Elections are regularly held after five years of electing the
country’s Parliament, called National People’s Congress.
The National People’s Congress has the power to appoint the President
of the country.
Only those, who are members of the Chinese Communist Party or eight
smaller parties allied to it, were allowed to contest elections held in
2002‐2003. This government is always formed by the Communist Party.
One person, one vote, one value:‐
Under Universal Adult Franchise, every citizen of 18 years and above has
the right to vote.
Many instances of denial of equal right to vote in the world.
For example, (a) Saudi Arabia (b) Estonia (c) Fiji
Rule of Law and Respect for Rights:‐
In Zimbabwe: In 1980, Zimbabwe got freedom from White minority rule.
Since independence, elections have been held regularly and always won
by ZANU‐PF (Zimbabwe African National Union‐Patriotic Front).
Its leader Robert Mugabe is popular, but also uses unfair practices in
Popular government (ZANU‐PF) and popular leader (Robert Mugabe) are
examples of undemocratic government.
Why Democracy?
Arguments against democracy:‐
Leaders keep changing in a democracy which leads to instability.
It is all about political competitions and power play. There is no scope for
So many people have to be consulted in democracy that it leads to delay.
It leads to corruption for it is based on electoral competition.
Ordinary people do not know what is for them; they should not decide
Arguments for democracy:‐
A democratic government is better government because it is more
It improves the quality of decision‐making.
It provides a method to deal with differences and conflicts.
It enhances the dignity of citizens.
It is a better than other form of government because it allows the
citizens to correct it.
Broader meaning of Democracy:‐
In democratic countries all people do not rule. A minority is allowed to
take decisions on the behalf of people. People in a democracy rule
through their representative democracy.
Representative democracy is the most common form of democracy. The
country which are democracy all people do not rule.
A majority is allowed to take decisions on behalf of all the people.
Even the majority does not rule directly. The majority of people rule
through their elected representatives.
Modern democracy involves large number of people that is physically
impossible for them to sit together and take collective decisions.
Even if they could, the citizens does not have the time, the desire or the
skills to take part in all the decisions.
Question and answers:‐
Q.1.Define – Direct democracy, referendum, dictatorship, political equality.
A.1.Direct democracy – It is a form of government in which people directly
participate in the affairs of the state. An example is the cantons of
Referendum – A general vote by the electorate on a single political which
has been referred to them for a direct decision.
Dictatorship – A form of government in which a person or a group of
persons possesses absolute power without infecting constitutional
Political equality – Political equality means that each adult citizen must
have one vote and each vote must have one value.
Q.2.Which three rights should every citizen of a democratic government get?
A.2. In a democracy, citizens get three basic rights
i. Citizens should be free to express their opinion in public, to form
associations, to protest and take other political actions.
ii. They should be equal in the eyes of the law
iii. This rights must be protected by an independent judiciary whose orders
are obeyed by everyone.
Q.3. Explain any three difficulties faced by the people in a non‐democratic
A.3. Three difficulties faced by the people in a non‐democratic country are:
i) In a non‐democratic country, all the people are at the mercy of the
Dictator and military rulers. They may or may not respond to the people’s
ii) In a non‐democratic country, the people are not allowed to criticise the
government. By doing this, people may face imprisonment, harassment,
iii) In a non‐democratic country, no opposition is tolerated, so the question
of opposition party all trade union does not arise.
Q.3. Why are China, Estonia, Saudi Arabia not truly democratic countries? State
one reason for each one of them.
A.3. One major demand of democracy is ‘Universal Adult Franchise’ that is the
right to vote for every adult citizen. But in world politics, there are many
instances of denial of equal right to vote.
These are
i)In Saudi Arabia, women did not have the right to vote until 2011.
ii)Estonia made its citizenship rules in such a manner that people belonging to
Russian minority it difficult to get the right to vote.
iii)In China, before contesting the elections, the candidate needs the approval
for the Chinese Communist Party.
Although these countries declare themselves as democracies, the
fundamental principle of ‘political equality’ is denied in all the cases. Thus
these are not truly democratic countries.
Q.4. Define representative democracy. Why are modern democracies called
representative democracy?
A.4. Representative democracy is the most common form of democracy. The
country which cell democracy, all the people do not rule.
i) A majority allowed to take decisions on behalf of all the people.
ii) Even a majority does not rule directly. The majority of people rule through
their elected representatives.
iii) Modern democracy involves large number of peoples that it is physically
impossible for them to sit together and take collective decisions.
iv)Even if they could, the citizens does not have the time, the desire or the
skills to take part in all the decisions.
1) Define the term democracy?
2) When did General Parvez Musharraf become President of Pakistan?
3) What is the full form of ZANU‐PF and who was the leader?
4) “China is not a democracy.” Comment.
5) Give any three arguments in favour of democracy?
6) State any five arguments against democracy.
7) Why Pakistan under General Musharraf cannot be called a democracy?
State any three reasons.
8) What are the difficulties people faced in non democratic countries?
9) How did Robert Mugabe’s party ZANU‐PF violate the features
democratically elected government?
10)How does democracy improve the quality of decision‐making?
Note : All the above content(Topics covered, question/answers,
worksheet)should be written in social science notebook.
This chapter provides following concepts by using a story of a
hypothetical village called Palampur.
ABOUT PALAMPUR::Palampur is a small village having around 450
families . It is 3 km away from Raiganj , a bigger village . Nearest
town to the village is Shahpur.
FOUR FACTORS OF PRODUCTION: Four factors or basically the
requirements to produce goods or services.
In its simplest form, land is the physical place where any
economic activity takes place. However, land also includes all
the natural resourcesfound on it. Resources can include timber,
water, oil, livestock, and so forth.
It seems obvious, but things can’t be produced unless someone
makes them. Therefore, another important factor of
production is Labour. Labour represents all of the people that
are available to transform resources into goods or services that
can be purchased.
Capital is short for capital goods. These are manmade objects
like machinery, equipment, and chemicals that are used in
Specialised knowledge and expertise to produce a product. It is
the drive to develop an idea into a business. An entrepreneur
combines the other three factors of production to create a
product or service.
Is the main production activity in the village Palampur. Most of
the people are dependent on farming for their livelihood.
Such as dairy, small‐scale manufacturing (e.g. activities of
weavers and potters, etc.), transport, etc.are carried out on a
limited scale.
Though farm land area availability is limited, barren land can be
developed into farm land by proper irrigation and agricultural
practices after 1960.
Over the years, there have been important changes in the way
of farming, which have allowed the farmers to produce more
crops from the same amount of land.
Is a technique of growing more than one crop on a land within
a year. Yield is measured as crop produced in a single season on
a given area of land. More yield from same acre of land can be
achieved by multiple cropping.
Due to these changes (in the late1960’s) productivity of land
has increased substantially which is known as GREEN
REVOLUTION. HYV( High Yielding Varieties)of Wheat and Rice
were introduced. It also promoted the use of fertilisers,
pesticides, and improved irrigation techniques. Farmers
ofPunjab, Haryana and western Uttar Pradesh were the first to
try out the modern farming methods in India.
Many small farmers borrow money at high interest rate to
invest as capital in farming activities. They face distress due to
less yield, reduced prices of grains and increased cost of labour
and raw materials. Rich farmers have their own savings from
previous farming seasons to invest in this current season.
SALE OF FARM PRODUCTS: Farmers produce crops on their
lands by using the three factors of production,viz. Land, labour
and capital. They retain a part of produce for self consumption
and sell the surplus in the nearby market. That part of farm
produce which is sold in the market is called marketable
surplus. Small farmers have little surplus output. It is the
medium and large farmers only who have substantial surplus
produce for selling in the market.
Nonfarm economic activities provide employment to only 24
percent of Indian village population. All other 76 percent are
dependent on agriculture employment.
*Cattle and Dairy Farming
*Small scale manufacturing
*Transport services.