Bizhub C 250: Business Matters
Bizhub C 250: Business Matters
Bizhub C 250: Business Matters
bizhub C250
Business matters
bizhub C250, Office System
More for
your business
Success in business requires a competitive edge.
You have to be more efficient, more reliable,
more flexible and more productive than the rest.
Scan-to-FTP Copying
TWAIN local
network Colour
Personal Box
Fax iFax
Emperon TM also features such highlights as As opposed to desktop scanning, you can
mixplex to combine single and double-sided scan whole documents in one shot via the
pages in one job, as well as the convenience optional document feeder and eMail them or
of PC faxing with the fax option. And because send them to your PC, network server or Per-
the EmperonTM controller can process one job sonal Box. You can choose between PDF or
while the engine prints the previous one, the Compact PDF for the quick and easy mailing
bizhub C250 always delivers your print jobs at of large documents, and images can also be
maximum speed. scanned to JPEGs for your next presentation.
The large touch screen makes the bizhub C250 Up to 2,100 eMail, FTP and SMB addresses
easy to operate and it also encompasses auto- can be easily accessed from the C250’s
matic features such as paper size recognition, memory for easy use. And thanks to its LDAP
paper tray selection, colour and black-and- support, you can directly access your com-
white recognition, auto size zooming and auto pany’s eMail database. Yet another conven-
switching from an empty to a full paper tray. ience: if the same scan job is used regularly,
All you have to do is position your originals save your settings and all destinations under
and hit the start key. a one-touch button.
Many businesses still rely on faxes to distribute
documents that are only available on paper.
The bizhub C250 can be upgraded with an
innovate Super G3 fax featuring confidential Cost transparency and cost allocation are
fax transmission and receipt, polling for fax on important office communication issues and
call, digital fax receipt and image download. the bizhub C250 offers two effective cost
You can also automatically redirect faxes to control and management utilities: the compre-
where you need them or re-route faxes from hensive cost-centre management system
certain senders to a specified Personal Box. counts all the pages produced by individual
users or departments and facilitates the cost
Konica Minolta’s Personal Box extends the allocation to specified profit centres. With the
scope of the bizhub C250 beyond that PageScope Data Administrator, this system
of a multifunctional device. Up to 1,000 can be completely set-up via the network.
Personal and Public Boxes can be set up
on the standard 40 GB hard drive that resem- The User Authentication feature enables you
ble PC folders. Each box can combine copy to specify up to 1,000 users for individual
and print jobs for fast reprinting without add- access to any or all of the device’s functions
itional processing, scan files for downloading as well as to black-and-white and colour jobs.
and transmission inside or outside your com- The allocation of limited output volumes to
pany, and fax documents for archiving or individual users or groups is also possible.
rerouting. Public Boxes facilitate the sharing If you want to operate more than one bizhub
of information and provide access to frequently C250 or your staff exceeds 1,000 employees,
needed files (like forms). simply hook them up to the Windows Active
Personal Boxes require an access code that Directory server and make user access to
makes it easy to manage confidential files and all devices even more convenient by adopting
keep them secure. PC usernames and passwords.
bizhub C250, Office System
combined four-hole booklet maker duplex printing stapling top left offset sorting criss-cross sorting
mixmedia/mixplex punching (folding and stapling) (standard) corner stapling
Your optional
DF-601 OC-501 local interface
automatic document feeder original cover
JS-601 MK-706
job separator enhanced option
connection board
fax board
fax connection kit
FS-501 automatic duplex
staple finisher
VK-501 MC-501
copy vendor kit mechanical counter
punch kit
booklet finisher
All specifications relating to paper capacity refer to A4-size paper of 80 g/m2 quality.
All specifications relating to scanning, copying or printing speeds refer to A4-size paper that is scanned,
copied or printed crosswise in multipage, simplex mode.
The memory capacities listed refer to A4-size paper with the toner coverage detailed in the respective footnote.
Some of the product illustrations contain optional accessories.
Konica Minolta does not warrant that any prices or specifications mentioned will be error-free.
Specifications are subject to change without notice.
Microsoft, Windows and the Windows logo are trademarks, or registered trademarks, of Microsoft Corporation
in the United States and/or other countries.
All other brand and product names may be registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective holders and
are hereby acknowledged.
Printed in Germany on chlorine-free bleached paper.
Konica Minolta
Business Solutions Europe GmbH
Europaallee 17
30855 Langenhagen • Germany
Tel.: +49 (0) 511 74 04-0
Fax: +49 (0) 511 74 10 50