Biomechanical Considerations in The Management of The Vertical Dimension
Biomechanical Considerations in The Management of The Vertical Dimension
Biomechanical Considerations in The Management of The Vertical Dimension
he vertical dimension has been defined by it tends to drive the dental occlusion toward a
T some l-:~ as the relationship between the
Frankfort and mandibular planes and by others 4-7
Class III relation. If, however, the t r e a t m e n t ob-
jective requires b o t h the maxillary and mandib-
as the relative relationship between the anterior ular dentitions to be positioned m o r e forward,
and posterior facial heights. Alterations in the the dentomaxillary complex may also be posi-
vertical dimension can occur purposefully or un- tioned anteriorly during the surgical impaction
intentionally during therapy by dental extrusion, process. Thus, it is possible that either one or
intrusion, growth modification, or surgical inter- b o t h jaws may require surgical p r o c e d u r e s de-
vention. Vertical changes result in the mandible p e n d i n g on the p r e t r e a t m e n t facial objectives
rotating either open or closed with corresponding established. It should be n o t e d that postsurgical
alterations in interarch dental relationships, facial vertical growth has b e e n reported; therefore,
esthetics, and lip and tongue function. This article timing of surgery is vital? °,~
examines the biomechanics involved in the treat- In a patient u n d e r g o i n g circumpubertal skel-
ment of patients who exhibit an anterior open bite etal growth, it is possible to alter the vertical
or a deep overbite related to excessive or deficient c o m p o n e n t of maxillary growth through the use
vertical facial dimensions. of extraoral orthopedic forces. In Figure 1, a
high-pull h e a d g e a r is shown; it's force is directed
The Anterior Open Bite Related to an through the center of resistance of the den-
Excessive Vertical D i m e n s i o n tomaxillary c o m p l e x ) 2,13 It should be n o t e d that
tile direction (angle) of the h e a d g e a r force is
This may be treated by surgically impacting the designed to p r o d u c e a larger maxillary intrusive
dentomaxillary complex. As a consequence, the c o m p o n e n t than a distally directed one. By re-
mandible will rotate, contributing to a reduction stricting the vertical c o m p o n e n t of maxillary
of the vertical dimension, s,~-~Ancillary mandibu-
growth in this m a n n e r , the n o r m a l vertical com-
lar surgery may be required d e p e n d i n g on the
p o n e n t of m a n d i b u l a r growth may also be
resultant degree of m a n d i b u l a r rotation because
masked through m a n d i b u l a r rotation. This com-
bined effect reduces the vertical dimension.
T h e line of action of the h e a d g e a r force may
From Vanderbilt University Medical Center; Nashville, TN. alternatively be positioned distal to or anterior
Address corresponde*we to Stanley Brzlun, DDS, MME, 7940 to the center of resistance of the dentomaxillary
Dean Road, Indianapolis, IN 46240.
Copyright 2002, Elsevier Science (USA). All rights rescinded.
complex (Fig 2). This would tend to rotate the
1073-8746/02/0803 0006535.00/0 dentomaxillary c o m p l e x during growth about a
doi: 10. 1053/sodo. 2002.125434 point anterior or posterior to its center of resis-
Center of ResisRanee
when there is an inequality of uprighting mo- (Fig 4). Any constrained body (a moth, a group of
ments, vertical forces occur, resulting in the poten- teeth, or an osseous structure joined to other os-
tial eruption of the posterior teeth. The spring rate seous structures through viable sutures) will react
primarily varies inversely as the cube of the inter- to the forces applied to it relative to its center of
bracket wire length across the extraction site(s) (R resistance, z6,27 The locations of the centers of re-
c~ 1/L~). Thus, the rate is high, and the anterior sistance of the dentomaxillary complex have re-
and posterior moments easily become unequal be- cently been determined. 12 They are located on a
cause the posterior and anterior tooth movement line drawn perpendicular to the functional occlu-
velocities are not necessarily equal. When the pos- sal plane (FOP) through the distal contacts of the
terior m o m e n t exceeds the anterior moment, an maxillary first molars as seen in a sagittal cephalo-
undesirable eruptive force will occur (Fig 3). This gram. They are further identified on the afore-
is undesirable in the patient already exhibiting an mentioned perpendicular line at one half the dis-
increased vertical dimension. The same problem tance from the FOP to a line drawn parallel to tile
also exists with the placement of archwire V bends FOP through the inferior border of the orbit.
at the extraction site(s) related to closure. Again, There are two centers of resistance of the den-
the applied moments must be equal throughout tomaxillary complex when reviewed in the frontal
the range of activation, and because this approach aspect. This is because tile dentomaxillary com-
invariably involves a high spring rate, it makes plex is essentially made up of two bones, a right
inequalities in the moments applied to the ante- and a left maxilla each containing one half the
rior and posterior teeth a likely occurrence as the dental arch. Each maxillary bone articulates with
anterior and posterior teeth approach each other. the other at the median palatine suture and rela-
To reduce this problem, frequent in-office appli- tively symmetrically on each side with the fron-
ance adjustments are required. One should also tomaxillary suture, tile nasomaxillary suture, the
consider that the increased angulation of the arch- zygomadcomaxillary suture, and the transverse
wire at the brackets' interfaces might result in palatine suture. Because each of the protraction
significant undesirable frictional effects. forces (one on each side) results in a m o m e n t that
A controlled, efficient means of extraction- tends to stress the midpalatine suture greater at its
site closure has been outlined previously ts-2° distal area than at its anterior area, each half of the
wherein m o m e n t alterations along with related dentomaxillary complex acts somewhat indepen-
vertical forces between the anterior and poste- den@. Thus, two centers of resistance are identi-
rior teeth are u n d e r control of the orthodontist fied. However, if protractive forces are applied in
t h r o u g h o u t extraction-site closure. It should be the presence of a stiff 0.036-in stainless steel trans-
noted that in the most stringent requirement palatal arch or a sutural expander, the left and
wherein the entirety of the extraction site(s)
must be occupied by the anterior teeth a maxi-
m u m vertical eruptive force of 22.7 g is pro-
duced at the occlusal surfaces of the six poste-
rior teeth. 18 Functional (biting) forces easily
negate this vertical force preventing their erup-
tion. This is true for the patient with a steep
mandibular plane angle as well. 21
It has been suggested that extractions be con-
sidered for the purpose of protracting the pos-
terior teeth into the extraction sites, thereby
reducing the vertical dimension, z2,93 Recent
studies do not substantiate this. z4,25
A maxillmy protraction device commonly used O= Oentomaxillary center of resistance
in the treatment of Class III malocclusions consists F = Protraction force applied to teeth
F' = F = Protraction force equivalent at center of resistance
of bilateral forces emanating from a face mask and M = F(Y) = Tipping moment at center of resistance
applied to the first molar or canine regions. The FOP = Functional occlusal plane
F(sin O) = Eruptive component of protraction force
occlusogingival angle of the protraction forces in
the sagittal view is determined by the commissure Figure 4. The force system produced by a commonly
of the lips and the intraoral points of attachment used protraction device.
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