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CITATION Tur13 /L 1033

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[CITATION Tur13 \l 1033 ] Investigated the impact of reverse logistics on order and

inventory variance amplification through single echelon supply chain (SC). The model used in

the paper is close-loop supply chain (CLSC) model and it is described specifically through a

math model (Roger et al., 2012). The author uses different math equation approach for analyzing

and modelling a close SC. The data is collected from European Union statistics to validate the

obtained numerical results. The variable use for examining the variance on order and inventory

are Customer demand, Order policy, Forecast method, Remanufacturing dynamics. The finding

suggests that serviceable inventory variance is increased by the reverse flow variability in a close

loop supply chain. However, a properly designed reverse flow causes improvement in the global

performance. For this purpose, the author proposes a new order policy that is named as R-

APIOBPCS, which directly consider the product’s reverse flow. The SC and logistic managers

can enhance the logistic performance by implementing CLSC when supported by proper

information and material management in the chain. The study has limitation like every study

conducted. The future researches can work on a more realistic CLSC models by evaluating the

impact of the newly propose order policy R-APIOBPCS.

Z. Mohamad (2016) investigated the impact of Strategic orientation and reverse logistics

on supply chain. The variables use in this research of hypothesis development is Strategic

orientation which has two sub variables Eco reputation strategic orientation and Eco innovative

strategic orientation. Reverse logistics is another independent variable while the dependent

variables are firm deployment which has 3 constructs that are green purchasing, green

manufacturing, and green packaging. The data is collected through a survey in Malaysia from all

certified firms having EMS ISO 14001 certificate. A total of 342 firms out of 2255 are ISO

14001 certified holders. A total of 125 complete questionnaires were collected with a response
rate of 36.5%. The result suggests that eco reputation strategic orientation and eco innovative

strategic orientation has positive relation with green purchase, green manufacturing and green

packaging. Reverse logistics outcomes are positively affected by green manufacturing and green

packaging however; green purchase has no significant relationship on reverse logistics outcomes.

Bjorklund et al. (2008) evaluated the importance that should be bringing in consideration

regarding environmental measurements that can enhance the performance in supply chain

management. The literature regarding logistics management and performance management is

developed with the by the theories relating to environmental logistics and green SC management.

A framework is developed and illustrated through a case study based on four actors in reverse

supply chain. The four components to illustrate the framework are stakeholder’s perspective, the

purpose of measuring, Managerial levels of measuring and measuring across supply chain

(Caplice&Sheffi, 1995). The finding suggests that the environmental performance measurement

is important in supply chain and how environmental performance measurement is applied at

managerial level as well as across the border of supply chain. Like all the other researches this

research also has limitations such as the future researcher can work on is that how the

measurements used in suppliers’ business offering are and the way they can be designed and

communicated to include the interest of buying company. Furthermore, it is likely the framework

can be applied in other areas than measurement like spreading of information or collaboration

efforts and in the development of business offerings.

Mollenkopf, Russo and Frankel (2007) examine the theory development of return

management in supply chain strategy with relationship of marketing/logistics being investigated

related to return management. The variables used in the research are Awareness of external

factor, Strategic Policies, Operational Polices, Functional Integration, Supply Chain Orientation
and Effectiveness of Return Management. The methodology used was qualitative. The data was

gathered from the interview of managers in Italian firms who have decision making powers. The

data was collected from managers of different department to have more diversified data like

marketing and logistic managers at strategic or operational level. The result emerged four key

finding with the first one being that strong evidence exist that strategic goal and policies are

being implemented, secondly, cross functional integration is broader within the firm beyond

expectation. Thirdly, the more integrated the firm is the better they deal with the external factors

influencing the return management process. And the final one being supply chain orientation

including forward and reversed supply chain flows is linked to effective return management. Due

to limitations the research was from the firms that was pre-selected for participation and in future

research the research can be replicated in European setting to determine the strength of the

factors posited to be important to return management process. Other limitation is other areas

except marketing and logistics will be incorporated formally in future.

Shaik (2012) developed a comprehensive reverse logistics performance management

framework (PM) and scorecard for RL Enterprises and the second objective is to integrate

analytical hierarchy process (AHP) approach for reverse logistics performance management. The

framework that is developed is based on an extensive review of literature on RL. PM framework

includes balance scorecard and performance prism. Furthermore, the framework is supported by

analytical hierarchy process for overall comprehensive performance index calculation. Findings

elaborates that the scorecard consists of six performance perspective and the relevance of them

from reverse logistics viewpoint has been authentic. The measures are proposed with respect to

each perspective that efficiently and effectively address vital facets of an enterprise’s excellence.

Furthermore, AHP methodology is used to propose a method to prioritize different performance

levels. In the future, it is recommended to determine whether the proposed perspectives

admeasures are adequate as these criteria keep changing over time. With increasing uncertainties,

the interrelationships of key factors of RL PM and various multi-criteria models can be explored.

Hong (2007) presented a model linking customer orientation, interactive system

infrastructure, value chain practices, and network performance outcomes due to the fact that the

impact of customer orientation and interactive system infrastructure throughout enterprises

network is not fully understood. The variables used are customer orientation, supply chain

practices, interactive system infrastructure and supply chain outcomes. The conclusion is that

supply chain management is an important aspect to change management. Effective customer

orientation is required investment in network culture development and other intangible

partnership relationships as much as in tangible IT infrastructures. The propose value chain

framework supports the importance of customer orientation. The research framework suggests

that customer orientation has a positive impact on network infrastructure design, practices and

performance outcomes. For managing customer requirement more effectively, implementation of

customer orientation practices and outcomes are necessary.

Singh and Trivedi (2016) gave a structured and up-to date insight into the literature

published on sustainable green environment management during last decade. It also suggests

trends for future research based on the research issues identified through systematic and

comprehensive analysis of previous studies in the area of green and sustainable supply chain

management. A framework of activities that take place for a sustainable green supply chain are

presented from supplier to customer. Literature during period of 2005-2014 was categorized on

the basis of attributes such as stages in supply chain, methodology and the industries/sectors

under consideration. The result indicates that there is increase in researches regarding sustainable
and green supply chain in the past 10 years. An urge to achieve sustainability through green

practices has been felt universally which owe to an increasingly environmental complexity. For

environmental sustainability reverse logistic, close loop supply chain management and waste

management are the areas that need special focus. The current review is based on papers of past

decade that can be increase in terms of number of years in future study to get more effective


Stock & Mulki (2009) discussed the product return process in context of manufacturer,

wholesaler/distributor, and retailers. Hypotheses are developed through examining the practices

that are adopted by manufacturers, wholesalers/distributors and retailers in terms of return

product process. The data was collected through both interviews and surveys. Interviews were

conducted personally from executives who had responsibilities of reverse logistics at more than

20 manufacturers, wholesalers/distributors, retailers. With the help of interviews questions were

refined to be asked from the survey respondents. A total of 230 respondents’ data was collected

out of 1095 with a response rate of 22.1% that was used for hypothetical testing. The finding

indicates that on average, the respondents in three groups consume 31% of time on processing,

about 26% on sortation, 26% on disposition and about 17% time on receiving. Results also

showed support for all the hypotheses except for H2, H3 and H7. H1 was supported as the results

show that return processing was generally assigned to middle or senior management positions in

the organization. The survey revealed that metrics is used by the firms to measure product return

process but according to Caplice and Sheffi (1994) metrics is evaluated by 8 criteria namely

validity, robustness, usefulness, integration, economy, compatibility, level of detail, behavioral

soundness. The metrics in this research where not developed with the eight criteria in mind so

that can be done in future research.

Wisner (2003) determines the impact of supplier management strategy and customer

relationship strategy on firm performance with mediating effect of supply chain management

strategy. The variables used are firm performance as dependent variable whereas customer

relation strategy and supplier management strategy are independent variable. The mediating

variable is Supply chain management strategy. Confirmatory approach was used to analyze the

inter relationship of variable through structural equation modelling (SEM). The data was

collected through a survey which was designed using 30 US senior supply and material

managers. The survey was circulated in US and European manufacturing and service

organization through emails. A total of 556 surveys with 411 from US firms and 145 from

European firms were collected with a response rate of 10.2%. The result indicates that customer

relation and supplier management strategies significantly impact each other while these both

variables have a significant impact on supply chain management strategy. However, Supply

chain management strategy significantly influences firm performance. For future research further

studies on SCM and firm performance relationship should be included such as types of

performance measurement used among firms practicing supply chain management and also the

studies that observes specific interactions and practices of supplier, buyer and customers.

Jack et al. (2009) discussed the use of reverse logistics has received attention on literature

increasingly. The major role of reverse logistics is to achieve firms enabling cost saving but that

has now been empirically examined. The main aim of this paper is to address the issue that

reverse logistics capabilities can enable retailers to enhance their return policy and improve its

cost position. The variables used are customer orientation, customer opportunism, resource

commitments and contractual arrangements. The mediating variable is reverse logistics

capabilities whereas the dependent variable is reverse logistics cost savings. The data was
collected through a survey from 295 retailers. The finding indicates that resource commitments

and contractual obligations positively impact reverse logistics capabilities and that these

capabilities result in cost saving, Customer opportunism has negative relation with reverse

logistics capabilities. The result more suggest that reverse logistics capabilities partially mediate

the relation of resource commitments and contractual arrangements with reverse logistics cost


Zhang Yu et al. (2018) investigated the impact of reverse logistics on operational

performance of the firm. The variables used in are reverse logistics operation as focus variable

while environmental performance, financial performance, competitive advantage and operational

performance as independent variables. Pharmaceutical industries located in India are used in this

research to investigate the relationship of dependent and independent variables. The method used

to test the hypothesis is simultaneous regression method and the data was collected from 121

firms for further analysis. A total of 147 questionnaires was filled and received with 21 of them

no useable. The result indicates that except competitive advantage all other dependent variables

such as operation, environmental and financial performance is positively and significantly

correlates with reverse logistics operations. Competitive advantage has insignificant impact on

reverse logistic operations. In addition, due to adoption of reverse logistics, firms may increase

their overall performance and increase the efficiency of manufacturing processes due to

elimination of waste. Furthermore, implementing reverse logistics operations, more opportunities

to firms to improve their products’ quality and reduce their end-to-end supply chain cost will

take place.

[ CITATION Van17 \l 1033 ] studied the green supply chain management (GSCM) pressures,

practices and performance observed in supplier of a Brazilian automotive supply chain. The
variables used are Institutional Pressure, Green Supply Chain Management (GSCM) practices

and performance. GSCM practices variable has 5 more constructs namely Internal

Environmental Management (IEM), Eco-design (ECO), Green Purchasing (GP), Customer

cooperation with environmental concerns (CC) and Investment Recovery (IR) whereas

performance variable has 3 constructs those are Environmental Performance (EnvP), Operational

Performance (OperP), Economic Performance (EconP). The data was analyzed using partial

least square structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM) through Smart PLS software. The result

shows that economic and environmental performance is positively associated to the adoption of

GSCM practices. In addition, the finding also suggests institutional pressure that is influenced in

this supply chain requires to pursue green supply chain management practices. The result also

provides approaches both theoretically and managerially to focus on environmental awareness by

adopting GSCM practices in different industries of Brazil.

[ CITATION Gen16 \l 1033 ] Purpose was to examine the relationship between green supply

chain management practices and firm performance in Asian emerging economies (AEE). The

variables used are firm performance as independent variable has 4 sub-variables namely

operational performance, environmental performance, economic performance and social

performance. The independent variable is green supply chain management (GSCM) practices

which is classified in five categories including inter organizational management, supplier

integration, eco-design, customer cooperation and reverse logistics. The industry target for this

research is the manufacturing sector. Data was collected from a total 50 articles that were

published between 1996-2015 and surveyed 11,127 manufacturing companies in the AEE. The

conceptual framework that was developed to test the hypothesis was analyzed through a meta-

analysis of 130 effects out of 25,680 effect sizes. The finding discloses that GMSC practice has a
positive relation with on environmental, economic, social and operational performance.

Moreover, the results indicate that industry type, firm size, ISO certification, and export

orientation moderate several of the GSCM practice-performance relationships. However, the

result has urged the managers and policy makers to show confidence in adoption of GSCM

practices for better firm performance.

[CITATION GSK15 \l 1033 ] Discussed the environmental issues that due to the increasing

market share the automobile sector are facing such as carbon omission, global warming etc. The

automobile manufacturers are facing dual pressure one, to save the environment and the other

one to maintain the performance of the firm in the long run. This research develops the approach

towards adoption of green initiatives and with the help of this adoption, builds relationship

between performance of the firm and sustainable development. The variables used are firm

performance as dependent variable and green initiatives and sustainable development as

independent variable. The research technique used is explanatory because of the fewer

researchers available in this field of study. After hypothetical result it is known that green

initiatives have positive impact on both firm performance and sustainable development whereas

firm performance which is the outcome of green initiatives have direct relationship with

sustainable development. The firm that does not focus on green initiatives has no contribution to

sustainable development.

[ CITATION Agr15 \l 1033 ] examine the importance of reverse logistics for all organizations

due to growing environmental concerns, legislation, corporate social responsibility and

sustainable competitiveness. An attempt to fill the existing gap on this issue through literature

review and to outline the future direction based on the research gap analysis. A framework is

developed after selecting 242 previous published articles on topics such as adaptation and
implementation, forecasting and product returns, outsourcing, RL networks from secondary

market perspective etc. The conclusion suggests that implementation of legislation, corporate

imaging, environmental concerns, economics benefit and sustainable competitiveness are forcing

firms to adopt reverse logistics practices as well as making them more efficient and effective.

One of the limitations of this study is that select issues were considered for the review. This work

may be further extended for other issues like marketing, information technology in the area of


[ CITATION Cho11 \l 1033 ] Investigated that automobile manufacturing industries are

looking forward to become environmentally sustainable with the key approach of Green Supply

Chain Management. In this decade every industry is cautious about the environmental problems

and trying best to adopt environment friendly techniques for the manufacturing process.

Industries with especially automobile concerns are much more dangerous for environment when

it comes to manufacturing. In India automobile industries like TATA, MAHINDRA etc. have

opted and implemented ISO 14001 certification to become environment friendly. Indian

automobile industry has grown faster in today’s world with 2 nd position in 2 wheelers and 4th in

commercial vehicles. GSCM works in four steps. Inbound GSCM is about purchasing

environment friendly raw material with combined supplier function. The second step is to design

the use of raw material that how raw material can be processed with eco-friendly techniques and

this process is known as Operational GSCM. Next step is about delivery of the product with eco-

friendly packaging and labelling which is Outbound GSCM. Reverse logistics is the last step and

the most important one which leads to saving of raw material, water, energy, process, etc. which

is highly beneficial for the environment. Reuse of raw material is also the part of Reverse

[ CITATION Lao13 \l 1033 ] Environmental interest has been drastically increased over the

world because of the climatic changes. Industries are trying to minimize their impact on the

environment by adopting eco-friendly methods. Supply Chain Management (SCM) has been

identified as the key solution of for the betterment of green environment. It all depends on the

concern of organizations that how much organizations are concerned about the environment and

trying to eliminate environment harmful ways. In the past studies it has been found that there is a

major association between GSCM practices and organizational performance but some researches

proposed opposite relation between these two. GSCM practices, when implemented can

negatively or positively affect performance. There will be different outcomes in different

settings. Organizations, who are highly concerned about the green environment will always look

for the green practices of its supplier. The fear of regulations related to compliance with

environmental principles and principles is clearly the most significant medium for these


[ CITATION Xia14 \l 1033 ] Now-a-days, forward logistics has been focused in the

organizations to satisfy its customer but there is no implementation of reverse logistics (RL)

which is also a part of customer satisfaction and enhance customer loyalty towards the brand.

Integrating RL operations with information technology (IT) will add more value and increase

customer convenience. Managers also prefer IT data to make decisions more rational. There is

increased attention on collaborative efforts when firms are connected with each other and

information sharing is proactive than quality and time lapse of decision is making become more

efficient. IT has become a necessary component in today’s world SCM practices. IT houses are

not integrating RL methods in software which leaves a loop hole in customer satisfaction.
[ CITATION Has18 \l 1033 ] examine the level of association between the two indicators

management support and with the concept of organization learning green supply chain

management environment. The theoretical model is developed with green supply chain

management (GSCM) practices as dependent variable. The GSCM practices variable has 3

supporting constructs namely External activities, Investment recovery, Eco-design. The 2

independent variables are Organizational learning and Management support. Different industries

in Malaysian are used to collect the data and a total of 285 useful responses were received to get

to the conclusion. The finding suggests positive relationship with organizational learnings.

support of organization and GSCM practices adopted controlled variables from organizations

size, regulations of country perspective, cost pressure by organization, practices of industry at

different levels. Future research can be done on more border sampling and longitudinal analysis

would prove more efficient prove for this management agenda.

[ CITATION Can16 \l 1033 ] analyses the inventory and order flow dynamics in close-loop

supply chains (CLSCs). This kind of supply chain reverse flow of material for recycling purpose

enters the system and complicates the way in which inventories should be managed and

replenishment polices should be designed. The variables used are to analyses relationship

between some reverse logistics factors (remanufacturing lead-time, return rate of recycled

products, reverse order policy and number of supply chain tiers) on order and inventory variance

amplification. A different equation math approach is used to find the results. Results show that,

ceteris paribus, CLSC outperforms a forward supply chain, both in mono-echelon and multi-

echelon structures and under both stationary and turbulent market demands. Furthermore,

reducing remanufacturing lead-time and promoting information transparency may be crucial to

improve CLSC dynamics. The limitation of the research is the results obtained depend on the
modelling assumption. Therefore, the research may be extended in different configurations such

as divergent supply chain.

[ CITATION Kum12 \l 1033 ] emphasized upon the application of supply chain management

and adding the “Green” components to make an environmentally friendly system. The variable

used in the result are green supply chain management (GSCM) practices, external GSCM

relationship factors NS Eco-design, Investment recovery (IR), Organizational learning as a

determinant of GSCM practice and Management support and commitment as a determinant of

GSCM practices. The waste and emissions caused by the supply chain have become one of the

main sources of serious environmental problems including global warming and acid rain. With

the implementation of green supply chain both economic and environmental performance can be

improved. The research provided ample reasons to adopted green supply chain as one of the

measures of conservation environment.

[ CITATION Rao05 \l 1033 ] aims to identify the linkage between green supply chain

management, as an initiative for economic performance, environmental enhancement and

competitiveness amongst a list of companies in South East Asia. A conceptual model consisting

of variables was developed. Economic performance was used as a dependent variable while the

independent variables are Greening Inbound, Greening Production, Green Outbound and

Competitiveness. Linear Structural equation model (SEM) was used to validate the relationship

between the constructs. Data was collected through a questionnaire which was mailed to the ISO

14001 certified corporations in Indonesia, Malaysia Thailand, Singapore and Philippines. 52

valid responses were received with a 10% response rate. A minimum requirement of sample size

that was 50 responses were meet to proceed with the results. The analysis revealed that greening

different phases of the supply chain leads to an integrated green supply chain which leads to an
economic performance and competitiveness. The research limitations are that in future this

research can be done with a larger sample size which will allow detailed cross-sectoral

comparisons. Secondly, future research should empirically test the relationships suggested in this

paper in different countries

[ CITATION Wig18 \l 1033 ] quantitatively examine and determine if there was a statistically

significant difference in critical success factors of a reverse logistics supply chain system. The

theoretical framework was developed and it includes reverse logistics supply chain as focus

variable with the independent variable used in the framework is Critical Success Factors with 3

sub-constructs namely Suppliers Customer Investment, Delays Barriers Enables and Effective

Reverse Logistics reasons. The approach was this research is exploratory. The target population

to collect the data for testing of hypothesis was from the retail-shipping organizations located in

USA. Data collection took place through mailing of questionnaire while a total of 500

questionnaire was mailed with 110 were correctly filled and received back resulting in a response

rate of 21%. The finding suggests, there were significant differences between critical success

factors and the success of a reverse logistics supply chain in the US. Future research should

expand the parameters of what defines critical success factors and incorporate other dimensions

to obtain a more realistic and applicable solution.

[ CITATION Mut13 \l 1033 ] investigated to identify key performance measures for green

supply chain and to identify causal linkages between important variables in a typical supply

chain. Another purpose was to develop the dynamic simulation model for developing appropriate

green policies and strategies when transferring from reverse logistics to green supply chain.

Based on system dynamics (SD) principles, the impact of key variables on the performance of

the green supply chain system is simulated and analyzed. The result unveiled that for to realize
the benefits of economic, social and environmental performance it is necessary and essential in

medium to long term to invest on a cautious approach on green strategies. There are 3 limitations

with the first one can be taken as to include the application of suitable empirical data. Secondly,

the importance to model the qualitative parameters such as willingness to invest, using

qualitative SD so as to represent the variables in a more realistic manner. Thirdly, importance to

obtain optimal dynamic polices, a simulation optimization technique is to be develop for policies


[ CITATION Chi15 \l 1033 ] proposes two folds, firstly, review the extant literature on the

relationship between green supply chain management (GSCM), environmental collaboration and

sustainability performance. Second purpose is to propose a conceptual model to illustrate the

relationship between these three variables in the context of manufacturing companies of

Malaysia. The proposed model has a dependent variable with 1 independent variable whereas

environmental collaboration plays a role of a moderator. The independent variable is GSCM

practices that include green manufacturing, green procurement, green distribution and green

logistics while the dependent variable is sustainability performance which is investigated with

three perspectives that are economic, social and environmental performance. Structural Equation

Modelling (SEM) is used to test the hypothesis and the sample size was of more than 200

respondents. The finding suggests that GSCM practices and sustainability performance has

significant relationship. However, there are some issues such as involving collaboration with

suppliers in designing green products and adopting environmental practices into processes have

yet to be researched fully. The presence of environmental collaboration is expected to facilitate

as a link between these two constructs which would ease the implementation of GSCM practices.

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