Cord Blood

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Preserving your newborn’s stem cells can help you prepare for your child’s future. We’ve gathered a few
common questions about newborn stem cells and CBR in hopes that you will find them useful as you
learn about your options.

What are cord blood and cord tissue?

Your baby’s umbilical cord is made up of tissue and contains blood, both of which are rich
sources of powerful stem cells and other potentially beneficial cell types. Newborn stem cells
are unique because they are biologically younger and more flexible than adult stem cells.

What can newborn stem cells be used for?

For more than 20 years, cord blood stem cells have been used in the treatment of certain
cancers, as well as blood, immune, and metabolic disorders.1,2 Today, there are more than
200 clinical trials under way around the world for both cord blood and cord tissue stem cells.3
This research is about a range of conditions, including transplant and regenerative medicine
applications such as brain injuries, hearing loss, and congenital heart defects.3

Who could potentially benefit from newborn stem cells?

Your baby isn’t the only one who may benefit from having access to preserved newborn stem
cells. The cells can potentially be used by siblings and parents, too. In fact, in many current
cord blood treatments, stem cells from a donor—a matched sibling, for example—are needed.

What is delayed cord clamping?

Delayed cord clamping is the practice of letting the blood flow from the umbilical cord to the
baby after delivery, before clamping and cutting the umbilical cord. Delayed cord clamping
and preserving newborn stem cells can both be part of your birthing plan. Just be sure to
discuss your choices with your healthcare provider before your due date.

What is the difference between preserving newborn stem cells for your family
and donating?
Family: Set up in advance of delivery, this process preserves your baby’s cord blood and/or
cord tissue for potential future use by your family. Should it be needed in the future, this
financial investment provides you access to a unique resource that may open doors to
future stem cell treatments for your family.

Donation: If your family is delivering at a participating hospital, arrangements can be made

to anonymously donate your baby’s cord blood, which may be used by a patient who needs
a transplant. While it is free to donate, it is highly unlikely that the cells will be available to
your family for use in the future.
Why do families choose CBR?
Affordable Investment:

• CBR believes that every family should have the opportunity to preserve their baby’s newborn
stem cells. That’s why we created several affordable payment options that fit almost every
family’s budget

• CBR’s Newborn Possibilities Program® helps families with a qualifying medical need preserve their
child’s newborn stem cells by covering all costs for processing and 5 years of storage

Comprehensive Support:

• CBR’s Certified Genetic Counselors are available to speak with your family about newborn stem
cells options and to provide education about stem cell research. Our counselors can discuss your
family’s medical history and how newborn stem cells may be applicable to you

• CBR’s Family Health Registry™ helps to identify conditions that are common among CBR families.
That way, we can partner with researchers to study conditions that are important to our families and
connect them to clinical trials

Unparalleled Commitment:

• CBR constantly invests in our laboratory and storage facility to help protect your family’s
precious resource

• CBR’s mission is to help advance the science of newborn stem cells. Our partnerships with
reputable research institutions on FDA-regulated clinical trials that focus on stem cell research
are helping us achieve that mission

To learn more, call CBR at 888.240.1996 to speak with a

Newborn Stem Cell Educator who can help answer your questions
and provide further information, or visit

References: 1. National Cord Blood Program website.

Accessed February 2, 2016. 2. Butler MG, Menitove JE. Umbilical cord blood banking: an update. J Assist Reprod Genet.
2011;28:669-676. 3. U.S. National Institutes of Health.
Accessed January 2017.

Ultimate use of newborn stem cells will be determined by the treating physician, who will consider if they are applicable for the
condition and should come from the patient or a suitable donor (siblings of the same biological parents have a 25% chance of being
a perfect match and a 50% chance of being a partial match; biological parents will always be a partial match). There is no guarantee
that treatments being studied in the laboratory, clinical trials, or other experimental treatments (including regenerative medicine
applications) will be available in the future.
Cord tissue use is still in early research stages, and there is no guarantee that treatments using cord tissue will be available in the
future. Should such use become available, cord tissue will require additional processing prior to use. CBR is currently evaluating the
potential to isolate and prepare multiple cell types from cryopreserved cord tissue for potential future use.
Cbr Systems, Inc.’s activities for New York State residents are limited to collection of umbilical cord tissue and long-term storage of
umbilical cord–derived stem cells. Cbr Systems, Inc.’s possession of a New York State license for such collection and long-term
storage does not indicate approval or endorsement of possible future uses or future suitability of these cells.

© 2017 Cbr Systems, Inc. All rights reserved • PP-CBR-US-00244

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