Lancet Retracts 12-Year-Old Article Linking Autism To MMR Vaccines
Lancet Retracts 12-Year-Old Article Linking Autism To MMR Vaccines
Lancet Retracts 12-Year-Old Article Linking Autism To MMR Vaccines
welve years after publishing a
landmark study that turned tens
of thousands of parents around
the world against the measles, mumps
and rubella (MMR) vaccine because
of an implied link between vaccina-
tions and autism, The Lancet has
retracted the paper.
In a statement published on Feb. 2,
the British medical journal said that it is
now clear that “several elements” of a
1998 paper it published by Dr. Andrew
Wakefield and his colleagues (Lancet
1998;351[9103]:637-41) “are incorrect,
Reuters/Luke MacGregor