10 Structure, Function and Maintenance Standard 2 Parte
10 Structure, Function and Maintenance Standard 2 Parte
10 Structure, Function and Maintenance Standard 2 Parte
Control of delivery
lf swash plate angle (a) becomes larger, the
difference between volumes (E) and (F)
becomes larger and pump delivery (Q)
Servo piston (10) is used for changing swash
plate angle (a).
Servo piston (10) carries out linear reciprocal
movement according to the signal pressure
from the LS valve.
This linear movement is transmitted to rocker
cam (4) through slider ('14).
Being supported by cradle (2) on the cylindrical
surFace, rocker cam (4) slides on the surface
while continuing revolving movement.
Space of the pressure receiving area of servo
piston (10) are not identical on the left side and
right side. Main pump discharge pressure (self
pressure) (PP) is always brought to the pres-
sure chamber of the small diameter piston
Output pressure (PEN) of the LS valve is
brought to the chamber receiving the pressure
at the large diameter piston end.
The relationship in the size of pressure (PP) at
the small diameter piston end and pressure
(PEN) at the large diameter piston end, and
the ratio behveen the area receiving the pres-
sure of the small diameter piston and the large
diameter piston controls the movement of
servo piston ('10).
D1554-6 7
sEN02863-00 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
LS valve
sJ s0?8ls
e The LS (load sensing) valve detects the load
and controls the delivery. l!/n in)
e This valve controls pump delivery (Q) accord-
ing to differential pressure (APLS) o
t = (PP) - (PLS)I (called LS differential pres-
sure) between pump discharge pressure (PP) ,:
and control valve outlet port pressure (PLS). ;
r Main pump pressure (PP), pressure (PLS) E
(called the LS pressure) coming from the cjon- d
trol valve output enter this valve.
2.0t201 (sPa { krlcm'l )
tS d ilferent ia I oressure AptS sJs07B20
8 Dl55A4
10 Sbuc'ture, function and maintenance standard
Dt55A6 I
sEtrt02863{0 10 Structure. function and maintenance standard
Operation o
1) When the control valve is situated al neutral
10 Dl5sA6
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard sEN02863{0
50 7822
sEN02863-00 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
When the difference between pump discharge o The pres.sure at the large diameter end of
pressure (PP) and LS pressure (PLS), in other servo piston (10) becomes drain pressure
words, LS differential pressure (APLS) (PT), and pump pressure (PP) enters port (J)
bemmes smaller lfor example, when the area at the small diameter end, so servo piston (10)
of opening of the control valve becomes larger is pushed to the left side. Therefore, servo pis-
and pump discharge pressure (PP) dropsl, ton (10) is moved in the direction to make the
spool (3) is pushed to the left by the combined delivery larger.
force of LS pressure (PLS) and the force of
spring (4).
When spool (3) moves, port (D) and port (E)
are interconnected and connected to the drain
12 D 155A-6
10 Structure. function and maintenance standard sEN02863-00
D1554-6 13
sEN02863-00 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
Let us take lhe area receiving the pressure at And the swash plate of the pump will be held in
the large diameter end of lhe piston as (A1), an intermediate position. [Spool (3) will be
the area receiving the pressure at the small stopped at a position where the distance of the
diameter end as (A0), and the pressure flowing opening from port (D) to port (E) and the dis-
into the large diameter end of the piston as tance from port (C) to port (D) is almost the
(PEN), same.l
lf the main pump pressure (PP) of the LS valve The formula (A0) : (A1) = 3 : 5 represents the
and the combined force of spring (4) and LS relation of pressure receiving areas across the
pressure (PLS) are balanced, and the relation- end of servo piston (10). And (PP) : (PEN) = 5 :
ship is (A0) x (PP) = (A1) x (PEN), servo pis- 3 represents the pressure applied across the
ton (10) will stop in that position. piston when balanced-
The force of spring (4) is adjusted to determine
the balanced stop position of this spool (3) at
the center of the standard when (PP) - (PLS) =
2.0 MPa {20 kgi cmz}.
14 Dt 55A-6
10 Structure. function and maintenance slandard sEN02863-00
1. Body Outline
2. Va lve r This valve is installed in the oil cooler inlet cir-
J- Spring cuit. lf any abnormal pressure is generated in
the oil flowing to the oil cooler, this valve acts
Hydraulic oil cooler inlet to return the oil directly to the hydraulic tank.
o. To hvdraulic tank
sEN02853-00 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
I J G034 5S
16 Dl55A-6
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard sEN02863{0
1. Potentiometer Outline
2. Lock lever r PCCS lever (3) sends electric signals to power
3. PCCS lever (Steering) train controller (5). Upon receiving those sig-
4. Limit switch nals, power train controller (5) sends signals to
5. Power train controller the EPC valve of the control valve.
6. Rod (From brake pedal) . Brake pedal (7) receives signals from potenti-
7. Brake pedal ometer (1) through rod (6). Then, power train
controller (5) sends signals to the brake valve
Positions of levers and pedals to oDerate the brake.
A: Neutral o Lock lever (2) is connected to limit switch (4)
B: Forward straighl and used as the parking brake lever, too.
C: Reverse straight When it is in lock position "J", power train con-
D: Left turn troller (5) does not send turning signals to the
E: Right tum EPC valve of the control valve.
F: Brake OFF
G: Brake ON
H; Free
J: Lock
D155A-6 17
sEN02863-00 10 Structure, function and maintenance atandard
Steering unit
(Bevel gear shaft, steering clutch and steering brake)
18 D155A{
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard sEf{02863-00
- -- 13. 7-21.6Nm
13. 7-2 t. 6Nn '' {1, +-2,2kcml
| 1, 4-2, zkoml
A: To transmission case
B: From scavenging pump and steering lubrication pump
R.H. brake oil pressure pickup port (RB)
D: L.H. brake oil pressure pickup port (LB)
E: From pin puller solenoid valve (drain)
F: R.H. steering clutch oil pressure pickup port (RC)
ti: L.H. steering clutch oil pressure pickup port (LC)
sEN02863.00 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard sEN0286340
D155A{ 21
sEN0286:t-00 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
22 D155A6
10 Structure. function and maintenance slandard sEN02863{t0
sEN02863-00 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
z- \ Eb
I J 804254
24 D155A-6
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard sEN02863-{r0
Unit; mm
No. i Check item Criteria Remedy
Standard size Tolerance Repair limit
Thickness 4.5 r0. '1
1 Steering brake disk
Repair or
Strain 0.05 o.14
Large +0.081
lnside diameter of diamete 280 280.1
portion 0
mntact surface of
seal ring on steering Small
brake piston +0.o72
diameter 220 220.1
Large +0.081
lnside diameter of diamete 280 280.'1 Replace
contact surface of portion
seal ring on steering Small
clutch piston +0.072
diameter 220 220.1
portion 0
D155A€ 25
sEt{02863{t0 {0 Struc'tur8, functlon and malntontnce standard
Unit mm
1'lo. Check ltem Crlterla Rernedy
Backlash between braks hub
and disk
0.23 - 0.42
26 D{ 55A-6
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard sEN02863{0
sEl{02863-00 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
When the st€ering clutch is turned "on" when the steering clutch is turned "off,'
sJ 3012 5 6 9J801257
Oil pressure to the back side of clutch piston (19) is Oil being pressure-fed to the back side of clutch
stopped, and the repulsion of clutch spring (20) ls piston (19) releases clutch hub (16).
used for fixing clutch hub (16).
Power from transmission
Power from transmission T
J Bevel pinion
Bevel pinion J
J Bevel gear
Bevel gear T
J Bevel gear shaft (14)
Bevel gear shaft (14) J
Clutch hub ('16)
Clutch hub (16)
Clutch drum (22)
Brake hub (12)
Output shafr
Final drive
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard sEN02863{0
When the steering brake is "released" When the steering brake is "actuated"
(When PCCS lever is in "operation")
When the PCCS lever is set to the "neutral'
position and the brake pedal is not pressure, As the PCCS lever is operated in the right or
the brake pressure alone is set to the maxi- left, the steering clutch is "disengaged" by the
mum pressure by the steering control valve. steering control valve and, at the same time,
Thus, oil pressure works on the back side of draining of oil to the back side of brake piston
brake piston (8) as soon as the steering clutch (8) is started.
is "engaged''. At this point, brake piston (8) is pushed back
At this point, brake piston (8) compresses and rightward by the tension of brake spring (7),
moves brake spring (7) leftward with the pressu re-bon d ing disk (10) and plate (9)
increased oil pressure, relieving the pressure- against brake drum (11).
bonding force of disk (10) and plate (9). Brake piston (8) and brake drum (11) are fixed
The power being transmitted fmm bevel gear to the steering case.
shaft (14) to brake hub (12) through the steer- Pressure-bonding disk (10) and plate (9) stops
ing clutch is then transmitted to the final drive the inertia-based rotation of brake hub (12)
through the output shaft. and output shaft even if the steering clutch is
Adiustment of the tum radius and swing
becomes available by adjusting the braking
force through controlling the oil pressure to the
back side of brake piston (8) corresponding to
the rightward and leftward stroke of the PCCS
D155A-6 29
sEN02863.{t0 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
9J 804 2 69
30 D l55A-6
sEN02863{t0 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
A Oe
11. 8-14, 7N|n
{ 1. 2-1. 5l!.1
7. g-9. 8Nn
{1.2-1. 5 krml
9J 8012 6 0
32 Dl55A-6
10 Structure. function and maintenance standard sEN0286340
D1554€ 33
sEN02863{0 10 Structure. function and maintenance standard
I l. 27t1.,l7Nn
{r, 1510. t skc.}
34 D155A-6
10 Structure. function and maintenance standard sEN02863-00
Outline of ECMV
. The ECMV consists of 1 pressure control valve
and 1 fill switch.
. Pressure control valve
A proportional solenoid ln this valve receives a
current sent from the controller and this valve
converts it to an oil pressure.
. Fill switch
This is a switch to detect that a clutch or brake
is filled wlth oil and has the following functions.
1. At the moment when the clutch or brake is
filled with oil, the fill switch outputs the signal
(Rll signal) to the controller to notify the finish-
ing of filling.
2. While the oil pressure is applied to the clutch
or brake, the fill switch outputs the signal (fill
sagnal) to the controller to notify the presence
of the oil pressure.
Operation of EGMV
o The ECMV is controlled by the command
current from the controller to the 0ropor-
tional solenoid and the fill switch outpui
sEN02863-00 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
When the PCCS lever is in "neutral" position, brake pedal is "released", and pa.king brake lever is in
"free' position: Straight travel
(L.H. and R.H. brake are "released", parking brake is "released")
brake ECtiv To ri!h1 brake
Df circLit
'Tc pln pLr
I lel
LJ Su dd en slop
4l: T:;"
To : oht +13r1,"n" "'o'
cluich Ecliv
peda I
Par!inB braie
Lei t br,ke
Pafk nr 'lu
Fron'ioht teJ t clLlcf
' 0N'
G3':l:,"'n 9J804262
When the PCCS lever is in "neutral" position The oil in port (Pb) of the brake ECMV flows in
and the brake pedal is "released", proportional port (E) and pushes valve (7) to the left to con-
solenoid (1 ) of the clutch ECNIV is demagne- nect port (Pb) with port (B) and disconnect port
tized and the sealing part of ball (2) is opened. (B) from port (Dr). At this time, the oil flows in
The oil from the power train pump flows the back pressure port of the brake piston. As
through port (Pc) of the clutch ECMV to oriflce the oil pressure rises, the brake piston is
(a), then it is drained through the sealing part pushed to the left to compress the brake
of ball (2). spring, then the brake is "released".
Valve (3) is moved to the right by the tension of When the parking brake lever is set in the
spring (4) to disconnect port (Pc) from port (C), "free'' position, the pilot pressure of brake
and connect port (C) with port (Dr). At this ECMV port (S) remains, because the parking
time, the oil from the back pressure port of the brake solenoid valve is de-energized.
clutch piston is drained through port (C) and
the clutch is turned ''on" by the tension of the
clutch spring.
The oil pressure in the brake circuit, etc. is
secured by orifice (a).
Proportional solenoid (5) of the brake ECMV is
energized and pushes ball (6) to the left and
closes the sealing part.
36 Dl55A-6
10 Structure. function and maintenance standard sEN02863-00
When the PGCS leyer is "operaied to the left halfway", brake pedal is "released", and parking brake
lever is in 'Tree" position: Gradual lefr turn
(L.H. brake is "half released-, R.H. brake is ''released", parking brake is "released")
Tr I shl
brake ECHv
To risht .h.ake I I
ft :crvv.i 0t
Ir circuit
I Su dd er sl op
+l: 'l:i'", ,,
: lr
l:1. tlr,l!
w oa;:*i"n'" "'o'
Park ns
l 'zj
Le't c utcl
brake. 'CFF,
@ aCMl
r When the PCCS lever is "operated to left half- solenoid (5) according to the stroke of the
way" and the brake pedal is "released", propor- PCCS lever.
tional solenoid (1 ) of the L. H. clutch ECMV is Proportional solenoid (5) generates the propul-
energized and the sealing part of ball (2) is sion force in proportion to the command cur-
ctoseo. rent. This propulsion force is balanced with the
The oil from the power train pump flows sum of the propulsion force generated by the
through port (C) of the clutch EMCV and orifice oil pressure in the back pressure port of the
(a) to port (F) and pushes valve (3) to the lefl to brake piston and the tension of spring (8), then
connect port (Pc) with port (C) and disconnect the brake pressure is set up to adjust the brake
port (C) from port (Dr). At this time, the oil flows force.
in the back pTessure port of the clutch piston. Accordingly, if the stroke of the PCCS lever is
As the oil pressure rises, the clutch piston is short, the oil pressure after port (B) is set high
oushed to the left to comoress the clutch and the brake is tumed from "released" to "half
spring, then the clutch is turned "off. released". lf the stroke of the PCCS lever is
Proportional solenoid (5) of the brake ECMV is long, the oil pressure after port (B) is set low
energized and pushes ball (6) to the left and and the brake is tumed from "half released" to
closes the sealing part. "aoolied".
The oil in port (Pb) of the brake ECMV flows in When the parking brake lever is set in the
port (E) and pushes valve (7) to the lefr. As for "free" position, the pilot pressure of brake
the oil pressure after port (B), the controller ECMV port (S) remains, because the parking
outputs the command current to proportional brake solenoid valve is de-energized.
D155A4 37
sEN02863-00 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
PD Dr D^
l:"1;'ll*' t I
To r ioht hroke I I
tr ECMV ! lot
Dr circLr 1
' Re | €ase' Parkilo brake
Lef I brake
Parkine T
J l-'-.
l_ Ffon rtonr Lel t clutch
€3'ili""u I J 80t264
When the PCCS lever is shifted fiom "ooerated . When the parking brake lever is set in the
to left halfifiay" to "operated to left fully", pro- "free'position, the pilot pressure of brake
portional solenoid (5) of the L-H. brake ECMV ECMV port (S) remains, because the parking
is demagnetized and the sealing part of ball (6) brake solenoid valve is de-eneroized.
is fully opened.
Since the oil in port (E) is drained through the
sealing part, valve (7) is moved to the right by
the tension of spring (8) to disconnect port (Pb)
from (B) and connect port (B) with port (Dr), At
this time, the oil from the back pressure port of
the brake piston is drained through port (B)
and the brake is turned "applied" by the ten-
sion of the brake spring.
The oil from the power train pump flows
through port (Pb) of the brake ECMV and ori-
lice (b), then it is drained through sealing part
of ball (6).
The oil pressure in the clutch circuit, etc. is
secured by orifice (b)-
38 D155A-6
10 Structure, function and mainlenance standard sEN02863{0
When lhe PCGS lever is in "neutral", brake pedal is "depressed", and parking brake lever is in "free"
position: Stop
(L.H. and R.H. brake are "operated", parking brake is "released")
{) slil Dr
Io rirft f1 IAl
' 6 5
rrake ECV! V) I lilt t I
a VI
rl ECIIV p,
Df c if
cu it
LJ l'.1
4 avl
4l: T:;",, ,"
l4 vl
rl oa l3ul,"n'n'"''n
cl!ich EllvV L "4
li' VI
@ f k nt
When the brake pedal is depressed fully, prG o When the brake pedal is depressed tully, the
portional solenoids (5) of L.H. and R.H. brake brake pedal switch is turned "ON", and the
ECMV are demagnetized to open the sealing parking brake solenoid valve is energized lo
part of ball (6). drain the pilot pressure of the brake ECMV port
The controller outputs the command current to (S).This carries out the same function as when
proportional solenoids (5) according to the the parking brake lever is set at the "lock" posi-
brake pedal stroke. tion.
Proportional solenoid (5) generates the propuF
sion force in proportion to the command cur-
rent. This propulsion force is balanced with the
sum of the propulsion force generated by the
oil pressure in the back pressure port of the
brake piston and the tension of spring (8), then
the brake pressure is set up to adjust the brake
Since the PCCS lever is in "neutral" position,
proportional solenoids (1) of L.H. and R.H.
clutch ECMV are demagnetized and L.H. and
R.H. clutch are turned "on".
sEt{02863-00 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
6. 9-7, gNn
5 (0.7-0.8keml
47. I-53. gNm
Sol€noid valve
6 Coil (ON-OFF type)
o. Push pin
7. Spring
8. Spool
9. Body
10 Struc{ure, function and maintenance standard sEN02863{0
When PCCS lever is in "neutral" position, brake pedal is "released", and parking brake lever is in
"lock" position: Parking
(L.H. and R.H. brake are "operated", parking brake is "operated")
r-ake i\ )i
+F eYer ii r
ri:11",". sb
Loc [' il
R orl brake
When the parking brake lever is in the "lock" When the parking brake lever is in the "tree"
position, the parking brake lever switch is position, the parking brake lever switch is
turned 'ON'' and coil (1) of the parking brake "OFF'' and coil (1) of the parking brake sole-
solenoid valve is energized. noid valve ig de-energized.
Spool (3) is pushed to the right direction by Spool (3) is retumed to the left, and close port
push pin (2), then port (P) and (T) are opened (P) and (T) to remain the pilot pressure of the
to drain the pilot pressure of the L.H. and R.H. L.H. and R.H. brake ECMV.
brake ECIVIV The oil oressure from the brake ECMV is
The oil which had flown into the brake piston applied to the back p[essure port of the brake
back pressure port is drained through the oiston. and brake is "released".
brake ECIVIV
The oil pressure in the back pressure port of
the brake piston continues to decrease, then
the brake is fully ''applied" and that situation is
When the engine is started again, as port (P)
and (T) are still opened, the brake is continu-
ously "applied".
D155A-6 41
sEN02863-00 l0 Structure, function and maintenance standard
o i /o
dD rorcn
o(q, o
EPG valve
2. Coil (proporlional type)
3. Push pin
4. Valve
6. Spool
7. Body
42 Dt55A-6
10 Struclure. function and maintenance standard sEN02863-00
'Seni-fe eased' 9J302881
. The sudden stop prevention valve is installed
to prevent the machine from stopping suddenly
when an abnormality takes place in the electric
r Sudden stop prevention valve (1) is installed in
the drain circuit of the brake ECMV so that the
sudden oil pressure drop of port (DR) and con-
sequently the sudden brake can be avoided
when coil (2) of brake ECMV is de-energized.
e lf an abnormality takes plac€ in the electric
system, also coil (3) of the sudden stop pre-
vention valve (1) is de-€nergized. Then, the oil
ot port (DR) is drained through orifice (a) so
that the brake is applied gradually.
sEN02863-00 10 Structure, func{ion and maintenance standard
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard s8N02863{0
Final drive
The final drive is a single stage spur gear, sin-
gle stage planetary gear reduction type. The
lubrication is of splash type using the rotation
of the gears. The final drive can be removed
and inslalled as a single unit.
Floating seal (1) is installed to the rotating slid-
ing portion of the sprocket to prevent the entry
of dirt or sand and to prevent leakage of lubri-
cating oil.
sEN02863-00 10 Structure. function and maintenance standard
1225- l47oNrl
{ 125-l50 kcml
{ | 3- 18teml 130-lSgNil
1 I 50-1440ND
(l l8-l47kenl
{23. 5-2S- stefll
455-5EsNm | 27- | 76Nm
(46.5-Sokcml t13-lSkenl 9,0034 3 3
46 D155A-6
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard sEN02863-00
Unit mm
No. Check ilem Criteria Remedy
sEN0286:t-00 10 Structure, funclion and maintenance standard
s Jc0020 ?
e The power from the bevel gear shaft and steer- Then, the rotating force of sun gear (2) forms
ing clutch is transmitted to 1st pinion (10) to the rotating force of carrier (3), lvhich supporb
rotale 1st gear (13) meshed with the 1st pinion the planetary gear (7), via shaft (15), and is
and sun gear (2) meshed with the 1st gear. transmitted to sprocket boss (4).
The totation of sun gear (2) is hansmitted to The rotating direction of cafiier (3) is the same
planetary gear (7). Since ring gear (8) meshed with sun gear (2).
with the planetary gear is fixed to cover (6), the The rotational force transmitted to sprocket
planetary gear (7) rotates along the ring gear boss (4) is further transmifted to sprocket teeth
(8) and revolves around the sun gear (2). (5).
48 Dl554-6
sEN0286340 10 Structure. function and maintenance standard
Unit: mm
No. Check item Criteria Remedy
Strandard clearance Repair limit
1 Wear of sprocket tooth tip
2El 339
t Wear ot sDrocket tooth root 21.7 15.5
Rebuid or
Wear of width of sprocket replace
tooth tip
Wear of width of sprocket
4 105
tooth root
50 D155A-6
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard sEN02863{t0
Dt55A6 51
sEt{02863{tt l0 $trucfure, func{lon and malnbnanoe sttndard
D1564-O BulEoEer
Fom tlo. SEN0286$00
All Righb Reseryed
Pilnted in Japan 04-07 (02)
52 tmilfiu D15544
Machine model Serialnumber
Dl554-6 85001 and up
D15546 ronrrlsu
SEN0286/t-00 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
Track frame
{46.5-58k.n) ( 80- 100 ksnl sJG03136
l0 Struc'ture, function and maintenence standard sEN02E64{0
Unit mm
No. Check item Crilsda Remedy
Item R€p€ir limit
Curvafure 7 (o\rer length of 3,000) Cored or
1 Defomation of track fram€
Twistlng 3 (ov€r length of 300) rsp|aoe
Dl55A6 3
sEit02864-00 l0 Structure, ftinction and maintenance standard
4 D155A-6
10 Sbuctur€, function and maintenance standard
Unit mm
nb. Chsd( abm Criteria Remedy
Pre€s-fitting forcc fol
1 392 kN {40 ton} Adiust
idler !,oke
sEH02864{0 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
| ,'',i;.ll
,i,l ,')i
tE .'\
6 D1554-6
l0 Structure, function and maantenance standard
Unit mm
No- C h€ck item CdtBda Remedy
Sbnda.d Eize Repair limit
1 Outer diameter of orotusion
? Oubr diarneter of tread 800 781
Rebuild or
5 Depth oft€ad 25 34.5
4 Thickness of t€ad 21 11.5
5 Overall vYitth 245
o Width of tread 62
Sltandard Tolerance Sbndad Clearance
Clearance between shaft 8t26 Shaft Hole clearance limit
and bushing
4.210 +0.255
-0.260 Replac6
Tolerancs bushing
S[andard Standad I nterference
Interfu rence b€tr,veen idler siz€ Shaft Hole interference limit
and bushing
+0.130 +0.100 0.02 -
+0.080 {.05{t 0.18
S'tandard size Repair limit
I Shafr fange widlh
20 -3.0s
'10 Play of shaft in axial diroction o-49- O.72
DtsriAS 7
sENOIS6{-00 l0 Structurc, function and mdlnGnance standad
Track roller o
s., G0313I
I Dt 55A-6
10 Siructure, function and maintenance standard sEN02864.00
Unit: mm
No. C heck item Criteria Remedy
Wdth of tread
7 (double flange)
Flange width
(outside of double flange)
Flange width
(inside of double flange)
10 Shatt flange width 20
sEN02864{0 l0 Structuro, functlon and maintenanca standard
Carrier roller
,|0 D155A6
10 Struc'ture, functlon and maintenance stendard
sEN02864-00 l0 Structure. function and maintenance standard
Track shoe
Dry type
12 DlssA-6
10 Structure, funciion and maintenance standard sEN02864{0
Unit: mm
I'b Check item Criteria Remedy
Standard size Repair limit
1 Link pitch 231.9 (Heavy-duq areas)
233.9 (Standard areas)
When turned Reverse or
Standard size feprace
2 Bushing outside diameter Normal load lmpact load
81 75.0 77.0
Thickness ol bushing metal 15.8 9.8 11.8
Standard size Repair limit
Link height
'144 128 Repair or
Thickness of link metal
(bushing press-fitting portion) 45.5 2S.5
D1554-6 13
sEN02864-00 l0 Structure, function and mainienance standard
14 D155A-6
10 Struc{ure. function and maintenance standard sEN0286440
Unit: mm
No. Check item Criteria Remedy
Slandard size Repair limit
1 Lin k pitch
228.9 231 .S
81 72.5 7 5.O
sEN02864{0 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
Unit: mm
No. Check item Criteria Remedy
Srtandard size Repair limit
:,:ggl' sinsre
heavy duty
Repair or
Overall height single 97 47
ofsho€ heavy duty 99 49
l0 litructurr, func'tion and maintenance atandard sEN028G4{0
Dt55A6 17
sEN02864-00 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
Main frame
E -tl
18 D155A6
{0 Suucture, functlon and malntenanc€ standard sEN02864{t0
1. Main frame
2. Cage
3. Clamp
4. Cover
5. Seal
6. Coupling
7. Cap
8. Plate
Unit mm
nb. Check item Criteria Remody
Dl55A-6 l9
sEN0286{-00 l0 Structure, function and maintenance standard
qT 'I I
{: i- <-;
' 'u''
\ i/' "li
I JG0344 3
20 t)l55A6
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard sEN02864{0
Interference between pivot
shafr and seal stopper ring
17o +0.083
-{.053 0.096
Standard Tolerance Standard Clearance
Ciearance between pivot size Shaft Hole clearance limit
shafr and bushing (outer)
148 -{.145
- 1_0
The front of the track frame rocks up and down
using the rear pivot shafts (6) as a fulcrum.
Equalizer bar (1)rocks using center pin (11) as
a fulcrum. The left and right track frames are
connected by side pin (10).
sEN0286&00 l0 StruL:furs, function and malntanance standatd
D1554{ Bulldozer
Form No. SEN02864-00
All Rights Rese.r/ed
Printed in Japan 0rt-07 (02)
22 ilorr|lu Dl554-6
SIIOP DfiANI.IAI- sEN02865.{r2
Machine model Serialnumber
D1554-6 85001 and up
sEN02865-02 l0 Structure, function and maintenance standard
I J G0344 6
10 Struc{ure, function and maintenance standard sEN0286542
Multi-shank ripper
1. Control valve
Divider block
3. Ripper lift cylinder
Ripper tilt cylinder
sEN02865{'2 10 Structure, funclion and maintenance standard
Giant ripper
sJ c0 315 2
1. Control valve
2. Divider block
3. Ripp€r lift cylinder
4. Pin puller cylinder
5. Ripper tilt cylinder
6, Pin puller solenoid valve
4 D 155A-6
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard sEN02865{2
t)1554-6 5
sEN02865-02 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
I JC03453
6 D155A-6
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard sEN02865-02
D1554€ 7
sEN0286tt-02 l0 Structure, function and maintenance standard
,.' -/ ,,' -'.-
,-".''' ,' ,'--
,.} 'I
).'- I l,
) ,,, i
-/ ;t
,-"1t: ti
I D 155A-6
10 Structfis, funclion and malntenanoe standard sEN02865{2
Work equipment lock lever
2. Blade PPC valve
3. Ripper PPC valve
4. Work equipm€nt lock switcfl
5. Control valvs
Lever positions
A: Blade HOLD
B: Blade LOWER
Ripper HOLD
H Ripper RAISE
(with variabl€ ripp€r)
(with vadable ripper)
r The work equipment confol emplo)ts a PPC
system which uses a PPC valve to move the
sDools of th6 contrcl valve.
sEN0286s-02 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
10 Struc{ure, function and maintenance standald sEN02865{2
Tank c€pacity (4) 125
Hydraulic Hi (41 95
tank inside Cenier 85
Lo^' (9) 75
Cracking pressure 16.7 t 2.5
(kPa {kgi cm,}) {0.17r0.025}
Vacuum valve actuating 2r0.3
pressure (kPa {kgicm4) {0.02i0.003}
Cracking pressure 147 x29.4
(kPa iks/cm1) i1.5r0.31)
Mesh sizs (p m) 20110t5
Filtering area (cmt) 13,600
Filtering cil (f,/min) 550
Mesh size (U m) 105
Filtering area (cmrl 1 ,85{t
sEN02865-{'2 {0 Structure, function and maintenance standard
Accumulator Function
I The accumulator is installed between the
For EPC valve redusing valve and the EPC valve. Even if the
engine is started with the work equipment still
raised, the pressure of the nitrogen gas com-
pressed inside the accumulator sends the pilot
pressure to the control valve to actuate it and
enable the work equipment to move down
under ib own weight.
After the engine is stopped, when the EPC
valve is at neutral, chamber (A) inside the blad-
der is compressed by the oil pressure in cham-
ber (B).
When the EPC valve is operated, the oil pres-
sure in chamber (B) goes below 2.9 MPa {30
kg/cm2), and the pressure of the nitrogen gas
in chamber (A) expands the bladder, so the oil
in chamber (B) acts as lhe pilot pressure and
actuates the main control valve.
Befofe actuat ion Altef actuatiDn
1. Gas plug
2. Shell
3. Poppet
4. Hold€r
5. Bladder
6. Oil port
Type of gas: Nitrogen
Gas volume: 300 cc
Max. actuation pressure: 3,14 MPa {32 kg/cm,}
Min. actuation pressure: 1 ,18 MPa {12 kglcmzl
'|-2 D155A6
l0 Structure, function and maintenance standard sEN0t865-02
O PPG vatve
Blade PPG valve
P: valve
From self pressure reducing P3: To blade tilt valve (LEFT TILT)
P1: To blade liff valve (LOWER, P4: To blade tilt valve (RIGHT TILT)
P2: To blade lift valve T To tank
o155A-6 l3
sEN02865-02 {0 Structure, function and maintenance standard
I t.8-1,+. 7Nn
f'lt tt'
,o-norn -/
6-l lNn
{0. 6-1. I keml
9J S07832
1. Spool 6. Plate
2. Piston 7. Retainer
3. Disc 8. Body
4. Nut (For connecting lever) 9. Filter
5. Joint
14 D155A-5
10 Stuc'tum, func{ion and malntenance standard sE {02865{2
Unit mm
No. Check itam Cdteria R6medy
Sandard size Rspair limit
Frc6 l€ngth
lnstalled lnstallsd Installed
Metering spring x Outside Free langth
10 (For po1t8 length load litad
P3 and P4) diameter
16.7 N 13.3 N
26.53 x 8.15 2'1.9
(r.7 ks) fl.36 k9)
Centedng spring 107.9 N 80.3 N Replace
11 48.57 x |5.5 32.5
(For porb P3 and P4) {11 ks} {8.8 ks} spring lf
Met€ring spring 16.7 N 13.3 N
12 26.3 x 8.15 24.1
(For port P2) {1 7 ks} (l36 kg}
Centedng spring 78.5 N 62.8 N
t3 (For pod P2)
43-2 x 15.5 34
tB k9) t6.4 ks)
Centering spring
14 (For port 34.0 x 15.5 31.S
94N 75.3 N
P1) {e.6 ks} {7.68 ks}
Melering spring 16.7 N 13.3 N
(For port Pl)
29.27 x8.15 25-l
{1.7 kS} tl.36 k9]
sEN02865-02 l0 Structure, func{ion and maintenance Etandard
1. When in neutral
1) For lifting blade 2) For tilting blade
. Ports (A) and (B) of the blade lift valve of the- a Ports (C) and (D) of the blade tilt valve of the
control valve and ports (P1) and (P2) of the control valve and ports (P3) and (P4) of the
PPC valve are connected through fine control PPC valve are connected thraugh fine control
hole (0 of spool (1) to drain chamber (D). hole (f) of spool (1) to drain chamber (D).
s J s01543 sJ s01544
16 D155A-6
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard sEN02865{t2
D155A-6 17
sEN0286542 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
18 D 155A-6
10 Structure, function and maintenance standard sEN02865{2
o 5.
When blade is "floated"
lf piston (2) on ihe "LOWER" side of port (P1)
When "FLOAT" state of blade is reset
Disc (3) is pushed down with a force larger
is pushed down by disc (3), ball (18) touches than the oil pressure in chamber (E) to return
projection (a) of the piston in the middle of the from the "FLOAT" position.
stroke (The detent starts to operate). As a result, chamber (E) is disconnected from
lf piston (2) is pushed in further, ball ('18) passage (d) and connected to the drain cham-
pushes up collar (17) supported on detent ber. Accordlngly, the oil pressure in chamber
spring ('16) and escapes out to go over projec- (E) is lost and the "FLOAr state is reset.
tion (a) of the piston.
At this time, piston (2) on the opposite side is
pushed up by spring (19).
As a result, the oil in chamber (F) flows
through (b) and (c) to chamber (E) and piston
(2') follows disc (3). Since passage (d) is con-
nected to port (P1), almost the same pressure
is applied to passage (d) and port (P1 ).
Chamber (E) is normally connected lo drain
chamber (D). lf ball (18) goes over projection
(a) of the piston, passage (d) and chamber (E)
o are connected and the oil starts flowing.
At this time, the control valve moves to the
"FLOAT" position and the blade is floated-
Since piston (2') is pushed up by the pressure
in chamber (E), the "FLOAT" state is kept even
if the lever is released.
sEN02865-02 10 Structuae, function and maintenance standard
/ -il l\-
20 0155A6
10 Structur€, func'tion and maintenance standard sEl{02865{2
sEN02865-02 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
{ l0- 13konl
r-) t0
/t 0
6-l I Nn
(0.8-1. lte.rl
{0.,f-0. gkt||}
22 Dl55A-6
l0 Sbuc{urE, func'tion and mainienanca standard sEN02865{r2
1. Spool
2. Piston
3. Disc
4. Nut (for connec{ing lev€r)
5. Joint
6. Plate
7. Retainer
8. Body
9. Filter
Unif mm
No. Check item Crit€ri€ Remedy
Slandard sizs Repair limit
Fr€€ lenglh
x OuElds
lmtallsd lnstallsd lnstallsd
C€ntering spring F ee length
10 lsnglfl load lo€d
(For ports P3 and P4) diameter
Replac€ spring
50.35 x 15.5 v 55.9 N
{5.7 k9}
if damaged ol
Dt55A6 23
sEN02865.02 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
24 D155A6
10 Structure, function and mainlenance standard sEN02865-02
D1554-6 25
sEN02865-02 10 Structure, func{ion and maintenance atandard
1. Solenoid
2. Body
3. Spool
o The work equipment lock valve is installed
b€tween the basic oressure valve and control
valve in the work equipment contml circuit. lf
the work equipment lock lever is set in the
FREE position, the work equipment lock switch
operates and the work equipment lock valve
opens the work equipment control circuit so
that the op€rator can operate the work equip
. The solenoid is operated by the electric signal
to move the spool. As a result, the circuit
between port (A) connected to the basic pres-
sure valve and port (B) connected to the con-
trol valve is ooened,
26 D155A6
10 Struc'turc, functlon and malntcnance standald sEN02865{2
sEN02865-02 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
Control valve
General view
29.4-39, 2Nln
( 3-4koml
| ?6. 6-r 96. zNm
{ l8-20trm)
21.4-34.3Nn 27,4-34.3Ni|
(2. 8-3. Sksnl (2.8-3.5k0|t|)
{3-4 kcnl
il It
28 D15546
10 Sbuc{ul€, functlon and maintenance atandard sEl{02865{'2
Dts5A{ 29
sEN02865{12 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
Sectional view
I l7- 7-l6l.8Nr
( 12- | 6, 5lsnl
(28-37. Sksr
( 3-4 ko|r]l
sJ s077sB
30 D1554-6
l0 Struc{ure, function and malnt€nance standard
Unh: mm
No. Chsck item CriEria Rem€dy
$andard siz6 Rep€ir limit
Fres l€ngth
InstElled Insblled lnstall€d
x Oubide Free length
9 Spool retum spring l€ngth load load
224N 178N
76.3 x 3{) 68.5
{22.8ks} {r8.2ks}
lf damaged or
140N 112N
10 Spool retum spring 51.7 x 31.3 50 dsfomsd,
t14.3ks} {11./tkg} t€placs spring
217N t74N
11 Spool r€turn spring 54.7 x 36.5 :t:t_5
122-lksI {17.7ks}
12.7N 9.8N
12 Load check valve spring 2O.8 x 12.2 '| 3.5
{1.3ks} t1.oks)
r93N 154N
t3 Unload valv€ spring 86.7 x 30 66
{1e.63ks} tl5.7ks]
sEN02865-02 10 Structure, function and maintenance standard
oo E-E
{ | l. o-15. okerl
{1,t-l6t!nl ( l8-201.r
107. g-14?. l Nrt
(| 1-t 5trm)
t?6.6-196. lN.
( l8-20ted
10 Structure, funclion and maintenance standard sEN02865{t2
'l LS check valve 4. Unload valve
2. Main relief valve 5. Suction valve
3. LS relief valve 6. Check valve (built in spool)
Unit: mm
No. Check item Criteria Remedy
Standard size Repair limit
Free length
lnstalled lnstalled Installed It damaged or
x Oulside Free length
7 Suction valve spring length load |oao deformed,
replace spring
6.37N 5.1N
M.S x 12.5 56
i0.65ksl {0.s2ks}
D155A6 33
sEN0286542 1O Structure, function and maintenance standard
2S.4-39. zNb
Or--rO o L
Cr--'O o