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(Biogeographica) Erik Zimen (Auth.), Dr. Erik Zimen (Eds.) - The Red Fox - Symposium On Behaviour and Ecology (1980, Springer Netherlands) PDF

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Symposium on Behaviour and Ecology




Editorial Board

L. BRUNDIN, Stockholm; H. ELLENBERG, Gottingen; J. ILLIES, Schlitz;

H. J. JUSATZ, Heidelberg; C. KOSSWIG, Istanbul; A. W. KUCHLER, Lawrence;
H. LAMPRECHT, Gottingen; A. MIYAWAKI, Yokohama; W. F. REINIG, Hardt;
S. RUFFO, Verona; H. SICK, Rio de Janeiro; H. SIOLI, Pion;
V. VARESCHI, Caracas; E. M. YATES, London


P. MULLER, Saarbriicken



Symposium on Behaviour and Ecology

edited by


Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data

Main entry under title:

The red fox
(Biogeographica; v.18)
1. Red fox- behavior. 2. Red fox- ecology. 3. Mammals- behavior. 4. Mammals- ecology.
I. Zimen, Erik, 1941- II. Series: Biogeographica (The Hague)=v.18.
QL737.C22R42 599.74'442 80-18261
ISBN 978-90-6103-219-9 ISBN 978-94-017-5592-4 (eBook)
DOI 10.1007/978-94-017-5592-4

Copyright © 1980 Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht

Originally published by Dr. W. Junk bv Publishers, The Hague in 1980
Softcover reprint of the hardcover I st edition 1980
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or
transmitted in any form or by any means, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise,
without the prior written permission of the publishers Springer-Science+Business Media, B. V.

1. Introduction. A short history of human attitudes towards the Fox

by Erik Zimen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

2. Habitat requirements of the Red Fox by H. G. Lloyd 7

3. The Red Fox- Vulpes vulpes (L., 1758)- in Europe by Michael

Stubbe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

4. Comparison of the diet of the Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes L.) in

Gelderland, Holland, Denmark and Finnish Lapland by Darrell
Sequiera . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

5. Prey consumption of a Red Fox population in southern Sweden

by Torbjorn von Schantz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53

6. The diet of the Red Fox - Questions about method by Hugo

Witt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65

7. Population ecology of the Red Fox- Vulpes vulpes (L., 1758)- in

the G.D.R. by Michael Stubbe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71

8. Ein Modell fiir die Fuchspopulationdynarnik in der Bundesre-

publik Deutschland by A. V. Braunschweig . . . . . . . . . . 97

9. Population dynamics of the Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes) in Sweden by

Jan Englund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107

10. Social factors affecting reproduction amongst Red Foxes, Vulpes

vulpes by D. W. Macdonald . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123

11. The Red Fox in a small game community of the south taiga region
in Sweden by Erik _Lindstrom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177

12. Aspects of the social structure of Red Fox populations: A

summary by Freek J. J. Niewold . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185

13. Yearly variations of recovery and dispersal rates of fox cubs

tagged in Swedish coniferous forests by Jan Englund . . . . . . 195

14. Zur Feindvermeidung freilebender Rotfiichse by Felix Labhardt 209

15. Foxes, wolves and conservation in the Abruzzo mountains by D.

W. Macdonald, L. Boitani and P. Barrasso 223

16. Epidemiology of fox rabies by A. I. Wandelar 237

17. Characteristics of the spread of a wildlife rabies epidemic in

Europe by K. Bogel and H. Moegle . . . . . . . . . . . . . 251

18. Short report on materials and methods used in a study of the

effects of rabies on the dynamics of fox populations in France,
with some preliminary results by M. Artois and L. Andral 259

19. Epizootiology and control of rabies in Central Europe by G.

Wachendorfer and J. W. Frost . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 263

20. Fox social ecology and rabies control. Editor's closing remarks by
Erik Zimen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 277


Erik Zimen*

Save for the wolf, probably no animal has stirred the fantasy of our
forefathers more than the fox. In the old Greek fables of Aesop it was the
cunning jackal who outwitted his colleagues, but in Europe, by the Middle
Ages, time and repetition had gradually transformed him into a fox. Al-
though the fox looks weak and slight contrasted with the wolf, bear and lion,
his darting intelligence and impudent daring usually get him out of all the
scrapes his insatiable appetite gets him into. Other fables tell how more
"naive" animals managed to trick him -like the famous Aesop fable, retold
by Hans Sachs, of the stork who took his revenge, after the fox offered him
soup i~, a shallow dish, by inviting the fox to partake of food in a
narrow-necked jug. Or the "Brer Rabbit" stories supposed to be told by an
old Negro slave, and dating back through the centuries. The simpleton
always prevails, and the whole fascination of these fables lies in the fox's
age-old reputation for shrewdness far in excess of his fellows.
Whatever moral the fables offered, their detailed and apt descriptions of
animal behaviour mirror our forefathers' sound basic knowledge of their
natural environment, the red fox included, a knowledge that is our common
cultural heritage. Our children think of the fox as smart, cunning and
crafty- a well-deserved reputation if we consider his enormous geographical
distribution covering almost the whole holarctic region (Fig. 1), the largest
natural distribution of all mammals, again with the exception of the wolf.
But the fox, not the wolf, has managed to survive over almost all his former
range, in spite of extermination efforts and habitat destruction. His numbers
may even have increased considerably in certain areas, and regions tem-
porarily lost seem to be resettled. Today he even lives in urban areas of
several large cities, including London.
Through the ages the adaptive .success of the fox has had a mixed
reception by man, best demonstrated perhaps in the British Isles. Some
thousand years ago it was the wolf who was valued by the nobles for his
sports utility, but detested by farmers and villagers alike for his destructive
potential to sheep and cattle. In those days wood was the main fuel in
Britain, not only for home use but for the early smelting industries, and
demand for these purposes and for shipbuilding destroyed the forests and
deprived the wolf of his last retreats during the Middle Ages. The remaining

* Lehrsti.ihl fUr Biogeographie, Universitiit des Saarlandes, D-6600 Saarbri.icken, G.F.R.

Biogeographica, Vol. 18: The Red Fox, ed. by E. Zimen 1

© 1980, Dr. W. Junk bv Publishers,


~ OJ


wolves were hunted down and killed at the end of this period, save for very
remote areas of Scotland and Ireland, whereas on the continent the wolf
managed to survive over a large part of his range up to the end of the last
The economic motives and their linked emotions in the British farmers
and villagers triumphed with the eradication of the wolf, and the nobles
turned rather reluctantly to foxhunting, considered to be only a poor
substitute for the tougher wolf-hunts. But slowly new cultural ritualizations
emerged, leading to the highly sophisticated modern foxhunt. The wolf had
left a hiatus for the farmers too, who now adopted the next smaller
carnivore- the fox- as the object of their detestation, and developed
equally sophisticated methods of persecution. The nobles bred pack-hunting
foxhounds, and the farmers bred small but tough little earthdogs (Fox
Terriers) which were trained to burrow underground and flush the fox from
its earth.·
The climate of Britain was pretty well perfect for sheep-rearing, and we
can read that "On the pleasant downs within a six-mile radius of Dorchester
more than half a million sheep were feeding" in 1700, for example, and "the
average weight of sheep ... doubled between 1710 and 1795". Britain
produced sheep with "the most valuable fleeces in the world", and peasants
grew rich by selling wool. Most sheep were let alone grassing out on the
range all year around. On the European continent, however, where the wolf
survived so much longer, sheep were usually herded and guarded by
shepherds and their dogs. Probably the fox had no opportunity to develop
techniques of predation on lambs, for which he is condemned in Britain. On
the continent the fox competed with the hunters of small game, and here
again sophisticated methods of fox control were developed, including the
breeding of the Teckel.
As so often happens, this hatred-induced cultural ritualization becomes
divorced from the ultimate cause for its appearance; efforts of farmers and
hunters to control the fox are out of all proportion to the animal's actual
destructive potential. Are our conceptions of his size at fault? A fox is a
small animal, seldom exceeding 10 kg in weight. Nor is he able to kill any
animal considerably larger than himself. A popular German children's song
is "Fox, you've stol'n the goose away ... " We kept a goose in our fox
enclosure for weeks, but the picture we wanted never materialized; in fact
the goose tyrannized over the foxes. Nevertheless, a fox in a chicken pen can
certainly be destructive. And even if the effects of fox predation on his
wild-living prey species is mainly compensatory in the sense of Errington,
the rabbit, hare or pheasant he kills is definitely not available to the hunter,
so that naturally, to any hunter who wants to maximize his bag, the fox is a
competitor for their mutual prey species.
The resulting widespread fox antipathy in small-game hunters is expressed
in the "closed seasons" hunting law/omission. Of the seven Central Euro-
pean countries from which I could get information, only two have closed
seasons for the fox. According to our data from the southwestern part of
Germany, a high proportion of female foxes are shot in spring and early

summer, when they are still lactating or at least have dependent young. In
most cases the pups were not shot together with the mother. This is certainly
not in accordance with most hunters' moral code. But such "mistakes" in
dealing with a competing predator appear in their true unsavoury character
when we consider how utterly the same hunter would be damned by his ilk if
he made the mistake of shooting a roe deer mother away from her
unweaned fawn.
Obviously our relationship to the fox is intense and multiform. Consider-
ing our cultural heritage regarding the fox, his enormous dispersion and
adaptability, his high trophic level in almost all holarctic ecosystems and his
success in spite of persecution in most man-utilized areas, it comes as a
surprise to learn how little scientific interest he has received. A thorough
taxonomic examination of the genus Vulpes is still lacking, and equally a
revision of the over 40 subspecies described for Vulpes vulpes alone. We
study some of the most exotic animal species assiduously, but our knowledge
of many basic features of the fox's spatial and social organization still seems
to be mainly circumstantial. Only recently has fox ecology and behaviour
received more attention- one exception being Tenbrock's classical study on
red fox ethology.
The motivation of this increased research, however, was often not interest
in the species itself, but its danger to human health through the spread of
vulpine rabies over central Europe and North America. This basic motive in
recent fox research seems even to have inverted many of the purist fox
ecologies. At the Saarbriicken Fox Colloquium in January 1979, at which
the following papers were presented, it was the Veterinarian amongst us
who finally cautioned that we should not look upon the fox solely in respect
to rabies control.
Whatever the individual researcher's motives, the increase in behavioural
and ecological research on the fox over the last 10 years is certainly mainly
the merit of the WHO project on wildlife rabies in Europe. But other
founders, especially in the rabies-free areas of Scandinavia, England and the
western United States, have also sponsored research, from an interest in the
effect of the fox on game, or similar reasons, or pure interest in the fox
itself. At the Institute of Biogeography at Saarbriicken, interest in the fox
was sparked by his high trophic level and the resulting accumulation in his
body of chemicals introduced into the environment by man. For our findings
to have meaning, however, we must gain a much deeper insight into the
nutrient transfer in the food chain, and this includes the fox's feeding habits.
We must also comprehend his spatial behaviour and population biology, and
these again can only be understood if we learn more aDout the basics of fox
social behaviour, as well as rabies epidemiology.
Starting a new project, therefore, we were most fortunate in having, as
well as the rabies experts, some of the world's leading experts on fox
ecology and behaviour to come to Saarbriicken for a workshop on the object
of our common interest- the red fox. Four days were of course insufficient
to cover all aspects of fox biology; some prominent researchers were
unfortunately unable to come, others had already done so much that their

reports could only highlight their findings. This book must therefore not be
considered a comprehensive summary of our present-day knowledge of the
fox; such a publication would be premature anyway, considering the many
newly-opened fundamental questions on fox biology, as well as on rabies
control methods. But, like those attending the meeting, the reader may find
this report stimulating for future research.
I do not want to close without expressing my sincere gratitude to all who
made this workshop possible, especially Prof. Paul Muller who sponsored
the meeting in his unparalleled, uncomplicated way. Financial support was
given by the University of Saarbriicken, the Umweltbundesamt in Berlin,
and environment-conscious M.Ps of a certain political Party which shall be
nameless. Finally, Mr. Henderson of Dr. Junk bv publishers proved himself
a most patient editor.

Huw Glen Lloyd*


Choosing a place to live is a feature that the more mobile animals can enjoy
compared with the more passive or accidental ways of securing suitable
habitats by sessile species.
Some mobile species may have very restricted distributions, for example
the coypu, Myocastor coypus, in the marsh-land area of ·East Anglia,
England; others, such as the red fox are widely distributed not only over a
large geographical range, but widely within that range. The habitat and
habitat requirements of the coypu can be more easily described, even if
incompletely, than for the fox because it tends to be more specialized in its
way of life. The way of life of the fox is such that it can live in a wide range
of habitats; consequently its habitat requirements would be much more
difficult to define even if habitats could be readily described, which they are
not. It cannot be shown that the fox exercises choice in selecting a place to
live, but it almost certainly does within the restrictions imposed by its social
behaviour and the suitability of areas on the margin of its present day
geographical and local range.
Habitat suitability or preference is most easily revealed by the densities of
animals found in different places. With the fox however there is one major
obstacle; it is hunted by man, probably throughout much of its range. Thus
the densities revealed for any area where such a restriction or influence on
numbers exists may only reflect the ability of the fox to withstand the effects
of man (which vary considerably in terms of effort) in that area, and not the
true suitability of the area. It may be that it reflects the suitability of the area
in terms of harbourage and not of food - though food may be an important
feature in determining reproductive performance as a response to a non-
natural depression of numbers below that which the area could support.
Since the fox is able to withstand even the best efforts of man to eliminate it
(for disease or pest control) and can well tolerate intermittent, haphazard or
regulated interference (for disease and- pest control, for sport or for its fur)
and also occurs locally where interference by man is slight or none-
consideration needs to be given to habitat requirements and suitability in a
range of circumstances but more especially in the middle range of man's
activity since this is the more common throughout the distribution of the

*Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Agricultural Science Service, Worplesdon

Laboratory, Spa Road, Llandrindod Wells, Powys, U.K.

Biogeographica, Vol. 18: The Red Fox, ed. by E. Zimen 7

© 1980, Dr. W. Junk bv Publishers, The Hague
In the absence of interference by man the bald statement that the
distribution and abundance of foxes are determined directly or indirectly by
availability of food and cover would not be challenged and it is the
ecological and behavioural adaptations of the fox to meet these require-
ments in different habitats or environmental situations that need examina-
tion. Mammals are not usually limited directly by food shortage but by
biological mechanisms which prevent increase to the point where the food
supply might be exploited to the extreme. Though the red fox has a highly
varied diet, not confined to predated species, and can survive in diverse
types of habitats, its potential for increase would probably not be limited
directly by availability of food.
It does not have a specialist niche and competes, or at least takes foods
that other more specialized feeders enjoy, such as voles (taken by hawks, owls
and small mustelids), earthworms (badgers), rabbits (buzzards, domestic and
feral cats, polecats, stoats and weasels) and carrion (corvids especially). It
competes with other species for individual food items but it does not
compete overall, nor can it logically occupy identical habitats with any other
species. However, in the evolution of the species and in its adaptation to
changing environments the fox must have competed with other species.
Zeuner (1963) and Kurten (1968) describe the occurrence of the antecedent
species of the red fox (Vulpes alopecoides) and of the corsac fox (Vulpes
praecorsac) to occur contemporeaneously in the early pleistocene in
Europe- and in the late pleistocene, the coexistence of the arctic and corsac
and red foxes. Following the last glaciations the arctic fox withdrew with the
receding ice to northern latitudes and the corsac fox to the open steppes of
Russia. The red fox expanded to occupy a wide range of habitats in the
more temperate regions. Its adaptability is such that it occurs throughout the
Holarctic region, except for Greenland, most arctic islands and the
drier zones of western North America and North Africa. Introduced suc-
cessfully to Australia in 1871 (for hunting with horse and hound) it col-
onized most of its present day range from about 1900 to 1940 and can occur
in areas enjoying no more than 8 millimetres annual rainfall. Thus its
geographical distribution includes the barren tundra up to about 75° north
(in Canada and USSR) at the one extreme, and the hot dry deserts of
Australia at the other. In the drier zones of north America and north Africa
it appears to be replaced by other foxes, but for sheer adaptability it is
without peer. The enormous geographical range of the red fox is evidence of
the adaptability of an unspecialized mammal and, because of the diversity of
habitats in which it can survive, also a token of its ability to learn whatever
food finding and gathering skills it needs wherever it occurs. Though
variable in size the fox is a comparatively small mammal which undoubtedly
confers advantages of concealment and also makes it less conspicuous as a
predator of domestic animals than if it were much larger and capable of
taking larger prey. In areas of deep winter snows it can move through deep
and soft snow by virtue of its long legs and physical endurance- yet it is light
enough to be able to walk on thinly frozen snow. It is not adapted to digging
yet it can dig dens effectively, but because of its real and proverbial

inclination to exploit it often prefers to usurp dens abandoned by other


Few areas of Europe within the geographical range of the red fox are
without foxes today, and many biologists consider that despite the current
rabies epizootic, foxes are probably more numerous now than at any time
during the last 400-500 years. Historical evidence in Britain suggests
strongly that the red fox expanded its range and became more numerous
from about 1750-1850, and circumstantial evidence suggests another expan-
sion of range and numbers from 1950 to about 1965. This implies, correctly,
that foxes were absent from parts of Britain during the past 200 years.
Indeed it is only recently (1950-1965) that they have colonized parts of
Scotland (Hewson and Kolb, 1973) and parts of some eastern counties of
England- such as Norfolk. These areas are eminently suitable habitats for
foxes and the point of interest is why they were absent from these areas at
these times.
Hewson and Kolb (1973) suggest that the expansion of range in Scotland
followed directly upon a temporary super-abundance of food which en-
hanced the survival of juveniles (and possibly adults). Dead and dying
rabbits of the myxomatosis epizootic of 1954-56 provided the fox with this
super abundance- short lived, since the supply failed within 18 months
when rabbits became scarce compared with pre-myxomatosis numbers.
There was evidence that foxes had begun to spread before myxomatosis
was introduced (a feature which might have been associated with increased
plantings of coniferous woodlands and the consequent provision of cover
and of voles during the 10-15 year post-planting period) but following the
sharp rise in numbers in 1954-55 the population declined when rabbits
became scarce. Later, in 1960, fox numbers began to increase but by this
time they had spread to many hitherto fox-free areas. The decline in rabbits
resulted in vegatative changes which, after a delay, promoted an increase in
vole numbers. Hewson and Kolbs' observations are interesting because they
might indicate that the sudden movement to new areas was precipated by a
higher number of foxes (following myxomatosis) being confronted with a
sudden and dramatic food shortage which forced them to disperse. An
ancillary factor might have been the very hard and prolonged frosts of 1963
which, as was reported in Wales, might have forced foxes off the higher land
to scavenge in the more populous lower lands. Dispersion to new areas may
occur only, or mainly, in times of adversity and not when foxes are living in
the midst of plenty. This does not explain why foxes were absent formerly
from those parts of Scotland however, nor the comparatively recent
movement of foxes into parts of Norfolk, though, there, some historical
documentation is available.
The fox was common in most parts of Norfolk in the 15th, 16th and 17th
centuries as testified by the number of foxes recorded in Churchwarden's
account of foxes killed for bounty from 1533. The numbers of foxes killed

were small by comparison with kills obtained today; moreover the bounty
was generous which suggests that foxes, though common, were not numer-
ous and it is not improbable that they were eliminated by man. Lubbock
reported in 1845, when writing his "Fauna of Norfolk" that "the fox is so
rare as to be unworthy of mention and fox hounds have recently been given
up in West Norfolk for lack of sport". However the hounds were re-
established in West Norfolk by 1880. In the 1920's the fox was relatively
common in the south western parts of the county and any fox seen east of a
north-south line through East Dereham was considered to be sufficiently
remarkable to be reported in the local press (R. P. Bagnall- Oakley, pers
comm.). The fox continued to spread eastwards, slowly in the 1930's, but
received some added impetus at the time of myxomatosis. Although still
spreading, their numbers declined sharply from about 1958 to 1962 which
coincided with many cases of secondary insecticidal poisoning (chlorinated
hydrocarbons) in foxes, resulting from feeding on birds which had eaten
dressed cereal seed, (Taylor and Blackmore, 1961; Rothschild, 1963; Black-
more, 1964). This was but a temporary set-back and foxes are now wide-
spread and numerous throughout the county.
To those concerned with fox control as an anti-rabies measure in Europe
it may seem improbable that the fox could be eliminated by traditional
control efforts, and whilst there is no direct evidence that this happened in
Norfolk, two examples are known in Wales, in North Pembrokeshire and
the Lleyn Peninsula in North Wales. These two areas were the scene of
intensive rabbit trapping from about 1910 when nearly all farms were visited
by commercial rabbit trappers every year. The fox was harmful to their
interests since, by mutilating trapped rabbits, the prices paid by dealers was
less. In consequence a determined effort to eliminate the fox all but
succeeded and foxes were very few from about 1920. A rapid recolonization
occured from 1955 to 1960, following myxomatosis and the absence of
rabbit trapping, and foxes became exceedingly numerous in both areas by
1963. This illustrates that foxes can survive in the virtual absence of the wild
rabbit, and can rapidly establish large numbers if foxes, although few, are
already in the area. A different situation occurred in the Isle of Anglesey
where as in parts of Norfolk, foxes died out some time in the early 19th
century. Here, three- probably no more -foxes were introduced in 1965 or
1966. Despite efforts to contain them foxes increased but their spread to all
parts of the island (of about 1100 sq. km) took 10 to 11 years. It seems that
rather than spread quickly to adjacent fox-free areas, dispersing juvenile
foxes in increasing fox populations move only shQrt: distances away from the
main body of the population. It required about 7 years for the population to
occupy areas 16 km distant from the points of introduction.
Extreme wintry conditions causing food shortages might promote greater
dispersal into uncolonized areas, but while food is adequate it seems that
foxes find it advantageous to stay close to their own kind even though the
then uncolonized habitat later proves to be highly suitable for them. This of
course merely illustrates the obvious that the most important requirement
within any habitat to a fox, is another fox.


A quick glance at the results of investigations on fox diet in different

regions of its geographical range will show that its range of foods is
enormously varied, which not only reflects the availability of different prey
species, for example, but also the fox's ability to secure a livelihood in
different ways in different places. Its ubiquity denies the possibility of
defining the habitats it occupies precisely since it is found in widely di-
vergent habitat types such as boreal forest, open agricultural land, mixed
woodland or, in Britain, urban areas. Clearly there are some components of
the habitats which are common to all and provide the fox with the ability to
live there- but no attempts have been made to establish this qualitatively or
quantitatively, comparing one area with another. Subjective appraisal of
habitat suitability and of potential carrying capacity does however highlight
features which are related to abundance of foxes in different areas, but true
preferences reflected by relative numbers are difficult to derive because
natural fox communities untrammeled by by man are not common and may
not cover the broad scope of habitats where foxes are to be found.
Except where fox control is very intensive, areas where foxes are few in
number probably reflect the least suitable or preferred habitats. But in the
middle range of fox numbers, say one to three foxes per sq km the picture is
clouded because man may or may not have depressed the population
significantly, and there is little opportunity to determine this. Even less is
known about habitat preferences of individual foxes. Fox diet investigations
reveal the opportunistic feeding behaviour of the fox as a species but
individual behaviour is not thus revealed. Circumstantial evidence suggests
that some foxes may show preferential or specialist feeding activity- on
litter bins; at picnic sites, sheep carrion, or cattle afterbirths for example. If,
as adults, foxes, like polecats (Apfelbach, 1973), tended to select those prey
foods - or other foods - upon which they were reared, such behaviour could
be more plausible. But there are seasonal differences in food supply and
uptake and it is commonly believed that it is the fox's ability to switch foods
that enables it to subsist over such widely divergent habitats. Nevertheless,
individual foxes may show preferences for certain food. items, or may have
developed individual methods of taking prey.
The fox's ability to take a wide range of prey and its ability to exploit
alternative foods raises questions concerned with decisions that a fox makes
when settling in an area new to it, when dispersing from its natal area and
when faced with a variety of potential prey or other foods in its range. It has
to learn or decide where to look for food, even which prey or food is the
best for it to exploit at a given time in terms of reward for effort.
Determination of the size of its home- or territory- which will provide it
with all its requirements throughout the four seasons 0f the year would be
critical to its survival. Perhaps the time of dispersal is the key in this context
since, if the final choice of area is made at the period of year when food is
least abundant, and if the fox survives that period, then things can only get
better; or, perhaps, the area selected is much larger than is really necessary

to maintain a fox. Observations on movements by radio tracking in mid-
Wales reveal, for some foxes occupying large ranges (2.5 to 15 sq km) in
upland and hill land, of fragmented and discontinuous habitats, show that
nocturnal- presumably foraging- activity is confined to parts of the· range
only, as if there were islands of potential foraging places within its entire
range. In smaller ranges, a less obvious tendency still occurs. Sometimes
foraging areas, like a string of beads, lead out from a fox's centre of activity.
The fox has a strong tendency to investigate the unfamiliar- a trait which
may be fundamental to its ability to exploit urban areas successfully- but it
must also be of value to it when foraging, since it is unlikely to encounter all
situations during its juvenile life in its family group. Connected with this
would be its ability to switch from one purposeful activity to another- say
from hunting voles to chasing a winged pheasant- and by learning, to ignore
signals that are of no value to it as food indicators, e.g. the squeaks of
shrews. Whilst the concept of optimal foraging is not entirely relevant to
fox habitat requirements it has relevance to dispersal behaviour
and movement into fox-free areas.
The fox is known to feed upon earthworms, particularly Lumbricus
terrestris, at times heavily in some situations. This does not necessarily imp1y
that Lumbricus - rich areas are per se ideal fox habitat. Indeed the intake of
large amounts of earthworms may indicate occupation of a poor habitat to
which the fox has been relegated by social pressure, for example. This and
other preferences of foxes are poorly understood, as is their uptake of
available food in any habitat. Thus its habitat requirements can only be
expressed crudely and could be mistaken when particular or circumscribed
areas are being considered. Furthermore, in examining suitability of habitats
it is implied that the habitat reflects availability of food and cover. But this
cannot always be so even in the gross definition of apparently similar
biotopes, since biological systems are in a perpetual state of imbalance. The
rabbit in Britain today can be found at low and high population densities, in
apparently similar habitats and also at the same densities in grossly different
habitats. Thus, like the rabbit, though a high density of foxes may obtain in
one kind of habitat, it does not follow that they will be as numerous
concurrently in another similar area. There must be many variable features-
in addition to the influence of man -which will render estimates of numbers
of foxes dubious if based upon habitat classification. Only an estimate of the
potential carrying capacity of any habitat can be possible.
Habitats which support small mammals, especially Microtus, are potentially
highly suitable for foxes, as are those with an abundance of hares
and rabbits. But there are many examples of habitats which support high
numbers of foxes where these species are of minor importance in the diet of
the fox. It is its ability to exploit a wide variety of foods -flesh, carrion,
human waste and fruits- that enables the fox to do well even in areas which
on cursory examination do not appear to provide it with the means to thrive.
In addition to food the fox needs cover of some sort for daytime refuge,
whether it be a pile of timber in an urban factory, a dry drainpipe running
beneath a road, a couch in a thick conifer wood or the more usual den or

earth, in rock, boulders or soil. Ample food with poor cover, or ample cover
with little food are not highly suitable habitats, but if there is an abundance
of food the fox can in many circumstances learn to adapt itself to scarcity of
cover, as is the case in urban areas in Britain. The fox is a surface dweller
which requires secure cover, usually below ground, for rearing cubs. At
other times, dens or earths may only be used when the weather is harsh or
very wet, or where surface cover is either not secure or is scarce.
Since Macdonald, (1977) revealed some of the spatial and social patterns
of foxes and showed that they do not always exist as mated pairs with their
own exclusive range or territory, but sometimes as groups with the male or
males outnumbered by vixens, ideas about home ranges or territories
shrinking or expanding with changes in population density need to be
re-examined, in addition to the examination of the social relationships of
foxes in areas where they are few. There may be a range of soCial group-
ings or spatial patterns ranging from the exclusive ranges held by a pair of
foxes (and their juvenile offspring) as observed by Sargeant, (1972) in north
America to that described by Macdonald, (1977), possibly with other ar-
rangements outside that range. Radio tracking of foxes in mid-Wales in an
area where foxes are under moderate but intermittent, density-dependent
pressure from hunters from October to May suggest, because home ranges
are far from exclusive to either sex, that the causes of fox spatial characteris-
tics are complex- and are complicated in many areas by interference by
man, before, during and after the juvenile dispersal period. Similarly,
Niewold's, (1973) observations on the foraging movements of vixens to distant
places well outside their range, highlights our lack of knowledge on
many aspects of fox behaviour in relation to habitat. Notwithstanding
that the quality of the habitat in terms of food is but poorly understood, some
relationships as shown in Figs. 1 to 5 can be broadly outlined.
Surface cover which the fox seeks for much of the year, except w~en it is
insecure in such places or where cover is sparse, is of considerable impor-
tance to the fox especially where man pursues it, (for whatever reason).
Where man tolerates the fox, it finds surface cover in unlikely places-
such as small ornamental bushes where it is hardly concealed and is
apparently unperturbed by the activities of garden attendants in the nurse-
ries of the Botanic Gardens, Edinburgh (Hugh Kolb, pers comm.).
It is not possible to assess the importance of denning places to the survival
of the fox without knowing the disturbance imposed by man's hunting
activities and the methods employed to kill foxes in different habitats.
Where the effort is considerable and sustained- as for rabies control-
inaccessible or impenetrable cover assume greater importance if traditional
methods of control only are used- such as shooting or hunting with dogs.
The fox is not prey to many species today, but it tends to shun otherwise
suitable areas where coyotes, for example, exist (Dennis Voigt, pers. comm.)
as in parts of Ontario Province, Canada. In Europe erstwhile predators are
largely absent but some predators of fox cubs may still obtain. Secure cover,
above and below ground is only of significance where man or other pre-
dators ex~rt some pressure upon the fox. Simple disturbance is of course




,-------- ....... - .. i Buds
I Domestic
1 DE~JN INC FLAc;;;; 1 dock
;,;tc. ~

Fig. 1. Physical, abiotic factors are ultimate in determining the potential for food and cover.
Climate and soil determines vegetation type, which in its tum largely determines the kind and
availability of food in any area. Similarly, soil type and topography affect the potential for
denning places. The time of breeding, though governed largely by latitude, is a response to
biotic factors.

inimical, and were it not for the presence of domestic dogs urban foxes in
Britain might be even more bold in their choice of places to lie up in
Disturbance by man is probably one of the more important influences
upon choice of denning places, but much will depend upon the kind of
disturbance and whether or not it is regular or intermittent. If foxes are
disturbed by casual hunting, secure cover or dens are not at a premium, nor
if hunting is regulated by close seasons, voluntary or otherwise, as might
occur where pelt hunting is an important incentive. Where foxes of all ages
are killed for control purposes, the necessity for cover will depend upon the
kind of control methods used, and the nature of the terrain.
The active pursuit of foxes, that is seeking them out, as with gassing or
shooting, would be less effective where secure or inaccessible cover pre-
dominate. Methods not involving pursuit- as by interception, using snares,
traps or poisoned bait -would succeed irrespective of security of den and
cover. In addition, if control incentive varies according to density of foxes
(density dependent) topography and den and cover security are important to
the survival of the fox, but if control effort is constant, and is conducted

Atnotic BIO'riC

Soil type,
vlater table,
+-- Other species
(badger, rabbit
Accessibll i ty,
Topography, - ~ S1JHFACE COVER
Sparse Plentiful

Srte l t er from

Shelter from
Hun tine:
a) Adult. (lynx,
dingo, coyote)
b) Cubs. (also mink, ./ .....
I~ow High

Natural Density Density
I dependE,nl independent
predators /
a) few or absent
b) abundant - - - - ~/

'"' "' '""" 7 "\ "'""'


~ ·~

Pursuit Cubs

Fig. 2. Denning places- whether surface cover or below-ground harbourage in soil or rock are
determined both by abiotic and biotic features of the environment. Some features, such as a
high water table, may be limiting but not necessarily exclusively for breeding places since the
fox can tailor its needs according to availability, for example by digging burrows in slight
elevations, or in man-made dykes in drained marshland- as in the Norfolk fens. Below-ground
denning places are often provided by physical features- in rocks or boulders, but though the
fox can dig its own burrows it often exploits old or extant burrows of other species- or even
man-made artifacts such as the spaces beneath barns, or garden sheds, dry drainpipes or piles of
factory rubbish.

persistantly, irrespective of the densities of foxes (density independent), den

security only then becomes important to those few foxes which survive. Full
time, paid, fox control staff (density independent control), using methods
involving interception would be a combination that foxes in many habitats
could not withstand, but this is rarely done.
Competition with other species is of two kinds- for food, with non-
canids which, with regard to prey, is probably only exceptionally of impor-
tance, but perhaps for carrion could be depriving; and for space. Coyotes
and dingoes both kill foxes and since in many circumstances foxes are
deprived of space to live by these species, or occur at lower densities, by
implication food is also denied. Still on shakey ground, intra-specific

...... • --- T,T•UT
0\ ~ FOX -----~----- HOI,lOGENillUr -.tt-n'I'AT ~
Competition with HJ,;TUlQGWIDUS
other species

a) non-canids (lynx,
'\., SIMPL;;;
~ /

buzzard, stoat etc) I Large scale Small Scale Large scale. Small scale
~ Non-specific Taiga, tundra in terms of Temperate in terms of
b) canids (coyote, \ 1 deserts. home range. £urope. home range.
jackal, dingo and \ Opportunist 'J?emp. Europe. Temp. £urope.
other foxes) ~\ 1 ~
\ .,. / /

c) own kind ~FOOD Primary consumers- /

dramatic periodic
4-10 year fluctuations.
Limiting factor :':or fox,
m<:RUI"""' MiD~ / winter food.
;:;,!;TTLJ:l1l!:NT / bummer abundance. "-
Human population low, ~
i ~// dwellings clwnped.
Restricted resource
Good resource
DISPERSAL No food buffer at Buffer, or seasonal
AND times of shortage foods more abundant
DISPl:RSAL of chief or preferred (incl. human waste)
BlliAVIOUR ~ food. I I
Population tending
'\ . OTfu:R illiPl'<&DUCTION Popula.tion period- to be steady.
'\. FOXES ically unsteady. I
I Smaller horne ranges.
SURFACE Large home ranGes. Higher popn. density.
COVER Lower popn. density. I
SOCIAL Human population high

BJ;HAVIOUR and widely dispersed.

Slow Dispersal

Other effects
Fig. 3. Deals entirely with biotic factors which influence the number of foxes found in any area where physical factors are not limiting.
competition logically exists but few observations have been made (Vincent,
1958; Macdonald, 1977) and there is much to be known about social
organisation, food utilisation and spatial organisation at different densities in
different habitats.
In general terms, mixed, heterogeneous, fragmented or discontinuous
habitats provide the fox with greater resource variety and in the long run
more steady fox populations than homogeneous habitats. Habitat variety
within a fox's range provides it with alternative foods in time of shortage
and a variety of potential denning places. Homogeneous habitats can
however support very high densities of foxes, especially in good rodent years
in the higher latitudes- or even in Britain in newly planted forestry planta-
tions, but buffer foods against hard times are not so plentiful. Food availa-
bility, in addition to social factors, stimulates dispersal and settlement in any
Observations by radio tracking of foxes in different parts of Wales show
that foxes frequent the vicinity of human habitation in rural areas more
frequently in high fox density populations than elsewhere. In Switzerland
human waste has been found in over 50% of autopsied
rural foxes, (Alexander Wandeler, pers. comm.). Thus, widely scattered
or small groups of residences seem to offer advantages to the fox providing
it is tolerated and that it does not, by its activity, attract the attention and
opprobrium of occupants.
Throughout its range the fox subsists heavily upon small rodents, though
it can do well without them if other foods are available. Table i (based upon
Golley, Ryszkowski and Sokur 1975) shows a range of availability of food
and proportions consumed by small mammals in different habitats. From
this can be estimated the relative consumption of food by rodents which to
some extent also reflects the relative abundance of small mammals in the
habitats indicated. For example, availability of food in beech forests is high
but consumption by small mammals is low, probably because other species
Table 1. Energy consumption of small mammals as the percentage of available
primary production consumed yearly in temperate ecosystems. (After Galley,
Ryszkowski and Sokur, 1975)

Available % Relative
primary Consumption consumption
production by small and relative
106 Kcal/ha/yr mammals numbers

Agricultural fields
Rye grass 41 0.5 3.3
Alfalfa 40 1.4-21.4 9-138
Grass field 41 1.3 8.6
Old field, seeds only 0.5 12 1
Desert shrubs 2.5 5.5 2.2
Forest plantation 6.7 3 3.5
Oak/pine 13 0.7 1.5
Mixed forest 2.1 4.6 1.6
Beech forest 16.2 0.6 1
Spruce grass 17.9 2.9 8.2

(possibly birds) are better adapted to feeding there. The relative consump-
tion by small mammals is low in such areas (at the relative base, 1). The
extremely high alfalfa relative consumption represents, at the upper limit, an
example of the effect of a locally high rodent population, perhaps of plague
proportions. Elsewhere the higher relative consumption and rodent abun-
dance is associated with permanent grass in fields, and with spruce wood-
lands where grass and tree seed is available, but not all species of small
rodents are equally preferred by foxes and Table 1 does not take account of
this. However, the most preferred of the small rodent species Microtus,
found throughout much of Europe, is primarily a rough grassland species. Less
preferred species, such as Apodemus, tends to occupy wooded areas and
Clethrionomys, woodland and overgrown areas. On this basis rough perma-
nent grassland offers the fox a supply of its preferred or widely dispersed
(geographically) prey food; if cover is also available in the form of wood-
land, thicket or rock, one of the best habitats for the fox would be rough
grassland with small parcels of woodland or scrub cover, amounting to a
small proportion of the total area distributed throughout. Additional prey
species (hares, rabbits, winged game and earthworms) and carrion (livestock,
livestock afterbirths), fruit bearing shrubs or trees and human waste (at
picnic sites, caravan parks, farmhouses, factory canteens etc) would enhance
the area by ensuring a wide range of foods against a shortage of some.
Where rabbits exist at high densities (up to 8-10 adult rabbits per hectare
in the winter) the fox is assured of a food supply since large fluctuations of
winter numbers of rabbits are not common. The reproductive productivity of
the rabbit at high densities requires a mortality of about 80% of juveniles
(that is, about 30 individuals per hectare- the biomass of which is not
known) to ensure a steady over-winter population- and the fox would have
its share of this.
In areas of endemic myxomatosis, (in Britain the mortality rate of
myxomatous rabbits lies in the range 70-95%, Vaughan and Vaughan,
1968), not only mortally affected rabbits but also those which would survive
the disease are vulnerable and available to predators and scavengers.
Englund (1970) has shown that fox populations in the southern parts of
Sweden where rabbits are found, are more steady in number and breeding
success than foxes in the northern, predominantly rodent areas. While the
small rodent is the staple of the fox other prey can enhance conditions for it,
but the distribution and abundance of alternative prey are localised and, as
with the rabbits, cannot be deduced by a potential suitability of the habitat
since other environmental features over-ride this.
Areas least suitable for foxes, whether harassed or not: would have some
or all of the following characteristics; flat, open country; few woodlands or
very open deciduous woodland; neat or simple field boundaries (fences or
ditches, e.g.); no scrub or uncultivable land; large fields, mainly arable and a
high water table.
Whilst habitat requirements in terms of food and cover can be defined in
broad terms and certain gross features of the environment which have some
influence on this can be identified from field experience, there will be many

Abundance of
small rodents and

other primary consumers

Some arable land

(surface cover
\\ Winter biomass
of birds not
seasonal) greatly reduced
by migra tlon

Light woodland: / \
conifer & deciduous: Livestock era:nng;
mixed age. In small cattle and sheep

Badgers, rabbJ ts
Scrub and other and-oLher burrow
non-~moded areas d1geers

Streams, lakes,
I \
Absence of laree
t-mtl ands v1i ld can ids

Intermit ten+, snow- Surface cover

falls ra+,her than
deep lonp-lyinf."
snow Human habitat:on
widely dispersed

0ornc agn cu l turE'

Denning places

Buffer foods
Fig. 4. Suggests habitat components best suited to foxes where they are not harassed by man.
Where foxes are harassed and killed food availability will be more or less important according
to the reduction of number of foxes achieved. The followng features will provide some
insurance against successful control by hunting or by gassing:- much surface cover; large areas of
dense coniferous woodland; rough terrain; inaccessible earths or dens and little snow to aid

inexplicable exceptions where the numbers of foxes are incompatible with

these observations. Difficulties arise because the fox is not a prey specific
predator and since no rule of thumb can be applied, caution is needed when
attempting to assess the probable range of fox populationn densities from
habitat classification alone. The potential suitability of an area can be
assessed with greater confidence but, as in parts of Britain in the very recent
past, highly suitable areas may have no foxes at all.
Misleading indications of fox abundance can arise from the numbers of
foxes killed by hunting, because foxes are not equally vulnerable to certain
kinds of hunting in all areas; for example, if cover is not abundant foxes may
tend to lie below ground more often than in areas where there is abundant

surface cover, yet hunting by shooting in daylight in the latter area could
produce a greater number of foxes even though they may be less abundant
than in the more open area.
Typically, dispersal of the red fox is an emigrant movement of a 6-10
month juvenile away from its family group range to an area outside it to
settle and breed at 10-12 months old. Dispersal movements are highly
variable in terms of the proportions of animals that apparently emigrate in
different areas. The distances moved, the duration of the itinerant phase
before settling, and the geographical orientation of the movements are also
variable, even between the sexes. Much remains to be revealed about the
stimulation, motivation and tactics of dispersal.
As indicated in Fig. 3 the stimulus to emigrate is probably closely or
directly affected by social behaviour but the habitat may have an effect on
whether or not a fox stays and, if it moves where it decides to settle, It is not
known if juveniles are more inclined to emigrate from habitats liable to
much change in food availability compared with more dependable habitats,
but some dispersal seems to occur in all areas studied though the propor-
tions that emigrate appear to be variable. Nor is it known whether dispers-
ing foxes seek a vacant area or, by competition, forge a place for themselves.
It can however be inferred from evidence gained by ear tagging and radio-
tracking- slender as it is- that vacant areas are sought.
If a habitat deteriorates adults also might be forced to emigrate temporar-
ily, as when harsh weather forces foxes from hill areas to lower land where
food can be secured, or permanently as when, explicably- and possibly for
reasons other than food- some foxes move away from areas where they
have been settled for a few or many months. The causation of a permanent
shift is not known. The tagging of adult foxes has revealed that most of
those recaptured, even several years later, are in much the same area as
when they were first handled, but slight shifts in range not revealed by this
method certainly occur (Sargeant, 1972). There is however insufficient
information to permit generalisations on motivation or causes of emigration
of adults. It is clear however that there is a strategic advantage for adults to
stay put, once settled, and for emigration to be confined mainly to juveniles,
but until studies on the effects of manipulation of well-studied natural
populations are made, changes within local populations that can promote or
affect dispersal will not be uncovered.
In the few cases of adult dispersal observed by radio-tracking in mid-
Wales it appears that emigration is not a response to widespread habitat
deterioration because other foxes in the same areas d() not move away, and
others- juveniles- move in. In addition, a few foxes appear to be intermit-
tently itinerant. For example, an adult male living in an area where home
ranges spanned 1.3 to 5 sq km moved frequently to other areas up to 16 km
distant, but sooner or later it would return to areas known to be familiar to
it. Often it could not be found, perhaps on some occasions because it had
moved well beyond the area which could be physically covered by the
radio-tracking team.
Usually one expects foxes to occupy ranges as pairs, whether or not their

ranges are entirely exclusive to them but, since the description of group
ranges by Macdonald, (1977) this supposition clearly cannot apply through-
out. It is possible that the groups observed by Macdonald are characteristic
of fox populations unaffected adversely by man and would occur widely but
for this. Field evidence gathered in Wales and north America, (Lloyd, 1980;
Sargeant, 1972) suggest strongly that most foxes exist as pairs, and since
most information on dispersal of juveniles relate to such populations these
circumstances only can be considered.
Because the fox is comparatively short lived in many situations and suffers
a high mortality and turnover of population, the occupancy of ranges or
territories must be in a state of flux throughout much of the year. Account
can be taken of this in seeking explanations for the different dispersal
movements observed.
Adult mortality and age structures of fox populations studied in different
areas are variable (see Table 2). In mid-Wales, in one period, adult
mortality was a mean of 57% annually, (Lloyd, 1976); here much of the
mortality- but an unknown proportion- is attributable to man and tends to be
seasonal- from November to March. If these data on mortality are used,
probabilities of change of paired territory holders from one year to another
can be represented as follows:

Annual adult mortality 57%

Probability of
both members dying= 0.57 x 0.57 = 0.325
one member of a pair dying= 0.57 x 0.43 = 0.245
both members of a pair surviving = 0.43 x 0.43 = 0.185
Between seasons (100 pairs of foxes)
32.5 pairs lose both members 65 dead
24.5 pairs lose the male 24.5 dead
24.5 pairs lose the female 24.5 dead
18.5 pairs survive 37 alive
plus 49 single survivors 49 alive
Of the 18.5 pairs that survive, 3.5 will survive as a pair to the next season.

An adult mortality of 57% represents, in a steady population, a replacement

by an equivalent number of juveniles. Thus, among foxes occupying fifty
home ranges, 28.5 juvenile males and 12.25 adult males will be competing
for the corresponding number of unattached adult and juvenile vixens, and
the proportion seeking mates, at 57% mortality, is 81.5% which represents
a considerable change of tenancy from one year to another. For purposes of
these calculations it is assumed that foxes remain paired so long as both
survive- a supposition supported by the observations of fox ranchers and
others that the wild fox is monogamous (Tembrock, 1957).
The calculation of the annual state of change is shown schematically in
Fig. 5. Since tagging studies have not revealed large shifts in range of adults
throughout their lives, the surviving member of a pair is shown to occupy its
original area, and the gaps left by the loss of a single animal or of a pair

Table 2. Age structures; percentage in year groups; selected examples

Year group 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

West Wales 43.0 23.0 13.0 11.0 2.5 4.5 0.6 1.3 0.6
Mid Wales 59.0 24.5 10.5 4.5 2.0 0.8
Mid Wales (by
tagging returns) 60.0 22.0 11.0 5.0 1.5
Isle of Skye 67.0 19.0 9.5 3.4 0.8
Ireland (Fairley,
1969, assuming
SO% mortality
annually) 50.0 25.0 13.0 6.0 3.0 1.5
Denmark (Jensen and
Nielsen, 1968) 75.0 11.0 7.0 3.0 1.0 1.5 0.8
London (Harris,
1977) 52.0 26.0 10.0 5.0 3.5 2.5 0.5 0.5
Switzerland (Wandeler
et al., 1974) 70.0 13.0 7.0 4.0------ ------6.0._---- _?
USSR (Chirkova, 1955;
by tagging) 90.Q_________ 1o.o _____ ?
France (Artois, pers.
comm.) 49.0 24.0 10.0 11.0 7.0
USA (Phillips, 1970) 72.0 ________ 28.0---------? (In area of little control)
85.0---------15.0---------? (In area of intensive control)

Animals aged by dental or skeletal examination except where indicated, and figures rounded to
nearest decimal place.
Year group 1 represents juveniles and sub-adults up to twelve months old, and the other groups

remain until the dispersal period. Minor shifts or encroachment upon parts
of vacated adjacent ranges need not concern us. On this basis dispersing
juveniles, though seeking both mates and suitable habitats in areas already
colonised by foxes, are provided with ready-made previously selected
habitats which can support foxes; thus habitat requirements are already
more or less assured where a member of a pair survives. Olfactory and other
clues probably indicate to itinerant foxes moving into a completely vacant
range that the area was occupied by foxes formerly, and that it is conse-
quently propitious.
Several features are relevant to dispersal and uptake of home ranges by
juveniles. Broadly they are related to high, and moderate to low density fox
populations where the juveniles live. The high population densities of 3.5 to
4.5 foxes/km 2 of parts of Pembrokeshire where there was little interference
by man, are nearer to a state of balance with the habitat than those of
mid-Wales where the population is subject to considerable interference. In
the latter area fox numbers are below (at 1 to 2.5 foxes/km 2 ) that which the
habitat can support. Elsewhere, to make the distinction, foxes may be at low
densities (as on the more isolated Scottish hills) and be near the carrying
capacity of the habitat, but little is known of the biology of foxes in such
areas. In high density fox populations individual or home range sizes of pairs
of foxes are small. The annual adult mortality, recruitment rate of juveniles
and distances moved during dispersal are also low compared with these
features in populations of low density: but the converse obtains with the

,....) ,...I,. ,.
~ ~
,. ,..
,.. ,. All ranges occupied by pairs

Random distribution of adult survivors

following 59% mortality.

Subsequent distribution of adults and

juveniles following immigration.

Established pairs of foxes
Adult males
<() Adult vixens

Yearling males
Yearling vixens

Fig. 5. Schematic representation of vacancies occurring in home ranges occupied by pairs of

foxes when mortality of adults is 59% annually. For ease of display the figure of 59% is used
instead of 57% as quoted in the text.

incidence of non-productive vixens and the mean number of cubs per vixen
in the population. These features are all reflected indirectly in Fig. 5. For
example, if tqe recruitment rate and adult mortality is low, say at 33%, 45%
of pairs will remain intact from one year to another, and only 55% of foxes
will be seeking mates compared with 81.5% in the mid-Wales example.
Since home range sizes are smaller in the high density groups emigrant foxes
will not need to move so far as those foxes in low density populations. It is
simply a matter of scale. In both areas the number of encounters with
prospective vacancies will be the same, per emigrant fox, since the number
of emigrant animals and of vacancies are roughly similar locally, but the
distances involved can be very different. This is oversimplification not least
because of the possibility of kinship group ranges occurring in high density
populations, but at least the idea fits most field observations where sufficient
is known of the populations being studied. For example, emigrant move-
ments in the high density populations of Pembrokeshire are a mean of 4. 7

and 1.8 km for males and females respectively, and in the lower density
populations of mid-Wales 13.7 and 2.25 km, with 11% of male foxes
moving more than 20 km compared with none in Pembrokeshire, (Lloyd,
1980). Similarly in north America, where fox population densities are
generally much lower than in Britain, emigrant movements in excess of
20 km predominate, and movements beyond 100 km are common (Storm et
al., 1976; Dennis Voigt, pers. comm.). Such dispersal movements- except in
north America- all refer to emigration from and to similar habitat or
population density areas, but high density groups living on the edge of areas
where foxes are limited in numbers by man will respond to conditions
obtaining in the areas into which the foxes move.
It is commonly expressed that foxes quickly recolonise areas where
clearance of foxes has been made, usually as an anti-rabies measure. The
observation is not in dispute but the implication that the area is free of foxes
is not qualified, nor the status of the fox population around or adjacent to
such areas. Observations on the slow rate of colonization of hitherto
fox-free areas suggest that foxes are unadventuresome in colonising new
areas and will only do so readily if foxes are, or recently have been present
in the area, which is a strong hint that social relationships can over-ride
habitat requirements in some situations.
The generalisations presented here, based on inferences made in the field,
which are part of the stock in trade of the field biologist are founded on a
limited number of particular examples which can only reveal a small part of
the complicated relationships between the fox and its environment. It is
hoped that however rashly and inadequately this has been done it may
stimulate further investigations, in particular on the experimental manipula-
tion of wild fox populations and their resources.


Apfelbach, R. 1973. Olfactory sign stimulus for prey selection in polecats. Z. Tierpsychol., 33:
Blackmore, D. K. 1964. A survey of disease in British wild foxes (Vulpes vulpes). Vet. Rec., 33:
Chirkova, A. F. 1955. Fox tagging studies. Voprosy Biologii Pushnykh Zverery, Moscow, 14:
Englund, J. 1970. Some aspects of reproduction and mortality rates in Swedish foxes. Viltrevy,
8: 1-82.
Fairley, J. S. 1969. Tagging studies of the red fox, (Vulpes vulpes) in north-east Ireland. J.
Zoo!., Lond., 159: 527-32.
Golley, F. B., Ryszkowski, L. and Sokur, J. T. 1975. The role of small mammals in temperate
forests, grasslands and cultivated fields in Small mammals, their-productivity and population
dynamics; Golley, F. B. eta!. eds. London: Cambridge University Press.
Harris, S. 1977. Distribution, habitat utilization and age structure of a suburban fox (Vulpes
vulpes) population. Mammal Rev., 7: 25-39:
Hewson, R. and Kolb, H. 1973. Changes in numbers and distribution of foxes (Vulpes vulpes)
killed in Scotland from 1948-70. J. Zoo!., Lond., 171: 285-92.
Jensen, B. and Nielsen, L. B. 1968. Age determination of the red fox (Vulpes vulpes L.) from
canine tooth sections. Dan. Rev. Game Bioi., 5: (6), 3-15.
Kurten, B. 1968. Pleistocene mammals of Europe. London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson.
Lloyd, H. G. 1976. Wildlife rabies in Europe and the British situation. Trans. Roy. Soc. Trop.
Med. Hyg., 70: 179-87. .

Lloyd, H. G. 1980. The red fox. London: Batsford.
Lubbock, Richard. (1845) Observations on the fauna of Norfolk. Norwich: Charles Muskett.
Macdonald, D. W. 1977. The behavioural ecology of the red fox in Kaplan, ed., Rabies the
facts. London: Oxford University Press.
Niewold, F. J. J. 1973. Various movements of the red fox (Vulpes vulpes) determined by
radio-tracking. Proc. 11th Congress Int. Union of Game Biologists, Stockholm.
Phillips, R. L. 1970. Age ratios of Iowa foxes. J. Wild!. Mgmt., 34: 52-6.
Sargeant, A. B. 1972. Red fox spatial characteristics in relation to waterfowl predation. J.
Wild!. Mgmt., 36: 225-36.
Storm, G. L., Andrews, R. D., Phillips, R. L., Bishop, R. A., Siniff, D. B. and Tester, J. R.
1976. Morphology, reproduction, dispersal and mortality of mid-western red fox populations.
Wild!. Monographs, (The Wildlife Society). 49: 82pp.
Taylor, J. C. and Blackmore, D. K. 1961. A short note on the heavy mortality in foxes during
the winter 1959-60. Vet. Rec., 73: 232-3.
Tembrock, G. 1957. Zur Ethologie des Rotfuches (Vulpes vulpes L.) unter besondere Beruck-
sichtigung der Fortpfianzung. Zoo!. Gart. Lpag., 23: 289-532.
Vaughan, H. E. N. and Vaughan, J. A. 1968. Some aspects of the epizootiology of myx-
omatosis. Symp. zoo!. Soc. Lond., 24: 298-309.
Rothschild, M. 1963. A rise in the flea index of the hare, with relevant notes on the fox and
woodpigeon, at Ashton, Peterboroguh. Proc. zoo!. Soc. Lond., 140: 341-6.
Vincent, R. E. 1958. Observations of red fox behaviour. Ecology, 39: 755-7.
Wandeler, A., Muller, J., Wachendorfer, G., Schale, W., Forster, U. and Steck, F. 1974. Rabies
in wild animals in Central Europe. Zbl. Veter. Med., B. 21: 765-73.
Zeuner, F. E. 1963. A history of the domesticated animals. London: Hutchinson.

3 THE RED FOX- Vulpes vulpes (L., 1758)-
Michael Stubbe*


Relative to the total size of the individual countries, not including the
European part of the Soviet Union, the red fox populates a territory of
about 4,738,000 km2 • It is not present in Iceland, Crete and on the Balearic
Islands. Its ecological prevalence is impressive. In the European highlands
the red fox can be found as high as 2,500 m, in the summer months up to
Despite very severe persecution, the existence of the red fox is not
endangered in any European country. This has to be stressed particularly
since the fox, like other beasts of prey, is deeply embedded in myth, legend
and fable. Time and again this gives rise to emotional arguments for various,
often irrational; reasons when necessary reductions have to be implemented.
The fact that hundreds of thousands of red foxes are shot in Europe every
year is often ignored.
Nevertheless, in an era of profound ecological transformation, it seems
more imperative than ever to ·have an exact survey of the areas of each
individual animal species, to assess their population density and to work "out
stock prognoses. This should not be the privilege or task of one country but
calls for systematic coordinated international cooperation.
By calculating the relative fox density, the hunting indicator of population
density (HIPD, according to Bogel et al., 1974), i.e. the number of animals
shot annually per 100 ha ( = 1 km2 ) hunting-ground, important comparative
data may be obtained for the assessment of rabies incidence as well as of the
economic and ecological role of the red fox. Moreover, international compari-
son helps determine the sites to which reduction efforts should be directed
and also the actual stock in a given country.
Since in the epidemiology of rabies the fox plays an important role
(though this is not its only one!) it is suggested that standardized statistics
are established of the annual shootings, captures and other losses in all
countries. By bringing the shooting numbers into relation with the known
reproduction rates of red foxes the annual average spring stock may be
Thanks to cont~ibutions from a number of foreign colleagues it was
possible to record the annual fox bag for 60% of the European distribution
area, though not including the European Soviet Union. By means of

* Wissenschaftsbereich
Zoologie der Sektion Biowissenschaften, Martin-Luther-Universitiit,
Halle-Wittenberg, DDR (WB-Leiter: Prof. Dr. sc. J. Schuh), DDR-402 Halle, Domplatz 4.

Biogeographica, Vol. 18: The Red Fox, ed. by E. Zimen 27

© 1980, Dr. W. Junk bv Publishers, The Hague
proportional conversion further data on the mean annual spring stock in
Europe from 1971 to 1975 could be obtained for the remaining 40 per cent.
We are especially indebted to Dr. Z. Pielowski (Cempin), Dr. P. Suminski
(Warsaw), Dr. N. Erdei (H6dmezovasarhely), Dr. K. Tschiderer
(Schwechat), M. F. Broggi (Vaduz), Dr. H. Sagesser (Bern), to the centre of
the Austrian Hunting Societies (Vienna), to the Eidgenossisches Oberforst-
inspektorat (Bern), Dr. S. Myrberget (Trondheim), Dr. B. Jensen (Kalo),
Prof. Dr. L. Bencze (Sopron), 0. Aukrust (Oslo), Dr. P. Dragoev (Sofia),
Prof. Dr. E. Schafer (Gohr) Dr. J. van Haaften (Arnhem), H. G. Lloyd
(Llandrindod Wells), Prof. Dr. K. Borg (Stockholm), T. Marner (Stock-
holm), Dr. P. Hell (Zvolen), Dr. J. Kucera (Prague), Dr. Combe (Paris), Dr.
G. Heidemann (Munich), Prof. Dr. T. Lampio (Helsinki), Dr. M. Delibes
(Sevilla), to the Deutscher Jagdverband (Bonn), to the Direktion des Eaux
et Forests (Luxemburg).



An attempt to assess the annual fox bags of all European countries revealed
that statistic records are well organized and carried on continuously over a
longer period of time only in slightly more than 50% of the relevant
countries (cf. Tables 1 and 2). In several countries (among them Spain, Italy,
Ireland and Great Britain) the recording of the annual fox shootings has
been completely neglected so far, which is partially attributed to the
complicated hunting-licence systems. It is, however, imperative also under
these conditions to compile hunting statistics for predators. From other
countries no data could be obtained in spite of intensive effort. Thus the
existence of statistics may be assumed also for Romania and Albania.
Within the group of countries with good hunting statistics different key-days
are used. Taking into account the annual population dynamics, the most
efficient method from the biological point of view would be to follow the
annual population cycle or else the hunting year (from April 1 to March 31
of the following year). Since, however, in most countries records are kept
according to the calendar year (January 1 to December 31) the tables show
the calendar years, while for countries with hunting year statistics the fox
bags are summarized under the year first mentioned (e.g. 197 5/7 6 under 197 5).
When mean values of many years are calculated this mistake is not of very
great relevance.
The fox statistics (Tables 1 and 2) show minimum numbers, i.e. they do
not include found carcases, traffic accident losses and the non-recordable
victims of gas campaigns. Another, quite considerable proportion disappears
in the "private sphere", thus defying calculation in some countries. It
seems most likely that the non-recorded losses amount to 50 per cent of the
total bag. Thus e.g. Pielowski (in lit.) estimates the fox bag in Poland to be
twice to three times as high as the official data. Since our analysis comprises
the official data the final result represents a minimum stock and the
minimum annual losses, respectively. We succeeded in recording the hunting

Table 1. Fox bags in some European countries between 1961 and 1970.

Country 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970
Bulgaria 59,028 61,690 42,279 39,128 30,343 28,205 42,915 46,006 50,468 60,888
FRG (apart from (129,079) (116,017) (125,896) (130,590) (104,322) (99,393) (96,355) (91,584) 114,398 113,015
Denmark 52,000 54,700 58,000 59,300 56,500 56,000 55,000 62,000 59,000 54,000
GDR 42,070 48,375 45,041 49,412 53,193 65,210 84,112 70,758 57,149 57,890
Finland ? ? ? 25,000 20,000 22,000 20,000 18,000 22,000 22,000
France ? ? ? ? ? ? 95,300 102,608 110,895 110,064
Liechtenstein 88 100 111 124 115 132 182 147 82 97
Luxemburg 2,529 2,341 2,450 2,671 1,965 2,976 2,572 1,148 734 957
Norway ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Austria 42,068 40,378 39,670 43,635 39,940 42,064 42,398 40,030 37,026 37,197
Poland 19,639 24,916 22,499 27,234 18,179 24,160 24,614 23,789 21,235 25,438
Sweden 73,500 75,000 76,790 71,727 71,130 79,411 75,926 71,634 67,749 76,744
Switzerland 19,628 17,207 19,616 22,087 22,433 25,615 23,310 28,697 23,244 19,650
Czechoslovakia ? ? ? ? ? 41,419 40,385 28,732 30,259 30,684
Hungary 28,238 24,827 30,625 29,143 ? ? ? ? 31,393 28,356


Table 2. Fox bags in some European countries between 1971 and 1975 and relations to hunting areas.
Percentage of Percentage
Total agricultural of forest Killed foxes
0 size Hunting area area from area from perkm2
Country 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1971-1975 inkm2 inkm2 total area total area hunting area

Bulgaria 72,744 76,796 82,053 90,518 82,473 80,917 110,910 97,610 53.9 34.1 0.83
FRG 121,803 117,597 129,278 177,248 219,550 153,275 247,140 205,890 54.3 30.0 0.74
Denmark 56,000 53,000 50,000 48,000 53,000 52,000 43,070 34,580 69.3 11.0 1.50
GDR 57,630 57,223 50,580 54,255 61,607 56,259 108,330 92,370 58.0 27.2 0.61
Finland 17,000 18,000 17,000 15,000 20,000 17,400 337,010 214,630 8.2 55.5 0.08
France 109,322 114,263 109,964 102,528 106,739 108,563 547,030 470,490 59.3 26.7 0.23
Liechtenstein 93 37 28 38 102 60 158 (125) (52.0) (27.0) (0.48)
Luxemburg 1,013 1,284 1,633 1,732 1,897 1,512 2,590 2,180 51.0 33.2 0.69
Norway 44,000 48,000 52,000 67,000 38,000 49,800 324,220 92,340 2.8 25.7 0.54
Austria 37,338 39,671 36,279 37,149 41,870 38,461 83,850 70,430 45.2 38.8 0.55
Poland 31,948 30,551 29,871 31,725 33,672 31,553 312,680 278,320 61.8 27.2 0.11
Sweden 71,976 68,657 74,777 75,569 68,988 71,993 449,960 264,310 8.3 50.5 0.27
Switzerland 17,168 20,041 18,004 19,443 24,973 19,926 41,290 30,690 48.8 25.5 0.65
Czechoslovakia 32,060 30,533 30,243 32,743 38,473 32,810 127,880 115,260 55.2 35.0 0.28
Hungary 31,459 29,015 26,253 24,017 25,434 27,236 93,030 83,250 73.5 16.0 0.34

total 702,454 704,668 707,963 776,965 816,778 741,765 2,829,148 2,052,425 - 0.36
bag from 1971 to 1975 for 15 European countries, comprising 60 per cent
of the distribution area of the fox in Europe (without the Soviet Union)
(Table 2). According to these findings, a five-year annual average of
741,765 foxes were killed. Starting with 702,454 specimens in 1971, there
was a continuous increase up to 816,778 foxes in 1975.
A proportional conversion to the remaining 40 per cent of the fox area
leads to the conclusion that theoretically there had been an annual fox bag
of 500,772 foxes within the same period of time. Thus, an annual minimum
loss of about 1,242,500 foxes is obtained for the evaluated European area
for the years 1971 to 1975.
According to the summarizing data and findings obtained by Wandeler
(1968), Lloyd (1968), Fairley (1970), Englund (1970), Lloyd et al. (1976) as
well as by Stubbe (1973, 1977) an average reproduction rate of 4.7 to 4.8
surviving (bred) young animals may be assumed per litter. Minor series of
investigations from Czechoslovakia (Sovis, 1967) and from Poland
(Pielowski, 1976) yield values between 5.5 and 6.3. Large-scale tests cover-
ing several climatically differing years are likely to reveal relatively high
litters of an average of nearly 4. 7, too.
Dividing the average annual shooting rate of 1,242,500 foxes by 4.7 we
obtain a mean annual number of fox litters for Europe amounting to
264,362. Large-scale tests showed a predominance of males in the fox
populations (d. Lit). Moreover, a certain percentage of female animals do
not 'reproduce. Lloyd et al. (1976) mention a figure of 10 to 12 per cent,
which is sometimes assumed to be even higher. Considering these two
phenomena, one may say that the share of old foxes per litter is 2.4 to 2.5.
The optimum conclusion from the above mentioned considerations for the
minimum stock would thus be 2.5 old foxes per litter. When this figure is
multiplied by the mean number of litters an annual basic or spring stock, on
April1, of about 660,900 foxes is obtained for Europe (average of the years
1971 to 1975).
Taking into account the theoretical character of this calculation these
figures represent minimum values, which, however, do provide a real
background for the stock assessment.
Red fox shooting numbers known from traditional fur countries, such as
the Soviet Union, Mongolia and from North America show that the fox has
retained its considerable economic importance. In the Soviet Union an
annual average of 487,300 red foxes were flayed (skinned) from 1924 to
1958 (Heptner et al., 1967). As in the Asian part of the Soviet Union there
also still exist in central Asia many natural enemies which have a controlling
effect on the population density. In the Mongolian People's Republic an
average of 30,000 to 40,000 foxes are killed (Stubbe, 1975).
Data concerning the relative population density of the fox in the
evaluated European countries can be seen in Table 2. It is very difficult to
assess the data since the statistics in the individual countries are unlikely to
share the same objective value, and it is unknown what percentage of the
population losses is actually recorded. Some informations point to consider-
able differences.

With regard to fox density (~ of the years 1971 to 7 5) one can roughly
distinguish between three categories of countries:
(1) Countries with a low relative fox density (HIPD = 0.08 to 0.40 killed
foxes/100 ha hunting district): Finland, France, Poland, Sweden,
Czechoslovakia, Hungary.
(2) Countries with an average fox density (HIPD 0.41 to 0.80 killed
foxes/100 ha hunting district): GDR, Norway, Switzerland, Liechten-
stein, Luxemburg, FRG.
(3) Countries with a relatively high fox density (HIPD >0.81 killed
foxes/100 ha hunting district): Denmark, Bulgaria.
All density data refer to hunting areas consisting mainly of agricultural and
forest land (d. Tables 2 and 3). International statistics include the category
"other areas". In spite of intensive efforts it was impossible to find out in
what way these other areas are further subdivided. Among others they
include traffic roads, inland waters, residential areas including industrial
premises, glacial and debris areas as well as waste land etc. However, as far
as the fox is concerned, certain waste land areas have to be included in the
hunting district, which would mean a slight decrease in the density values
given for some countries, especially Sweden (Norway).
In the future further material should be provided in order to conscienti-
ously investigate the reasons for the remarkable differences in population
density, since this could possibly lead to important conclusions for
epidemiologists and hunters. The whole set of problems contains many
unsolved and important questions such as: What kind of hunting methods
predominate in the individual countries?- What is the role of natural
enemies?- Is the number of hunters of any influence?- What degrees of
preference are there in the occupation of different biotopes, including space
structure and levels? -What is the influence of prey supply on fox density?-
In what way do fox populations in non-hunting areas adjust?
At first sight the share of agricultural and forest areas in the hunting
district do not reveal any clear tendency for the differences in fox population
density (Table 2). In order to elucidate these relations a great number of
factors have to be analysed.
We suggest an international programme for the investigation of the red
fox, the objective of which would be to provide clearly defined basic data
over a period of five to ten years using the same methods. This project
should evaluate and use the experience gathered from the analysis of
wild-animal rabies in Europe carried out by WHO and FAO in some West
European countries with a view to achieving a coordinated fox research
s~heme throughout Europe.


Based upon the shooting record and the established rates of reproduction of
the red fox in some European countries a mean spring stock of at least
660,900 foxes in the total area (excluding the USSR) can be calculated.

Table 3. Areas and main forms of land usage or cultures in European countries, including the
USSR (according to Yearbook of the GDR).

Area (in 1,000 hectars)

Agricultural area
Arable Meadows Forest Other
Country Year Total Total land' +pastures area areas

Albania 1974 2,875 1,240 640 600 1,200 435

Belgium 1973 3,051 1,568 835 733 601 882
Bulgaria 1973 11,091 5,982 4,502 1,480 3,779 1,330
FRG 1973 24,714 13,425 8,078 5,347 7,164 4,125
Denmark (apart from
Faro Islands) 1973 4,307 2,986 2,668 318 472 849
GDR 1973 10,833 6,287 4,858 1,429 2,950 1,596
Finland 1973 33,701 2,766 2,7143 52 18,697 12,238
France 1974 54,703 32,441 18,844 13,597 14,608 7,654
Greece 1974 13,194 9,155 3,905 5,250 2,615 1,424
Great Britain and
Northern Ireland 1973 24,404 18,683 7,164 11,519 1,984 3,737
Ireland 1973 7,028 4,841 1,179 3,662 216 1,971
Iceland 1973 10,300 2,280 1 2,279 120 7,900
Italy 1973 30,123 17,484 12,235 5,249 6,226 6,413
Yugoslavia 1973 25,580 14,431 8,087 6,3442 8,858 2,291
Liechtenstein 1973 16 ? ? ? ? ?
Luxemburg 1974 259 132 62 70 86 41
Netherlands 1973 3,685 2,101 834 1,267 303 1,281
Norway 1973 32,422 904 790 114 8,330 23,188
Austria 1973 8,385 3,793 1,612 2,181 3,250 1,342
Poland 1973 31,268 19,326 15,107 4,219 8,506 3,395
Portugal 1969 8,769 4,900 4,370 530 3,109 760
Romania 1973 23,750 14,904 10,426 4,478 6,309 2,537
Sweden 1973 44,996 3,718 3,018 700 22,713 18,565
Switzerland 1973 4,129 2,017 384 1,633 1,052 1,060
Spain 1973 50,475 ? ? ? ? ?
Czechoslovakia 1973 12,788 7,060 5,311 1,749 4,466 1,262
USSR 1973 2,240,220 550,085 230,684 319,401 ? ?
Hungary 1973 9,303 6,835 5,555 1,280 1,490 978

1 According to the international nomenclature, this column comprises, together with arable

land: garden land, fruit-cultures, land planted with vines, osier land, rubber plantations,
temporary fallow land and temporary meadows (rotation utilization).
2 1971.
3 Only agricultural enterprises.

In spite of severe persecution and reduction measures the existence of the

red fox in any European country is not endangered. A minimum of
1,242,500 foxes were killed every year in the above mentioned area.
By assessing the relative population density- the hunting indicator of
population density- important comparative data may be obtained for the
examined countries, the values being between 0.08 and 1.50 killed foxes
annually per 100 ha hunting district.
Since the red fox plays an important role in the epidemiology of rabies it
is suggested that standardized records are kept of the annual fox bag and
other losses in all countries. A proposal is made for setting up an interna-
tional programme for the investigation of the red fox.


Bogel, K., et al. 1974. Recovery of Reduced Fox Populations in Rabies Control. Zbl. Vet. Med.
B 21: 401-412.
Englund, J. 1970. Some aspects of reproduction and mortality rates in Swedish Foxes (Vulpes
vulpes) 1961-1963 and 1966-1969. Viltrevy 8: 1-82.
Fairley, J. S. 1970. The food, reproduction, form, growth and development of the fox Vulpes
vulpes (L.) in Northeast Ireland. Proc. Royal Irish Acad. 69 (B, No. 5}: 103-137.
Heptner, V. G. and Naumov, N. P. 1967. Die Saugetiere der Sowjetunion. Moskau, Bd. II.
Lloyd, H. G. 1968. The control of foxes (Vulpes vulpes L.). Ann. appl. Bioi. 61: 334-345.
Lloyd, H. G., Jensen, B., Van Haaften, J. L., Niewold, F. J., Wandeler, A., Bogel, K. and
Arata, A. A. 1976. Annual Turnover of Fox Populations in Europe. Zbl. Vet. Med. B. 23:
Pielowski, Z. 1976. The Role of Foxes in the Reduction of the European Hare Population.
Ecology and Management of European Hare Populations (Proc. int. symp. in Poznan on Dec.
23-24, 1974), Warszawa, 135-148.
Sovis, B. A. 1967. A contribution to the food ecology and population dynamics of the common
fox with regard to its economic importance. Acta Zootechn. Univ. Agric. Nitra 15: 159-171.
Stubbe, M. 1973. Der Fuchs (Vulpes vulpes L.). In Stubbe, H.: Buch der Hege. Berlin, Bd. 1:
Stubbe, M. 1975. Die Jagd in der Mongolischen Volksrepublik. Jagdinformationen 4 (2):
Stubbe, M. and Stubbe, W. 1977. Zur Populationsbiologie des Rotfuchses Vulpes vulpes (L.)
III. HercyniaN. F. 14: 160-177.
Wandeler, A. 1968. Einige Daten iiber den bernischen Fuchsbestand. Revue Suisse Zoo!. 75:

FOX (Vulpes vulpes L., 1758)
Darrell M. Sequeira*


During this century the ecology of the red fox ( Vulpes vulpes, L.) has been
studied throughout its biogeographic (Holarctic, Oriental, Australasian,
Northern Neotropical and African) range. In recent decades interest in the
European red fox has increased because of its occurrence in practically all
biotopes and due to its role as a predator and scavenger, its importance in
the transmission of rabies, and to the economy of farmers and hunters.
In order to determine the extent of our knowledge about the food ecology
of the European red fox and the methods used to investigate its diet, I first
present a review of the literature.
The food ecology of the red fox in Europe has been studied extensively
(Table 1) by various methods. Most of the workers have attempted to answer
the question: What do foxes eat and in what relative quantities? They have
usually analysed stomach contents, but also: faecal samples, stomach and
intestine contents, stomach contents and faecal samples, and remains outside
fox earths.
But only food remains which resist digestion will occur in the faecal
samples and this bias must be acknowledged when considering the results, as
only the principle foods will be indicated in faecal analysis.
The possibility of using faecal analysis as a method for estimating the
quantities of prey consumed has been evaluated by Scott (1941) and Lockie
(1959). On the basis of results obtained from experiments with captive foxes
Scott (op. cit.) suggested that the frequency of occurrence multiplied by a
conversion number is a reliable method for calculating the numbers and
weigjlts of prey animals eaten. But Lockie (1959) concluded that measure-
ment of frequency of occurrence was frought with serious bias as it de-
pended on the amount of food eaten and the order in which it is eaten. He
recommended the use of dry undigested matter in the faeces for estimating
bulk, the relative proportion, and daily consumption in weight of different
prey eaten.
Based on the analysis of faeces, Lockie (1964), Ryszkowski eta!. (1971)
and Goszczynski (1974) have obtained information about the numbers and
weights of prey eaten in addition to general information about the diet of

*Wildlife Research Unit. Department of Argiculture & Forest Zoology, University of Helsinki.
Viikki, 00710 Helsinki 7, Finland.

Biogeographica, Vol. 18: The Red Fox, ed. by E. Zimen 35

© 1980, Dr. W. Junk bv Publishers, The Hague
Table 1. Studies on the food ecology of the red fox in Europe (with the exception of Estonia,
excluding U.S.S.R.).*

No. of No. of
stomachs intestines No. of
with with faecal
contents contents samples
Country and references analysed analysed analysed Other information

Norway Lund, 1962 484 984 Snow tracking (27 4 km)

remains at 18 earths
and captive foxes
Sweden Englund, 1965a 1,166
Englund, 1965b 120
Englund, 1969 243
Palm, 1970 Snow tracking (162 km)
Finland ~ampio, 1953 325
Osterholm, 1964 Captive foxes
Estonia USSR Naaber, 1967 229 42 remains
Poland Rzebik-Kowalska, 1972 496
Ryszkowski et al., 1971 523
Goszszynski, 197 4 ca. 1,000
Mateljka, Roben and
Schroder, 1977 3-29
Denmark Bistrup, 1890 40
Jensen and Sequeira, 1978 285 Remains at 27 5 earths
West Germany Behrendt, 1955 128 Remains at 4 earths,
captive foxes
Lessmann, 1971 235
Witt, 1976 131 131
Frisch and Frisch, 1971 Captive foxes
Klenk, 1971 Captive foxes
von Lutz, 1978 806
France Brosset, 197 5 450
Switzerland Wandeler and Horning, 1972 623
Fuchs, 1972 3,021 bones
Czechoslowakia Sovis, 1967 86 Remains at 11 earths
Rumania Hellwing, 1960 8
Bulgaria Atanassov, 1958 192 142
Peshev; 1965 262
Italy Leinati et al., 1960 5,280
Spain Amores, 1975 121 121
Portugal Magalhaes, 1974 157
Holland Sequeira, 1978 153 141 28 Captive foxes and
age determination
United Kingdom Southern and Watson, 1941 40 18
Lever, 1959 420 123
England MacDonald, 1977a 2,872 Captive foxes
MacDonald, 1977b Captive foxes
Scotland Lockie, 1956 14 98
Lockie, 1964 178
Douglas, 1965 14
Hewson et al., 197 5 523
Watson, 1976 219
Richards, 1977 186 64 feeding remains
Ireland Fairley, 1970 503 Remains at 23 earths,
captive foxes
Forbes and Lance, 1976 53

Total 6,089 393 14,198

*After Jensen and Sequiera 1978.

foxes. Ryszkowski et al. (op. cit.) attempted to relate the prey consumed by
foxes to the availability of prey by quantitive analysis of faeces and estima-
tion of the population density of prey in the study area.
Quantification of the diet was also attempted from the results of stomach
analysis by Lampio (1953) and Behrendt (1955), who both considered it
reasonable to quantify the diet from its occurrence in the contents of
stomachs and more recently from gut contents (Amores, 1975). Englund
(1965a) had previously concluded that this was not possible.
The investigations (Table 1) cover the analysis of the contents of about
6,000 stomachs and more than 14,000 faecal samples. Although different
biotopes are represented and comparison between studies is difficult because
different methods of presenting the results were used, general features of the
foxes' diet emerge.

What do foxes eat?

The principal food, according to frequency, are rodents, rabbits, hares,

birds, carcasses, offal, carrion and domestic livestock. During certain seasons
invertebrates and fruit are a principal food.
The most important rodent genus was Microtus. In areas where rabbits
and hares were present, rabbits were usually more numerous and were eaten
in larger numbers (Englund 1965a). Galliformes were the most important
birds eaten. Most of these were domestic poultry waste. Pigs offal is another
agricultural byproduct which was eaten. A significant portion of the flesh
eaten was derived from carcasses and carrion. During winter there was a
tendency to eat more wild ungulates such as roe deer (Capreolus capreolus),
red deer (Cervus elaphus), moose (Alces alces), and fallow deer (Dama
dama). Other domestic livestock eaten were sheep, lambs and cattle.
Items of secondary importance in the diet were: Insectivora, such as
shrews and hedgehogs; invertebrates, mostly insects, particularly beetles, but
also earthworms, slugs and snails; berries, fruits and seeds, particularly
bilberries, apples and pears.
Insectivorous mammals were not common although they occur in most
biotopes in Western Europe. Insects were eaten in summer and berries,
fruits and seeds towards the end of summer and in autumn. The incidence of
insects has been mentioned in most studies but its importance has not been
In addition frogs, lizards, snakes, fish, squirrels, muskrats, weasels, cats,
badgers and garbage have been reported in the diet occasionally.

How do foxes respond to a changing availability of prey, to the availability

of prey in different habitats and to a virtual disappearance of a principal

Faecal analysis has been used to investigate the diet of fox populations in
relation to a changing availability of prey (Lockie, 1964, Hewson et al.,
1975, Richards, 1977, Forbes and Lance, 1976, Brasset, 1975, Behrendt,

1955, Ryszkowski et al., 1971, Goszczynski, 1974); or for comparing the
foxes diet in different habitats: (Hewson et al. (1975) between Scottish
forests and open hills and between forests in West Scotland (Argyll) and
North East Scotland (Kincardineshire), Southern and Watson (1941) between
hill districts in Wales and Mid-England plains, Lever (1959} between
lowlands and hills in England, MacDonald (1977a) between home ranges in
Oxford, Fairley (1970) between Northern Ireland and Britain, Leinati et al.
(1960) at different altitudes, Peshev (1965) between foothills, mountainous
regions and flat country, Ryszkowski et al. (1971) between forests and
cultivated fields, Rzebik-Kowalska (1972) between south and north Poland.
A consensus of opinion is that the food remains recovered in the faeces
reflect the availability of prey according to the season of the year and the
habitat where the foxes feed.
A catastrophic reduction in the population of rabbits in some areas of
Western Europe due to myxomatosis provided an opportunity to test the
response of foxes to the virtual disappearance of a principal prey. The
expected change in diet was investigated by Lockie (1956) and Ingleby
(1956) in Scotland; Cobnut (1955) and Lever (1959) in England; and
Englund (1965b) in Gotland, Sweden.
The decline of the rabbit population was advantageous to farmers (In-
gleby 1956) and resulted in an increase in the population of voles and hares
(Lockie 1956), which provided an alternative food supply for foxes in
Scotland. The shortage of rabbits was compensated with an increased
consumption of the short-tailed vole (Microtus agrestis) and the brown rat
(Rattus norvegicus) in England (Lever 1959), and by hare, mice and pheas-
ants in Gotland (Englund 1965b). Englund (op. cit.) reported that there was
no evidence of food shortages but Lockie (1956) claimed that there was a
reduction in the number of predators.
In spite of the reduction in the availability of rabbits foxes still continued to
hunt them; Englund (1965b) found that the rabbit population had decreased to
-{oth of its original size but the occurrence of rabbits in the stomachs
decreased by 50%. This suggests active prey selection. No increase in the
depredation by foxes on livestock and game was found by Lockie (1956) and
Ingleby (1956) but hares and pheasants were hunted in Gotland (Englund,

How does the diet differ between age classes and sexes?

In order to answer this question it is clearly necessary to determine the ages

and sexes of foxes so that they may be classified into different age groups for
purposes of comparison. Morris (1972) has reviewed mammalian age deter-
mination methods.
Previous work on age determination of foxes according to eye lens
weights has been done by Lord (1961), Friend and Linhart (1964), van
Haaften (1970), Bromel and Zettl (1974). Jensen and Nielson (1968) and
Grue and Jensen (1973) have determined age from annular cementum of

canine tooth sections, Harris (1978) has used the first premolar, and van
Haaften (op. cit.), Liips et al. (1972) and Bramel and Zettl (1974) have
determined age from dental development. Wandelar (1976) has used both
methods. Geiger et al. (1977) has compared the three methods and Harris
(1978) has evaluated the efficiency of age determination methods of the red
Special studies of the diet of cubs were made by Douglas (1965), Lever
(1959), Fairley (1970), Behrendt (1955), Englund (1969). Behrendt (op. cit.)
concluded that the growth of captive cubs depends on the nutritive value,
quantity and choice of nourishment. There were slight differences in the
diets of cubs, juveniles and adults, according to Englund (1965a). None of
the workers considered the nutritional and energetic value of the food eaten.
Lampio (1953) suggested that there was a difference in the weight and
identity of the food eaten by males and females. Subsequent studies by Lund
(1962), Englund (1965a), Fairley (1970) and Rzebik-Kowalska (1972) con-
cluded that this was not so. The method of obtaining the foxes did not have
any effect on the weight and prey contents of stomachs (Englund, 1965a).

What kind of endoparasites occur in the foxes' gut?

Some workers complimented stomach analysis with records of the incidence

of gut parasites (Douglas, 1965, Magalhaus, 1974, Brosset, 1975, Behrendt,
1955, Wandeler and Horning, 1972). In addition special studies of gut
parasites have been made by Hereford-Jones (1961), Thompson (1976) in
Britain; Ross and Fairley (1969) in Northern Ireland; Lamina and Main
(1964) in West Germany, Lozanic (1967) in Yugoslavia, Prokopic (1960) in
Czechoslovakia and Persson and Christenson (1971) in Sweden. Parasitic
nematodes (e.g. Toxascara canis, leonina) and cestodes (e.g. Mesocestoides
spp. and Taenia spp.) were most common.

What do foxes prefer to eat?

Lund (1962) investigated food preferences of captive foxes. He concluded

that Microtidae was most preferred. MacDonald (1977b) did several experi-
ments on the responses of foxes to Microtidae, Muridae, Soricidae, and
In addition estimates of the amounts eaten pet day were also obtained
(Lockie, 1959, Lund, 1962). Fairley (1970) reported that 90% of the food
fed to foxes in Edinburgh Zoo had been passed within two days. According
to Nessini et al. (1955) 10% of a meal may remain for more than 26 hours.
In field trials Ryszkowski et al. (1971) estimated that a red fox defaecates
5 times in 24 hours.

When do foxes forage for food?

Osterholm (1964) concluded, from experiments on captive foxes, that foxes

forage at twilight in autumn and at night in winter. In the northern latitudes

it forages during the light hours in summer. Haacke et al. (1973) found foxes
to be most active at dawn and dusk. Accordingly foxes might be considered
to be crepuscular animals which forage in the evening and early morning, in
synchrony with the diurnal rhythm of their prey, for example, of mice, voles
and leporids. But in fact foxes often forage throughout the night as revealed
by radio tracking and infra red equipment (MacDonald per. comm.). When
foraging the distance receptors in order of importance were, hearing, sight
and smell. Sight had the highest potential for releasing the catch response
but was insignificant in practice because most of the prey were not easily
seen. Another indication was that foxes are monochromatic and are only
capable of seeing movement and shapes (Haltenorth and Roth (1968). The
remarkable powers of hearing and smell possessed by foxes is explained by
Dudley (1977).

How do foxes behave whDe feeding?

Insight into the feeding behaviour of foxes has been obtained from snow-
tracking observations (Lund, 1962) and by radio tracking and observation
with infra-red equipment (MacDonald, 1977a). Lund (op. cit.) observed that
foxes mostly dug into snow for voles, but also leave caches of food which
they exploit later on, when passing a routine food trail. MacDonald (1976)
has made experiments which have revealed much about caching behaviour.
Montgomery's (1974) studies have revealed that foxes often forage for food
individually. Other workers have reported foxes visiting rubbish .heaps
(Niewold, 1974) or exploiting special concentrations of food resources such
as nesting bird colonies on islands (Bergman, 1966, Naaber, 1967).

What is the economic impact of fox food ecology on domestic and game

Its depredations on domestic animals are of interest to farmers (Pursor and

Young (1959), Fairley, 1969b) and on game animals to hunters (Bergman,
1966, Jensen, 1970, Spittler, 1972, Hewson et al., 1975, Mateljka et al.,
1977, Jensen and Sequeira, 1978). Lund (1962) investigated the latter with
4,914 questionnaires and concluded that foxes exert little influence on
stocks of small game. Domestic animals are killed when available, poultry
and lambs especially, when rodent populations have declined.
Ingleby (1956) pointed out that the absence of rabbits is a substantial
advantage to farmers and there was no indication of any increased depreda-
tion by foxes in spite of their increased population and wider distribution.
Lockie (1956) also reported that there was little damage to livestock and
game by wild predators following the almost complete disappearance of
rabbits. According to Rzebik-Kowalska (1972) foxes have practically no
influence on populations of game fowl and mammals. Poultry might be
taken when under careless management, but foxes, together with polecats
(Putorius putorius) and pine martens (Martes martes) play an important role
in the destruction of harmful field and forest rodents.

But it seems that foxes are capable of influencing the bag of hunters
(Jensen, 1970, Jensen and Sequeira, 1978). Foxes might be a serious
menace to concentrations of breeding birds (Bergman, 1966, Naaber, 1967)
and might significantly reduce the population of some species. Sovis (1967)
has related the food eaten by foxes to agriculture and hunting.
Some workers take a rather dismal view of the value of foxes. Peshev
(1965) recommends its further extermination and Naaber (1966) considers it
to be a "noxious" animal and wishes that it should be killed by any means
Two special studies of the relations between foxes and their prey were
made by Ryszkowski et al. (1971) and Goszczynski (1974). All the above
mentioned studies give an insight into the role of foxes as predators and
scavengers and consequently their impact on prey populations in terrestrial
How do we accurately identify prey remains?
The results which have been reviewed in this introduction depend on
accurate identification of prey remains. This needs considerable practical
Reference works on the subject are as follows: (Hausman, 1920a and b,
1924, 1930, Williamson, 1938, Stoves, 1944a, Oyer, 1946, Lebland, 1951,
Noback, 1951, Mandelli, 1961, Day, 1966, Ryder, 1973) on the structure
and classification of mammalian hairs; (Rudall, 1941, Appleyard, and
Greyville, 1950, Williamson, 1951), on the structure and classification of the
hair cuticle; (Williams, 1934, Dearborne, 1938, Mathiak, 1938, Stoves,
1944b) on sectioning and identifying mammalian hair from cross-sectional
outline. Mathiak (1938), Mayer (1952), Stains (1958), Dziurdzik (1973)
have published keys on the identification of hairs.
Two useful guides on the identification of mammalian skulls are by
Husson (1962) and Corbet (1969), and one of birds by Peterson et al., (1969).
The identification of feathers is reviewed by Lillie (1942) and Chandler
(1960). Day (1966) has also considered feather identification. In addition
Svenson (1970) has published a detailed guide on the identification of
passerine feathers.
Research on foxes has increased our knowledge about the ecology of
foxes and perhaps of ways of controlling their populations. From this point
of view the influence of food supply on the population density is of special
interest (Lockie, 1964, Englund, 1970).
In general, a good knowledge of the diet of foxes in most European
biotopes has been obtained but much needs to be learned about the relative
quantities eaten in relation to the availability of prey species in defined study
areas; within the foraging area of the fox population under study. Informa-
tion is also short on preferred foods; food sharing among members of the
same family group, and the nutritional value of the food. Some studies have
given too little attention to sample size and many of the conclusions were
not valid on the basis of available evidence (Cochran, 1953, pp. 50-59,
Hanson and Graybill, 1956).

-----:._" G IAN



Fig. 1. Areas in Holland, Denmark and Finland where foxes were collected.

My studies of the red foxes' food ecology in Holland, Denmark and

Finland (Fig. 1) has been the result of opportunities which arose in these
countries, quite by chance, and does not embody any underlying scientific
reasons for this combination of areas.
I have studied the ecological implications of the diet of the red fox in the
province of Gelderland, Holland, (Sequeira, 1978) an area of 513,000
hectares of diverse habitats, including farmland, coniferous and deciduous
forests, and heathlands; in 3 sample areas in Denmark (Jensen and Se-
queira, 1978) the Lovenholm forest of about 30 Km2 in Jutland, in South
Jutland, and other areas of Denmark; and thirdly in Finland (unpublished)
in an area of boreal forests in Eastern Finnish Lapland. in the
municipalities of Salla and Savukoski.
153 stomachs and 141 intestines with contents, collected during 1969-70
in Gelderland, 285 stomachs with contents of >6 months old foxes obtained
during 1965-70 in Denmark and 155 stomachs, with contents, collected
during September-May 1967-73 in Finnish Lapland were analysed. In
addition feeding experiments were done on 4 captive foxes in Holland.
The research in Gelderland and Denmark (1969-70), was part of a
programme to control the transmission of rabies. It was important to know
how diet might influence feeding behaviour and territory size of foxes and
whether any prey animals might be responsible for the transmission of the
rabies virus.

What and bow much do foxes of difterent age classes and sexes eat during
difterent seasons and annually?

The primary vertebrate foods eaten annually by foxes in Gelderland, Den-

mark and Finnish Lapland is shown in Table 2. The summer diet of fox
cubs in Gelderland is shown in Table 3 and the summer diet of adult foxes
in Gelderland and South Jutland is shown in Table 4.
No statistically significant difference was found in the diet of males and
females and the sexes were therefore not separated. The prey have been
listed in the same order because a chi-squared test for independence showed
no significant difference between the occurrence of primary foods. But in
reality differences might exist depending on the season and local availability
of prey. However, such differences were not evident in the present study.
An important question relating to fox cubs is: At what age are fox cubs
In the case of fox cubs in Gelderland 86% of the cubs with only milk in
their stomachs were under 1 month old. No milk was found in any cubs'
stomachs over 2 months old. This suggests that fox cubs in Gelderland are
weaned by the age of 8 weeks.

Table 2. Primary vertebrate foods eaten annually in Gelderland, Denmark and Finnish

Gelderland Denmark Finnish Lapland

152 s. 141 i. 285s. 155 s.

Rabbits and hares Hares and rabbits Blue hare
Voles Voles Voles
Mice Mice
Poultry Pigs and poultry offal
Song birds Song birds
Pheasants and partridges, Tetraonidae
and other bigger birds
Reindeer offal

s. =stomachs, i. =intestines.

In the first month of life they are almost totally dependent on milk but by
the age of 2 months they have been introduced to the important items of
food and have become acquainted with a variety of food species. It is not
clear for how long the parents supplement the cubs' diet after weaning.
In addition to the primary foods, cubs <2 month old ate some wood mice
(Apodemus sylvaticus). No invertebrates and plants were found in the
stomachs but remains of beetles were found in intestines.
The 2-6 month old cubs ate a variety of secondary foods which were as
follows: Doves and pigeons, red deer, wild boar, domestic pigs, moles,
shrews, pheasants and eggs. In addition one case of a garden snail (Helix
pomatia) and some remains of beetles and flies (Diptera) were found. Also,
evidence for pears, bilberries, grain, and prunes was found.
Not surpisingly there was a close similarity in the diet of adults and cubs
<2 month old as they were fed by the adults. Cubs 2-6 months old ate a more
varied diet.
The primary vertebrate foods eaten by foxes in Gelderland and South
Jutland in summer were very similar. This implies that foxes occupy a
similar ecological niche in these two ecosystems which are about 600 km
apart. But unlike foxes in Gelderland, Danish foxes ate domestic pigs' offal,
and pheasants and partridges.
Secondary foods eaten by adult foxes in Gelderland in summer were wild
boar offal and pheasants. Small frequencies of shrews, mostly common

Table 3. Primary vertebrate foods eaten by fox

cubs in Gelderland in summer

<2m 2-6m

48s. 53i. 15s.19i.

Rabbits and hares Rabbits and hares
Voles Voles
Poultry Poultry
Song birds Song birds

Table 4. Primary vertebrate foods eaten by adult foxes in
Gelderland and South Jutland in summer

Gelderland South Jutland

44 s. 44 i. 59 s.
Rabbits and hares Hares and a few rabbits
Voles Voles
Mice Mice
Poultry Poultry and pigs' offal
Song birds Song birds
(including undetermined Pheasants and partridges
mammals and birds)

shrews (Sorex araneus-1.4%), red deer and roe deer (2.5%) occurred in
the stomachs of Danish foxes. Also in Denmark 2 cases of fish (1 %), a
lavaret (Coregonus lavaretus) and 2 pheasants and 4 domestic hens eggs
were found.
Important non-vertebrate foods in late summer and autumn in both the
areas were fruit and insects. In Gelderland foxes ate apples, bilberries
(Vaccinium myrtillus) cowberries (Vaccinium vitis-idaea) and cranberries
(Vaccinium oxycoccus). In South Jutland foxes ate cherries, cherry plums,
and plums (9%). In most cases up to 10 stones were found but as many as
48, 31 and 27 stones were recorded. Also apples and pears were found
regularly in autumn and winter (4%).
In both areas beetles and maggots common on carcasses and dung were
found. For example in Gelderland the frequency of insects was 24% of the
total sample. Most were dung beetles (Geotrupes). In Gelderland 1 stomach
contained 18 g of cuticle parts, but also ground beetles (Carabidae),
sexton beetles (Silphidae), rove beetles (Staphylinidae) and maggots of
flies (Diptera) were found.
Probably the most nutritious insects eaten were larvae of Agrotinae e.g.
(Apamea monoglypha) - and cutworms agrotid moth. In Gelderland a
stomach contained 11 g of the body walls of 110 apamea larvae. In South
Jutland 25 cases of cutworms from Aug.-Nov. were recorded. There were
a few in most cases but in 3 cases, about 100, and in 1 case 200 individuals.
This suggests that foxes actively seek fruit and .jnsects particularly in late
summer and autumn. Fruit and insects could be an
important food for cubs
and sub-adults. The implications of the occurrence of sarcosaprohagous
insect fauna which are common on carcasses will be considered separately.
The primary vertebrate foods eaten in winter by foxes in Gelderland,
Denmark and Finnish Lapland are shown in Table 5.
There was a great similarity in the diet of foxes in Gelderland and
Denmark as already observed with the summer diet. The 4 common primary
foods in both areas were hares, voles, mice and poultry. Unlike foxes in
Gelderland which probably did not eat domestic pigs' offal in winter, foxes
in Denmark ate lots of remains of piglets and offal from slaughtered pigs.
Even those foxes living in a relatively large wood for Danish conditions,


Table 5. Primary vertebrate foods eaten by foxes in Gelderland, Denmark (LOvenholm forest, South Jutland, Various other localities) and Finnish
Lapland in winter

Gelder land Liivenholm South Jutland Other localities Finnish Lapland

25 s. and 25 i. 60s. 105 s. 56 s. 155 s.

Rabbits and hares Hares Hares and a few rabbits Hares Blue hare
Voles Voles Voles Voles Voles
Mice Mice Mice Mice
Poultry Poultry Poultry Poultry
Domestic pigs Domestic pigs Domestic pigs
Pheasants, partridges, Pheasants, partridges, Tetraonidae
song birds, and other song birds, and other
bigger birds bigger birds
Reindeer offal

s. =stomachs, i. =intestines.
L6venholm forest (30 km2 ), travelled to agricultural land in search of domes-
tic pigs and in fact scored the highest frequency. The latter foxes did not eat
pheasants, partridges and song birds in the same frequencies as foxes in
South Jutland and other localities in Denmark.
Foxes in Gelderland ate a variety of secondary foods: Roe deer and
possibly other artiodactyls, shrews, hedgehogs, song birds, Anseriformes,
pheasants and undetermined birds. But foxes in Denmark apparently ate
less variety of secondary foods as only 9 shrews (1.4%) and 7 cases of roe
deer (2.5%) were found.
Once again in both areas fruit and insects were important non-vertebrate
foods eaten in early winter (autumn). Apples and pears were eaten regularly
and bilberries were found in a Gelderland fox stomach. In Gelderland, in
addition to the beetles already mentioned, chafers and dung beetles
(Scarabaeidae) e.g. Aphodius species common on cow's dung and Typhoeus
typhoeus which is associated with the dung of rabbits and sheep was found.
Also blowfly (Lucilia) and dipteran maggots were found.
In contrast, while foxes in Finnish Lapland exploited prey populations of
blue hare (Lepus timidus) (brown hare do not survive in Lapland), and
voles as in the other more southern areas, they do not seem to eat mice,
poultry and domestic pigs in large frequencies, but eat Tetraonidae and
reindeer offal instead. Of course poultry and domestic pigs' offal is very
likely to be quite scarce as the area is sparsely populated with Homo sapiens.
The tendency to concentrate on a few prey items is probably the optimal
feeding strategy for exploiting the available prey in balance with the energy
budget which promoted survival.
It is reasonable to ask: What do foxes prefer to eat and how does this
compare with the diet actually eaten and the species of prey available in the
habitat? The results of my experiments with 4 captive foxes and other
studies on this question are in preparation.


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Torbjorn von Schantz*


This study was carried out as a part of an integrated research project

concerning relationships between vertebrate predators and their prey ani-
mals in an open field area in southernmost Sweden. The analysis of the fox
diet was based on the analysis of 1,028 scats, and 162 prey remains found at
fox dens. The percentage of weight of the prey items in the diet was
calculated; Lagomorphs was the most important prey throughout the year.
The number of foxes in the population and their monthly prey demands were
estimated and analysis of the annual predation showed that 10 to 15 percent
of the annual production of each of the dominant prey populations was
consumed by the foxes.
The diet of the red fox has been studied during the last five decades (for
review of literature see; Jensen and Sequeira, 1978, Lutz, 1978, and
Korschgen, 1959). Most studies have described the qualitative composition
of the diet. Only in a few cases have a quantitative analysis been made and
there have been few attempts to estimate the impact of fox predation on the
prey populations (Pils and Martin, 1978, Goszczynski 1977, Goszczynski et
al., 1976, Ryszkowski et al., 1971, and Korschgen, 1959).
This study evaluates the fox diet composition, and the impact of fox
predation on the prey populations, calculated from data on the number of
foxes in the population and their food demands.


The Wildlife Research Group at the University of Lund examines a com-

munity of vertebrate predators and their prey animals in the Revinge area,
southernmost Sweden (55.42°N, 13.25°E). The project aims to examine
factors regulating numbers of predators in the community and also to
examine the impact of predators on the prey populations.
The study presented in this paper was carried out between August 1974
and March 1977 in the Revinge area. The study area, about 45 km2 , was
earlier agricultural, but since 1965 it has been used for military training. The
area contains open fields grazed by cattle interspersed by coniferous planta-
tions and copses of deciduous trees. Dry parts of the area are densely
inhabited by rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus). The area also contains exten-
sive marshes populated by voles, primarily Microtus agrestis and Arvicola
*Department of Animal Ecology, University of Lund, S-223 62 Lund, Sweden.

Biogeographica, Vol. 18: The Red Fox, ed. by E. Zimen 53

© 1980, Dr. W. Junk bv Publishers, The Hague

. ." " ....

.. . . " " .. .. " .


'" " Ill " s • M " " •

:0 M "' Ill A <' II .C • ., ~
• T 11: II" ll II"" ;c"
' ll '( 011 II; II"- • II ~" ... 1< .. :II 4 A II

• • • .. .. I' " ~

II It.( Ill II a .if •- ,

~ .. "

0 1 2 3km
nww Wet meadow
D Dry area
Boundary of study
• Field station
Fig. 1. Study area and distribution of main habitats.


The food habits of adult foxes were determined by analysis of scats,

collected twice each month on a special scat-collecting-route, approximately
7 km long, covering all types of habitats. The scat analysis was performed as
described by Lockie (1959) and Goszczynski (1974). Determination of
mammalian hair was made according to Brunner and Coman (1974). When
calculating the percentage of weight in the diet for the prey items I used the
correction factors of Lockie (1959).
The diet of cubs during the denning period was determined by registration
of prey remains at the dens. Mean weight of found prey species was
estimated and multiplied by the number of occurrences to yield the percen-
tage of weight for each prey type. The calculation of food demands of the
foxes was based on the results of Sargeant (1978).
To determine the number of foxes in the population, I counted, using a
searchlight, foxes at night in 140 plots, in all covering 300 hectares. This was
done five times in late autumn and five times in late winter every year.
Telemetry data (von Schantz unpubl.) showed how long the foxes spent in
open habitats where they could be seen. The counting plots were distributed
only in such habitats. That is, if the foxes for example spent 80 percent of
their time in "visible" habitats during night, I consequently assumed that the
population size calculated on the basis of the counts was 80 percent of the
true population. Further details on this method and the assessment of its
significance will be published elsewhere. The number of cubs was deter-
mined by counting the number of litters in the study area, and the number
of cubs in a sample of litters during May and June.


The diet

The percentage of total number of occurrences of fox prey items, based on

scat analysis, is given in Table 1. There was no significant difference between

Table 1. Percentage of total number of occurrences of prey items in the fox diet, based on
analysis of 1,028 scats. The figures are approximated to closest unit. Lagomorphs consist of
rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) and European hare (Lepus europeus),,other small rodents consist
of Clethrionomys glareolus and Apodemus sp. Thrushes and bigger birds have been considered
as large birds. Only vegetables and fruit with nutritional value for the fox have been recorded.
Carcasses, eggshells, garbage and occasional prey items, e.g. fish, cat, squirrel, etc. have been
assign to miscellaneous.
Period Lago.,orphs Arvicola Microtus Other smali L&rge Small Insects Veget Miscel- Total number p (X 2 )
terrestris agrestis rodents birds birds fruit laneous of occurrences

I Dec-Mar 48 26 435 p< 0.001 (36.0) 1-11

II Apr-May 46 16 11 249 pc 0.01 (23.6) 11-111

Ill Jun-Sep 40 10 18 856 p< 0.001 (92.5) III-IV

IV"'Oct-Nov 48 21 11 584 p< 0.001 (68.6) IV-I

the years, so I pooled the data from the same month each year. Consecutive
months, with similar (no significant differences) diet, were put together in
food seasons. Lagomorphs and, to a certain extent, small rodents dominated
in all periods. Birds occurred less frequently in October and November,
insects occurred most frequently in April to September, while vegetables
and fruit were more common in the diet from June to November than in
winter and spring.
Analysis based on frequency of occurrence does not give any accurate
information on the relative importance of the different prey items. Large
prey, such as Lagomorphs are underestimated, while small prey, such as
Microtus will be overestimated. This is well illustrated by comparing Table 1
with Table 2, where I have used Lockie's correction factors and calculated
the percentage of weight for the prey items. Insects and vegetables are
excluded as their weight was negligible. This type of data illustrates better
the relative importance of the different prey categories. H is also the only
data that can be used, when working with scat analysis, to calculate the
amount of consumed prey biomass or number of prey animals taken, during
a specified period of time.
Lagomorphs were far the most important prey throughout the year. The
smallest percentage (77) of Lagomorphs was in April (Fig. 2). In late May
and in the beginning of June the rabbit kittens began to leave the burrows.
The amount of Lagomorphs in the diet increased during this period to the
peak value in July (91% ). From April to October Arvicola was the second
most important prey. Arvicola is less available for foxes during winter than
Microtus, as Arvicola during this season seldom leaves its tunnels in the
frozen ground (Jeppsson pers. comm.). Microtus make its tunnels in the
litter (Hansson pers. comm.) and consequently is within reach of foxes also
in winter.
Cub diet in may and June, based on prey remains found at dens, was
dominated by Lagomorphs and large birds (Table 3). No remains of voles
were found, probably because they are eaten whole. The percentage of
occurrences of other prey items corresponds well to Englund's (1969) data
from southern Sweden, based on stomach analysis. Therefore, I used his
figures regarding the percentage of occurrences of voles in Table 3. Among
small rodents, Arvicola was the main prey in the diet of adult foxes in May
and June (Fig. 2). I therefore conclude that voles in the cub diet consisted of
Arvicola only.

Table 2. Percentage of weight of prey items (corrected according to Lockie, 1959) in the fox
diet, based on analysis of 1,028 scats. The figures are approximated to closest unit.

Arvicola Microtus Other small Large Small Number

Period Lagomorphs terrestris agrestis rodents birds birds of scats

Dec-Mar 86 2 9 1 2 1 230
Apr-May 78 11 7 >1 3 1 124
Jun-Sep 89 6 2 >1 2 1 374
Oct-Nov 87 5 6 >1 1 >1 300

rei 80

!1. 70 70

101 ' ' ' ' ' '

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul
.... .r
Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Other sma ll rodents
and carcasses
l::l:::jf:,, Birds Microtus agrestis

Arv icola terrestris D Lagomorphs

Fig. 2. Percentages of weight, on monthly basis, of prey items in diet of adult foxes, and of cubs
from July and onwards (seep. 14). N = 1,028 scats.

The diet of adults and cubs in May and June, excluding small rodents,
insects and vegetables, showed a significant difference (p<O.OOl, XZ=
24.6). The most important difference was the great amount of large birds in
the cub diet. A possible overrepresentation of birds in remains outside dens,
compared with mammals, is suggested by Pils and Martin (1978). They found,
when digging out fox dens, that 50 percent of all "large bird" remains found
were found outside the dens, while only 34 percent of all mammal remains

Table 3. Diet of the fox cubs during May and

June, based on 162 prey remains collected at dens.
The figures are approximated to closest unit.

Percentage of Percentage
Prey item total occurrences of weight

Lagomorphs 40 52
Large birds 28 33
Small birds 4 <1
Voles* 15 2
Miscellaneous 13 13

* For voles, see the text.

found, excluding small rodents, were found outside the dens. Nevertheless
this does not fully explain the large amount of birds in the cubs' diet.
Macdonald's (1977) observations on a female fox, which did not eat chic-
kens after she was 3 months old, suggest that adult foxes are reluctant to eat
birds. However, next spring she fed her cubs with chickens. Adult foxes,
supplying cubs with food, may have to change their hunting strategy, from
being "time minimizers" (Schoener, 1971) when supporting only them-
selves with food, to a stage where they have to catch as much prey per unit
of time as possible, "energy maximizers" (Schoener, 1971), when support-
ing cubs also. This probably drives them to catch even birds, which earlier
were rejected.
In the study area, fox cubs were born in the end of March and the
beginning of April, and as they are weaned 4 weeks later (Sargeant, 1978), I
have assumed that the cubs started to eat prey from the beginning of May.
According to Sargeant the postdenning period begins when the cubs are 13
weeks old, that is in the beginning of July. This corresponds to my own field
observations, which also indicate that the cubs at this time manage to feed
on their own. I have therefore considered the scats collected in July and
onwards to be representative for the whole fox population.

Tbe fox population

Data on the numbers of foxes in the population are here given only for 1976
(Table 4). In 1975, the figures were the same in winter and autumn, but no
data was obtained on the number of cubs in the summer. I have assumed
that all cubs were born on the first of April and that there was a constant
mortality and emigration rate of juveniles from June, when the last cubs
were counted at the dens, to September and of adults and subadults from

Table 4. Number of foxes, and estimated prey consumption by foxes in

the Revinge area in 1976. The figures on the amount of prey biomass
consumed are approximated to the closest ten. The prey biomass
consumed during May and June is separated for adults and juveniles as
their diet was different in this period.

Month Number of foxes Prey biomass consumed (kg)

Jan 52 ad 840
Feb 35 ad 510
Mar 35 ad (20 pregnant W) 590
Apr 35 ad, 76 juv (preweaned) -830
May 35 ad, 76juv 560 (ad) 920 (juv)
Jun 35 ad, 76juv 550 (ad) 1,020 (juv)
Jul 35 ad, 70juv 1,720
Aug 35 ad,65Juv 1,910
Sep 35 ad, 58Juv 1,450
Oct 87ad 1,400
Nov 80ad 1,250
Dec 70ad 1,130
l: 14,680

October to February. It was further assumed that there was no adult
mortality from February to September.

Food demands

Sargeant (1978) made a study on prey demands of adult and juvenile red
foxes during the spring and summer cub-rearing period. Based on his paper,
I calculated the prey demands for the foxes in the Revinge population. As
the latter are approximately 60 percent heavier than those studied by
Sargeant, their prey demands are accordingly higher. Therefore, estimated
prey demands were 0.52 kg per fox and day for adult foxes and for subadults
(25 weeks and older). I assumed that this figure was valid throughout the
year. One week before whelping the vixens needed 0.69 kg per fox and day.
During their first four weeks, the cubs had a weekly demand of 0.93 kg per
cub, attributed to the vixen for providing milk to the cubs. At the age of 5-8
weeks, when the cubs are weaned, they needed 2.25 kg per cub and week,
during the weeks 9-12 they needed 3.10 kg per cub and week, and during
the weeks 13-24 they needed 4.14 kg per cub and week. The figures above
include nonconsumed prey parts.

Impact of predation

When calculating the number of animals taken of the different prey species
it is important to know whether the foxes preferred a certain size category of
the animals in any of the prey populations, or if the various size categories
were equally exploited. A good approximation for calculating the number
of animals taken could be achieved by using mean weights of the dissappear-
ing fraction of the prey populations. However, this has been possible only
for the hare (Lepus europeus), and the calculated number of hares taken,
presented in Table 5, is based on such data (Frylestam unpubl.). Conse-
quently, the calculated number of individuals taken of the other prey
species, presented in Tables 5-8, are based on the mean weights of individu-
als in the prey populations, as computed from trappings.
The separation of rabbits and hares in Table 5 is based on a sample of 250
identifications of Lagomorph hair according to Brunner and Coman (1974).
The largest number of hares in the diet occurred from February throughout
May (p < 0.05, X 2 = 4.3, D.F. = 1). The earliest hare litters were born in
February and the latest in October (Frylestam unpubl.). Such early and late
litters probably were especially exposed to predation (Frylestam unpubl.),
and this may explain the peaks in these months. The large number of hares
in the fox diet from February throughout May may be explained by the
foxes' thorough scanning of the ground when hunting for small rodents,
which they did to a high extent during this period (Fig. 2). This probably
caused many hare litters to become predated. In June and July there is a
great production of rabbit kittens. During this period the foxes change to
rabbit hunting which is reflected in the diet as a decrease in the amount of
small rodents (Fig. 2) and a decrease in the amount of hares (Table 5).

Table 5. Consumed biomass, and calculated number of rabbits and hares eaten by the fox
population in 1976. The figures on numbers of rabbits and hares eaten are approximated to
closest ten. Mean weight of rabbits and hares were supplied by Jansson (unpubl.) and Frylestam
Month Proportion of Consumed biomass Lagomorph Consumed bio· Rabbit mean Number of rabbits Consumed blo- Hare mean Number of hares
Lagomt~rphs Lagomorpha (kg) species (%) mass rabbit (kg) weight (kg) consumed mass hare (kg) weight (kg) consumed
in the diet(%} Rabbit Hare

Jao 84 706 100 - 706 1.89 370

Feb 87 444 73 27 324 1.86 170
85 502 91 457 1.69 270 2.06 110
M" 1216
77 640 92 589 1.70 350
May 80 52(jUV) 448 478(juv) 88 11 824 1.75 470
89 52(juv) 490 530(Juv) 95 5 989 0.74 1310 2.24 100

J"" 1231
J"l 91 1565 95 5 1487 0.67 2220

90 1719 100 - 1719 0.95 1810

Sep 88 1276 100 1276 1.53 840 2.49 50

Del 86 1204 89 11 1072 1.59 670
90 1125 100 - 1125 1.61 700
Dec 84 949 100 - 949 1 63 580

!12076 .!11497 1:9760 !579 >260

Tables 6 and 7 show the numbers of Microtus and Arvicola taken, respec-
tively. The annual amount of consumed biomass were approximately the
same for these two species. ·
Eighty occurrences of large birds could be determined to species, 20 of
which were pheasants (Phasianus colchicus). In Table 8 it is assumed that 25
percent of all large birds were pheasants, in all periods. Seventy percent of
the annual fox predation occurred during April to June, the denning period.
Rabbits constituted nearly 80 percent of annual food demands of the fox
population (Fig. 3). Arvicola, Microtus, hares, and birds were all equally
important as supplementary food and they contributed less than 20 percent
to the foxes' annual prey consumption. If foxes, during the prey species'

Table 6. Consumed biomass, and calculated number of Microtus agrestis eaten by the fox
population. Numbers of Microtus eaten are approximated to closest hundred. Mean weight of
Microtus was assumed to be 30 g from March to September and 21 g from October to February
(Hansson unpubl.).

of weight Consumed biomass
Month in the diet Microtus a (kg) Number consumed

Jan 10 84 4,000
Feb 8 41 2,000
Mar 8 47 1,600
Apr 8 66 2,200
May 5 28 900
Jun 1 6 200
Jul 2 34 1,100
Aug 2 38 1,300
Sep 2 29 1,000
Oct 6 84 4,000
Nov 4 50 2,400
Dec 10 113 5,400
I620 I26,100

Table 7. Consumed biomass, and number of Arvicola te"estris eaten by the fox population.
Numbers of Arvicola eaten are approximated to closest ten. Mean weight of Arvicola was
assumed to be 115 g from March to September and 100 g from October to February (Jeppsson

of weight in Consumed biomass
Month the diet Arvicola t, (kg) Number consumed

Jan 3 25 250
Feb 0 0 0
Mar 3 18 160
Apr 8 66 570
May 15 2 Uuv) 84 18 890
Jun 8 2 Uuv) 44 20 560
Jul 6 103 900
Aug 4 76 660
Sep 7 102 890
Oct 5 70 700
Nov 2 25 250
Dec 3 34 340
~685 ~ 6,170

reproduction seasons, preyed to a very high extent on the juveniles, then the
calculated number of prey animals taken during the summer could be
greater than presented in Tables 5-8. It is obvious that these figures are
rough, as young voles, that have not yet left their nests, are not within the
calculation of the mean weights in the vole populations. Furthermore, naked
juvenile voles will probably not leave any remains in fox scats. However,
Englund (pers. comm.) found only few juvenile voles in the fox stomachs he
analysed (Englund 1965). Another source of error is to what extent taken
large prey are eaten. That is, do foxes leave a large prey once they have
filled their stomach or is the prey cached, and later fully exploited? Data
presented by Macdonald (1976) suggest that foxes do exploit all their food
caches, and that is assumed in this paper.
The annual number of main prey species taken by the fox population,
suggest that 10-15 percent of annual prey production was exploited (Table

Table 8. Estimated number of pheasants

(Phasianus colchicus), approximated to closest ten,
eaten by the fox population. The numbers are
calculated from the assumption that 25 percent of
all occurrences of large birds were pheasants, in all
periods. Mean weight of pheasants was assumed to
be 1.1 kg from October to June and 0.8 kg from
July to September (Goransson unpubl.).

Consumed biomass Number

Period pheasant (kg) consumed

Dec-Mar 17 20
Apr-Jun 174 160
Jul-Sep 21 30
Oct-Nov 20 20
~232 ~230

CJ Rabbit

~ . Hare
Arvi co la
~ te r res t ris

E2J. Microtus
agre stis

~ Bi r ds

Misce l laneous

Fig. 3. Percentage of weight of prey items in total annual consumption of the fox population.

9). No data on annual production of Arvicola was available. Other small

rodents, Clethrionomys glareolus and Apodemus sp., were exploited to a
very small extent (Fig. 2), i.e. 1-2 percent of annual production. This agrees
well with Macdonald (1977) who showed that foxes do not prefer these
species in a comparison with Microtus. In spite of the dominance of rabbits
in the foxes' diet they were affected to a smaller extent by the foxes than
Microtus, which only contributed 4 percent to the foxes' annual prey
consumption (Fig. 3).
Preliminary analysis of total predation of all the predators in the study
area, suggest that foxes were responsible for 30 percent and 20 percent,
respectively, of the total predation on rabbit and Microtus. Only 35 percent

Table 9. Percentages of annual prey production of newborn young, or hatched chickens, eaten
by the fox population in 1976. Estimated prey production figures were kindly supplied by;
Jansson (unpubl.) for rabbits, Frylestam (unpubl.) for hares, Hansson (unpubl.) for Microtus,
and Goransson (unpubl.) for pheasants.

Number consumed Percentage consumed

Prey species per year Annual production of annual production

Rabbit 9,670 90,000 11

Hare 260 2,100 12
agresttis 26,100 171,000 15
Pheasant 230 2,400 10

of the annual rabbit production was preyed upon by the predator commun-
ity, whereas almost the total annual production of Microtus was taken.
During the winter 1976-1977, with very severe snow conditions, the rabbit
population decreased sharply from 820 animals per km2 in autumn to 120
animals per km2 in spring (Jansson unpubl.). In 1978 they had still not
recovered, which indicates that the predators were able to delay population
increase at this low density. The consequence of the rabbit crash was a
decrease in fox reproduction to half the number of cubs, compared with the
year before. This indicates that fox reproduction was limited by food supply.
However, the constant number of foxes in autumn 1975 and 1976, in spite
of a 60 percent increase of the rabbit population (Jansson unpubl.), suggests
that in 1976 the fox population was limited by other factors than food.
Jensen (1970) showed that the hunting bag of hare, partridge, and
pheasant increased by 50 to 100 percent during a rabies campaign against
foxes in Denmark. In the Revinge area, hunters each year shoot 5-7 percent
of annual production of hares and pheasants, which is a smaller amount than
the foxes eat (Table 9). Consequently, if the fox population would be kept
on a lower level by increased hunting pressure it is likely that the hunting
bag of field game would increase. But this in itself does not imply that fox
predation is a limiting factor for these populations.


I wish to thank Dr S. Erlinge and my colleagues in the Wildlife Research

Group for valuable help and criticism, Mr P. Berglund and Mrs M. Anders-
son for help with the scat analysis, Dr B. Frylestam, Dr G. Goransson, Prof.
L. Hansson, Mr. G. Jansson and Miss B. Jeppsson for supplying data on the
prey populations. The study was supported by grants from the National
Swedish Environment Protection Board, and from the Swedish Natural
Science Research Council, both to S. Erlinge.


Brunner. H. and Coman, B. J. 1974. The identification of mammalian hair. 176 pp. Inkata
Press, Melbourne.
Englund, J. 1965. Studies on food ecology of the red fox (Vulpes v.) in Sweden. Viltrevy 3 (4):
Englund, J. 1969. The diet of fox cubs (Vulpes vulpes) in Sweden. Viltrevy 6 (1): 1-39.
Goszczynski, J. 1974. Studies on the food of foxes. Acta Theriol. 19: 1-18.
Goszczynski, J. 1977. Connections between predatory birds and mammals and their prey. Acta
Theriol. 22 (30): 399-430.
Goszczynski, J., Ryszkowski, L. and Truszovski, J. 1976. The role of the European hare in the
diet of predators in cultivated field systems. Ecology and management of European hare
populations. Warszawa.
Jensen, B. 1970. Effect of a fox control programme on the bag of some game species. Trans. IX
Int. Congr. Game Bioi., p. 480.
Jensen, B. and Sequeira, D. M. 1978. The diet of the red fox (Vulpes vulpes L.) in Denmark.
Dan. Rev. Game Bioi. 10 (8): 1-16.
Korschgen, L. J. 1959. Food habits of the red fox in Missouri. I. Wild!. Manage. 23 (2):
Lockie, J. D. 1959. The estimation of the food of foxes. I. Wild!. Manage. 23 (2): 224-227.

Lutz, W. 1978. Beitrag zur Nahrung des Rotfuches (Vulpes vulpes L.) in Nationalpark
Bayerischer Wald. Z. Jagdwiss. 24: 1-9.
Macdonald, D. W. 1976. Food caching by the red fox and other carnivores. Z. Tierpsychol. 42:
Macdonald, D. W. 1977. On food preference in the red fox. Mammal. Rev. 7 (1): 7-23.
Pils, C. M. and Martin, M. A. 1978. Population dynamics, predator-prey relationships and
management of the red fox in Wisconsin. Technical Bulletin No. 105, Department of Natural
Resources Madison Wisconsin, USA.
Ryszkowsk.i, L., Wagner, C. K., Goszczynski, J. and Truszkowski, J. 1971. Operation of
predators in a forest and cultivated fields. Ann. Zoo!. Fennici 8: 160-168.
Sargeant, A. B. 1978. Red fox prey demands and implications to prairie duck production. J.
Wild!. Manage. 42 (3): 520-527.
Schoener, T. W. 1971. Theory of feeding strategies. Ann. Rev. Ecol. Syst. 2: 369-404.
Questions about method
Hugo Witt*

Very many investigations have been made into the diet of the red fox. They
all have very different results. This is caused on the one hand by the
differing methods, which I shall deal with later on, and on the other by the
often very different ecological conditions in the examined biotopes. The fox
is able to adapt to considerably different living conditions. According to
Heptner and Naumov (1974) it has the greatest geographic and individual
versatility of all carnivores, for example it is very much greater than that of
the wolf which does not have a smaller range of habitat. General details
concerning the diet of the red fox are misleading as they make standards
which are only applicable in limited areas.
The composition of the diet is influenced by endogenetic and exogenous
factors. Amongst the endogenetic factors there are both anatomic and
physiological specialities as well as age and sex of the fox. Exogenous factors
are all environmental factors such as food supply and availability, structure
and climate of the landscape, season and time of day. Most of these factors
are variable and difficult to determine. Their importance and reciprocal
interaction are hardly known. For this reason it has not as yet been possible
to theoretically determine the diet of the fox from the factors stated. For this
reason it appears to be all the more important to give as far as possible a
precise description of the examined area and the above mentioned factors,
where known, when stating the type of diet. Unfortunately this is often
Investigations have shown that the composition of the diet is also subject
to changes over a number of years. It would therefore be useful to investi-
gate the long term feeding habits, so as to verify annual fluctuations. In
addition it would of course be preferable to investigate at the same time
other carnivores, e.g. mustelidae, cats, etc., so as to note possible com-
petitors for food.
I mentioned already that the method can also be the cause of differing
results. Results obtained by differing methods cannot normally be com-
pared. Below I intend to deal with the most common investigation methods,
their advantages and weaknesses.
The importance of direct observation made in the natural environment
should not be underestimated. Nearly all comments made in the sporting
press are based on direct observation, however these take special account of
spectacular events. This has caused the public to obtain a fairly distorted

* Institut fiir Haustierkunde. Neue Universitiit. 0"2300 Kiel. FRG.

Biogeographica, Vol. 18: The Red Fox, ed. by E. Zimen 65

© 1980, Dr. W. Junk bv Publishers, The Hague
impression of the dietary range of the fox. For a number of reasons this
method is insufficient (randomness of the individual observations, mainly
nocturnal activity periods, relatively poor visibility, etc.).
It is more interesting and more informative for the stated target, namely
the composition of the diet of the fox, to carry out indirect observation by
following a track. For a trained person it is possible not only to note the type
of prey, but also to note the effort required for seizure, the path taken for
each quarry, as well as noting unsuccessful attempts at catching prey. For a
very good reason, investigations that use this method stem from Scan-
dinavia, Canada and the north of Russia, as snow is a virtual necessity for
this method.
A further standard method is to analyse the dietary remains at the foxes
den. At the den, however, one only will find parts of prey animals which are
too big to be eaten completely. Small mammals, insects, and plants are not
inventoried. Further on dietary remains at the dens are often remains of the
prey which has been brought by the adults to the cubs. The diet of fox cubs
may considerably differ from the diet of the adults.
The most common methods are analyses of scats and stomach contents.
Naturally the method of analysing the dietary remains in the foxes excrement
is more difficult as many dietary substances can no longer be determined
because of the digestive process. Quantitative statements are seldom possi-
ble. I shall point out an additional limitation below.
Analysis of the stomach contents have the advantage that the food is easy
to determine as the fox hardly chews. In addition it can also be analysed
quantitatively. It has been found however that the stomach content is not
the same as the food intake. This is because of the different staying time of
the different food components.
Behrendt (1955) states: 8 hours for mice, 6 hours for other meat foods, 4
hours for insects and 2 hours for plants. The staying times in the individual
sections of the intestine also differ. As substances which often pass through
the stomach in a relatively short space of time can stay in the intestine for a
very long period, it appears that a combined content analysis of stomach and
intestine would be closest to the composition of the dietary intake.
If one compares the food composition in stomach and rectum one can find
some considerable differences. As these are the same foxes it is obvious that
the results from stomach content and excrement investigations are not
One method that I cannot leave unmentioned is that used in some recent
investigations (e.g. Spittler, 1972, Jensen, 1979). This is the one using
statistical correlation of the estimated population of carnivores and prey.
The basis of these estimations is however so unsatisfactory that I view this
method as being insufficient.
Summing up one can state the following: The best method up to now for
finding out the composition of the diet of the fox is an analysis of stomach
and intestine content. It can be supplemented, but not replaced by addi-
tional methods such as examination of food remains at the foxes den and an
analysis of excrement.

Below I wish to mention a factor that is often forgotten: This is the
difference between food and prey. In the majority of investigations these
terms are used synonymously. Below all the individual "prey" killed by the
fox is listed even where it does not form a part of the diet. Under the term
"diet" one understands the food content found in the stomach and intestine,
which need not necessarily have been caught by the fox itself.
It appears that the fox catches more than it can eat during times of
increased food availability. Thus Murie (1936) found on a single day 10
killed but otherwise untouched rabbits along a foxes' trail. Goethe (1955)
reported 60 silver gulls killed by one fox in one night. The proportion of
prey that does not appear in the diet can therefore be quite considerable.
Similarly this could also explain why small mammals, especially insectivora
and muridae are noticeably missing in the dietary spectrum of the fox in the
majority of areas. That the fox is able to catch these animals is obvious as
they are the major part of its diet in some biotopes. Murie (1936) thinks
that the fox catches shrews to the same extent as other small mammals. He
states: "The fox probably pounces on any available source of a smell or a
sound and examines what he has captured later; it is likely that every
pounce has an element of sport in it". A selective choice of prey is
therefore, by comparison to the choice of diet, not or only partly assumable.
Lund (1962) notes that while following a total of 274 km of fox trails,
there was no indication that during these journeys larger mammals were
killed. Schofield (1960) also notes that whilst following 1109 miles of fox
trails, no larger animals were caught.
The foxes' prey, therefore, often is not apparent either at the den, in the
stomach nor in the excrement. It can only be determined by following tracks
and by direct observation.
On the other hand, the diet not only consists of the prey ingested. During
my own investigations (Witt 1976) I tried to determine the proportion of
carrion in the stomach-intestine contents. Carrion was considered to be:

1. Where the prey could not have been caught by the fox because of the size
of the animal, e.g. stags, deer, cows, pigs, sheep, etc.
2. When shop pellets and/or fly maggots or cocoons were found in the
stomach of the fox which had evidently been taken in during ingestion.

Rzebik-Kowalska (1972) adds as an additional criteria: "heads and paws of

poultry or leporids which must have been taken from refuse heaps because
carnivores never eat these parts if they have whole carcasses of prey at their
The exact proportion of carrion cannot be exactly determined with the
method used, as when eating shot wild animals pellets are not necessarily
ingested. Fly maggots require a longer period for development, and cannot
be used to indicate carrion in the winter. Using 1 + 2 as the criteria is
certainly insufficient for determining the carrion proportion.
Rzebik-Kowalska (1972) presumes that the method that she uses also
leads to an underestimation of the carrion proportion.

When using these criteria in Schleswig Holstein (FRG) I found that 82%
of the mammals ingested (excepting mice), and 61% of the birds were
carrion (Witt 1976). Here again the considerable difference between prey
and diet is noticeable.
According to the dietary formulation, there either appears in the diet a
fraction of the actual prey (e.g. insectivores) or a multiple (e.g. deer, hares,
pheasants). Only with a few types, e.g. the field mouse, is it probable that
diet and prey are quantitatively equal or similar. As long as the relationships
are unknown, the ecological importance of the fox can only be insufficiently
One can make a few conclusions from the formulation of the diet. Firstly
one can pose the question as to the sites of food intake and catch. Small
mammals often have a structurally definable living territory, which also
applies for many insects. Thus from the dietary formulation one can form
conclusions, with certain limitations, on the preferred hunting grounds of the
In addition one can obtain information regarding the time of day of food
ingestion. If one knows the time when the fox was killed, one will find that
the stomach content weight will decline from morning to evening. The
ingestion of food is therefore mainly at night. One can verify this by
observing the movement activity phases of the ingested carabidae. During
the course of the year the ingestion of carabidae is limited to the months
May to September (Europe), in other words to their active period. Most
probably this will also be during the day. One would therefore have to find
nocturnally active carabidae.
Finally I should like to put the following points up for discussion: The fox
shows taste preferences in the food it ingests. The choice of food, by
comparison to the choice of prey, is selective. For example, if alternative
prey is abundantly available the fox will seldom eat or will not eat insecti-
vores. If there are sufficient rabbits available it will hardly catch hares as they
are more difficult to catch. Taste preferences and varying degrees of diffi-
culty in catching are important factors in the choice of diet. If however the
population of a preferred type of prey should suddenly disappear, e.g.
rabbits after an outbreak of myxomatosis, the fox will change to a different
type of prey. In biotopes with little in the way of food, an otherwise
completely despised type of food can even become the main part of the diet.
Thus, e.g. Schueler (1951) states in his investigated area that the shrew is
the main diet. This shows on the one hand the flexibility of the fox in the
choice of diet, whilst in my opinion permitting the following conclusion: If in
the biotope of the fox potential prey is available which does not appear in
the diet, then the availability of food cannot be a limiting factor for the size
of the fox population. In central Europe the available food does not seem to
have a controlling furtction on the size of the fox population. In other
biotopes, e.g. North Scandinavia and areas of Russia, by comparison, it is
evidently a limiting factor. From the dietary formulation one can see
whether the fox population has reached the biologically bearable level,
provided one is informed of the available, potential dietary range.

Behrendt, G. 1955. Beitriige zur Okologie des Rotfuchses. Z. Jagdwiss. 1 (1955): 113-145,
Goethe, F. 1956. Fuchs (vulpes vulpes Iinne 1758) reibt Schlafgemeinschaft von etwa sechzig
jugendlichen Silbermoven (Larus argentatus Pontopp) auf. Saugetierk. Mitt. 4 (1956) 58-60.
Heptner, V. G. und N. P. Naumov 1974. Die Saugetiere der Sowjetunion. Bd. II Seekiihe und
Raubtiere. Jena.
Jensen, B. 1979. Population Ecology of the fox in Denmark. Lecture Biogeographisches
Kolloquium Saarbriicken 24-27.1.1979
Lund, H. 1962. The red fox in Norway, II: The feeding habits. Z. Jagdwiss. 9 (1962): 156.
Murie, A. 1936. Following fox trails. Univ. Michigan, Misc. Publ. 32 (1936): 1-45.
Rzebik-Kowalska, B. 1972. Studies on the diet of the carnivores in Poland. Acta. Zool. Cracov.
17 (1972): 415-506.
Schofield, R. D. 1960. A thousand miles of fox trails in Michigans ruffed grouse range J. Wildl.
Mgmt. 24 (1960): 432-434.
Schueler, R. L. 1951. Red fox food habits in a wilderness area. J. Mamm. 32 (1951): 462-464.
Spittler, H. 1972. Uber die Auswirkung der durch die Tollwut hervorgerufenen Reduzierung
der Fuchspopulation auf den Niederwildbesatz in Nordrhein-Westfalen. Z. f. Jagdwiss. 18
(1972): 76-95.
Witt, H. 1976. Untersuchungen zur Nahrungswahl von Fiichsen (vulpes vulpes Iinne 1758) in
Schleswig Holstein. Zool. Anzeiger 197 (1976): 377-400.
(Vulpes vulpes L., 1758) IN THE G.D.R.
Michael Stubbe*


The Red Fox is distributed throughout the GDR. From 1968 to 1977 an
average of 56,773 specimens were shot annually. In spite of the great
ecological importance of the Red Fox only a very little research work has
been undertaken to clarify the population ecology of the predator in
Northern Central Europe.
In the foreground of all efforts to make an effective contribution to the
control of rabies was a reduction of the population of the Red Fox. In spite
of considerable financial expenditures in this regard, only partial success was
attained (Sinnecker et al., 1975). The rabies epizooty in the GDR has not
diminished for more than 25 years, in spite of large scale control measures.
From 1953 to 1970 approximately 120,000 people exposed to rabies were
registered, of which one third of the cases concerned children and young
persons up to the age of 15 years. In the same period 34 people of our
country died of this virus epidemic. The rabies expositions were caused by a
total of 77,261 animals which endangered persons by bites or intensive
contact. Foxes were among the primary causes with 10.9%, cats with 23.5%
and dogs wi~h 38.2% (comp. with Figs. 1 and 2).
The research into predatory animals, still on a small scale, will be of
particular importance in the future because of the demand for an effective
reduction and, as a result, economic use of furs. In spite of intensive efforts
to reduce the population density of the Red Fox, the annual estimate
increased from 1973 to 1975, from 50,580 to 61,607. Although in 1974 6%
more dens were gassed than in 1973, and in 1974 7% more foxes were shot.
Since this trend persisted throughout the year 197 5 the causes should be
analysed thoroughly. The main reason could be that because of the gassing
many dens are destroyed and the surviving animals are forced to build new
dens. These are mostly small hidden dens which remain unknown to the
hunter and that is why they can be used as litter sites for the following years.
In order to considerably reduce the population density of foxes, gassing
during littering at the right time, the keeping of known dens, intensive
hunting and above all large scale and in depth research into foxes are
The most important results for the population ecology of foxes in the
GDR are to be found in Pitzsche (1972), Stubbe (1965, 1967, 1974, 1977),
Stubbe and Stubbe (1977), Ulbrich (1974, 1977). Goretzki and Paustian
* Wissenschaftsbereich Zoologie der Sektion Biowissenschaften Martin-Luther-Universitat
Halle-Wittenberg, DDR-402 Halle. Domplatz 4.

Biogeographica, Vol. 18: The Red Fox, ed. by E. Zimen 71

© 1980, Dr. W. Junk bv Publishers,
Rabies positive GOA
foxes 1 100 km2
I'ZZJ 0, 7- ,
~ 1.2-15
!1"'2':fl6 u.rnclr

0 20 aJ fiJ f1J Wkm

Fig. 1. Rabies positive foxes on 100 km 2 in the districts of the GDR from 1953 to 1970 (after
Sinnecker et al. 1975).

(1977) worked on the efficacy of gassing the dens. First investigations into
food ecology were made by Proft et al. (1975). The analyses by Creutz
(1978) are more comprehensive, although numerous details have not yet
been solved. Losert (1975) gave some information about economic calcula-
tions. For the epidemilogical importance of the fox Sinnecker et al. (1975) is
once again referred to.
In this paper are summarized the most important results of our own

fox dog


D qoo bi5 u. Q25

D 0,25 bis u. 0,50
~ 0,50 bis u. 1,00
~ 7,00 bisu. 1,50
~ 1,50 undnwhr

Fig. 2. Number of inocculations/10,000 inhabitants and year after being exposed by fox, dog
and cat from 1965 to 1970 (after Sinnecker et al. 1975).

investigations in the Hakel wildlife research area, where we began research

into the population ecology of the Red Fox in 1962. The Hakel forest is in
the district of Aschersleben, in the county of Halle and has an area of
1,300 ha. As an isolated forest complex of the Hercynic dry space, at the
edge of the Magdeburg Borde (Fig. 3), it has been intensively used since the
foundation of the wildlife research area Hakel, in the year 1956, for
biological investigation into the population of wildlife and birds of prey

$!;;fohes Holz

Fig. 3. Location of the wildlife research area Hake! in the GDR.

found there. The Hakel is a mixed deciduous wood, stocked relatively

naturally (Fig. 4), and lying in the middle of the most fertile arable land. For
more details concerning the Hakel area see the documentation by Stubbe
Apart from ecological data about population investigations into taxonomy
and morphology of foxes in the "Hakel" were carried out (Stubbe and
Stubbe, 1977). For the exact treatment of the ecological phenomena it is
neccessary to clarify the taxonomy of Central European foxes. In the above
mentioned work it was shown that the term Vulpes vulpes crucigera (1789)
dating back to Bechstein belongs to the typical form whose area stretches
across almost the whole of Europe.
The status of V . v. silacea (Miller, 1907) in Spain and V. v. ichnusae
(Miller, 1907) on Corsica and Sardinia merely remain to be verified. The
subspecies crucigera is to be classified with all its synonyms (Ellerman
and Morrison-Scott, 1966) under the typical form. The Irish foxes which
obviously have a shorter tail and longer ears than Central and Northern
European foxes (Fairley, 1970) also require a clarifying taxonomical classifi-
cation. The same is true with Bulgarian foxes which, according to Atanassov
(1958), have a clearly smaller condylobasal length and zygomatic width.
Since Greek foxes also have very small skull sizes, the incidence of a
different subspecies from Central Europe for the Balkans or South East
Europe is probable. Therefore it is not out of the question that a name
synonymous with crucigera will be used again. For this purpose thorough
taxonomical investigations are required.
The structure of the landscape and soil conditions are the decisive factors for
the building of badgers' and foxes' dens which serve as a place of maximum
security for birth, rearing and living.

In the Hakel area we find transitions from "LoB" free locations to thin
layers of "LoB" up to a metre thick which overlay mesozoic rock. " LoB" and
"LoB clay" meet, because of their soil structure, the optimal demands of
subterrestrial living mammals, especially of foxes and badgers, keeping in
mind the maintenance of dens over the years. On the central plateau of the
Hakel area and the North West side of the forest there is almost no "LoB"
at all. Only a few small dens are distributed in this area. The geological map
shows that the erosion valleys in the North East of this area represent the
preferred natural habitation. On the slopes of these valleys one den follows
another. Apart from the thick "LoB" layers, as we find them in the South
West and in the " Small Hakel", the heat of the sun on the valley slopes play
a certain role. Ninety five percent of these dens are on the South East slopes
which have an average angle of inclination of 20-30° and offer the carni-
vores a large colony density.

• Fuchs- odcr D:~chsbau


:.:.:.:· Hcpatica-Bucnenwald E]. Eichcn-Lindcn-MW

I. Calam:1gros1is - UG ~••

E8 I. Mcrcurialis - UG
2. Po:1 ncm. - UG ~ 2. Scrophulari:1 - UG ~ Fcldahorn-Bergulmcn

~- Eidlcn-Sommerlinden ~ 3. Potcntilta alba-UG
~- Griindcncn-Wald

Fig. 4. Location of den and wood societies of the Hake! area (changed from Stubbe 197 1).

.... tn
500 /{)(X)


D linterer t: use b~l­

;: alk ( :O' e-llen~olk)

LOO und U:S:le~ ~ USB und WfHc~ ~~

Ub-er Ge acbieb•- ~ tiber Du.."ll.sandate· i.1~ Suinbrt:eh

Fig. 5. Location of dens and geological conditions in the Hake! (completed after Stubbe 1965).

The varying thicknesses of "LoB" layers determine a varying stocking of

the forest. Weinitschke (1954) distinguishes between eight forest societies
with various subsocieties. In spite of having been used for decades the
natural image of the forest has been kept. The location of dens in the forest
is typical, depending, as already mentioned, on the soil conditions. The
"Hepatica" beech wood (from 40 em on strongly clefted shell-lime stone)
the "Steppenheidewald" with its levelled ground _and the "Feldahorn-
Bergulmen-Mischwald" with its distinct "Mullrendzina" are unsuitable for
den habitation.
During the fifteen years of investigation from 1962-1976 no new dens
were built. Only a few small dens were discovered which had been over-
looked during the first locating of dens. The underground tunnel systems
remained because of the firmness of the soil and because there was no
gassing of dens which therefore were inhabited for decades. The majority of
dens are certainly built by badgers and taken over by foxes .

1-5 6-10 11-15 16-20 21-25 26-30
entrances I den
Fig. 6. Percentage of dens (n = 146, white columns) in the different size groups and the
proportional distribution of fox litters from 1962 to 1976 (n = 108, black columns).

The total number of dens located in the Hakel amounts to 146 of which
76% have no more than five tunnels (Fig. 6). To every 100 ha there were
11.2 fox- or badger's dens. This alone shows how this area is predestined for
carnivores. Knowledge about all dens is a fundamental condition for the
investigation of reproductive potentials and numerous other ecological
parameters. In the GDR all hunting societies are obliged to keep a census of
dens. For the literature on the subject of the density of dens see Stubbe


Over a 15-year period the annual reproduction rate for the "Hakel'' popula-
tion amounts to 190% (119-265%) on the average referring to the parent
population on the 1st of April of each year under the precondition of a sex
ratio of 1.5oo: 1~ (Table 1). The average over the last five years amounts to
208% and therefore lies above the long-term results. Only the year 1976
reached a clear low point again with 153% for the first time since 1969
(161 %). The reason for this low reproduction rate was probably the raw
April weather in 1976, to which a high percentage of the new born pups fell
victim. The minimum losses can be calculated as 30% assuming a minimum
number of five pups per litter up to the age of four to six weeks. This is the
period of life from the time of birth up to the appearance of the pups on the


Table 1. Reproduction, losses, population density of the Red Fox between 1962 and 1976 in the wildlife research area Hakel.

.... ....<1) ~ "0
<1) ~Oil ~
"'::I0. 0
~ =~
"' <1)
... 0. <1) = ·~·.3 -:: "' 0
0 ~ '2 .;3 .g ~ ~
~~ ....
- ]#~ "'§ ......
§ II
"'§' i <1) ~0
::I :::1\0 ..0 ,.g~= = "'
o(l)i:: ...0 ;l "O.<:lr.:=-o
"'<1) 0. 0. 0 "' .... 0
~.J. -~ ... .B $ = g. 0..:
"0 "0 §~ o.<::~o
<1) o ... o 8 B
'"'"'"' rJ:J .g 0 .g 0. ·~o ~
Litter size
:E "' ~
e::= oo.=sc; ]8
e i::<1) &l<+= <iS 'iii ~~,.g§' ;;Sti··
... o, !ZI \0 ....... ~ ~-= e e# o.._."~'""'~:9 §~
0 ..0
"' $ 0 ::I jl~~ O(l)oJl
Years 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 E-<
"' 0 0 3£ E-<o. <:tOO ~ '0 .s 8..5 ~ o. o~ z&
1962 - - - 4 - 1 - - 1 - - 6 25 4.17 8 5.50 24 139 0.69 0.46
1963 - - - 1 1 - 2 - - - - 4 19 4.75 3 5.50 14 158 0.46 0.31
1964 - - 1 1 1 - - 1 - - 1 5 26 5.20 6 6.40 19 200 0.50 0.38
1965 - - 1 2 2 1 1 - - - - 7 27 3.86 9 5.14 25 159 0.65 0.54
1966 - - - - - 6 1 2 2 - - 11 66 6.00 - 6.00 - 244 1.04 0.85

1967 2 - 1 4 3 1 - - - - - 11 31 2.82 24 5.00 43 119 1.00 0.85

1968 - - - 2 1 1 1 - - - - 5 21 4.20 5 5.20 19 162 0.50 0.38
1969 - - 2 3 2 3 1 - - - - 11 42 3.82 14 5.09 25 161 1.00 0.85
1970 - 1 - - - - - 4 2 - - 7 45 6.43 4 7.00 8 265 0.65 0.54
1971 - - - 1 - 4 2 - - 1 - 8 44 5.50 2 5.75 4 244 0.69 0.54

1972 - - 2 - 1 - 1 - 2 - - 6 30 5.00 7 6.16 19 200 0.58 0.46

1973 - - - - - 3 1 1 1 - - 6 36 6.00 - 6.00 - 240 0.58 0.46
1974 - - 1 - 1 3 2 - - - - 7 33 4.71 4 5.29 11 194 0.65 0.54
1975 - - - 1 - 2 1 1 1 1 - 7 43 6.14 2 6.43 4 253 0.65 0.54
1976 - 1 - 3 1 1 - 1 - - - 7 26 3.71 11 5.29 30 153 0.65 0.54

total 2 2 8 22 13 26 13 10 9 2 1 108 514 4.76 99 5.68 16 190 0.69 0.55

--- --
dens. This mortality rate now amounts to an average of 16% (0-43%) over
15 years.
So the reproduction rate can diverge by approximately 150%. More
precisely expressed it is not (or only rarely) the birth rate which underlies
the considerable deviations but the annually varying survival chances of the
embryos or new born pups, which depend on climatic factors, diseases and
food supply. The supply of prey is fully subordinate to these factors in
Central Europe as a regulation mechanisms, as the fox is very adaptable in
its feeding habits and its young can be reared on variable prey. The supply
of prey has no primary importance for the annual growth in Central Europe
and Southern Sweden (Englund, 1970). However in Northern Sweden there
is supposed to be a positive relation between both factors.
The observed litter size of 108 fox litters in the Hakel area amounts to
4.76 pups per litter (0-10). Taking into account the losses during the first
four to six weeks of life the rate increases to 5.68 (see Table 1).
For the 108 litters calculated from 1962 to 1976 54 dens were necessary.
One den was used six times as a litter site one other den five times, 6 dens
four times, 8 dens three times, 11 dens twice and 27 dens once (Figs. 7 and
8). Two female foxes reared their pups together in one den twice, whereby
the maximum distance between two litters is nought. Once a large den was
inhabited simultaneously by a fox and badger litter. On another four
occasions female foxes moved with their pups after being disturbed in their
litter den to dens inhabited by badgers.
We found, in contrast to the observations of Behrendt (1955), that up to
67% of litter dens were large dens in the Hakel area and could
be left after a few weeks, especially after disturbances. Also small litter dens
have often been known for decades. The average number of litters in the
Hakel area amounted to 7.2 litters per year (4-11). Under litter size 0 in
Table 1 two litters are mentioned which, presumably, were totally lost in the
first four weeks of life because of rabies.
The number of non-pregnant female foxes is obviously very small. Ac-
cording to Ulbrich (1975) the number in the county of Dresden was about
3.5%. In the Hakel area only two such animals could be shot. Pitzschke
(1972) investigated 301 female foxes in the county of Gera in the GDR
between February and June and established that 67 animals (22.3%) were
not reproductively active. Among the fertile females the fetuses of 30

Fig. 7. Number of litters per litter den.

• ~ OE=:=t:::::=::::01 Km

Fig. 8. Distribution of litter dens and number of litters (n = 108) in the wildlife research area

animals (12.8%) died of embryonic miscarriage. So altogether 97 females

(32.3%) were eliminated from reproduction. This percentage is unusually
high and shows how important are parallel investigations in several areas.
Further comparison data are noted by Stubbe (1973).
A comparison between the number of fetuses (Table 3) and the rate for
observed pups per litter (Table 4) shows that one has to take into account a
loss of 1.54 fetuses or pups between the time of the embryonic development
and the fourth postnatal week (see Fig. 9). In this the losses of ova and
young embryos are not included. An extraordinarily high reproduction rate
of 6.3 observed pups per female fox (n = 32) is given by Pielowski (1976) for

Table 2. Number of dens (n = 146) and of litters (n = 108) per den size from 1962-1976 in the
Hake! area.

Number of dens Number of litters

Number of
tunnels/den n % ii %

1 to 5 112 76.7 36 33.3

6to 10 20 13.7 38 35.2
11 to 15 7 4.8 17 15.7
16to 20 4 2.7 7 6.5
21 to 25 2 1.4 6 5.6
26to 30 1 0.7 4 3.7

Total 146 100.0 108 100.0

Table 3. Number of fetuses or placental scars* for female foxes in the GDR and their distribution in percent.

Vixens fetuses or placental scars

Author Place of Fetuses/
(year) origin n 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 vixen

Pitzschke county of
67 2 1 1 7 3 25 8 13 5 1 1 - 6.36
(1972) Gera
Ulbrich* county of
(1977) Dresden 132 1 3 5 16 28 27 22 20 4 4 - 2 6.08
Stubbe Tharandt
- - - - - 1 - - 1 - - - 7.50
(1974) forest 2
Stubbe Hake! area 7 - - - - - - 1 - 2 2 1 1 9.17

total GDRn 208 3 4 6 23 31 53 31 33 12 7 2 3 6.30

1.9 2.9 11.1 14.9 25.5 14.9 15.9 5.8 3.4 0.9 1.4 -
% 100 1.4

Table 4. Number of observed pups per litter size and their distribution in percent in the Hakel

Litter size

Litters 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Total Pups/Vixen

n 2 2 8 22 13 26 13 10 9 2 1 108 4.76
% 1.9 1.9 7.4 20.4 12.0 24.0 12.0 9.3 8.3 1.9 0.9 100

The maximum number of reared pups in general correlates with the

number of existing milk teats. In contrast to the information given by
Usinger (1950), van den Brink (1957), and Gaffrey (1961) as well as
Haltenorth and Roth (1968) female foxes have not three, but four or five
pairs of teats. This is definitely proved by findings with foxes in the Hakel,
where out of seven vixens four had eight, two females had nine, and one
specimen had ten teats.
In the Hakel six pregnant females from 1962 to 1972 were examined.
Since, according to Naaktgeboren (1965) head presentation is supposed to
occur more often than pelvic presentation during birth, special attention was
paid to the position of the fetuses, their sex and weight during dissection
(Table 6). Because of the relatively small amount of material the findings of
Naaktgeboren could not be confirmed. Out of 57 fetuses 30 were in front
position, but when the 15 fetuses from the Tharandt forest are also taken
into account, the relation becomes almost entirely balanced (see Table 5). A
conformity in presentation and sequence of presentation and sex could not
be found (see Table 6).

OJ0 females

25 r-


15 - ..... r-


r-- 1-- r-

I ~ D- r- r- - - I
r. n
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
foetuses and juveniles I litter
Fig. 9. Proportional distribution of vixens per litter size four weeks after birth (n = 108, black
columns) in comparison to the number of fetuses or uterus scars (n = 208, white columns) with
a clear phase displacement of both reproduction data.

Table 5. Position of fetuses in the vixens.

Head Pelvic Not clear

Number of presentation presentation presentation
Origin vixens JJ 99 oo 99 JJ 99

Hake! 6 19 11 16 11 2 -
Tharandt forest 2 5 10

total 8 35 37 2


A preponderance of male foxes in the sex ratio has been established by

numerous authors (see Stubbe, 1973, Ulbrich, 1974). This is also true of the
Hakel population (see Tables 7-9). In calculating the sex ratio three age
groups were taken into consideration; fetuses, pups shot on the dens and
young or old foxes shot separately in the preserve. In the county of Dresden
Ulbrich (1974) was only able to establish a surplus of males in the second
and third group of 1.45 or 1.25:1 following ~he sequence given. In the cases
of 142 fetuses the ra:tio of 0.95: 1 had moved slightly in favour of the vixens.
Altogether the ratio in the cases of 2.569 investigated individuals was
1.3loo: 1 Q. Pitzschke (1972) came to varying results in the county of Gera.
From 177 fetuses 90 males were able to be registered (1.03oo: 1 Q). Out of
875 pups up the age of six months the females predominated with 51.7%
(0.94oo: 1 Q), among 1.421 older foxes the males were predominant with
57.2% (1.34oo: 1 Q). Altogether 2,473 foxes with a sex ratio of 1.16oo: 1 Q
were examined by Pitzschke. In the Hakel area the proportion of males in
the evaluation of all three age groups is clearly greater than that of females
with 1.58: 1 (n = 642) (Table 10).
The variance of the sex ratio of foxes shot separately in the Hakel area
is especially high (2.01 : 1, n = 325). The ratio is subject to a certain rhythm
in the annual cycle, which has its origins partly in defined behaviour norms
of the fox and partly in the shooting habits of the hunters (see Table 7, Fig.
While from May to August the sex ratio is to, a great extent balanced,
from September to April many more males than females are shot. Since
from May to June whole litters with adult females are eliminated, the
proportion of females is much higher than in the other months. From July to
August it is mostly the still inexperienced pups which are shot in the
preserves and harvested fields, and the relation corresponds, apart from a
slight predomination of males, almost exactly to the results found with
young foxes from April to June (Table 8).
In the other months the males are obviously more active, have a greater
radius of action and are more easily shot. During the main breeding time the
females are mainly in the dens and the searching males are therefore more
easily shot. An intensification of den hunting which, because of the danger
of rabies, is at the moment still prohibited in the GDR, would especially at


Table 6. Sex ratio, presentation and mass of fetuses in six vixens from wildlife research area Hakel. The direction of arrow marks the head presentation.

Fetuses left Fetuses right Head-

No. Date Age Teats 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 JJ:n rump-length
1967/7 11.3 1 4/4 0 0 0 '.' 0 0 0 '.' 0 '.' 0 0 9:3 50
g+ s 9 8 g '8 '8 g g '8 '8 '8
1967/6 11.3 1 4/4 ' '.' 0 0 '.'
--> 1. _1_. _1_. '.' 3:6 100
.2... -->
48 49 5o 53 48 42 45 45 4s
1972/5 17.3 very old 5/4 '.' 0 :}_ 1. t94 :}_ '.'
-> i 5:5 100 to 120
83 74 81 82
& 54 m 70
1972/6 19.3 1 4/4 ' 0 0 0 '.' 5:2 110
1. .£. .£. +-- -+
71 74 72 71 78 6s 76
1970/2 26.3 1 4/4 0 .2.' 0 1. i- 0
-> .i _.§. _1. 8:3 80
3:... -+ .i
32 30 34 31 34 35 30 35 30 34 32

1970/7 9.3 1 ? (300 + 1'.') (4JJ+2n) 7:3 95

30<3' 1'.' 2'.''.' lei lei 200
- +-->
<-----+ +---~--+?
29.5-35 g 30-35.5 g .
Table 7. Number and sex ratio of older than 3 months old foxes shot in the wildlife area Hakel
(n =411).

Foxes shot Total Sex ratio

Months 00 'i''i' Sex? n % oo:'i''i'

January 23 9 3 35 8.51 2.56:1

February 9 1 10 20 4.87 9.00:1
March 19 11 2 32 7.78 1.72:1
April 14 0 4 18 4.38 14.00:0
May 10 12 5 27 6.57 0.83:1
June 6 7 10 23 5.60 0.86:1
July 11 9 6 26 6.33 1.22:1
August 16 14 8 38 9.24 1.14:1
September 8 3 3 14 3.41 2.67:1
October 9 5 5 19 4.62 1.80:1
November 49 19 16 84 20.44 2.58:1
December 43 18 14 75 18.25 2.39:1

total 217 108 86 411 100.00 2.01:1

this time mean a greater number of females would be shot and contribute to
the reduction of the fox. Already in March the proportion of males consid-
erably decreases in comparisons with February. At the beginning of April
most of the females give birth, they are longer in the den and are hidden.
The hunter also spares the suckling females at this time and mostly males
are shot. The April data from Table 7 are, however, not representative of
a larger area, since in a larger area a certain percentage of females is also
shot. Moreover the natural mortality of females seems to increase with age
compared with the males.
Lund (1959) in Norway found very similar results in the monthly analysis
of the sex ratio, Pielowski (1976) in Poland and Ulbrich (1974) in the county

Table 8. Number and sex ratio per month of young foxes shot on the dens in the wildlife
research area Hakel (n = 305).

Foxes shot Total Sex ratio

Months 00 'i''i' Sex? n % oo:'i''i'

April 11 9 9 29 9.51 1.22:1

May 119 100 47 266 87.22 1.19:1
June 6 4 10 3.27 1.50:1

total 136 113 56 305 100.00 1.20:1

Table 9. Sex ratio of the foxes in the Hakel area.

Age n

Fetuses (of 7 vixens) 68 40 28 1.43:1

Young foxes (shot on the dens) 249 136 113 1.20:1
Foxes (shot seperately in
the preserve) 325 217 108 2.01:1

Of0 sex ratio




50 - - - - - r-- - I-- r-- -


30 -
20 - [d'
lJ_ ~
......_ ....._ ....._ ....._
- ....._ ....._ ....._
J F M A M J A S 0
Fig. 10. Proportional distribution of sex ratio of foxes shot separately in the Hake! area
(n = 325) in the annual cycle.

of Dresden also found the same. The total average for the GDR, according
to present proportional figures (Table 10), shows a sex ratio of 1.35 oo: 1 <i>,
the foxes being six months and older. Taking into account that a certain
proportion of females is not pregnant, it seems to be safe to base one's
reproductive calculations on the ratio 1.5 : 1. After determining the number
of litters (n) in a certain area, the size of the parent population can be
relatively accurately calculated (n x 2.5).


Growth and mortality, sex ratio and life expectancy determine the turnover
of a population. As with many other mammals several methods for deter-
mining the age of the fox are used: second dentition (complete at the age of
5 or 6 months) and the teeth wear, fusion of the epiphysis of certain bones
of the extremities (ossified at the age of one year), ossification of the skull
sutures, mass of the eye lenses (12 month old= 212 mg, 197 to 223 mg),
mass and length of the baculum (juv <50 mm, ad >5 g), counting of the
cementum or dentin layers (literature, see Stubbe, 1973).
What is important is the immediate recognition of animals up to the age
of one year and therewith the distinction from older animals. For this
purpose the best means of determining the age of the Hakel population
proved to be the wear of teeth (Stubbe, 1965, 1973) which comprehensive

Table 10. Sex ratio of foxes of different age groups from the GDR.

Author Fetuses Sex Young foxes Sex Foxes >6 mths Sex Total Sex
year n cici <;";' ratio n oo 'i"i' ratio n cici '?9 ratio n cici '?9 ratio
(1972) 177 90 87 1.03:1 875 423 452 0.94:1 1,421 813 608 1.34:1 2,473 1,326 1,147 1.16:1
(1974) 142 69 73 0.95:1 1,063 630 433 1.45: 1 1,364 758 606 1.25:1 2,569 1,457 1,112 1.31: 1
Stubbe & Stubbe
(1977) 68 40 28 1.43:1 249 136 113 1.20:1 325 217 108 2.01:1 642 393 249 1.58:1

total 387 199 188 1.06:1 2,187 1,189 998 1.20:1 3,110 1,788 1,322 1.35: 1 5,684 3,176 2,508 1.27:1

follow up investigations also confirm in comparison with teeth profiles up to
the age of two. Bramel and Zettl (1974) as well as Geiger et al. (1977) came
to the same results. In contrast, v. Bree et al. (1974) found that evaluation of
cementum layers in teeth profiles, in comparison with that of teeth wear,
only corresponded in 35% of the cases of foxes from Holland and 47% from
France, whereby they especially refer to the third year of life of older
individuals after tooth grinding as well. This should be avoided in order to
prevent greater mistakes in the evaluation in the ages of animals more than
two years old.
Animals up to the age of 12 months do not generally have any tooth
grinding worth mentioning on the tips of the lower incisors. The first upper
incisor (I 1 ) is only worn a little. The triple pointed crown is usually still well
recognisable. By this method a quick determination of age of trapped live
animals is also possible.
In the case of an average reproduction rate of 190% (without counting
the losses of the first four to six weeks of life), related to the parent
generation before the new reproduction cycle in spring, the annual increase
or decrease of the fox population amounts to approximately two thirds. The
proportion of pups in the population after the birth period and the propor-
tion of one year old animals during the reproduction period are about the
same, whereby similar mortality rates among young animals under one year
and adults can be concluded (also see Lloyd et al., 1976). From the findings
a turnover model can be easily deduced, according to which the age groups,
nought to five, give the following percentages: 65.52%, 22.76%, 7.58%,
2.76%, 1.03%, 0.35%. In the case of a mortality rate being evenly distri-
buted over the whole year, the average life expectancy of a fox would then
be exactly 12 months, theoretically speaking. Since the main losses take
place during the fur maturing period as a result of human interference and
as the losses occur on average between November and January, the life
expectancy of a fox in hunted populations may theoretically be higher, about
15 months.
How the age pyramid looks for populations not hunted is largely un-
known. In the Hakel area where the population has been repeatedly hunted
to below the "zero level" (see Fig. 12) in recent years and where immigra-
tion from outside has occurred, the age distribution has shifted much more

Table 11. Theoretical life table of fox population in the Hakel area.

Age class 1 d 1x dx lL: ex

0 290 190 1,000 655 655 1.02

1 100 66 345 228 661 1.00
2 34 22 117 76 650 0.99
3 12 8 41 28 683 0.89
4 4 3 13 10 769 0.73
5 1 1 3 3 1,000 0.50

total 441 290 1,519 1,000 659

strongly in favour of age group nought than as calculated in the theoretical
model above. This will be investigated in a special paper.


For years much effort has been made to decrease the population density of
the fox on a large scale. In order to eliminate rabies in the GDR, legislation
demands a Spring stock (1st of April) of two foxes on an area of 1,000 ha.
This means, with a sex ratio of 1.5 : 1, one litter on 1,250 ha. Other authors
see in a relative fox density, hunting indicator of population density (HIPD,
after Bagel et al., 1974), of 0.2 to 0.4 foxes shot per 100 ha per year an
effective bar against the spreading of rabies. In spite of the intensive gassing
of dens, we remain, with an HIPD of about 0.6, still far away from this
goal, as shown by the annual shooting rate in the GDR.
The spring stock can not be exactly estimated for the territory of the
GDR, since the annual shooting rate reflects the shooting of the calender
year and not of the hunting year which is from 1st April to 31st March.
Moreover the foxes killed during the gassing of dens are not entered in the
statistics. One can certainly assume that in this way 50% of the juveniles are
eliminated. Theoretically one could expect 8,664 litters and a parent popu-
lation of 21,660 individuals calculated in the GDR annually based on 2
foxes per 1,000 ha or a litter per 1,250 ha. With an average reproduction
rate of 190%, related to the parent population, this would be an annual
growth of 41,154 young foxes which would immediately have to be elimi-
nated again as an annual shooting rate in order to have the same number of
original stock. This would correspond to an HIPD of 0.38 individuals per
If gassing is continued and keeping in mind the assumption that 50% of
the young foxes are eliminated by this means, the theoretical figure for the
annual shooting rate and all other calculations based on this could still be
fixed 50% lower. The annual spring stock in the GDR still probably lies
between 50,000 and 60,000 foxes.
The average of the HIPD values in the years 1972 and 1973 for the
several districts of the GDR is to be found in Fig. 11. Analyses referring to
this have to be continued and to be thoroughly evaluated.
In the Hakel area the average population density for Spring (March)
amounted to 0.69 (0.46-1.04) individuals per 100 ha. (see Table 1) over 15
years of investigation. There were 0.28litters per 100 ha. of preserve area
(field :wood= 1: 1). According to the research principles no den was gassed
but an intensive shooting of litters was carried out instead. It was possible to
reduce the fox population of the Hakel area in most of the years down to
the level of the preceeding Spring stock, and in 1972/73 as well as in
1976/77 and the following years down to zero. This vacuum was always
filled again from surrounding preserve areas until the next reproduction
phase (see Fig. 12). Pielowski (1976) came to similar results in Poland. This
shows clearly that neighbouring preserves have to take still more intensive
measures to drastically decrease the population density of the Spring stock.

HIPD of foxes GOA
< 0.20 0
0,10 - O.:tt
0,40- O.!ot
0.60 - O.Jt

... __ ,
0,10 - 0."
1.00- l . lt
1,20 - 1.19

Fig. 11. Number of foxes shot in the districts of the GDR on 100 ha preserve area in the
average of the years 1972 and 1973 (after Stubbe 1977).

It was demonstrated in the Hakel area, that the shooting of young foxes
represents an effective method of reduction which is of the same value as the
gassing of dens at random. It has, as already mentioned, the essential
advantage of keeping all known dens, so that the foxes are not forced to
build small hidden dens in order to breed their pups unnoticed during the
next reproduction phase.

number of foxes

60 I I I II I I
ss I I I II I I

; -·<>-·o-· .,
. ·.
/\ i . . _. ._
N ;~
!/ Lr-.. ~
~t-o--a.._ J ·o,··o·,····r'-·-o 1/ "' ..,.-·~-~--". II' -·o...,~ ..., J/ '·o-- ·-·o\'o. ~+.l
15 L . "'~ ,_ II '"---h.-~ I ---......... '--y_~
""' ...., ·-· I I

1 2 3 ' 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 ' 5 6 7 8 9 70 71 12 , 2 3 ' 5 6 7 • 9 10 , 12 1 2 3 ' 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 7 2 3 ' 5 6

1962 1963 19~ 1965 1966

Fig. 12. Annual population dynamic of the Red Fox in the wildlife research area Hake! from 1962 to 1976. The dotted curves from March to May show
the estimated losses of young foxes. The arrows with the marks - or + point to a population decrease or population increase (imigration). The R means
rabies which did not cause any essential losses apart from the year 1967, however.


number of foxes

R ~
05 Il ;; I
0 -I
' r, ii\
" ;; ill\ ~~
10 !\ : ~ II

45 : P. Cl. p-· ·,.

i L
.~ '-
I l-~- '\ '\
35 : . '·o-."0·-· ., 1: \ "'-- ' '!""""" r--.._1"-. ~ ~
25 r="': ' "- - - -· + '-M_
~...._ 1 I
20 r' ...._ I
15 .....,....
ro5 ~
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 ' 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 ' 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 ' 5 6 7 ' 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6
1966 1967 19111 1969 1970

Fig. 12 continued.
number of foxes

65 Q
55 0
50 !1
n K A ~ r
35 .. ~:
30 -·v- -
1\ 1\
I -·0
1\ ·-c....,
\ '-,_
'·,'C>-· ~
o-.o._ ··o
20 '·,"-.,. lt\1/
wl ·'<>-. ~
"'-· \
10 + \\
5 ll.:·-·o-·
0 ' v-·-<>'.,.

I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 I 2 3 4 5 6
1972 7973 19 74 1975 19 76

Fig. 12 continued.


As already shown in the material thus far, the most urgent task is to be seen
in the reduction of the population density of the fox. Moreover, the
exploitation of fox skins as high quality furs is an essential factor in the
economic use of wildlife. Because of the danger of rabies in the GDR at
present, the shot predator and vermin are put into foil sacks and kept in
lockable barrels until collected by the skinning stations. The accumulated
predators are skinned in special skinning establishments of several animal
exploitation enterprises and some forestry enterprises as well as by hunting
societies. In 1976 there were 29 such stations in operation in the GDR to
preserve the valuable furs.
The care taken by the hunter is already crucial for the quality of the furs.
First of all the time of shooting is important for the condition of the furs.
For this reason the intensification of trapping and shooting during the fur
maturing period, from November 1st to March 31st, is of vital importance.
The yield of predators in the given time period varies in the individual GDR
counties, between 39 and 67%. of the total yield. Fur exploitation during
the October 1st to April 30th period is now aimed at.
In the Hakelarea, as the long term average shows (Table 7, Fig. 13), 60%
of the foxes shot are killed in the months from November to March
(October to April 68.9%). Not included in this sum were the young foxes
killed on the dens from April to June, which are equated with the quota lost
by gassing in other areas. In November and December the main proportion,

Oto shut foxes

Fig. 13. Monthly percentage of foxes shot separately (black, n =411) or young foxes shot on
the dens (white, n = 305) in the Hakel area.

3 9%, is hunted. From April to October the shootings per month vary
between 3.4 and 9.2% of the total yield. The maximum summer shootings
coincide with the harvesting of the fields in August. Stubble-fields are
preferred feeding grounds of the fox.


In this paper the most important findings about the population ecology of
the Red Fox in the GDR are summarized. In the Hakel, a large isolated
wood of 1,300 ha on the edge of the Magdeburg Borde the fox population
was investigated from 1962 to 1976. Information about the taxonomy of the
Central European foxes is given. They belong to the typical form; the
subspecies Vulpes vulpes crucigera (Bechstein, 1789) is a synonym for
Vulpes vulpes vulpes (L., 1758). The population ecology of the Hakel foxes
is characterized by investigations into the reproduction rate and birth
biology, into the sex ratio and its population density as well as the popula-
tion structure. The annual reproduction rate over a fifteen year average
amounted to 190% on April, 1st, related to the parent population. On
average 4.76 pups per litter survived the first 4 to 6 weeks of the post natal
period. The post natal mortality rate amounted, at this time, to at least 16%.
The male foxes predominate in the sex ratio. One can base one's reproduc-
tion calculations on the ratio 1.5 oo: 1 ~- In the case of an average reproduc-
tion rate 190% the theoretical population structure of the age groups 0 to 5
amount to 65.5%, 22.8%, 7.6%, 2.8%, 1.0%, 0.3%. Average life expec-
tancy is approximately 12 to 15 months. The absolute age seldom exceeds 6
years. The "hunting indicator of population density" was about 0.6 shot
animals/100 ha. in the GDR taken as an average over the years 1966 to
1975. The GDR annual spring stock is assumed to be 50,000 to 60,000
foxes. For an effective suppression of rabies all conceivable measures must
also be taken in the future, in order to reduce the population density
effectively on a wide scale. To this end knowledge in the areas of wildlife
biology, hunting and epidemic hygene must be efficiently coordinated.
Instruction for the economic use of foxes orientates around an approved
harvest and usage of the mature furs from October to April. In the Hakel
area 68.9% of the annual yield are sent for skin producing in this period ..


Atanassov, N. 1958. Der Fuchs (Vulpes vulpes crucigera Bechstein) in Bulgarien. Morphologie,
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Behrendt, G. 1955. Beitrage zur Okologie des Rotfuchses (Vulpes vulpes L.). Z. Jagdwiss. 1:
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Bogel, K., Arata, A. A., Moegle, H. and Knorpp, F. 1974. Recovery of Reduced Fox
Populations in Rabies Control. Zbl. Vet. Med. B 21: 401-412.
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Brink, F. H. van den 1957. Die Saugetiere Europas westlich des 30. Langengrades. Berlin und
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Ellerman, J. R. and Morrison-Scott, T. C. S. 1966. Checklist of Palaearctic and Indian
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Englund, J. 1970. Some aspects of reproduction and mortality rates in Swedish Foxes (Vulpes
vulpes vulpes), 1961-63 and 1966-69. Viltrevy 8 (1): 1-82.
Fairley, J. S. 1970. The food, reproduction, form, growth and development of the fox Vulpes
vulpes (L.) in Northeast Ireland. Proc. Royal Irish Acad. 69 B, No. 5: 103-137.
Gaffrey, G. 1961. Merkmale der wildlebenden Siiugetiere Mitteleuropas. Leipzig.
Geiger, G. et al. 1977. Konkordanz verschiedener Methoden der Altersbestimmung beim
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Goretzki, J. and Paustian, K.-H. 1977. Zur Eflektivitiit der Fuchsbaubegasung. Beitr. Jagd- und
Wildforsch. 10: 327-331.
Haltenorth, Th. and Roth, H. H. 1968: Short review of the biology and ecology of the red fox.
Siiugetierk. Mitt. 16: 339-352.
Lloyd, H. G. et al. 1976. Annual Turnover of Fox Populations in Europe. Zbl. Vet. Med. B 23:
Losert, J. 1975. Moglichkeiten zur Steigerung des Aufkommens an Raubwildbiilgen und
Erlosen. Unsere Jagd 25: 112-113.
Lund, H. M. 1959. The red fox in Norway. I. Papers Norwegian State Game Res., 2. Ser. (5):
Naaktgeboren, C. 1965. Die Fortpftanzung des Rotfuchses, Vulpes vulpes (L.), mit besonderer
Beriicksichtigung von Schwangerschaft und Geburt. Zool. Anz. 175: 235-263.
Pielowski, Z. 1976. The Role of Foxes in the Reduction of the European Hare Population.
Ecology and management of European hare populations (Warszawa) 135-148 (Proceedings
of an international symposium held in Poznan, December 23-24, 1974).
Pitzschke, H. 1972. Untersuchungen iiber die Fuchspopulation- ein Beitrag zur Erforschung
von Grundlagen fnr eine wirksame Tollwutbekiimpfung. Monatshefte Veteriniirmed. 27:
Proft, G. et al. 1975. Untersuchungen iiber die Nahrung des Fuchses im Bezirk Gera.
Landschaftspflege und Naturschutz in Thuringen 12 (3): 50-56.
Sinnecker, H. 'et al. 1975. Die Entwicklung der Tollwut in der DDR 1953 bis 1970. Z. gesamte
Hygiene 21: 39-45.
Stubbe, M. 1965. Zur Biologie der Raubtiere eines abgeschlossenen Waldgebietes. Z. Jagdwiss.
11: 73-102.
Stubbe, M. 1967. Zur Populationsbiologie des Rotfuchses vulpes vulpes (L.). Hercynia (N.F.) 4:
Stubbe, M. 1971. Wald-, Wild- undJagdgeschichte desHakel. Arch. Forstwesen 20: 115-204.
Stubbe, M. 1973. Der Fuchs (Vulpes vulpes L.), in Stubbe, H.: Buch der Hege, Bd. 1, Berlin.
Stubbe, M. 1974. Zur Populationsbiologie des Rotfuchses Vulpes vulpes L. II. Beitr. Jagd- und
Wilforsch. 8: 385-395.
Stubbe, M. 1977. Raubwild, Raubzeug, Kriihenvogel, Grundlagen der Bewirtschaftung. Berlin.
Stubbe, M. and Stubbe, W. 1977. Zur Populationsbiologie des Rotfuchses Vulpes vulpes (L.),
III. Hercynia (N.F.) 14: 160-177.
Ulbrich, F. 1974. Zu einigen Fragen den Fortpftanzungsbiologie des Rotfuchses (Vulpes vulpes
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Weinitschke, H. 1954. Die Waldgesellschaften des Hakels. Wiss. Z. Univ. Halle 3: 947-978.

A. V. Braunschweig*


Der Fuchsbestand ist in der freien Wildbahn nicht zahlbar. Im Vortrag wird
dargelegt, wie man aus den bekannten Daten wie AbschuB, Ver-
mehrungsrate, ermittelte Tollwutzahlen und Friihverluste annahernd den
Fuchsbestand errechnen kann. Dabei ergibt sich, daB etwa nur 2% der
tatsachlichen Tollwutfalle bekannt werden. Ferner wird gezeigt, daB
Fuchsbestande von mehr als 1.3 Fiichsen je 100 ha Jagdftache am 15.11. d.
Jahres kaum erreicht werden konnen, weil die Tollwut als Hauptregulator
des Fuchsbestandes dann eine drastische Fuchsminderung auf etwa 0,8
Fiichse je 100/ha am 15.II.d. Jahres herbeifiihrt. Die Jagd spielt fiir den
Fuchsbestand keine entscheidende Rolle.

Fox numbers cannot be accurately counted in the wilds. In this paper it is
shown how the fox population can be estimated from such known parame-
ters as hunting mortality, increment, the number of rabid foxes and spring
mortality. Whereby it is known that only 2% of all rabid foxes are found. In
addition, it is shown that fox densities greater than 1, 3 foxes per 100 ha of
huntable ground are hardly ever reached on the 15th February of each year
since rabies, as the major regulator, decimates the fox numbers to roughly
0.8 foxes per 100 ha. Hunting mortality does not play an important role in
regulating fox numbers.

Als Jagdwissenschaftler bin ich nach jahrelanger Beobachtung und Auswer-

tung der einschlagigen Literatur zu folgenden Leitsatzen fiir die
Fuchspopulationsdynamik gekommen.
(1) Der Fuchsbestand und sein wichtigster biologischer Regulator, die Toll-
wut, diirfen zur Zeit unabhangig voneinander nicht betrachtet werden.
(2) Der Jagd auf den Fuchs kommt zweitrangige Bedeutung zu.
(3) Fuchszahlungen fiihren zu irrefiihrenden Ergebnissen, ebenso wie
Zahlmethoden bei anderen freilebenden Tieren. Das ist unbestritten.
(4) Riickschliisse aus bekannten Zahlen wie Vermehrungsrate, Jungend-
sterblichkeit, AbschuBzahlen usw. auf den Bestand- am besten iiber

* Institut fiir Wildbiologie und Jagdkunde, Gottingen, FGR.

Biogeographica, Vol. 18: The Red Fox, ed. by E. Zimen 97

© 1980, Dr. W. Junk bv Publishers, The Hague
mehrere Jahre hinweg-ergeben die besten Anhaltspunkte fiir die wahren
Bestandeshohen. Das gilt auch fiir den Fuchs.
(5) Der derzeitige Tollwutseuchenzug liiBt eine permanente Fuchsdichte
von erheblich mehr als 1 Stiick je 100 ha am 15.11. eines jeden Jahren
nicht zu. Das gilt es an dieser Stelle glaubhaft zu machen und ist
gleichzeitig als MaBstab fiir die tatsiichliche Hohe des Fuchsbestandes
(6) Die amtlichen Tollwutzahlen geben tatsiichlich nur etwa 2% der gesam-
ten Tollwutverluste beim Fuchs wieder.
Mit diesen Leitsiitzen babe ich versucht klarzumachen, daB der Wirt (Fuchs)
in engem Abhiingigkeitsverhiiltnis zu seinem Hauptparasiten (dem Tollwut-
wirus) steht.
Gleichzeitig messe ich den Jagderfolgen zweitrangige Bedeutung zu.
Es entsteht bei meinen Betrachtungen ein ganz deutliches
Dreicksverhiiltnis zwischen Fuchsbestand, Tollwut und Bekiimpfung. Dabei
spielt biologisch die entscheidende Rolle ein ausgewogenes Wirt-Parasit
verhiiltnis. Das, was dabei den Parasiten zuriickdriingen kann, ist der Geist
oder Ungeist des Menschen in Form von Schaffung eines zur Zeit optimalen
Lebensraumes fiir den Fuchs einerseits und die Jagd u.a. Bekiimpfungs-
methoden auf der anderen Seite. Leider findet man heute noch Angaben
iiber Fuchsbestandeshohen ohne Nennung des Stichtages. Das ist nach
meinem Dafiirhalten bei Tieren mit einer Jungenzahl bis zu 11 von einem
Weibchen absolut unzuliissig.
Die jeweilige Fuchsbestandeshohe liiBt sich auf keinen Fall ausziihlen. lch
glaube, dariiber diirfte es keinen Zweifel geben.
Die Ziihlmethoden bei freilebenden Tieren, besonders auf dem Lande,
haben bislang zu keinen brauchbaren Ergebnissen gefiihrt. Aber aus Strec-
kenergebnissen und biologischen Daten wie Anzahl der Jungen, Jugend-
sterblichkeit, Krankheitszahlen usw. liiBt sich am ehesten eine anniihernd
richtige Bestandeshohe ermitteln.
Auf diesen Daten babe ich meine Aussagen aufgebaut und jagdliche
Erfahrung mit eingebracht. Folgende bekannte Zahlen sind verwendet

Jahr Fuchsstrecke Tollwutfiille Bekiimpfung

1971/72 122,703 1,494 Begasung

1974/75 177,248 3,103 keine
1976/77 186,814 6,296 keine
1977/78 194,030 2,639 keine

Die GroBe aller Reviere in der Bundesrepublik betriigt 23,688,716 ha.

Das bedeutet rechnerisch folgende Fuchsbestandeszahlen:

Alt-Fiichse/ o, '>'am 15.11. Anzahl der Jungen
100ha d.J. 4 5

1,5 355,330 710,660 888,325

1,2 284,264 568,528 710,660
1,0 236,887 473,770 592,215
0,8 189,509 379,018 473,700
0,6 142,132 284,264 355,330

Diese Daten miissen jetzt mit Sachverstand gepriift werden, ob sie in freier
Wildbahn moglich oder sogar wahrscheinlich der tatsachlichen Besied-
lungsdichte unseres Landes durch den Fuchs entsprechen.
Dazu miissen wir noch wissen, daB in den Fuchsstrecken das Verhiiltnis
von Jung- zu Altfuchs etwa 2-(3): 1 betriigt und daB die Fiichse im
Durchschnitt nicht alter als 2 Jahre werden. Die Verluste sind also sehr
hoch. Die Regenerationsrate gleicht das aber leicht aus.
Die Jugendverluste der Welpen liegen nach Stubbe bei 21% und nach
Behrend zwischen 25-32%. Ich setze also 20% als Friihverluste in meine
Berechnungen ein. Damit liegt man sicher nicht zu hoch. Es erscheinen also
von 5 Jungen nur noch 4 am Bau. Das entspricht den Beobachtungen, die
wir alle haben. 3-5 Junge ziihlen die meisten Gehecke, die man zu sehen
bekommt. Pitzschke, LeBmann, Stubbe, Ulbrich liegen alle mit ihren Ergeb-
nissen von triichtigen Fuchsfiihen zwischen 5,8 und 6,2 (7 ,0) Plazentationen.
Ulbrich gibt 3,7% fetalen Friihtod an. Deshalb muB die Zahl der geborenen
Jungfiichse durchschnittlich mit Sicherheit unter 6 mit hoher Wahrschein-
lichkeit bei 5 Welpen liegen. Nach Ulbrich waren noch 3,9% der Fiihen
nicht triichtig. Meine eigenen Erfahrungen haben mich gelehrt, daB 4
Jungfiichse am hiiufigsten am Bau beobachtet werden konnen. Deshalb muB
auch die Geheckstiirke mit 5 Welpen angesetzt werden.
Mit diesen Zahlen darf ich Ihnen ein Beispiel des Jahres 1971/72 darstel-
len, wie s.Zt. der Fuchsbestand augesehen haben miiBte.
Die AbschuBzahlen von 1970-1972lagen zwischen 114,398 und 122,703
pro Jahr d.h. sie waren etwa gleichbleibend. Gleiches gilt fiir die
Tollwutfiille die bei 1500 bis 1900 lagen. Zu jener Zeit vor allem 1970-71
wurden die Baue begast. Es muB sich damals der Fuchsbestand in Zuwachs
und Verlusten etwa die Waage gehalten haben. Bei Jungfiichsen kommen
Krankheiten auBer Tollwut und Unfiille hiiufiger vor als bei Altfiichsen, weil
die Immunitiitsverhiiltnisse noch nicht so ausgebildet sind und den
Jungfiichsen Lebenserfahrungen fehlen.
Derjenige der weiB, wie schwer ein Altfuchs zu erbeuten ist, wird mir
zustimmen, daB 21% AbschuB von Altfiichsen schon schwierig ist.
Dagegen diirften 16% der Jungfiichse leicht zu erbeuten sein, auch wenn
die doppelte Anzahl von Jungfiichsen gegeniiber Altfiichsen erreicht werden
Rechnet man 10% Verluste durch Tollwut bei Altfiichsen (20,000) und

Tabelle 1. Fuchsbesatz -0,8/100 ha am 15.1I.1972. Tollwut im Besatz, Bekampfung findet statt, Zuwachs und Verluste - ausgeglichen. Jahres
1971/72 122,703 Fiichse. Tollwut beim Fuchs 1971 = 1,494.
5 Junge

t./1 0
0 "#-
"#- 100,000 80,000 100,000 ~·
~ Friihverluste
Bekampfung AbschuB
20% 16% 20%

Jungfiichse (500,000) Altfiichse (200,000)
(1) Friihverluste 20% 100,000 (1) AbschuB 21% 42,703
(2) AbschuB 16% 80,000 (2) Bekampfung 9% 17,297
(3) Bekampfung 20% 100,000 (3) Unfalle und 10% 20,000
(4) Tollwut 14% 70,000 Krankheiten
(5) Unfalle, Krank- 10% 50,000 (4) Tollwut 10% 20,000
heiten (5) iiberleben 50% 100,000
(6) iiberleben 20% 100,000
etwa 14% bei Jungfiichsen (70,000) so ergibt sich ein Jahresverlust von
90,000 Fiichsen alleine durch Tollwut. So steht es hier in der ausgeglichenen
Rechnung. Festgestellt wurden aber nur 1,494 Tollwutfalle bei Fiichsen, das
sind 1,66% der vermutlichen Tollwutverluste.
Einige Autoren (Lund, Richards u. Shelton, Johannson, Lessmann,
Stubbe) geben das Geschlechterverhaltnis ausgewachsener Fiichse mit 1,2-
1,5:1 an. Diese Feststellung stammt aus Streckenuntersuchungen. Das
fetale Geschlechterverhaltnis wird von Ulbrich 1 : 1 angegeben. Dem vermag
ich bei Altfiichsen nicht zu folgen und rechne mit 1: 1, weil beim Raubwild
die Strecken der Mannchen hoher liegen als die der Weibchen, das hangt
mit geschlechtsgebundener groBerer Vorsicht der Weibchen zusammen.
Die durchschnittliche WurfgroBe betragt nach Ulbrich an 132 Fiihen
gemessen 6,07 Feten pro Fahe. Intrauterines Fruchtabsterben wurde mit
13,2% fiir die erste Halfte und mit 3,5% fiir die 2. Halfte der Trachtigkeit
nachgewiesen. Wandeler gibt die fetale Sterblichkeit mit 5% und Fairley mit
8% an. 3,9% der Fahen waren nicht trachtig (Ulbrich).
Die Autoren Zwingenberg, Richards, Hine, Schofield, Lichatshev,
Stscherbina, Sovis, Stubbe, Wandeler beobachteten am Bau bei 2,354
Gehecken 3,9-5,54 Welpem mit Schwerpunkt bei 5 Jungen. Darum habe
ich diese Zahl in meine Rechnung eingesetzt. Stubbe miBt der Bekampfung
durch den Menschen und durch Krankheiten eine groBe Bedeutung fiir die
Bestandesreduzierurig bei. Ich glaube, mein Rechenansatz mit 20-25%
F{iihverluste liegt damit auch etwa richtig. Die Friihverluste der Welpen
betragen nach Stubbe minimal 14% und nach Behrend 25-32%.
Aus 23-jahriger eigener Erfahrung in mehreren Instituten mit dem Fuchs
weiB ich, daB Krankheiten auBer Tollwut bei iiber 2 Monate alten Fiichsen
eine geringe Rolle spielen. Unfalle sind da schon etwas bedeutender.
Damit habe ich die bekannten und die annahernd bekannten Daten der
Zuwachs- und Verlustrate des Fuchses erwahnt und in der Tabelle 1
mosaikartig zusammengetragen und unbekannte GroBen nach ihrer
Wahrscheinlichkeit eingefiigt.
Da in den Jahren 1970-1972, wahrend der Begasungsaktionen die Strec-
ken und die Tollwutfalle etwa gleichbleibend waren, darf man zu Recht
folgern, daB auch der Fuchsbesatz in diesen Jahren etwa gleich hoch war.
Die Tabelle 2 zeigt den Fuchsbestand, wie er etwa 1974/75 bestanden
haben diirfte.
Die Strecke hatte sich wesentlich auf 177,248 Fiichse erhoht. Die
Tollwutfalle waren stark gestiegen. Sie betrugen 3103 Falle beim Fuchs. Die
Bekampfung durch Baubegasung war ausgesetzt worden. Deshalb muB man
mit mehr als 0,8 Fiichsen/100 ha rechnen. Ich bin bei den erhohten
AbschuB-und Tollwutzahlen durch Variieren der Fuchsdichte darauf
gekommen, daB s.Zt. etwa 1,0 Fiichse/100 ha vorhanden gewesen sein
Geht man mit der Rechnung hoher, so kommt man zu Zahlen, die irreal
sind. Die Friihverluste sind ebenfalls mit 20% veranschlagt. Der AbschuB ist
bekannt und wurde auf Alt- und Jungfiichse wiederum mit - 1:2 verteilt.
Auch die Unfalle und Krankheiten auBer Tollwut bleiben mit 10% in der


Tabelle 2. Fuchsbesatz~1,0/100ha am 15.ll.1975: Tollwut im Besatz weit verbreitet, Bekiimpfung entfiillt. Zuwachs und Verluste nicht
ausgeglichen. Jahresstrecke 1974/75=177,248 Fiichse. Tollwut beim Fuchs 1974=3,103.

Ul ,__...- ! ----. 0
0 ?ft.
?ft. 120,000 120,000 120,000
180,000 60,000 ~'
~' Friihverluste cr'
iiberleben 30% Unfiille, Krank-
heiten 10%
---- AbschuB
20% 20% "':::!.
"'cr' "'::s
"' ------

Zuwachs von 60,000 Fiichsen auf 300,000 Fiichse am 15.11.1976

Jungfiichse (600,000) Altfiichse (240,000)
(1) Friihverluste 20% 120,000 (1) AbschuB ~ 24% 57,248
(2) AbschuB 20% 120,000 (2) Unfiille und 10% 24,000
(3) Tollwut 20% 120,000 Krankheiten
(4) Unfiille, Krank- 10% 60,000 (3) Tollwut 16% 38,400
heiten (4) iiberleben 50% 120,000
(5) iiberleben 30% 180,000
Rechnung. Aber die Tollwut muB zunehmen, wenn man nicht zu unglaub-
lichen Fuchsbestanden kommen will. Trotzdem steigt der Bestand urn
60,000 Fiichse im nachsten Jahr zum 15.11.
Das ist die Situation, die nun auf den kommenden Zusammenbruch des
Bestandes hintreibt. Kauker und Zettl haben schon 1963 beschrieben, daB
der Fuchsbestand etwa alle 3 Jahre durch die Tollwut stehr stark dezimiert
wird. Wir sehen also, daB oberhalb von 1,0 Fiichse/100 ha eine scharf
greifende Regulation notwendig wird. Bis 1975/76 steigt die Strecke dann
auf ihren Hochststand mit 219,550 Fiichsen. Die Tollwutzahlen verdoppeln
sich und erreichen 6296 Tollwutfalle beim Fuchs. Nach Tabelle 3 muB man
jetzt schon mit 1,3 Fiichsen je 100 ha rechnen. Dabei ware ein Bestand von
312,000 Fiichsen am 15.II.76 vorhanden. Das Jagdjahr 1976/77 bringt seit
Jahren erstmalig einen kleinen Riickgang der Strecke. Im Jagdjahr 1976
erleidet der Bestand einen deutlichen Riickschlag. 1977/78 werden trotz-
dem 194,030 Fiichse erlegt. Es gab 1977 aber nur noch 2,639 Tollwutfalle
beim Fuchs. Damit sollten wir mit dem Fuchsbestand unter den Bestand des
Jahres 1974/75 gelangt sein (3,103 Tollwutfalle). Die Fuchsstrecke liegt
aber hoher als damals. Dies bedarf der Interpretation. Bayern erhohte seine
Strecke von 1974/75 von 29,425 auf 47,756 und das Saarland von 2,035 auf
3,105 im Jagdjahr 1977/78. Ich glaube, das liegt an intensivierter Bejagung.
Daher stammt die Gesamtstreckenerhohung urn rund 20,000 Fiichse. Die
Situation eines in dieser Form abnehmenden Bestandes gibt die Tabelle 3
wieder.- Der Ausgangsbestand betrug etwa 312,000 am 15.II. 76 mit ca.
156,000 Fahen.
Fiir hohe Wildtierbestande gilt, daB die Friihverluste, Krankheiten und
Unfalle zumindest etwas ansteigen. Darum habe ich die Friihverluste mit
25% und die Unfalle und Krankheiten mit 13% in Ansatz gebracht. Der
AbschuB liegt fest und wurde wieder auf Alt- und Jungfiichse etwa im
Verhaltnis 1:2 verteilt. Die Tollwutzahl ist dann der rechnerische Restbet-
rag mit 195,000 bei den Jungfiichsen.
Das erscheint auf den ersten Blick fast nicht glaubhaft. Es kamen auBer-
dem bei den Altfiichsen noch einmal 125,000 Stiick dazu. Es miiBten also
320,000 Fiichse durch Tollwut umkommen. 6,296 Tollwutfalle wurden aber
nur amtlich registriert. Das wiirde darauf hinweisen, daB die
Aufklarungsquote etwa 2,0% betragt.
Diese Zahlliegt damit im gleichen Bereich wie 1974.
Man muB natiirlich daran denken, daB bei hohen Besiedlungsdichten die
Vermehrungsrate sinken kann. Ich personlich glaube beim Fuchs nicht recht
daran, daB bereits bei 1,3 Fiichsen/100 ha am 15.II.d.J. Nahrungsmangel
oder StreBsituationen im Bestand auftreten. Dennoch habe ich die gleiche
Rechnung wie in Tabelle 3 noch einmal gemacht und dabei aber nur 4
Welpen pro Geheck angenommen. Es miissen bei so geringem Nachwuchs
die Friihverluste und Unfalle und Krankheiten wieder etwas geringer urn
insgesamt 4% angesetzt werden. AuBerdem muB die Zahl der
Uberlebensrate mit 250,000 gleich bleiben.
Da ja die begriindete Voraussetzung besteht, daB am 15.1!.1977 etwa die
Bestandeszahlen von 197 4-7 5 erreicht worden sein miissen. Die AbschuB-


entflillt. Zuwachs durch Verluste

Tabelle 3. Fuchsbesatz -1,3/100 ha am 15.11.1978. Tollwut sehr stark verbreitet, Bekampfung
1976/77 = 186,814 Fiichse. Tollwutfalle = 6,296 u. 1977 = 2,639 Fuchse.
iibertroffen. Jahresstreck e 1975/76 = 219,550 und

\;J N
N ! -----===:-- ::.e
= 195,000
156,000 101,000 195,000 133,000 =·
=· Tollwut AbschuB Friihverluste If
(1> iiberleben Unfalle, Krank- :::!.
(1> 20% heiten 13% 25% 17% 25% a'

Jungfiichse (780,000) Altfiichse (312,000)

25% 195,000 (1) AbschuB 17% 53,814
(1) Friihverluste
17% 133,000 (2) Unflille und 10% 31,200
(2) AbschuB
(3) ,Tollwut 25% 195,000 Krankheiten
13% 101,000 (3) Tollwut 40% 125,000
(4) Unfalle und
(4) iiberleben 32% 100,000
(5) iiberleben 20% 156,000
entfiillt. Zuwachs durch Verluste
Tabelle 4. Fuchsbesatz 1,3/100 ha am 15.11.1976. Tollwut sehr stark verbreitet, Bekiimpfung
= 219,550 und 1976/77 = 186,814 Fiichse, Tollwutfiille = 6,296 u. 1977 = 2,639 Fiichse.
iibertroffen. Jahresstreck e 1975/76

<.;> --. N
N ! -----..... "#
"# 81,000 137,000 130,000 125,000
150,000 =·
Unfiille, Krank- Tollwut AbschuB Friihverluste

24% heiten 13%
---- 22% 21% 20% ~
g ::s
::s -
Jungfiichse (624,000) Altfiichse (312,000)
(1) Friihverluste 20% 125,000
(2) AbschuB 21% 130,000 (1) AbschuB 18% 56,814
(3) Tollwut 22% 137,000 (2) Unfiille und 10% 31,200
(4) Unfiille u. 13% 81,000 Krankheiten
Krankheiten (3) Tollwut 40% 125,000
(5) iiberleben 24% 150,000 (4) iiberleben 32% 100,000

zahlen liegen auch fest, so daB die vornehmlich veriinderte Zahl im Bereich
der Tollwut bei den Jungfiichsen liegen muB. Die Altfiichse sind mit
gleichen Zahlen wie in Tabelle 3 aufgefiihrt. Die Uberlebensrate sinkt
wegen des Bestandzusammenbruchs weit unter 50% (32% ). Es bleiben in
diesem Fall bei Jungfiichsen 137,000 und bei Altfiichsen 125,000 Toll-
wutopfer iibrig, das sind insgesamt 262,000. 6,296 erkannte Tollwutfiille
ergiiben -2,4% Bekanntwerden der wahren Verluste durch Tollwut.
Es kommen bei diesen Berechnungen als Aufkliirungsquote etwa immer
-2% der Verluste des Bestandes durch Tollwut heraus. Das konnte ein
Weiser fiir den wahren Fuchsbestand werden. Man muB dies weiter ver-
folgen, urn diese Vermutung zu bestiitigen oder zu verwerfen.
Die iibrigen bekannten Zahlen gehoren natiirlich dazu, urn den Gesamt-
fuchsbestand abschiitzen zu konnen.
Die Strecke konnte zwischen 16-24% des Bestandes ausmachen.
Die AbschuBzahlen stellen ganz sicher nur einen Faktor in der Rechnung
dar. Deshalb halte ich es fiir bedenklich von daher auf den tatsiichlichen
Fuchsbestand schlieBen zu wollen. Bei freilebenden Tieren sollte man alle
bekennten und in etwa bekannten GraBen zusammenfassen und daraus
Schliisse ziehen. Selbst dann werden wir noch mit betriichtlichen Fehlerquel-
len rechnen miissen.
Mir wiiren unwiderlegbare Zahlen auch lieber. Aber wir haben leider
nicht mehr als AbschuBzahlen, festgestellte Tollwutfiille, WurfgroBen und
vielleicht etwas mehr oder weniger Sachverstand, urn damit der Wirklichkeit
des Fuchsbestandes nahe zu kommen.


Burrows/Matzen 1971. Der Fuchs, BLV-Jagdbiologie Miinchen, 1-196.

Kauker, E. und K. Zettl 1963. Zur Epidemiologie der sylvatischen Tollwut in Mitteleuropa und
zu den Moglichkeiten ihrer Bekiimpfung. Vet. Med. Nachrichten 2/3: 1963, 181-204.
Stubbe, H. Ed. 1973. Buch der Hege Bd. I. Haarwild v. M. Stubbe, Der Rotfuchs, 181-212
VEB Deutscher Land-wirtschaftsverlag Berlin.
Stubbe, H. Ed. 1977. Beitriige zur Jagd- und Wildforschung X, Weitere Angaben zur
Fortpflanzungsbiologie des Rotfuches v. F. Ulbrich, 322-331. VEB Deutscher Land-
wirtschaftsverlag Berlin.

(Vulpes vulpes L., 1758) IN SWEDEN
Jan Englund*


The population dynamics of the red fox has been studied in two different
habitats, the northern and the southern coniferous belts in Sweden. In the
northern area the amount and quality of food varies greatly from year to
year. Litter sizes, proportion of barren vixens, and mortality rates of cubs
vary depending on the abundance of rodents. When rodents are rather few,
young males more often than others disperse long distances. In the southern
coniferous belt rodents also fluctuate in numbers but to a lesser extent.
Alternative food is also more abundant, which results in a better and more
stable food supply than in the north. The fox populations are also at higher
densities here probably with smaller variations in number. Litter sizes vary a
little but they are always large and the proportion of barren vixens is high.
The mortality rate among cubs is also high with some variation between
years. There is no correlation between the abundance of rodents and
productivity or mortality rate. Population density per se is therefore as-
sumed to be a factor of importance in regulating the number of foxes in the
southern coniferous belt.
The red fox is found throughout Sweden from the mountainous areas in the
north to the arable land of the south. In Sweden, the red fox is regarded as a
game animal which hunters believe is harmful to other game species. The
study reported here is part of a broad study on the ecology and behaviour of
the fox aimed to provide an understanding on the way in which the fox
might impinge on man's interests. The population dynamics of the fox is
crucial to this aim and studies were undertaken in two ecologically different
areas from 1966 to 1970 inclusive. Most data refer to autopsy examinations
of foxes killed by hunters. The techniques used have been described earlier
(Englund, 1970). Neither rabies, which is absent from Sweden, nor mange,
absent at least during the period of study, have any effect upon the popu-
lation dynamics of foxes as reported here.


The provinces of Jiimtland-Hiirjedalen lie in the central part of Sweden at

62-64° north in the northern coniferous forest. Less than 10% of the area is

*Swedish Museum of Natural History, Section for Vertebrate Zoology, S-104 OS Stockholm,

Biogeographica, Vol. 18: The Red Fox, ed. by E. Zimen 107

© 1980, Dr. W. Junk bv Publishers, The Hague
cultivated and the forest that covers most of the land consists mainly of pine
(Pinus silvestris) and spruce (Picea excelsa).
In these northern areas rodent numbers fluctuate dramatically, usually
with a periodicity of 4 years. During an 8 year study in the province of
Vasterbotten, the number of rodents caught per 100 trap nights varied
between 0.3 (2,825 trap nights) and 50.6 (2,900) (Hornfeldt, 1978).
During peak years rodents constitute the main food of foxes. In other
years foxes are to a large extent, from necessity, forced to scavenge on
carcasses, and garbage found at rubbish dumps. In these northern areas
garbage is of very poor nutritional quality (Englund, 1965).
Uppland and Sodermanland (58.5-60° north) and parts of adjoining
provinces belong to the southern coniferous belt. This is a more productive
area where agricultural land constitutes about 30% of the land area.
Rodent numbers fluctuate here also, but less so than in the northern areas
of Sweden, and the amount of alternative food is also greater. When rodents
are least abundant, birds occur more frequently in the diet of foxes. Though
foxes will also scavenge, the quality of the food at rubbish dumps is better
than in the north. Food availability and quality in the agricultural areas is
never as poor as in northern Sweden (Englund, 1965).



From 1966 to 1970 inclusive the abundance of rodents varied greatly. They
were very common in 1966-67 and extremely rare in the summer of 1967
and the winter of 1967-68. They increased somewhat in numbers in the
winter of 1968-69 and were very common again in 1969-70. This is
reflected in the numbers of rodents found in fox stomachs shown in Fig. 1.
After the very good rodent year of 1966-67 the mean litter sizes of foxes
were large, being about 5.4 for yearlings and 6.3 for older vixens. About
54% of the yearlings were barren compared with about 13% in older vixens.
The productivity was therefore high in the spring of 1967, or about 2.5 cubs
per yearling vixen, 5.5 for older ones and about 3.9 per vixen for the total
population (Fig. 1). The proportion of cubs in the spring population there-
fore was about 66% if the spring sex ratio among adults was about 1:1 (3.9
out of 5.9).
Food was scarce in the summer of 1967 since rodent numbers had
crashed, and of the foxes killed in the following hunting season (1967 /68)
the population was composed of about 44 and 46% subadult females and
males respectively. The large discrepancy between the proportion of cubs in
the spring and of subadults in the following hunting season indicate a high
mortality rate during the spring-summer of 1967.
During the winter of 1967-68 rodents were very scarce and no more than
a mean of 0.1 to 0.2 rodents were found per fox stomach containing food.
Litter sizes in 1968 were reduced to about half the size of those observed in
1967 and barrenness increased to about 88% in yearlings and 67% in older

ones. This had a drastic effect on productivity which fell to 0.8 cubs per
vixen for the entire population. Thus the proportion of cubs in the spring
population was about 28% and subadults represented in the 1968-69
samples were about 26-27%. These data indicate a lower mortality rate of
juveniles in 1968 than in the preceding year.
The proportion of subadults, one and two year old foxes were about the
same in the 1968-69 sample. In fact the cohort from 1966 was somewhat
greater than that of 1968 in spite of being hunted for two seasons (further-
more, juveniles are over-represented; see below).
The moderate rodent increase of the summer of 1968 resulted in a slightly
improved food situation in the winter of 1968-69. The stomach rodent
index increased to 0.5-0.6 and in the spring of 1969 the litters of old vixens
increased in size. The proportion of barren vixens of all age also decreased
with an increase of productivity as a result. The proportion of cubs in the
spring of 1969 was about 56% and the proportion of subadults in the
sample obtained from the next hunting season was 68-69%. Thus there was
a higher proportion than in the spring (Table 1). How is that possible?
It is improbable that the adults died to a higher extent than the cubs did in
1969. Nor is the situation caused by chance since the samples are lfl,l"ge and
any bias would probably operate to the same degree each yc;rar. The
expected proportion of cubs in the spring at ±2s/Jn. (95% confidence limits)
was 47-61 and the higher proportion of subadult males and females is
calculated from 483 males and 345 females respectively. Some of the sample
therefore must give false information. The productivity might have been
larger than calculated (in which case the proportion of barrenness has
probably been overestimated). Another possibility is that juveniles rep-
resented by the samples obtained by shooting are over-represented either
because they are more easily hunted or because they disperse, to a higher
extent than adults, from areas where hunting pressure is slight intQ areas
where hunting is more intense and pressure on space and food less.
This bias towards juveniles, by shooting, is revealed by the recovery rates
of foxes tagged in hunting areas. Of 100 juveniles (mostly 1.7 to 3.0 kg) and
173 adults tagged in the south of the northern coniferous zone, 54 juveniles
and 58 adults were recovered during the first hunting season after tagging.
Thus juveniles were represented by 36.6% in the tagged population and by
48.2% in the hunting sample. The proportion of juveniles in the samples
used in ~his study has to be corrected by a factor of 0.76 to get the true
proportion of 36.6 (0. 76 x 48.2). A comparison of the proportion of
juveniles in a shot sample with the proportion of 1 year old foxes out of all
adults shot next hunting season also shows a large difference. A correction
factor of about 0.80 reduced the discrepancy to a minimum, for several
areas and years (Englund, 1970), and is proposed as a method of calculating
the true proportion of juveniles from killed foxes. The excessively high
frequency of juveniles discussed here is clearly due to their greater probabil-
ity and risk of being killed than other animals.
If the proportion of juveniles in the autumn-winter population is .esti-
mated by the correction factor of 0.80, there is no mortality among adults in

Year 1966-67 1967-68 1968-69 1969-70
Rodents per stomach -1.6 0.1 0.2 0.5 0.6 1.6 0.8
1967 1968 1969 1970

Mean birth litter size

Yearlings 5.4

""~ 3.1
4.0 5.2

Older vixens 6.3 6.3

\~ * * *__,*7
\ 3.o**Y
Percentages of barren
vixens 61+27

Yearlings 32•22 *Y 30•37 "''*""-.._-=2:..:.7•...::6:....,_

** _ __;3:::9+:..;.:2=2=-
Older vixens 0+13 ·;Y " 20+25 0+18
Yearlings 2.5 2.2

Older vixens 5.3

All ages
2.5 **7 3.7
2.5 y
Figs. 1 and 2. Mean number of rodents per stomach containing food from foxes killed in
January-February and March-April respectively, mean birth litter-sizes, percentages of barren
vixens (with no signs of placental scars+vixens with gray scars only) and productivity. When
there are significant differences in yearly data these are shown by a bend in the curves. The
significant level is shown by the number of asterisks (* = 0.05;;;. P > 0.01, ** = 0.01;;;. P > 0.001,
*** = 0.001;;;. P).
the spring or summer and the risk of dying by natural causes is the same for
juveniles and adults during the autumn-winter, the mortality rate during the
spring-summer period can be assessed more precisely (Englund, 1970). For
the four years 1967-1970 the mortality rate of young foxes from birth to
autumn is estimated to be 70, 34, 7 and 23% in Jamtland-Hlirjedalen. The
decrease in mortality in the first three years is well correlated with the
abundance of rodents which were extremely few in 1967, increased slowly in
1968 and were very common in the summer of 1969.


In the winter of 1965-66, rodents were very common (according to observa-

tions of many hunters and farmers) and in the following spring litter sizes

Year 1965-66 1966-67 1967-68 1968-69 1969-70
Rodents ~er stomach High 1.0 1.1 0.5 0.5 0.7 0.7 0.6 o.s
1966 1967 1968 1969 1970

Mean birth litter size

Yearlings 5.0 4.6 4.4 4.2 4.1
Older vixens 6.6 5A 5.0
~* 4.6 4.3 *Y
Percentages of barren
Yearlings 40+0 50+10 38+26 31+13 33+25
? ?
Older vixens 8+15 27+9 12+22 9+9 0+25
? ?

Yearlings 3.2 1.8 1.8 2.1 1.5
Older vixens 5.0

2.8 3.1 4.0 ? 1.8
All ages 4.5

2.3 2.6 3.2
~ 1.6

(1) Jiimtland-Hiirjedalen. Yearly number of vixens examined for litter sizes: yearlings 15, 7,
11, 9 and older vixens 25, 33, 37, 21 and for barrenness and productivity: yearlings 28, 49, 15,
18 and older vixens 24, 99, 56, 17.
(2) Uppland-Sodermanland. Yearly number of vixens examined was for litter sizes: yearlings
14, 17, 26, 21, 7 and older vixens 18, 29, 67, 44, 8 and for barrenness and productivity:
yearlings 5, 20, 34, 16, 12 and older vixens 13, 22, 50, 23, 4.

were large with a mean of 5.0 for yearlings and 6.6 for older vixens (Fig. 2).
Inadequate material gives very uncertain data on barrenness as well as on
productivity. According to the material however, the latter was very high or
4.5 per vixen, which gives a spring population of 69% cubs. During the
summer rodents were plentiful and the sample of foxes from the following
hunting season contained 54 and 63% subadult females and males respec-
In the winter of 1966-67 rodents were still very plentiful and the stomach
rodent index was 1.0 to 1.1. Nevertheless the mean litter size of old vixens
fell to 4.6, productivity decreased to 2.3 and a high proprotion of vixens
were barren.
In 1967-68, rodent numbers declined (index 0.4-0.5) but this was not
followed by any change in litter size, barrenness or productivity in foxes. In
1968-69, rodents were again common and litter sizes of old foxes increased,


Age in years

7 0
- 350 278 483 345 296 251
N 20 16 227 1.87
1966-67 1 1967-68 1968-69 1969-70 1970-71

(Correction factors not applied.)

Fig. 3. Ji!mtland-Harjedalen. Proportion of foxes of different ages observed in the samples of foxes killed in the hunting season.
Males to the left and females to the right.
Age in years


season 1965-66 1966-67 1967-68 1968-69 1969-70 1970-71

Fig. 4. Uppland-Si:idermanland. Proportion of foxes of different ages observed in the samples of foxes killed in the hunting season. (Correction factors
applied.) Males to the left and females to the right .

Table 1. Proportion of cubs in the spring calculated from data on productivity (the sex ratio of
adults in the spring is assumed to be 1 : 1) and age structure of foxes killed in Jlimtland-

Spring of 1967 1968 1969 1970

%of cubs 66.1 28.6 55.6 64.9

Foxes killed in 1966-67 1967-68 1968-69 1969-70 1970-71

Age in years M F M F M F M F M F
0 75.0 75.0 46.3 43.9 27.1 25.5 68.9 67.8 76.4 69.7
1 6.3 31.3 33.7 30.0 25.2 5.6 5.8 14.5 15.1
2 20.0 6.3 5.7 7.5 28.3 30.6 7.2 9.3 2.4 2.0
3 5.0 6.3 7.5 3.7 3.1 5.0 12.0 11.6 2.0 2.4
4 6.2 5.9 4.0 5.4 2.7 0.6 3.7 7.2
5 1.3 1.1 4.3 4.0 1.0 2.3 0.7 0.8
6 0.4 2.1 2.0 2.2 1.7 1.7 0.8
7 6.3 0.9 0.5 1.0 1.4 0.2 0.6 0.3 1.6
8 0.4 1.1 0.4 0.3
9 0.6 0.4
10 0.5 0.4

Number of
foxes examined 20 16 227 187 350 278 483 345 296 251

Number killed
per sq km according
to hunting records 0.09 0.15 0.08 0.08 0.10

Table 2. Uppland-Sooermanland. Proportion of cubs in the spring calculated from data on

productivity (the sex ratio of adults in the spring is assumed to be 1: 1); and age structure of
foxes killed. The sex ratios in the last two years are not strictly comparable because some hunters
were asked to send males (M) in the autumn only and females (F) in late winter.

Spring of 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970

%of cubs 69 53 57 62 44

Foxes killed in 1965-66 1966-67 1967-68 1968-69 1969-70 197Q-71

Age in years M F M F M F M F M F M F
0 47.6 47.6 62.6 53.7 48.2 43.3 62.0 50.3 47.2 53.1 54.7 49.5
1 11.9 16.7 17.6 17.1 29.0 27.4 15.4 16.6 18.9 16.3 22.7 28.3
2 14.3 14.3 9.9 12.2 10.7 8.8 12.8 12.2 18.9 12.2 9.3 9.1
3 11.9 9.5 3.3 8.5 4.5 8.8 4.0 9.1 9.4 9.2 4.7 3.0
4 9.5 7.1 2.2 2.4 4.9 5.1 1.9 3.4 5.7 3.1 4.7 8.1
5 2.4 1.1 4.9 1.3 3.3 1.6 3.7 2.0 3.3 1.0
6 4.8 2.2 1.2 0.9 1.4 2.1 2.0 2.0 0.7
7 2.4 0.4 0.9 0.3 2.0 1.0 1.0
8 1.1 0.5 0.7
9 0.5
11 1.0

Number of
examined 42 42 91 82 224 215 376 296 53 98 150 99

Number killed
per sq km
to hunting
records 0.29 0.35 0.32 0.48 0.40 0.34

Table 3. Mortality rate of cubs in the spring-summer periods in Jiimtland-Harjedalen (calcu-
lated figures).

Year 1967 1968 1969 1970

Proportion of cubs
in the spring (%) 66 29 56 65
Abundance of rodents
in spring-summer very few moderate abundant ?
Mortality rate of
juvenile foxes (%) 70 34 7 23

Table 4. Mortality rate of cubs in the spring-summer periods in Uppland-SOdermanland

(calculated figures).

Year 1966 1967 1968 1969

Proportion of cubs
in the spring(%) 69 53 57 62
Abundance of rodents
in spring-summer abundant ? few ?
Mortality rate of
juvenile foxes (%) 62 47 35 63

but there were no detectable changes in litter size, barrenness or

The mortality rate of juveniles, calculated, with a correction factor, in the
same way as for the other material, was 62, 47, 35 and 63% for the four
years 1966--1969. In the summer of 1966, rodents were extremely abun-
dant, and in 1968, when the lowest mortality rate of the cubs was observed,
rodents were few.
As can be seen in Table 2 and Fig. 4 there were only small variations in
the age structure from year to year. A chi-square test (where all foxes older
than two years (3+) are lumped together) showed no significant difference
between years for females (x 2 =19.031; /=15; 0.25>P>0.10). For males
the situation was somewhat different, however, since the frequency of old
males in 1965-66 and of one year olds in 1967-68 were higher than normal
(x 2 =35.497; /=15; P<0.005).


A study of the dispersal movements, as revealed by tagging began in 1974 in

the provinces of Hiilsingland and Gastrikland, in the northern coniferous
zone. So far about 700 juvenile and adult foxes have been tagged.
The abundance of rodents varied between years and the mean number per
stomach containing food, in Nov-Dec, for the four years 1974-77 was about
0.7, 0.3, 0.8 and 1.0. The population densities in the autumn also varied
according to the number pf foxes killed by hunters and during each of the
four hunting seasons from 1974/75 to 1977/78 the numbers killed were
estimated to be 3,435, 2,208, 2,800 and 3,300 respectively. These numbers

Fig. 5. Recoveries of foxes tagged in the provinces of Halsingland and Giistrikland during 1974
through 1977. Only foxes that have moved at least 40 kms are included. The age in years at the
time of tagging is given for adults (ad= adult with unknown age; ---- males; - - females).

Table 5. Recoveries of foxes from the 1st of September during the first year after tagging.
Foxes tagged in 1974 and 1977 are pooled.

Number of Distance in km from the tagging place in %

recoveries 0-5.0 5.1-10.0 10.1-20.0 20.1-50.0 >50

Juv. males 74+77 31 52 13 19 16

75 16 31 6 19 19 25
Juv.females74+77 23 91 4 4
75 9 89 11

Ad. males 74+77 10 50 10 10 30

75 14 71 14 14
Ad. females 74 + 77 20 95 5
75 10 70 20 10

represent a take of 0.19, 0.12, 0.15 and 0.18 foxes per sq. km respectively.
Though it is not known how reliable these figures are, they do however, give
an indication of the yearly variation in the population density.
The collection of data on foxes from hunting areas introduces some
complexities. In the autumn of 197 5 there were few foxes and few rodents,
but since fox skins fetch high prices many hunters make bait stations with
meat and the food situation might not have been so bad in the autumn of
1975. In the autumn of 1974 and 1977 there were according to hunting
records more foxes than in 1975, and there were plenty of rodents too.
In all years some foxes of all ages and both sexes disperse (Fig. 5). Three
males, probably juveniles, were shot about 150, 200 and 220 km, respec-
tively, from the tagging place and two young females had moved about 200
and 210 km respectively, in less than 120 days. Another female, 5 years old
when tagged, was shot two years later 124 km away. But do foxes disperse
more often when rodents are few and when the fox populations are dense?
The few recoveries at hand indicate that young males dispersed more
often in 1975 than in other years (Table 5) and 63% of these were killed
more than 10 km away. All juvenile females and most adult foxes on the
other hand were killed within 10 km of the place of tagging. There is no
reason therefore to believe that food shortage or starvation per se caused the
high dispersal rate among the young males. Also, if the number of foxes
killed reflect population levels- which are apparently related to abundance
of rodents- there should be more unoccupied land at least if the resident
foxes did not take up larger territories, when the rodent numbers decreased.
Unfortunately there are extremely few data from the agricultural pro-
vinces of Uppland-Sodermanland. Four of five tagged young males, how-
ever, left their home areas, one moving nearly 250 km away. Three young
females on the other hand were all killed within 2 km of the tagging place.


As shown there is good correlation in the northern areas between rodent

numbers and litter size, barrenness and mortality rate. When rodents are so

scarce that the mean number found per stomach containing food is as low as
0.2 to 0.4 the availability of suitable food for foxes then seems to be critical
for successful productivity. Foxes, it seems, are not subjected to starvation
conditions however, since the mean weights of juvenile vixens at critical
times does not vary between years. In 1967/68/69 the mean weights with
95% confidence limits were 5.0 (±0.5), 5.1 (±0.2) and 4.8 (±0.3) kg
respectively (Englund, 1970). Foxes probably had to search much harder
and longer to get enough food in the winter of 1967-68 which, together with
the poorer quality of the food might have affected productivity.
Apart from increased time and effort spent searching for food of low
quality, the scarcity of rodents in the northern areas will probably result in
an increased mobility (dispersal) of the fox populations. In times of severe
food shortage most foxes have to disperse. In the winter of 1967/68 for
example when rodents were extremely scarce, hunters reported that fox
tracks were seldom seen except where rubbish dumps occurred around
villages and cities.
The patchy distribution of food in poor rodent years will result in a locally
clumped distribution of foxes, possibly even at higher densities than occur
when foxes are more evenly distributed in years of rodent abundance. This
enforced mobility of foxes may even prevent stable territories being formed
in time for the mating season, and some factor associated with this may have
contributed to the low productivity of breeding in 1968.
In the autumn of 1975 rodents were rather scare in the south-east of the
northern forest zone (0.3 rodents per stomach containing food). In the
autumn of the year more young males than usual dispersed. Females as well
as older foxes, on the other hand, dispersed less as usual. The high dispersal
rate of the young males in that year was not therefore caused directly by
starvation since the other components of the fox population did not behave
similarly. They must have dispersed for some other reason.
In the winter of 1975/76 fewer foxes than usual were shot. Since the
recovery rate of tagged foxes is roughly the same in all years (Englund,
1973), there is a strong indication that hunting records give a good index of
the change in density of the autumn fox populations. Thus, because foxes
were fewer in the autumn of 197 5 population density alone cannot be
responsible for the higher tendency of young males to disperse long dis-
tances. Might the reduced abundance of food have resulted in an increase in
size of ranges by the older animals thus forcing the least tolerated animals -
the juveniles - to move away?
An alternative hypothesis whereby it is postulated that it might be
possible to predict which cubs of a litter are most likely to disperse is
relevant (Bekoff, 1977). High-ranking individuals, he says, more often than
others invite littermates to play but they are less successful in soliciting play
than low-ranking individuals which only rarely will invite play but when they
do they are usually successful. Subdominant cubs, of intermediate rank, on
the other hand often invite play and are often successful in this. The social
ties within the group will therefore vary. Since the dispersal of red foxes
seems to be a "passive" progress, that is the individuals do not emigrate

because they are forcibly ejected, Bekofi suggests that the first to leave
should be the ones with the weakest ties within or to the group, that is the
highest and lowest-ranking individuals in the litter. That the desire to
disperse might be dependent of the strength of the social bonds to group-
members is very interesting. Might it be so that the social bonds between
littermates was lower in 197 5 caused by increased fights for food, when the
overflow of food was reduced by the scarcity of rodents? And if that is the
case why did it only effect the males?
Summing up for the northern area, it is clearly uncertain that the lower
recruitment rates following periods of rodent scarcity and the greater
mobility among foxes at such time, are caused by lack of suitable food only.
There are clear indications that the social organisation of foxes in the
northern coniferous belt may be significant in these respects and need to be
The situation is different in the agricultural areas. Here the availability of
food is better, with less variation. Rodents are never so few as in the north
(0.5 per stomach containing food was the lowest found in the southern area
during the study period, which for foxes in the north would be a moderately
good level of food, see Fig. 1); furthermore the abundance of alternative
food of high quality is also better (Englund, 1965). In spite of that, a high
proportion of the vixens were barren, even after winters when rodents were
extremely numerous. It varied from 40 to 64% for yearlings (31 to 50%
with no signs of placental scars) and 18 to 36% for older vixens (up to 27%
with no signs of scars). In all years, however, nearly all vixens ovulated
(Englund, 1970 and Uoyd et al., 1973).
The mortality rates of cubs were also usually high, and the highest
recorded, in 1966, occurred when rodent numbers were at a peak. The
lowest mortality rate was in 1968 when rodents were scarce.
Thus there is no correlation between the abundance of rodents and
productivity and mortality rates. Since the productivity varied during the
study period but the age-structure was about the same all years (at least for
vixens), the mortality rate among cubs, during the spring-summer period,
seems to be inversely correlated with the productivity. When many cubs are
born there will be a high mortality rate; the converse obtains when few cubs
are born.
About 60% of the spring population are cubs but in the autumn they
probably form no more than about 40% (corrected figure). Accepting these
calculated figures then, as can be seen from the footnote,* about 55% of the
cubs has died before the autumn. Examination of the numbers of cubs found
in litters dug out of earths indicates that litter sizes decrease with the age of
the (unweaned) cubs, up to 1.8 kg weight, but this loss is too small to
account for the calculated mortality of 55% during the spring summer

*The spring population consists of 60 juvenile and 40 adult foxes that is 100 specimens.
Suppose that x juvenile and all adults will survive the summer. Thus x/(x +40) = 40/100 (that is
the correction factor of 0.80 multiplied with the percentages of juveniles killed in the autumn
winter period). The number of cubs that survived will then be 27 and 33 died.

Evidence gained by cub tagging suggests that there is not a high mortality
of cubs in late summer because there is a high recovery rate of cubs tagged
at 2-3 kg weight. During the first hunting season after tagging in the
southern part of the northern area, there is a higher recovery rate of cubs
than of adults. If all foxes not recovered during the first year were still alive
(and had not lost tags) then the recovery rate of these during the following
years will be about the same for foxes tagged as cubs or as adults- 36 and
30% respectively (9 out of 25 tagged as cubs and 25 out of 84 tagged as
adults). The main part of the large mortality rate among cubs therefore must
be in spring or early summer. And since the size in the litters only slightly
decreases with age, then the main part of the mortality must lie in the loss of
entire litters.
It is difficult to elucidate the causes of low vixen productivity, high cub
mortality and high dispersal rates of young males. Population densities may
have an important influence on these features but nothing is known of
number of foxes in the study area, except that foxes are more abundant than
in the north.
Regarding Macdonald's observations (1977) the over-population itself
might cause the formation of groups with such a social organisation that
most vixens in one way or another will be either barren (alternatively not
mated) or mistreat their cubs in such a way that these will die.
Elsewhere in agricultural areas, in the midwest in the US for example
(Storm et al., 1976) and in Ontario (Johnstone pers. comm.) nearly all vixens
reproduce. The same situation obtains in at least some areas in Europe both
in Britain, the Netherlands, Switzerland and Germany (Lloyd et al., 1976). In
some of these countries where data have been collected rabies is present and
the hunting pressure is high (1 to 2 foxes shot per sq km; Lloyd et al. 1976).
The population densities in these areas therefore may be low well prior to
the mating season. These data contrast fundamentally from the agricultural
areas in Sweden, where we have no rabies (or mange) and where the
number of foxes killed per sq km is estimated to be around 0.3 to 0.5 per
year during the study period, but population densities of foxes might be less
in Sweden. Furthermore if fox population densities are reduced to low levels
compared with the level that that habitat can support, food will not then be
a limiting factor, and then reproduction and productivity will probably be
high and natural mortality low. Evidence from this study suggests that
population density is a key factor in the regulation of fox numbers in
Sweden, but habitat requirements and food resources interact with popula-
tion density and have a modifying influence upon reproduction, productivity,
mortality and dispersal. No data so far therefore wlll upset the theory that
the foxes in southern Sweden are regulated by the density itself in one way
or another. Many data, however, support the idea.


Bekoff, M. 1977. Mammalian dispersal and the ontogeny of individual behavioural phenotypes.
Amer. Natur. 111: 715-732.

Englund, J. 1965. Studies on food ecology of the red fox (Vulpes v.) in Sweden. Viltrevy 3:
Englund, J. 1970. Some aspects of reproduction and mortality rates in Swedish foxes (Vulpes
vulpes), 1961-63 and 1966-69. Viltrevy 8: 1-82.
Englund, J. 1978. Ravens vandringar-en fraga om gnagarbrist eller stress? Svensk Jakt 116:
Hornfeldt, B. 1978. Basinventering gnagare. Pn:>gress report No. 11 (mimeographed).
Lloyd, H. G. and Englund, J. 1973. The reproductive cycle of the red fox in Europe. J. Reprod.
Fert. Suppl. 19: 119-130.
Lloyd, H. G., Jensen, B., Van Haaften, J. L., Niewold, F. J. J., Wandeler, A., Bogel, K. and
Arata, A. A. 1976. Annual turnover of fox populations in Europe. Zbl. Vet. Med. B. 23:
Macdonald, D. W. 1977. The behavioural ecology of the red fox, Vulpes vulpes; a study of
social organisation and resource exploitation. D. Phil. thesis. Oxford University.
Storm, G. L., Andrews, R. D., Phillips, R. L., Bishop, R. A., Sinifi, D. B. and Tester, J. R.
1976. Morphology, reproduction, dispersal, and mortality of midwest red fox populations.
Wildlife Monographs No. 49, 82 pp.

(Vulpes vulpes L., 1758)
David W. Macdonald*


In some habitats foxes live in social groups comprised of one adult male and
several adult vixens. These groups occupy territories from which neighbour-
ing groups are excluded. Elsewhere, foxes live in territorial pairs but recent
research suggests that at least small groups are found in many habitats
(Ables, 1975, Macdonald, 1980). On Boar's Hill, Oxfordshire, a rural-
suburban habitat where foxes live in stable groups of between 4-5 adults in
territories of about 40 hectares, radio-tracking, direct observation, handling
during trapping and occasional post-mortems all confirmed that many vixens
did not rear cubs (Macdonald, 1979a). For instance, in 197 4 one group consisted
of three vixens, aged 9, 6, and probably 2 years, of which only the eldest
reared cubs. Considering the four groups for which I have complete data in
1973-74,6 out of 15 vixens (40%) reared cubs. Ofthesefourgroups a mean of
38.75% (S.D. ±15.5) of vixens in each group bred, that is only one or two
vixens bred. More fragmentary information from the other groups on Boar's
Hill also suggested that many adult vixens did not rear cubs. There was no
evidence of cub mortality, suggesting either that "barren vixens" did not
conceive or that the embryos did not reach full term. Lumping data from
1973, 1974 and 1975, 12 of 24 vixens studied on Boar's Hill reared young.
In other study areas similar observations were made. A group of four vixens
were observed at Ein Gedi (Israel) in 1976 and only one of these bred;
within one group on Oxfordshire agricultural land one vixen did not breed
in 1974, but did so in 1975 after the disappearance of another vixen who
had bred the previous year.
These data may have bearing on the widely different figures for propor-
tions of barren vixens in fox populations studied (post mortem) in different
regions. In Sweden alone Englund (1970) reports yearling fecundity to vary
between 5--88%. In this paper I will describe observations on both wild and
captive foxes which clarify vixen productivity figures from different study
Where several vixens occupy a group territory all the available evidence
suggests that they are close relatives. This evidence includes long-term
radio-tracking of juvenile vixens as they become integrated into their
parental group, and observations on colour similarities between group
*Animal Behaviour Research Group, Department of Zoology, South Parks Road, Oxford,

Biogeographica, Vol. 18: The Red Fox, ed. by E. Zimen 123

© 1980, Dr. W. Junk bv Publishers, The Hague
In the course of searching for possible explanations for the wide differ-
ences in vixen productivity mentioned above I will describe reproductive
behaviour of both wild and captive foxes.


Observations on wild foxes have been made between 1972-79. Foxes were
captured and equipped with 102 MHz radio transmitters. Radio-tracking
was used predictively to increase the chances of direct observation using
infra-red binoculars. To further increase opportunities for watching foxes
they were fitted with fluorescent ~-lights and reflective markers (Macdonald
1978, Macdonald and Amlaner, 1980).
Radio tracking "fixes" and direct observations were used together to draw
by eye the exact borders of fox home-ranges. For quantitative comparison
with other data, eliptical estimates of home range size are also given (using
Jennrich and Turner's (1969) method) although all indices of home range
size and configuration have drawbacks (see Macdonald et al. 1980).
Observations in captivity were made between 1973-79 in two 1000 m 2
enclosures, described below.


Changes in movement pattern

During January, February and March, freshly dug fox earths and abandoned
exploratory excavations became a noticable feature of each of my study
areas. Radio-tracking of 10 pregnant vixens revealed that as birth ap-
proached, they made increasingly frequent visits to favoured earths, which
they continued to excavate. After the cubs were born vixens normally
remained in or near the natal earths for 7-10 days and nights. Thereafter
they made forays from the earth, which initially lasted under an hour but
become prolonged as the cubs grow. By the time the cubs are 3 weeks old
the vixen may spend most of her time outside the earth, lying nearby or
even in a neighbouring earth. When the cubs start eating meat at about 4
weeks old the vixen makes frequent trips back to the earth during the night,
sometimes taking food. During the vixen's "confinement" prey are depos-
ited at the mouth of the earth by other foxes. The fox bringing the prey
calls the nursing vixen from her earth with a "warble" cry. The cubs may be
moved to another earth at any time and are invariably moved after human
intrusion. Sometimes the family is split up with cubs being deposited at
different earths; Storm et al. (1976) and Niewold (pers. comm.) have also
found split litters. These depots may be slightly enlarged rabbit "stops" or
caverns under a tree into which an adult fox could not fit. These generalisa-
tions are illustrated by observations on one vixen during the spring of 1973.
Before the birth of her cubs the vixen's range was delimited by roads and tracks (Fig. 1).
Typically, she covered most of this area (250 ha) every night. Prior to the birth of her cubs she
visited several of the earths in her territory. The cubs were born on 15th March at map ref.


3500 3500 3500

3ooo I l~bt: ~ ~ I 3000 I I ~ ~ p, I I 30oo

25oo I -~--£"41 G•,t.~l.-.~~ \ft 1\ /~. 25oo I I 1.... II ~~\I I 25oo

2000 I -=-- ~- _:..,.--;::-* ~ \i:d 2000 I I _,, \ ""' ... I I \ I 2000

15oo I 1\ I"'' lt\:;::o\a::fi!t!'Ll: /R 1soo I I I '" ~ I 1500

1000 I I A~~b.,..,..¥"7,'.~ II 1000 I I •I ... I • I ' 1000

500 I I ,--t---+---+--~~ 500

0 0
OL-----~500~----~1~000~-----15~00----~2~0~00 O 0 500 1000 1500 2000 0 500 1000 1500 2000

Fig. 1. Radio-fixes on a vixen during different periods on Oxfordshire agricultural land (scales in metres). The borders of her territory were bounded by roads
..... and tracks. 62.3% and 95% probability elipses are drawn around the fixes (see Table 1).
10clays 1Sdaua


~ .\~
\i\f~ :-earth ~~
~ "-
0 500
'""' ' 2000

19d-.. 25 dill IS

.~ ~
\ 1~\ \
\~ \t\}

0 500
"" ' 0 2500 3000 3500

30daya 32daya
\ .1\

~ I \\ 1\\
: I
\ ·:~\ \ ..~\:


~~. \ \\
~· \~
""' A

3000 0

Fig. 2. Records of a vixen's movements for a selection of nights following parturition. With
passing time she spent less of the night near the earth. Locations can be compared with the map
on Fig. 1.

Table 1

Cubs age Eliptical estimates (ha)

Period (days) n 62.3% 95%

Pregnant 229 123.3 369.9

Always in earth 0-10 183
(14-25th march)
Suckling 10-19 331 33.6 100.8
Starting solid food 24-32 192 48.1 144.2
(ll-19th april)
28/3/73 10 40 22.9 68.7
2/4/73 15 40 15.3 45.9
6/4/73 19 40 29.9 89.7
12/4/73 25 38 42.2 126.7
17/4/73 30 37 32.9 98.6
19/4/73 32 39 43.8 131.5

1500, 2000 (Fig. 1), an area of rushes and marshland. 5 cubs were born above ground in a
tussock of sedge, surrounded by water. Three days later the vixen moved her cubs to the earth
at ref. 1400, 2300. During the following nights she remained in the earth until the 21st when
she made a brief excursion of 150m lasting for about 20 minutes and thereafter remained in
the earth until dawn. During the next 3 nights she spent progressively more time out of the
earth although always in the immediate vicinity until 25th March. Table 1 summarises eliptical
estimates of her movements during three periods (see Jennrich and Turner, 1969). During this
time the vixen was radio-tracked all night every night (by foot or by car) and point locations
recorded every 15 minutes were possible. The vixen's movements throughout the month after
the birth of her cubs are illustrated by 6 complete nights' data on Fig. 2 (see Table 1). Her
nightly tracks initially concentrate either around alternative earths, favoured feeding sites (such
as farmyards and gardens) and, for the majority of the night (>80%), around the breeding

Similar changes accompanied the birth of cubs to all radio-controlled vixens,

although the scale of the changes in movement pattern was affected by home
range size. For instance, a vixen tracked on the fells of Cumbria normally
ranged over 1,000 hectares. When she began taking food to her cubs she
remained in the section of her territory nearest to them, although hunting an
area greater than the full extent of most Oxfordshire fox territories.

Observations at earths
An earth in a territory occupied by one dog fox and three adult vixens was
watched during 3 consecutive all-night vigils which confirmed that barren
vixens do visit natal earths. The eldest vixen, T'peg, was the only one to
e.g. 26th May, 1974*
I took up position in the tree at 1900 hours. At 2120 hours a fox moved beneath a bush 30m
ahead of me, and uttered a greeting "warble". Scar Nose o emerged from the bush, closely
followed by T'peg ~ who slithered on the ground behind him in submissive greeting. Scar Nose
o walked above the entrance to the earth and T'peg's whimperings developed into a submissive
shriek. Scar Nose o turned towards her and she crept forward and licked his muzzle, her
screams reaching a crescendo. Scar Nose o moved to the entrance of the earth and token urine
marked into it (see Macdonald 1979b). While T'peg ~sniffed his mark, Scar Nose o went back
into the rhodedendron from whence came greeting screams from another adult fox. T'peg ~
moved off up the bank as the screams from the bush reached a peak before Scar Nose o and
* All names based on characteristics by which I identified the foxes.

Husky 'i? emerged. Husky trotted up the path after T'peg 'i? and on reaching her, crouched flat to
the ground, tail lashed and submitted briefly before continuing up the path. At 2145 hours the
third vixen visited the earth and at 2215 hours T'peg 'i? returned. Throughout the night all three
vixens continued to visit the earth.
Sargeant and Eberhardt (1975) mention dog foxes carrying food to their

Multiple litters

Contrary to the conventional description of foxes as "solitary" carnivores

(e.g. Fox, 1971) there are reports of vixens sharing a den and rearing cubs
together (Pils and Martin, 1974; Storm et al., 1976). This phenomenon is
well known amongst gamekeepers and hunt-servants. I have made sufficient
observations of multiple litters in England to believe that they are a
widespread phenomenon. How do the vixens involved in communal earths
behave towards each other and how do they react to each other's cubs?
Two vixens attended a mixed litter during May and June 1973. One litter
consisted of 4 cubs estimated at 2 weeks older than another solitary cub.
Radio-tracking and other circumstantial evidence strongly suggested that the
two vixens were often together with the cubs simultaneously. When they
were seen independently at the earth they both suckled all the cubs.
e.g. 30th May:
At 2030 hours Blackfringe 'i? appeared near the earth; pausing she made a low 'wowwow-
wow" call at which all five cubs tumbled out of the earth. Blackfringe 'i? dropped a vole she was
carrying and, amidst the greeting confusion, a cub grabbed it. The cubs fought fiercely over the
food. Afterwards they ran back to Blackfringe 'i? and all suckled from her. 2040 hours:
Blackfringe 'i? watched the cubs as they played. The younger cub was frequently attacked.
Blackfringe 'i? left at 2045 hours but the cubs continued to play. 2130 hours: Downwhite 'i? came
into sight and called the cubs. She did not bring food but suckled the cubs. 2137 hours:
Downwhite 'i? left and the cubs continued to play.
Detailed observations were made on the group to which these two vixens
belonged. One dog fox and four adult vixens comprised the group and a
summary of interactions between them is given in Fig. 3 (for more details
see Macdonald (1977a)). These observations were made around a feeding
site where initially Blackfringe <i? dominated Downwhite <i?, e.g. on 12th May,
1973 (during a 1 hour observation) three separate bouts of serious aggres-
sion involving "sideways barging" and intense gekkering occurred between
Blackfringe <i? and Downwhite <i?, each of which was conclusively won by
Blackfringe <i?.
Subsequently, however Blackfringe <i? lost encounters, both around the
feeding site and elsewhere. In fact, the reversal of status when Downwhite <i?
became dominant to Blackfringe <i? could be tied down to the night of 20th
May, roughly the date when the cubs were weaned. Seven of the 13
interactions (46.2%) observed before 20th May involved serious attacks of
Blackfringe <i? on Downwhite <i?, while afterwards, 7 of the 8 interactions
(88.9%) observed, were in the opposite direction, with Downwhite <i? seri-
ously attacking Blackfringe <i? (Fig. 4). Subsequent observations in captivity
(below) document similar changes in status within a family group.
These flow diagrams record only the course of observed interactions and

Serious !ggression

Blaokf~~ Downwhite


Mild !ggression

~Equalwhit~ Sampson

Blackfr ~== ~·5 ~wnwhito



O 1 '=5 == Sampson
Equalwhi te~c:::==


Blackf~ ~Downwhito


<-,·Y"/ Equalwhi te Sampson

Blackfringe Downwhite


Fig. 3. Summary of 68 interactions between group I foxes around the feeding site.

Before 20/5h3 n = 13

Serious !ggression 46·2

Blackfringe ~------------~:>Downwhite

Mild !ggression
Blackfringe Downwhite

Blackfringe (..__ _ _ _ _ _...tl) Downwhi te

After 20/5/73 n =8

<. __________
Serious Aggression

Blackfringe ___.I Downwhi te

Mild .Aggression

Blackfringe Downwhite

Blackfringe c:===========> Downwhi te
Fig. 4. Summary of relationship between Blackfringe 'i? and Downwhite 'i? during 13 interactions
before and 8 interactions after 20/5/73.

say nothing about the extent to which given individuals may be seeking or
avoiding others. For instance, on 10 observation nights before 20th May
both Blackfringe 9 and Downwhite 9 were present at the feeding site on the
same 9 nights. On 7/9 nights the two vixens were in the garden simultane-
ously and I was able to record direct encounters between them. That is, on
77.8% of the nights when both these foxes visited the feeding site they were
observed together. However, for 30 observation nights following 20th May
when foxes were seen, there were 13 occasions when during the course of
one observation period both Downwhite 9 and Blackfringe 9 visited the
area, but on only one of these nights did they have direct encounters, that is
on 7.6% of the possible nights.
In fact, after Blackfringe's downfall she often approached the feeding site,
detected Downwhite's presence and did not advance further. When Down-
white discovered Blackfringe's presence she attacked her e.g.:
On 17th August I saw Blackfringe ~ sitting around the feeding site. At 0030 hours
Blackfringe ~stood up and loped away. Downwhite ~,sped towards her and while Blackfringe ~
tried to make an escape, she was quickly overhauled and attacked by Downwhite ~. A serious
fight ensued with both vixens rearing on their hind legs and stabbing at each other with their
forepaws. Blackfringe ~ broke free and again tried to flee, but Downwhite ~ caught her amidst
much gekkering, and finally whimpering, whereupon Downwhite ~ trotted back toward the
feeding site; for the next 30 minutes, Blackfringe ~moved around the adjoining field but never
approached the site.

In another group two vixens with litters visited a feeding site where one of
them and her cubs were rather shy. The older, more confident vixen
regularly carried food to her group mate and cubs who waited at a distance.

Non-breeding vixens and cubs

Field observations show that barren vixens within a family group typically
behave amicably towards cubs, often playing with them. E.g. when Red 9
(barren) appeared in a field where one of her group members' 3 month old
cubs was foraging:
The cub stopped foraging and ran straight towards Red ~, overshooting by 4-5 m and
swerving round her, before throwing itself flat on the ground just in front of her. Red <;> stared
at the cub as it lay, ears flicking back and tail lashing. The cub leapt up and raced around her,
repeatedly approaching and withdrawing. Red ~ broke into a run and a play chase developed
with both foxes running and chasing after each other for over 30 seconds. Afterwards Red ~
began foraging for beetles. The cub followed close behind her, investigating each capture.
During the next 15 minutes they played 3 times.

Normally I could not distinguish the behaviour of non-breeding vixens

towards cubs from that of the real mother, although in one case the mother
and another vixen of the same group behaved very differently:
Blackfringe ~ (the mother) was foraging intently on the west side of a meadow when
gekkering and squealing broke out from the adjacent wood where her cubs were. Instantly
Blackfringe ~bolted straight towards the sound; she hit the thick vegetation of the ditch and did
not alter course but rather crashed straight into the vegetation with such force that she rolled
over as she emerged. Similarly she bombarded the vegatation at the edge of the wood and
almost at once the noise stopped. Meanwhile, Equalwhite ~ (barren) continued foraging
although she looked towards the noise.

Observations such as these suggested that different barren vixens, even
within one group, behaved differently towards cubs.
Radio tracking disclosed that barren vixens often visited the vicinity of
earths harbouring cubs but the accuracy was rarely adequate to be certain
that these vixens actually visited the earth itself. By watching natal earths all
night it was possible to confirm that they do (see above); Murie (1936) made
similar observations, and several gamekeepers have told me that they
sometimes kill "dry" vixens around an earth in which they had previously
killed a lactating vixen and, indeed, some have seen these vixens attempting
to dig out gassed cubs and some of them have been carrying food.
The field observations outlined here suggest that within family groups
only the minority of vixens rear cubs. Non-breeding vixens behave amicably
towards the cubs of their group-mates and may even feed them. For those
groups for which I have complete data, the younger animals (which were
generally subordinate) were the non-reproductive ones. Why, in some
groups, does only one vixen breed, while in others more do so? What is the
adaptive significance of communal denning described above? What is the
role of the non-reproductive vixens, why do they not breed and why do they
remain in the group? To supplement field observations concerning these
questions, I have watched captive family groups.



Two family groups were maintained in enclosures measuring just under

1,000 m 2 and which were surrounded by 2m high chain link fencing topped
by a further 1m of 2" (5.1 em) wire mesh bent in at 45°. A metre of wire was
sunk underground. Each enclosure supported natural vegetation and was
supplied with artificial earths.


An estimated 4000 hours of observation were made within the enclosures,

and from a camouflaged rostrum. By night I used either infra-red binoculars,
(Old Delft, Holland) or infra-red video cameras. Most of the cubs reared
within each enclosure grew up wild and observations of these animals were
fraught with the same difficulties as watching wild foxes. To overcome this
problem a remote-control infra-red video recording system was designed to
observe actions from 200 m away while the foxes remained undisturbed and
in complete darkness.

The camera unit

Image intensifiers were unsuitable because of the poor image quality and lack of relief, due to
fiat lighting from a cloudy sky and too large a contrast range in the moonlight between trees
and undergrowth. Thus infra-red equipment was chosen. This equipment was designed to suit
my fox watching requirements by J. Noakes and P. Townsend of the British Broadcasting

Most cameras designed for 25 or 18 mm vidicon pick-up tubes would be capable of
modification to accept the silicon-diode array vidicon tube necessary for working in infra-red.
Silicon has the advantage as a photosensor, of having a wide sensitivity range from about 1.2 m
in the near infra-red region through visible light and into ultraviolet. In this case a Link
Electronics type 101 camera was used. Silicon-diode tubes usually have a life of over 2,000
hours and are more resistant than most TV camera tubes to damage by excessive exposure.
Unfortunately direct control of tube sensitivity is not possible and so it was necessary to use a
lens with adjustable aperture. The camera and tube were mounted on a servo system allowing
operation of the lens iris, zoom, focus and camera pan and tilt from a control and viewing
caravan over 200m away. The zoom lens gave focal lengths between 15 and 150 mm, i.e.
angles of view from 6 to 60 degrees.


Infra-red lighting was provided by specially designed lamps. Four 1,200 watt tloodlamps were
positioned around the enclosure, each with a 45° beam (15" filter) which adequately illuminated
about one-sixth of the area. These tloodlamps were complemented by a "dimmable" 150 watt
spot lamp mounted on and moving with the camera. All the lamps used cheap tungsten filament
bulbs with a filter to remove the visible light (removing light of ,.;; 800 nanometres). For low
cost the filter was a composite of readily available theatrical lighting materials (two sheets of
primary green no. 39 and one of primary red no. 9 cinemoid by Strand Lighting). Because of
the spectral energy distribution of tungsten lamps the temperature of the cinemoid is minimised
when radiation is filtered first by the red and then by the 2 green layers. By fan cooling the
tloodlamps, a filter life in excess of 200 hours was achieved. Air was drawn into the lamp
between the layers of cinemoid and hence cooled them before passing around the lamps and
out via a tangential fan.


The reproductive history of Group I was studied for five years, and that of
Group II for three years. Summing the number of adult vixens which might
have bred during the course of these observations gives a maximum produc-
tivity of 22 litters. In fact, only 7 litters were born (32% productivity of
litters). As the two family groups grew, recruited young animals and
developed a stratified age structure of the type observed amongst wild
groups, only the dominant animals gave birth to cubs although dominance
ranks changed during the study. All male offspring and some female
offspring were removed in late Autumn to maintain the group's structure.
Some non-reproductive vixens contributed to the welfare of the cubs of the
reproductive vixen within their group, guarding and sleeping with them and
provisioning them with food. On one occasion two vixens of comparable
status conceived within one family group. Soon afterwards the vixen's
relationship became more polarised; this influenced the more subordinate
one's behaviour such that none of her cubs survived. After their death she
nursed the cubs of the dominant vixen.
During five years I have monitored the social relationship underlying
these results, and considering:
(i) what process underlies the selection of reproductive vixens within a
(ii) what role does the dog-fox play towards reproductive and non-
reproductive vixens,
(iii) how do non-reproductive vixens react to their dominant's cubs?

First I will present an introductory ac;:count of Group I before going on to a
detailed analysis of the social dy_namics within Group II.

GROUP I (founded by Vixen I and Dog I, both born March 1974)

Dog I was introduced to Vixen I in December 1974, when both were 10

months old (and when radio-tracking indicated itinerant activity amongst
wild dog-foxes) . They mated (about 25th January, 1975) and reared 5 cubs,
of which 4 vixens became integrated into the adult group. Of the 5 vixens
next winter only Vixen I mated (23rd January 1976) and gave birth to 4
cubs (3 <?<?, 1 o). The vixen cubs grew amongst the group while I hand reared
the male for Group II. In late September 1976 one of the first year's vixens
and two of the second were removed leaving the original pair (then nearly 3
years old), 3 of their 1975 female offspring (then nearly 2 years old) and 1 of
their 1976 offspring, approaching 1 year old.
On 25th January 1977 Vixen I mated again and produced 4 cubs on 9th
March (2 oo, 2 <?<?). In Easter 1977 some subordinate vixens were released
leaving the original pair (nearly 4 years old), 2 of their 1975 offspring
(nearly 3 years old) and one 1977 vixen (nearly 1 year old) . Again, only
Vixen I mated and in March 1978 gave birth to 3 cubs (2 oo, 1 <?) .

Plate 1. During the few days around oestrous the male fox persistently follows the vixen,
repeatedly following her, especially around the side of the head , as pictured here.

Relationship between vixens

Observations showed that Vixen I remained dominant to her daughters even

when they were mature. For instance, in 1978 her original cubs were three
years old, but still subordinate during play and encounters over food. Vixens
within a family group are organised hierarchically in the wild (Macdonald,
1977a) and this was also true in captivity. Each year the three or four days
prior to Vixen I's oestrus saw a marked increase in her aggression towards
her subordinates, but this disappeared directly after oestrus finished.

Courtship (Plate 1)

Each year Dog I only courted Vixen I, the dominant and eldest member of
his group. The pattern was always the same and involved continuous
following of Vixen I and several copulations. As an example the observa-
tions made between 1-29 January 1976 are reported below. These observa-
tions were made largely by night through the remote-controlled infra-red
Figure 5 shows the average minimum distance between the dog fox and
Vixen I each night during 30 x 10 minute periods. It can be seen that by



.._. E
c 10

20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29

Fig. 5. Least distance (±S.D.) of dog-fox from vixen during 10 minute intervals for 3 'hours
each night. ·

23rd January he was always very close to her, while by the following night
he had resumed his customary "indifference". It seems that mating occurred
only during one night.
22/1/76: Dog I was atypically restive, continually moving about the enclosure. His brush was
extended horizontally or just above the horizontal behind him in contrast to its typical drooping
crescent (see also Tembrock, 1957). Vixen I slept at the north end of the enclosure and the
dog-fox made regular trips to her (each ~-3 minutes). He approached to within 2-6m of her
but generally no closer, whereupon he would pause, stretch forward to sniff at her and then
abruptly wheel round and trot off. When Vixen I moved he followed her. He frequently seemed
about to mount the vixen, but retreated when she reacted aggressively.
23/1/76: Dog I followed Vixen I at never more than 3m distance; she frequently rebuked
him. Each time she paused he stood watching her and if she remained in the same place he
carefully scraped a small depression in the ground, and curled up beside her. Vixen I ate, but
the dog-fox did not, rather he sat the other side of the food watching her. By 0330 hours the
dog-fox had attempted unsuccessfully to mount four times. Each attempt involved edging
toward the vixen, craning forward and then gingerly placing a paw on her back- each advance
was met with aggressive gaping. Again he carried his brush aloft. By dawn the foxes had mated.
24/1/76: Dog I slept uninterrupted until 2300 hours. Thereafter he paid no attention to Vixen

Hiroko (pers. comm.) watched a pair of foxes that mated on two consecutive
days: 4 times on the first day and twice on the second. Three consecutive
copulations lasted 45, 30 and 29 minutes.
While courting the dominant vixen the male interacted only rarely with
the younger vixens and reacted aggressively when they approached him.
By 22nd January not only was the dog fox taking an interest in Vixen I
but the younger vixens also frequently ran up to her, sniffing her genital
region and even attempting to mount her. Vixen I responded to these
pseudocopulations aggressively, (see Plate 2).

Response to cubs

In each of 5 years, Vixen I moved her sleeping earth the day before the
birth of the cubs. Observations in the field also suggest that sudden moves
before parturition are frequent. For the first week after birth the vixen spent
at least 95% of her time actually lying with the cubs and on many days did
not emerge at all.
Four cubs were born in the enclosure on 14th March 1976. Vixen I did
not react at all aggressively to Vixen II's inspection of her newborn cubs.
Vixen II seemed "excited" and ran round the enclosure playfully, repeatedly
visiting the cubs.
For the next fortnight Vixen II visited the cubs every day without any
detectable resentment from Vixen I. Often Vixen I and II were together
with the cubs, but only once before 25th March did Vixen II stay for more
than 30 seconds. On 25th March Vixens I, II and III were all in the main
earth with the cubs and the latter two remained in the earth when Vixen I
emerged to eat.
A similar pattern followed the birth of Vixen I's third litter on 9th March
1977. The cubs aroused considerable interest in the barren vixens, in
particular Vixen II (still the most dominant subordinate vixen), but it was



Plate 2. Foxes were observed and filmed by infra-red light. Here a series of pictures taken from
video-tape illustrate the breeding female's response to an attempted mounting by one of her
daughters of the previous year. (2a) The younger vixen mounts her mother who gapes
aggressively and (2b) twists around before rearing up to "box" with her daughter (2c). Both
vixens then have their ears layed back and gape widely before the dominant mother pushes back
her daughter (2d).


13 8
not until they were over 2 weeks old (25th March) that Vizen II slept with
them for the first time, and did so every day from 31st March (age 22 days).
In 1977 and 1978 Vixen II performed all maternal duties except suckling.
Often, she guarded all the cubs alone, while Vixen I slept in an adjacent
earth. The two vixens sometimes curled up together with the cubs, both
grooming cubs and licking their anuses to remove faeces and urine. The
subordinate vixen's "maternal" behaviour was diligent, e.g. on 29th April
while Vixen I looked on Vixen II carried the same cub to an earth four
times in quick succession and each time it ran out again to play.
Vixen I began taking food to the cubs when they were between 3 and 4
weeks old. After the birth of cubs she made many caches including storage
of otherwise unfavoured foods (Macdonald, 1977b). Food was taken to the
earth whereupon the vixen made the "warble" call, at which the cubs would
run out and suckle or take food. Once, a cub got stuck in the undergrowth
and must have separated for over an hour during which Vixen I had fed the
others. When Vixen I found this cub, she managed to pull it free, returned it
to the earth and immediately excavated a cache and took the contents to the
errant cub.
Vixen I often nosed her cubs into small holes which an adult fox could not
reach. From the end of April the cubs were increasingly mobile and often
slept outside the earth, with other adults.

Allomaternal behaviour and cub survival

In early April Vixen I injured her front paw while fighting with a wild vixen
through the wire. While Vixen I was incapacitated, her cubs were cared for
in another earth by subordinates. It is hard to believe that they could have
survived otherwise, but all did so.


Hierarchy amongst vixen cubs


Five vixen cubs (sisters) were hand reared from 4 days old in 1975. The
form of interactions between them was recorded using a dictaphone. There
has been considerable debate about the usefulness of dominance orders (e.g.
Rowell, 1966; Jolly, 1966) although they have been defended by Richards
(1977). So I have recorded two different measures in order to check their

(i) Playful interactions

(1) Amicable, where a fox approaches another, and they sniff or lick each
other with slight ear and tail movements.
(2) Chase or pounce, the initiating fox chases its sib or stalks and pounces
upon it.

(3) Attack, play that involves serious barging, rolling over and play
fighting, together with playful encounters that developed into an aggressive
(4) "Lost" includes all interactions in which the fox that initiated them
did not follow through the chase or attack but where roles were reversed.
For all interactions other than "lost" it can be assumed that the fox initiating
the encounter was the "victor".

(ii) Access to prey

Access to a food item (dead chicken or rabbit) involves a limited resource

(see Reynolds and Luscombe, 1969). The foxes were presented with the
prey and their order of access to it noted.


(i) Play

During the 10 bouts of play, of more than 30 minutes duration each,

recorded during May 1975 (cubs aged 8 weeks) 225 interactions were
detailed; their direction and form are scored on Table 2 and Fig. 6. Of these
Big Ears ~ initiated 116 (51.6%) while Whitepaws ~ initiated only 21
(8.2%). The most timid cub, Wide Eyes~' was incessantly attacked by her
sibs and often had to be segregated. Ranking the foxes in order of play
initiated (of any type) gives:
Big Ears- Pseudo Sickly- Sickly- Whitepaws- Wide Eyes
The same rank order is reached if a measure of the smallest percent-
age of play fights initiated that are lost is used. The measure of percentage of
attacks received, which gives the inverse of this order, might be confounded
by two opposing reactions- a fox with a low score might be so indomitable
that it was seldom attacked but alternatively it might be so retiring that it
was seldom available for attack.
In all these measures Big Ears ranks top and Wide Eyes bottom.
Whitepaws was always second to bottom. Whitepaws, unlike Wide Eyes, did
not give the impression of being subordinate but simply of not being playful.

(ii) Access to food

When I gave the cubs their food a furore ensued, in whicfi the prey often
changed hands several times before any individual had a chance to eat.
Thereafter the fox in possession would be attacked and occasionally sup-
planted. Sometimes the displaced fox immediately retaliated before the
newcomer had any chance to eat. Generally a fox that had successfully
driven another from the food ate until it was sated, whereupon it would give
way easily when another approached. The takeover might be followed by
another furore before a second strong possessor took over. Scoring first

Table 2. Summary of 225 interactions during play between 4 vixen cubs aged about 2 months.

Recipient No. play

Total play initiations of
Big Ears Whitepaws Pseudo Sickly Sickly initiations each type

Q) Q) Q)
u Q)
~u ....
~u u ~u Q)
~ til ~ ~ ~
..<: ..<: ..<: ~ til
~ u u
i~ ....~
u nos %
~ 0 ~ 3 i~ .3 ~ ~ ~ i~
~ u 3
Big Ears 0 6 17 0 7 31 23 1 2 13 16 0 116 51.6 9 50 56 1
Whitepaws 0 1 0 2 0 0 2 3 2 2 4 5 21 8.2 2 3 6 10
Pseudo Sickly 6 13 3 5 0 0 14 0 0 4 12 0 57 25.3 6 17 29 5
Sickly 0 3 0 2 1 9 7 0 1 4 3 4 31 13.8 2 13 10 6
Total interactions 6 17 3 9 1 15 38 0 8 35 28 8 32 19 3! 5 225 Total 19 83 101 22
35 54 75 60

27·1 )
Big Ears Pseudo Sickly

0 0

Whitepaws Sickly
Fig. 6. Summary of direction of initiated play behaviours (including initiation rebuffed). As %
of all initiations during 225 interactions.

possession of food during nine trials between 30th May and 27th July 1975
the order of foxes was:
Whitepaws (55.6%)-Pseudo Sickly (33.3%)-Big Ears (11.1%)-Sickly
and Wide Eyes (0%)
However, this lumps together foxes that had first access for only a few
seconds during the initial melee, and those that actually managed to eat. If
the foxes are ranked on the basis of which ate first the order changes to:
Whitepaws (55.5%)- Big Ears (44.5%)- Pseudo Sickly, Sickly and Wide
Eyes (0%)
During observations Big Ears was powerful, but tolerant; she often let other
foxes take the food and then displaced them with little ado, while in contrast
Whitepaws always fought furiously and repeatedly attacked the possessor.
During 9 trials each fox had the potential of being ahead of four others per
trial, a maximum score of 36. The percentage of the maximum score
achieved gives the following rank:
Big Ears (80.6%)- Whitepaws (77 .8%)- Sickly (SO%)...: Psuedo Sickly
(38.9%)- Wide Eyes (0%) (see Table 3).
Similar data were collected during 5 observation periods during August and
September (when the cubs were 17 weeks old), and give a slightly different
rank (Table 3):
White Paws (80%)- Big Ears (65%)- Pseudo Sickly (50%)- Sickly
(20%)- Wide Eyes (5%)

Big Ears Sickly

BE amicable to PS > S >WP

PS amicable to BE > S =WP
S amicable to PS ..WP >BE
WP amicable to S >PS •BE

Whitepaws Sickly


Big Ears I 13 "7 ) Pseudo Sickly

~t~:. :,
< so I ~~ BE
chases PS > S > WP
chases BE> S >WP
chases WP > PS >BE
WP chases S >BE >PS


Mock Fis:ht

Big Ears

BE fights PS > WP > S
PS fights WP > S >BE
S fights WP>PS>BE
WP fights S>PS>BE


Initiator Loses

Big Ears
. 2-22

WP loses :>S>PS>BE

Fig. 7. Percentage of 225 interactions during play between 4 vixens that took a given form and


Table 3. Number of times when each cub gained meaningful possession of food before each of the other cubs.

Late May-Mid June (age: 10-12 weeks) 9 trials

Big Ears Whitepaws Pseudo Sickly Sickly Wide Eyes max=36 %max
;9 '3 = Big Ears 4 8 8 9 29 80.6
·~ b1J.9Whitepaws 5 7 7 9 28 77.8
~ -~ ~ Pseudo Sickly 1 2 2 9 14 38.9
-§ Q) ~ Sickly 1 2 6 9 18 50.0
U 8 o. Wide Eyes 0 0 0 0 0 0.0

August-Mid September (age: 19-23 weeks) 5 trials

Big Ears Whitepaws Pseudo Sickly Sickly Wide Eyes max=20 %max

;9 '3 = Big Ears 1 3 4 5 13 65.0

·~ b1J.9 Whitepaws 4 4 4 4 16 80.0
~ ·~ ~ Pseudo Sickly 2 1 3 4 10 50.0
= Q) ~ sickly 0 0 1 3 4 20.0
U 8 o. Wide Eyes 0 1 0 0 1 5.0
The three sisters whose social relationships seemed most polarised, and most
different in character, became the nexus of enclosure Group II. Up until the
winter of 1976 the same hierarchy prevailed: Whitepaws, Big Ears and
Wide Eyes. These vixens were nearly 2 years old when I first introduced a
year old male, Smudge, to their enclosure. This was to avoid the possibility
that failure of any of them to breed could be attributed to immaturity.


Reproductive behaviour

The relationship between members of enclosure Group II have been de-

tailed during over 600 hours observation between January 1977 and June
1978 and observed casually for an estimated further 400 hours. The
observations have been distilled into summary from by categorising the
initiator of each interaction as "amicable", "mildly aggressive" or "seriously
aggressive". Similarly, the respondent might react amicably (type 0), aggres-
sively (type I) or with mild (type II) or intense (type III) submission (see
Plate 3a and b).


Plate 3. Interactions between foxes were largely amicable. The male fox was normally
dominant to the vixens who might submit to him slightly (3a) or intensively (3b). In Plate 3a the
male fox (left) has upright ears during a greeting with a slightly submissive vixen (right) whose
ears are layed back and who adopts a lowered posture. A third and more submissive vixen can
just be seen between them in the background, with her ears more strongly layed back. In 3b a
vixen has rolled onto her back with her tail lashing at the approach of the male fox (standing) .



Breeding season 1977

The observations have been split into five periods: courtship (6th January-
25th January), gestation (26th January-18th March), suckling (19th March-
25th April, weaning (22nd April-8th May) and increasing independence
(9th May-29th May).
The summarised relationships for each period are presented on Tables 4-8,
and Figs. 8-11. These data give broad insights into the social dynamics of
this group of foxes, but it is necessary to stress that such summaries
inevitably present a grotesquely impoverished impression of the subtleties of
the behaviour involved. Even the delineation between "dominance" or
"submission" distorts the complexity of the personal relationships involved.
Sociograms as simple as those presented in Figs. 8-11 have some more
general shortcomings: one animal may only rarely be the subject of serious
attack by another "dominant" animal because, fearing the dominant, it
ensures that their paths never cross, or because the relationship does not
require reinforcement, or legion alternative explanations. Here, these sum-
maries are complemented by descriptions of the animal's behaviour. On

Table 4. Summary of interactions between inmates of enclosure II, during courtship.

6 January-25 January
Initiator: Recipient Recipient's response
(down) (across)
Smudge Whitepaws Big Ears Wide Eyes
Smudge 20 15 9 Smudge 5 7 6 6 9 5 4
Whitepaws 2 4 5 Whitepaws 2 4
Big Ears 3 2 2 Big Ears 2 5
Wide Eyes 2 Wide Eyes

Mild aggression

Smudge Whitepaws Big Ears Wide Eyes

Smudge 11 3 2 Smudge 4 6 1 2
White paws 6 9 Whitepaws 3
Big Ears 2 5 Big Ears 2
Wide Eyes 1 Wide Eyes 4

Serious aggression


Smudge 1 Smudge 3
Whitepaws 5 12 Whitepaws 12 I
Big Ears 2 Big Ears 2
Wide Eyes Wide Eyes

Summary of play and grooming initiations

Play Grooming
SP WP BE WE Smudge Whitepaws Big Ears Wide Eyes
Smudge Smudge 14 1 2
Whitepaws Whitepaws
Big Ears Big Ears
Wide Eyes Wide Eyes

Table .5. Summary of interactions between inmates of enclosure II, during pregnancy.

26 January-18 March
Initiator: Recipient Recipient's response
(down) (across)
Smudge White paws Big Ears Wide Eyes
Smudge 32 37 29 Smudge 5- 4 26 3 2 12 20 2 25
White paws 29 16 Whitepaws 17 9 2 6 8 2
Big Ears 2 14 15 Big Ears 0 10 4 7 6 2
Wide Eyes 2 12 10 Wide Eyes 2 0 7 3 1 6 2 2

Mild aggrusjon

Smudge White paws Big Ears Wide Eyes

Smudge 8 8 6 Smudge 8 1 1 6 0
Whitepaws 5 14 Whitepaws 0 0 2 2 0 4 9
Big Ears 5 Big Ears 2 3
Wide Eyes 2 Wide Eyes 0 0

Serious aggrasion

Smudge Whitepaws Big Ears Wide Eyes

Smudge 3 4 Smudge 3 4
Whitepaws 12 Whitepaws 1 13
Big Ears 1 BigEars 1
Wide Eyes Wide Eyes

Summary of play and grooming initiations

Play Grooming

SM WP BEWE Smudge Whitepaws Big Ears Wide Eyes

Smudge 10 12 16 Smudge 1 3
Whitepaws 2 Whitepaws 15 11
Big Ears 2 3 Big Ears 6 7
Wide Eyes Wide Eyes 7 4

Table 6. Summary of interactions between inmates of enclosure II, during suckling.

19 Marcb-21 April
Initiator: Recipient Recipient's response
(down) (across)
Smudge Whitepaws Big Ears Wide Eyes

Smudge 37 44 24 Smudge 2 11 23 8 18 18 4 0 4 16
Whitepaws 10 3 White paws 7 3 3 -
Big Ears 11 16 29 Big Ears 10 9 4 2 19 - 7 3 -
Wide Eyes 16 Wide Eyes 14 2

Mild aggression
Smudge White paws Big Ears Wide Eyes

Smudge 2 7 Smudge 3 4
Whitepaws 3 8 Whitepaws 2 3 6
Big Ears 7 Big Ears 2
Wide Eyes Wide Eyes

Table 6 (continued)

Serious Aggression

Smudge Whitepaws Big Ears Wide Eyes


Smudge Smudge
Whitepaws 17 Whitepaws 17 3
Big Ears Big Ears 1
Wide Eyes Wide Eyes

Summary of play and grooming initiations

Play Grooming
SM WP BE WE Smudge Whitepaws Big Ears Wide Eyes
Smudge 2 24 4 Smudge 3 1
Whitepaws Whitepaws 4
Big Ears 11 4 Big Ean 11
Wide Eyes Wide Eyes 9

Table 7. Summary of interactions between inmates of enclosure II, during weaning.

22 April-8 May
Initiator: Recipient Recipient's response
(down) (across)
Smudge Whitepaws Big Ears Wide Eyes

Smudge 7 10 Smudge 3 4 3 2 4 4
Whitepaws 6 9 Whitepaws 2 5 2
Big Ears 10 7 Big Ears 2
Wide Eyes 15 Wide Eyes 4

Mild aggression
Smudge Whitepaws Big Ears Wide Eyes

Smudge 2 Smudge
Whitepaws 12 Whitepaws 3
Big Ean 12 Big Ears 3 2
Wide Eyes Wide Eyes

Serious aggression
Smudge White paws Big Ears Wide nyes

Smudge Smudge
Wbitepaws Whitepaws
Big Ears 3 Big Ears 2
Wide Eyes Wide Eyes

Summary of piay and grooming initiations

Play Grooming
SM WP BEWE Smudge Whitepaws Big Ears Wide Eyes

Smudge Smudge 2
Whitepaws White paws
Big Ears Big Ears 2
Wide Eyes Wide Eyes

Table 8. Summary of interactions between inmates of enclosure II, with cub independence.

10 May-29 May
Initiator: Recipient Recipient's response
(down) (across)
Smudge Whitepaws Big Ears Wide Eyes

Smudge 8 22 6 Smudge 4 4 3 9 10 1 5
Whitepaws 13 5 Whitepaws 10 1 2 4
Big Ears 2 19 24 Big Ears 2 13 5 1 11-!2•1
Wide Eyes 3 4 Wide Eyes 1 1 1 2 1 1

Mild aggression
Smudge Whitepaws Big Ears Wide Eyes
SMWPBEWE 0 I II ill IV 0 I II ill IV 0 I II ill IV 0 I II ill IV

Smudge 1 5 2 Smudge 5 2
Whitepaws 1 6 Whitepaws 3 1
Big Ears 6 3 Big Ears 2 4 3 1
Wide Eyes 7 Wide Eyes 1 1 5

Serious aggression
Smudge Whitepaws Big Ears Wide Eyes
SMWP BEWE 0 I II m IV 0 I II m IV 0 I II m IV 0 I II m IV

Smudge Smudge
Whitepaws 2 Whitepaws 2
Big Ears 3 Big Ears 2 2 1 1 2 1
Wide Eyes 14 1 Wide Eyes 2 9 3

Summary of play and grooming initiations

Play Grooming
SMWPBEWE Smudge Whitepaws Big Ears Wide Eyes

Smudge 2 2 Smudge
Whitepaws Whitepaws 4
Big Ears 3 Big Ears 13 3
Wide Eyes Wide Eyes

Figs. 8-11 there were apparently few amicable approaches to the dog-fox by
any of the vixens; this was not because he was shunned by them. In fact,
everywhere the dog-fox walked, the nearest vixen would rush to greet him
submissively. He was commonly amicable or playful with them, and only
became aggressive when a vixen persistently rolled in front of him. Rather
arbitrarily, I have recorded this type of interaction, as an amicable approach
by the dog towards the vixen, and it is amongst the commonest form of
interaction observed. The vixens were so excited by the dog's approach that
even when he ignored them, calm "amicable" approaches by them towards
him were rare.
My impression of the relationships between these foxes may help the
reader: Smudge o was undoubtedly dominant to all the vixens for most of
the study period. Similarly, Wide Eyes~ was subordinate to both Whitepaws
~ and Big Ears ~, as she had been since she was a month old. The relative
position of Whitepaws ~ and Big Ears ~ was more equivocal during everyday
interactions, but Whitepaws ~ continued to be dominant over food.

6 - 25 Ja.nual'Y n • 12'7
26 Jan ua ry - 18 March
(G est ati on ) n • 234
(co ur tsh ip)

AJnicable AJnicable
~~.~ Big Earll
. . - - - - - 2·1.
ws~~ ~
J.6 ~.
Mild . 7·1
} W id e, _, Mild Aggression
Ag ¥8S SJ. On

Big Ears
>U ('
=; ;;
0·8 · w·~de ~es
-- l.

Se rio us Aggression Se rio us Aggression

Big Ea rS
Big Ea rS
~ o
~ 1·7 Ey es
Fig. 8 .
19 March - 21 April (Suckling) n • 237 22 April - 8 May (Post Weaning) n • 62


10 ·1

Mild Aggression Mild

Wide Eyes
Serious Aggression Serious Aggression
Big Ears Big Ears
O·l. ._.j
Whi tepaws ~ 6 Smudge
Whi tepaws ~ 2
...... ~.,.. .,.. ~Wide Eyes

Fig. 9.
10- 29 May (increasing independence) ·n • 164



Wide Eyes

Mild .Aggression

Serious Aggression


Fig. 10.

Big ears



Wide eyes

Big ears


Smudge ----: >,.. White paws

~ ~
0 Wide eyes·~

Big ears

0-3 0·9
Smudge ~ White paws

Wide eyes

Fig. 11. 1st June-31 st August, 1978, n = 315.

Courtship- 6th-25th January
The main feature of this period was Whitepaws' assertiveness towards
Smudge Both Big Ears ~ and Wide Eyes ~ submitted lavishly to Smudge o
and he was normally amicable towards them, although savagely asserting his
dominance over food when they tried (rarely) to pilfer from him. Whitepaws
~ was attractive to Smudge o and he frequently trotted up the enclosure to
visit her and was rebuffed with at least mild aggression. This contrasts
dramatically with Big Ears' and Wide Eyes' response:
E.g. on 15th January, Smudge d trotted across to where Big Ears<;! and Wide Eyes<;! slept
together and amicably sniffed at them both. Both vixens immediately rolled on their backs,
lashing tails, ears flat back, gaping submissively and panting and squealing. Smudge d viewed
them without changing his posture as they squirmed towards him, until Wide Eyes <;! was
nibbling at his teeth and sniffing his maxillary skin and Big Ears <;! sniffing his scrotum.
Whitepaws <i! was attracted to the noise and rushed up. Smudge d looked towards them and all
three vixens dropped in submission, whereupon he adopted a play posture towards Whitepaws
<i! who gaped at him aggressively and lunged forward, causing him to retreat.

After 2-3 days of atypically aggressive responses from Whitepaws ~'

Smudge o became cautious of her: he would stare fixedly at Whitepaws ~'
drop his forelegs and chest to the ground with his haunches in the air as if
soliciting play from her. Whitepaws ~ responded by aggressive "snirking" and
occasionally by attacking. On other occasions, Whitepaws ~ groomed his lips
and perioral region. By 23rd January Smudge o began following Whitepaws
~ (as the male of enclosure Group I followed Vixen I), grooming her
whenever she permitted. Whitepaws ~ had been token urinating within the
enclosure during the previous weeks and on the 23rd on four occasions she
appeared to walk deliberately in front of Smudge o before doing so (see
Macdonald, 1979b). Every time Whitepaws ~retreated into an artificial earth
Smudge o would jump on top of it and wait, sometimes for hours, while she
slept below him.
Whitepaws ~ reacted aggressively to Wide Eyes' presence during this
period and on 23rd January attacked her three times during 30 minutes
without provocation. Strangely, during one unprovoked attack on Wide
Eyes~ on 24th January, Whitepaws ~ran towards the cowering Wide Eyes~
but came to an abrupt halt just before her and then dropped to the ground
in apparent submission; Wide Eyes~ ran off. On the 25th Smudge o mated
with Whitepaws ~. During that day both Big Ears ~ and Wide Eyes ~
repeatedly rushed to Smudge o and rolled submissively in front of him, but
he stepped over them and continued to prowl along behind Whitepaws ~.
Gestation- 26th January-19th March
During Whitepaws' gestation relations between the foxes were predomin-
antly amicable (Table 5 and Fig. 9). Whitepaws ~ was no longer aggressive
towards Smudge o. He took no further interest, other than a playful one, in
any of the vixePs and no further matings occurred.
The adult foxes played amongst themselves, although as always (see Fig.
8) Big Ears ~ was the most playful. Table 5 shows that mutual grooming was
not uncommon.

Wide Eyes~. on 28th February, approached Whitepaws ~and submissively crept forwards to
groom her. Whitepaws ~ stood, eyes closed and ears slightly held back while Wide Eyes ~
groomed her head and neck. A few moments later Big Ears~ began to groom her; Wide Eyes~
also closed her eyes and quivered as Big Ears ~ groomed. Thereafter all three vixens stood with
their noses together, sniffing amicably.
On 15th February Big Ears~ sat for nearly 10 minutes pushing her head under Whitepaws'
nose in an attempt to solicit grooming, which Whitepaws 'i! sporadically responded to. Big Ears
~ kept her eyes shut throughout all grooming, and pushed toward Whitepaws ~ whenever she

It is noteworthy (for later comparison) that Whitepaws ~ and Wide Eyes ~

were often amicable towards each other during this period. For instance, on
3rd February they spent over 5 minutes in perioral sniffing and nibbling at
each other's teeth. Similarly, all three vixens frequently slept together during
the daytime, and they all submitted to Smudge o.
By 20th February much of Smudge's playfulness had returned, having
been eclipsed as he doggedly trailed Whitepaws ~. He would move playfully
towards a vixen and, when she rolled submissively on the ground, he would
pounce on her and drag the prostrate body along the ground by the neck
before jumping back as if "expecting" a playful response. This behaviour
was particularly directed towards Wide Eyes ~ (see Plate 5).
The only real discordance within the group lay in Whitepaws' sporadic
attacks on Wide Eyes~. which were infrequent but severe (see Fig. 8).
The mood between these vixens was often very relaxed; e.g. on the
afternoon of 27th February there was a lot of grooming between the vixens;
Whitepaws ~ lay in the sun beside Big Ears ~ and meticulously groomed her

Plate 4. The subordinate vixen (Wide Eyes) rolled submissively on the ground at the male fox's
(Smudge) attempts to solicit play. He responded by dragging her along the ground, apparently
trying to make her stand up.

head and ears for over 10 minutes. Whitepaws ~then stretched so that her
paws lay either side of Big Ears' neck and continued to groom until both
vixens fell asleep with heads on each other's flanks. After Big Ears ~ woke
and moved off Whitepaws ~ sought out Wide Eyes' sleeping place and woke
her by pawing at her head and then proceeded to thoroughly groom her
head and ears also. At one stage Whitepaws ~ moved about 1 m away and
token marked and then returned to Wide Eyes ~ (who submitted slightly)
and continued to groom her. Later the same afternoon the four foxes
contested over a rabbit and after much aggression they ate in the order
Smudge o, Whitepaws ~.Big Ears~ and Wide Eyes~.

Suckling-19th March-21st April

Two aspects of the group's behaviour changed after the birth of

Whitepaws' cubs. First, Smudge o began carrying food to Whitepaws in the
earth or else caching it nearby, and secondly, Whitepaws ~ launched a
ferocious vendetta against Wide Eyes~ whiCh lasted for 2-3 weeks from the
birth of the cubs (see Fig. 9, Table 6); Whitepaws ~ remained amicable to
Big Ears~.
Smudge's food provisioning involved gathering up as much food as he
could, normally before he ate anything himself, and carrying it to Whitepaws
~. He would pause at the entrance to her earth and "warble" a soft staccato
call (otherwise similar to the wowwow call). Then he would poke the food
into the mouth of the den, pushing it in with his nose. He would continue to
take food vastly in excess of the vixen's possible requirements and the earth
soon accumulated a large mound of prey. This resulted in a food shortage
for the other vixens and although Big Ears ~ could venture near the earth
and pilfer occasional morsels, Wide Eyes ~ was so victimised by Whitepaws
~that she avoided the half of the enclosure where the earth was. Wide Eyes'
desire for food put Smudge o in some conflict, e.g.
On 24th March, Smudge o was ferrying back and forth with food to Whitepaws <?.Wide Eyes
<? had been cowering under a bush watching the food being carried past her. As the last chicken
was carried towards the earth Wide Eyes <? bolted out and threw herself to the ground beside
Smudge o, but he trotted past her. Wide Eyes <? dashed along beside him, casting glances
towards the earth and squealing at Smudge o. He paused again, because the chicken was so big
he could barely carry it. As Smudge o eventually moved forward, Wide Eyes !? writhed on the
ground in front of him and tripped him up so that both foxes and the hen tumbled to a heap on
the ground. By then about half way to the earth, Smudge o righted himself and purposefully
looked first at the earth and then back at the squirming Wide Eyes !? and continued to look at
each in turn for 15 seconds, whereupon he turned and trotted off, leaving Wide Eyes <;? with
food. Neither Big Ears nor Wide Eyes <;? took any food to Whitepaws <;? during this period.

During this period all the foxes took a great interest in the cubs. Both
Smudge o and Big Ears ~ frequently went to the artificial earth and sniffed
excitedly inside, both when Whitepaws ~ was within and without.
Big Ears ~ was still the most willing to play with Smudge o (Table 6). Part
of their play took a stylised form, centring around a particular grassy tussock
in the enclosure. When Big Ears ~ approached this tussock or pounced or
rolled on it this seemed to be a signal for protracted play with Smudge o,

Weaning- 22nd April-8th May (see Plate 6)

Although the cubs had begun to squabble amongst themselves over scraps of
meat on 8th April (3 weeks previously), only Whitepaws S! and Smudge o
had fed them or shown other parental behaviour before 22nd April. Both
parents concentrated their caching activity in the vicinity of the earth.
However, on 22nd April Big Ears S! moved into the earth with Whitepaws S!
and thereafter shared all maternal duties except suckling. Big Ears S!
retrieved cubs that wandered too far from the earth, groomed them, ate
their faeces and, from 28th April onwards, also took them food. During the
same period Whitepaws S! became rather less attentive and, indeed, Big Ears
S! was often left in sole charge of the cubs and seemed more concerned than
White paws S! if they wandered. As Table 7 and Fig. 9 show, Big Ears S!
became more aggressive in this role. In particular she began attacking
Smudge o when he played with the cubs, which he was always keen to do.
Wide Eyes S! although hardly harassed then by White paws S!, remained
cautious of the earth area, but took every opportunity to play with the cubs
and from 7th May also began to feed them. Possibly because of her timidity
Wide Eyes S! did not carry food directly to the earth, but "warbled" at cubs
that followed her and made no objection when it tried to pilfer the food she
was carrying- which in adult fox society would provoke serious rebuke.
On 5th May Smudge o, Whitepaws S! and Big Ears S! all carried food to
the cubs. By this time the cubs were moving around the enclosure them-
selves and all three adult followed the cubs with food, as opposed to leaving
the food at the earth. The same evening Wide Eyes S! played at length with
the cubs who swung from her tail as she ran around. There were still
occasional lapses in the relationship between Whitepaws and Wide Eyes S!:

On 6th May Wide Eyes S' entered an artificial earth, apparently without noticing that
White paws S' had gone in before her- a fight broke out and Big Ears S', together with the cubs,
were attracted by the commotion and ran in too. Almost at once they all came tumbling out as
Whitepaws S' ejected Wide Eyes S' who ran to the far end of the enclosure, where Whitepaws S'
caught her and continued to attack. Big Ears S' also joined in briefly, apparently joining forces
with Whitepaws S'. This fight was not of the same ferocity as Whitepaws' earlier attacks on Wide
Eyes S'.

By the 7th Big Ears S! warned Smudge o away from the cubs on 8 occasions
during 2 hours. Three times he played with the cubs for 5-10 minutes before
Big Ears S! noticed. The cubs were running around him playing excitedly,
biting his ears and tail before the commotion attracted Big Ears S!. Smudge o
did not submit to her on these occasions, but withdrew.

Increasing independence- 9th-29th May

Throughout the previous period Wide Eyes S! became more confident and,
as described earlier, began to play with the cubs without provoking an
attack. This culminated on lOth May when she too began taking food to the
cubs and by 11th May she was spending much more time with the cubs, and
on 12th May she too began to caution Smudge o when he played with them.

She slept unmolested with the cubs for the first time on 15th May.
Whitepaws ~ was by that time taking less interest in the cubs than either Big
Ears ~ or Wide Eyes ~.
By 15th May Wide Eyes ~ attacked Smudge o each time he tried to play
with the cubs in exactly the same way as Big Ears ~ had done before. In fact
8.5% of the group interactions during this period involved serious attacks
against Smudge o by Wide Eyes~ (Fig. 10, Table 8), all of which followed
Smudge o attempting to play with the cubs. Figure 11 shows that Big Ears'
attacks on Smudge o dwindled, and latterly disappeared. Smudge o, how-
ever, continued to solicit play from the cubs (albeit sometimes rather
furtively). For instance, a typical example on 13th May:
Smudge & had been playing with a cub but noticed Wide Eyes ~ approach and ran off. The cub
seemed unaware of Smudge's attempts to be "unobtrusive" and play chased after him, pursued
by Wide Eyes~. Smudge & ran from Wide Eyes' aggressive attack with the cub still trying to
bite his brush. Big Ears~ was attracted by the noise and also launched at attack on Smudge&.
At this point the cub rolled on the ground in submission in front of the two vixens who paused
while Smudge & made his escape. Thereafter, both Wide Eyes~ and Big Ears~ simultaneously
groomed the cub, but Whitepaws ~ made no effort to become involved.
All the vixens frequently groomed the cubs and played with them. However,
Big Ears ~ and Wide Eyes ~ were noticeably more attentive than Whitepaws
~.Wide Eyes' behaviour when taking food to the cubs differed from that of
the other two vixens: she would run to a cub, carrying food and "warble-
calling" but then seemed unwilling to let go of the food. Thus she stood,
summoning the cub to eat but refusing to let go of the food as it tugged at
the food she held in her mouth. Eventually she let go, but sometimes after
rushing off as if to cache the food before returning to give it to the cub.
Sometimes, having summoned the cubs to eat, she would hold them at bay
while she cached the food and then stand beside them amicably watching as
they unearthed the cache and ate in front of her.


During the summer of 1978 the social behaviour between the adult mem-
bers of the group returned to a similar status quo to that which had existed
prior to the birth of the cubs. The most significant feature other than the
generally amicable relationships within the group was Whitepaws continuing
aggression towards Wide Eyes who tended to avoid her whenever possible
(Fig. 11, Table 9). For the first time Big Ears also became occasionally
aggressive to Wide Eyes. All adults ceased to feed the cubs during the
By Autumn and early winter changes in the basic structure of the group
emerged. Whitepaws' dominance over Big Ears seemed to wane till the two
vixens gave the impression of being either on a par or else that Big Ears was
gaining precedence. This impression is supported by a comparison on the
data on Tables 9 and 10 (and Figs. 11 and 12). Smudge's amicable
interactions with these two vixens comprised 36.2% of the observed interac-
tions between June-August and a very similar figure of 33.0% during
September-December. However, during the first period 17.5% involved

Table 9. Summary of interactions between inmates of enclosure II.
June. July. August 1978
Initiator: Recipient Recipient's response
(down) (across)
Smudge Whitepaws Big Ears Wide Eyes

Smudge 44 40 21 Smudge 2 26 16 5 16 18 7 13
Wbitepaws 11 25 2 Whitepaws 10 1 18 1 8 2
Big Ears 19 39 15 BigEan; 14 4 1 22 1 12 2 6 8 3
Wide Eyes 11 3 10 Wide Eyes 11 2 3 9 2

Mild aggression

Smudge Whitepaws BigEan; Wide Eyes


Smudge 1 6 1 Smudge 3 3
Wbitepaws 9 9 Whitepaws 2 6 1 3 3 3
Big Ears 2 5 Big Ears 2 2 3
Wide Eyes 1 1 Wide Eyes

Serious aggression

Smudge Whitepaws Big Ears Wide Eyes


Smudge 1 2 Smudge 2
Whitepaws 2 23 Whitepaws 2 1 2 19 1
Big Ears 3 Big Ears 3
Wide Eyes 3 Wide Eyes 3

Summary of play and grooming initiations

Play Grooming
SMWP BEWE Smudge Whitepaws Big Ears Wide Eyes

Smudge 20 19 15 Smudge 2
Whitepaws 4 Whitepaws 9 14
Big Ears 9 6 6 Big Ears 6 2
Wide Eyes 4 4 Wide Eyes 2 2

Whitepaws and· 18.7% involved Big Ears while during the second period
only 12.0% involved Whitepaws and 21.0% Big Ears. This constitutes a
26.5% increase in the proportion of amicable interactions initiated by
Smudge which were directed to Big Ears (during the same periods the
percentages of his amicable initiations directed to Wide Eyes remained very
constant at 20.0% and 20.5%).
The change in the dog fox's relationship with the vixens coincided with a
changed relationship between them. The proportion of amicable interactions
between Whitepaws and Big Ears remained rather constant between the
summer and autumn at 18.3% and 20.3% but during the summer 3.34% of
interactions involved Whitepaws directing aggression against Big Ears who
directed none either in reciprocation or spontaneously against Whitepaws
(see Table 9). However, by Autumn only 1.9% of interactions involved
aggression by Whitepaws to Big Ears while 0.8% involved spontaneous
aggression by Big Ears against Whitepaws. More importantly, Whitepaws
was clearly avoiding Big Ears under circumstances which might lead to

Table 10. Summary of interactions between inmates of enclosure II.

September, October, November, December 1978

Initiator: Recipient Recipient's response
(down) (across)
Smudge Whitepaws Big Ears Wide Eyes

Smudge 35 54 23 Smudge 2 5 20 9 13 26 14 8 1 13 1
Whitepaws 10 31 16 Whitepaws 7 3 19 8 1 3 1 11 1
Big Ears 25 38 27 Big Ears 21 3 1 17 17 4 9 14 3
Wide Eyes 5 7 8 Wide Eyes 5 1 3 2 1 7 - 1

Mild aggression
Smudge Whitepaws Big Ears Wide Eyes

Smudge 1 3 5 Smudge - 1 4
Whitepaws 7 25 Whitepaws 3 4 - 16 7
Big Ears 3 10 Big Ears 2 1 - - 5 5 -
Wide Eyes Wide Eyes

Serious aggression
Smudge Whitepaws Big Ears Wide Eyes

Smudge 2 Smudge 5 2
WhitePaws 26 Whitepaws 26 1
Big Ears 8 Big Ears 8
Wide Eyes 2 Wide Eyes 1 1

Summary of play and grooming initiations

Play Grooming

SMWP BEWE Smudge Whitepaws Big Ears Wide Eyes

Smudge 7 12 5 Smudge 5 16 3
Whitepaws 2 1 WhitePaws 2 5
Big Ears 4 4 Big Ears 4 3 5
Wide Eyes Wide Eyes 4 6

conflict and on 3/7 cases where Whitepaws was aggressive to Big Ears, she
responded aggressively rather than submitting. Indeed, during the previous
spring Big Ears had shown more deference to Whitepaws even during totally
amicable meetings.
The apparent reversal of roles between these two vixens continued into
January when foxes normally mate; on the 24th January Smudge mated with
Big Ears. Of 56 interactions observed during January till that time there
had been no aggression between Whitepaws and Big Ears, but Big Ears had
initiated 21.4% amicable interactions towards Whitepaws while Whitepaws'
amicable approaches to Big Ears comprised only 8.8% of interactions. In
every case when Whitepaws approached her, Big Ears responded with no
sign of submission while in just under half of the cases when Big Ears
approached her, Whitepaws submitted. Coincident with Big Ears' rise she
too began to harrass Wide Eyes more frequently (Table 10).
On February 3rd Smudge mated with White Paws, so that two of the
three third year vixens within the enclosure were pregnant, while the dog


Smudge L 9·3 l White paws 4·5 7·2


Wide eyes


Smudge ~=====r White paws

Wide eyes

Big ears

1·3 4'5
Smudge -=- =...........-[> White paws

Wide eyes

1978, n = 376.
Fig. 12. 1st Sept embe r-30t h Dece mber

fox had made no approach to either the remaining third year vixen or to this
yearling daughter.
Big Ears and Whitepaws had cubs on the 28th March and 11th April
respectively. Until that time relations amongst group members remained the
same, with Whitepaws remaining slightly subordinate to Big Ears. Two
changes are noteworthy: Whitepaws and Wide Eyes became unaccustomar-
ily amicable, indulging in frequent mutual grooming and Wide Eyes began a
series of savage attacks on the yearling vixen (beginning on the 13th March).
Neither of the more dominant vixens nor the male paid much attention to
this young vixen.
As soon as Big Ears' cubs were born Whitepaws became very submissive
to her, at the same time (6th April) Big Ears began spontaneous serious
attacks on Wide Eyes. This aggression had largely disappeared by 17th
April and thus followed a similar pattern to Whitepaws' attacks on Wide
Eyes the previous year.
Following the birth of her cubs, Whitepaws became extremely nervous, in
contrast to her calm maternal behaviour the previous year. She frequently
rushed from her earth carrying a cub and ran about the enclosure. Three of
the four cubs died after two days of this treatment. Big Ears occasionally
visited Whitepaws' artificial earth whereupon Whitepaws became frantically
submissive and raced away carrying a cub. On the 19th the last cub died
during transport and within an hour Whitepaws' behaviour was transformed.
She became calm, moved into Big Ears' earth and began to suckle and care
for Big Ears' cubs. Some details of her behaviour immediately following the
death of her last cub are given below (19th April 1979):
Whitepaws emerged from her earth carrying the corpse of her last cub. She ran to Big Ears'
earth, but Big Ears was away. White Paws carried her cub into Big Ears' earth, then exited and
dropped the cub outside. During the next 10 minutes she visited Big Ears' cubs ten times,
during which time Big Ears had returned. Big Ears showed no aggression toward Whitepaws
who submitted lavishly to her. Big Ears made three separate trips to Whitepaws earth and
explored it thoroughly, whereupon she returned to her own earth where Whitepaws was lying
with the cubs. Big Ears greeted Whitepaws and then wandered off, leaving her with the cubs.
By the next day both vixens were sleeping together in the same earth with
one cub suckling on each. This pattern continued thereafter. Each vixen
would frequently groom a cub suckling from her sister. On 25th April
Whitepaws also began to attack Wide Eyes, as Big Ears had done as a
"helper" the previous year.


In some habitats foxes live in social groups comprised of several vixens,

whilst elsewhere pairs predominate (e.g. Macdonald, 1977, Storm et al.
1976). Complementary studies of wild and captive groups, described above,
suggest that only the minority of vixens successfully rear young within larger
social groups and that some of those which do not breed may act as helpers.
The ecological factors which favour larger groups in some habitats will be
discussed elsewhere (in prep.), but status-linked reproductive suppression
within groups may explain some of the variation in vixen productivity found

within and between habitats. Storm et al. (1976) recorded that 96% of
vixens bred in the American prairies, in Wisconsin 59% of th~ yearlings and
89% of other vixens breed (Pils et al., 1978). Lloyd et al., (1976) summar-
ised studies from Switzerland, Bavaria and Wales which indicated that 90%
of vixens conceived, although Lloyd (1975, 1977) noted variations in
fecundity in Wales varying between 71-86%. Mcintosh (1963) found 97.4%
of vixens conceived in the Canberra district of Australia. Niewold (pers.
comm.) found that almost all wild vixens in the Veluwe region of Holland
conceived. Ables (1975) implied that approximately 15% of yearling vixens
failed to breed, as noted in fur farms. In Sweden, Englund (1970) found that
yearling fecundity varied between 5-88%. Using different methodologies
Sheldon (1949) and Layne and McKean (1956) recorded 4.7% and 2.1%-
16.6% non-reproductive vixens in New York state.
Where barren vixens are common, most of them seem to be young. S.
Harris (1979) found that 52% of yearlings were barren in one sample of
foxes from London and in southern Swedish forests Englund (1970) re-
corded the proportion of barren yearlings to older foxes to be 81% : 27%
and 78%:36% during two years when he had large samples, while in
agricultural land 40%, 60% and 64% of yearlings did not breed during
three years when the corresponding figures for older vixens were 23%, 36%
and 34%. These data are compatible with the hypothesis that some non-
reproductive females are subordinate (young) group members. This
hypothesis is strengthened by Englund's (1970) finding that annual fluctua-
tions in food supply did not greatly affect the proportion of vixens breeding
in agricultural habitats in Sweden. Englund (1970) concluded that some
"social stress" influenced vixen productivity. My suggestion that this social
stress is status-linked reproductive suppression within social groups is testa-
ble by further field studies in contrasting habitats. I would predict, for
example, that in regions with annual fluctuations in prey abundance (e.g.
rodent cycles) but where alternative stable prey were available, that more
females would be recruited into groups in "good" years, but that they would
not breed and hence that the overall vixen productivity would fall; one
might also predict that the sex ratios of dispersing foxes would be female
biased during crash years and male biased as the food supply recovered.
Of course, some vixens may not breed because they are not residents, rather
than because of low status within a group; this may apply where seasonal or
annual fluctuations in food supply necessitate frequent readjustment of
territory size and shapes, perhaps prohibiting the formation of stable related
groups (and explaining why in the northern forests of Sweden Englund
(1970) found vixen productivity to be more directly linked to rodent cycles).
The mechanism of reproductive suppression is unclear. In captivity, males
made no attempt to mate with subordinate vixens, nor was there any
indication of this being a consequence of interference from dominant vixens.
Englund (1970) suggested that the low productivity of vixens in the northern
forests of Sweden in "bad" rodent years was largely attributable to vixens
which did not come into oestrus. The oestrous condition of non-
reproductive vixens in this study was unknown although there were no signs

of bleeding; Rasa's (1973) findings that male mongoose did not mate with
oestrous subordinate females belies the assumption that lack of male interest
indicates anoestrus. Similarly, J. Packard (pers. comm.) has found that some
non-breeding female wolves nevertheless cycle normally. Elsewhere (e.g.
Holland, F. Niewold, pers. comm.) almost all vixens conceive, but many lose
their cubs either before or shortly after birth (one case of cannibalism has
been documented, Macdonald, 1977b). It is thus possible that two mechan-
isms operate, both with the same end result, so that only a proportion of
vixens rear cubs. The cause of neonatal deaths in Niewold's study is
unknown, as is the subsequent behaviour of the bereaved vixens towards
surviving cubs within their groups. This problem is further complicated by
methodological difficulties. It is difficult to distinguish near full-term abor-
tion from live-birth on the basis of placental scars, and indeed to be certain
of the distinction of scars from different litters (E. Lindstrom, pers. comm.).
Furthermore, assessment of the proportion of barren females has been on
diverse grounds, e.g. those not lactating in late spring (Sheldon, 1949) or
those with corpora lutea but no scars (Englund, 1970, Mcintosh, 1963).
How comparable these data are in terms of their sociological implications is
In one case in captivity, and one in the wild, two vixens bred within one
group and on both occasions they were of comparable status during the
mating period. The influence which status can exert on reproductive physiol-
ogy may depend on factors such as frequency of direct or indirect contact,
territory size and hence ultimately, food supply. Variations in these factors
may underlie possible differences in the mechanism of reproductive repres-
sion between habitats. By comparison, crowded house mice, Mus musculus,
may under different circumstances react either by many going into anoestrus
or by a high litter mortality, and this may be habitat controlled (Crowcroft,
1966, Rowe et al. 1964).
Kin selection considerations: The pros and cons
Bertram (1976) has emphasised that different selective pressures operate on
each sex, age and status class within a society. What advantages and
disadvantages affect the members of fox groups?
1. The dominant vixen
There are few direct disadvantages of tolerating the presence of subordi-
nates; they would not detract from the dominant's food resources since not
only can she beat them during direct contests, but if serious food shortage
occurs, the subordinates leave tpe group (Macdonald, 1977a). However, the
dominant vixen should suppress the subordinates' reproduction since their
cubs would compete with her own, both for food and paternal (or alloparen-
tal) care and future tenancy of the territory.
There are also tangible advantages to the dominant of the presence of the
other non-breeding vixens in the group:
(a) During the breeding season
1. Additional food provided for the cubs;

2. more probable presence of an adult in the vicinity of the den should
danger strike;
3. possibility of splitting the litter, almost certainly of antipredator value,
and yet still having an adult with each group;
4. in captivity, at least, there is evidence that mothers may spend more time
away from the cubs when "aunts" are active, which may not only give
them respite, but may also reduce the risk to which they are subject since
breeding earths are easily found by predators;
5. substitutes to rear the cubs in the event of the mother's and/or father's
(b) Advantage outside breeding context
1. Defence of the territory- both in co-operative attacks on intruders and in
that an intruder is more likely to be discovered (described in Macdonald,
2. on her death the successor will be related to her.
Similar factors have been argued to apply to other societies. Moehlman
(1979) shows that helpers among jackal, C. mesomelas, groups increase cub
survival. Bernstein (1969) has proposed that an advantage for co-operative
breeding by pigtail macaques, Macaca nemestrina, is that a substitute is
available in the event of the mother's death. Amongst birds, co-operative
breeding is widespread; Skutch (1961) has reviewed instances of non-
parents feeding chicks of many passerines, and other birds, both nidicolous
and nidifugous. Allomaternal behaviour is almost invariably confined to
related individuals. In Rowley's (1965) study of Australian blue wrens,
Malurus cyaneus, supernumerary related males rear more fledgelings per
participating adult than do nests without helpers. In many of these systems
the helpers are males, for instance, the jay, Aphalocoma ultramarina,
(Skutch, 1935) and the nuthatch, Sitta pygmaea, (Norris, 1958) and often it
seems that there is a superabundance of males in the population so that
these helpers could have little chance of breeding themselves if they left

2. Subordinate vixens

What are the advantages to the subordinate vixens of staying in the family
group and tolerating reproductive suppression? Two ideas are relevant,
either the helpers may gain through direct increase in their inclusive fitness
(kin selection) by increasing the chances of survival of each to which they
are related. Equally, the helpers may be "hopeful reproductives" gaining by
helping to maintain a group structure which confers various benefits so that
in the future they themselves get the chance to breed. These hypotheses are
not mutually exclusive.
In one wild group studied in detail the average coefficient of relatedness
between vixen group members was estimated at 0.38. Whether this estimate
of mean relatedness is high is unimportant, the principle remains that vixen
group members are probably related somewhere between a full sib and a

cousin and so, assuming that a vixen has no cubs of her own, then selection
could favour contributing to the upbringing of cubs to which she is likely to
be related by about 0.38. But why do they not have any cubs of their own?
Theoretically, it is because some factor or factors reduce their chances of
rearing a cub of their own to less than 2.63 times that of the reproductive's
chances of doing so, if they help her. To clarify this, imagine a barren vixen
faced with the "decision" of whether to embark on pregnancy and rearing
her own cubs or whether to devote her energies to rearing her group-mate's
cubs. She is related, on average, by 0.38 to her group-mate. The group-mate
will be related to her own cub by 0.5. Thus the non-reproductive vixen will
be related to the cub by (0.38 x 0.5) or 0.19. By not having her own cub she
is sacrificing (0.5-0.19) or 0.31 relatedness or doing (0.5/0.19) = 2.63 times
less well. This reduction in inclusive fitness would be integrated into the
vixen's lifetime expectancy of breeding if she stays or emigrates. In the real
example Big Ears ~ is an aunt to Whitepaws' cubs and thus related to them
on average by 0.25 or half the amount she would have been related to her
own cubs on average. Thus in a "decision" to opt to help rather than to
breed, Big Ears ~ was "assuming" that she would have less than half the
chance of getting her own cubs to adulthood than would Whitepaws ~ aided
by Big Ears' help.
What factors could reduce a vixen's chances of successfully rearing cubs
by a factor of 2-3 (rather a small amount) such that she opts for acting as a
nanny instead? The evidence presented above suggests that within a family
group either in captivity or on Boar's Hill, the non-reproductive vixens have
no choice in the matter. While the mechanism of suppression is still
uncertain, it seems that the presence alone of a dominant vixen may prevent
them from breeding. Similar information on other canids also suggests that
the subordinate female has no choice but to forego breeding if she remains
in the group. Mech (1975) and Zimen (1976) report how alpha-bitches
amongst wolves attack their subordinates when these come into oestrus and
so prevent them copulating, although Zimen's account shows the complexity
behind this generalisation. Similarly, L. Corbet (pers. comm.) tells me that
subordinate bitch dingoes, Canis dingo, are prevented from mating by
dominants and moreover, when the suppression fails, that the dominant kills
and eats the cubs of the subordinate who then channels her energies into
suckling the dominant's cubs. H. Van Lawick (pers. comm. and 1975)
reports similar infanticides perpetrated by a dominant female hunting dog,
Lycaeon pictus, against the cubs of her subordinate. Infanticide has been
reported amongst primates by Sugiyama (1965) and Hrdy (1974), but in
these instances, as with Bertram's (1973, 1975a and b, 1976) lions, Panthera
leo, it is the males' genetic involvement at stake and hence the males that
In the case of the fox, behavioural interference does not seem to be the
mechanism of suppression but there is no shortage of precedents for social
odours influencing the reproductive physiology of rodents, for instance, the
Lee-Bruce effect, prolonging anoestrus (Lee-Boot, 1955) and the Bruce
effect where a strange male's urine terminates pregnancy and induces

oestrus (Bruce and Parrot, 1960). Such effects may be widespread, e.g.
Schinckel (1954) reports oestrus synchrony in sheep.
If the subordinate's only hope of breeding in her first year is to leave the
group, this could explain why she tolerates suppression. There is ample
circumstantial evidence to suggest that an itinerant fox's chances of surviving
at all, far less finding a new territory, are low. First, the territories around
Boar's Hill were contiguous and group membership could apparently only
be gained by birth. Especially in habitats that favour a larger group size, the
chances of a vixen finding a slot must be low (a perfectly adapted fox might
choose to emigrate on the basis of local group sizes, habitat and population
turnover). In addition, it appears that she is likely to be at higher risk while
travelling over unfamiliar ground. Of 5 experimental foxes liberated with
radio collars, 4 were killed while travelling outside the area they knew, two
of these were killed during one-night excursions out of a range they had
lived in for months previously. There is circumstantial evidence that leaving
a familiar territory involves greater risks (Storm et al.'s (1976) data do not
necessarily support this, but their definition of "resident" and "transient"
actually relates to the foxes' movements and not to their social status at the
moment of death). Hirons (1976) showed that 44% of first year tawny owls,
Strix aluco, die after leaving the parental range, mostly of starvation.
Errington (1963) shows that emigrating muskrats, Ondatra zibethicus, are
particularly subject to mink, Mustela vison, predation, while Christian
(1970) summarises the data for rodents and states that the vast majority of
transients die. Metzgar (1967) has demonstrated in the laboratory that
Peromyscus leucopus is more vulnerable to the screech owl, Otus asio, when
on unfamiliar terrain. Hawkins et al. (1971) thought that greater mobility
contributed to heavy mortality of white tailed deer, Odocoileus virginianus.
However, one cannot distinguish whether the higher mortality of transients
results from their itinerant lifestyle or because transients are generally low
quality animals in the first place.
A second factor encouraging subordinates to help would be if this
experience improved their subsequent reproductive success. This possibility
has been emphasised by workers considering the same issue for birds (e.g.
Rowley, 1965, Skutch, 1961) and monkeys (e.g. Jolly, 1972, Horwick and
Manski, 1971). There is no fieldor captivity evidence to suggest that vixens
which have been helpers are subsequently better mothers, although the idea
has intuitive appeal.

3. The dog-fox

While the male might increase his fitness by being polygynous, this is in
conflict with the interests of the dominant vixen. The necessities for territor-
ial defence may limit any promiscuous search for other females and so, even
with 4-5 vixens in his territory he is effectively, reproductively, monogam-
ous and so can contribute most to realising his reproductive potential by
helping with the cubs.
It is interesting that in many instances of mixed-litters both are litters in

one earth. Several selective forces might be thought to influence such
clumping of litters:
(1) widely spaced litters may be subject to less likelihood of predation, less
contact with disease etc.;
(2) both vixens in one earth may share maternal duties;
(3) if one vixen is killed the other could raise both litters;
(4) both vixens together may increase their chances of male aid.
We do not know how the dog-fox allocates his contributions between 2
breeding vixens if they den separately. Since vixens, at least those fed by
their dogs, remain in the natal earth for more than a week, provision of food
by the male may be particularly important. Cock bobolinks, Dolichonyx
oryzivorus, normally do not feed their secondary hens, who manage by
virtue of laying smaller clutches. However, where these secondary clutches
are large the male does help, thereby altering his strategy when the
secondary hen is overworked (Martin, 1974). If dog-foxes only fed one
litter, then it might benefit vixens to den with or near each other, in the
hope of getting some of the male's food.

4. The young dog-fox

Why do not at least some young males remain, like young vixens? This
question can be tackled from the viewpoint of both the young dog and his
Advantages of staying:
To the young dog: (1) avoids higher mortality outside home territory;
(2) possibility of inheriting territory.
To the old dog: (1) has son to inherit territory;
(2) has another male to co-operate with group defence.
Disadvantages of staying:
To the young dog: (1) has to tolerate subordination;
(2) has to wait to inherit territory;
(3) may inbreed with sisters if inherits territory.
To the old dog: (1) son may compete with him for access to vixens
(although females may resist advances from a
(2) son not spreading his genes elsewhere.
The balance of these pros and cons will again depend on the chances of
the young dog-fox establishing himself as a territory holder should he leave
home. Since there is only one male per group these chances may be
considerably higher (in habitats favouring groups) for a dog than a vixen.
More important may be the risk of inbreeding which would favour the
dispersal of one sex (males, as argued by Trivers, 1972). There are indica-
tions of brother-sister incest taboos in wolves (Zimen, 1976) and possibly in
mongooses (Rasa, 1973). ltani (1972) presents evidence that avoidance of
inbreeding accounts for males leaving groups of Japanese macaques, and


Table 11. The table lists a selection of species for which there is some evidence of social factors influencing reproductive success within a group . .J indicates that
a certain phenomena has been recorded, x that it has not (which does not mean that it does not occur). Of course, carnivore social systems have been
shown to be so flexible that because a species shows certain behaviour in one habitat does not mean that it will do so elsewhere, and vice versa.

Communal other than Infanticide
denning of Communal Non-breeding suckling by
breeding'?'? suckling group members 0 <;? <;? 0 Source
Red fox, Vulpes vulpes .J .J .J X .J .J .J see this paper.
Arctic fox, Alopex lagopus X X .J X X X X P. Hersteinsson (pers. comm.)
Indian fox, Vulpes velox .J .J X X X X X A. Johnsingh (pers. comm.)
Bat eared fox, Otocyon megalotis .J .J .J X X X X P. Moehlman (pers. comm.)
Lamprecht (1979)
Coyote, Canis latrans .J .J .J X X neighbouring Camenzind (1978)
Dingo, Canis dingo X .J .J X .J .J X Corbett (1978)
Golden jackal, Canis aureus X X .J .J .J X X P. Moehlman (1978)
Black backed jackal, Canis X X .J .J .J X X P. Moehlman (1979)
meso me las
.J . ,! .J .J .J X X Zimen (1976); J. van Hoof (pers. comm.)
Wolf, Canis lupus
Dhole, Cuon alpinas X :J .J X X X X A. Johnsingh (pers. comm.)
Hunting dog, Lycaon pictus X X .J .J .J .J X Frame eta!. (1979) Malcolm (1979)
Lion, Panthera leo .J .J X .J X .J Schaller (1972), Bertram (1976)
Domestic cat, Felis catus .J .J X X
j X ../ Macdonald and Apps (1978);
Macdonald (pers. obs.)
European badger, Meles meles .J .J .J X .J .J X Neal (1977); H. Kruuk
(pers. comm.)
Dwarf mongoose, Heligale .J ../ .J .J .J X X Rasa (1973); Rood (1978)
Raccoon, Procyon hotor X X .J X X X X Fritzell (1978)
Coati, Nasua narica
Spotted hyaena, Crocuta .J X .J X X X .J Kruuk (1972)


male olive baboons, Papio anubis, transfer between groups, apparently
without compulsion. Packer (quoted in Clutton-Brock and Harvey, 1976)
makes the critical observation that female olive baboons present more
frequently to immigrant males than to those that were born in their own
troop. Shaffer (pers. comm.) has demonstrated "inbreeding" inhibitions
amongst children of peer groups from kibbutzim and certain societies in
Taiwan. Hill (1974) has shown that inbreeding in rodents does reduce their
The phenomenon of pseudopregnancy, common amongst domestic dogs,
also occurs in foxes (e.g. a previously fecund vixen isolated from her group
prior to mating subsequently came into milk). Zoo keepers tell me that the
phenomenon is widespread amongst canids. I suggest that this is an
adaptive mechanism, preparing non-breeding females for a role as helpers.


Many of the phenomena recorded for foxes in this paper have recently been
reported amongst other carnivore societies (Table 11). In most cases circum-
stantial evidence suggests that helpers are relatives. Rood (1978) records an
exception where an immigrant female dwarf mongoose was a more assidu-
ous helper than related group members. The phenomenon of "aunties", first
documented by Fraser-Darling in 1938 seems widespread amongst Canids.
In foxes "helping" is confined to females, while P. Moehlmann (pers. comm.
and 1979) notes that the sex ratio amongst black-backed jackal helpers
mirrors that in the population at large. This contrast is noteworthy since
most other aspects of the social biology of foxes and jackals are apparently
similar. Why is the balance of pros and cons affecting young male foxes and
jackals apparently different?
The list of species exhibiting reproductive suppression and helpers seems
to grow with each additional study of carnivorous species. A. J. T. Johnsing
(pers. comm.) recently observed a pack of dholes, Cuon alpinus, during two
consecutive years. During the first year the pack comprised five males and
three females and in the second year 7-8 males and 2-3 females. In both
cases only one female bred. Johnsingh (in press) also records observation of
the Indian fox, Vulpes velox, where two females jointly suckled a litter of
four cubs. The parentage of these cubs was not known, and the difficulty of
distinguishig cubs of different mothers in the field bedevils many studies, e.g.
J. Rood (pers. comm.) notes that on the rare occasions when a subordinate
dwarf mongoose conceives that both she and the dominant will eventually
suckle all the cubs, but that by the time the cubs are first seen there are
about the same number as normally comprise one litter, not two. Several
documented cases do exist of dominant females killing the offspring of
subordinates who then become helpers (e.g. dingoes and hunting dogs)
(Corbett, pers. comm. and van Lawick, 1975) and maternal inability leading
to cub mortality was described above for a subordinate vixen red fox.
Malcolm (1979) describes how the "help" given by non-breeding yearling

hunting dogs to pups is dependent on plentiful food, and indeed that in
times of food shortage the older hunting dogs invest more in their yearling
offspring than in their younger pups, perhaps because the yearlings have a
greater chance of survival for a given investment. Of 26 hunting dog dens
watched by Frame et al. (1979), at 20 the breeding female was a dominant
animal. Of the 6 subordinate females who bred, only one litter survived.
Table 11 illustrates a contrast between canids and felids: social repression
of reproduction seems to be widespread amongst canids, but absent in the
two social felids. Female lions and domestic cats apparently produce kittens
irrespective of their age or status and under circumstances where their
survival is improbable (Schaller, 1972, Bertram, 1970 and Macdonald and
Apps, 1979), and in both cases females will co-operate in rearing kittens.
Accepting all the obvious shortcomings of enclosure studies, the combined
results of observations in the field and in captivity, although bedevilled by
sample size, suggest that social pressures limit vixen productivity within social
groups and that some non-breeding vixens act as helpers (Macdonald 1979a).
Furthermore, maternal ability seems to be transient and to depend upon
current status. However, this study highlights many more questions than it
answers: more intensive field studies in contrasting habitats are required, and
the effects of human hunting pressure and disturbance disentangled. The
possibilities of female immigration and of both male promiscuity and incest
taboos must be further studied to test some of the kinship assumptions
mentioned above. At a more mechanistic level, the physiology of suppres-
sion must be investigated and the deplorably woolly concept of dominance
within fox groups made rigorous.

I am grateful to Drs. B. C. R. Bertram, N. B. Davies, H. Kruuk, P.
Moehlman and H. N. Southern for helpful discussions and comments on an
earlier manuscript. My wife has helped invaluably with both fieldwork and
in looking after the captive foxes. I am grateful to the many farmers and
householders who have tolerated my nocturnal ramblings on their property
and to R. Spiro on whose land the enclosures were sited.

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Erik Lindstrom*


The context and demographic hypothesis of a study concerning fox popula-

tion dynamics and predation is described. The study is part of a cooperative
small game community project, where the dynamics of the community as a
whole and of certain species, is considered in relation to food availability and
A major feature of the research area in question is its location on the
steep geomorphological, climatical and biogeographical gradient referred to
as limes no"landicus. Due to this, and with other indications given, the fox
population is thought to be directly dependent upon vole abundance during
vole crash years, but socially regulated other years.
During the 20th century many scientists and laymen have discussed the
role of red fox ( Vulpes vulpes L.) predation in natural ecosystems. A vast
number of articles have been published on fox diet, qualitatively and
semiquantitatively, all over the world (see Jensen and Sequeira, 1978, and
Witt, 1976, for bibliographies). Yet only a few (e.g. Ryszkowski et al., 1973)
have assessed the quantitative impact of fox predation on the population
dynamics of its prey. To make such an assessment, an inevitable prerequisite
apart from the quantified diet, is good quantitative data on fox population
variables and parameters. However this data too is often lacking, and
indexes, such as bag records, juvenile frequencies etc. must be relied upon.
Some valuable remarks on one of the causes of this situation, the lack of
hypothesis testing by crucial experiments, have been made by Lockie
Obviously, a major step in fox research today, is the attempt to quantify
the dynamics of defined populations and the role played by the predation of
these populations. This means simultaneous, long term studies of the dynamics
of both the predator and prey to be elucidated. Probably, it has to include
natural or induced experiments. The study outlined here is such an attempt.
The framework of this investigation is the small game community study of
Grimso. Within this cooperative community project, we try to assess the

* Grimso wildlife research station, S-77031 Riddarhyttan, Sweden.

Biogeographica, Vol. 18: The Red Fox, ed. by E. Zimen 1.77
© 1980,Dr. W. Junk bv Publishers, The Hague
impact of predation and food resources upon the dynamics of the small
game community as a whole and of certain species: Goshawk (Accipiter
gentilis L.), Red fox, Blackcock (Lyrurus tetrix L.) and Mountain hare
(Lepus timidus L.). Other species involved are: Marten (Martes martes L.),
Stoat and Weasels (Mustela spp.), Capercaillie (Tetrao urogallus L.), Hazel
hen (Tetrastes bonasia L.), European jay ( Garrulus glandarius L.), Squirrel
(Sciurus vulgaris L.), Voles (Microtus agrestis L. and Clethrionomys glareolus
Schreb.) and browse species, Birch (Betula verrucosa Ehrh. and B. pubescens
Ehrh.), Willows (Salix spp.), Rowan (Sorbus aucuparia L.) and Bilberry
(Vaccinium myrtillus L.).
Our vole populations fluctuate with cycles of three to four years and we
consider this as a natural experiment. Our basic hypothesis is the cyclic
bufferspecies- one, which backdates through especially Keith (1974) to
Lack (1954) and Hagen (1952). That is, the vole cycles are reflected in the
functional and numerical response of the predators (e.g. red fox) and,
through the diet of the predators, in the dynamics of alternative prey species
(e.g. mountain hare).
In this paper I will consider the hypothesis of and background of the
population demographic part of the fox project.


Grimso wildlife research area is situated in central Sweden, some 50 km to

the north of the latitude of Stockholm (Fig. 1.) Biogeographically it is
located within the range of the south taiga (phytogeographically Lindquist
(1966) and at the border between the highboreal and the south Scandina-
vian region (zoogeographically Ekman (1922).
Using another terminology, it is situated at the steep geomorphological,
climatical and biogeographical gradient, which is referred to as limes norrlan-
dicus. (Sjors, 1967). The situation is more unique than realized when the
station was established. This border separates the mountainous, coniferous
regions to the north from the flattened out country of mixed
coniferous/deciduous forests and arable land to the south. It is often
illustrated by the northern limit of the oak (Quercus robur L.). In this part of
the country the limes almost coincide with the former highest marine level
with its implications for deposits and soil fertility.
Sjors (1967) describes the most striking climatical feature of the land to
the north of limes as the hard and prolonged winters with deep reliable
snowcover. The different requirements of the regionvo the north and to the
south of limes is well illustrated by the number of plant and animal species,
which here have their northern or southern limit of range or which here
drastically change in frequency. See Sjors (1967) and Pehrson (1958).
According to Fransson (1965), the steepest floristic gradient is found some
20 km to the south of the topographically determined border. Grimso is
situated in the interface between these two. From our own experience of the
border character of the research area, we can observe that the winters of
1974 to 1976 were almost snowfree, while we experienced more than one





Fig. 1. A. Zoogeographic regions of Sweden and Norway redrawn from Ekman-22.==Arctic-

alpine region,. High boreal region, iiiml South Scandinavian region, * Grimso. B. Mean
duration of snowcover (days). Redrawn from Sjors-65 . C. The northern limit of the distribution
of (Quercus robur L.). Redrawn from Hulten-71. D. The geomorphological steep gradient.
Redrawn from Fransson-65.

meter of snowcover during the winter of 1976/77. Consequently, we find

both the heath hare (Lepus timidus canescens Nilsson) which is bluish-grey
in winter, and the mountain hare (Lepus timidus timidus L.) which has a
pure white winter pelage, within the area. The same is true of the weasel
(Mustela nivalis L.), which has been observed both in the white and the
brown winterphase.
Turning to the red fox, Englund (1970) found a pronounced dependence
of the reproduction of this species upon the vole fluctuations in northern
Sweden, but a stable situation in the southern parts of the country. This is
considered as an indication of the possibility that the foxes are limited by
food availability all over Sweden, but socially regulated at high densities in
the southern parts of the country. The scarcity of food in northern Sweden
should then never allow the population to build up to such a high level.
However, Englund's Vlirmland material, which is from areas close to
Grimso, showed a confusing picture and deceived penetration.

I '
I '
I ''
I '
I '
I ,,

' \ voles

, I
' ---- ---..... ..,


,-........ ... , _

I '~
~~ ..... Lindesberg
I \

I I '
',. ..
' •.
-------- _,


73 74 75 76 ~77

Fig. 2. Results concerning voles and red fox from a yearly questionnaire programme. Material
divided according to area of origin (see text). Grimso inventorial programme.

All answers= increase of density

Mean answer= no change

All answers= decrease of density


Throughout the years since Grimso was established as a research station in

1973/74, a programme concerning most game and wildlife species has been
carried out. This comprises, among other methods, a questionnaire in which
some 300 experienced hunters are asked their opinions of wildlife popula-
tion trends on a yearly basis. The limitations of such a questionnaire are
obvious, but for a qualitative comparison between areas, it should be
sufficient. In Fig. 2 the results concerning voles and red fox are shown.
There is a marked covariation of the two curves. The material is divided
according to area of origin.
The Orebro data is from the arable land some 50-100 km to the south of
Grimso and well below limes. The Lindesberg data comprises the Grimso
research area. Finally the Hallefors material is from the boreal forests
50-100 km NW of Grimso, well to the north of limes. Along this gradient
we can note a change in the amplitude of the fluctuations. That is, both voles
and fox seem to be fairly stable in the Orebro data while they show large
annual variations in the Hallefors area. The Lindesberg material is inter-
Other parts of the inventorial programme concern vole populations and
active fox dens of the actual research area. From the vole inventories we
know that they were at their lowest level during the spring of 1975 and at
peak levels in the autumn of 1973 and 1977 (Hornfeldt pers. comm.).
The active number out of 78 dens controlled each year is shown in Fig. 3.
We observe almost the same number each year irrespective of vole densities
except the crash year of 1975. This was the state of knowledge in the
autumn 1977. The fox project had then been running since the spring of
1975, that is during a phase of increasing vole densities. Among other things
we had been collecting carcasses during the winters. A heavy dominance of
males in the subadult cohort was striking and confusing. In conformity with
Nellis and Keith (1976) the collected carcasses were considered a sample of


Fig. 3. Active dens out of 78 controlled each year.

the dying. (Their treatment of the data accords very well with our own
experience. For example the foxes we trap most frequently are the inexperi-
enced juveniles and hungry individuals such as lactating females. Most foxes
in the collected material are shot at a bait or trapped. From marking of
foxes we also know that hunting constitutes a large part of mortality). This
should thus imply a dominance of females in the living fraction, a situation not
much more clearly understood.



In the autumn of 1977 David Macdonald visited Grimso and presented his
findings on fox social behaviour (Macdonald this volume). The most relevant
fact in this context is that a dense stable fox population is made up of: (a)
territorial family-groups of one male and several females; and (b) a transient
cohort predominately male, suffering high mortality. By applying his ideas to
the situation at Grimso a hypothesis could be devised, which could explain
both the threshold value of voles for the den count and the excess of
females. The hypothesis is:
Starting in a year with low vole densities, the heavy mortality and low
reproduction of the foxes cause only a few litters to be born. Let us suppose
all territories are not occupied, and where they are, the number of adult
foxes is one male and one female (the alpha-female). When vole populations
increase, all territories become occupied and a litter is born in each. In those
territories, which already were inhabited, young females are allowed to stay
while young males have to emmigrate. Still only the alpha-female raises a
litter. As long as vole densities increase, this continues, causing a population
structure comparable to that of the stable, dense English populations
described above. When the voles crash once again, the high mortality of all
foxes causes the initial situation to reappear.
The implications of this hypothesis are more accurately described in Fig. 4.
The frequency of females having litters should obviously be highest in the
year following the crash year. This can be controlled by analysing uteri for
placental scars. The sex ratio among the subadults should stabilize at the
same as in litters (56% oJ) during the crash year. This is also easily checked.
Another implication of the hypothesis is that among the recoveries of
foxes marked as juveniles during the increase phase, there should be a
marked dominance of males in the fraction considered as having dispersed,
but not so among those that stayed "at home".
Thus the mean feature of this hypothesis is the assumption that we
consider a fox population in between social and nutritional regulation. This
implies social regulation (as described by Macdonald) for the foxes of
southern Sweden and a total dependence upon voles in the northern parts of
the country. Only here at the border- limes norrlandicus- one should
obtain this kind of data on what is happening to the population. Further to the
north there might always be new territories to occupy and males and females


----~ E

Fig. 4. A hypothesis of fox population dynamics throughout a vole cycle. See text. A. Voles
numbers/area, B. Red fox numbers/area, R resident males, m~~ resident females, D transient
cohort. C. Litters/area. D . Frequency of females having litters. E. Frequency of females
among subadults in sample of dying.

disperse at the same rate. To the south the stable populations might cause
the sex ratio of the subadult cohort to remain the same as in litters all years.
The fox project is now carried out according to this hypothesis, and
hitherto nothing has been found which contradicts it.
The field work will be finished in 1979 and the results published as soon
as possible, together with the predation part of the project.
Whether the attempt to quantify the impact of fox predation on prey
population dynamics, is successful, remains to be seen. This also makes
comparison with results from the other projects within the small game
community study, to be revealed.

I would like to thank Jan Englund for planning and starting the den
inventories in 1973 and Lloyd Keith and Jan Englund for initially planning
the fox project. Their plan has been revised several times, but is still
relevant in its fundamental parts. I also thank David Macdonald for provid-
ing the sociobiological background to the hypothesis and together with
Torbjorn v. Schantz for invaluable discussions on the subject. My coworkers
at Grimso for innumerable reasons. The project has been supported by
grants from stiftelsen Olle Engkvist, Helge Axelsson Johnson stiftelse and
The Swedish Environment Protection Board.


Ekman, S. 1922. Djurviirldens utbredningshistoria pa Skandinaviska halvon (in Swedish). 614

p. Stockholm.
Englund, J. 1970. Some aspects of reproduction and mortality rate in Swedish foxes (Vulpes
vulpes) 1961-63 and 1966-69, Swedish Wildlife 8: 1.
Fransson, S. 1965. The borderland. In: The Plant cover of Sweden. Acta Phytogeogr. Suec. 50:
Hagen, Y. 1952. Rovfuglene og viltpleien (in Norwegian), Oslo: Gyldendal Norsk Forlag.
Hulten, E. 1971. Atlas of the distribution of vascular plants in north western Europe.
Generalstabens litografiska anstalts forlag/Stockholm.
Jensen, Band Sequeira, D. M. 1978. The Diet of the Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes L.) in Denmark.
Dan. rev. game. bioi. 10: 8.
Keith, L. B. 1974. Some features of population dynamics in mammals. XI international
congress of game biologists. Statens nat\Jl"Vardsverks publikationer 1974: 13E.
Lack, D. 1954. The natural regulation of animal numbers. London: Oxford University Press.
Lindquist, B. 1966. Vegetation belts and floral elements. in: Atlas of Sweden. Generalstabens
litografiska anstalts forlag. pp. 43-44. Stockholm.
Lockie, J.D. 1977. Studying carnivores. Mammal Rev. 7: 1, 3-5.
Nellis, C. H. and Keith, L. B. 1976. Population dynamics of coyotes in central Alberta,
1964-68. J. Wild!. Manage. 40: 3 389-399.
Pehrson, T. 1958. Sveriges djurviirld (in Swedish) 552 pp. Svenska Bokforlaget. Stockholm.
Ryszkowski, L., Goszynski, J. and Truszkowski, J. 1973. Trophic relationships of the common
vole (Microtus arvalis) in cultivated fields. Acta ther. 18: 7.
Sjors, H. 1965. Features of land and climate in: The Plant Cover of Sweden. Acta phytogeogr.
Suec. 50: 1-12.
Sjors, H. 1967. Nordisk vaxtgeografi (in Swedish) 240 pp. Svenska Bokforlaget. Stockholm.
Witt, H. 1976. Untersuchungen zur Nahrungswahl von Fiichen (Vulpes vulpes L.) in Schleswig-
Holstein. Zool. Anz. 197: 516, 377-400.

Freek J. J. Niewold*

There were at least two reasons in the Netherlands to start a research
program on the ecology and behaviour of the red fox, in 1968. In the first
place there was the intention of controlling the fox as the main vector of
rabies and of creating a fox-free zone along the border with the Federal
Republic of Germany. During the subsequent discussions it became evident
that our knowledge about the ecology and social behaviour of the red fox
was too scanty to give a good insight in the management of fox populations
in relation to the control of rabies. Secondly, we were very anxious about
the still unprotected state of the fox and other small predators in contrast to
the Birds of Prey.
Research on the social behaviour of the fox was emphasized because the
rabies virus is spread by mutual contacts. Data was also collected about the
population structure by means of body autopsies, food, mortality, natality
and recent rabies outbreaks. In the course of the research period we became
more and more interested in the social structure of this solitary predator
with its enormous distribution pattern. The red fox is one of the few species
which has kept its ground in Europe very well, notwithstanding heavy
pursuits by men and a changing environment.

In this report I will shortly describe some characteristics of the social
structure as so far analysed from our data. These are mainly obtained from
the radio tracking of about 150 foxes, old and young, during a 5 year period.
Radiolocations of the foxes were made with a mobile receiving unit and
mapped approximately each half hour, by means of crossbearings. t After
intensive tracking the activity areas could be defined within a week using
only nocturnal fixes. During tracking at night we attempted to observe the
foxes, wherever possible, in spotlights or with infrared binoculars. In con-
nection with the radio tracking, observations were made of one fox family
on artificial feeding sites and near burrows during a period of nearly two
years, by using a video camera with remote control, a monitor and infrared

* Research Institute for Nature Management, Arnhem, The Netherlands.

t See S. Broekh11izen, C. A. van 't Hoff, M. B. Jansen and F. J. J. Niewold: f\pplication of
Radio Tracking in Wildlife Research in the Netherlands; A Handbook on Biotelemetry and
Radio Tracking, editors: C. J. Amlaner and D. W. Macdonald, Oxford 1979, Pergamon Press.
pp. 65-85.

Biogeographica, Vol. 18: The Red Fox, ed. by E. Zimen 185

© 1980, Dr. W. Junk·bv Publishers, The Hague
and red spotlights. Most observations were carried out in the National Park
"The Veluwezoom" on the Veluwe near Arnhem, where no fox hunting
occurred. Other data were collected from different places of the V eluwe and
from a heath and forest area with a low fox density near Dwingeloo in the



One of the important results of social behaviour is the distribution of

individuals on the available surface, in other words on the available food
resources and covers. This will largely depend on mutual competition. In the
National Park we looked intensively for fox litters each spring, with the
purpose of marking. In some adjacent areas litter locations were known by
gamekeepers who were very keen to find and kill the cubs. Irrespective of
the fact that more litters were found in wooded areas than in heather moor
and culture fields, the found litter locations showed a more or less even
distribution pattern.
When we look at the activity areas of individual foxes in one particular
study area during one reproductive season we find a similar distribution
pattern (Fig. 1). The activity areas were constructed by the minimum area

-- N
1 km

__ --= noot>erot H

Fig. 1. The distribution of the activity areas of radio tracked adult foxes during spring
1974 in the National Park "The Veluwezoom".

method, all excursions excluded, and only for the foxes with a rather fixed
activity area. It should be remembered that not all foxes were tracked
during the same period and the same length of time. Nevertheless for most
foxes we had enough fixes to draw up a more or less realistic activity area.
Notwithstanding the shortcomings in the construction of individual activity
areas, it seems obvious that all the available area is divided up in a very
regular pattern. One male shared the same activity area with more females,
up to a maximum of four. This distribution pattern seems well in accordance
with that of the found litter locations. In fact these results strongly support
the thought of the existence of a social territorial system and we shall now
consider on what such a system is based and how it works.

Territorial behaviour

Territorial behaviour is mainly described in bird studies. I suppose, how-

ever, that the general basic components will hold for mammals and other
animals as well. Territorial settlement has at least three important charac-
a. Isolation and restriction of some or all types of behaviour within more or
less clearly defined areas;
b. Intolerance, with respect to similarly motivated conspecifics, resulting in
the defence of their territories;
c. Advertising their presence by sound, scent or display within that area.
It is not simple, however, to prove the presence of these characteristics for
the hardly observable nocturnal mammals, with an often complex social
display. In many cases we can only observe or measure the results of
probably displayed behaviour, without knowledge of the behaviour itself.
We can now check our data to demonstrate territorial behaviour for the red


Firstly, we can exactly analyse all boundaries between neighbouring adult

foxes tracked during the same period. The activity areas of adjacent pairs
were considered monthly, neglecting excursions and some isolated fixes. The
results of comparing 393 monthly combinations of 88 different pairs, proved
in 90% of the combinations that the boundaries were composed of a well
defined zone with occasionally fixes of both neighbours or even without any
fixes. Especially when many fixes were determined and in the case of small
territorie!), this boundary zone, greater than 50 m and very often more than
100m, could be very well recognized (Fig. 2). It became evident from the
analyses of continually tracked individual foxes that they visited these zones
more frequently than was shown in the plotted data, but these visits were
very short and quick.
Only a small number of the monthly neighbour combinations showed
some overlap or a zone smaller than 50 m. This was mainly caused by: a


00 0
March 1973 0 ooo


0 0
0 0 0
0 0
oo 0
0 oo
0: 0,0: 0 ~00

. .
0 ooo
8 0



... .

. .
. .. • •t. •
.. :.

.. • I

Fig. 2. Example of a boundary between two neighbouring adult dog foxes, as revealed by
plotting all half hour radio fixes.

small number of fixes; boundary shiftings within the particular month; a

place with easily obtainable food just near the boundary, such as refusJ
containers of restaurants and our trapping cages; and closely related neigh-
bours especially females. Neighbour combinations which could be tracked
during a long period showed an overlap or sharply defined boundaries only
for merely one or two months in succession. These data prove that indeed
foxes isolate themselves in certain activity areas, while most behaviour was
restricted to those areas.


Many times foxes could be observed in spots or with the infrared binoculars,
while they were walking along roads or paths, and crossipg open places like
meadows and fields. A number of observations were also made nearby
special feeding sites and refuse containers. In most cases the observations
involved were of solitary foxes and young with or without their parents.
Sometimes adult foxes could also be seen together. Although many aggres-
sive interactions were observed, the participating foxes either belonged to

the same territory or at least one of them was not wearing a transmitter
collar so that its social status was unknown. Once we observed that a male,
just outside or on the border of its territory, was chased back into its own
territory, most likely by another male.
During the whole study-period we could, with certainty, only twice notice
an interaction between neighbouring foxes along the boundary zone. We
based our conclusions on the many barking and aggressive sounds we heard
and on the observed nervous movements of the radio tracked animals
concerned. At least more than two foxes were involved in both interactions.
Prior to the moment of the interaction, the boundaries were not well
established or showed some overlap, while after that they became very well
defined. These data demonstrate that probably physical aggressive interac-
tions do not belong to the regular behaviour pattern of the territory-owners.
Nevertheless they are important in determining and stabilizing the bound-
aries between the neighbours. Boundaries are probably formed where the
two opposing components of retreat and attack are in balance. Topographi-
cal peculiarities could be important by determining the boundaries. This is
indicated by the relatively high proportion (42% out of 57 monthly
male-combinations, with easily recognizable topographical features along
the boundaries such as roads and forest edges (Fig. 2). This does not exclude
other possibilities of boundary determinations, among them boundary mark-
ing with faeces or urine and the use of odours for reinforcement.
Intolerance, with respect to conspecifics and similarly motivated foxes,
was also found by the many shiftings of territory boundaries. This was
always accompanied by shiftings in the opposite direction by or even a
complete disappearance of the neighbour. They occurred within a few days
and were directed towards members of the same sex. This explained partly
the greater percentage of overlapping boundaries for the male-female
neighbour combinations against the intra-sexual combinations (15%~6%).
Among the tracked adult animals we also found foxes that moved around
in a large area, concentrating themselves sometimes in certain small
localities. Probably they were not able to establish a territory and they were
often radiolocated nearby boundary-zones in between two or more adjacent
territories, or in temporarily suitable areas. They were composed of one or
two year old males and females and some older males.
Intruders such as wanderers or territory-owners, making regular excur-
sions outside their territory, crossed other territories often very fast and in a
straight line. Such behaviour can greatly reduce the contact frequencies witlr
the territory-owner.


The red fox has an extensive range of possibilities for advertising display
such as the production of different sounds, scents and movement patterns.
All these behaviour patterns are used for communication and orientation,
and problems arise when we try to understand the different functional
aspects. Some of the behavioural features probably deal with more functions

Plate 1. The mobile tracking unit.

Plate 2. Adult fox with transmitter.

and it is very difficult to distinguish them in the field. Time, place, cir-
cumstances and the reactions of conspecifics are the most crucial parameters
for determining these functions.
Up till now it was neither possible for us clearly to determine the possible
advertising functions of the use of sound and scent-marking behaviour with

Plate 3. Fox cub with small transmitter.

respect to reactions of intruders and neighbours, nor did we exclude these

However, as to movement patterns, there was a great amount of evidence
that foxes were continuously walking through their territory, visiting a great
part of it each night. Males showed this behaviour more clearly than females
and owners of the larger territories had a greater walking speed than owners
of the smaller territories. This sort of patrolling in combination with special
glands between the toes of the paws, offers good facilities to demonstrate
the presence within the territory. As shown by birds, males are normally
more involved in self-advertising and this also seems the case with foxes .

Composition and size of the territories

Especially at our feeding sites we could observe the different relationships

between the inhabitants of one common territory. It was obvious that such a
group was composed of one unrelated adult male and one or more closely
related females with their offspring of that year. In our research-area near
Dwingeloo we found territories of about 1000 ha, with always one female
per territory. In the different areas of the Veluwe-region with smaller
territories (Fig. 3), there were regularly two adult females, always a mother
with her daughter. During January 1976 our group under observation was
composed of four females , namely one adult female with two of her
daughters of 1974 and a young female from one of these daughters. Here
we were confronted with a real family-territory.
Only once did we find two adult males who shared the same territory. In
this, probably exceptional, case we were confronted with a father and his

Fig. 3. The mean monthly territory size of some radio tracked adult red foxes and the average
number of fox litters per km2 found in various regions in The Netherlands. In parentheses
numbers of animals concerned.

Monthly territory size Litters/km2

Males Females

Valkenberg (Veluwe) 63 ha (3) 54 ha (6) 1.0

Nat. Park Veluwezoom (Veluwe) 127 ha (4) 116 ha (6) O.t'Hl.8
Deelen (Veluwe) 304 ha (1) 238 ha (3) 0.3-0.5
Dwingeloo (Drenthe) 1000 ha (2) 880 ha (3) 0.1

subordinate very docile, one-two year old son. It was evident from our
observations that the adult male was strongly dominant over the other foxes
within his territory, the latter often showing sub-missive greeting-ceremonies
and begging behaviour towards him. We could also demonstrate a linear
dominance rank-order between the adult females, depending on age and the
caring of cubs. Older females and females with cubs dominated other
females. Only the one female that was obviously coupled with the male, was
able to raise her cubs successfully. If two litters could be brought together,
the young of both could be raised.
Although the females occupied a common territory, they clearly showed
individual preferences for certain localities. Probably forced by a newly
settled male, this could result sooner or later in a division of the territory.
One important point in assessing the biological significance of territoriality
seems to be the determination of the territory size. I will not go into detail
because we have not yet carefully analysed the data so far, but density
expressed by the number of litters per km2 seems to be inversely propor-
tioned to territory size, as indicated by comparing some data of various
areas (Fig. 3). We can state that all the available ground is divided up into
territories in all these areas. Except for the two areas with the smallest
territories, hunting pressure was very high.

Social relations and territorial behaviour

In foxes the territorial structure is not at all a fixed system but has a very
dynamic nature with several adjustments to more specific conditions. During
the reproductive period from December till June, there was a kind of pair
formation between the male and one of the females. They were regularly
tracked together at night and during the daytime they inhabited the same
burrows. Observations with the video camera near a breeding earth con-
firmed the belief that the male carried food to the female just before and
after parturition. During the same period most males and females, who
shared a common territory, did maintain the same boundaries. Usually the
female was found within the area of the male. Later on, during the summer
months, they went their own way more and more with respect to boundary
shiftings, which frequently resulted in the occupancy of completely sepa-
rated territories with other partners during the next breeding season. As a
consequence we found that no pair formation lasted any longer than one

breeding season in succession. Also boundary shiftings and new settlements
were frequently found during the period of June till December. All these
data suggest that the seasonal variations of the various features of the
individual fox territories, are related to the co-operation of male and female
for the investment in the offspring.
Another adjustment to special conditions was the remarkable tolerance
shown by the territory-owner towards intruders at certain moments. As
mentioned before, intruders traversed very fast and in a straight line through
other territories, avoiding contacts with the owners. Territorial males espe-
cially made excursions outside their territories during the mating time,
probably looking for females in heat. A female could be observed closely
followed by two males. The hind male was continually attacked and chased
off by the closest follower of the female. I suppose that the territorial male
at that moment, is not able to chase intruders completely out of his territory,
as the female would then have left. Especially when more females are
present, the chance for the territorial male to mate with the non-favourite
females, seems to be diminished. Probably this has to deal with the shown
investment of the male in only one litter. Therefore one possible function of
the territory system in foxes seems to be the reduction of disturbances of
reproductive performances, like copulations by rivals.
Many times we found territorial foxes during the daytime lying in suitable
covers, such as extensive burrows and dense plantations, outside their
territories and within others. This was especially the case when foxes were
disturbed out of their normal shelters or when cover was lacking within their
own territories. There were even a male and a female with a common
territory in a rather open sandy heather dune area, that remained during the
day in a plantation, 500 m to the north, while they were regularly visiting
culture fields, one or two km to the south of their territory at night. These
animals were tolerated by the territory-owners at least during the inactive
daytime period.
A remarkable situation was created by closely related females (mother
and daughter) who were occupying adjacent territories. Although the males
were clearly separated, the females could freely visit each other after the
division of their former common territory. Sometimes the litters were found
even outside the male-territory. As already mentioned there seems to be a
great tolerance in behaviour towards the opposite sex.
It may be true that territorial behaviour in the solitary hunting red fox has
ultimatedly evolved to reduce intraspecific competition. However, the modi-
fications of the clearly demonstrated territorial structure seem to be highly
adjusted to the various ecological and behavioural conditions. This is
probably one reason for the great success of this elusive species.

Jan Englund*


In a study of the population dynamics of the red fox Vulpes vulpes (L.) in
different parts of Sweden, productivity was measured from litter size and
frequency of barren females. The mortality rate among cubs was also
estimated (Englund, 1970). As part of the same project, an attempt was
made to measure productivity, mortality and dispersal rates of foxes in a
restricted area in the south of the northern coniferous zone during the years
1966-69. For lack of financial support, this part of the study could not be
properly realized. It is felt, however, that the data obtained, while inconclu-
sive on most points, may furnish the basis for a discussion of certain general
problems related to projects of this kind.


Foxes were captured, marked and released in north Hallefors, about 200 km
west of Stockholm (59°.50 N and 14°.30 E). This area mostly 200-400 m
above sea level, forms part of the north coniferous zone with a forest mostly
consisting of pine Pinus silvestris and spruce Picea abies. A large part of the
area consists of peat land and there are plenty of lakes and small tarns. In
1944, arable land made up 7%, meadows 2.5% and woodland 73% (An-
rick, 1953), and since that time some meadows and fields have been
replanted with pine and spruce.
From 1966 through 1969, between about 20th May and 6th July, fox cubs
were caught at dens, tagged and released. They were either dug out or
caught by hand when they emerged from the dens by night, and in a few
cases were lured out by a repeated faint nasal snort (Tembrock, 1957). By
night cubs up to about 1.5 kg reacted very quickly to that sound, especially
when hungry. Some litters were caught in small baited box traps inserted
into den entrances. A couple of foxes were caught with a pole-net when we
met them on our walks to new dens. One female cub was trapped in a large
baited box trap (18th August 1967).
Each den was normally visited for only a short period of time. Any attempts
to get cubs out of a den were discontinued after three days, and irrespective
whether more cubs were inside or not such lengthy action took place only
*Swedish Museum of Natural History, Section for Vertebrate Zoology, S-104 05 Stockholm.

Biogeographica, Vol. 18: The Red Fox, ed. by E. Zimen 195

© 1980, Dr. W. Junk bv Publishers, Tqe Hague
when the cubs were rather large. In these. cases, we fed the young by leaving
plenty of meat inside and around the den. The high frequency of recoveries
of the few foxes that were confined in the dens for 2-3 days indicates that
this treatment did not decrease their chances of survival.
Having been sexed and weighed, the cubs were tagged with a numbered
monel metal tag in each ear. The tags used in 1967 were size 4 by the
National Band and Tag Co Newport, Kentucky. Subsequently, I used
similar tags supplied by I. 6. Mekaniska in Bankeryd, Sweden. For field
identification one or both tags on each fox were fitted in addition with a
small piece of coloured plastic fabric. All young were released at their dens
or close to the place where they were caught. Notes were made on food
remains around dens occupied by foxes and scats were collected for later


A total of 92 juvenile red foxes were ear-tagged during the years of 1966 to
1969 inclusive (Table 1). One of these died within an hour of capture (1967)
and another is known to have lost both his tags within two weeks (1968).
One third of the cubs have been recovered, of which 28 were shot or

Table 1. Food situation, number of litters found, number of cubs tagged, percentages of
recoveries and frequency of one-year old vixens during the different years. The number of scats
or stomachs analysed, the number of dens, and vixens examined, and the number of litters
where the number of cubs are known are given in brackets.

1966 1967 1968 1969

Mean number of rodents per
stomach (Jan-April)<1 l 0.7-1.0 (26) 0.9-1.0 (25) 0.1-0.3 (114) 0.4 (121)
Mean number of rodents per
scat (May-June) 1.0 (247) 0.7 (122) 0.2 (76) 0.8 (248)
Number of small prey with
meat found at
active dens 28 0 0 0
Number of large prey with
meat found at dens 5 0 0 0
Number of small prey
without meat found
at dens 7 4 2 7
Number of large prey
without meat found
at dens 20 15> 6 11
Mean number of rodents per
scat (Sept-October)(ll 1.7 (11) 0.2 (19) _0.6 (13) ?
Number of litters found<2 l 7 (257) 12 (362) 2 {280) 7 (295)
Mean litter size 5.3 (6) 4.6 (9) 4.5 (2) 4.3 (3)
Number of cubs ear-tagged
and released 30 37 9 15
Percentage of recoveries<3 l 50 16 44 33
Hunting bag during next
hunting season 200 240 140 120

<tl Englund, 1970; <2 l in some cases no cubs were caught; <3 l 50% in 1968 if the male known to
have lost both tags is excluded.

trapped and another 2 killed by traffic. Furthermore some cubs were
observed or re-trapped during their first summer and released again.
Most foxes were killed during their first year of life, only 2 during the
second and 1 during the third year. No more recoveries will be obtained
since the last one known to be killed was reported nine years ago.
Unfortunately there was no possibility to observe all dens in all years
within the study area; therefore it is impossible to give exact figures on the
variation in the number of litters born during the years studied. No doubt,
however, fewer litters were born in 1968 than in the other years (Table 1).

Loss of ear-tags

For calculating the risk of ear-tag loss and the frequency of animals that
probably had lost both tags, Fairley (1969) used a simplified version of a
fairly complicated formula for this purpose. He found that 12% and 8% of
the tags were lost from adult and young foxes respectively. Assuming all tags
have the same chance to be lost, this means that about 1.4% and 0.7% of
the foxes had lost both tags.
According to Jensen (1973) about 4.5% of cubs tagged with aluminium
tags will loose both tags during their first year of life while the corresponding
figure for monel tags will be 0.3%. The frequency of double tag loss has
been reported to increase with time from 0.8% during the first year after
tagging for monel metal tags, to 1.6% during the second year and thereafter
to 8.1% (Hubert et al., 1976).
In 28 of my recoveries the number of monel tags left is known and in 9 of
these one tag was lost. Applying the formula given by Hubert et al. one finds
that 3.7% had lost both tags (nearly all cubs were recovered within one
year). This is much higher than found by others but is close to what Lord
(1956) found for gray foxes. In that case, however, neither the type of tags
used nor the age of the foxes tagged is known.
One possibility of the higher frequency of tag loss in my study area may
be a worse food situation there resulting in a higher risk of tearing off the
tags during fights for food. In 1966 for example when the food situation was
extremely good only two foxes out of 14 had lost one of the tags, while in
1967 three foxes out of six and in 1968 three foxes out of four had lost one
of them.
From the above one may ask if there is any reason to believe in such
calculations? One assumption here is that all tags are at roughly the same
risk, which can hardly be true. When cubs get too little food for example,
either because of an overall scarcity of food or because the litter is
extremely large, the chance of losing both tags must be higher. And if a tag
is lost because of an allergic reaction, for example, the same fox will
probably react on the other tag also, resulting in a higher than chance
frequency of total (double) loss.
It seems possible, therefore, that some foxes run a greater risk of losing
tags than do others, which restricts the value of calculations of the kind
shown in Table 2. When comparing the recovery rate from different years or

Table 2. Percentage recoveries of cubs tagged at different sizes. Number of
cubs tagged shown in brackets.

1966 1967 1968 1969 All years

Weight in g.
480-600 0 (1) 0 (3) 0 (2) 0 (2) 0 (8)
601-1000 38 (16) 6 (16) 57 (7)* 100 (1) 33 (40)
1001-1500 67 (9) 36 (11) 30 (10) 43 (30)
1501-1900 75 (4) 14 (7)t 50 (2) 38 (13)

* if one cub known to have lost both tags within 3 weeks is excluded, the
recovery rate will be 67% instead.
t the weight of one of these cubs was 2.7 kg when tagged.

areas, however, such calculations must be valuable to see if part of the

problem can be explained by differences in tag loss. But these comparisons
will be meaningful only in case of large number of recoveries.


The recovery rates for cubs tagged during 1966 to 1969 inclusive and
recovered from the end of August exhibit substantial annual differences.
The percentages were 50, 16, 44 (50 if the one known to have lost both his
tags is excluded) and 33, respectively. These differences are statistically
verified (0.05 > P > 0.025) and the significance is largely caused by the low
recovery rate for the 1967.
We may ask whether the low recovery from the 1967 markings was
caused by a higher frequency of double loss of tags or by a higher mortality
among cubs in that year. Moreover should the latter be the case we may ask
whether such mortality was achieved because more cubs were tagged when
very small that year, i.e. at an age where the mortality may be higher, or if it
really was a higher overall mortality among cubs in that year. Table 2 shows
the percentages of recoveries of cubs tagged at different ages. The subdivi-
sion in weight-classes makes the groups hopelessly small. It is clear, how-
ever, that these cubs which were marked at a size of 0.6-1.0 kg were not
recovered as often in 1967 as in other years. From the end of August
onwards, only 6% of these were recovered as compared with 38% and 57%
from the other years.
I therefore believe that the low recovery rate in 1967 mostly is caused by
a higher overall mortality in that year, although part of the answer might be
a higher proportion of total tag loss that year.
No other data to support my conclusion are at hand. However, it should
bt: mentioned that among the 22 litters examined more closely during the
four years (7, 9, 2 and 4), I have found 4 young dead or dying. One case was
in 1966, in a litter of 11 (mean weight of the 10 live cubs 735 g). Two others
were in 1967, viz., one in a litter of 6 (mean weight of the 5 live cubs 690 g),
and one in a litter of 4 (mean weight of all cubs 480 g) who was still alive
when caught but died within a couple of hours. The last case in 1969,
belonged to a litter of 6 (mean weight of 5 live cubs 1190 g). In that case,
skeleton remains showed that the cub died when very small.


As can be seen in Fig. 1 and Table 3, most foxes were killed close to the
place where they were tagged. Out of the 30 recoveries from the latter part
of August and onwards, 56% were killed within 4 km and 70% within 8 km
from the place of tagging.





v At,.

• •A 0
A t.
ov t.

o• vv
A t.t.
J J A s D J F
Fig. 1. Distances between first and last captures (or field observations) for foxes recovered
during the 1st, 2nd or 3rd hunting season after tagging. Filled signs refer to foxes tagged in
VT= !i?S?, D.&=dd, Ge=sex unknown, T&etagged in 1967.

Table 3. Number of foxes killed from late August and onwards, and the distances
travelled (km).

Year of 0-8 9-15 16-20 21-25 26-30 41-45 65-70 Total

tagging & ~ & ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ ~ ~

1966 8 5 1 1 9 6
1967 1 1 2 1 4 2
1968 2 1 1 3 1
1969 1 3 1 1 4
Total 12 9 1 2 2 1 1 17 13

Unfortunately very little is known about size and shape of the home
ranges of foxes in this region. Summer home-ranges for 4 adult vixens in an
adjacent area, however, varied from 3.2 to 8.8 km 2 (Ryding, 1977). Accord-
ing to data from other regions however, the area varies from 0.2 to more
than 10 km 2 and the maximum diameter from less than 1 up to 8 km (Seton
1929, Murie 1936, Hamilton 1939, Scott 1943, Arnold and Schofield 1956,
Schofield 1960, Storm 1965, Ables 1969, Sargeant 1972, Niewold 1973,
Storm et al. 1976, and Macdonald 1978 and 1980b).
Factors affecting the size of the territories may be habitat diversity (Ables
1969) as well as fox population density (Sargeant 1972), and the stability of
the food resources (Macdonald 1980b).
Field indications suggest that foxes are rather scarce in my study area. The
annual bag of foxes on about 1200 km2 over a period of 20 years varied
from 76 to 299 specimens, which equals 0.06 to 0.25 per km2 • Ecological
diversity is low and food resources are very unstable. It is reasonable
therefore to assume that foxes living here regularly move over rather large
areas. Foxes killed up to a distance of 8 km from the place of tagging
therefore have been regarded as killed within their home areas, even if
distance itself will not tell if the foxes crossed the border of this area or not.
Accepting the figure of 8 km as a maximum range of action for a
sedentary fox in this habitat, one finds that some individuals start to disperse
as early as late August or early September (Fig. 1), which is about one
month earlier than reported for other regions (Jensen, 1968, 1973, Phillips
et al., 1972). Both these cases (one male and one female) are from 1967.
Also in contrast to reports from other regions (Tables 4, 5) my recoveries
did not show any marked sexual difference in dispersal rate (Sheldon, 1950,
1953, Tchirkova, 1955, Arnold and Schofield, 1956, Phillips et al., 1972,
Jensen, 1973, and Storm et al., 1976). The mean distance travelled by the 5
males and the 4 females that, on our above criterion, left their home areas
was 30 and 39 km, respectively.
There was a distinct annual variation in dispersal. In 1967, five out of six
foxes recovered had left their home areas (Fig. 1). These five had moved
more than 12 km and the sixth one was killed 8.2 km from the place where
he was tagged. Among cubs tagged during other years, no more than 4 out
of 24 (-fs, ;! and ~) had moved more than 8 km, and most of the other were
killed within 4 km. The figures are admittedly small; however, they certainly
indicate that differences do occur between years.

Table 4. Percentage of recoveries of foxes tagged as juveniles and killed more than 8 km from
the place of tagging (in most cases the recoveries are within one year). Number of recoveries
within brackets. Recoveries of cubs received before the latter part of their first August are
excluded (before October in Iowa and Illinois).

Males Females unknown Author

Ukrainian SSSR 89 (9) 14 (7) Tchirkova, 1955
Germany (age not known) 37 (49) Behrendt, 1955
Norway 0 (1) 100 (1) Lund, 1967
Sweden (agricultural area)
12 (8) 0 (4) 0 (1) Marcstrom, 1968
Sweden (north. conif. forest)
33 (3) 0 (1) 100 (1) Marcstrom, l968
Ireland 44 (9) 20 (5) Fairley, 1969
Denmark 35 (65) 20 (49) Jensen, 1973
Sweden (north. conif. forest) 29 (17) 31(13) Present study
North America
Iowa 100 (2) Errington and
Berry, 1937
New York 100 (6) 25 (4) 100 (1) Sheldon, 1950, 1953
Minnesota 0 (1) 100 (1) Longley, 1962
Iowa and Illinois 80 (312) 37 (223) Storm et al., 1976
Wisconsin 88 (23) 58 (19) Pils and Martin,

Table 5. Percentage of recoveries beyond 8 km distance of foxes tagged as juveniles and

recaptured more than one year thereafter. Number of recoveries within brackets.

Males Females Author

Denmark 29-81 (31) 13-35 (31) Jensen, 1973

Iowa and Illinois 96 (49) 58 (33) Storm et al., 1976


During the period of tagging the number of foxes killed in a hunting district
of about 120,000 hectares, inside which this study was undertaken, in-
creased from 197 in the hunting season of 1966--67 to 235 next year.
Thereafter it dropped markedly to 133 and in 1969-70 down to 117. These
changes may be explained in the following way.
As pointed out earlier both mortality and dispersal rate was higher among
cubs born in 1967 than in other years, but why? And how could the hunting
bag increase then next year? According to the mean number of rodents per
scat collected in the spring of 1967 the abundance of rodents seemed to be
rather good at that time. However, this index is only relative and is not so
informative about the absolute amount of food. A better index of that is the
amount of food found at the dens.
As seen in Table 1 there were remnants from 19 different prey around 12
dens in 1967; that is 1.6 prey per den. The corresponding figures for the

other years were 8.6, 4.0 and 2.6 prey per active den. Furthermore, in
the spring of 1966 there was still meat on most of the prey remnants
(Table 1). The high mortality rate in 1967 therefore is supposed to have
been caused by starvation. This has not necessarily been caused only by a
general lack of food this spring, but can also have been caused by a higher
proportion of parents with a lower capability to find food. Among vixens
with placental scars that year collected in Varmland and adjacent areas, 5
out of 14 were yearlings (36%) compared with 9 out of 45 (20%) for the
other three years altogether.
Sometimes during the summer of 1967 the number of rodents decreased
drastically, and that year most of the recoveries had left their home areas.
Furthermore one of them left as early as late August which is much earlier
than other authors have found. Although the data is very small it indicates
that fox cubs in these habitats disperse earlier and more often when prey
availability is low.
Thus there are reasons to believe that the lack of food, perhaps in
combination with the high proportion of inexperienced parents in the spring
of 1967, caused the high mortality rate among the cubs, and that the food
situation also brought the young foxes to disperse earlier in the autumn. In
spite of that more foxes were killed in the winter of 1967-68 than other
years. This problem may be explained in two ways. One is that the high
productivity and the high survival of cubs in 1966 (perhaps in combination
with few foxes shot in 1966-67 caused by the high abundance of rodents;
see below) resulted in an increase of foxes in the spring of 1967. The higher
number of vixens should then produce many more young (12 litters were
found in 1967 compared to 7 in 1966) and in spite of the higher natural
mortality among them during the summer period the population should have
increased to the autumn of 1967. The extreme rarity of rodents during· the
winter of 1967-68 might also in a higher degree than usual have forced
the foxes to the baited traps or to the baits where hunters waited in the
moonlight nights. The end result of the above might have been a reduction
of the population to the spring of 1968 although no direct figures are at
hand. This in combination with an increased frequency of sterility caused by
the scarcity of rodents (Englund, 1970) resulted in the very few litters born
in 1968 (only 2 were found). The number of foxes killed next hunting season
therefore decreased drastically. The decrease of foxes killed may also be
explained by an increase in the rodent population which may make foxes
more difficult to trap again.
In the spring of 1969 the number of foxes should be at a low. Regarding
the low productivity in 1968 most foxes should be more than one year old.
This in combination with the increase of the rodents must have resulted in
an increase of the number of foxes to the autumn of 1969. In spite of that
the hunting bag dropped even further down to around 117. This drop could
be explained by a decreased hunting effectiveness caused by the fact that the
rodents increased furthermore.
I have tried to explain data gathered from both shooting statistics and the
tagging project. Although it is possible to explain data that first look

contradictory, it is very unsatisfactory not to have more and better data.
However, this is common in studies of population dynamics and demon-
strates that projects on populations should be carried out on a much larger
Whether dispersal is initiated by social behaviour such as overt aggression,
changes in odour released during scent marking or a combination of several
such factors is not known, due to lack of observations (Storm et al., 1976).
However, Storm et al., state that their study produced three things that
apparently contradict the hypothesis that young foxes are "forced" from
natal ranges by their parents (pages 61 and 62). "It also seems unlikely that
limited food initiates dispersal in foxes, at least in the midwest" they say.
The question why foxes disperse therefore in most cases is unknown.
In most papers no or very few data exist about the food situation when
the cubs were tagged. And daily weight increase of the cubs which indirectly
should inform of the food situation is not at hand either. Data of population
density which must be of importance here are non-existent too. In spite of
the incompleteness of important data a comparison of the results of different
authors is very interesting.
One then finds that the American foxes disperse more often than the
European ones (Tables 4 and 5). Data from a rather stable population in
Wales, England confirm this conclusion since 7 foxes out of 8 tagged when
young were recovered within 13 km (lloyd, 1968). And another material
from Michigan, USA showed a high tendency of dispersal since the mean
distance travelled by 9 males and 7 females tagged when young was 68 and
14 km respectively (Arnold et al., 1956). How do we explain the differences
between the continents? Could it after all be that food was scarce every year
in Iowa and Illinois or are the population densities there much higher than
in Europe? This is not known, but that the areas in the midwest are not
always overpopulated is pointed out by Sargeant (1972).
Another detail of interest is that 95% of the vixens in the midwest
reproduce, and that the litter sizes are large too with a mean of about 7
(Storm et al., 1976). In Wisconsin 59% of the yearlings and 89% of older
vixens reproduce, and the mean litter size is around 6.0 (Pils et aL, 1978)
and in Ontario nearly all reproduce with a mean of about 8 cubs per litter
(Johnston, pers. comm.). This is quite different from the situation in Sweden
where a large proportion of vixens is sterile. In the more unproductive taiga
areas in the northern part of Sweden for example the frequency of produc-
tive vixens varies depending on the amount of rodents (12 to 67% among
yearlings and 33 to 87% among older vixens). And in the agricultural
provinces of Uppland and Sodermanland there is always a rather low
proportion of productive vixens and also with small variations between years
(35 to 60% among yearlings and 64 to 83 among older ones) (Englund
1970). The reason for that may be the higher density of the fox population
in these productive areas which in turn may be caused by the richer and also
more stable food supply there.

The productivity in most European countries, on the other hand, is as
high as in the midwest foxes in US. In The Netherlands the pregnancy rate is
close to 100% and in Switzerland, Bavaria and Wales about 90% of the
vixens reproduce (Lloyd et al., 1976). In a non-hunted population living in a
very diverse habitat outside Oxford in England on the other hand most
vixens do not reproduce, at least during some years (Macdonald, 1980a).
Summing up one can say that the situation seems to be the following. In
some areas of Europe a high proportion of the vixens are unproductive,
even when food abundance is high, but in other areas nearly all vixens
reproduce. And the few data we have from tagged foxes indicate that the
European foxes seldom disperse. American foxes on the other hand repro-
duce strongly and disperse to a very high degree. How are these differences
to be explained?
I have no idea at which time of the year foxes are killed in different parts
of the world. If for instance, a very high proportion are killed early in
autumn in most European countries, but very few are killed before mid-
winter in the midwest in US but many are killed close before the mating
season then the data can fit in a theory.
In Europe, most foxes have probably been tagged .where hunters have
shown where the dens are, that is in areas where many foxes are killed. If
hunting in these areas starts early in the autumn many tagged foxes will be
killed before time of dispersal. And when the others decide to dispers<;:, then
so many foxes have already been killed that good and empty areas are
available close to their parents territory. This means that most foxes do not
have to go far to find an area of their own. Being owners of good areas also
means that they can reproduce. Only so called "innate dispersers" have to
move far.
If in the USA very few foxes are killed during the autumn but the hunting
or trapping pressure is very intense during a short midwinter period, then
the midwest data will fit the theory too. Most juveniles will have time to
disperse during the autumn and they too must go far, since the populations
are dense. And a high reduction well in time before the next mating season
will result in territories enough for nearly all vixens who therefore repro-
In a small area outside Oxford with a high and stable food situation and
where there is no hunting, foxes live in groups with one adult male, 2-5
adult vixens producing one or at most two litters. The population density
here is extremely high, most vixens are sterile and all young males disperse.
In these circumstances, Macdonald argues (1980a), there is a high survival
value for young females who, if allowed, stay at home- even if they suffer
perhaps lifelong sterility; and it may benefit in the long run even the parents.
When the territory is filled with adults, the new young foxes have to
disperse. When the amount of food falls well below what was available
during the time the group was built up, some of the adult sterile vixens may
be chased away by the productive vixens. There are at least some indications
of this (Macdonald, 1977, 1980b).
What about the Swedish data? In the northern area many foxes disperse

during the autumn-winter months when rodents are extremely few, and in
the following spring most foxes do not reproduce. Dispersal during these
years is caused by food scarcity. The low productivity in the following spring
may be caused either directly by food scarcity or indirectly, either through
increased physical stress or perhaps by the relatively high population den-
sities around rubbish dumps favoured by the dispersing foxes.
A combination of high hunting mortality during such winters, low produc-
tivity next spring and rather high mortality rate among cubs born will result
in few foxes next autumn. With growing rodent populations there will then
be many good areas. Therefore no foxes have to move far, all females will
get their own territories with plenty of food and therefore most vixens will
reproduce. There is no survival advantage for young vixens to stay at home
either and therefore no large social groups would be built up. But we know
nothing about this latter question.
As long as rodents are abundant the number of foxes will increase. If
there is time enough, that is how mi:my years it will take before the rodent
population will crash, the number of foxes that remained after the last crash
and the effectiveness of the hunting, there will finally be no suitable areas
left for new foxes. In that situation social groups of "Oxford-type" may be
formed and thereafter all young have to disperse. It is not known however if
this ever happens in the northern coniferous forests in Sweden.
What about the situation in the agricultural areas in Sweden such as the
provinces north and south of Stockholm? The amount of rodents varies
greatly in these areas too, but will never be so low as in the north. The
amount of alternative food is also better. Nevertheless a high proportion of
the vixens is sterile and the mortality rate among cubs seems to be very
high too, even in years with plenty of rodents (Englund, 1970). Unfortu-
nately very little is known about dispersal here. Some few recoveries from a
newly started project indicate, however, that at least males disperse. Four
males out of five tagged as juvenile and killed after October had dispersed at
least 19 km from the tagging place, and one of them as far as 248 km, but
none of four juvenile females were killed outside two km from where they
were tagged. How do we explain the situation in this area?
During years with mass abundance of rodents even otherwise marginal
areas should be good for the foxes, and therefore I doubt if the high
frequency ,of sterility and cub mortality really is caused by food scarcity.
Other explanations seem more probable.
If the fox populations in the agricultural areas are not depressed as they
are in the northern area and if the hunting pressure is rather low, which it
seems to be (according to shooting statistics), then data here too will be
understandable. The high sterility frequency should then be socially induced
caused by high population densities like that around Oxford. And the high
mortality rate of cubs might be explained in the same way, since it is known
from fox-farming that many vixens will not take care of their young but
rather kill them (Johansson, 1938, Pearson et al., 1946). According to
Pearson et al., this behaviour is not correlated with factors such as diet,
weather or time of whelping but must be caused by something else. The

curious behaviour of a low-ranking vixen resulting in total loss of her litter
supports this idea (Macdonald, 1980a).
In spite of the low recruitment of young foxes to the autumn population,
all areas may be occupied. Young males therefore have to disperse far. If
rodents are very common young females will probably stay at home and thus
build up social groups. If the rodent population crashes, probably all young
of the year as well as old sterile vixens have to disperse, perhaps forced
away by the productive pair. However, no data are at hand supporting these
Sum,ming up one can say that both productivity, mortality, and rate of
dispersal varies in different areas. The reason for these differences are not
known but may be explained by differences in amount and stability of food
resources, in population densities, in hunting pressures or the time of the
year most foxes are killed. Better data for all relevant parameters are
needed, however, if we really want to understand how the populations are

I wish to express my appreciation to Rune Pettersson who escorted me to all
the dens examined, and to Lennart Pettersson who helped me to catch the
cubs. I also want to thank David Macdonald for discussions on fox social
behaviour. The study was supported by grants from the Natural Environ-
ment Protection Board and Helge Axelsson Johnsons stiftelse.

Ables, E. D. 1969. Home-range studies of red foxes (Vulpes vulpes). J. Mamm., 50(1):
Anrick, C. J. 1953. Arable land area 1944, in Atlas over Sverige, 65-66. 6 pp.
Arnold, D. A. and Schofield, R. D. 1956. Home-range and dispersal of Michigan red foxes.
Papers of the Michigan AcademY. of Science, Arts and Letters, 41: 91-97.
Behrendt, G. 1955. Beitrage zur Okologie des Rotfuchses (Vulpes vulpes L.). Zeitschrift fur
Jagdwissenschaft, 1 (4): 161-183.
Englund, J. 1970. Some aspects of reproduction and mortality rates in Swedish foxes (Vulpes
vulpes), 1961-63 and 1966-69. Viltrevy (Swedish Wildlife), 8 (1): 1-82.
Errington, P. L. and Berry, R. M. 1937. Tagging studies of red foxes. J. Mamm., 18 (2):
Fairley, J. S. 1969. Tagging studies of the red fox Vulpes vulpes in north-east Ireland. J. Zoo!.,
Lond. 159: 527-532.
Fairley, J. S. 1970. More results from tagging studies of foxes Vulpes vulpes (L.). Irish
Naturalist Journal, 16 (12).
Hamilton, W. J., Jr. 1939. American mammals: their lives, habits, and economic relations. N.Y.
XII+434pp. ..
Hubert, G. F., Storm, G. L., Phillips, R. L. and Andrews, R. D. 1976. Ear tag loss in red foxes.
J. Wild!. Mgmt., 40 (1): 164-167.
Jensen, B. 1968. Preliminary results from the marking of foxes (Vulpes vulpes L.) in Denmark.
Danish Review of Game Biology, 5 (4): 3-8.
Jensen, B. 1973. Movements of the red fox (Vulpes vulpes L.) in Denmark investigated by
marking and recovery. Danish Review of Game Biology, 8 (3): 3-20.
Johansson, J. 1938. Reproduction in the silver fox. The annals of the agricultural college of
Sweden 5: 179-200.
Uoyd, H. G. 1968. The control of foxes (Vulpes vulpes L.). Ann. appl. Bioi., 61: 334-345.

Lloyd, H. G. and Englund, J. 1973. The reproductive cycle of the red fox in Europe. J. Reprod.
Fert., Suppl., 19: 119-130.
Lloyd, H. G., Jensen, B., Vanhaaften, J. L., Niewold, F. J. J., Wandeler, A, Biigel, K. and
Arata, A. A. 1976. Annual turnover of fox populations in Europe. Zbl. Vet. Med. B. 23:
Longley, W. H. 1962. Movements of red fox. J. Mamm., 43 (1): 107.
Lord, R. D. 1956. The loss of ear tags in the gray fox and raccoon. J. Mamm., 37 (4): 548.
Lund, Hj. M.-K. 1967. Om merking av rev. Fauna, Norsk Zoologisk'F&enings Tidskrift, 20 (1):
Macdonald, D. W. 1977. The behavioural ecology of the red fox, Vulpes vulpes; a study of
social organisation and resource exploitation. D.Phil. thesis. Oxford University.
Macdonald, D. W. 1978. The sociable fox. Wildlife Magazine, June: 272-277.
Macdonald, D. W. 1980a. Factors affecting reproduction of the red fox, Vulpes vulpes.
Macdonald, D. W. 1980b. Rabies and Wildlife: A Biologists Perspective. Oxford. Univ. Press.
Marcstriim, V. 1968. Tagging studies on red fox (Vulpes v.) in Sweden. Viltrevy (Swedish
Wildlife) 5 (4): 1().3-117.
Murie, A 1936. Following fox trails. Univ. Mich. Mus. Zoo!. Misc. Pub!. 32: 1-45.
Niewold, F. J. J. 1974. Irregular movements of the red fox (Vulpes vulpes), determined by radio
tracking. In XI International Congress of Game Biologists, Stockholm, September 3-7, 1973:
Pearson, 0. P. and Bassett, Ch. F. 1946. Certain aspects of reproduction in a herd of silver
foxes. Amer. Nat., 80: 45-67.
Phillips, R. L., Andrews, R. D., Storm, G. L., and Bishop, R. A 1972. Dispersal and mortality
of red foxes. J. Wild!. Mgmt. 36 (2): 237-248.
Pils, Ch. M. and Martin, M. A. 1978. Population dynamics, predator-prey relationships and
management of the red fox in Wisconsin. Technical Bulletin No. 105. Dept. of Natural
Resources, Madison, Wisconsin.
Ryding, J. 1977. Home-range storlek, revirhlivdande och biotopval hos riidrliv, Vulpes vulpes
(L.) under grytperioden i sydtaigan. SNV. PM 1002.
Sargeant, A. B. 1972. Red fox spatial characteristics in relation to waterfowl predation. J.
Wild!. Mgmt., 36 (2): 225-236.
Schofield, R. D. 1960. A thousand miles of fox trails in Michigan's ruffed grouse range. J.
Wild!. Mgmt., 24 (4): 432-434.
Scott, Th. G. 1943. Some food coactions of the northern plains red fox. Ecol. Monog., 13 (4):
Seton, E. Th. 1929. Lives of game animals. Vol. 1. Doubleday Company, Garden City, New
York. 640 pp.
Sheldon, W. G. 1950. Denning habits and home range of red foxes in New York state. J. Wild!.
Mgmt., 14 (1): 33-42.
Sheldon, W. G. 1953. Returns on banded red and gray foxes in New York state. J. Mamm., 34
(1): 125-126.
Storm, G. L. 1965. Movements and activities of foxes as determined by radio-tracking. J. Wild!.
Mgmt., 29 (1): 1-13.
Storm, G. L., Andrews, R. D., Phillips, R. L., Bishop, R. A, Siniff, D. B., and Tester, J. R.
1976. Morphology, reproduction, dispersal, and mortality of midwest red fox populations.
Wildlife Monographs No. 49. 82 pp.
Tchirkova, A F. 1955. Tagging foxes. Canadian Wild!. Serv., Translations Russian Game
Reports 3 (1958): 208-214.
Tembrock, G. 1957. Zur Ethologie des Rotfuchses (Vulpes vulpes L.) unter besonderer
Beriicksichtigung der Fortpflanzung. Zool. Garten, 23: 289-560.


Felix Labhardt


This paper discusses some behavioural patterns of foxes concerned with the
avoidance of enemies. Before escaping from a presumed enemy, foxes try to
find out about it. In such an ambiguous situation, between the desire to
escape and the desire to explore, characteristic behaviour patterns are
shown, such as lifting a foreleg (Figs. 1 and 2), alternating positions of the
ears (Figs. 2 and 3) and bowing and lifting the head (Fig. 5). There are also
characteristic expressions of fear, such as "squint-eyed" (Fig. 4). For acous-
tic location of quiet sounds, the head is held in a slanting position (Fig. 6).
Young foxes, having recognised a danger, always flee into the den (strong
attachment to the birthplace). On the other hand in most observed cases
adult foxes no longer behave in this way, which is perhaps a behaviour
pattern adapted to the specific hunting methods of man.
Young foxes exposed to danger are warned by two different cries from
their parents: Repeated warning cries made from a distance and a single
barking-like call from nearby.
The phenomenon of higher trustfulness at night, which can be easily
observed in the behaviour of young foxes, is discussed. As a hypothetical
conclusion it is supposed, that the feeling of security given by the darkness
of the night is equivalent to that experienced in the darkness of the den
during the juvenile phase.


Viele Tiere dienen anderen als Beute. Das wichtigste Anliegen eines jeden
Individuums, sich selbst zu erhalten, ist mit der Nahrungsaufnahme allein
noch nicht garantiert. Ebenso wichtig ist das Bestreben, nicht selbst seinen
Fre!i,Sfeinden zum Opfer zu fallen. Das meist schwachere Beutetier versucht
durch meidende Verhaltensweisen sich dem Zugriff des Feindes zu ent-
ziehen. Aber bei weitem nicht jede fremde Tierart ist fiir die andere ein
Feind. Eine energiezehrende Flucht lohnt sich also nur, wenn der mut-
massliche Feind als solcher erkannt oder die von ihm ausgesendeten
Storreize zumindest genau lokalisiert sind, urn die Fluchtrichtung bestimmen
zu konnen. Wie sehen solche feindvermeidenden Verhaltensweisen beim
Fuchs aus? Die hier diskutierten Beobachtungen machte ich an freilebenden
Fiichsen im Raume Basel. Wie in den meisten Gebieten Europas sind auch

* Naturhist. Museum, CH-4051 Basel, Switzerland.

Biogeographica, Vol. 18: The Red Fox, ed. by E. Zimen 209

© 1980, Dr. W. Junk bv Publishers, The Hague
Abb. 2

Abb. 3

Abb. 4

Abb. 5

Abb. 6

bier die natiirlichen Fein de des Fuchses, wie Adler, Luchs und Wolf, Hingst
durch den Menschen vernichtet worden. Der sich ausgesprochen technophil
verhaltende Fuchs hat noch als einziger Feind den Menschen, wenn wir von
todlichen Krankheiten, wie die Tollwut absehen.
Meine Absicht, die Tiere moglichst unbemerkt zu beobachten, schlug
haufig fehl. Die vorsichtigen Tiere entdeckten mich oft und ihr Fluchtverhal-
ten protokollierte ich nebenbei, sozusagen unfreiwillig. Den bier geschilder-
ten Verhaltensweisen liegt also keine systematische Beobachtungsweise zu
Grunde, mit anderen Worten, ich babe mich nie absichtlich den Tieren als
Feind zu erkennen gegeben und sie somit zu Schreck- und Fluchtverhaltens-
weisen provoziert.


Umweltreize, die als Storung empfunden werden und von einem moglichen
Feind stammen konnen, sind in der Regel optischer, akustischer oder
olfaktorischer Art und werden vom Tier durch die entsprechenden Sin-
nesorgane Auge, Ohr und Nase reg~striert. Haufig gelingt es dem Tier aber
nicht auf Anhieb, einen solchen Storreiz zu lokalisieren oder mangels
Erfahrung die Bedeutung oder gar den Verursacher zu erkennen. Das Tier
nimmt die orientierende Haltung des Sicherns ein, es befindet sich, zumin-
dest aus der Sicht des Beobachters, im Zustand zwischen Angst und
Neugier, es fiihlt sich unsicher.
Der verunsicherte Zustand eines Fuchses kann vor allem an folgenden
Merkmalen deutlich festgestellt werden:

(a) Vorderbeinheben in gespannt verharrender Korperhaltung (Abb. 1, 2).
(b) Alternierende Stellung der Ohrmuscheln (Abb. 2, 3).
(c) Angstausdruck: Vibrissen angelegt, Augen weit geoffnet, manchmal
verdreht (Abb. 4).
(d) Kopfpendeln (Heben und Senken des Kopfes, Abb. 5).
Zu(a) Das Vorderbeinheben ist bei Saugetieren weit verbreitet. Die Be-
deutung dafiir ist unklar. Es wird sowohl bei iiberraschend auftreten-
den akustischen wie optischen Storreizen gezeigt.
Zu(b) Die wechselnde Stellung der Lauscher kann man als Bereitschaft zur
Aufnahme von akustischen Reizen deuten. Mit der Ausrichtung der
Ohren, das eine nach vorne, das andere seitlich, wird der
grosstmogliche Empfangswinkel erreicht. Die wechselnde Stellung
der Ohren wird auch beim blossen Erblicken eines fremden, unver-
trauten Objektes angenommen (Abb. 3, das Tier betrachtet einen
Handschuh). Wird der akustische Reiz aber klar lokalisiert, so sind
die Ohren zur Reizquelle bin gerichtet (Abb. 1).
Zu(c) Der auf Abbildung 4 gezeigte Jungfuchs wurde in der Nacht foto-
grafiert. Er befand sich gerade in einer Ruhephase, als er von einem
Storreiz stark beunruhigt wurde. Das Tier wendete den Kopf auf-
geregt nach allen Seiten, die Lauscher wurden immer wieder in
wechselnde Stellung gebracht. Den Grund fiir seine Beunruhigung
konnte ich nicht ausmachen. Schon Tembrock (1957) hat das Ver-
drehen der Augen als Ausdruck der Angst bei seinen Fiichsen in
Gefangenschaft festgestellt ("Blick ist ungerichtet").
Zu(d) Das merkwiirdige Senken und Wiederheben des Kopfes in mehr oder
weniger rascher Folge Iasst sich beim Fuchs hauptsachlich dann
beobachten, wenn das Tier ein fremdes Objekt oder eine unvertraute
Bewegung wahrgenommen hat. Blaser (1975) glaubt, dass das Tier
damit eine stereoskopische Sicht anstrebt. V. Braunschweig (pers.
Mittl.) bestatigt diese Ansicht.

Die beschriebenen Verhaltendweisen der Unsicherheit lassen sich in paral-

leler Weise in denselben Situationen auch beim Reb feststellen (Labhardt,
Selbstverstandlich wird nicht jeder Umweltreiz als Storung empfunden.
Vernehmen Jungfiichse einen Ieise piependen Ton, den der Beobachter
selbst erzeugt, so nehmen die Tiere eine eher neugierige Haltung ein. Sie
drehen ihre Kdpfe urn den Achsialpunkt mal nach der einen, mal nach der
anderen Seite, urn den L<.utpunkt akustisch genau zu iokalisieren (Abb. 6).
Auch adulte Fiichse auf Mausejagd lokalisieren vor dem Sprung ihre Beute
auf dieselbe Weise.


Die Flucht zwecks schleunigster Distanzvergrosserung zum Feind geht bei

vielen Wildtieren, soweit vorhanden, in ein Versteck, wie Wald, Dickicht,

Baue usf. Damit versucht das bedriingte Beutetier, sich in erster Linie mal
der optischen Kontrolle des Feindes zu entziehen, was durchaus sinnvoll ist,
denn das Raubtier ist schlussendlich beim Ergreifen der Beute allein auf
seine Augen angewiesen. Aber auch gegeniiber dem Menschen, der als
einziges Wesen andere Lebewesen auf Distanz mittels der Gewehrkugel
toten kann, wird dasselbe Fluchtverhalten angewendet.
Ein ftiichtender Fuchs springt oft in Zick-Zack verlaufender Richtung
davon, auch wenn er nicht unmittelbar verfolgt wird.



Der Fuchs gebiirt seine jungen in der Regel in einem Erdbau, den er selber
griibt oder, zumindest bel Basel, meist vom Dachs iibernimmt. Der Bau is
die erste vom Fuchswelpen wahrgenommene Umwelt. Die Dunkelheit der
Hohle, die miitterliche Fiirsorge, der wiirmende Kontakt der Geschwister
lassen den Jungfuchs seine Geburtsstiitte als Ort der Sicherheit und
Geborgenheit erleben. So ist es nur verstiindlich, dass Jungfiichse, solange
sie noch an den Bau gebunden sind, diesen bei Gefahr stets als Fluchtort
aufsuchen. Im Erwachsenenalter jedoch scheinen Fiichse den Bau hiiufig
nicht mehr als Fluchtort anzuerkennen. Dieses Paradoxon soll im Folgenden
niiher diskutiert werden.


Abb. 7: Der Fuchs kommt aus dem Bau und setzt sich vor die Hohle. Er
sichert, indem er urn sich schaut. Plotzlich erblickt er den Menschen und
rennt augenblicklich davon, ftiichtet also nicht in den Bau zuriick.

...." ...... .

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Abb. 8

Abb. 8: Der Fuchs kehrt am friihen Morgen zum Bau zuriick, entdeckt
den Beobachter und ftiichtet in den Wald davon, also wieder nicht in den
1. Beobachtungsbeispiel. Ein Riide kehrt zum Bau zuriick. Die Jungen
befinden sich schon im Bau. Obwohl das Tier sich bereits unmittelbar an der
Rohre befindet, ftieht es nicht in den Bau, als es mich gewahr wurde.
2. Beobachtungsbeispiel. Ein Riide scharrt an einer Rohre und befindet
sich mit seinem Korper derart in der Hohle, dass nur noch die
Schwanzspitze herausragt. Als ich in einer Entfernung von ca 30 Metern
einen Schritt seitwarts mache und dabei ein Kieselstein unter meiner
Schuhsohle knirscht, kommt der Fuchs sofort zum Bau heraus, sichert kurz
in meine Richtung (er schaut schrag an mir vorbei, hat mich also bestimmt
nicht gesehen) und rennt in den Wald davon. Obwohl das Tier sich in der
Rohre befand und ein feindlicher Zugriff nicht mehr moglich war, zog es
den Bau als Fluchtort nicht vor. Lamprecht (pers. Mittl.) erwahnt, dass Schakale
bei Gefahrniemals in den Bau ftiichten. Uhlmann (pers. Mittl.) glaubt, der Fuchs
ftiehe deshalb nicht in den Bau, urn sein Heim dem Feind nicht zu verraten.
Ich vermute, dass dieses Fluchtverhalten eine Anpassung an die Ansitz-
jagdmethode des Menschen darstellt. Der Fuchs weissoffenbar, dass wenn
er in den Bau ftieht, er einmal doch wieder durch den Hunger gezwungen
sein wird, den Bau zu verlassen und dann vom Menschen iiberrascht werden
kann. In zwei Filllen wurde eine Ausnahmesituation beobachtet. Es han-
delte sich dabei jeweils urn eine Flihe, die Junge hatte. Ihre starke Bindung zu
den Welpen veranlasste sie offenbar, trotz Anwesenheit des Menschen, den
Bau aufzusuchen. Eine andere Fahe, die tagsiiber nicht mehr bei ihren
Jungen im Entwohnungsalter war, sondern einen Nebenbau bewohnte, ftoh
nun hier niemals in den Bau.

Gegeniiber natiirlichen Feinden, wie Wolf, Luchs und Adler ware es fiir
den Fuchs zweifellos von Vorteil, in den Bau zu fiiichten, denn jene konnen
wegen ihrer grosseren Korpermasse dem Fuchs nicht in den Bau nachfolgen.
Es ist auch nicht anzunehmen, dass diese Feinde dem Fuchs am Bau nach
Art der Hauskatze am Mauseloch aufiauern. Der Mensch aber betreibt diese
Jagdmethode schon seit langer Zeit. Anders als der Mensch jedoch konnen
die natiirlichen Feinde den fiiichtetenden Fuchs verfolgen und gegebenen-
falls einholen; die Flucht in den Bau ware dann seine Rettung.

Springen aus dem Bau

Fiichse, aber auch andere Hohlentiere, die ihren Ort der Geborgenheit
verlassen und in die Aussenwelt iibertreten, die sie mit ihren Feinden teilen,
zeigen an der Schwelle dieser heiden Zonen, namlich an der Miindung des
Hohleneinganges, das Verhalten des Sicherns. Mit den Hauptsinnesorganen
priifen die Tiere, ob "die Luft rein ist". In dieser Situation befinden sich die
Tiere im Zustand hochster Aufmerksamkeit und Schreckhaftigkeit. Was tut
nun ein Fuchs, wenn er abends zur Jagd aufbricht und in diesem Moment,
wo er seinen Kopf zur Hohle rausstreckt (Abb. 9), den Menschen bemerkt?
Die weitaus meisten Fiichse verhielten sich folgendermassen: Wieder Sich-
Zuriickziehen in den Bau und Abwarten der nachtlichen Dunkelheit. Dann
Springen aus dem Bau mit hoher Geschwindigkeit, wobei das Tier unmittel-
bar vor der Baurohre eine Kehrtwendung macht und entgegengesetzt zum
Rohrenverlauf, sozusagen nach riickwarts, davonspringt. (Abb. 10). Die
Tiere befinden sich in derartiger Spannung, dass sie oft wahrend des
Sprunges einen keckernden Angstschrei ausstossen. Viele Fiichse sprangen
auch dann, wenn ich mich our 2 Meter neben der Hohle befand.
Merkwiirdigerweise kamen manche nicht auf die "Idee", eine andere Rohre

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" .... ., .. .'
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Abb. 10

zu beniitzen und damit die Distanz zum Beobachter zu vergrossern, mit

anderen Worten, sie zeigten eine grosse Ortstreue auch innerhalb des

Die Schreck- und Fluchtreaktionen hangen von verschiedenen Faktoren ab.
Diese, nachfolgend kurz skizziert, sind verantwortlich fiir die Komplexitat
und haufig zu beobachtende Divergenz im Reaktionsverhalten auf Umwelt-
reize, bei verschiedenen und ein und denselben Individuen.


Gerade beziiglich die Scheu und Vertrautheit kann bei Jungfiichsen dessel-
ben Wurfes betrachtliche Unterschiede festgestellt werden.

Art und Starke der Umweltreize

Auf das "Klick" der Kamera reagieren die weitaus meisten Jungfiichse
iiberhaupt nicht. Das Knacken eines Zweiges oder raschelndes Laub erregt
jedoch sogleich ihre Aufmerksamkeit. Auch andere spontane Gerausche,
wie das plotzliche Flattergerausch eines vorbeiftiegenden Vogels, lassen
Jungfiichse heftig erschrecken und in den Bau ftiichten. Sie haben aber meist
keine nachhaltige Fluchtreaktion zur Folge, die Tiere erscheinen bald
wieder vor dem Bau. Kombinierte Storreize akustischer und optischer Art,
also ein sichtbares Wesen, das Gerausche verursacht, lassen Jungfiichse
starker erschrecken, als der einzelne Reiz fiir sich allein.


Wenn wir die Scheuheit vor dem Menschen von Jung- und Altfuchs ver-
gleichen, so stellen wir zwischen diesen heiden Altersstufen einen enormen
Unterschied fest. Jungfiichse sind noch viel vertrauter, werden aber mit
zunehmendem Alter immer scheuer. Offen bar lernen die Tiere in diesem
Zeitraum durch Eigenerfahrung, aber auch iiber die Eltern, den Feind
kennen. Je grosser die Feinderfahrung ist, umso erfolgreicher ist die
Feindvermeidung und damit die Ueberlebenschance.


Altfiichse, und zwar beide Geschlechter, warnen ihre Jungen, wenn sie
einen Feind in der Nahe bemerken. Dabei sind zwei verschiedene Warn-
laute voneinander zu unterscheiden:
Wamruf aus Distanz. Der Fuchs, der zum Bau zuriickkehren will, be-
merkt den Feind und Iasst nun einen jaulend-bellenden Laut vernehmen,
der ca aile 4 Sekunden wiederholt wird, und dies solange, his der Feind
verschwunden ist. Das Tier verharrt dabei in Sitz-oder Standstellung. Zwis-
chendurch wechselt es schweigend den Standort, urn den H~ind neu zu
lokalisieren. Fahe und Riide scheinen nicht gleichzeitig zu warnen, sondern
losen sich ab. Bei zwei Paaren war das Mannchen rufaktiver:
Bspl. Fahre warnt 63 mal von 0311-0325
Riide warnt 286· mal von 032(H)420
Das Warnen vernahm ich bisher our wahrend der Dammerungs- oder
Nachtzeit. V. Braunschweig (pers. Mittl.) horte es auch am hellichten Tage.
Reaktion der Jungen: Sofortiger Abbruch des Spiels und anderer
Tatigkeiten. Eilen zum Bau, aber haufig keine Flucht in diesen hinein,
sondern Sitzenbleiben vor den Rohren und aufmerksames Lauschen. Nach
mehreren, bier nicht naher erlauterten Beobachtungen, scheint das Warn-
verhalten der Eltertieren eine feindlehrende Wirkung auf die Jungen zu
Einmaliger Schrecklaut. Der Altfuchs befindet sich mit den Jungen auf
dem Bau. Der Feind nahert sich dem Bau, der Altfuchs stosst einen kurzen,
spontanen Schrecklaut aus, was die sofortige Flucht der Jungen in den Bau
zur Folge hat. Der Altfuchs fliichtet voraus in den Bau oder rennt in den
Wald davon. Ein hoher Aktivitatsdrang Iasst die Jungen jedoch bald wieder
an der Erdoberflache erscheinen.


Bei vielen Saugetierarten fallt auf, dass sie sich in der Nachtvertrauter
benehmen, als tagsiiber. Kuehme (1966) beobachtete die Nachtvertrautheit
bei Lowen in der Serengeti. lhre Fluchtdistanz gegeniiber dem Auto war
tagsiiber rund vier mal grosser. als in der Nacht.

Eibl-Eibesfeldt (1950) bemerkte bei seinem zahmen Dachs, dass er als
Jungtier auch tagsiiber vertraut war, mit zunehmendem Alter jedoch
wahrend der Tageszeit immer scheuer wurde und erst in der Nacht seine
Vertrautheit wieder zuriickgewann. Zimen (1978) beobachtete bei
freilebenden Wolfen in den Abbruzzen, dass die sonst so scheuen Tiere in
der Nacht eine viel geringere Fluchtdistanz aufwiesen und mitten in
menschlichen Siedlungen anzutreffen waren.
Beim Fuchs lassen sich entsprechende Beobachtungen machen.
Jungfiichse werden bei zunehmender Dunkelheit vertrauter, ja gewisse
Individuen konnen regelrecht zahm werden und beginnen mit dem
Beobachter zu spielen. Zweifellos hat die Einschrankung der optischen
Wahrnehmung ihren Einftuss. Doch braucht es im Durchschnitt auch
wesentlich starkere akustiscl:ie Storreize, urn Jungfiichse zur Flucht zu veran-
lassen, als tagsiiber.
1. Beobachtungsbeispiel. 7. August. Auf einem Stoppelfeld nahert sich mir
nachts ein Jungfuchs. lch folge ihm im Abstand von ca 6 m, er zeigt vor
meiner Gestalt und den Gerauschen keinerlei Furcht ebenso nicht vor
Lampenlicht. Er verschwindet zwischen Hausersiedlungen in einem Garten.
In der Morgendammerung betragt die Fluchtdistanz rund 60 m.
2. Beobachtungsbeispiel. 8. Oktober. lch sitze nachts unter einem Apfel-
baum auf freiem Feld. Ein nun ca 7 Monate alter Jungfuchs nahert sich dem
Baum und frisst direkt vor meinen Fiissen einen Apfel. Lampenlicht aus
nachster Nahe und mein Sprechen in normaler Lautstarke beeindrucken ihn
in keiner Weise.
Altfiichse mit grosser Erfahrung reagieren auf Lampenlicht mit sofortiger
Flucht. Offenbar konnen sie das Licht mit dem Feind Mensch assoziieren.
Fiichse zogern aber keineswegs, im Schutze der Dunkelheit mitten durch
menschliche Siedlungen zu gehen.

Springen an dem Bau

Die nachtliche Aktivitat ist in der Tierwelt weit verbreitet. Griinde dafiir
sind: (i) Feindvermeidung (ii) Anpassung an Beuteaktivitat (iii) Ausweichen
vor Beutekonkurrenten. Datnit ist die Nachtvertrautheit noch nicht erklart.
Es fallt aber auf, dass diejenige Tierarten, bei welchen die Nachtvertrautheit
beobachtet werden konnte, in Hohlen, unterirdischen Bauen oder ahnlichen
Lokalitaten geboren werden, kurz dort, wo es dunkcl. ist und die Tiere die
Geborgenheit und Sicherheit erleben. Eine Hypothese konnte demnach Iaut-
en: Die Dunkelheit der Nacht vermittelt dem Tier deshalb das Gefiihl der
Sicherheit, weil sie das Aequivalent zur Dunkelheit der Geburtsstatte dar-
stellt, denn nur ein sich sicher fiihlendes Tier benimmt sich vertraut. Darus
ableitend ware die Frage nliher zu untersuchen, ob Saugetiere, die in Hohlen
geboren werden, vorwiegend nachtaktiv sind, vorausgesetzt, sie waren zur
Nachtzeit nicht einem hohen Feinddruck ausgesetzt.


Der Flucht vor Feinden geht das Sichern zur Orientierung voraus. Der in
dieser Situation verunsicherte Fuchs zeigt dabei verschiedene Verhaltens-
weisen der Unsicherheit, wie Heben einer Vorderpfote, Kopfpendeln,
wechselnde Stellung der Lauscher. Auch der Angstausdruck zeigt im extre-
men Fall charakteristische Merkmale.
Wahrend Jungfiichse bei Gefahr immer in den Bau fliichten, ist dies bei
adulten Tieren haufig nicht mehr der Fall, was als Anpassung an die
Jagdmethoden des Menschen gedeutet werden kann.
Altfiichse warnen ihre Jungen akustisch vor Feinden. Es sind dabei zwei
verschiedene Warnrufe zu unterscheiden: Warnen aus Distanz mit standig
wiederholtem bellartigem Schreilaut, und Warnen aus der Nahe, mit ein-
maligem, spontanem Schrecklaut.
Die auch beim Fuchs zu beobachtende Nachtvertrautheit konnte ein
spezifisches Phanomen fiir in Hohlen geborene Sauger sein, indem die
Dunkelheit der Nacht diesen Tieren dieselbe Sicherheit vermittelt, wie die
Dunkelheit ihrer Geburtsstatte (Bau, Hohle u.a.).


Blaser H. 1975. Beobachtungen zur Mutter-Kind-Beziehung beim Rotfuchs. Feld, Wald,

Wasser/Schweiz. Jagdzeitung, Nr. 2, 39-47.
Eibl-Eibesfeldt I. 1950. Ueber die Jugendentwicklung des Verhaltens eines miinnl. Dachses
(Meles meles L.) unter bes. Beriicksichtigung des Spieles. Z. f. Tierpsychol., 7: 327-355.
Kuehme W. 1966. Beobachtungen zur Soziologie des Lowen in der Serengeti-Steppe. Z.
Siiugetierkde, 31: 205-213.
Labhardt F. 1977. Paralleles Verhalten der Unsicherheit bei Fuchs (Vulpes v.) und Reh
(Capreolus c.). Feld, Wald, Wasser/Schweiz. Jagdzeitung, Nr. 6: 2-4.
Tembrock G. 1957. Zur Ethologie des Rotfuches (Vulpes vulpes) unter bes. Beriicksichtigung
der Fortpflanzung. Zoo!. Garten Leipzig, 23: 289-532.
Zimen E. 1978. Der Wolf. Meyster Verlag, Wien, Miinchen.

D. W. Macdonald,* L. Boitanit and P. Barrasso:j:


In 1973 the World Wildlife Fund established an enquiry into the status of
the wolf, Canis lupus, in Italy. The wolf population numbered about 100
individuals confined to a few pockets in the central and southern Appenines
(Zimen and Boitani, 1975). Approximately 25 wolves survive in the moun-
tains between the Gran Sasso range in the north and the Parco National
d' Abruzzo in the south.
Various aspects of the wolves' biology and conservation were studied over
4 years (Zimen and Boitani 1979; Zimen 1978, Macdonald and Boitani
1979; and Zimen and Boitani in prep.}. A small part of this study concerned
foxes, Vulpes vulpes, which were found throughout the wolves' range in
Italy. It was thought that foxes and wolves might interact in two ways, both
detracting from attempts to conserve the wolf. First, foxes were hunted and
persecuted even more than were wolves in this region and there was a risk
that significant numbers of wolves were succumbing to poison supposedly
destined for foxes. Any attempt to influence the traditional policy of fox
control by poisoning had to be based on better information on fox numbers,
their use of the range and in particular the effect of garbage availability on
their biology. Second, both foxes and wolves were seen to feed from rubbish
tips and it was possible that wolf conservation was being thwarted by
competition between these species. To investigate these issues we made a
preliminary study of the fox's natural history in the context of the wolves'
behaviour. In this paper we will summarize these preliminary findings and,
more importantly, illustrate the general conservation problem of how the
legal control of one species leads to the abuse of legislation to conserve


Wolves occasionally kill foxes (e.g. Mech, 1970), although the victim may
not be eaten. Italian wolves readily kill and eat dogs and may also prey upon
foxes. Also, it is possible that wolves and foxes in the Abruzzo region
compete for food, perhaps more so since overhunting by man exterminated

*Department of Zoology, South Parks Road, OX1 3PS, U.K.

t Instituto di Zoologia, Viale dell'Universita, 32, 00100 Roma, Italy.
:j: Parco Nazionale Gran Paradiso, Valnontey, 11012 Cogne (Aosta), Italy.

Biogeographica, Vol. 18: The Red Fox, ed. by E. Zimen 223

© 1980, Dr. W. Junk bv Publishers, The Hague
Table 1. Diet of Abruzzo Wolves (1973-76)

Percentage of frequency of occurrence in sample of wolf faeces

Total Summer Winter
Prey n=220 n=84 n= 136

% n % n % n
Garbage 16.8 (37) 10.7 (9) 20.6 (28)
Sheep/Goat 46.3 (102) 35.7 (30) 52.9 (72)
Cow/Horse 2.7 (6) 7.1 (4) 1.5 (2)
Dog 4.5 (10) 3.6 (3) 5.1 (7)
Small Mammal 3.6 (8) 8.3 (7) 0.7 (1)
Veg. matter 78.6 (173) 82.1 (69) 76.5 (104)
100% "matrix" 25.9 (57) 30.9 (26) 22.7 (31)
Other 10.0 (22) 17.9 (15) 5.1 (7)

the wolves' original prey (red deer, Cerous elaphus and roe deer, Capreolus
capreolus) in the late nineteenth century. We posed two questions: 1) To
what extent do the diets of foxes and wolves overlap?. 2) How do foxes and
wolves react to each other during direct encounters and do they influence
each other's movements?

1. Diet

A sample of 220 wolf and 425 fox faeces was collected from the Maiella
range in the north-central part of the Abruzzo, where individuals of both
species were radio-tracked. Table 1 presents the percentage frequency of
occurrence of different food remains in the wolf faeces (Summer and winter
samples differ at p <0.01).
No cases of fox remains in wolf faeces were found, nor were carcasses of
foxes killed by wolves discovered. Ten faeces contained remains of domestic
dogs. The "100% matrix" class describes faeces that consisted solely of
amorphous white powder whose origin could not be traced. The ungulate
prey remains stemmed largely from feeding sites which we provisioned from
the local slaughter-house. The wolves also preyed on domestic stock.
Figure 1 presents the results of analysis of 425 fox faeces collected
between February and November 1976. The offal represented in the fox diet
(S on Fig. 1) was derived from either garbage tips or bait sites established
for observation and trapping of wolves. In addition to offal, small rodents
were an important prey. Of these, 78% were wood mice (Apodemus
sylvaticus) and 22% voles (Microtus or ClethrionQmys spp.). Elsewhere,
Microtine rodents have been found to be relatively more important in fox
diet and, indeed, foxes seem to exhibit a preference for that genus (Mac-
donald 1977). We know nothing of the availability of different prey species.
The diet of some Abruzzo foxes also contained a lot of offal (although
ungulate remains were uncommon). In contrast , only 8 of the 220 wolf
faeces contained rodent remains. Similarly, foxes ate a lot of wild fruit
(especially Rosa canina) while most of the vegetable matter in the wolf diet
was garbage (the circumstantial evidence being that 149 of the 173 wolf

February - March 1976
r = 425


SM I F B L 5

Fig. 1. Composition of the diet of foxes in the Abruzzo region, as represented by the contents
of 425 faeces. The data are expressed on bars as percentage volume (corrected for dry weight)
and by dots is percentage frequency of occurrence (see Lockie, 1959).

faeces containing fruit also contained garbage). The open garbage pits of the
Abruzzo region represent ample food supplies adjacent to every mountain
village. These data on wolf and fox diet suggested to us that the garbage tips
represented the only likely area of competition for food.
In a similar situation, Grace (1976) suggests that foxes may compete with
wolves for garbage. However, if competition occurs in the Abruzzo, it is
unlikely to be because the quantity of garbage is limited, but ratner because
it is highly clumped in availability, so that several individuals of different
species may be forced to depend on one dump where they compete directly.
How do wolf and fox react to each other in direct encounters, particularly
around garbage tips?

2. Direct observations
On each of 3 occasions when foxes and wolves were seen together the foxes
seemed to be uneasy. For instance on 13th November 1975 E. Zimen
observed a wolf, a fox and a cat feeding simultaneously from the refuse
dump outside the village of Caramanico. The cat consistently moved out of
the way of the fox and the wolf; the fox, in turn, avoided the wolf.
Throughout the observation period the fox was "jumpy", feeding in quick
bursts, frequently looking up, running around and watching the wolf which
in contrast moved calmly about the dump. Occasionally the wolf and the fox
were within a few metres of each other and the wolf then appeared to ignore
the fox, which showed considerable interest in whatever the wolf was eating.
Whenever the wolf moved, the fox ran to the place where the wolf had been
feeding. Subsequently we found that all 3 carnivores had been feeding from
a large heap of spaghetti!

3. Snow tracking
Fox and wolf tracks in the vicinity of baited trap sites and feeding places
confirmed that members of both species ate at these sources of offal. Our

interpretations of tracks and signs suggested that foxes avoided wolves,
waiting for them to vacate the feeding site before venturing forth. Typical
examples of our evidence from winter snow (i-iii) and summer field signs (iv)
are as follows:

i) 24th March 1976: At least 2 wolves had been feeding at a bait site when a fox approached
from the south at a trot. The fox had travelled some distance in a straight line towards the
feeding site, which was apparently its destination. The drift of the snow suggested the wind blew
from the fox towards the wolves. About 25m short of the trap site, the fox stopped abruptly,
spun round and ran off back the way it had come. We interpreted this to mean that the fox had
reacted to the sounds of the feeding wolves.
ii) 6th March 1976: 5 or 6 different sets of fox tracks criss-crossed a bait at which wolves had
also been feeding. Fresh snow from a mild snowstorm had accumulated in the wolf prints but
not in the fox prints, which we interpreted as indicating that the foxes arrived after the wolves
had left.
iii) 16th March 1976: A fox had walked slowly up the path through Valle Cupa. Two wolves
had trotted up the same path. Both fox and wolf tracks broke into a run with the fox starting to
run 50 m further up the path than the wolves. The fox cut off the path into the woodland and
the wolves started to trot again. A possible interpretation is that the fox broke into a run as the
wolves approached, whereupon the wolves gave brief chase.
iv) We collected both wolf and fox scats around the rubbish dump of Campo di Giove. During
one day's tracking we found 10 wolf faeces together with abundant signs of feeding wolves. All
these faeces and the majority of the field signs were found on the west side of the dump. On the
same day we collected 66 fox faeces of which only 9% were found on the west side of the dump
where wolf signs were concentrated. Possibly this resulted from the foxes avoiding the
traditional feeding and resting places of wolves.

Tracks in the snow revealed two types of interaction between wolves and
foxes: first, in scent marking, and second, in food caching. Foxes (Mac-
donald, 1979) and wolves (Peters and Mech, 1975) both urine mark on
conspicuous objects and we found that they commonly marked the same
site. For instance, on 21st February 1976 2 wolves and 3 foxes had visited
and apparently urinated upon the same bush protruding above the snow
cover. Furthermore, to reach the bush all 5 animals had travelled over 50 m
in straight lines and from different directions. We also found fox droppings
on top of wolf droppings and fox urine and droppings on excavated wolf
cache sites (see Henry, 1977).
Murie (1936) reported foxes trailing wolves and looting their caches. This
seems to be a common habit as many wolf caches in the vicinity of our trap
sites had been investigated by foxes, and probably looted. Where fox tracks
crossed fresh wolf tracks the fox might turn and follow the wolf trail, and
sometimes they led to the wolf's cache. We have no evidence that foxes
specialize in raiding each other's caches so it is interesting that they do loot
wolf caches (see Macdonald, 1976). Perhaps wolf caches are easier to locate
for a fox than are other fox caches but more probably tlie explanation is
that the rewards are bigger with the large food items in wolf caches which
merit the expenditure of time in finding them. Three wolf caches which we
excavated contained large marrow bones of a size the fox could not have
carried far. However, we have also seen occasional signs of wolves following
fox tracks and excavating their caches. On April 13th 1976 E. Zimen
followed the fresh tracks of a lone juvenile female wolf, who at that time
lived in a small part of the range of her former pack but with only occasional

contact with them. Close to one of the winter feeding sites, which was at that
time not in use, the wolf crossed a set of fox tracks which were about 2-3
hours old. These fox tracks were leading from the feeding site and the wolf
followed them closely. Within the next 2.5 km the wolf excavated and
chewed two different bones which the fox had cached. The first bone came
from an established cache which the fox had merely visited, and the second
was from a freshly dug cache. Once she had uncovered the first bone the
female wolf urinated into the hole.


"' Feeding Sites

Fig. 2. Map showing the locations of fox home-ranges mentioned in the text. Wolf ranges were
enormous compared to those of the foxes: members of one group of wolves travelled the area
between Sulmona and Campo di Giove and between Pacentro and Pettorano, and as far again
to the South. So, excluding the aggregating effect of the dumps, the chances of the wolf group
being in a given fox's range are small.


Fig. 3. Home ranges of three radio-collared foxes. Individual radio-locations are shown by
stars. For comparison, 62% and 95% probability elipses are drawn around the radio-locations
for each fox (as discussed in Macdonald et a!, 1980). 3a) Hope (circles show area where Runt
centred his movements). 3b) Jupiter. 3c) Sleepy (note particularly the concentration of
radio-locations around the cliffs and around the dump, to the north at S. Eufemia). FS =sites
where large quantities of offal were provided to attract wolves for observation and trapping,
prior to fitting radio-collars. Our best estimates of home range size in the field for each fox was
Jupiter 250 ha, Hope 80 ha., Sleepy 1000 ha. (for comparison, the minimum polygon estimates
for these three foxes are: 431.9, 117.0, 1380.1; the 62.3% elipses are: 139.5, 58.1, 423.5; the
95% elipses are: 418.3, 174.4, 1270.7).

Fig. 3(b)

4. Radio Tracking

Out of 8 radio-tagged foxes, only 4 survived long enough to give results by

radio-tracking. The mean home range size of 2 wolf packs was about
250 km2 which is between 100-400 times the range size of foxes in the same
area (see Fig. 2). Hence, in this respect the probability of a wolf being within
a given fox's range is quite low. On the other hand wolves also depend
largely on the food available at the dumps which they visit almost every
night (Zimen and Boitani, 1979). So, for those foxes which have home ranges
including one or more dumps or for those which make excursions to dumps
(which is probably the majority), the probability of direct encounters is
rather high (remembering that bbth species are largely nocturnal and follow
a similar pattern of activity throughout the night). Where the two species did
come into close proximity the following typify our observations:
i) On 6th May 1976 a fox, (Jupiter o), was followed on foot from 2130 hrs. He moved
eastwards until 2215 hrs when he was within 60 m of a female wolf who was stationary. Jupiter
o circled downwind of the wolf and then moved rapidly south-westwards. By 2240 hrs he had
resumed his previous pace but was moving away from the wolf.

Fig. 3lc)

ii) On 16th March from 2110 hrs Jupiter o followed a generally westwards loop through his
range until 2310 hrs when he was crossing below Colli della Castelletta. At 2320 hrs E. Zimen
howled from further to the west (about 400 m) in imitation of a wolf (an imitation good enough
to fool the wolves!). At once Jupiter o changed his pace and disappeared rapidly to the north.
In summary, these and similar observations suggested that while there was
some overlap in fox and wolf diet, this was unlikely to be a key factor in
limiting either population. Food at the dumps was certainly at times
superabundant and to avoid competition with wolves, foxes simply had to
"wait their tum". This situation might have been quite different, and more
to the foxes' disadvantage, had the wolf numbers not been so low for other
reasons. By analogy S. Allen and A. Sargent (pers. comm.) have found that
foxes decline where coyotes increase. Although foxes avoid direct contact
with wolves, they do loot their caches. Where wolves are numerous, their
kills may represent an important source of scavenged food for foxes. This
was the case around carcasses at which Mech (1970) witnessed wolves killing
foxes which ventured too close.

Fox ranges in relation to garbage tips

There are open garbage dumps in the vicinity of every village in Abruzzo,
and throughout central and southern Italy; only recently are some being
replaced by incinerators. Although the quantity of food may vary, for
example during the tourist season, it is always substantial and often includes
fresh offal from the local slaughter houses, in the form of fresh meat and
bones. The importance of these dumps to carnivores may be increased by
the mountainous landscape (up to 2900 m) which is covered by snow for
several months a year, during which natural food availability is drastically
Apart from the high incidence of garbage and offal in fox diet, the data on
the radio tagged foxes confirmed that dumps were important to them. In
general terms two of the foxes were residents, while two were probably not:
a) Jupiter o and Hope~ (Figs. 3a and b) were both resident animals of more than 1 year old,
occupying ranges of approximately 250 and 80 ha respectively. In addition to one feeding place,
set for the wolves and irregularly provided with food, Jupiter's range was in the vicinity of the
dump at Cansano, while the dump at Campo di Giove, where Jupiter had been caught,
apparently on an excursion (see Niewold, 1974), was about 5 km from the fox's main earth. In
contrast, Hope's range was far from any dump (but included one wolf feeding place).
b) The other two foxes were quite different:
Runt o was a yearling male in very poor condition when captured in March 1976. His small
range neighboured that of Hope o close to the wolf feeding place on the slopes of Monte
Amaro: Runt o seemed to depend for food on hurried sorties to the feeding place where he
faced competition from resident foxes and from which he retreated to a range on the steep
snow-covered slope. Indeed, after several heavy snowfalls in the absence of food at the feeding
place Runt o died. An autopsy revealed that his stomach contained only a few old bone chips
from the feeding place.
Sleepy o was a mature dog-fox (Fig. 3c) whose frequent trips (3-4 times a week) to the dump
of Sant'Eufemia took him about 4 km from his daytime resting place on the cliffs above
Roccacaramanico. At the dump and around the cliffs at Roccacaramanico he moved slowly,
staying for up to an hour in the one spot, but in contrast he crossed the valley between the two
areas quickly. We believed the valley was inhabited by other foxes. The social status of males
like Sleepy is unknown, but our point is simply that the presence of the dump had an important

effect on his movements. Faecal analysis confirmed not surprisingly, that foxes with more access
to dumps (or feeding sites) ate more garbage or offal.
Figure 4(i) shows that diet varied for the foxes in different areas from
which faeces were collected. For comparison, samples of faeces collected
immediately adjacent to two dumps are also shown. However, these com-
parisons are biased by variations in the monthly sample size for each area.
Fig. 4(ii) overcomes this bias (at the sacrifice of sample size) by representing
only data from one month (January). The importance of offal in the diet of
foxes who have access to dumps or feeding sites is clear, and in some cases






0::: ( ii)






Fig. 4. Differences between the composition of fox faeces collected from different localities
within the Abruzzo study area. Bars represent percentage volume of the faeces consisting of
each prey (corrected for dry weight of each scat), dots represent percentage frequencies of
occurrence. Figure 4(i) lumps together samples collected throughout 1976 whereas Fig. 4(ii)
concerns only January (1977). The areas are: A) Jupiter o home-range (N = 133, n;an = 36),
including woodland, alpine meadows, valleys and a garbage dump. B) Hope 'i' home-range
(N = 108, nian = 16), entirely comprised of mountainside beech forest with access to a trap site.
C) Cresta Maggiore (N = 83), a mountainous area far away from any dumps or feeding sites
(C 1 =January 1977 (n = 16), C 2 =January 1978 (n = 28)). D and E) Garbage dumps (N =52
and 64). F) Sleepy o home-range (nian = 27), around isolated cliffs, but including almost nightly
excursions to a dump.

was dramatic; for example, of 101 fox faeces collected around the dump of
Campo di Giove during February-March 1976 75% (by volume) were
remains of scavenged food.
Faeces in Jupiter's range comprised 49.2 and 27.0% offal and rodents
respectively. In Hope's range (with the irregularly provisioned feeding site)
offal and rodents comprised 39% and 45.7% of the diet. Faeces collected at
Sleepy's daytime area, at the cliffs of Roccacaramanico comprised 42.4 and
34.8% rodents and offal respectively. By comparison, faeces collected at
Cresta Maggiore, an area far from the nearest dump comprised 41.4%
rodents and 19.4% offal and the diet was supplemented by a relatively high
proportion of insects (14.7%) and fruit (15.4%). These two items were
barely represented in the diet in the other areas, although present in the
The attraction of the garbage dumps for the foxes involved more than the
offal to be found at these places. In one sample of 29 faeces collected in
August-September at an earth inhabited by a family of foxes some 300 m
above the dump at Campo di Giove a large proportion of the diet was
comprised of rats, Rauus rauus. In fact, the composition of the faeces by
volume were only 33.1% derived from offal attributed to the dump and
43.6% rodents. Of the rodents 35.8% were rats.
While our original interest in fox diet in this area was to both assess
overlap with wolf diet and the frequency of depredation on game species
(which were insignificant in fox diet) the dependence on dumps does raise
another problem: it is paradoxical that considerable time and money is
expended on killing foxes (see below) on the one hand, when on the other,
conditions are made ideal for increasing the fox carrying capacity of the
habitat by continued use of open dumps. This irony could become all the
more notable as fox control is introduced in an attempt to stop the spread of
rabies southwards through Italy (see Macdonald, 1980). However, if dumps
were fenced to debar foxes it would be disastrous for the wolves. The
solution proposed to the W.W.F. is the reintroduction of ungulate prey for
the wolves (Zimen and Boitani, 1979) and plans are afoot to do this. In the
absence of rabies or evidence of serious depred·ations on game there is
nothing obviously undesirable about boosting fox numbers, nor of having
them in attendance around each dump.

Fox hunting and poisoning

Italian hunting law permitted the use of poison to kill pest animals until a
ministerial decree, protecting the wolf as an endangered species, also
banned poison from November 22nd 1976. Until that date any game
warden or hunter who wanted to use poison baits had only to request a
permit from the local hunting committee: the permits were granted freely,
on signature, each hunter only being obliged to sign for the number of
poison baits received from the hunting committee and to return, at the end
of the season, those left over. The law also required that the bait be placed
at sunset, checked at sunrise and removed during daytime- what might be

termed optimistic legislation! Of course in reality the baits were checked
intermittently for a few days, they were rarely removed and any missing
baits were simply discarded. The result was an enormous amount of poison
spread in the environment with a potential killing power extended through
several weeks or months. The most widely used type of poison was
"Cyonan", a kind of cyanide, prepared in glass capsules and then effective
until the glass is broken. Furthermore, the permit entitled each Italian
hunter to have access to all the commune's land, so many hunters operated
in the same area, each acting as if he was the only one there. Bounties paid
by the hunting organizations for foxes further stimulated the use of poison.
During the hunting season of 1975-76 in the province of L'Aquila alone,
(5,034 km2 ) 5000 phials of Cyonan were issued to the hunters: only 129
were returned unused, together with 545 Hooded Crow (Corvus cornix) and
2,882 foxes, killed for a total expense of about $ 18,000 in bounties. The
other 1,444 phials were declared missing. It is hardly surprising that
poisoned wolves were found each year in L' Aquila province. These figures
ignore illegal poisoning, mainly done with strychnine, which is used by
shepherds and farmers in the attempt to protect their property from foxes,
wolves and dogs. In the same year, 1975-76, in the neighbouring province
of Pescara (1,225 km2 ), ranging from sea level to over 2,700 m, 2,000
Cyonan phials were distributed to hunters. Eight hundred and thirty seven
foxes were killed and not a single phial was returned. An additional 388
foxes were killed during the same season during 215 "battute di caccia",
(fox drives with a line of men and dogs). This method of hunting is almost
as dangerous for wolves.
The total of foxes killed in Pescara province was thus 1,225, which is one
per square km. The impact of this kill on the fox population or on the
survivors depredations on game was unknown. The release of game animals
(hare, partridge and pheasant) in L' Aquila province alone costs about
$ 150,000 per annum. The only tangible result of this massive campaign
against foxes was an annual increase in the number of foxes and wolves
killed, although studies have suggested that reducing fox numbers does
increase the game bag (e.g. Spittler, 1974). In the end, data on fox and wolf
behaviour had little relevance to the drawing up of the 1976legislation which
banned poison, which was proposed on political rather than scientific
grounds. Although strychnine is readily available from pharmacists and
illegal poisoning continues, it is greatly reduced and since the law came into
force we have evidence of only 2-3 cases of Abruzzo wolves being poisoned
each year. In 4 years of work in Abruzzo we know. of only two cases when
poison was used deliberately to kill a wolf, all the other cases were accidents
associated with poison set for foxes.


We are grateful to the Italian branch of the World Wildlife Fund for
sponsorship, and to E. Zimen for discussion of an earlier draft of this


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40: 102-112.
Zimen, E. and Boitani, L. 1979. Status of the wolf in Europe and possibilities of conservation
and reintroduction. In: Klinghammer, E. (ed): The behaviour and Ecology of Wolves.
Garland Press, New York.

A. I. Wandeler*

Rabies has been with mankind since time immemorial. Its history is lost in
antiquity (Steele, 1975). Rabies is an important disease of foxes, but also of
other animal species. Due to the character of the zoonosis in densely
populated areas of North America and Europe, and thanks to WHO's effort
to coordinate research, more is known about rabies in foxes than in any
other animal species (except laboratory rodents). But rabies in other species
causes greater economic loss and more tragedy.
Epidemiology describes disease patterns in populations and animal com-
munities. The observed epidemiological phenomena are explained by prop-
erties of the disease agent, the host, and host populations. Wildlife diseases
are especially difficult to investigate. Adequate sampling in populations of
unknown size and structure becomes a problem. This is also true for rabies. t


Today rabies is widespread on all continents except Australia. The red fox
( Vulpes vulpes) is responsible for maintenance and spread of the disease in
northern and eastern North America, northern Asia, and in Europe. The
gray fox (Urocyon cinereoargenteus), where he exists, is also involved (Wink-
ler, 1975). In arctic areas Alopex lagopus replaces Vulpes in ecological as
well as in epidemiological respects (Crandell, 1975). In the American
Midwest and in California rabies is predominant in skunks (Mephitis
mephitis) (Parker, 1975). The raccoon (Procyon lotor) is the main host and
vector for rabies in Florida and southern Georgia (McLean, 1975). In Africa
domestic and wild canids (Rottcher and Sawchuk, 1978) and mongooses
(Snyman, 1953) are responsible for the disease. Mongooses (Herpestes sp.)
introduced to some Caribbean islands for snake control are now the main
reservoir there (Everard et al., 1974). In South and Central America
vampire bat (Desmodus rotundus) rabies is of economic importance because
of its transmission to cattle (Baer, 1975c). In North apd Central America
insectivorous bats are supporting a rabies epizootic which is independent
from terrestrial carnivore rabies (Baer, 1975b). In urban as well as in rural
areas of Africa, Asia, South- and Central America rabies in stray dogs is of
major concern. Several hundred human rabies cases reported every year to
WHO are mostly caused by dog bites (Steck, 1978).
Rabies incidence and regional prevalence are changing at different rates in
different areas. In Europe rabies used to be a serious problem in past

*Virology Division, Veterinary Bacteriology, University of Berne, Berne, Switzerland.

t Many statements made in this brief review are results of not yet published investigations made
in collaboration with Prof. Dr. F. Steck, Dr. Ch. Stocker, U. Hlifliger, and P. Bichsel.

Biogeographica, Vol. 18: The Red Fox, ed. by E. Zimen 237

© 1980, Dr. W. Junk bv Publishers, The Hague
centuries. It is peculiar that there are only very few reports from before
1900 mentioning rabies in wildlife (Kochlin, 1835). Possibly this is because
rabid foxes were of minor concern when compared to the more important
dog rabies. The widespread occurrence of urban rabies stimulated Louis
Pasteur to devote himself to rabies research. His well-known success was the
first approach to therapeutic immunization of man after exposure. Rabies
disappeared from Central Europe at the tum of the century, possibly due,
among other suspected reasons, to the fact that the stray dog problem was
brought under control at that time. During World War II a new epizootic
originated in northeastern Europe and spread west- and south-westward.
The frontwave penetrated into the Federal Republic of Germany in 1950,
reached Denmark in 1964, Austria, Belgium and Luxembourg in 1966,
Switzerland in 1967, France in 1968, the Netherlands in 1974 and Italy in
1977 (Wandeler et al., 1974; Kauker, 1975; Toma, 1978). Similar epizootic
waves of fox rabies have been observed in North America (Friend, 1968;
Johnston and Beauregard 1969; Tabel et al., 1974).


The spread of fox rabies has been described and analyzed in detail by
numerous authors (Moegle et al., 1974; Tabel et al., 1974; Kauker, 1975;
Bogel et al., 1976; Toma and Andral, 1977; for older publications see
Winkler, 1975). The most important features of fox rabies are:
1. The first rabies cases registered in newly invaded areas are almost
always foxes.
2. The frontwave moves into new areas with a speed of approximately
25-60 km/year. Much higher rates of movement have been observed in
Canada, when rabies moved from the arctic southward (Johnston and
Beauregard, 1969; Tabel et al., 1974).
3. Rivers, lakes, and higher mountains function as natural barriers. Rivers
are usually crossed where bridges are available.
4. Intensive fox control may also stop the spread of rabies (Miiller, 1971).
5. The case density in the frontwave center is very high. In areas with good
surveillance up to 2 rabid foxes per km2 per year are recovered.
6. Foxes constitute the majority (6(}-85%) of all diagnosed rabies cases.
7. In foxes grouped according to conditions under which the animals were
collected (found dead, killed because of abnormal behaviour, killed with
normal behaviour, killed by traffic, trapped) the proportion of rabid
ones is always higher than in similarly grouped .. categories of other
species (Wandeler et al., 1974).
8. The frontwave epizootic usually lasts not more than one or two years.
Rabies may become enzootic and stay for more years under special
topographic conditions.
9. Where rabies itself and fox control reduce fox population density below
a certain level, rabies disappears not only in foxes, but also in all other

10. An area that becomes free of rabies may be reinvaded after a few years
from adjacent endemic regions. This is explained by a rapid recovery of
fox populations during the rabies-free years.
Some remarks must be made about quantitive aspects, which were some-
what overemphasized in several papers. To give classical epidemiological
parameters, like prevalence rate or incidence rate on rabies is impossible at
present. We do not know size and densities of fox populations. We also have
no proof that our samples of this universe are representative and unbiased.
Nevertheless there are good indications that there is a strong relationship
between the rabies epizootic and fox population densities. In addition to the
statements made above, it should be noted that only the fox and the badger,
but no other species, are reduced in population density by the event of
There remains the question: How is it possible that a single species can be
responsible for spread and maintenance of a fatal disease? Parasites deleter-
ious enough to threaten elimination of hosts, also threaten to eliminate
themselves. The adaptation of rabies virus to the biology of its carnivore
host is unique in nature. Properties of the virus and the unusual
pathogenesis determine a good part of the epidemiology.

The virus

Rabies virus is a rhabdovirus. Other animal rhabdoviruses are: Vesicular

stomatitis virus, bovine ephemeral fever virus, Marburg virus, and a few less
important isolates from vertebrates and insects (Kundson, 1973; Fenner,
1976). They all have in common a bullet-shape, a membrane envelope with
surface projections, and a helical ribonucleoprotein capsid (Murphy, 1975}.
The genome is negative strand RNA (Sokol and Koprowski, 1975). The
dimensions of rabies virus particles are: length 180 nm, diameter 75 nm. The
antigen inducing rabies neutralizing antibodies in a host is a glycoprotein,
one of the three major proteins associated with the envelope (Dietzschold et
al., 1978}.
A small group of different viruses isolated from African mammals, man,
and insects is more closely related to rabies than the rest of the rhabdovir-
uses (Murphy, 1975; Fenner, 1976). Lagos bat, Mokola, Duvenhage,
Obodhiang, and Kotonkan viruses, and rabies virus, share common or
closely related nucleocapsid antigens (Shope, 1975). These neurotropic
viruses are assigned to different serotypes of the rabies serogroup. Classic
rabies virus is the most widespread among the rabies-related viruses.
In contrast to many other common viruses, rabies shows only very little
antigenic variation (Shope, 1975). Only monoclonal antibodies produced in
hybridoma cell cultures do sometimes discriminate between different isolates
and strains with different passage histories (Wiktor and Koprowski, 1978).
Different variants of rabies virus are characterized according to biological
properties such as virulence, pathogenicity, invasiveness, incubation period,
and duration and kind of clinical symptoms (Baer et al., 1977). All these

properties are difficult to characterize and to reproduce experimentally. Not
only origin, but also passage history, virus titer, defective interfering virus
particles and other interfering components in the inoculum and their forma-
tion in the initial phases of infection, may well influence the outcome of an
otherwise standardized inoculation. There is indication that many so-called
strains or substrains are genetically not uniform. Rabies virus genetics is still
poorly understood. All explanations of epidemiological particularities on the
basis of properties of assumed virus variants are therefore highly
Rabies virus, like all other viruses, needs living host cells in order to
replicate and survive. Extracellular virus is vulnerable to the detrimental
influence of physical and chemicai agents. It is sensitive to heat, ultraviolet
light and lipid solvents. It is relatively resistant to drying, freezing and
thawing, and relatively stable at pH values between 5 and 10. Rabies virus
keeps its infectivity when frozen at low temperature. Stabilizing factors (e.g.
certain polypeptides) may prevent the rapid inactivation of a virus suspen-
The tissues of an animal that has died from rabies loose their infectivity
according to their initial virus content and to the environmental influence.
All infectious virus may be gone within a few days in a body lying above
ground in summer; while infectivity can be maintained for weeks in a carcass
protected by cool dirt or in snow and ice.


After experimental intramuscular infection of different street rabies isolates,

first evidence of viral replication is found in nearby striated muscle cells
(Murphy, 1977; see this paper for older references). This is an important
source of virus for the invasion of the peripheral nervous system. The time
the virus spends in these muscle or in other cells before entering the nervous
system varies greatly; it may be a few days or several weeks. Murphy et al.
(1973) have shown that the nerve endings of neuromuscular and neurotendi-
nal spindles are a probable site for virus entry into the nervous system. The
transport of the virus genome from the periphery to the central nervous
system is within the axoplasm of nerve fibers, most likely by retrograde
axonal transport. In experimental infection the very rapid transport from the
periphery to the central nervous system can be stopped by cutting the nerve
innervating the site of inoculation, or by amputation of the inoculated leg
(Baer, 1975a, Baer and Cleary, 1972, Dean, Evans:-and McClure 1963).
Transport of virus by bloodstream from the site of initial replication to the
final target organs (central nervous system, salivary glands) does not occur in
rabies pathogenesis. Even late in the course of the disease when many
organs yield infectious virus, viremia is observed very seldom. By its peculiar
route within nerve fibers the virus does not stimulate any host immune
response, and if it is already stimulated, intracellular i.e. intraaxonal virus is
protected from antibody and immunocyte attacks.

Sensory nerves of the limbs and of the body enter the spinal cord via
dorsal root ganglia. This is also the route rabies virus genom takes in its
centripetal movement. Certainly, entry of virus into the central nervous
system is also possible in cranial nerves, if the virus has entered the body at
accordingly innervated sites. After reaching the spinal cord, its ascent to the
brain is only a matter of hours. Again it takes only a short period till all
parts of the brain are involved; the neocortex becoming infected relatively
weakly and late. The virus replicates primarily in neurons. Replication leads
to the formation of cytoplasmic inclusion bodies, consisting of large amounts
of viral nucleocapsid material. The cellular inclusions are seen as Negri
bodies by light microscopy. In infected neurons the virus buds primarily
from endoplasmic reticulum membranes. Apart from signs of virus replica-
tion not much cell damage can be seen by electron microscopy. But the
infected cells are functionally altered. The clinical course of the disease is
correlated with the spread and localisation of virus within the central
nervous system.
The infection of spinal cord and brain soon leads to a centrifugal move-
ment of virus to peripheral organs. Again, the transport of virus genome is
inside axons i.e. in the axoplasm of neurons. Despite the fact that rabies
virus is primarily neuronotropic, many peripheral organs do support virus
replication. In late stages of the disease virus can be demonstrated in skin,
bucal and nasal mucosa, adrenals, pancreas, striated muscles, myocardium
and occasionally also in other places. Most important for disease transmis-
sion is virus replication in salivary glands. Here, virus budding comes
primarily from the plasma membrane of the cell surface, and not from
internal membranes as in neurons. This way infectious virus is shed directly
into the ductuli of the gland and excreted with the saliva.

Transmission and susceptibility

Rabies is usually transmitted by bite, i.e. by intratissue inoculation. Rabies

virus penetration through intact skin does not occur, but infection through
mucous membranes is occasionally possible. Airborne infection has been
observed only under exceptional circumstances; for example, in caves har-
bouring large numbers of rabid bats (Constantine, 1967) or in laboratories
when virus aerosol was created purposely or accidently (Winkler et al.,
1972; Winkler et al., 1973). The susceptibility of all species so far exposed
to rabies aerosol seems to be quite high (see Winkler 1975b for references).
Infection by ingestion is also possible (Soave, 1966; Fischman and Ward,
1968; Correa-Giron et al., 1970; Bell and Moore, 1971; Ramsden and
Johnston, 1975). In this case, the virus has to penetrate oral mucosa (e.g. by
infecting taste buds); in the stomach it is inactivated by the gastric acid. All
species tested so far are much less susceptible to the oral than to the
intramuscular route of inoculation with street rabies virus. In our own
experiments foxes were approximately 100,000 times more resistant to oral
challenge than to intramuscular inoculation with Swiss fox isolates (to be

Street rabies virus infectivity is expressed as 50 per cent endpoint of a
titration of mouse intracerebral lethal doses (MICLD 50). One MICLD 50 is
the calculated dilution of a virus suspension which kills half of the in-
tracerebrally inoculated weanling mice in a titration experiment. Suckling or
weanling mouse brain is the most susceptible and reliable test system for
street rabies virus.
The virus dose needed to successfully infect 50 per cent of the inoculated
foxes was less than 5 MICLD50 in our own experiments (to be published)
with Swiss fox isolates inoculated into neck muscles. It was less than 5
MICLD50 in experiments with American fox and skunk isolates (Sikes 1962,
Sikes 1966, Parker and Wilsnack, 1966) inoculated into cervical muscles
also. Black and Lawson (1970) in Canada observed a 50 per cent endpoint
for foxes at about 16 MICLD 50 when the virus originating from foxes is
injected into gluteal muscles. In contrast to these results is an experience
described by Winkler et al. (1975). They were unable to induce disease in
foxes with 250 MICLD50 of a fox virus given into the gluteal muscle. These
differences may reflect the importance of the inoculation site for
The susceptibility of other species may partly explain epidemiological
observations. Sikes (1962, 1966) demonstrated marked species differences
in susceptibility to intramuscular injection of American street rabies isolates.
The calculated virus doses necessary to successfully infect 50% of the
inoculated animals was as follows: foxes 5 MICLD50 ; skunks 500 MICLD 50 ;
raccoons 1,000 MICLD50 , and opossums more than 80,000 MICLD50 • In
Parker and Wilsnack's (1966) experiments foxes and skunks were equally
susceptible to a skunk isolate. Unfortunately similar data for the European
mustelids are still missing.

Incubation period

The incubation period between exposure and first clinical symptoms is quite
variable. It depends on the site of virus entry into the body (cells supporting
virus replication, quantity and quality of nerve endings, distance to CNS)
and on properties of the inoculum (origin of virus, virus titer). In a study
published by Sikes (1962) the shortest incubation period of a fox inoculated
with fox salivary gland virus was 12 days; the longest was 109 days. Richards
(1962) reported incubation periods of 4 to 181 days in foxes inoculated with
a variety of different isolates from foxes, skunks, and dogs. Foxes inoculated
with skunk salivary gland virus showed incubation periods of 14 to 57 days
(Parker and Wilsnack, 1966). Atanasiu et al. (1970) observed incubation
periods in foxes inoculated with fox and bovine isolates ranging from 10
to 105 days. The time span between inoculation and death was 15 to 153
days in experiments published by Black and Lawson (1970). Three studies
(Sikes, 1962; Parker and Wilsnack, 1966; Black and Lawson, 1970) report
that the incubation period was inversely related to the amount of virus

Morbidity period and clinical symptoms

The period from the first observed clinical sign until death occurs is
relatively short in foxes. Sikes (1962) reported morbidity periods of 1 to 3
days, Parker and Wilsnack (1966) 1 to 17 days, Richards (1962) 5 to 13
days, and Atanasiu et al. (1970) 1 to 9 days. In all studies short morbidity
periods are common, while long ones are the exception.
The clinical symptoms are quite variable (Richards, 1962; Winkler,
1975a; Sykes-Andral, 1976). The observable disease in experimentally
infected foxes may begin with loss of appetite or sudden aggressiveness.
Hyperactivity, loss of activity pattern, tremor, hypersensitiveness, and in-
creased and abnormal sexual behaviour are other early symptoms. These
symptoms rarely last longer than just one or a few days. Hydrophobia, so
typical for the disease in humans, is rarely seen in animals. Convulsions and
paralysis (often ascending) are common late symptoms. They lead to death
almost without exception.
The disease in free-ranging foxes is poorly understood. Commemoratives
sent with animals to diagnostic laboratories do not tell the whole story
(Sykes-Andral, 1976). Of all the foxes found rabid by the Swiss rabies
center, only about i had been sent there because they showed aggressiveness,
or had quarrelled with domestic animals. Completely unknown are altera-
tions of other very important aspects of fox ethology, especially of social and
territorial behaviour. As long as these are unknown, interpretations of the
mechanisms leading to the spread of the disease within a fox society will
remain hypothetical.

Organ distn'"bution of virus and virus excretion

In rabid foxes, rabies virus antigen can be demonstrated with fluorescent

antibody in almost all organs (Debbie and Trimarchi, 1970). In our own
experimentally infected foxes (to be published) we regularly found substan-
tial amounts of infectious virus only in the brain, salivary glands, and nasal
mucosa. But it was found only irregularly at low titers in the adrenals and
pancreas, while skeletal muscle, intestines, heart, lungs, kidneys, liver, blood
and cerebrospinal fluid almost never yielded any demonstrable amount of
infectious virus. The concentration of infectious virus in most peripheral
tissues is usually too low to guarantee transmission by oral uptake. Naturally
infected foxes, badgers and stonemartens show about the same virus con-
centration in their brains, the median titers being around 100 MICLD 50 in
0.03 ml tissue homogenate. In 93% of 816 rabid foxes and in 83% of 82
rabid badgers we found virus in the salivary glands, with median titers of
103 ·4 and 103.5 MICLD50, respectively. In contrast, of 36 rabid stonemartens
only half of them had infected salivary glands and a low median titer of
101.5 MICLD50 (Wandeler et al., 1974). In Sikes' (1962) study, experimen-
tally infected foxes had demonstrable virus in their saliva only for 1 to 3
days before death. Foxes given a low virus inoculum had a longer incubation

period and the greatest percentage of saliva virus excretion during morbid-
ity. The same was found in another experiment by Parker and Wilsnack
(1966). Virus excretion a few days before clinical symptoms became appar-
ent has been found occasionally in dogs (Vaughn et al., 1965), cats (Vaughn
et al., 1963), and skunks (Sikes 1962). This period of preclinical virus
excretion may be longer in bats (Baer and Bales, 1967; Bell et al., 1969).
Unfortunately, adequate data on the duration of virus excretion by infected
foxes are missing. It is very unlikely that virus excretion begins long before
clinical symptoms become obvious. There is no salivary gland infection
without previous involvement of the brain. In 635 foxes shot in rabies
endemic areas in Switzerland, whose brains were negative for rabies, we
could not detect any virus in salivary glands (Wandeler et al., 1974).

Antibodies and nonfatal rabies

A measurable immune response of an infected host to rabies virus arises, if

at all, only very late in the course of the disease. Murphy (1977) has
specified the possible mechanisms keeping rabies antigen from stimulating
the host defence mechanisms at initial stages of the infection. Whether local
and systemic immune responses are involved in terminal phases of the illness
is still a point of controversy.
Rabies is usually fatal. Survivors with sequelae do occur under certain
experimental conditions (Bell 1964). Complete recovery is very rare in
observed naturally and experimentally infected animals. Survivors of clinical
disease do have high neutralizing antibody titers not only in serum, but also
in cerebrospinal fluid. Bell et al. (1971) did not find any animals which met
these criteria in a large sample of a dog population in rabies endemic
Argentina. Quite a few investigators found in sera of wild mammals (Sodja
et al., 1971; Everard et al., 1974; McLean, 1975; Price and Everard, 1977;
Carey and McLean, 1978) and in birds (Gough and Jorgenson, 1976) a high
frequency of what they interpreted as antibody against rabies. In our own
studies we compared in neutralization tests blood samples from 61 rabies-
negative foxes from rabies endemic areas with samples from 75 foxes from
an area free from rabies for the past 100 years. The frequency and quantity
of rabies neutralizing activity was not significantly different in the two
groups (Wandeler et al., 1974). We had the same experience with blood
samples of rodents and insectivores (to be published). But we never found
any rabies inhibiting activity in sera of wild caught foxes after they had been
held in captivity for several weeks. Inhibitors against rabies virus were also
demonstrated in Japan in sera of rabbits which neverhad had any contact
with rabies virus (Sekine and Yoshino, 1974).
Caution is therefore recommended in the interpretation of neutralizing
and hemagglutinating activity of wild animal sera. We feel that only very few
of the rabies negative foxes in our material had been actively immunized.
Whether they were survivors of clinically apparent disease is an open
question. Ramsden and Johnston (1975) found antibody in some foxes and
skunks which remained healthy after being fed with infected mice. It has

also been suspected that intratissue inoculation of street rabies may occa-
sionally lead to limited peripheral infection without the involvement of the
CNS (see Bell, 1975, for references). This is the mechanism inducing
immunity after injection of attenuated rabies viruses (Flury LEP and HEP,
ERA) into peripheral tissues.


Rabies in its incubation period meets the criteria for latency. Rabies virus
stays in a latent stage in the periphery for variable lengths of time before it
moves to the central nervous system. Nobody knows the mechanisms
keeping the virus genome intact, but silent in peripheral tissue. There also
arises the question whether the sudden invasion of the nervous system can
be initiated by external factors. Soave et al. (1961) and Soave (1964) suggest
such a possibility; but their experiments still need further confirmation.
The whole spectrum of varying incubation periods is of great influence on
the course of the epizootic. But in Europe it is rather unlikely that very long
incubation periods account for the reappearance of the disease in an area
after some years of absence.


A rabies reservoir outside the main carnivore host has often been post-
ulated, for theoretical reasons as well as for emotional motivations. Johnson
(1966) thought that sporadic cases in wildlife would indicate such a reser-
A reservoir host should be a symptomatic or asymptomatic carrier, able to
transmit the disease intra- and interspecifically. From observations made in
the course of epizootics, symptomatic carriers other than those already
known can be excluded. This statement is also true for rodents (Winkler,
Asymptomatic carriers were assumed among small mustelids, rodents, and
insectivores. We did not detect any signs of carrier state in mustelids
(Wandeler et al., 1974), rodents and insectivores (to be published). But
other investigators (Sodja et al., 1971; Sodja and Matouch, 1972a+b;
Schneider and Schoop, 1972) found that the brain (negative for rabies by
immunofluorescence), salivary glands, and/or brown fat of wild caught
rodents inoculated intracerebrally into weanling mice may occasionally
result in the isolation of rabies after several blind passages. Unfortunately
there is no way to prove that the final isolates really originate from the wild
rodents. The virus in its occult form is not transmitted, except maybe
vertically to offspring (by an unknown mechanism). Once it is apparent after
several blind passages, it is indistinguishable from classical rabies and
remains that way. In laboratories where rabies virus is not propagated,
investigators with the same method of blind-passaging for any virus in
rodents, have never isolated rabie~. We therefore suspect that at least our
own rabies isolate from a blind-passaged Apodemus salivary gland results

from a contamination. Even if the conclusion is valid, that rabies virus can
occur in an occult form in rodents, it is hard to imagine that this strange
phenomenon is of any importance for the fox rabies epizootic.

The spread of rabies within a fox population

By making reasonable assumptions on fox population parameters and using

the data on rabies in foxes it is possible to show in computer simulation that
the single species fox is well able to support and maintain a rabies epizootic
(Smart, 1970; Preston 1973). In contrast to the simplifying assumptions
necessary for models stands the complicated, dynamic, not fully understood
society of foxes. An adult pair (Sargeant, 1972) or one male plus several
females (MacDonald, 1977) seasonally share a family territory with their
young of the year. The half year-old subadults may emigrate and disperse,
being transient, non-territorial foxes for some time. Dispersal movements of
subadults, breeding beginning in mid-winter, and territory-defence through-
out the year may all be important factors of rabies epidemiology. There are
numerous possibilities for infectious contacts. An aggressive sick fox may
attack a healthy family member, a healthy territory owner may attack a sick
intruder, or a healthy fox may penetrate into the territory of his sick
neighbour. A healthy animal has to expose himself to the bites of a sick one
in order to become infected. These hypothetical examples should show that
an at random transmission to all social categories is not very likely. As a
matter of fact, age and sex composition of rabid foxes does not represent the
population structure and changes throughout the year. In a collective of
rabid foxes young individuals are underrepresented in summer, then their
occurrence increases inversely to the expected declining proportion in the
living population. (Wandeler et al., 1974).


The evaluation of virological and serological findings has raised at least as

many questions as it has answered. With caution some partially hypothetical
conclusions can be drawn.
Rabies virus shows adaptation to different hosts and may be divided into
variants with different biological properties. But rabies epidemiology seems
to be independent from antigenic variation, antigenic drift or shift, so
important for other infectious diseases. The relative antigenic uniformity
may be due to the lack of selection through immune individuals in the host
populations. -
The fox is one of the most susceptible species. He is easily infected by
bite. Infection by oral route is possible, but certainly not the rule in nature.
After an incubation period which usually lasts a few weeks, a fox becomes
sick and possibly aggressive. A very high proportion of the sick foxes
excretes virus in the saliva and is capable of infecting other animals. The
interpretation of our own serology data shows that most infected foxes die
from rabies. Immune individuals are therefore rare and do not influence the

further course of the epizootic. Other authors (Carey and MacLean, 1978)
take the opposite view. Immunity or any other ·acquired state of resistance
would favour the survival of older immune foxes in rabies epidemic areas.
An according shift in age structure has not been found in Canada (Johnston,
personal communication) or in Switzerland.
In most areas of Europe surveillance is good enough to reveal an almost
continuous movement of the epizootic, forwards and backwards, with vary-
ing speed, and staying in different areas for different lengths of time. Two
systems determine the character of the epizootic. One system is the virus
within the host, the other the host population. After a long incubation
period the virus causes a short period of morbidity and virus excretion, and a
disease characterized by behavioural and nervous disorders. For transmis-
sion by bite there must be contacts between individuals. These depend on
the social structure of the population, and on the social use of space, which
may be altered by density. In spring and summer rabies has to be transmit-
ted from territory to territory or within territories; in fall and winter the
disease may be brought over larger distances by dispersing subadults and
young adults.


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using ingested baits. J. Wild!. Dis. 11: 382-388.

K. Bagel* and H. Moeglet

During the past 10 years much data on fox ecology has been obtained within
the WHO/F AO Coordinated Research Programme on Wildlife Rabies in
Europe. Scientists in a number of European countries have studied the
interaction between fox populations, rabies, and control measures under
different topographical conditions. Moreover, the role of other wild carni-
vores and the effect of rabies and fox population control on these species, as
well as on small game and rodents, have been investigated (Moegle et al.,
1971, Muller, 1971, Wandeler et al., 1974(a) and (b)). In some European
countries these research projects were supplemented by ecological studies
on the composition and annual turnover of stable fox populations after
reduction by rabies and control measures (Bagel et al., 1974, Lloyd et al.,
1976, Wandeler et al. (c), 1974). Special studies using electronic data
processing dealt with the characteristics of the spread of wildlife rabies in
the former administrative area of Siidwiirttemberg-Hohenzollern and two
adjacent districts (Stockach and Uberlingen) of the Land Baden-
Wiirttemberg, Federal Republic of Germany (Bagel et al., 1976).
Whereas all results of the WHO coordinated research were assessed in a
comprehensive way at the 2nd European Conference on the Surveillance
and Control of Rabies in 1977, this presentation summarizes data of
particular interest to those concerned with fox ecology.
The improvement of rabies surveillance for adequate postexposure treat-
ment in man and development of control measures called for intensive
ecological studies of fox population dynamics and behaviour, which, how-
ever, had often to be confined to limited and relatively small study areas.
Territorial behaviour could be investigated by observation of individual
animals in a fox family. Details on contacts between foxes of adjacent
territories and on contact rates during migration remained largely unknown
to us. More knowledge, in this respect, could be helpful in our efforts to
improve rabies control operations. Another area which we are presently
investigating concerns natural barriers for the spread of rabies. Again fox
ecology and behaviour is the key to the answer to many open questions.
However, as in many areas of disease control, much data on the ecological
basis of patterns, difficult to study in nature, have been obtained through
epidemiological investigation, including successes and failures of control
measures. Theories and plans for countrywide strategies for the control of

*Veterinary Public Health, World Health .Organization, Geneva, Switzerland.

t Referat Veteriniirwesen, Regierungspriisidium, Nauklerstrasse 47, 74 Tiibingen, Federal
Republic of Germany.

Biogeographica, Vol. 18: The Red Fox, ed. by E. Zimen 251

© 1980, Dr. W. Junk bv Publishers, The Hague
epidemics have often be~n assessed by a test-and correct procedure under
field conditions. Large scale studies on the reservoir species of diseases often
include investigation of epidemiological patterns. Conclusions drawn from
such observations have subsequently to be supported by ecological studies in
selected and relatively small areas.
Without doubt there is, particularly in wildlife, an important mutual
contribution to ecology by direct studies of the animal species involved and
of epidemics spread by these species under different conditions. Distances
between cases recorded and the recovery of populations following reduction
by rabies and control measure are typical examples.
This leads us to the specific question of the spread of rabies and its
relation to fox ecology.
Wildlife rabies invaded Baden-Wiirttemberg in 1957, coming from the
north and spreading in a large front to the south (Fig. 1). In our first study
we tried to explore the relation between the density of the fox population
and the frequency of rabies. For an estimate of the fox population density
we use the number of annually shot foxes per km 2 given by the hunting
statistics. Experience in various parts of Europe shows that this "indicator
value" can be applied despite all reservations, if it refers to areas of about
2,000 km. For the State of Baden-Wiirttemberg, we plotted the indicator
values of fox population density and the frequency of rabies over the course
of several years. The area was subdivided into zones of homogeneous
topographic character with an average size of 5,000 km 2 •
Figure 2 shows the frequency of rabies and the fox density in the
north-eastern part of Baden-Wiirttemberg, first invaded by rabies.
There is evidence that rabies alone caused in this area a sharp decrease of
the fox population, a decrease of more than 50%. Gassing of fox dens
caused a further reduction to a level of 0.2 shot foxes per km 2 • Rabies

{ Rhinczlond-


Fig. 1. Surveillance of the Fox Population in Rabies Control- Study Areas in Baden-


1 l l

0,5-----___.;:,__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.,.(_ _ __

1956 1960 1965 1969

-Foxes shot per km 2

---- Rabid foxes per 10 km 2
!H Gassing operations
H~ Incomplete gassing operations

Fig. 2. Area A- Eastern part of North Baden (3 168 km 2 ).

disappeared from the area. The fox population recovered in the following
years, and in 1971 new outbreaks of rabies occurred in the area. Neverthe-
less, owing to gassing operations, rabies-free intervals of several years could
be recorded.
As the main result of this study we defined for our region a level of fox
population density of 0.2 to 0.3 foxes per km2 - deduced from hunting
records and actual population data- at which rabies disappears.
Another method of comparison between fox density and frequency of
rabies is shown in Fig. 3. We compared the fox population density and the
frequency of rabies in all 62 counties of Baden-Wiirttemberg. For this
purpose we determined for each county the indicator values of the popula-
tion density at the time of the first outbreak of rabies, whereas the frequency
of rabies is calculated as average frequency over the first 3 years of the
infection (Fig. 3).
There is a positive correlation between rabies frequency and the indicator
value of the fox population density, the correlation-coefficient being 0.52.
The line of regression cuts the x-axis at a population density value of about
0.3. This indicates that rabies does probably not enter an area with a lower
density of the fox population.
In further studies we investigated the pattern of the spread of rabies in
our area. We therefore used the possibilities of electronic data processing at
WHO, Geneva. We recorded all 2,822 cases of animal rabies in our
district- a district with a size of 11,000 km2 - from 1963, if when rabies
entered the area in the north, until rabies reached the southern border in
We collected the following data: date of diagnosis in the laboratory,
animal species, and localization of the cases defined by the coordinates of
the centre of the community where the animal was found.

l.llf ( 62 districts of Baden-Wurttamberg)

111.12 •

i 111.1111
& I.IB
0 I.Bif


1.2111 111.&111 III.BIII 1.111111 1.21 I. 'Ill L&l I.BB 2.11
Number of foxes shot par km2 and year (HI PO)

Fig. 3. Regression of the frequency of animal rabies with respect to the hunting indicator of fox
population density (HIPD). (62 counties of Baden-Wiirttemberg).

The first question we tackled concerned the distance of new cases of

rabies from the preceding cases, and the time interval between the cases. A
simple question, but it took us some time to develop a computer-adapted
method which would define a frontline of an epidemic and provide a
satisfactory answer to our questions.
Considering the clearly preferred direction of spread from north to south,
we could define frontlines of the disease by linking the most southern cases
of rabies on a map. Figure 4 shows a computer print of the study area. Each
character means a community. The lines indicate the frontlines of the
disease at different times. The analysis of our calculation procedure revealed
that it was not necessary to define a new frontline every time a new case
occurred. We fixed the frontlines for each month. Thus we could check the
distance of each new case from the frontline of the preceding month, and
define the mean distances of these cases from the frontline at a distinct time.
Table 1 shows the distances of new cases of rabies from the frontline.
93.4% of all new cases occurred at a distance of less than 10 km beyond the
frontline. The greatest distance of a new case from the frontline was
20.5 km.
The slopes of mean and maximum distances of new cases from the
frontline showed a characteristic cyclic pattern over the year (Fig. 5). The
annual cycle of the frequency of wildlife rabies is well known, so it was
reasonable to compare both cycles. Both curves show a similar course.
However, the distance of new cases from the frontline begins to increase



100 ~



0 22.5 12 67.5 112.5 133


Fig. 4. Southward spread of rabies in the study area in the southern part of the Federal
Republic of Germany. (Frontline drawn on a computer print-out for the situation on 31
October 1966.)

clearly before the increase of rabies frequency in the autumn (Fig. 6). The
increase of frequency in the autumn, therefore, appears to be the result of
the increasing velocity of spread, not its cause. Field observations support
this statement.
We had three zones of different density of fox population and of different
frequency of rabies in our study area (Table 2), namely the sub-areas:
A. Black Forest: low density of fox population
B. Suebian Jura: medium density
C. Pre-alpine zone: high density

Table 1. Distance of new rabies cases from the frontline of the previous

Distance from the frontline in km

New cases
o-5· 5-10 10-15 15-20 20
Number 238 115 20 5 3
Percentage 66.4 27.0 4.7 1.2 0.7
a Upper limit included.

,~ i
I \ I
,A ,..1\\ II
I ....,
I\ I \ I
I l I
I \ I
I l I \I
, I l I V
\ I l I
10 \ I
l I



Fig. 5. Observed mean (solid line) and maximum (broken line) distances of new rabies cases
from the frontline of the preceding month.

7 14
I t2

, .........._ _

3 ~-----. . . ./ :1...
2 - 4 .


0 ~--L-~M~~A--~M--~~--~A--SL--OL-~N~~D~O

Fig. 6. Mean distance of rabies cases recorded ahead of the monthly determined frontline (solid
line) and rabies cases as a percentage of all 2,822 cases recorded from 1963 to 1971 (broken

Table 2. Frequency and distance of rabies cases in zones of different indicator values for the
density of fox populations

A B c
"Black Forest" "Swabian Jura" "Pre-alpine area"

HIPD" 0.7 1.1 1.5

Frequency of rabiesh 0.044 0.051 0.065
Distance of new casesc 4.98 4.71 4.70

• HIPD =Hunting indicator of Population Density: foxes shot per km 2 per year.
b Average number of recorded cases of rabies in animals per km 2 and per year.
c Mean distance in km of new cases ahead of the monthly determined frontline.

The differences between the rabies frequencies of these areas are statistically
significant. There is no difference in the mean distances of new cases beyond
the frontline. This result is also verified by several field observations and was
postulated in 1970 by French authors, based on theoretical considerations.
Another question of interest is the role of the different animal species in
the spread of rabies. From the distribution of the different species before
and behind the frontline, we can deduce that no other species than the fox
apparently plays a significant role in the spread of the disease before the
frontline. Ahead of the frontline foxes accounted for 97.2% of all animals
found rabid as compared to 79.8% behind the frontline.
Let us try to recapitulate:
1. The frequency of animal rabies and the density of the fox population are
correlated, the co-efficient being 0.52. Rabies disappears from an area or
will not enter when the fox density (estimated by hunting records) falls
short of 0.2-0.3 foxes shot annually per km 2 •
2. The spread of wildlife rabies shows a distinct pattern. The mean distances
of cases per month does not seem to depend on fox population density,
nor on the frequency of rabies. The increase of the distance of new cases
from the frontline precedes the increase in rabies frequency; the increas-
ing distance between cases appears to be the cause of the increase of case
frequency and not its result.
3. Animals other than the fox do not play a significant role in the spread of
the disease beyond the frontline.
Our findings suggest that a more detailed recording and computer analysis
will, in the future, become an important contribution to two areas of public
health significance, namely:
The strategy of rabies control and fox protection, taking into considera-
tion the role of foxes in the frontwave of an epidemic; and
The improvement of post-exposure treatment in man, taking into consid-
eration the seasonal pattern of distances between rabies cases in nature.


WHO/F AO coordinated research on wildlife rabies in Europe has contri-

buted much to our understanding of fox ecology. Studies on the turnover

and recovery of fox populations and the migration and territorial behaviour
of individual foxes were supplemented by data on distances between ob-
served cases by time and space, and on the seasonal pattern of case
frequency and the spread of the epidemic into new territories.
Further research on fox behaviour appears to be useful in order to
improve and support new strategies which are being developed for the
control of the disease through the establishment of healthy fox populations.
Measures will be well aimed and limited by space and time, according to the
epidemiological pattern. The further reduction of the risk of exposure to
man and protection of the animal populations (which are the principal
victims of rabies) shall remain the major objectives of the internationally
coordinated research.


Bogel, K., Arata, A. A., Moegle, H. and Knorpp, F. 1974. Recovery of reduced fox
populations in rabies control. Zbl. Vet.-Med. B21: 401-412.
Bogel, K., Moegle, H., Knorpp, F., Arata, A., Dietz, K. and Diethelm, P. 1976. Characteristics
of the spread of a wildlife rabies epidemic in Europe. Bull. Wid Hlth Org. 54: 433-447.
Lloyd, H. G., Jensen, B., van Haaften, J. L., Niewold, J. J., Wandeler, A., Bogel, K. and Arata,
A. A. 1976. Annual turnover of fox populations in Europe, Zbl. Vet.-Med. B 23: 580-589.
Moegle, H., Knorpp, F. and Bogel, K. 1971: Einfluss der Begasung der Fuchsbaue auf die
Fuchsdichte und die Wildtollwut in Baden-Wiirttemberg. Berl. Munch. tieriirztl. Wschr. 84:
437-441 (English summary: WHO Wkly Epidem. Rec. No. 5 (1972) 49.
Miiller, J. 1971: The effect of fox reduction on the occurrence of rabies. Observation from two
outbreaks of rabies in Denmark. Bull. Off. int. Epiz. 75: 763-776.
Wandeler, A., Wachendorfer, G., Forster, U., Krekel, H., Schale, W., Miiller, J. and Steck, F.
(1974a): Rabies in wild carnivores in Central Europe. I. Epidemiological studies. Zbl.
Vet.-Med. B 21: 735-756.
Wandeler, A., Wachendorfer, G., Forster, U., Krekel, H., Miiller, J. and Steck, F. (1974b):
Rabies in wild carnivores in Central Europe. II. Virological and serological examinations.
Zbl. Vet.-Med. B 21: 757-764.
Wandeler, A., Wachendorfer, G., Forster, U., Krekel, H., Schale, W., Miiller, J. and Steck, F.
(1974c): Rabies in wild carnivores in Central Europe. Ill. Ecology and biology of the fox in
relation to control operations. Zbl. Vet.-Med. B 21: 765-773.

M. Artois* and L. Andral*


The aims, methods and format of analyses of data obtained in a study of the
population dynamics of the fox of relevance to the occurrence of rabies in
foxes in France are described, together with some preliminary results.
The purpose of this report is to describe the materials and methods used in
the pursuit of this study from 1975-78. Analyses of data are as yet
incomplete but some preliminary results are given.
It is not known whether or not rabies is transmitted as readily and
persistently by foxes of different age groups and sex. In order to promote a
more effective fox control campaign in rabies-free areas ahead of the disease
front-for prevention of spread of rabies-investigations on the role of foxes
of different ages and sex in rabies transmission were undertaken. In addi-
tion, selectivity of the currently available control methods on the different
components of a fox population were studied.
In order to provide an understanding of the population dynamics of the
fox, the relative abundance, the age structure, sex ratios and reproduction of
fox populations were examined in three areas, viz
a. The rabies-free area in advance of the rabies infected zone.
b. The area where rabies in foxes was prevalent in the newly infected
frontal zone.
c. The area in the wake of the frontal zone where the disease was less
intense but intermittently persistent.

The heads of wild and domestic animals suspected of rabies are sent from all
parts of France, except the region around Paris, to CNER* for rabies
diagnosis. Animals implicated in a biting or scratching incident are diag-
nosed elsewhere. The National Defence Office has seconded "veterinaires

*Centre National d'Etudes sur Ia Rage, Ministere de !'Agriculture, Direction de Ia Qualite,

Services Veterinaires, B.P. no 9-54220 Malzeville, France.

Biogeographica, Vol. 18: The Red Fox, ed. by E. Zimen 259

© 1980, Dr. W. Junk bv Publishers, The Hague
biologistes" to the Veterinary Service Offices in each department through-
out France. Many have assisted CNER by conducting autopsies on entire
fox carcases sent to their laboratories, before severing the head for despatch
to CNER. In addition they have examined some foxes which were not
suspected of being rabid, and they have also collected information on the
annual number of foxes killed by Federal Gamekeepers.
During the period of study from 1975-78 inclusive, about 2,000 foxes
have been examined for rabies diagnosis and age determination (among the
whole of foxes submitted for rabies diagnosis).


Abundance and fluctuations in number of foxes. The number of foxes

known to have been killed in 12 surveillance areas have provided a measure
of relative abundance, in some cases, over the entire 4 year period of study.
Unfortunately, none of the surveillance areas has been traversed by the
advancing rabies front, and the work will need to be extended to observe the
effects of rabies on abundance of foxes in newly infected areas. This method
based upon an index of number of adults killed in quadrats covering
different habitats allows, however, interesting comparisons between different
Rabies diagnosis. Diagnosis is made in brain tissue by the fluorescent
antibody test using Ammon's horn impression slides, and by the inoculation
test using laboratory albino mice.
Age determination. Heads received for rabies diagnosis have been aged by
the cementum annulation technique in decalcified canine teeth according to
the method described by Jensen and Nielsen (1968).
Sex determination. Except where a fox has been examined at autopsy by our
collaborators at the Departmental Veterinary Service Offices, the sex of
heads received is dubious or not known. To resolve this examination of cells
of the brain, tissue for sex chromatin (found only in females) has been
carried out. using Harris haematoxylin on Ammon's horn impression slides.


Rabies, age structure and sex ratios. For each Region foxes diagnosed as
positive or negative for rabies are classed into 4 age groups, 0-1; 1-2; 2-3;
and over 3 years old. Where possible these data are further subdivided
according to sex. Seasonal fluctuations in the sex ratios of rabid and
nonrabid foxes are noted and possible bias of methods of capture upon sex.
The sex ratio of embryos is also noted.
Reproduction. From 1976-78 inclusive, 249 vixens have been examined.
Placental scars were visible in 180 vixens; 57 vixens were pregnant and of
these 22 were in the last third of the 52-53 day gestation period. Data are

analysed to determine the monthly proportion of females pregnant. Fecun-
dity is noted by counts of corpora lutea, fertility by the number of embryos
counted from implantation to full term, and birth litter size is estimated
from the number of embryos observed in the later stages of gestation.
Variation in mean weights of ovaries are measured to reflect sexual
activity in non-pregnant vixens, and placental scars are used as information
complementary to that obtained by direct observations of pregnant vixens.
Onset of pregnancy and dates of parturition are obtained by extrapolation
from the stages of gestation estimated by the weights of the embryos.
Unlike Englund (1970) who classed placental scars into 6 groups accord-
ing to their intensity, only 3 classes of intensity were noted in this study, The
mean numbers of corpora lutea a~d embryos and placental scars have been
compared. As far as possible all the available data on reproduction are
examined according to year, region and age of the vixen. The proportions of
nonproductive (sterile or barren) vixens was estimated from the proportions
of adult vixens without placental scars in the post-breeding season.


Relative abundance. Preliminary analyses reveal that population levels

estimated from bounties and hunting records are surprisingly low varying
from one fox per 150 to 1,000 ha. These data are incompatible with
estimates made in other ways, e.g. by spot light counts at night, and a
re-examination of the data is required
Age of foxes and rabies. Rabies is less prevalent among foxes less than 1
year old than among older animals. The dispersal movements of these young
animals at the onset of winter, are, however, of considerable importance in
the long distance progression of the disease, and it seems that they are of
greater significance to the seasonal spread of the disease rather than to its
prevalence in an area.
Reproduction. Prelimin'ary results indicate that most vixens give birth in the
last fortnight in March, the mean number of (dark) placental scars repres-
enting live births is 4.5 and the proportion of non-productive vixens is low,
at 5% in 1976. These and other data are very similar to results obtained by
other workers in western and central Europe. All data are or will be
subjected to statistical analyses.


Preliminary analyses indicate that the results of this study will complement
and add significantly to investigations conducted in Europe (Lloyd et al.,
1976) and Ontario (Johnston and Beauregard, 1969). In addition, the effects
of some methods of control on fox populations, and rabies on population
structures will be elucidated. Such information will be of value in rabies
modelling and computer simulation programmes. (Copies of the final report
will be available on request).


I am indebted to H. G. Lloyd (Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food,

Powys, U.K.) for help in the translation of this paper and also to E.
Bertolotti et M. J. Duchene.


Englund J. 1970. Some aspects of reproduction and mortality rates in Swedish foxes (Vulpes
vulpes), 1961-63 and 1966-69. Viltrevy,1970, 8, n° 1; 2-82.
Fairley J. S. 1970. The food, reproduction, form, growth and development of the fox Vulpes
vulpes L. in north-east Ireland. Proc. R. Irish Acad., 1970, 69 B; 103-137.
Jensen B. and Brunberg Nielsen L. 1968. Age determination in the red fox (Vulpes vulpes L.)
from canine tooth section. Danish Rev. Game Bioi., 1968, 5 no 6; 3-15.
Johnston D. H. and Beauregard M. 1969. Rabies epidemiology in Ontario. Bull. Wildlife Diss.
Assoc., 1969, 5; 357-370.
Lloyd H. G., Jensen B., Van Haaften J. L., Niewold F. J. J., Wandeler A. Bogel K., and Arata
A. A. 1976. Annual turnover of fox populations in Europe. Zbl. Veter. Med., 1976, 23

G. Wachendorfer and J. W. Frost*


Since the beginning of World War II the epizootic of sylvatic rabies has
spread from a focus south of Kaliningrad: (a) southwards into Czecho-
slovakia, Hungary, Yugoslavia and Romania; (b) westwards through the
Democratic and Federal Republics of Germany into Denmark (invaded for
the third time in Sept. 1977), Belgium, Luxembourg, Austria, Switzerland,
France, the Netherlands, and Northern Italy; (c) eastwards into USSR
(Fig. 1).
In the period 1972 to 1976 in 11 central European countries 63,672 cases
in animals were reported: 82 per cent in wildlife and 18 percent in domestic
animals (Fig. 2). Foxes accounted for 73.6 per cent of all cases. In this area
the fox maintains the chain of infection. Other wild carnivores, if at all, play
only a secondary role. Dogs (3.1 per cent) and cats (4.4 per cent) were
important transmitters between wildlife and man. Since 1972 there has been
a sharp increase of the epizootic in most of the affected countries, especially
in Austria, Belgium, the Democratic and Federal Republics of Germany,
and France. Nineteen cases were reported in man, of which 10 were infected
outside of central Europe (Wachendorfer, 1977).
Some figures exist, which throw light on the so called "dark number" of
cases in wildlife. In the Federal Republic of Germany the highest incidence
of rabies was observed in 1976. In the state of Hesse an average of 11.7
cases per 100 km2 was recorded (Fig. 3). It is estimated that the infected fox
populations are reduced by the disease to 8~0 per cent (WHO-Report,
1973; Wandeler et al., 1974a; Stellmann et al., 1974). Presuming an average
population density of 3 to 4 foxes per km2 , a factor of approximately 10 to
20 seems to be justified in calculating the number of actual cases in wildlife.
At least during an acute outbreak, this gives more precise information
concerning the true incidence of rabies under field conditions (Farrenkopf,
1977; v. Braunschweig, 1976; Wachendorfer, 1977).


The ecological equilibrium in central Europe has been upset for decades in
favour of the fox. From hunting records analysed in Denmark it can be
concluded that since the beginning of the century the fox population has
increased two- to fourfold. For ;this exist various reasons, such as for

*State Veterinary Investigation Laboratory, Frankfurt/Main, FRG.

Biogeographica, Vol. 18: The Red Fox, ed. by E. Zimen 263

© 1980, Dr. W. Junk bv Publishers, The H~gue

-- . ' .
Taylor 11976 I . modified
Fig. 1. Spread of sylvatic rabies in Europe 1940-1977.

instance the elimination of the natural enemies of the fox, the decrease in
fox hunting- especially after World War II- and changes in agriculture
(Steck, 1975). Thus a population density was attained providing ideal
conditions for the perpetuation of the infection.
In the past years as a result of the 1st European WHO-Conference on the
Surveillance and Control of Rabies in 1968 the epizootiological situation of
sylvatic rabies in central Europe intensively was studied within the
framework of a multinational FAO/WHO coordinated research program. In
this report only the most eminent results can be presented which were
obtained by working groups in Denmark, Czechoslovakia, Switzerland, and
the Federal Republic of Germany.
It was confirmed that only the red fox maintains the chain of infection.
Other wild-living animals including all species of carnivores living in central
Europe, play only a secondary role or none at all. In study areas the red fox
accounted for 62.2 to 78.7 per cent of recorded rabies cases found in
animals (Fig. 4). Dogs and cats represented only 0.4 to 8.4 per cent of the
cases and are considered as an overspill from sylvatic rabies. Sequences of



Country cases
16 coo
-"' in animals
c: 14 coo AUT 3903
"' BEL 179
12 coo CZE 2 450
"'....... DEU 24 507
10 coo
Q. DDR 6242
FRA 10 547
..."' 8COO HUN 2 877
"''-' LUX 1.38

0 6COO NET 50

POL 6505
4 coo SWI 5 674

1972 1973 1974 1975 1976

Total 63 672 cases in animals

19 cases in man I 10 imported I

Wildlife 82 'Jo domestic 18 'Jo

foxes 73. 6 'lo dogs 3. 1 'lo
others 9. 0 'lo cats 4. 4 'lo
farm animals 9. 9 'lo Wachendorfer 1977

Fig. 2. Sylvatic rabies in Central Europe 1972- 1976. Pattern I.

infection in dogs or cats are very rare in our region and if they occur consist
only of very few cases (Steck, 1975). The compulsory vaccination of dogs in
infected countries like Switzerland and Denmark prevents rabies in this
species almost completely and thus reduces human exposures significantly
(Fig. 5). Cases of rabies in other species, except in ungulates (especially
cattle and deer), are seldom. These and other non-predatory animals are not
involved in distributing the disease. To our present knowledge bats- in
contrast to the Americas - are not included in the cycle of infection.
Now let us briefly mention some additional facts emphasizing the role of
the fox as sole expansor of the epidemic: If the population density is below
0.2 to 0.3 foxes hunted per km2 and year, rabies will extinguish or will not




Cases 100 SQ I km

0 0
181 0,1 - 2,5
8 2, 6 - 5,0
FJl 5,1 - 10,0
• >10

Farrenkopt 11911!

Fig. 3. Distribution of rabies in The Federal Republic of German}'_l976. Density of cases

recorded. ·

invade such an area (Moegle et al., 1971, 1974, 1977; Wandeler et al.,
1974c; Bagel et al., 1976).
A computer analysis of case data from Baden-Wiirttember g resulted in
information on speed, tendency of spread and seasonal variation confirming
the role of the fox in epidemiology (Bagel et al., 1976). In this study more
than 97 per cent of rabid animals ahead of the monthly drawn front line

Tot a I Period
Denmark 237 1964/65, 1969/70 I
Hesse 14143 1954 - 1977 2)
Switzerland 8494 1967 - 1977 3)

Wi I d I i I e i n 'fo Domestic i n ,.
Denmark Hesse Switzerland Denmark Hesse Switzerland
Foxes 78.4 62.2 78. 7 cattle 6.0 6.4 3.1
Roe- deer 2.5 12.8 4. 6 cats 5.1 8.4 3.4
Mustelids 3.0 2. 7 6.7 Dogs 0.4 4.4 0.4
other other domestic
---- 0. 8 0.2
4. 6 2.3 2.9

To I a I 83.9 78.5 9o.2 16.1 21.5 9. 8

1l MOller , Copenhagen
2> Communicable Disease Statistics of GFR
3> Steck , Bern

Fig. 4. Distribution of rabies among wild and domestic animals in Denmark, Hesse and

were foxes compared with about 80 per cent behind (Fig. 6). It could also be
shown by this analysis, that the percentage of infected mustelids is definitely
higher at the end of the epizootic (Bagel et al., 1976; Moegle et al., 1977).
However, there exist hints for rare and limited cycles of infection within the
mustelids. These mustelids cycles come to an end after fox rabies is
eliminated (Bagel et al., 1977). An explanation for this self-limitation is the
fact, that mustelids excrete significantly less infectious virus with their saliva
than the fox.
The rabies epizootic follows a clear seasonal pattern, which results from
the social behaviour and population dynamic of the fox. Two peaks can be
discerned (Fig. 7), the spring peak, being caused by the mating period with
its high contact rate. The shallower peak in autumn seems to be due to the
high population density and to the young foxes striving for their own home
range. Cases in other species follow this pattern with a small lag period with
the exception of cattle, where the spring peak is missing because of stabling
during winter time (Kauker et al., 1963; Rojahn, 1977).
The observed increase of rabies already in August suggests, that cubs of
less than 5 month of age may play a role in epidemiology (Bagel et al.,
1976). The mean distance of migration for the frontline of the epizootic is
approximately 5 km per month (Moegle et al., 1977).
For the perpetuation of the infection multiplication of rabies virus in the
salivary glands and the subsequent excretion with saliva are essential (Dierks
et al., 1969). Optimal conditions for the survival of the virus exist apart from
ecological factors, if the diseased animal excretes infectious virus for a
certain time in amounts sufficient for the provocation of new infections
(Sikes, 1962). These prerequisites are fulfilled in particular by the fox.


Fig. 5. Species of animals responsible for post-exposure treatment in man.

Other Other Total

Area/Period Dogs Cats Cattle domestic animals % Foxes Mustelids Roe-deer wildlife Absolute figures= 100%

Southern Hesse
1953-1975 22.4 17.2 15.1 1.9 23.7 - 16.4 2.6 232

1972 16.0 14.8 13.0 27.8 17.8 1.8 8.3 0.6 169

1967-1977 2.0 75.0 - - 12.0 11.0 - 254

Wachendi:irfer and Frost 1978

Observed cases
ahead I behind
Species frontline*
n = 426 n = 2396
o/o o/o

Foxes 97.2 79.8

Roe deer 1.4 7.3
Badgers 0.5 2. 3
Martens -- 2.1
Other wildlife -- 0. 2

Cats 0. 7 2. 3
Dogs 0.2 2. 1
Other domestic -- 4.0

* Frontline determined for each preceding month

Bagel et aI. (1976) modified

Fig. 6. The role of different animal species in the spread of rabies. Study area (size
11,273 sq/km) in the southern part of the Federal Republic of Germany, 1963-1971.

Virological studies in Switzerland demonstrated, that virus production in

salivary glands was only accompanied by infection of the brain. In 93 per
cent of the rabid foxes and in 83 per cent of rabid badgers the virus could
also be isolated from the salivary gland (Wandeler et al., 1974b). On the
other hand, only in SO per cent of rabid stonemartens infectious virus could
be isolated from the salivary glands, the median titre being 2log10 MLD 50
lower than in foxes and badgers. Thus the high susceptibility of the fox for
rabies virus (Sikes, 1966) together with the regular formation of large
amounts of infectious virus in the salivary glands may be the most important
factors in maintaining sylvatic rabies in our fox population.
Now we must question ourselves, why only the fox acts as vector and virus
reservoir during the present epizootic and other wild-living predators do
not. This problem was studied by our working group in form of adaptation
trials. A rabies virus isolate from the fox was passaged eight times by the
intramuscular route in weasels (Mustela nivalis) and European hamsters

_ __._Foxes
- - - R o e deer
r·""\.\ lti

· · · · · · · · · · ·Cats and Dogs 15

i \

\ 14
I \ 13

I 12

II ,.


6 6

\ I "
\._ I

or---~---r--~----~--4---~---+----~-+---~--~ o
Jan. Febr. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct Nov. Dec.
Rojahn 1977
Fig. 7. Frequency of rabies in different animal species per month. Federal Republic of
Germany, 1955-1975.

(Cricetus cricetus) (Fig. 8). The fast increase of infectious virus in the brains
of the weasels and the centrifugal spread into salivary glands indicated a
rapid adaptation of the fox isolate to this species. From the fifth passage on,
however, duration and quantity of virus formation decreased suggesting
insufficient conformation with the new host. Possibly this is one of the
reasons why under field conditions independant cycles have not developed
in this species.
The European hamsters proved to be rather resistant to infection with
rabies virus. Infectious titres from salivary glands were usually low and in 56

weasels n • 34 hamsters n • 42

:;::; ~
ad 4.0 .,.,.•... 'e--•...... ""
• 1 •brain
i ' I

3.0 ' I
"'2 2.0

a 1.0
8 0
4 6 2 4 6 8
passages passages
replication of virus in salivary gland in 23 out of 28 weasels with clin. symptoms I· 82 "'I
11 out of 25 hamsters with clin. symptoms I ·44 "'I FOrster 1975
~ geometric mean
FDrster et al. 1978
Fig. 8. Concentration of a fox isolate of rabies virus in brain and salivary gland of weasels and
European Hamsters during 8 passages.

per cent no virus at all could be detected. This is the reason why hamsters
have no epidemiological relevance.
Intensive search for rabies in small rodents has already shown, that they
are not directly involved in the rabies epizootic. Rabid mice with high titres
of infectious virus in brain, salivary glands or brown fat, as it is in the case in
other animals and in laboratory infected mice, have not been detected
among the many rodents examined in France, Hesse, and Switzerland
(WHO-Report, 1972; Steck, 1975; Forster et al., 1977).
On the other hand, in Czechoslovakia (Sodja et al., 1971; 1972) and in
the Federal Republic of Germany (Schneider et al., 1972; Schoop, 1977)
virus isolates were obtained from rodents after serial blind passages in
suckling mice. These isolates belonged to the serotype I of the rabies virus
group and seem to reflect latent infections. Many aspects of these so called
"rodent strains" remain obscure (Steck, 1975), in particular pathogenesis
and spread. In large scale contact trials with laboratory mice virus transmis-
sion could not be detected (Weinhold, 1977).
Our group studied adaptation and peripheral spread of rodent strain
W56!71 (Schneider et al., 1972) in ferrets (Mustela putorius domesticus) and
European hamsters (Forster, 1975; Forster et al., 1978). Both species
developed high titres of infectious virus in the central nervous system, but
only in one animal minute amounts of virus could be isolated from the
salivary glands. This rodent strain is characterized by an extreme neuro-
tropism and thus differs biologically from the fox isolates.
For latent rabies virus infections in other wild-living species in Europe no
evidence has been found (Wandeler et al., 1974b; Wachendorfer et al.,
Since at present only the fox serves as reservoir for rabies virus and as
expansor of the disease, the density of susceptible individuals must be

reduced to such a value, that infectious contacts are avoided. In most parts
of central Europe the only practical means to achieve this consists in gassing
of fox dens (WHO-Report, 1973).
Other methods to reduce the fox population have been used and have
their merits. Trapping and distribution of poison baits have the advantage
that the number of killed animals can be checked immediately. However,
poisoning and to a certain degree trapping, are only used with reluctance
because of the danger for other animals.
Normal hunting or even rewarding hunting can be carried out for years
without reducing the fox population by more than 25 per cent (MUller,
1977). Only in mountain areas in Switzerland shooting was found efficient.
Gassing of fox dens has proved to be the most useful method to reduce the
fox population, provided that 75 per cent or more of the fox litters are
known and destroyed. Reduction programmes should be conducted by
trained personnel from the particular region. Even if these measures have so
far not succeeded in the eradication of rabies, they have helped to reduce
the overall incidence, especially in domestic animals and man (WHO-Report
1972, 1973, 1978). .
A very intriguing alternative to gassing of fox dens was postulated and
demonstrated in laboratory trials by orally vaccinating foxes against rabies
(Black and Lawson, 1970; Baer et al., 1971). As has been shown in field
studies, about 70 per cent of a given fox population can be reached by baits
(Johnston, 1975; Manz, 1975; Manz and Berger, 1978).
In the past few years several research groups in Canada, the USA, in
France, Switzerland and in the Federal Republic of Germany investigated
into this subject. Various live virus vaccines were orally applicated to foxes
and the immune response checked. Since 1972 these studies are coordinated
by WHO.
Debbie (1974) used embryonated chicken eggs infected with vaccinal
rabies virus and was able to provoke an immune response in 50 per cent of
the foxes. The working group of Andral in Nancy reported good results with
the live vaccine from the Institut Pasteur, Paris, by just instilling it into the
buccal cavity of foxes. However by the same vaccine in baits- the vaccine
was injected into chicken heads- not a single fox was protected against test
infection. Obviously the virus was inactivated very fast by autolytic proces-
ses within the bait. Winkler and coworkers (1976a) filled two variants of
ERA vaccine in plastic straws, which were then hidden in sausages and fed
to foxes. With the commercial ERA vaccine one third of the animals
developed antibodies against rabies virus. When using a higher titring,
laboratory manufactured vaccine, about 80 per cent ofthe foxes proved to
be protected.
In Switzerland Steck and his coworkers as well as our group had promis-
ing results with the ERA-derived vaccine virus grown in BHK-21 cells using
chicken heads as bait and small plastic containers or thin walled glass vials,
respectively, to protect the vaccine. Thus this aspect of oral vaccination
seems to be solved, apart from problems deriving from mass production for
large scale application in the field.

Another point, and this still poses a serious obstacle, is the problem of the
residual pathogenicity of the vaccines tested so far. The use of vaccine strain
Flury LEP is impossible because of its pathogenicity for animals younger
than three months. The highly adapted strain Flury HEP, which was
believed to be completely innocuous, proved to cause vaccinal rabies in mice
(Apodemus sylvaticus), in rats (Rq.ttus norvegicus) as well as in mustelids
(Mustela erminea and Mustela nivalis) (Forster et al., 1976). The very
immunogenic ERA vaccine virus revealed residual pathogenicity for most of
the wildliving rodents tested to far (Forster et al., 1976; Winkler et al.,
1976; Farrenkopf, 1977; Lohrbach, 1977) and gave indications for an
adaptation to muskrats (Ondatra zibethica) (Wachendorfer et al., 1978)
which became extremely aggressive.
Up to now none of the available rabies live virus vaccines is safe enough
to free application in the field. At present a cloned variant of the Flury HEP
strain is under investigation in our laboratory and to date no adverse effects
were observed in small rodents (Microtus arvalis, Mus musculus, Apodemus
sylvaticus), in hamsters (Cricetus cricetus), rats (Rattus norvegicus), muskrats
(Ondatra zibethica), in mustelids (Mustela putorius, Mustela erminea,
Mustela nivalis), and in racoons (Procyon lotor) and foxes (Vulpes vulpes).
However, some safety and efficacy testing still remains to be performed
before a final evaluation of this vaccinal strain can be given.


The fox (Vulpes vulpes) as vector and reservoir of rabies virus in central
Europe is ascertained by a large volume of scientific data. Other species,
especially mustelids, are only secondarily involved in the epidemic and so far
no independent cycles of transmission have developed. Rodents, despite the
fact that rabies-like virus strains have been isolated in several area~ from
these species, play no actual role in epidemiology.
Chains of infections in dogs and cats are rare events and only consist of a
short series of cases. However, these animals act as a link between wildlife
and man.
To the present knowledge the necessary interruption of infectious contacts
can only be achieved by reduction of the fox population. As an alternative
to gassing of fox dens the possibility of orally vaccinating foxes against
rabies is discussed. Various problems, such as choice of bait, production of a
highly effective vaccine, its protection within the bait, are solved or at least
pose no serious problems.
Studies on residual pathogenicity of rabies virus strains suitable for the
oral vaccination demonstrated fatal vaccinal rabies for non-target species
which eventually could consume the baits. The present state of innocuity
testing of live rabies virus vaccines is reported.

Andral, L. 1977. WHO report of consultations on oral vaccination of foxes against rabies.
Nancy 12-13 Nov. 1977, VPH/78.7.

Baer, G. M., Abelseth, M. K., and Debbie, F. G. 1971. Oral vaccination of foxes against rabies.
Am. J. Epidemiol. 93: 487-490.
Black, J. G. and Lawson, K. F. 1970. Sylvatic rabies studies in the silver fox (Vulpes vulpes).
Susceptibility and immune response. Can. J. comp. Med., 34: 309-311.
Bogel, K., Moegle, H., Knorpp, F., Arata, A., Dietz, K. and Diethelm, P. 1976. Characteristics
of the spread of a wildlife rabies epidemic in Europe. Bull. Wid. Hlth. Org. 54: 433-447.
Bogel, K., Schaal, F. and Moegle, H. 1977. The significance of martens as transmitters of
wildlife rabies in Europe. Zbl. Bakt. Hyg. I. Abt. Orig. A 238: 184-190.
Braunschweig, A. von 1976. Tollwut ein jagdliches Problem. Paper presented at the meeting of
the German Veterinary Assoc., Haunover 28-29 Oct. 1976.
Debbie, J. G. 1974. Use of inoculated eggs as a vehicle for the oral vaccination of red foxes
(Vulpes vulpes). Infect. Immun. 9: 681--683.
Dierks, R. E., Murphey, F. A., and Harrison, A. K. 1969. Extraneural rabies virus infection.
Virus development in fox salivary gland. Amer. J. Pathol. 54: 251-273.
Farrenkopf, R. 1977. Passageversuche zur Unschiidlichkeitspriifung des lmpfstanunes ERA-
BHK-21 an Bisamratten (Ondatra zibethica) und Feldhamstern (Cricetus cricetus)-Ein
Beitrag zur oralen lmmunisierung von Fiichsen gegen Tollwut. Vet. Med. Diss., Giefjen.
Forster, U. 1975. Zur Frage der Adaptationsfiihigkeit von zwei in Mitteleuropa isolierten
Tollwutvirusstiimmen an eine domestizierte und zwei wildlebende Spezies- Ein Beitrag zur
Epidemiologie der Tollwut. Habilitationsschrift, Medizinische Fakultiit, Frankfurt am Main.
Forster, U., Wachendorfer, G., Schnettler, R. und Weber, J. 1976. Unschiidlichkeitspriifungen
von Tollwut-Lebendvakzinen an wildlebenden Saugern. 11. Kongr. Bericht: 257-262.
Forster, U., Wachendorfer, G. und Krekel, H. 1977. Untersuchungen zum Nachweis von
Tollwutvirus bei Nagern und Insektivoren- Ein Beitrag zur Epidemiologie der Tollwut. Berl.
Munch. Tieriirztl. Wschr. 90: 335-337.
Forster, U., Schale, W. und Wachendorfer, G. 1978. Zur Frage der Adaptationsfiihigkeit von
zwei in Mitteleuropa isolierten Tollwutvirusstiimmen an eine domestizierte und zwei wild-
lebende Spezies- Ein Beitrag zur Epidemiologie der Tollwut. Zbl. Vet. Med. B 25: 826-834,
Johnston, D. H. 1975. The principles of wild carnivore baiting with oral vaccines. WHO
consultation on oral vaccination of foxes, Frankfurt am Main, 1-3 Sept. 1975.
Kauker, E. und Zettl, K. 1963. Zur Epidemiologie der sylvatischen Tollwut in Mitteleuropa
und zu den Moglichkeiten ihrer Bekiimpfung. Vet. Med. Nachr. 2/3: 181-204.
Lohrbach, W. 1977. Unschiidlichkeitspriifungen von zwei Modifikationen des Tollwutimpfvirus
"Stanun ERA" bei Wanderratten (Rattus norvegicus)- Ein Beitrag zur oralen lm-
munisierung von Fiichsen gegen Tollwut. Vet. Med. Diss., GieBen.
Manz, D. 1975. Markierungsversuche an Fiichsen im Revier als Vorbereitung fiir eine mogliche
spiitere pe~;orale Vakzination gegen Tollwut. XI. Meeting of the Germap Vet. Med. Assoc.
10-12 Apr. 1975-published in: Fortschr. Vet. Med. 11: 263-269 (1976)..
Manz, D. und Berger, J. 1978. Feldversuche zur Ki:ideraufnahme durch Fiichse in Abhiingigkeit
von der Jahreszeit. Zbl. Vet. Med. B 25: 157-160.
Moegle, H., Knorpp, F. und Bogel, K. 1971. EinftuB der Begasung der Fuchsbaue auf die
Fuchsdichte und die Wildtollwut in Baden-Wilrttemberg. Berl. Munch. Tierarztl. Wschr. 84:
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Erik Zimen*

As Editor of these proceedings I cannot resist the temptation to comment on

some of the more controversial topics discussed. Predominant were- how
could it be otherwise- questions related to rabies control, i.e. on methods of
estimating fox population density, of reducing fox densities by increased
hunting pressure, and above all, fox den gassing.
We were fortunate in having at the Workshop representatives from many
fields of fox-related research, with their various interests- the fox itself,
rabies control, and animal welfare related thereto. Fluctuating subgroups
reflected these different interests: one was composed mainly of veterinarians
connected with the WHO Rabies Research and Control program, one
mainly of zoologists immersed in behavioural and population ecology, one
was of hunters concerned with fox predation on game species, and finally a
most heterogeneous group united in opposing gassing as a means of rabies
control. Obviously the preconditions for controversial discussion were ideal.
Opinions were in fact divided on many topics; but apart from some short
rounds towards the end of the meeting, when seemingly "old sparring
partners" squared up over fox den gassing, discussion was surprisingly
rational. I believe this mutual understanding was partly because the vets,
and others engaged in rabies control, have themselves done a lot of fox
ecology research recently. These were also the participants looking for
alternative methods, including oral vaccination, to lessen the spread of
rabies, and who, when forced to use conventional methods, do not propa-
gate over-simplified solutions to complicated questions. On the other hand,
their obligation is primarily to human welfare, which rabies still threatens
despite all vaccine improvement since Pasteur's time. Here is the stuff of
conflict with those emotionally averse to the eradication of wildlife by any
means, not excluding poison and gas- a most understandable attitude if we
think in terms of recent European history.
But confining ourselves to rational factors, it now seems that not all rabies
control schemes were based on a thorough understanding of the complicated
interrelations of those ecosystems into which actions have been carried. In
many cases it seems most doubtful whether the desired effects were finally
achieved. There are even signs that the remedial measures taken favoured

* Lehrstuhl fiir Biogeographie, Universitat des Saarlandes, D-6600 Saarbriicken, G.F.R.

Biogeographica, VoL 18: The Red Fox, ed. by E. Zimen 277

© 1980, Dr. W. Junk bv Publishers, The Hague
the spread of the disease in some ways, and the frequency of its outbreak,
perhaps delaying its end or favouring fresh outbreaks in infected areas.
The Workshop was not intended to evaluate different methods of rabies
control, but we did hope to resolve some of the many still-open questions in
fox behaviour and ecology, as a contribution to a rational habitat-related
anti-rabies program. Biologists have stood aside too long, often criticizing
the vets instead of working alongside them to solve those problems which
are our common concern.

Fox den gassing

On this question I do not want to spend much time. Apart from its ethical
implications, I think the effect of gassing has been exaggerated, both on fox
populations and non-target species such as the badger (Meles meles), whose
recent decline probably mainly results from rabies, not gassing. Observations
during a recent rabies epidemic around Saarbriicken indicate that the' re-
duction effect of gassing on the fox population is almost negligible compared to
the effect of the disease itself (Zimen, in prep.). Gassing, in rabies-infected
areas, can only kill off some foxes earlier than rabies would have done, and
so somewhat reduce the danger to man. Large-scale annual gassing opera-
tions continued over many years, as practised some years ago in parts of
Germany and Switzerland, were abandoned as ineffectual- putting all other,
mainly humane, reasons aside. I think fox den gassing is out, except in some
very specific situations, although it may be some years before the last
veterinary officer in charge realizes this.

The hunting indicators of fox population density

One controversial question was whether the number of foxes reported killed
in an area, in the official hunting statistics, in any way reflects actual fox
population density. The concept of the so-called hunting indicator of fox
population density (HIPD) was criticized on the following points:

-The unreliability of hunting statistics. In some countries these are most

incomplete; in others only a small proportion of the foxes killed are
supposed to be registered (Stubbe, chapter 3), while our research indicates
that hunters in West Germany tend to exaggerate numbers of foxes killed,
wherever or whenever the higher figures may aid their high social pressure
for predator control- a pressure which is often increased when rabies hits
the area.
-Hunting efficiency and methods are highly dependent upon the habitat,
and its accessibility to the hunter, as well as on the age structure of the fox
population, food availability, etc. (see Englund, chapter 9).
-The zeal of a hunter for fox control depends largely on the main species he
hunts; zeal decreases with increasing prey size, that is, with decreasing
competition with the fox.

-The time of year fox control is practised has a definite influence on fox
population dynamics.

Thus the same low density could be indicated by the HIPD, for example, for
two very different areas - one with low hunting pressure but high fox
density, the other where high hunting pressure leads to a reduced population
far below carrying capacity, with a corresponding low recruitment. It be-
comes clear that the HIPD is a very crude measure for population density,
at best, and even a comparison of different countries' hunting statistics for
such large areas as Europe (Stubbe, chapter 3) will result in very speculative
estimates of fox populations. The same applies for single regions over a
number of years (Braunschweig, chapter 8).
On the other hand there is a clear correlation between the number of
foxes shot annually in an area and rabies frequency (Bogel and Moegle, fig.
3, chapter 17). It is most probable that the number of rabid animals depends
on fox abundance; it seems therefore that the HIPD at least tends to reflect
fox population density. For rapid, large-scale rough estimates of relative fox
densities the use of hunting statistics is still the only available method;
instead of rejecting it altogether because of its unquestionable drawbacks,
we should try to improve it. In future, researchers should compare hunting
statistics with statistics attained by other methods for small areas, to find
reliable correction factors for different habitats and hunting methods-
factors which could be used along with the HIPD.

Fox population dynamics

One of the most interesting phenomena in fox ecology is the great variation
in reproductivity. Populations can be classed, roughly, in three categories:

1. Populations with large annual variation in the proportion of reproducing

females, as well as in the number of pups per litter,
2. Populations with rather stable, low reproduction rate,
3. Populations with rather stable, high reproduction rate.

Wide variation seems to go with drastic changes in food availability (conifer-

ous taiga of central and northern Sweden: Englund, chapter 9, Lindstrom,
chapter 11), while stable conditions result when there is a diversity of food
resources not fluctuating over the years (deciduous forests and areas of
central Europe put to agricultural use, Englund 1970; Stubbe, chapter 3;
Lloyd et al. 1976) and North America (Storm et al. 1976; Johnston pers.
comm.). Lindstrom in his paper (chapter 11) discusses the possible causation
for the observed annual fluctuation in reproduction within one unstable
population and Englund (chapter 9), on the possible reasons for population
stability or instability.
Stable populations may have either consistently high or low reproduction,
apparently according in the main to human persecution. The very high rate
of reproduction observed in North American populations can be correlated

with the present high pelt price and consequent intensive fox shooting and
trapping. In central Europe fox persecution is also intense, but probably not
as extreme as in America. Thus in central Europe almost all females breed,
but average litter size is lower. In traditionally pacified areas, on the other
hand, as around Oxford, reproduction is continuously reduced as the
number of breeding females is limited (Macdonald chapter 10).
Macdonald (chapter 10) discusses the possible proximate and ultimate
causation of breding inhibition in vixen, and Lloyd (chapter 2) summarizes
his experience on the spatial organization of fox populations, and the effect
of human-induced mortality on the system. In unaffected populations the
territorial system is probably rather stable, and vacant male or female
territories rare whenever density reaches the capacity limit. With only slight
chances of finding territories of their own in which to breed and raise their
own pups, young females will then increase their inclusive fitness by staying
in their home territories and helping the a female, often their mother, to
raise hers.
Slowly our understanding of basic fox behavioural and population ecology
takes shape. However, the important question of how young females assess
population density, and through it their chances of breeding success, and
adjust their behaviour accordingly, is still completely obscure.
Two explanations, not necessarily exclusive, seem theoretically possible.
A young female experiences population density at first hand in late summer
and autumn, in making short incursions into neighbouring territories. In case
of frequent encounters with other foxes, aggressive or otherwise, she may
return home; else she may continue to search for a vacant spot, making
longer and longer excursions, or dispersing altogether.
The other possibility would be that populations in areas of traditionally
high human hunting pressure tend to become r-selected, while unharmed
populations tend to be K -selected. High dispersal tendencies are typical for
r-selected populations (Geist 1979), and this includes general pup dispersal
independent of density (Fig. 1).
Should female dispersal be a matter of individual adaptation, we could
expect future research to show some variation in female reproductivity in
neighbouring areas with different hunting pressure. From our present infor-
mation it seems that in central Europe, both hunter motivation and fox
susceptibility are low in mainly forested but high in mainly open areas (see
below). Thus in forested regions, dispersal of young females should be less
common, making for larger group size and lower reproduction and popula-
tion turn-over rates. In experimentally pacified areas too, reproduction rates
should decline quickly. If dispersal is a genotypical adaptation of whole
populations, local variations in reproductive rates should be less distinct.
Whatever factors may actually alter female reproductive strategies, hunt-
ing pressure seems drastically to influence fox spatial organization, repro-
duction and annual population statistics. Thus hunting may actually increase,
or at least does not necessarily decrease, fox numbers within an area for any
year (Fig. 2). Furthermore hunting may unsettle spatial organization, and so
cause social instability too. This may boost territorial trespassing, leading to

Expected environmental and social factors
favouring fox r-Strategy K-Strategy

Climate Seasonal and/or Constant and/or

unpredictable predictable
Habitat structure Diverse Monotonous
Succession Less mature More mature
Food resource Diverse Monotonous
Food distribution Scattered Evenly
Food availability Abundant Restricted
Spatial distribution of population Scattered ;vacuums Evenly distributed;no
Mortality High; non-directed; Low; age-and sex-
density independent; directed; density
catastrophic dependent
Population size Variable in time; More constant in
non-equilibrium; time; equilibrium;
below carrying at or close to carrying
capacity of environ- capacity; saturated
ment; unsaturated cotmrunities
communities or
portions thereof
Persecution by man Strong Weak

Expected adaptive characteristics of fox r-Strategy K-Strategy

Individual size Large Small

Life expectancy Short Long
Maturity Early Late or easy socialy
Lil;ter sizes Large Small
Male reproductive strategy Maximating copula- Tendency to monogamy;
tions; promiscuous; stong parental investment
limited parental
Female reproductive strategy Opportunistic Restricted to dominant
territory holders,
others help raise kin
Pair bonds Weak Strong
Group sizes Small, tendence to Larger
solitary living
Group stability Weak, temporary Stable
Intraspecific competition Weak Strong
Territoriality Weak, seasonal Strong, stable
Population turnover Fast Slow
Heterosis Favoured Selected against
Resource utilization through Dispersal Maintenance

Fig. 1. Some possible correlates of r and k selected fox populations (adopted from Pianka 1970
and Geist 1979).

more social contracts, perhaps aggressive, both between neighbours and

within territories. In such populations, foxes would be obliged to re-establish
their territory borders repeatedly, and their hierarchical rights within the
All these speculations may seem purely academic; but their implications
are important for adequate rabies control methods. Up to now it has seemed
all too logical to reduce fox numbers in order to cut rabies frequency, and
thus the danger to human lives. HWiters in all rabies-infested countries are
therefore told over and over again to do all they can to reduce fox

Hunted population Unhunted population
90% reproducing oo population 25% higher in
. ++
I. 2 foxes d1spatched late winter
and 0.8 natural deaths 50% reproducing ~~
..c: /100 ha/year 1.5 natural deaths/100 ha/year


4-< 2
I "'
4-< I
0 I


A= April
J= January
Fig. 2. Development of fox populations in Central Europe
Hunted populations: Wide-range estimates give density in late winter as 1 fox/100 ha or,
assuming parity of the sexes, 0.5 vixen/100 ha, of which an average 90% whelp. The average
number of cubs in a litter is about 4.5. The annual increase is accordingly (0.45 x 4.5) =
2.00/100 ha. Spring density is therefore 3 foxes/100 ha, of which an average of 1.2 is shot. To
obtain the late winter density of 1 fox/100 ha, 0.8 foxes/100 ha must die natural deaths. (This
model is based on data from Lloyd et al. 1976).
Unhunted populations: Wide-range calculations for Central Europe predict a reduction due to
hunting of about 25% of fox numbers, so that in an unhunted population in late winter there
should be about 1.3 foxes or 0.65 vixen/100 ha. Given a stable social organization, in the long
run some 50% of all vixen would whelp annually. This represents an annual increase of
(0.325 x 4.5) = 1.45/100 ha. Numbers in spring would be 2.75 foxes/100 ha. If population
density stays constant 1.45 foxes/100 ha must die natural deaths annually. (Basis for this
prediction was given by Macdonald (chap. 10), von Braunschweig (chap. 8), Englund (chap. 9)
and Lindstrom (chap. 11)).

No. of foxes recorded No. of foxes found rabid

shot annualy per km2 annualy per km2


1.0 llllllllll l l


1975 1980

Fig. 3A. Annual registered no. of foxes shot and found rabid in the Fedral Republic of
Germany (area hunted= 236.741 km 2 ). (Data from DJV Handbuch, 1980: Mainz).

No. of foxes recorded
shot annualy per km2


No. of foxes found rabid

1.4 I annualy per km2



0.8 --Foxes shot

0.6 0.03

0.4 0.02

0.2 01

1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1960

Fig. 3B. Annual registered no. of foxes shot and found rabid in the Saarlan<:l._of southwestern
Germany (area hunted= 2.468 km 2 ).

No. of foxes recorded

shot annualy per k m2




-- -


Rabies recorded in the area


1950 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980

Fig. 3C. Annual registered no. of foxes shot in Kreis Homburg of southeastern Saarland (area
hunted= 220 km 2 ).

populations, not only in infected areas but everywhere and all the time. In
fact, hunting statistics show a. slight increase in foxes taken during the last
years (Fig. 3), although such data must be regarded with due reserve (see
Hunters in some areas may have been successful in limiting the fox
population to far below carrying capacity, as in the northwestern parts of
Nordrhein-Westfalen and Niedersachen in Germany, a mainly open habitat
with small-game shooting. Rabies frequency is lower here than elsewhere in
Germany (Fig. 3 in Wachendorfer and Frost, chapter 19), perhaps a result of
successful hunting efforts. In the more forested areas of Germany however it
seems highly unlikely that hunting in any way limits fox populations; it is
merely a compensatory mortality factor (von Braunschweig, chapter 8). It is
much more probable that the present increase of hunting pressure- still too
weak as yet to effect a substantial reduction -favours rabies, due to the
socio-demographic influences discussed above. This would partly explain the
high frequency of rabies in many of the more forested regions of West
Germany (e.g. Hessen in Fig. 3, chapter 19). In very large, closed forest
areas, on the other hand, where fox populations are less disturbed, lower
rabies frequencies should be expected; in fact, data on the recent epidemic
in southwest Germany indicate low frequencies in large coherent forest
areas (Zimen, in prep.). Of course, densities may be lower here, owing to
the probably lower carrying capacity, thus too accounting for the lower
rabies frequencies.
Still, one must ask whether, in all honesty, vulpine rabies in its present
European and North American form is not partly a man-made problem.
Only intense causal studies in fox population biology can answer this
question in detail. Some evidence exists however: forest clearance for

From approximately 1950 to 1970, when rabies was spreading over the FRG, the annual
numbers of dispatched foxes decreased only slightly in spite of the steady increasing rabies toll
(Fig. 3A). To bring this about hunting must have intensified. An increasing hunting pressure in
the late 1950s and early 1960s becomes clearly apparent when the area surveyed is much
smaller and population fluctuations do not overlap (Fig. 3C). The sharp rise in the numbers of
foxes shot in the FRG in the mid 1970s on the other hand can hardly be attributed to still a
greater hunting pressure. Here the underlying cause is likely to be the recovery of fox
populations after the epidemic, also reflected in the increase of rabid foxes f<;>und (Fig. 3A). The
spectacular increase of rabies cases in the mid 1970s (Fig 3A) was ascribed to the legal ban of
gassing operations in 1974. just as the decline of rabies in the late 1960s was thought to result
partly from large-scale gassing (Wachendorfer 1979. Bogel and Moegle, chap. 16). This must not
necessarily be correct; to a biologist it seems more likely that fluctuations in rabies frequency
stem from increased fox population instability due to heavy periodic mortality outbreaks.
Hereby, quantitatively, rabies-caused mortality by far outroles all effects of human induced
mortalityc(Zimen, in prep.). Thus, not gassing or hunting but rabies itself decreases infected
populations. In the sense of Errington (1967) gassing in such populations is only of compensat-
ory nature.
On a nation-wide scale, strong fluctuations in local population densities (Fig. 38 and 3C)
overlap and so level out (Fig. 3A). But a certain large-scale correspondence in density and so
also in rabies frequency is to be expected, i.e. a decline of rabies after the initial wave had swept
the whole country by the early 1970s, followed by a second increase after most populations had
recovered in the mid 1970s. Moreover, boosted hunting and gassing mortalities in presently
non-infected populations has probably intensified fox population instability, and consequently
rabies-frequency fluctuations (See text and Fig. 1).

agriculture ever since the Middle Ages, in Europe and eastern North
America, must have favoured the fox, whose numbers are probably higher
nowadays than ever before. In addition, human hunting may have favoured
r-selected features and thus contributed to the fox's enormous adaptability.
Man today is the most outstanding single environmental factor for most
animal species, which must either adapt to him or disappear.
Perhaps the natural history of the fox, including our obvious inability to
control either him or vulpine rabies, is yet another case of human incompe-
tence in dealing with the extremely intricate and sensitive interrelationships
of ecosystems. I own to feeling a great sympathy for the fox, who will
survive in spite of man, but it is not only on his behalf that I urge that more
ecological research be carried out to complement our understanding, before
even apparently simple and logical schemes are sprung upon the natural
community, of which man himself is part.


Englund, J. 1970. Some aspects of reproduction and mortaility rate in Swedish foxes 1961-63
and 66-69. Viltrevy 8: 1-82.
Errington, L. P. 1967. On predation and life. Iowa State Univ. Press. 277pp.
Geist, V. 1979. Life strategies, human evolution, environmental design. Springer-Verlag. New
York. 495 pp.
Lloyd, H. G., Van Haften, J. L., Niewold, F. J. J., Wandeler, A., Bogel, K. and Arata, A. A.
1976. Annual turnover of fox populations in Europe. Zbl. Vet. Med. B. 23: 580-589.
Pianka, E. R. 1970. On rand K selection. Amer. Nature. 104: 592-597.
Storm, G. L., Andrews, R. D., Phillips, R. L., Bishop, R. A., Siniff, D. B. and Tester, J. R.
1976. Morphology, reproduction, dispersal and mortality of midwest red fox populations.
Wildlife Monographs No. 49, 82 pp.
Wachendorfer, G. 1979. Zur Epidemiologie und Bekiimpfung der Tollwut in Mitteleuropa. Z.
Siiugetierkunde 44: 36-46.


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