What Are The Benefits of Agriculture and Farmers?: Country Profile - Fiji
What Are The Benefits of Agriculture and Farmers?: Country Profile - Fiji
What Are The Benefits of Agriculture and Farmers?: Country Profile - Fiji
Rural Fijians tend to have several sources of livelihood; most households have a wage earner, but also
grow both food and cash crops, and many earn some income from fishing. In the wet areas, the main
food and cash crops are coconuts, ginger, cassava, taro, kava, bananas and breadfruit. The most
common livestock are poultry, pigs and cattle, including some dairy cattle. In the areas with
intermediate rainfall, vegetables, cocoa, passion-fruit and maize predominate, and there are also other
crops including sorghum, tobacco, sweet and Irish potatoes and turmeric. Farmers living in the dry areas
plant rice, both upland and irrigated, and pulses like mug bean and pigeon pea, as well as yams, citrus
fruit, pineapples and mangoes.
Humans once subsisted by hunting and gathering, foraging for available food wherever it could be
found. These early peoples necessarily moved frequently, as food sources changed, became scarce or
moved in the case of animals. This left little time to pursue anything other than survival and a peripatetic
lifestyle. Human society changed dramatically approximately 12,000 years ago, possibly related to the
ending of the last ice age, when agriculture began. People began planting collected seeds, harvesting
them and selecting successful crops. This encouraged people to make permanent homes. With a settled
lifestyle, other pursuits flourished, essentially beginning modern civilization.
The current dry spell in the Northern Division is affecting vegetable and root crop farmers.
For Laleen Deo, a cash crop farmer of Wasavulu in Labasa, said she barely makes $100 a month because
of the drought.
Laleen had been planting and selling different kinds of vegetables and root crops for the last three years
in her one acre of land and usually makes $1,000 from her produce when the weather is favourable.
Laleen Deo, 39, a cash crop farmer at Wasavulu in Labasa showing how her bean plant has been
affected by dry spell on August 12. Photo:SHRATIKA SINGH
She sells wholesale vegetables to the Labasa and Wasavulu market vendors.
“The farm is dried up since there is no rain so you can imagine the struggles we are facing,” said
the 39-year- old mother of three.
Before, she would plant cabbage and after three weeks, she would make $100 a day at the
She also used to plant kumala that would be harvested after three months.
“If the dry weather continues, I might have to stop farming and resort to something else
because I have to feed my family.” Assistant Minister for Agriculture ViamPillay, during his trip
to Labasa on Friday confirmed that many farmers had revealed that they were affected by dry
weather and the Ministry is looking into ways to assist them.
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Drought: Low water tables on secluded Islands in Fiji affect the well-being of citizens (McIver, 2016).
Western, Eastern, and Northern subdivisions of Fiji are dependent on water deliveries, bringing about
the evident economic issue which comes with transporting resources by air from nearby islands (Relief
web, 2017). Not only does Fijian government have to pay for an emergency supply of water, the
government competes with a United States company at the source in Viti Levu.
Early farmers domesticated cereals, fruits, vegetables and animals. This helped to preserve many species
selected for their high nutrient content and reliable harvests. In turn, the stable food supply created by farms
kept people from starving, and in fact led to a rapid increase in population around the world. Agriculture
gave people the opportunity to create civilizations, fight hunger and work to combat challenges in
population growth and climate change.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
("Drought", 2018)
Drought. (2018). Retrieved from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drought
Economic Impacts
What is drought
("Drought", 2018)
Drought. (2018). Retrieved from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drought