Mumbai Port Trust: (Civil Engineering Department)

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NO.CE.T.75A/2018/2383 11TH Sept. 2020


1. Digitally signed and uploaded Online bids under Single Stage Two Cover
system are invited on behalf of this Port Trust (referred to as Mumbai Port
Trust) from bidders who meet the “Eligibility Criteria” for the following work:

Sr Class & Speciality Cost of Earnest Money Bid download Start

No Tender No. and Tender Set Deposit Date
Description of Work Incl. 5% GST Estimated Cost of Bid Submission End
Work Date (DUE DATE)
Tender Opening Date
1 Tender No.E.75A/2018 – Rs 21,000/- Rs.1,38,00,000/- 11.09.2020
Capital Dredging Works Rs.68.57 Crore 15.10.2020 till 15:00 hrs
For Deepening and 16.10.2020 @ 15:00 hrs
Widening of Approach
Channel to Second
Chemical Berth at Pir
Pau in Mumbai

Pre Bid Meeting will be held on 23.09.2020 at 3:00 pm at the office of

the Chief Engineer, Port Bhavan, 3rd Floor, SV Marg, Fort, Mumbai 400001

2. Interested eligible tenderers may obtain further information and inspect

the tender documents at the e-Procurement website This website can also be accessed by
clicking the link at MbPT’s Website The cost
of tender Fees and EMD is payable either in the form of Demand Draft/Pay
order drawn in the name of “The Board of Trustees of the Port of Mumbai” or
online at as detailed in below paras. The EMD
can also be paid in the form of Bank Guarantee as detailed in the Tender

3. The downloading and submission of Tender Documents shall be carried

out as mentioned at Instructions for Online Bid Submission in the Tender and
instructions at e-Procurement website No editing,
addition/ deletion of matter shall be permitted.

4. Pre bid replies/addendum/ amendments/ errata if any etc. will be made

available at the e-procurement website and tenderers
are requested to check and download the same for submission. This website
NIT 75A-2018
can also be accessed by clicking the link at MbPT’s Website

5. The bidder has to submit his offer online at the e-procurement website using valid Digital Signature Certificates. As tender
submission is online on CPP portal, the payment of Tender Fee and EMD now be done
online. Tenderer shall visit for making the
payment for Tender Fee and EMD and choose the option “Latest Tenders” on the
dashboard. After selecting the relevant tender, the tenderer can make online
payment after entering the basic details of bank for refund purpose, the receipt
generated as PDF file of EMD/Tender Fee/ or both (as the case maybe) shall be
uploaded by the tenderer on CPP Portal under relevant option as a proof for the
payment, failing which Tender will not be opened. The details of bank payment
reference number and payment date also need to be entered while uploading in the
relevant fields. Since the Tender set is non-transferable, the tenderer who is making
the online payment should only utilize the same for submitting his/her own Tender on
CPP portal.

6. The bidders are required to submit soft copies of their bids electronically on
the CPP Portal, using valid Digital Signature Certificates. The instructions are given in
the Tender Set to assist the bidders in registering on the CPP Portal, prepare their
bids in accordance with the requirements and submitting their bids online on the CPP
Portal. More information useful for submitting online bids on the CPP Portal may be
obtained at:

7. The folder containing online receipt for tender Fee and EMD and Online
Technical Bid (First Cover) uploaded at will be opened as per
Bidding Schedule in the presence of tenderers or their representatives who may wish
to be present. Bids of the tenderer will not be opened in case the EMD and
Tender fee is not submitted in the form and manner described above

8. Tenderers may please note that if the offers are not received according to the
instructions detailed herein, the same may be liable for rejection. Any corrections and
remarks shall be either type written or must be in ink and duly authorized.

9. The tenders shall remain valid for a period of 180 days from the opening of
technical bid.

10. Price Bid: Bidders are requested to note that they should necessarily submit
their online financial bids in the format provided in the tender and no other format is
Bidders are requested to quote the item rate in the Financial Bid, scan and
upload the same at the CPP Portal. Due to mandatory requirement, the
bidder will also have to quote notional rate of Rs.1 in the Excel file published
herewith. The rates of the Financial Bid in PDF will be considered for

NIT 75A-2018
11. The successful Contractor shall comply fully with all Central and State
laws dealing with the employment of persons, apprentices etc. including the
Employment of Children Act, 1938, Payment of Wages Act, 1936, the
Workmen's Compensation Act, 1923, the Factories Act, 1948, the Minimum
Wages Act, 1948, Dock Labour Regulations, Contract Labour (Regulation and
Abolition) Act 1970. Employees Provident Fund Act (EPF), ESIC regulations
and any statutory amendment or re-enactment thereof for the time being in

12. Tenderers who are registered Micro and Small Enterprises as classified
by Central Government in terms of the Section 7 of MSME Development Act,
2006 and Registered with District Industries Centres or Khadi and Village
Industries Commission or Khadi and Village Industries Board or Coir Board or
National Small Industries Corporation or Directorate of Handicrafts and
Handloom or any other Body specified by Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium
Enterprises shall be eligible for issue of tender document free of cost and
exemption from payment of EMD. They are required to upload scanned copy
of the certificates online and submit copy of the same alongwith the tender
document as a proof of such registration, for claiming the available

Note : Tenderer is responsible to download Tender document and

Addendums/ Amendments/ Errata/ Replies to the queries of the Party etc., if
any, issued by MbPT, from the website before submission of the Tender. Any
shortfall in submission of the said Addendums/ Amendments / Errata/ Replies
to the queries of the Party etc. along with the downloaded documents while
submitting the Tender then such offer may not be considered.



Signature Not Verified

NIT 75A-2018 Digitally signed by ASHOK MAROTI
Date: 2020.09.11 16:13:05 IST
Location: eProcure-EPROC

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