Effective Punching Shear and Moment Capacity of FL PDF
Effective Punching Shear and Moment Capacity of FL PDF
Effective Punching Shear and Moment Capacity of FL PDF
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4 authors, including:
Jinkyu Song
Chonnam National University
All content following this page was uploaded by Jinkyu Song on 30 June 2014.
(Received September 16, 2011, Revised February 20, 2012, Accepted February 22, 2012)
Abstract: In this study, three isolated interior flat slab-column connections that include three types of shear reinforcement details;
stirrup, shear stud and shear band were tested under reversed cyclic lateral loading to observe the capacity of slab-column con-
nections. These reinforced joints are 2/3 scale miniatures designed to have identical punching capacities. These experiments showed
that the flexural failure mode appears in most specimens while the maximum unbalanced moment and energy absorbing capacity
increases effectively, with the exception of an unreinforced standard specimen. Finally, the results of the experiments, as wel l as
those of experiments previously carried out by researchers, are applied to the eccentricity shear stress model presented in ACI 318-
08. The failure mode is therefore defined in this study by considering the upper limits for punching shear and unbalanced momen t.
In addition, an intensity factor is proposed for effective widths of slabs that carry an unbalanced moment delivered by bending.
Keywords: flat plate structures, punching shear, unbalanced moment, M-V plane, shear band.
1. Introduction teria. However, the punching shear and unbalanced moment are
interrelated in terms of the acting load as well as the resistance
Because reinforced concrete flat plate structures do not contain strength of the member that resists them. For example, if the resis-
beams, they are able to transfer all the loads acting on slabs tance strength to the unbalanced moment increases concurrently
directly to the columns. At the time when the loads are transferred, with an increase in the bending reinforcement ratio of the slabs
all moments that are generated by the delivery load and critical near the column, then the resistance to punching shear reduces
sections that resist the moment (See Figure 1) also converge on the because the risk of damage, such as the occurrence of cracks,
slabs near the columns. When a moment is caused by a delivery decreases. In addition, if the shear reinforcing materials are
load, it is an unbalanced moment that occurs because of a direct installed, not only the punching shear resistance capacity, but also
shear moment originating from a vertical load and eccentricity and the unbalanced moment resistance and energy absorbing capacity
to the lateral load of a vertical load. In ACI 318-08,1 it is assumed in the connections increases.
1 SR
that part of an unbalanced moment (γf Munb) is transferred by In ACI 318-08, the punching shear strength ( V nP ) of shear
bending and that the remainder is transferred (γv Munb) by shear. reinforcement slabs is presented as follows in Eq. 1:
According to the eccentric shear transfer model, the shear force on
connections rises if the acting unbalanced moment increases. On VnP = Vc + Vs ≤ 1/2 ( f ck b 0 d ) (1)
the other hand, it is assumed that the unbalanced moment strength
does not affect the punching shearing strength in terms of resis- In Eq. 1, Vc is the punching shear strength for concrete slabs (1/
tance capacity, since the punching shearing strength that resists 6( f ck b0 d )) and Vs is the punching shear strength for reinforcing
shear force and the unbalanced moment strength that resists the materials. In the design criteria, the maximum value of Eq. 1 is
unbalanced moment are designed independently in the design cri-
Department of Architectural Engineering, Chonnam National
University, Gwangju 500-757, Korea.
*Corresponding Author; E-mail: jgsong@ jnu.ac.kr
Department of Civil Engineering, Penn State Harrisburg,
Harrisburg, PA 17507, USA.
Research Institute of Structural Engineering & System,
DongYang Structural Engineers Co., Ltd., Seoul, Korea.
Department of Architectural Engineering, Chonnam National
University, Gwangju 500-757, Korea.
Copyright ⓒ 2012, Korea Concrete Institute. All rights reserved,
including the making of copies without the written permission of
the copyright proprietors. Fig. 1 Location of critical and effective section in flat plates.
Table 1 Properties of test specimen.
*1 *2 *3
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
Vg VnSR (Vn) Vtest V test Final failure
---------- ⎛⎝ ----------⎞⎠
Shear fck M test (Mtest) V test (Vtest)
Source Label ------
Reinforcement (MPa) Vc (kN.m) (kN) (kN) V test Vtest mode
3C None 29.7 0.23 (35.8) (177) (160) (1.00) P
Islam & Park 6CS Stirrups 28.2 0.24 38.4 188 234 1.06 F
(1976) 7CS Stirrups 29.7 0.24 41.7 202 240 1.14 F
8CS Stirrups 22.1 0.27 34.9 174 207 0.98 F
1C None 35.4 0.21 (58.3) (254) (260) (1.00) F/P
Robertson 2CS Stirrups 31.4 0.22 68.5 288 367 1.13 F
et al. (2002)9 3SL Stirrups 43.4 0.17 71.0 291 432 1.15 F
4HS Studs 38.2 0.20 67.9 286 405 1.13 F
1 None 35.0 0.45 (130) (566) (335) (1.00) P
2 Studs 33.7 0.46 162 668 493 1.18 F
Elgabry &
3 Studs 39.0 0.85 142 754 530 1.33 F/P
Ghali (1987)3
4 Studs 40.8 0.83 150 780 542 1.38 F/P
5 Studs 45.6 1.18 105 786 573 1.39 F/P
9.6AH None 30.7 0.51 (97.9) (459) (369) (1.00) P
9.6EH.34 Stirrups 25.5 0.59 99.8 477 505 1.04 F
9.6EH.48 Stirrups 25.8 0.67 86.2 466 507 1.02 F
9.6AL None 28.9 0.72 (34.6) (353) (358) (1.00) F/P
Hawkins et al. 9.6EL.34 Stirrups 23.4 0.90 33.3 383 483 1.08 F
(1989)4 9.6EL.56 Stirrups 28.5 0.97 43.1 465 533 1.32 F
14AH None 30.3 0.58 (100.2) (486) (354) (1.00) P
14EH.49 Stirrups 25.1 0.70 117.9 557 483 1.15 F
14AL None 27.0 0.95 (43.4) (441) (334) (1.00) P
14EL.49 Stirrups 26.9 1.06 44.4 479 500 1.08 F
C0 None 38.6 0.30 (103) (438) (414) (1.00) P
Kang & PS2.5 Thin plate stirrups 35.1 0.32 109 456 592 1.04 F
7 PS3.5 Thin plate stirrups 35.1 0.32 106 447 592 1.02 F
HS2.5 Studs 35.1 0.32 104 441 592 1.01 F
RC1 None 38.7 0.43 (81.1) (390) (361) (1.00) P
This study SR1 Stirrups 38.7 0.43 101.4 449 542 1.15 F
(2009) SR2 Studs 38.7 0.43 81.4 391 542 1.00 F
SR3 Bands 38.7 0.43 99.2 443 542 1.14 F
γv Ac c SR γv Ac c SR 1 SR 1
*1: Vtest=Vg+ ------------
- Mtest, Vtest =Vg+ ------------
- Mtest , *2: Vn= --- f ck b 0 d , Vn = --- f ck b 0 d , *3: F - flexural failure, P - punching failure.
Jc Jc 3 2
limited to 1.5 times the punching shear strength of unreinforced two-way shear resistance is affected by the transverse restraint of
slabs. However, the ACI-ASCE Committee 4216 allows the compression struts in connections between slabs and the column.
design strength to increase when the reinforcing shear Vc is 1/4 This classification of slab actions according to the aspect ratio
( f ck b 0 d ) by applying a stud and the maximum value can be works mainly when gravity loads are dominant. In terms of flat
increased up to 2/3( f ck b 0 d ) in Eq. 6. plates acting as an element of transverse resistance, if the impact
On the other hand, in the design criteria, there are two types of of the unbalanced moment by a transverse load is enhanced, one-
actions (beam action and two-way action), by dividing the slabs way bending behavior also appears in two way slabs. As a conse-
into two types, long and narrow width, according to the aspect quence, the punching shear capacity of connections may not be
ratio of slab β. In the case of the beam action, the maximum shear- fully operated.
ing strength that concrete can resist is designed by lowering it to ½ In Table 1, the results are examined of experiments carried out
of the punching shear strength against the two-way action. This is on the transverse load of two-way slabs that have interior connec-
necessary because it is difficult to expect an impact to occur when tions. In Row 19 of Table 1 on the shear strength ratio at the final
20│International Journal of Concrete Structures and Materials (Vol.6 No.1, March 2012)
failure, the maximum shearing force is significantly less than the In Eq. 2, vmax is the maximum punching shear stress, Vg is the
maximum punching shear strength required in most design crite- direct shear force due to vertical loads, Ac is the critical section
ria, with the exception of the case where the gravity load ratio on areas of slabs, γ v is the ratio of unbalanced moment that is deliv-
punching shear strength is high (See Row (5) in Table 1) and ered by eccentric shear, Munb is the unbalanced moment, c is the
where there is no shear reinforcement. This result suggests that distance from the centroid to the critical sections, and Jc is the
flexural failure might occur due to an unbalanced moment before polar moment of inertia.
the connections reach maximum shear strength, even if the correct When multiplying both sides of Eq. 2 by the critical section
shear reinforcements are installed. area, Ac, the maximum punching shear force in the critical sec-
tions, Vmax, is as follows in Eq. 3.
2. Research significance γv c Ac
- M unb
Vmax = Vg + ------------ (3)
In this study, shear governed failure and bending governed fail-
ure are defined by using an M-V plane of the unbalanced moment In this equation, γvcAc/Jc is an invariable number that is set
and the punching shear to explain the slab-column connection according to the geometrical characteristics of joints between slabs
actions on the shear and unbalanced moment. Furthermore, mea- and columns. Let the invariable to K, the maximum punching
sures are investigated to reflect the unbalanced moment strength in shear force on critical sections, Vmax, be the linear equation with a
determining the final punching shear strength on slabs. In addition, slope K and y-intercept Vg, similarly to Eq. 4. This may be ex-
the impact of shear reinforcements on punching shear strength and pressed in the graph in Figure 2 as thick solid lines for the unbal-
unbalanced moment strength is examined and effective shear anced moment and shear.
strength and effective width enlargement factors are proposed in
γ v cAc
order to reflect the strength improvement impact by shear rein- Vmax = KM unb + Vg , K = ------------
- (4)
In the design criteria, the punching shear strength of a non-rein-
3. Unbalanced moment and punching shear forcement slab VnP, is defined as Eq. 5 below and the values are
the same as the punching failure line (dotted horizontal bold line)
3.1 Basic concept in Figure 2.
Figure 2 shows the M-V plane, in which the moment and resis-
tance strength are examined based on the eccentricity shear stress 1 (5)
VnP = V c = --- f ck b 0 d
model of the design criteria. In the graph, the dotted lines parallel
to the vertical and horizontal axes represent the punching shear In Eq. 5, Vc is the punching shear strength of concrete slabs, fck
and unbalanced moment, respectively, and the solid lines indicate is the concrete design criteria strength, b0 is the circumference of
the moment due to the acting loads of the slabs. The thick solid critical sections at the distance of d/2 from the column sides, and d
lines show the moment of slabs due to the acting load, while the is the effective thickness of slabs.
dots (•) in the graph refer to the current state of the applied load, In addition, under the assumption that part of the unbalanced
and the thin solid lines represent the expected route of the moment moment γ f Munb, is delivered to the columns by bending, if ACI
of slabs according to the increase in loads. 318-081 is applied, in which the slab areas that deliver bending as
In ACI 318-08,1 the maximum shear stress on critical sections c2+3h is defined, the unbalanced moment strength Mn,unb, is as fol-
of slabs is defined by assuming it to be a collated stress of eccen- lows in Eq. 6 and the values may be expressed as the flexural fail-
tric shear originating from the direct shear and unbalanced moment ure lines, indicated as the thick and vertical dotted lines shown in
caused by vertical loads as follows: Figure 2.
Vg γv Munb c Mn, ( c 2 + 3h )
v max = ------ + -------------------
- (2) Mn, unb = ------------------------
- (6)
Ac Jc γf
In Eq. 6, M n, ( c2 + 3h ) is the flexural strength of slab sections that
have a width of c2+3h, γ f is the ratio of the unbalanced moment
that is delivered by bending, c2 is the width of the columns, and h
is the thickness of the slabs in the equation.
International Journal of Concrete Structures and Materials (Vol.6 No.1, March 2012)│21
VnP and Mn, unb , respectively, as shown in Figure 3. When the
load increases continually, it is easy to estimate the final failure
mode, which is the bending governed failure and the shear gov-
erned failure, by using the M-V plane. In this plane, the bending
governed failure is defined as the case where the unbalanced
moment strength reaches maximum strength before shear strength
reaches its maximum strength; while shear governed failure is
defined as the converse case. Figure 4 is shown to explain the slab
failure mode on the M-V plane. When vertical loads on joints are
small (Vg), bending governed failure occurs on the slabs at point c
along the force line oac , and when vertical loads are relatively
large (V'g ), sudden shear governed failure will occur on the slabs at
d, on the force line obd . Meanwhile, when the geometry of joints
differs, yet the vertical loads are identical, bending governed fail-
ure such as in the force line oac may change into shear governed
failure such as in the force line oae . Consequently, the failure
mode in the slab-column joints is predicted when structures have
unexpected extreme loads and when shear reinforcement is carried
out in joints, due to the use of reinforced materials.
Fig. 3 M-V plane for the flat plates with shear reinforcements.
4. Experimental investigation
22│International Journal of Concrete Structures and Materials (Vol.6 No.1, March 2012)
Fig. 6 Placements of top and bottom bars.
International Journal of Concrete Structures and Materials (Vol.6 No.1, March 2012)│23
Fig. 7 Placements and details of the shear reinforcements (unit: mm).
24│International Journal of Concrete Structures and Materials (Vol.6 No.1, March 2012)
placement ratio. Unlike RC1, the SR2 and SR3 specimens, in
which the stud and shear band are used, do not show brittle punch-
ing after maximum strength is reached. The maximum lateral load
strength appears to be 50 kN at a 2.3 lateral displacement ratio and
61 kN at a 2.7% lateral displacement ratio. SR2 and SR3 maintain
the strength of over 40 kN for 4.5% of the lateral displacement
ratio and 8% of the lateral displacement ratio, respectively. These
3-types of shear reinforcements which have designed to have
identical punching shear capacities showed different influences for
deformation capacity. Shear band, for example, showed large
impact for increasing deformation capacity. It will be estimated
Fig. 10 Loading protocol with displacement control. that shear reinforcements affect directly for increasing deforma-
tion capacity.
A nonlinear pushover analysis is conducted in this study by
ment ratio between stories of a load acting point by using an actu- using FEM for RC1 and SR3 in order to compare and examine
ator connected to the upper part of the columns (see Figure 10). the tensile strain rates and stress distribution according to the plas-
While repeated lateral load experiments are operating, we main- tic redistribution of the main reinforcement (See Figure 17). For
tain the gravity load ratio on the joints at a certain level by control- the analysis program, we used ATENA and assumed that the
ling the camber load. structural equation of concrete was stiffened orthotropic. As for
Material modeling, compressive stress-strain relationship of con-
4.2 Test results crete complies with the CEB-FIP model before reaching maxi-
Figure 11 illustrates the lateral loads and lateral displacement mum compressive stress and linear decrease equation was applied
ratio of each specimen. The general behavior of each specimen’s characteristics of softening after maximum compressive stress.
response is the same up to a 1% lateral displacement ratio and the Elasticity theory complied with tensile stress-strain relationship
rigidity of specimens decreases gradually with an increase in the before cracking. The smeared crack model also was applied for
lateral displacement ratio. The unreinforced specimen, RC1, crack. Model proposed by Hordijk complied with biaxial stress
reaches the greatest strength of 50 kN at a 1.4% lateral displace- failure mode and model proposed by Rankine et al. complied with
ment ratio and sudden punching destruction occurs at a 1.8% lat- failure criteria of concrete. In addition, it is assumed that the rein-
eral displacement ratio, with a joint strength of 38 kN. After forcement is fully attached to the concrete and that it only has axial
punching, the lateral load strength in the joints reduces to about stiffness in uniaxial strain as a two-joint point truss element
20% of the maximum strength. The strength reduces and is main- included within the concrete. The comparison between load and
tained at the strength greater than 40 kN of the 4.1% lateral dis- displacement on slabs (Figures 11 (a) and (d)) proves that the anal-
International Journal of Concrete Structures and Materials (Vol.6 No.1, March 2012)│25
Fig. 14 Punching shear strength ratio of flat plates with and
Fig. 12 Envelope curve of the specimens. without shear reinforcements.
the process of gravity load addition and the crack patterns are dis-
tinctly similar up to about a 1.8% lateral displacement ratio load.
Brittle punching failure appears at a 1.8% lateral displacement
ratio in the RC1 specimen and punching shear is formed at a dis-
tance of about 300 mm~550 mm (about 2.5d~5.0d) from the col-
umns in the upper part of the slabs. The crack spread in reinforced
specimens appears continually even after a 1.8% lateral displace-
ment ratio, while at the final stage, crack damage in the reinforced
specimens is considerable, compared to the unreinforced speci-
men, RC1.
26│International Journal of Concrete Structures and Materials (Vol.6 No.1, March 2012)
Fig. 15 Strain profiles of shear reinforcements. Fig. 16 Distribution in steel strain of top bar.
However, if the lateral load combines with the vertical load, the regardless of shear reinforcement. However, if plastic redistribu-
slabs act along the moment line oac , and before reaching VnF , tion of flexural reinforcement is smoothly operated with the cor-
the lateral load can initially reach M n, unb . When the slabs reach rect reinforcement of shear reinforced materials, the effective
the maximum unbalanced moment strength, shear strength can no width resistant to the actual unbalanced moment is expanded,
longer be effective and failure may occur at the effective shear leading to an increase in unbalanced moment strength. To consider
strength VnF . As a result, slabs that undergo bending governed this phenomenon, bending reinforcement deformation rate and
failure may experience failure at a much lower effective shear stress status are examined in this study according to the loading
strength VnF than either VnP or 1.5VnP. During this process, the stages of specimens and the impact is demonstrated.
unbalanced moment strength affects the effective shear strength. Firstly, Figure 16 illustrates the deformation rate of upper rein-
Figure 15 shows the results of the measuring deformation rate of forcement according to the addition of the level of loading of unre-
shear band and shear stud reinforced materials. In all the measure- inforced and shear reinforced specimens. In the same displace-
ments, the deformation rate of shear reinforcing materials could ment ratio between stories, the upper reinforcement deformation
not reach the yield deformation rate at the lateral displacement rate of the unreinforced specimen (Figure 16(a)) is concentrated
ratio when the maximum unbalanced moment appeared. Vs in Eq. on the center of the columns, while the upper reinforcement defor-
1 is based on the assumption that shear reinforcements reach yield mation rate of shear reinforcement specimens (Figure 16(b))
strength. However, when bending governed failure occurs because spreads evenly over the slab width. This is because shear reinforc-
of an unbalanced moment with joints that mainly receive lateral ing materials delay punching shear and redistribute the moment
loads, the yield of shear reinforcing materials cannot be secured. acting on the joints in the direction of the slab width.
The punching shear strength therefore needs to be smaller than Figure 17 shows the results of experiments on the stress of
VnP , which is the strength obtained from Eq. 1 (for example, VnF). upper reinforcement in each specimen and an analysis of the
results obtained using ATENA2. From the results, it was found that
5.2 Effects on unbalanced moment by the shear in the unreinforced specimen, only the reinforcement near the col-
reinforcements umn yields, while in the shear reinforcement specimens, the yield-
In the design criteria, the punching shear strength increases for ing area of reinforcement is extended to near the boundary of the
joints of slabs with shear reinforcement, such as in Eq. 1. How- column strip due to moment redistribution. Shear reinforcements
ever, in terms of unbalanced moment strength, the punching shear contribute indirectly to flexural reinforcements which can make
strength is calculated about the slab section with a width of c2+3h, stress redistribution.
International Journal of Concrete Structures and Materials (Vol.6 No.1, March 2012)│27
Fig. 17 Distribution in bar stresses at peak load. Fig. 18 Graphic representation between unbalanced moment
and punching shear for normalized test results.
28│International Journal of Concrete Structures and Materials (Vol.6 No.1, March 2012)
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