Light Trapping in Thin-Film Cu (Inga) Se Solar Cells
Light Trapping in Thin-Film Cu (Inga) Se Solar Cells
Light Trapping in Thin-Film Cu (Inga) Se Solar Cells
3, MAY 2014
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interval, using the optical constants that had been previously ob-
tained using the integrated loop analysis process, and the results
are plotted in Fig. 4(a) and (b).
Fig. 4. (a) Absorption and (b) transmission characteristics of Cu(InGa)Se2 This exercise enabled the observation of the absorption char-
layers of various thicknesses. (c) Cu(InGa)Se2 layers that are under analysis, acteristics of light in a single optical path length. The wavelength
in (a) and (b), are sandwiched between two semiinfinite structures of the same
material, and therefore, no front or back surface reflections occur. A light wave
range of this analysis was limited to 300–1100 nm, which cor-
propagating through the layer of interest is also shown. responded to the bandgap of the coevaporated Cu(InGa)Se2 ,
which is about 1.2 eV [6]–[9]. As can be seen in Fig. 4(b), for a
structure that is 700-nm thick, only light of wavelengths above
All the other materials properties used in this light-trapping
600 nm would hit the back reflector surface, and hence, that is
study were obtained from previous studies [3], [8]–[10].
the range where the back reflector design is focused.
The electromagnetic simulation tool that was used throughout
The reflectance characteristics were simulated for different
this study is centered on the scattering matrix algorithm, which
back surface materials, including soda-lime glass, aluminum,
is a modified version of a transfer matrix-based algorithm that
silver, gold, and molybdenum, with each of these materials
is used to solve Maxwell’s equations rigorously for each indi-
placed below a semiinfinite layer of Cu(InGa)Se2 . As can be
vidual wavelength in the spectrum being considered [20]–[22].
seen in Fig. 5, gold and silver exhibited the best reflectance char-
In this algorithm, the structure to be simulated is broken up into
acteristics especially at longer wavelength regions. Molybde-
many individual layers in the direction of light illumination. The
num, which is the commonly used back contact for Cu(InGa)Se2
fields in each layer are expanded into Fourier modes, whereby
solar cells, did not exhibit good reflectance characteristics.
redundant Fourier modes are also incorporated in order to ensure
An optimization of the thicknesses of the ITO and ZnO layers
the accuracy of the scattering matrix method; this also includes
was performed using the particle swarm optimization algorithm
cases where large index contrast materials are considered. The
[3] to reduce the device reflectance. It is pertinent to note that
expansion coefficients for each Fourier mode are then used to
that the soda-lime glass in this case was treated as a semiinfinite
form the scattering matrix. The scattering matrices from each of
superstrate, so as to focus on the ITO and ZnO thicknesses
the layers are then cascaded in order to attain an overall system
specifically. The optimal design parameters were found to be
matrix that can be used to provide both reflection and trans-
150 nm of ITO and 112 nm of ZnO, which gave an average
mission characteristics. The application of periodic boundary
reflectance of 6.5% in the 300–1100 nm range.
conditions makes it possible to significantly reduce the com-
Finally, the optimized ITO and ZnO coatings, along with the
putation time, thus making the S-Matrix method suitable for
silver or gold back reflectors, were applied to a superstrate so-
thin-film solar cell applications.
lar cell with 0.7-μm thick Cu(InGa)Se2 —in a structure similar
to Fig. 1 but without the diffraction gratings—and the light-
V. FUNDAMENTAL LIGHT-TRAPPING STUDY trapping characteristics were simulated. An additional diffrac-
In order to perform a light-trapping study of value, it is nec- tion grating, with a period of 860 nm and 50% fill factor (sim-
essary to identify the optical characteristics of a material when ilar to Fig. 1)—corresponding to feature sizes that have previ-
no optical enhancements or reflections occur. This is calculated ously been realized using a deep ultraviolet lithography process
by placing the Cu(InGa)Se2 between two semiinfinite struc- [19]—was included to the final design structure and simulated.
tures of the same material, i.e., a superstrate and substrate of The resultant absorption characteristics of the different struc-
Cu(InGa)Se2 in this case, and letting light flow from within the tures are plotted in Fig. 6. It was observed that the absorption
superstrate, through the structure and out into the substrate, as characteristics were almost the same, which is what was ex-
shown in Fig. 4(c). This way, it is possible to determine how pected, considering that the reflectance of gold and silver, into
much light is absorbed within a certain thickness of the mate- Cu(InGa)Se2 , is almost identical for wavelengths above 750 nm,
rial. This type of analysis was performed on Cu(InGa)Se2 layers as was shown in Fig. 5. Additionally, all wavelengths below
with thicknesses ranging from 100 to 2100 nm with a 200-nm 750 nm would be absorbed in the 700-nm Cu(InGa)Se2 layer
Fig. 6. (a) Percentage and (b) total power absorption characteristics of 700-
nm-thick Cu(InGa)Se2 solar cell structures with various optical enhancements;
silver and gold back reflectors and silver and gold diffraction gratings.
In this paper, a fundamental optical analysis framework for
Fig. 7. (a) Percentage and (b) total power absorption characteristics of 300- designing light-trapping schemes for thin-film Cu(InGa)Se2 so-
and 50-nm Cu(InGa)Se2 solar cell structures with various optical enhancements;
silver back reflectors and silver diffraction gratings. lar cells was presented. The first part of the study examined
the process of obtaining accurate optical material constants us-
TABLE I ing a number of techniques including VASE, electromagnetic
OPTIMAL DESIGN PARAMETERS OF MATERIALS USED IN CU(INGA)SE2 SOLAR simulations, and reflectance measurements obtained using a
spectrophotometer. The optical constants that were verified us-
ing all the aforementioned methods were then used to accu-
rately develop an electromagnetic simulation tool that was sub-
sequently used to analyze various aspects of light propagation
through Cu(InGa)Se2 solar cells. The first aspects to be con-
sidered were the absorption and transmission characteristics of
Cu(InGa)Se2 layers of varying thickness, thereby giving in-
sights into the wavelengths of interest in light-trapping designs.
Subsequently, the simulation tool was used to assess the reflec-
before ever reaching the back reflector, as can be inferred from tion characteristics of different candidate materials for back sur-
Fig. 4. face reflectors in Cu(InGa)Se2 solar cells. Finally, the tool was
It was finally decided that silver be used for the rest of used to analyze more complex light-trapping schemes, which
the study because of its wider bandwidth of high reflectance, included diffraction gratings, for thin, 300-, 500-, and 700-nm,
when compared with gold, which would work better for thin- Cu(InGa)Se2 solar cells based on superstrate cell configurations.
ner Cu(InGa)Se2 structures; this conclusion was derived from It was found that the structures that incorporated diffraction grat-
observing the reflectance graphs in Fig. 5(a). ings were the most effective at trapping light.
The same optimized design parameters, as used in the struc-
tures of Fig. 6, were applied to thinner, i.e., 0.5- and 0.3-μm-
thick Cu(InGa)Se2 , solar cell structures, but this time only uti-
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