Bascaran, Solano, Nueva Vizcaya: S9ES - Ia-J36.6

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Department of Education


Division of Nueva 1- AUGUST 14.2019
Learners Solano, Nueva
demonstrate an Vizcaya
understanding of:
A. Content Standard LESSON PLAN
the relationship IN SCIENCE
among 10 of volcanoes, earthquake epicenters, and
the locations
mountain ranges
The Learners shall be able to:
1. demonstrate ways to ensure disaster preparedness during earthquakes,
B. Performance Standard tsunamis, and volcanic eruptions
2. suggest ways by which he/she can contribute to government efforts in
reducing damage due to earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanic eruptions
C. Learning Competencies, 6. enumerate the lines of evidence that support plate movement
Objectives, code S9ES –Ia-j36.6
Evidences of plate movements
II. CONTENT Presentation of Performance Task


A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages Science 10, Teachers’ Guide pp 42-45
2. Learner’s Materials pages Science 10, Learner’s Module pp 57-74
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials
from Learning Resource
( LR) portal
5. Other learning Resources
A. Revisiting previous lesson or
presenting new lesson
Activity 1: Tell Me!
The teacher will present set of pictures then the students will form a word from
ELICIT ( (The activities in this
the set related to the previous topic (Refer to the prepared PPT). The students
section will evoke or draw out prior
will say something/describe the word formed.
concepts or prior experiences from
Picture 1 – Earthquake
the students)
Picture 2 – primary wave
Picture 3 – Volcanic island arc
Picture 4 – Continental crust
Picture 5 - Plate boundary

B. Establishing a purpose for the

C. Presenting examples/
Activity 2: Fault Finders
incidences of the new lesson
Study the map of distribution of Active Faults and Trenches in the Philippines.
ENGAGE (The activities in this
Based from our previous discussions, describe the plate movements in our
section will stimulate their thinking
and help them access and connect
prior knowledge as a jumpstart to
the present lesson)
D. Discussing new concepts and Activity 3: The Dynamic Earth
practicing new skills Identify and explain the plate movements assigned to your group. Cite
E. Discussing new concepts and evidence/s of plate movement.
practicing new skills Group 1 – Continental Volcanic Arc
Identify the type of plate boundary:
Plate movement:
Explain the process/es in the given illustration/figure:
Cite evidence/s of plate movement or geologic event during the

Group 2 – Volcanic Island Arc

Identify the type of plate boundary:
Explore: (In this section, students Plate movement:
will be given time to think, plan, Explain the process/es in the given illustration/figure:
investigate, and organize collected Cite evidence/s of plate movement or geologic event during the
information; or the performance of process:
the planned/prepared activities Group 3 - Formation of Mountains
from the students’ manual with Identify the type of plate boundary:
data gathering with Guide Plate movement
Questions) Explain the process/es in the given illustration/figure:
5 mins Cite evidence/s of plate movement or geologic event during the
Group 4 - Seafloor Spreading
Identify the type of plate boundary:
Plate movement:
Explain the process/es in the given illustration/figure:
Cite evidence/s of plate movement or geologic event during the
Group 5 - Marikina Fault System
Identify the type of plate boundary:
Plate movement:
Explain the process/es in the given illustration/figure:
Cite evidence/s of plate movement or geologic event during the

F. Developing mastery (leads to Activity 4: Group Reporting

formative assessment) Group 1 – Continental Volcanic Arc
EXPLAIN:(In this section, students Group 2 – Volcanic Island Arc
will be involved in an analysis of Where do you think was the Philippines located during the time that the
their exploration. Their Pangaea existed?
understanding is clarified and Group 3 - Formation of Mountains
modified because of reflective What is longest mountain range in the Philippines?
activities)/Analysis of the gathered
data and results and be able to Group 4 - Seafloor Spreading
answer the Guide Questions leading Is the earth getting larger and wider when plates drift away from each
to the focus concept or topic for the other? Explain briefly.
Group 5 - Marikina Fault System
( 10 mins) What are the geological hazards related to these plate movements/tectonic
Activity 5: Watch and Learn ( Individual activity)
Guide Questions
1. What causes the earthquake in Batanes? Explain the movement of the
2. How many casualties and damages were recorded?
3. Why Batanes earthquake caused so much damage?
Now that you understand what happens inside the Earth and its effects
on the Earth’s surface, you should be able to realize that the tectonic activities
at the surface just like volcanic eruptions and earthquakes are inevitable. Since
G. Finding practical applications you can’t prevent these tectonic activities from happening, the performance
of concepts and skills in daily task that was given to you last week will enable you to contribute meaningfully
living in minimizing the damage that these phenomena can bring.
H. Making generalizations Activity 6: Presentation of Performance Task
ELABORATE:(This section will give ( Differentiated Instruction- Product)
students the opportunity to expand Possible products: flyers, slogan, short video presentation & comic strip
and solidify/concretize their
understanding of the concept
and/or apply it to a real-world
To design a scheme to inform local folks in your hometown about the
possibilities of earthquakes, tsunami, and other geologic activities in
15 mins
your area
A student seeking to help the government.
People in your locality
You are to inform local folks in your hometown about the possibilities of
earthquakes, landslide, and other geologic activities in your area. Most
especially, you must bring out in them the sense of being always ready
and prepared.
Informative materials about ways to mitigate the effects of tectonic
activities-related disasters
You will be rated according to the following criteria:
Details and Information 4 points
Method of Presentation/Dissemination 4 points
Techniques 4 points
Accuracy 4 points
Feedback/Result 4 points
TOTAL 20 points

What are the geological hazards related to plate movements/tectonic

activities? How are we going to mitigate the effects of tectonic activities-
related disasters?
I. Evaluating learning Activity 7:METACOGNITION
EVALUATE:(This section will provide
opportunities for concept check test I know that I know something about __________
items and answer key which are First, I know that _____________
aligned to the learning objectives – In addition, I know that __________________________
content and performance standards Finally, I know that ___________
and address misconceptions- if any) Now you know something that I know about _______________

J.Additional activities for the
application or remediation
Research on tectonic activities in Nueva Vizcaya. Describe and explain the plate
EXTEND: (This section gives
situation that explains the topic in a
new context, or

Prepared by :

Teacher III

Observed by:__________________





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