Ubd Template Story Elements Unit

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Understanding by Design Template 

Story Elements Unit: Regional ALS J. Bahrijczuk 2017 

Stage 1 - Desired Results 
Established Goals: ​Students will understand story elements that the author uses to make stories and 
that identifying these elements will increase comprehension. 

1.1 Enduring Understandings  1.2 Essential Questions 

Students will understand that . . . .   ● What items make a story?  

● There are multiple story elements that are  ● How does identifying story elements help 
involved when reading and writing a story.   me grow as a reader? 
● Story elements enhance our writing.   
● Identifying story elements have benefit our  ● How does understanding story elements 
reading comprehension.   help me grow as a writer?  

1.3 Acquisition of Knowledge and Skills 

Students will know . . . .    Students will be able to . . .  

● What the basic elements of a story are:   
characters, setting, and key events.   Identify character, setting and key events. 
Vocabulary​:   Retell main events from a story read aloud by an 
  adult or peer. 
Characters​-the people, animals, or things that are   
acting out a story.  Describe characters in a story and explain their 
  actions being done in the story.  
Setting​- where a story takes place    
  provide or look back to evidence from the text to 
Sequence of events​- placing things in order often  support their understanding.  
using words such as first, next, then, after, and last  
Problem/Solution​- a situation that characters set 
out to solve in a story  
Retell​- to share a story again  
Identify​- to find and name  
Story Elements​-characters, setting, key events of 
a story  

Adapted from Understanding by Design (p. 22), by G. Wiggins and J. McTighe, 2005, Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson 
Education, Inc. Copyright 2005 by ASCD. 
Stage 2 - Assessment Evidence 
Performance Tasks:  Other Evidence: 
The teacher will read a final story.   Guided Reading​: Students continue identifying 
  story elements with adult support or with a peer.  
Students will be orally quizzed on the following.    
  Reading Center:​ Teacher will leave books already 
Name the characters. What is the setting or  read in this center. Students will read by pictures 
settings of this story? What happens in this story?  and act out a story or retell the story to a partner 
Share the big events.   or staff member. 
Comprehension Center​:  
● Sequencing Events pictures/puzzles  
● Writing Center: Students will choose a 
character from a book read aloud. They will 
create their own setting and events and 
draw/write their own story.  
● Class Book: Students pick one character 
from a book and create a story.  
● Free Independent Writing:: Students create 
their own story and share with the teacher 
orally. Stories are typed and presented in a 
class book or shared in parent newsletters.  

Stage 3 - Learning Plan 

Learning Activities: 

Where are we going? What is expected? 
● Pre-questioning to gather previous knowledge 
● Show finished outcome of writings for students to analyze expectations 

How will I hook/introduce this to my students? 
● Modified text with picture clues  
● Colored images for viewing preferences 
● Text relevant to their lives and interests 

How will I equip students for desired performances? 
● Reminder/cheat sheet for practice problems to refer back to  
● Minimal adult prompting during independent activities 
● Prompted questioning similar to the final desired performance. 

Adapted from Understanding by Design (p. 22), by G. Wiggins and J. McTighe, 2005, Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson 
Education, Inc. Copyright 2005 by ASCD. 

How will I rethink or revise? What are going to be predictable misunderstanding? 
● Small group discussion and then large group sharing 
● Un-colored coded answers for guided answering with be added or removed based on 
knowledge retained. (students rely on color coded answers in the beginning  

How will students self-evaluate their learning? 
● Student checklists/ to do lists 
● Behavior Intervention Plan token system 
● Students check their work independently with correct answers to make modifications 

How will I tailor learning to varied needs, interests, and learning styles? 
● Self-selected writing stations 
● Modified reading text tailored to the student’s reading level 
● Picture clues with text 
● Preferential reading topics 

How will I organize the sequence of learning? 
● Overview of sessions - share terminology, assess background knowledge 
● Progressive independence in the sequence of learning 


Adapted from Understanding by Design (p. 22), by G. Wiggins and J. McTighe, 2005, Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson 
Education, Inc. Copyright 2005 by ASCD. 

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