CSE PUT Paper Microprocessor

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Course: Microprocessor Course Code: KCS403 Branch: CSE

Semester: 4rth DOE: 02.05.20 Time: 1hr 30Min
Faculty: Sheetal Nagar & Muazzam Laiq Max Marks: 50

Note: -
1-This paper is consists of two section A & B. Both are compulsory. Section B has with internal
2- Exam Timing – 10:00 am to 11:30 am
3- Answer Sheet Scanning & Submitting Time – 11:30 am to 12:00 noon.
4- All students are instructed to share PDF form of your answer script at the following maid id of
concern faculty.
Subject Teacher Mail ID: 1. [email protected]
2. [email protected]

5- Also keep the Answer Sheet at safe custody and handover your answer sheet to your concern
faculty once college will reopen.

6- Write the Page Number & Roll No at every sheet and following detail at the top of the first page
of Answer Sheet :-
College Name : IIMT College of Engineering, Greater Noida
Session : 2019-2020(Even )
Name of Exam : Pre-University Exam
Student Name :
Roll No :
Branch :
Sem/Section :
Course Name :
Course Code :
Date of Exam :


Q.1 Attempt all parts of this question. All parts carry equal marks. 2x5=10

a) CO 1How many memory locations can be addressed by a microprocessor with 14 address


b) CO2 List all the interrupt signals of 8085 microprocessor.

c) CO 3 What you mean by pipelining in 8086 processor?

d) CO 4 What is subroutine?

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e) CO 5 What is the difference between 8253 and 8254?


Q.2 Attempt any two parts from this question. 4x2=8

(a) CO 1 Write note on evolution of microprocessors.

(b) CO 1 Specify the four control signals commonly used by the 8085 MPU.

(c) CO 1. List the sequence of events that occurs when the 8085 MPU reads from

Q.3 Attempt any two parts from this question. 4x2=8

(a) `CO 2 Define the RIM and SIM instruction of 8085 microprocessor.
(b) CO 2Explain the flag register of 8085 microprocessor with the help of example.
(c) CO 2 Draw and explain the timing diagram of MVI A, 46H and the total time required
for the execution of this instruction.

Q.4 Attempt any two parts from this question. 4x2=8

(a) `CO 3 Draw the PIN diagram of 8086 microprocessor and discuss about each pin.
(b) CO 3 Explain different addressing modes of 8086 Microprocessor?
(c) CO 3 Explain data transfer group instruction of 8086 Microprocessor?

Q.5 Attempt any two parts from this question. 4x2=8

(a) CO 4 Write a assembly language program based on 8085 to count from 0 to 9 with a one
second delay between each count. At the count of 9, the counter should reset itself to 0
and repeat the sequence continuously. Use register pair HL to set up the delay and display each
count at one of the output ports. Assume the clock frequency of the microprocessor is 1 MHz.
(b) CO 4 Write a short note on STACK and discuss PUSH and POP Instruction.
(c) CO 4 State the difference between RAL and RRC instructions.

Q.6 Attempt any two parts from this question. 4x2=8

(a) CO 5 With the help of the block diagram, describe 8237 DMA Controller in detail.
(b) CO 5 Define the modes of 8254 PIT in detail with the help of diagrams.
(c) CO 5 Explain the architecture of 8255 PPI with neat diagram.

***** All the best. Stay home and be safe. ******

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