Suhenda 3
Suhenda 3
Suhenda 3
Food is the main basic needs for human that must be fulfilling at all times. The right to obtain
food is one of human right, as it stated in the article 27 of the 1945 Constitution and in the Rome
Declaration (1996). The aim of this study is to find out and analyze the development of supply chain
management models that are used to maximize rice production in order to improve food security and
security in Demak Regency. The methodology that used of this study is descriptive qualitative with the
data collection method used in-depth interviews and Focus Group Discussion (FGD) and literature study.
The result of this study indicate that it can increase rice production and increase the rice fulfillment ratio
around 12% at the end of the 2032 period and the scenario with the efficiency of the rice supply chain can
reduce the logistics costs between farmers and rice traders around 14.3%. The conclusion of this study is
to increase the ratio of rice fulfillment and creates the efficiency in supply chain management. This shows
that based on parameters changes by increasing the value of crop agro-input and extensification scenarios
which can increase the rice production per year and rice fulfillment ratio, while scenarios with rice supply
chain efficiency can reduce the logistics costs between farmers and rice traders around 14.3%. While the
rice prices were also affected and had a price reduction ratio of 3.75%.
Food is the main basic needs for human that must be fulfilling at all times. The right to obtain
food is one of human right, as it stated in the article 27 of the 1945 Constitution and in the Rome
Declaration (1996). The consideration underlies the publication of constitution No. 7/1996 about food.
As the basic needs and one of the human rights, food has a meaning and role that is very important for
the life of a nation food. Food stock is smaller than its needs which can create the economic instability.
Several of social and politic turmoil, can also occur if food security is disrupted. This critical food
condition can even endanger the economic stability and National stability.
For Indonesia, food is often identified with rice because this type of food is the main staple food.
The experience has been proven that disruptions to food security such as skyrocketing rice prices during
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the 1997/1998 economic crisis, which developed into a multidimensional crisis, and has triggered the
social insecurity which endangers the economic and national stability.
Besides it, rice has a strategic value because rice is the most important staple food; it consumed
by more than 95% Indonesia’s population. Inadequate supply of rice can cause a country's economic,
social and political instability. In the economic field, the rice industry has a great influence in terms of
employment. The rice industry can absorb employee with serving the job opportunity for 21 million
families through rice farming. Whereas, for social politics as unifying the nation, and realizing discipline
and security. Moreover, it also affects the environment in terms of maintaining the water use and
cleanliness of the air. As for health, rice is also the main sources of nutrition fulfillment which includes
calories, protein, fat and vitamins (Muhammad & Sumarauw, 2014).
Considering the importance of rice, the government always strives to improve and maintain the
food endurance, especially the source from increasing the domestic rice production. But in reality,
increasing the food endurance in Indonesia is often not optimally. One of the problems in distribution of
rice related to distribution occurs because there is a uneven flow of goods because the distribution
facilities and infrastructure are still limited; remote locations between producers, suppliers and
consumers; the mode of transportation used for transporting rice; and the quality of infrastructure that is
still not optimal, causing costs to be expensive. The optimal distribution in this case can be achieved
through the implementation of supply chain management concepts (Sumangkut, 2013).
Supply chain management is a combination of planning, coordination and control of the whole
process, as well as business activities in supply chain to fulfilling the consumer needs at the lowest prices
(Chopra & Meindl, 2007). Supply chain management describes the coordination of the entire supply
chain activities, the starting from raw materials and ending with goods until in the hands of consumers.
The supply chain is including the suppliers, the manufacture of company and/or service provider, and
distributor, gorsier, and/or retailer delivering the product and/or services to end consumers (Heizer &
Render, 2014).
Indonesia has 8 (eight) rice-producing regions. The eight regions are West Java, Central Java,
East Java, Yogyakarta, West Nusa Tenggara, South Sulawesi, Lampung and South Sumatra. The region
of main rice producer is Java, especially Central Java. Central Java is surrounded by volcanic mountains
and abundant the water sources making Central Java a fertile agricultural land and full of potential to
increase national rice supply. One of them is located in Demak Regency, Demak Regency’s area of
89,743 ha consisting mostly of agricultural land. As many 58.29 percent of Demak is a rice land. This
makes it a lot of residents who work as farmers because most of the area is in the form of potential rice
fields, namely 54,076 ha (58.29 percent) and the rest is a dry land (Hikam, 2019).
Thus, most of the land allotment in Demak Regency is for irrigated rice fields where most of it
belongs to the technical irrigation category so that it is very potential for the development of agricultural
and other agro-industry businesses. With the kind of soil and climate conditions, Demak produces a
number of superior commodities including rice, corn, cassava, yams, peanuts, green beans, soybeans and
sorghum. From these superior commodities, rice is the most production in Demak Regency, this makes
Demak is a rice production centre. The main commodity types of rice and pulses in the district of Demak
2018, such as rice production is 608.532, corn is 166.876, cassava is 3.208, yams is 1.658, peanuts is
122, green beans is 25.540, soybean is 177, and sorghum is 689.
The production of rice aims to maintain the inventory stability, maintain and increase the
production optimally with the purpose of maintaining the security and endurance of food production in
the region, every consumer demand for rice can be fulfilled properly. Every village in Demak Regency
has a great potential in supporting regional economic development and one of the contributing regions
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for rice production, both in Demak Regency and outside the region (Saptana, Suryani, & Darmawati,
The aim of this study is to develop a supply chain management models to maximize rice
production and increasing food endurance and security in Demak regency. This study is to find out and
analyze the development of supply chain management models that are used to maximize rice production
and improve food endurance and security in Demak regency.
2. Literature Review
The food endurances can be said as ability of a nation to guarantee that all the entire population
obtains adequate, safe, decent quality and halal food by optimizing utilization and based on diversity of
local resources.
Logistic is a series of activities to get and place the goods from planned place and time. Another
logistic meaning is a set of functional activities (transportation, inventory control, and other) a company
carrying out in the process of converting raw materials into finished products.
Supply chain is a series of relationship between the companies and activities that implemented
the distribution of goods or services from the place of origin to the place of the buyer or customer
(Assauri, 2011).
(Calantone, Cavusgil, Schmidt, & Shin, 2004) stated that supply chain management is design
planning and information, control and material flow in along the supply chain in order to efficiently meet
customer needs now and in the future. (Heizer & Render, 2004)also stated that supply chain management
is the management of activities for which procurement materials and services, transform it become semi-
finished goods and final products and deliver products through a distribution system.
This research is conducted by (Pondaag, Kawet, & Talumewo, 2014) carrying out the research
entitled supply chain analysis of the availability of raw materials in the fast food industry in KFC
multimart ranotana. The methodology that used is qualitative, in the qualitative research, the population
and sample which taken is called an informant. Determination of informant is determined based on the
research framework which is the management of the KFC Multimart Manado branch.
The results indicated that supply chain management has an impact on the supply of sufficient and
needed raw materials and quality where with a good supply chain management will make inventory will
always be maintained and meet the needs and demands when needed, especially in KFC Multimart
Manado branch.
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This research is conducted by (Theis, 2013) carrying out the research entitled supply chain
management towards the fulfillment of fuel needs in gas stations in Manado. In the research used a
descriptive qualitative analysis method. The place of the research is Pertamina Bitung Depot, the result
showed that Pertamina Bitung Depot distribute Refined Fuel Oil in large numbers every year, then
consumers specifically for gas stations in Manado do not need to worry about the scarcity of stocks that
can interfere with community activities.
This study is a descriptive method, with more description from the result of interviews and
documentation studies with using survey methods that illustrating, explain, and interpret a phenomenon
that occurs in an object and the qualitative data, the type of this research is descriptive qualitative that
used means to obtain the information on the implementation of supply chain management performance as
a strategy that used in depth and comprehensively.
The data that obtained will be analyzed in qualitative and descriptive form. The location of
research was conducted in Demak regency who focused on rice farmers, rice mills and rice traders. The
research was conducted in December 2019 until March 2020 by conducting field surveys and developing
research with sources obtained from secondary data.
In this study is using the primary and secondary data sources. The primary data used in this study
were obtained from the interview with village officials and farmers in Demak Regency. The secondary
data of this study were obtained from the literature review, previous literature study, books, internet and
other which supported the research. The research is including main team, which is the team of lecturers
and the field team of students.
Data analysis technique that used in this research is using the steps that argued by (Bungin,
2011), as below:
1. Data collection
The data collection is the integral part from the data analysis activities. The data collection
activities in this research are using interviews and documentation studies. The data collection
techniques in this study were carried out with the following techniques: a) documentation; b)
interview (in-depth interview); c) observation; and d) Focus Group Discusion (FGD): by
including government and non-government parties.
2. data reduction
Data reduction, as defined as decision making process, focuses on simplifying and transforming
rough data that arises from written records in the field. Reduction is implemented since data
collection begins by making summaries, coding, tracing themes, creating clusters, writing
memos and so on with the intention of setting aside irrelevant data/information.
3. display data
Data display is description of a collection of structured information that gives the possibility of
drawing conclusions and taking action. Presentation of qualitative data is presented in the form
of narrative texts. The presentation can also be in the form of matrices, diagrams, tables and
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Demak Regency in 2019 now has a population of 1.132 million people and an area of 89,743
hectares, holds millions of potentials. To maximize some those various potentials, Demak Regency
officials and government is focusing to develop five sectors which is underpin regional progress. The
five sectors are agriculture, marine and fisheries, education and health, tourism and Micro, Small and
Medium Businesses (UMKM).
The entire pillars are the priority programs that can rid the citizenry from poverty, reduce
unemployment and increase the community income. As in the previous year, the agriculture sector
became one of the pillars which received main concern considering that the most of Demak community
still relying on the source of income from this sector. From 89.743 hectares of the total area in Demak
Regency, 56.74% or 52,315 hectares of which are the rice fields with plant pattern of rice-crop plant. Rice
commodity is the commodity which is demanded by the central government for self-sufficiency in a
special rice, maize and soybean effort program (Upsus Pajale).
With position of Demak regency as food barns in Central Java and the third food buffer area in
Central Java after Cilacap and Grobogan, because the government apparatus along with Demak Regency
Agriculture and Food Office always striving to encourage to encourage progress in this sector expected
that rice crop productivity will continue to increase and have good quality. One of them by notice to
improving rice production with aims of maintaining the food security and endurance of rice productions
in the Demak Regency area.
In this discussion, it will be conveyed about how the Implementation of Demak Rice Production
Supply Chain, how to coordinate the harvest time, the amount of harvest and the selling price of rice
from farmers in Demak, which parties are involved in the rice production supply chain and what are the
obstacles in implementation rice production supply chain is mainly related to transportation in the
context of increasing food security and security in Demak Regency.
4.1 the development supply chain management models in rice production to improve food
endurance and security in Demak Regency
In this study, the alternative solution that takes is used modeling and simulation as a tool for
providing support for planning, analyzing, and evaluating systems using dynamic simulation models
scenario analysis that estimates which is expected to improve the current condition of the rice supply
chain. Through a dynamic simulation model, analysis on the system implemented by considering the
existing historical data, and designing scenarios that are expected to improve the current condition of the
rice supply chain. It can overcome the existing problems, can help to achieve the target of rice supply
from the government, and can optimize the rice production in Demak District which is the third buffer
zone of food security in Central Java.
It expected from this research obtain the consideration related the rice stocks to increase the ratio
of rice fulfillment and create efficiency in supply chain management. Modeling and simulation in this
study are used to availability model of rice in Demak Regency. With modeling rice commodities to
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improving food security and endurance, it is expected from this study, the simulation result can help the
consideration related the rice stocks to increase the rice fulfillment ratio and creates efficiency in supply
chain management.
a. To make Streamlining the supply of commodities and demand (rice) can be fulfilled, this can be
seen from the fulfillment ratio that was successfully fulfilled;
A. Conceptual Systems for Model Formulation and Rice Supply Chain Simulation scenario
It stated by (Campuzano & Mula, 2011) that model is the illustration of relation or results from
the reality. Modeling is made in a simple illustration, involving the mapping problems process from the
reality to the model in the world model. The problems in rice stocks are is a fairly complex system
problem involving various components and variables in interacting and integrated with each other.
National rice stocks can be seen as a system dynamics matter that changes over time and influenced by
factors that are also dynamic. The purpose is to see the pattern of rice stocks in the context of improving
national food security and security with various alternative development scenarios in accordance with the
The simulation in the supply chain is described as a system that certain process that tested to
analyze and learn with observed certain processes in the real supply chain until the results are in
accordance with the needs and wants. effect (causal) which affects the structure in the system so as to
form a causal diagram (causal loop), formulated in a flow chart (stock and flow) and supply chain is
simulated into a useful tool for understanding the supply chain network consisting of the function of
material procurement, transformation from raw materials to finished products and then the process of
distribute it.
The dynamic system regarding the rice stock, model design, simulation and analysis implemented
with referring to purpose and using the scenario in each models. Using the scenario to achieve the optimal
results is one of the traditional methods for handling the cases that contain the uncertainty. The
simulations in the supply chain can shows how the important variables in the system interact with each
other. The relation and interaction between variable is stated in a caustic diagram. This is can also be used
in implementing the new situations or draft scenarios, where it is found the uncertainty in the form of
information, to the decision which want to apply.
The development of dynamic system models in this study is into several steps as follows:
The first step is arranging the variable through a caustic diagram or commonly called causal loop
diagram. The models result of caustic diagram to rice stocks to increase the fulfillment ratio and
efficiency of supply chain management, can be seen in the figure 1:
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Figure 1
Causal Loop Diagram (Caustic Diagram)
2. Making a model by linking the relationships between variables in a flow diagram then simulating
the model.
In this step is making stock and flow diagram of rice stocks to increase the fulfillment ratio and
efficiency of national rice supply chain management. The flow diagram is made to illustrate how the
amount of rice production can meet consumer demand. In preparing this flow diagram found 7 sub-
models there are:
a. Sub-Model Population
b. Sub-Model Demand
c. Sub-Model Rice Production
d. Sub-Model Rice Inventory
e. Sub-Model Rice Cost
f. Sub-Model Rice Logistic Cost
g. Sub-Model Rice Price in Consumer
3. Verification and validation of the model to determine whether the model is in accordance with
real conditions.
After making models, the next step is testing the model. The model testing is including two
important stages, which is validation and verification. In verification model will carry out the test
whether the model that has been made can describe the conceptual model clearly and is free from errors.
While model validation is implemented after the simulation model is verified and purpose to see whether
model is already described the real condition or not.
During validation phase, it will be implementing the test process model. The model is valid when
it has no significant differences from the real system that observed. To ensure that model is in accordance
with existing conditions, validation is carried out as shown in Table 1. From the table it can be seen the
model is said to be valid if the mean comparison <5% and error variance <30%.
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Table 1
Validation Base Model
Variable Mean Error
Comparison Variance
From all the validation result above, all variables mean comparison <5% and error variance
<30% so that the model can be said to be valid.
4. After the model is declared valid, a scenario is made from the initial model
After base model has been validated and verified, in the next stage is scenario, where the
scenario becomes a proposed system improvement, in accordance with the initial goal of making a
dynamic system model for national rice stocks. Scenarios can be made by adding variables and
parameters that have a dominant influence through the entire base model, for further determine the
impact that changes through other variables. The scenario created aims to increase the rice stocks ratio
through the rice productivity improvement, and the other scenario aims to minimize logistics costs by
streamlining the distribution chain of rice production, as below:
a. Scenario 1 (parameter): aims to increase rice production by improving the value of agro input
crops such as increasing the use of new improved seeds, applying a balanced fertilizer according
to the level of soil fertility and harvest technology.
b. Scenario 2 (Land Intensification): aims to increase the rice production by opening a new rice
harvesting land.
c. Scenario 3 (Streamlining the Distribution Chain): Aiming to minimize logistical costs that arise
and increasing with the length of the distribution chain of rice production.
Figure 2
Sub-Model Scenario 2
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The simulation results show that based on changing parameters by increasing the value of crop
agro-input can increase the rice production per year and the rice fulfillment ratio is predicted to also
increase to 12 million tons at the end of the 2032 period, Land Intensification scenarios can increase rice
production and improving rice stocks ratio around 12% in the end period of 2032 and efficiency scenario
of the rice supply chain can reduce logistics costs between the farmers and rice traders by around 14.3%.
While the rice places was also affected and compare a price reduction ratio of 3.75%. The results of each
scenario can be seen in Figure 5.9:
Figure 3
Scenario Result 1
Figure 4
Scenario Result 2
Figure 5
Scenario Result 3
Based on the research which implemented, it can be concluded several things as below:
The development of the Rice Production Supply Chain Management Model in the framework of
Improving Food Security and Security in Demak Regency implemented using a dynamic system model
with the purpose obtaining consideration related to the rice supply to increase the ratio of rice supply and
creates efficiency in supply chain management. Dynamic system modeling regarding rice availability,
model design, simulation and analysis implemented with reference to purpose and use of scenarios in
each model. The scenarios that used is Scenario 1 (Parameters), Scenario 2 (Land Extensification) and
Development of Supply Chain Management Models in Rice Production to Improve Food Endurance and Security in Demak Regency 611
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Scenario 3 (Streamlining the Distribution Chain). The development of this dynamic system model shows
that based on parameters changes by increasing the value of crop agro-input and extensification scenarios
can increase rice production per year and rice fulfillment ratio, while scenarios with rice supply chain
efficiency can reduce logistics costs between farmers and rice traders around 14, 3% While the price of
rice was also affected and price reduction ratio of 3.75%.
Some suggestion below that can gives by researchers based on the research result as below:
In the development the supply chain model of rice production using a dynamic system, it can be
used as a reference for simulating rice stocks in increasing supply fulfillment ratios and efficiency of
supply chain management and can be used as a reference in determining policy. But, it needs for re-
research with the purpose to improve system using variety from the other supporting scenarios. It
expected the availability of rice by increasing the ratio of rice stocks and supply chain management
efficiency can be more effective.
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