Bristol, M. (1987) - Mothers of Children With Autism or Communication Disorders

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Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, !Iol. 17, No.

4, 1987

Mothers of Children with Autism or

Communication Disorders: Successful Adaptation
and the Double A B C X Model 1
Marie M. BristoF
University of North Carolinaat ChapelHill

This study demonstrates the effectiveness of a modified Double ABCX or FAAR

model in predicting successful adaptation--good marital adjustment, few
maternal depressive symptoms, and an in-home rating o f family
functioning-in 45 families of autistic and communication-impaired children.
The model consisted of severity o f the handicap and other family stresses,
family resources of cohesion and social support, family definition o f the han-
dicap, and adequacy o f coping patterns. Canonical correlation and subse-
quent multiple regression procedures demonstrated that family adaptation
was positively predicted by adequacy of social support and active coping pat-
terns. Poorer adaptation was predicted by other family stresses, unwarrant-
ed maternal self-blame for the handicap, and maternal definition o f the
handicap as a family catastrophe. Findings for cohesion were mixed.
Resources and beliefs were more predictive o f adaptation than severity o f
the chiM's handicap.

tAn earlier version of this paper was presented at the Family Systems and Health Pre-
Conference Workshop, National Council on Family Relations, San Francisco, California,
October 1984. The author is indebted to Mark Appelbaum for statistical consultation, to
Mary Helms for data management services, to Margaret Schubert for assistance in data
collection, and to the TEACCH families who made this study possible. Special thanks are
also extended to Hamilton McCubbin and Rudolf Moos for their helpful comments on an
earlier version of this paper. The preparation of this paper was supported in part by the
Special Education Program of the Department of Education, Contract Number 300-77-0309.
However, the opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect the position or policy of the U.S.
Department of Education, and no official endorsement of the U.S. Department of Education
should be inferred.
2Address all correspondence to Made M. Bristol, Division TEACCH, Department of Psychiatry,
CB 7180 Medical School Wing E, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill,
North Carolina 27599-7180.

0162-3257/87/1200-o469505.0o/0 9 1987 Plenum Publishing Corporation

470 Bristol

With a few notable exceptions (Bristol, 1984; Crnic, Greenberg, Ragozin,

Robinson, & Basham, 1983; Friedrich, 1977; Gallagher, Cross, & Scharf-
man, 1981), most research on families of developmentally disabled children
has assessed the negative effects of these children on their families. Problems in
adaptation and family crises such as divorce or marital problems (Bristol, Scho-
pier, & McConnaughey, 1984; Love, 1973; Price-Bonham & Addison, 1978),
depression (Bradshaw & Lawton, 1978; Burden, 1980; Cummings, Bayley, &
Rie, 1966; DeMyer, 1979; Tew & Laurence, 1975), and institutionalization
(DeMyer & Goldberg, 1983; Lotter, 1978; Rutter, 1970) in these families have
been documented.
Stress in families of autistic children has merited particular attention.
Parents of these children report more stress than parents of children with other
types of handicaps (Holroyd & McArthur, 1976). Although rates of institu-
tionalization of handicapped persons have been declining, many families of
autistic and autisticlike children still face such a family crisis, with estimated
rates of institutionalization of autistic individuals ranging from 8% (Scho-
pier, Mesibov, DeVellis, & Short, 1981) to 74% (Lotter, 1978). Even very
recent studies (DeMyer & Goldberg, 1983) indicate that one-third of a treat-
ed group of autistic children were in residential placement before age 14 and
two-thirds in residential placement after that age.
On the other hand, there is also both research and clinical evidence that
many families, including families of autistic children, adapt successfully to
the presence and care of a developmentally disabled child and are function-
ing well in spite of the increased demands (Akerley, 1975; Bristol, 1984; Bur-
den, 1980; Grossman, 1972; Turnbull & Turnbull, 1978). At the present time,
however, there is no generally accepted conceptual framework that guides
research efforts in studying healthy family adaptation to handicapped children.
Consequently, there are few systematic data about characteristics, resources,
or beliefs that enable some families to adapt successfully to the demands of
the home care of seriously handicapped children.


There is a growing body of research that helps to explain how any fa-
mily copes with acute or chronic stress, whether the stress is a general life
change, physical illness, the stress of military separation, or a natural dis-
aster such as a tornado (Billings & Moos, 1982; Cohen & Lazarus, 1979; Hill,
1958; McCubbin, 1979; Olson & McCubbin, 1982).
It is apparent that no stressful event or stressor, including the presence
or care of a handicapped child, invariably causes a family crisis. Hill (1949,
Successful Adaptation 471

1958) proposed a classic ABCX model of family stress in which the charac-
teristics of the stressor event (A), the family's internal crisis-meeting resources
(B), and the family's definition of the stressor (C) contribute to the preven-
tion or precipitation of a family crisis (X). The ABCX Model has been more
fully defined and further developed conceptually by Burr (1973), Hansen and
Johnson, (1979), and McCubbin and Patterson (1981, 1983) to deal also with
postcrisis adaptation.
To expand Hill's original ABCX model, McCubbin and Patterson (1981,
1983) proposed a Double ABCX or Family Adjustment and Adaptation
Response (FAAR) Model. To the original ABCX model, the Double ABCX
model adds the pile-up of other family stresses that make adaptation more
difficult (aA), the social and psychological resources (bB) and coping strate-
gies (BC) that the family uses in managing potential crisis situations, the mean-
ing the family assigns to the event (cC), and the range of both positive and
negative outcomes possible.
The Double ABCX model was chosen for use in the present study be-
cause (1) it addresses postcrisis adjustment, (2) it recognizes the social and
contextual nature of adaptation over time, (3) it provides for assessment of
active coping as well as passive support, and (4) it addresses the possibility
that healthy adaptation rather than pathology may characterize the family's
response to stress.


The purpose of the present study was to assess the applicability of a modi-
fied Double ABCX model to the prediction of healthy functioning in families
of children with autism or severe communication disorders. The study em-
pirically tested the magnitude of the contribution of severity of handicap to
healthy family adaptation in the context of the family's other stresses and
the resources and beliefs the family brings to the adaptation process. Specif-
ically, the study tested the contribution to healthy family adaptation of severi-
ty of handicap (A), the pile-up of other stresses (aA), family cohesion (B),
social support (bB), externalization of blame (C), the definition of the han-
dicap as a family crisis (cC), and patterns of coping (BC).
The study tested four hypotheses. The first hypothesis was that the Dou-
ble ABCX model, as operationalized in this study, would predict overall
healthy adaptation in these families of children with autism or severe com-
munication disorders. The second hypothesis tested was that healthy family
adaptation would be positively predicted by greater family cohesion, greater
adequacy of informal and formal support regarding the handicapped child,
and more adequate coping patterns. The third hypothesis tested was that
472 Bristol

healthy family adaptation would be negatively predicted by the pile-up of

other stresses, maternal self-blame, and maternal definition of the handicap
as a family catastrophe. The final hypothesis tested was that the pile-up of
stressors, family resources, beliefs, and coping patterns would account for
more of the variance in healthy family adaptation than severity of the child's



This study was conducted as part of a larger, in-depth, longitudinal

study of families of autistic and communication-impaired children. The data
reported here include only maternal data relevant to the model being tested.
The participants in the present study were 45 mothers and their autistic
or severely communication-impaired children, ages 2-10, recruited from con-
secutive new referrals to TEACCH, a free, statewide program for autistic
and communication-impaireffchildren and their families. A total of 52 fa-
milies (89% of those contacted) is participating in the in-depth study described
above. For purposes of testing the ABCX model, however, the sample was
restricted to biological parents with complete data on all relevant measures
(N = 45). Families were evaluated before the child or parent had received
any diagnostic or intervention services from the autism program.
Participating families represented all five social status groups defined
by the Hollingshead Four Factor Index of Social Status (Hollingshead, 1971).
Slightly more of the families (n = 24) fell into the three lower social classes
than into the two higher social classes (n = 21). The mean age of the mothers
was 31 years (SD = 5.6, range 19 to 47). Mothers' educations ranged from
junior high level through graduate school, with the average respondent hav-
ing completed high school. Thirty-five of the mothers were from two-parent
families; 10 were single parents. The average number of children in each fa-
mily was 2.28 (SD = 1.25).
Children's mean age was 5.3 years (SD = 2.02), with a range of 2.3
to 9.7 years. Children's IQs ranged from 9 to 91, with a mean of 54 (SD
= 21.9). Of the children, 34 were boys, 11 were girls. Twenty-seven of the
children were subsequently diagnosed as autistic-score _> 30 on the Child
Autism Rating Scale (CARS; Schopler, Reichler, DeVellis, & Daly, 1980).
The remainder (n = 18) were diagnosed as nonautistic, communication-
impaired on the basis of CARS scores of < 30 and evaluation by an inter-
disciplinary team.
Successful Adaptation 473


Before children had their initial diagnostic evaluation, mothers who

agreed by telephone to participate in the study were sent packets of self-report
measures to complete prior to a scheduled home visit. Home visits were made
to collect the parent self-assessments and to conduct a structured maternal
interview. Observer ratings of the family were then done "blind" to the mater-
nal self-assessment reports. Psychometric assessment of the child was con-
ducted on a separate occasion at the nearest TEACCH center.


To test the applicability of the Double ABCX model, selected meas-

ures of these A, aA, B, bB, C, and cC elements were collected in the pro-
posed study and used as predictors of successful family adaptation (X). An
overview of the Double ABCX model as operationalized in this study is shown
in Table I. The choice of variables measured does not exhaust the dimensions
of the ABCX components of the model. Those that were measured, however,
do represent variables shown in previous research to be relevant to stress and
coping in families of handicapped children.

Table I. Overview of the Double ABCX Model as Opera-

tionalized in This Study
Element Summary score
of model used in analysis
A Severity of handicap
aA Pile-up of other stresses
B Family resources-- cohesion
bB Social support
C Self-blame
cC Catastrophe
BC Coping
Family adaptation
X Depression
Marital adjustment
Quality of parenting
474 Bristol

Characteristics of the Stressor (A)

For this study, the stressor was defined as the disabled child. Severity
in this study is the sum of the child's score for severity of autistic language,
affect and behavior on the Child Autism Rating Scale (CARS, Schopler et
al., 1980), and the child's score on an individually administered, develop-
mentally appropriate intelligence test. For purposes of summing the scores,
the child's score was reflected (i.e., reversed) so that higher scores on both
instruments would reflect more severe impairment.

The Pile-Up of Other Family Stresses (aA)

As McCubbin and Patterson (1981) point out, the severity of the stress
directly related to the child can be compounded by the "pile-up" of stresses
either indirectly caused by the child, or by other family stresses unrelated
to the child. The "pile-up" score for the present study is the sum of measures
of recent life changes (modified Holmes & Rahe, 1967, Schedule of Recent
Experiences) and of family limitations caused by the child's handicap. The
Holroyd Questionnaire on Resources and Stress (QRS; Holroyd, 1974), Scale
9, Limits on Family Opportunity, was used to assess the extent to which the
family had to pass up educational, vocational, or other self-development op-
portunities because of the child.

Family Resources-Cohesion and Social Support (B, bB)

Cohesion. The importance of family cohesion was indicated in the origi-

nal Hill (1949) ABCX model and has been emphasized more recently by OI-
son and McCubbin (1982) in their discussion of the Circumplex Model of
Families. Family cohesion was measured using the cohesion subscale of the
Family Environment Scale (Moos & Moos, 1981).
Social Support. The Carolina Parent Support Scale (CPSS; Bristol,
1978) was used to assess parental perceptions of adequacy of support regard-
ing their handicapped child. This scale measures the availability and helpful-
ness (0 = "not at all helpful" to 4 = "extremely helpful") of both informal
and formal sources of support for parents of handicapped or chronically ill
children. Informal sources o f support are defined as those that do not re-
quire exchange of money or formal organization. They include the rating
of availability and helpfulness of immediate and extended family friends,
neighbors, and other parents of handicapped children. Formal support in-
cludes ratings of availability and helpfulness of support persons or services
ranging from paid baby-sitters to intervention and respite care programs.
Successful Adaptation 475

The variables Informal Support and Formal Support are the unweighted sums
across the items in each scale.
Both informal and formal support scores have been shown to be in-
versely related to a summary score of stress on the Holroyd Questionnaire
on Resources and Stress (QRS) and to distinguish high-stress and low-stress
mothers of autistic children comparable in terms of demographic charac-
teristics and severity of the child's handicap (Bristol, 1985; Bristol & Scho-
pier, 1984).
Coping Strategies. The Coping Health Inventory for Parents (CHIP;
McCubbin & Patterson, 1981), a 45-item questionaire, was used in this study
to provide information about the specific coping responses parents used in
dealing with the stress of their autistic or communication-impaired children.
Psychometric properties of the scale are described in detail in McCubbin and
Patterson (1981). A total score for all items was used in the analyses below.

Family Definition of the Stressor (C, cC)

The Definition Scale (Bristol & DeVellis, 1980) was used in the present
study to assess parental perceptions of the subjective definition of having
a handicapped child. The scale consists of 11 statements arranged in a Likert-
type format (1 = "strongly disagree" to 6 = "strongly agree"). A principal
components analysis (with varimax rotation) of the responses of 135 parents
of handicapped children confirmed the existence of three components: (1)
a four-item "meaning/purpose scale" (e.g., Caring for my child is an oppor-
tunity to learn new skills); (2) a four-item self-blame Scale (e.g., My child's
problems are a punishment for something someone in the family has done);
and (3) a four-item "catastrophe/burden" scale (e.g., My child's having a
handicap is one of the worst possible things that could happen to our fami-
ly) (Ogle, 1982). For the present study, the score for self-blame was used
to assess the extent to which the mother blamed herself or other family mem-
bers for the child's handicap. The catastrophe or burden score was used to
assess the extent to which the mother defined the child's handicap as a fami-
ly catastrophe.

Family Adaptation (X)-- Depression, Marital Satisfaction,

and 1n-Home Family Adaptation

There are three aspects to successful adaptation to the disabled child

as operationalized in the present study--personal, conjoint, and child-
476 Bristol

Depressive Symptoms. To measure maternal report of depressive symp-

toms, the Center for Epidemiologic Studies-Depression Scale (CES-D; Rad-
loft, 1977) was used. It has been shown in previous research to distinguish
between psychiatric inpatients and community samples and to have high in-
ternal consistency, acceptable test-retest reliability, and excellent concurrent
validity with other self-report measures of depression (Radloff, 1977).
Marital Satisfaction. The total weighted score for the widely used Short
Marital Adjustment Test (Locke & Wallace, 1959) was used as the measure
of marital adjustment in the present study.
1n-HomeFamilyAdaptation. Both the measure of depressive symptoms
and that of marital adjustment rely on maternal report. In order to obtain
both a broader perspective on family functioning and a more objective as-
sessment of observable attitudes and behaviors, the Home Quality Rating
Scale (HQRS), Factor I, Harmony of Home and Quality of Parenting (Mey-
ers, Mink, & Nihira, 1977), was used as the dependent measure of quality
of parenting. It is completed by an in-home observer after a 11A- to 2-hour
structured interview with the parent. The interview probes the child's impact
on general family life. The interviewer then rates families on quality of
parenting (Factor I) on seven behaviorally anchored items measuring growth
promotion as a policy in child rearing, acceptance of the child, rejection of
the child, observed ability of the parent to cope with the child, and adjust-
ment and harmony in the home. This factor has been shown in previous
studies (Nihira, Meyers & Mink, 1983) to have an internal consistency relia-
bility (Cronbach's alpha) of .83 and to be related to the social competency
of retarded children. In this study, a Pearson product-moment, interrater
reliability correlation between two trained raters was computed for this score.
For seven cases, correlations ranged from 90 to 100%0, with a mean of 96%.


Data Analysis Plan

To test the applicability of the Double ABCX model in predicting the

three measures of adaptation for these mothers, the summary scores listed
in Table I for Stressor, Resources, Beliefs, and Coping were first compared
for mothers of autistic and communication-impaired children. Since no sig-
nificant differences were found, the groups were combined for subsequent
The significance of the overall model of multiple predictors and multi-
ple outcome measures was first tested using canonical correlation techniques
(Kshirsagar, 1972; Timm, 1975). Canonical correlation rather than the usual
Successful Adaptation 477

multiple regression procedures was used because there were both multiple
predictors and multiple outcome criteria in the study. The magnitude of the
canonical correlation was then adjusted to take into account the ratio of vari-
ables to subjects, as suggested by Lawley (1959). This procedure reduces the
probability of finding significant results. However, if the model proved to
significantly predict successful adaptation after adjustment, one could have
a high degree of confidence in the finding. Separate, order-dependent, mul-
tiple regression analyses (SAS, PROC GLM) were then conducted for each
of the three dependent variables to determine if the total model predicted
the separate outcomes. None of the three measures of adaptation was sig-
nificantly correlated with socioeconomic status (Hollingshead, 1971, Four
Factor Index of Social Status) in this study. SES, then, was not used as a
predictor in the regression equations.

The Total A B C X Model

Hypothesis 1: The Double A B C X model will predict healthy adaptation in

these families. (See Tables II-IV.)
The initial analysis consisted of an omnibus test (canonical correlation)
of the relationship of the overall model ( A - B - C - X ) to determine if, in
fact, child characteristics, family resources, and maternal beliefs significantly
predicted the adaptation measures of maternal depression, and an observer
rating of acceptance and quality of parenting with the handicapped child.
(Marital adjustment was examined separately because inclusion in this om-
nibus test would have eliminated all single-parent families from the analyses.)
The variables included in the canonical correlation are those listed in Table
I (A, aA, B, bB, C, cC, and BC the predictors, and X the criterion).
The overall canonical correlation of predictor variables with the criterion
was .75, which, when adjusted (Lawley, 1959) for the number of variables
in relationship to subjects, yielded a canonical correlation of .67 (F(16,70)
= 3.07, p < .01), indicating that the ABCX model significantly predicted
healthy adaptation in these families of developmentally disabled children.
At this point in the analysis, although the best linear combination of
the ABC variables was clearly related to the best linear combination of the
outcome variables, it was not clear whether the model significantly predict-
ed either depression or in-home ratings of adaptation per se. To determine
if the individual outcomes (depression and in-home ratings of quality of
parenting) could be predicted by the Double ABCX model, separate multi-
ple regression procedures were carried out for each dependent variable. The
order of variables entered was the same in all three instances, each starting
with severity of handicap followed by the list of variables found in Table
I. As shown in Tables II-IV, the Double ABCX model predicted quality of
478 Bristol

Table II. Simple Pearson Product-Moment and Multiple R Correlations of the Double ABCX
Variables with the In-Home Rating of Quality of Parenting
Multiple R
predictors of in-home ratings
Simple on quality of parenting
correlation with Unstandardized
quality of parenting beta
Variables (N = 45) r weights F p > F
Severity of handicap - .13 -.018 1.38 n.s.
Pile-up of other
stresses - .32 a - .004 7.47 .01
Family cohesion .38 ~ -.069 5.69 .02
Informal support .53 c .103 11.15 .002
Formal support .07 -.100 1.71 n.s.
Self-blame - .44 ~ - .300 2.90 .10
Definition as family
catastrophe - .58 c - .271 7.68 .01
Coping patterns .58 b .077 6.35 .02
~ < .05.
bp < .01.
~p < .001.

parenting, depression, and marital adjustment. (See single and multiple corre-
lations, beta weights, and F values in Tables II-IV.)
The total model accounted for 55070 (R 2 = .55, p < .0001) of the vari-
ance in the in-home rating of quality of parenting, 33070 (R 2 = .33, p <
.05) of the variance in depressive symptoms, and 53070 (R 2 = .53, p < .01)
of the variance in marital adjustment.
In the prediction of the in-home rating of quality of parenting (Table
II), all measures made a unique contribution over and above their shared
variance except for severity of the child's handicap and adequacy of formal
supports. It is noteworthy that active coping strategies made a significant
contribution to the prediction of quality of parenting even after social sup-
port and subjective beliefs had been added to the regression. The pile-up of
other family stresses made the most notable contribution to the prediction
of maternal depression even after its shared variance with the other predic-
tors was accounted for (Table III). Severity of the child's handicap, pile-up
of other stresses, perceived adequacy of informal social support, and self-
blame added significantly to the prediction of marital adjustment (Table IV).
It should be noted that a more severely handicapped child appears to have
a less adverse effect on the marriage than a more marginally normal and
less obviously handicapped child.
Successful Adaptation 479

Table III. Simple Pearson Product-Moment and Multiple R Correlations of the Double ABCX
Variables with Maternal Depression
Multiple R
predictors of
maternal depression
correlation with Unstandardized
quality of parenting beta
Variables ( N = 45) r weights F p > F
Severity of handicap - . 10 - .021 .53 n.s.
Pile-up of other
stresses .53 c .002 14.84 .0005
Family cohesion -.27 .398 .31 n.s.
Informal support -.29 a -.038 .39 n.s.
Formal support -.08 .043 .22 n.s.
Self-blame .22 .379 .74 n.s,
Definition as family
catastrophe .29 .501 1.10 n.s.
Coping patterns -.26 -.003 .001 n.s.
~p < .05.
bp < .01.
~p < .001.

Table IV. Simple Pearson Product-Moment and Multiple R Correlations of the Double ABC
Variables with Reported Marital Adjustment
Multiple R
predictors of
marital adjustment
correlations with Unstandardized
marital adjustment beta
Variables (N = 35) r weights F p > F
Severity of handicap ,24 .221 3.17 .09
Pile-up of other -.49 b -.092 12.34 .002
Family cohesion .32 - 2.42 .37 n.s.
Informal support .53 ~ 2.15 9.05 .006
Formal support .11 .411 .94 n.s.
Self-blame - .40 b - 3.536 3.04 .09
Definition as family
catastrophe - .23 - .081 .001 n.s.
Coping patterns .31 - .042 .03 n.s.
"p < .05.
~p < .Ol.
~p < .001.
480 Bristol

Hypothesis 2: Healthy family adaptation will be positively predicted by greater

family cohesion, greater adequacy of informal and formal support, and more
adequate coping patterns.
This hypothesis was supported unequivocally for only two of the four
predictor variables. As predicted, quality of parenting as rated in the home
was positively predicted by greater perceived adequacy of informal social
support and more adequate coping patterns (see Table II).
Although the simple correlation of cohesion with adaptation was posi-
tive (i.e., more supportive or cohesive families were rated as adapting better
to the child and providing a higher quality of parenting), in the context of
the multiple predictors, greater family cohesion was predictive of less, not
more, healthy family adaptation ratings. Although cohesion did not make
a unique contribution to the prediction of the other two dependent varia-
bles, the direction of the relationship was the same in all three cases; i.e.,
greater cohesion was related to more negative family adaptation. Adding vari-
ables to the equation one at a time, it was clear that the sign of the relation-
ship of cohesion to adaptation changed from positive to negative only in the
presence of the measure of informal social support from immediate and ex-
tended family and friends. Formal support as measured in this study was
not a significant predictor of any of the measures of adaptation.

Hypothesis 3: Healthy family adaptation will be negatively predicted by severi-

ty of the child's handicap, pile-up of other stresses, maternal self-blame, and
maternal definition of the handicap as a family catastrophe. (See Tables
The inverse relationship between each of the latter three variables (other
family stresses, maternal self-blame, and definition as family catastrophe)
and quality of parenting was demonstrated. Families who had more "other"
family stresses reported that they were more depressed and less happily mar-
ried, and, in fact, were rated by interviewers as adapting less well to their
child. Mothers who blamed themselves or another family member for their
child's handicap reported that they were less happily married and were rated
by interviewers as adapting less well to their child. Similarly, mothers who
defined having a handicapped child as a catastrophe (i.e., agreed with state-
ments such as "Having a handicapped child is the worst possible thing that
can happen to a family") were more apt to receive low ratings on in-home
quality of parenting. Contrary to predictions, severity of the child's handicap
was not a significant predictor of any of the three measures of adaptation. In
one case, where it approached significance (marital adjustment), greater severi-
ty was related to better adaptation.
Successful Adaptation 481

Hypothesis 4: Pile-up o f stressors, family resources, beliefs, and coping pat-

terns will account for more of the variance in healthy family adaptation than
severity o f handicap.
Over and above the shared variance with the other predictors, severity
of handicap did not add significantly to the prediction either of maternal
depression or of the in-home rating of quality of parenting. In the single
case where it made a significant additional contribution (martial adjustment),
greater severity was associated with better adaptation. (See Tables II-IV for
R 2 values, including severity of handicap.) In the prediction of the home rat-
ing, knowledge of severity of the handicap added only ] ~A%0 to the predic-
tion gained from the model without severity (without severity, R z = .528,
F(6, 38) = 7.10, p < .001). Severity of handicap contributed even tess (.2%)
to the prediction of depression without severity (R 2 without severity = .333,
F(6, 38), p < .01). It added 3% to the R 2 for marital adjustment over that
accounted for without severity (R ~ without = .50, F(7, 27) = 3.89, p < .004).


The results of the study indicate that the Double ABCX or FAAR
model, as operationalized in th~s study, is an effective way of conceptualiz-
ing the processes of adaptation in families of autistic or communication-
impaired children. Elements of the stressor (A, aA), family resources (B, bB),
and family definition of the stressful event (C, cC) did significantly predict
all three measures of family adaptation (X).
The strength of the model is demonstrated not only in its prediction
of maternal reports of depressive symptoms and marital adjustment but in
its prediction of more than half the variance in in-home ratings of family
adaptation made by interviewers "blind" to the self-assessment results. The
magnitude and level of significance of the predictions in ~pite of the small
sample size attests to the robustness of the findings.
The study hypotheses regarding specific predictors of healthy adapta-
tion received more mixed support in the study. As predicted, both perceived
adequacy of informal social support and coping patterns were related to
healthier adaptation. Mothers who had more adequate support from spouses,
immediate and extended family, and other parents reported happier marri-
ages, and were rated by interviewers as having better family adaptation.
The fact that both the perceived helpfulness of informal support and
coping patterns made independent contributions to the predictions of healthy
adaptation reinforces McCubbin's (1979) contention that active coping strate-
gies play a role that goes beyond the passive receipt of support. The fact
482 Bristol

that coping patterns added significantly to the prediction of the in-home rating
of family adaptation, even after both social supports and subjective beliefs
had been entered, provides substantial confirmation of their unique contri-
Also consistent with predictions, the magnitude of other family stress-
es contributed to the prediction of marital adjustment and the in-home rat-
ing of adaptation and was the single best predictor of maternal depression.
The fact that neither social support nor coping strategies appeared to buffer
the effect of life stressors on depression may relate to the order of entry of
these variables into the regression analysis. On the other hand, it may sug-
gest that some internal attribute of the parent such as self-esteem or locus
of control mediates social support linkages, use of particular coping strate-
gies, and their subsequent link with depression. This would be a fruitful area
for future research with similar populations.
Again as predicted, negative maternal beliefs appeared to affect adap-
tation, and adaptation was more closely related to resources and beliefs than
to severity of the child's handicap. Mothers who did not blame themselves
or other family members for the child's handicap reported happier marri-
ages, and were rated by trained observers as having better family adaptation
to the disabled child. This is consistent with the concept of "externalization
of blame," which is an important component of the definition of the stres-
sor in Hill's original conceptualization of the model and in Burr's (1973) and
Hansen and Johnson's (1979) later explications of family stress theory.
Contrary to predictions, somewhat paradoxical results were found for
the relationships of severity, formal support, and cohesion to healthy adap-
tation. Mothers of more severely handicapped children reported happier mar-
riages than parents with marginally normal children. This probably does not
mean that more retarded children are less stressful than normal children. It
is more likely that it reflects the prediagnostic timing of the study and the
role of ambiguity in coping with stress. Hansen and Johnson (1979) have
reviewed at length the effects of ambiguity on family communication, coorien-
tation, and interaction patterns. In the present study, before formal evalua-
tion of the child, more severely affected children are, in all likelihood, more
obviously handicapped and less apt to generate parental disagreements about
whether the child is actually handicapped.
Formal support, as measured in this study, was not a unique predictor
of any of the three measures of adaptation. However, these parents were evalu-
ated at the time of referral, before they had received TEACCH services and
when most had minimal contact with formal service providers.
When considered in isolation, greater cohesion was related to better
family adaptation. However, when cohesion was included in the multiple
regression equations with informal support from family, friends, and rela-
tives, cohesion appears to be negatively related to adaptation. Whatever var-
iance it shares with social support, then, indicates that supportive relationships
Successful Adaptation 483

are important for adaptation, but that some additional factor in cohesion
that goes beyond support may be a negative factor in adaptation. The find-
ing that greater cohesion was associated with less healthy rather than more
healthy ratings of adaptation is consistent with the notion of a circumplex
(Olson & McCubbin, 1982) model in which excessive cohesion becomes en-
meshment and interferes with healthy family adaptation. The findings regard-
ing formal support and cohesion indicate the complex nature of support that
may at times be a resource and at other times a source of stress.
Mothers of autistic children were comparable to mothers of
communication-impaired children on all family adaptation measures, but it
is not clear to what extent the results of this study are generalizable to other
types of handicapping conditions.
In addition, successful family adaptation to any type of stressor is a
process that changes over time. Analysis of longitudinal data is necessary be-
fore drawing any final conclusions regarding successful outcomes for these
On the level of intervention, the model has clear heuristic value. The
findings regarding the importance of support, coping strategies, and subjec-
tive beliefs suggest areas that should be targets for practitioners designing
intervention programs for autistic or communication-impaired children. The
results suggest that merely changing the child's behavior may be insufficient
in assisting families, especially in families of the most severely handicapped
children (see also Wahler, 1980).
The fact that obviousness of the child's handicap (in terms of severity)
was related to lower stress before formal evaluation supports the need for
early identification of the child's handicap and early parent education to
minimize disagreements regarding the child. Similarly, the contribution of
unwarranted maternal self-blame to marital adjustment, and to the home
rating of family adaptation, also emphasizes the need for early diagnosis and
parent education to prevent such parental misconceptions from interfering
with successful family adaptation to the child. Results of this study suggest
that previous approaches to autism that mistakenly blamed parents may have
contributed to marital problems and parental difficulty in dealing with the
Other child characteristics, such as child age and gender, are potential-
ly important contributors. In related research (Bristol, 1987), boys have
been found to have a more negative impact on marriages. Age effects may
be curvilinear, with increased age associated with better family functioning
until midadolescence (Bristol, 1987). More in-depth study of both age and
gender effects is warranted.
Finally, the results indicate that studying successful adaptation rather
than pathology in families offers a fruitful avenue for future research and
clinical practice. There is much that successful families can teach us that will
help us in assisting those families not coping as well. It is important to con-
484 Bristol

tinue to explore research methods that approach this interface between research
and clinical practice.

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