We resolve Land Bank of the Philippines' (LBP's) 2 Motion for
Reconsideration of December 14, 2010 that addresses our Resolutions of October
12, 2010 and November 23, 2010. This motion prays as well for the holding of oral
arguments. We likewise resolve the Office of the Solicitor General's (OSG) Motion for
Leave to Intervene and to Admit Motion for Reconsideration-in-Intervention dated
February 15, 2011 in behalf of the Republic of the Philippines (Republic).
The LBP submits the following arguments in support of its 2 motion for
a) the test of "transcendental importance" does not apply to the present case;
d) granting arguendo that the interest payment has factual and legal bases, only six
(6%) percent interest per annum may be validly imposed.
We have more than amply addressed argument (d) above in our October 12, 2010
Resolution, and we see no point in further discussing it. Without in any way
detracting from the overriding effect of our main and primary ruling that the present
2 motion for reconsideration is a prohibited motion that the Court can no longer
entertain, and if only to emphatically signal an unequivocal finis to this case, we
examine for the last and final time the LBP's other arguments.
In the course of the Court's deliberations, Mr. Justice Roberto A. Abad questioned the
application of Section 3, Rule 15 of the Internal Rules of the Supreme Court to the
present 2nd motion for reconsideration. He posited that instead of voting
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immediately on the present 2nd motion for reconsideration, the Court should instead
first consider the validity of our October 12, 2010 Resolution; he claimed that this
Resolution is null and void because the Court violated the above-cited provision of the
Internal Rules when it did not first vote on whether the Resolution's underlying
motion (itself a 3rd motion for reconsideration) should be entertained before voting
on the motion's merits. We shall lay to rest Mr. Justice Abad's observation before
dwelling on the merits of the present 2nd motion for reconsideration.
Our Ruling
Mr. Justice Abad's observation apparently stemmed from the peculiar history of the
present case.
This case was originally handled by the Third Division of this Court. In its original
Decision of February 6, 2007, the Division affirmed the RTC's decision setting the just
compensation to be paid and fixing the interest due on the balance of the
compensation due at 12% per annum. In its Resolution of December 19, 2007, the
Third Division resolved the parties' motions for reconsideration by deleting the 12%
interest due on the balance of the awarded just compensation. The parties' subsequent
motions to reconsider this Resolution were denied on April 30, 2008; on May 16,
2008, entry of judgment followed. Despite the entry of judgment, the present
petitioners filed a second motion for reconsideration that prayed as well that the case
be referred to the Court en banc. Finding merit in these motions, the Third Division
referred the case to the En Banc for its disposition. On December 4, 2009, the Court
en banc denied the petitioners' second motion for reconsideration. Maintaining their
belief in their demand to be granted 12% interest, the petitioners persisted in filing
another motion for reconsideration. In the interim, the Court promulgated its Internal
Rules that regulated, among others, 2nd motions for reconsideration. On October 12,
2010, the Court en banc granted - by a vote of 8 for and 4 against - the petitioner's
motion and awarded the 12% interests the petitioners' prayed for, thus affirming the
interests the RTC originally awarded. The Court subsequently denied the
respondent's motion for reconsideration, giving rise to the present 2nd motion for
reconsideration. It was at this point that the OSG moved for leave to intervene.
The basic rule governing 2nd motions for reconsideration is Section 2, Rule 52 (which
applies to original actions in the Supreme Court pursuant to Section 2, Rule 56) of the
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The absolute terms of this Rule is tempered by Section 3, Rule 15 of the Internal Rules
of the Supreme Court that provides:
Sec. 3. Second Motion for Reconsideration. - The Court shall not entertain a
second motion for reconsideration and any exception to this rule can only
be granted in the higher interest of justice by the Court en banc upon a vote of
at least two-thirds of its actual membership. There is reconsideration "in
the higher interest of justice" when the assailed decision is not only legally
erroneous, but is likewise patently unjust and potentially capable of causing
unwarranted and irremediable injury or damage to the parties. A second
motion for reconsideration can only be entertained before the ruling
sought to be reconsidered becomes final by operation of law or by the
Court's declaration. [Emphases supplied.]
Separately from these rules is Article VIII, Section 4 (2) of the 1987 Constitution
which governs the decision-making by the Court en banc of any matter before it,
including a motion for the reconsideration of a previous decision. This provision
Section 4.
Thus, while the Constitution grants the Supreme Court the power to promulgate rules
concerning the practice and procedure in all courts[1] (and allows the Court to
regulate the consideration of 2nd motions for reconsideration, including the vote that
the Court shall require), these procedural rules must be consistent with the standards
set by the Constitution itself. Among these constitutional standards is the above
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quoted Section 4 which applies to "all other cases which under the Rules of Court are
required to be heard en banc," and does not make any distinction as to the
type of cases or rulings it applies to, i.e, whether
these cases are originally filed with the Supreme Court, or cases on appeal, or rulings
on the merits of motions before the Court. Thus, rulings on the merits by the Court en
banc on 2nd motions for reconsideration, if allowed by the Court to be entertained
under its Internal Rules, must be decided with the concurrence of a majority of the
Members who actually took part in the deliberations.
When the Court ruled on October 12, 2010 on the petitioners' motion for
reconsideration by a vote of 12 Members (8 for the grant of the motion and 4 against),
the Court ruled on the merits of the petitioners' motion. This ruling complied in all
respects with the Constitution requirement for the votes that should support a ruling
of the Court.
Admittedly, the Court did not make any express prior ruling accepting or disallowing
the petitioners' motion as required by Section 3, Rule 15 of the Internal Rules. The
Court, however, did not thereby contravene its own rule on 2nd motions for
reconsideration; since 12 Members of the Court opted to entertain the motion by
voting for and against it, the Court simply did not register an express vote, but
instead demonstrated its compliance with the rule through the participation by no
less than 12 of its 15 Members. Viewed in this light, the Court cannot even be claimed
to have suspended the effectiveness of its rule on 2nd motions for reconsideration; it
simply complied with this rule in a form other than by express and separate voting.
Based on these considerations, arrived at after a lengthy deliberation, the Court thus
rejected Mr. Justice Abad's observations, and proceeded to vote on the question of
whether to entertain the respondents' present 2nd motion for reconsideration. The
vote was 9 to 2, with 9 Members voting not to entertain the LBP's 2nd
motion for reconsideration. By this vote, the ruling sought to be reconsidered
for the second time was unequivocally upheld; its finality - already declared by the
Court in its Resolution of November 23, 2010 - was reiterated. To quote the
dispositive portion of the reiterated November 23, 2010 Resolution:
Thus, this Court mandated a clear, unequivocal, final and emphatic finis to the
present case.
In assailing our October 12, 2010 resolution, the LBP emphasizes the need to respect
the doctrine of immutability of final judgments. The LBP maintains that we should
not have granted the petitioners' motion for reconsideration in our October 12, 2010
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Resolution because the ruling deleting the 12% interest had already attained finality
when an Entry of Judgment was issued. The LBP argues, too, that the present case
does not involve a matter of transcendental importance, as it does not involve life or
liberty. The LBP further contends that the Court mistakenly used the concept of
transcendental importance to recall a final ruling; this standard should only apply to
questions on the legal standing of parties.
In his dissenting opinion, Mr. Justice Roberto Abad agrees with the LBP's assertion,
positing that this case does not fall under any of the exceptions to the immutability
doctrine since it only involves money and does not involve a matter of overriding
public interest.
We reject the basic premise of the LBP's and Mr. Justice Abad's arguments for being
flawed. The present case goes beyond the private interests involved; it involves a
matter of public interest - the proper application of a basic constitutionally-
guaranteed right, namely, the right of a landowner to receive just compensation when
the government exercises the power of eminent domain in its agrarian reform
Section 9, Article III of the 1987 Constitution expresses the constitutional rule on
eminent domain - "Private property shall not be taken for public use without just
compensation." While confirming the State's inherent power and right to take private
property for public use, this provision at the same time lays down the limitation in the
exercise of this power. When it takes property pursuant to its inherent right and
power, the State has the corresponding obligation to pay the owner just compensation
for the property taken. For compensation to be considered "just," it must not only be
the full and fair equivalent of the property taken;[2] it must also be paid to the
landowner without delay.[3]
To fully and properly appreciate the significance of this case, we have to consider it in
its proper context. Contrary to the LBP's and Mr. Justice Abad's assertions, the
outcome of this case is not confined to the fate of the two petitioners alone. This case
involves the government's agrarian reform program whose success largely depends on
the willingness of the participants, both the farmers-beneficiaries and the landowners,
to cooperate with the government. Inevitably, if the government falters or is seen to
be faltering through lack of good faith in implementing the needed reforms, including
any hesitation in paying the landowners just compensation, this reform program and
its objectives would suffer major setbacks. That the government's agrarian reform
program and its success are matters of public interest, to our mind, cannot be
disputed as the program seeks to remedy long existing and widespread social justice
and economic problems.
In a last ditch attempt to muddle the issues, the LBP focuses on our use of the phrase
"transcendental importance," and asserts that we erred in applying this doctrine,
applicable only to legal standing questions, to negate the doctrine of immutability of
judgment. This is a very myopic reading of our ruling as the context clearly shows that
the phrase "transcendental importance" was used only to emphasize the overriding
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That the issues posed by this case are of transcendental importance is not hard to
discern from these discussions. A constitutional limitation, guaranteed under no
less than the all-important Bill of Rights, is at stake in this case: how can
compensation in an eminent domain case be "just" when the payment for the
compensation for property already taken has been unreasonably delayed? To
claim, as the assailed Resolution does, that only private interest is involved in
this case is to forget that an expropriation involves the government as a
necessary actor. It forgets, too, that under eminent domain, the constitutional
limits or standards apply to government who carries the burden of showing that
these standards have been met. Thus, to simply dismiss the case as a private
interest matter is an extremely shortsighted view that this Court should not leave
From this perspective, our Resolution of October 12, 2010 only had to demonstrate, as
it did, that the higher interests of justice are duly served. All these, amply discussed in
the Resolution of October 12, 2010, are briefly summarized and reiterated below.
In his dissenting opinion, Mr. Justice Abad insists that the LBP's initial valuation of
the petitioners' properties was fully in accord with Section 17 of the CARL. He posits
that when the RTC gave a significantly higher value to these lands, the LBP acted well
within its rights when it appealed the valuation. Thus, to him, it was wrong for this
Court to characterize the LBP's appeal as malicious or in bad faith.
A simple look at the attendant facts disproves the accuracy of this claim.
First, Mr. Justice Abad's allegation that the LBP correctly valued the petitioners'
properties is not at all accurate. Significantly, Mr. Justice Abad does not cite any
evidence on record to support his claim that "the Land Bank valued the lands
using the compensation formula that Section 17 of Republic Act 6657 and the DAR's
implementing rules provide."[5]
More to the point, this Court has already determined, in a final and executed
judgment, that the RTC's valuation of the petitioners' properties is the correct one. To
recall, the LBP initially fixed the value of Apo Fruits Corporation's (AFC) properties at
P165,484.47 per hectare or P16.00 per square meter (sqm), while it valued Hijo
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After reviewing the records, this Court affirmed the RTC's valuation in its February 6,
2007 decision, noting that it was based on the following evidence: (a) the
Commissioners' reports, (b) the Cuervo appraisers' report, (c) the schedule of market
values of the City of Tagum per its 1993 and 1994 Revision of Assessment and
Property Classification, (d) the value of the permanent improvements found on the
expropriated properties, and (e) the comparative sales of adjacent lands from early
1995 to early 1997. The Court observed that the RTC valuation also took into
consideration the land's nature as irrigated land, its location along the highway,
market value, assessor's value, and the volume and value of its produce. This
valuation is fully in accordance with Section 17 of RA 6657, which states:
On its face, the staggering difference between the LBP's initial valuation of the
petitioners' properties (totaling P251,379,104.02) and the RTC's valuation (totaling
P1,383,179,000.00) - a difference of P1,131,799,895.98 amounting to 81% of
the total price - betrays the lack of good faith on the part of the government in
dealing with the landowners. The sheer enormity of the difference between the two
amounts cannot but lead us to conclude that the LBP's error was grievous and
amounted to nothing less than gross negligence in the exercise of its duty - in
this case, to properly ascertain the just compensation due to the petitioners.
Mr. Justice Abad further argues that interest on just compensation is due only where
there is delay in payment. In the present case, the petitioners allegedly did not suffer
any delay in payment since the LBP made partial payments prior to the taking of their
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Admittedly, a grain of truth exists in Justice Abad's observation that the petitioners
received partial payments from the LBP before the titles to their landholdings were
transferred to the government. The full and exact truth, however, is that the
partial payments at the time of the taking only amounted to a trifling five percent
(5%) of the actual value of the expropriated properties, as determined with finality
by this Court. Even taking into consideration the subsequent partial payments made
totaling P411,769,168.32 (inclusive of the amounts deposited prior to the taking),
these payments only constituted a mere one-third (1/3) of the actual value of
the petitioners' properties.
It should be considered - as highlighted in our October 12, 2010 Resolution - that the
properties the government took were fully operating and earning plantations at the
time of the taking. Thus, the landowners lost not only their properties, but the fruits of
these properties. These were all lost in 1996, leaving the landowners without any
replacement income from their properties, except for the possible interest for the
trifling payment made at the time of the taking that, together with the subsequent
payment, only amounted to a third of the total amount due. Thus, for twelve long
years, the amount of P971,409,831.68 was withheld from the landowners.
An added dimension to this delayed payment is the impact of the delay. One impact -
as pointed out above - is the loss of income the landowners suffered. Another
impact that the LBP now glosses over is the income that the LBP earned from
the sizeable sum it withheld for twelve long years. From this perspective, the
unaccounted-for LBP income is unjust enrichment in its favor and an inequitable
loss to the landowners. This situation was what the Court essentially addressed when
it awarded the petitioners 12% interest.
Mr. Justice Abad goes on to argue that the delay should not be attributed to the LBP
as it could not have foreseen that it would take twelve years for the case to be resolved.
Justice Abad's stance could have been correct were it not for the fact that the delay in
this case is ultimately attributable to the government. Two significant factors justify
the attribution of the delay to the government.
The first is the DAR's gross undervaluation of the petitioners' properties - the
government move that started the cycle of court actions.
The second factor to consider is government inaction. Records show that after the
petitioners received the LBP's initial valuation of their lands, they filed petitions with
the DARAB, the responsible agency of the DAR, for the proper determination of just
compensation. Instead of dismissing these petitions outright for lack of jurisdiction,
the DARAB sat on these cases for three years. It was only after the petitioners resorted
to judicial intervention, filing their petitions for the determination of just
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The RTC interpreted the DARAB's inaction as reluctance of the government to pay the
petitioners just compensation, a view this Court affirmed in its October 12, 2010
The LBP claims that the just compensation in this case should be determined within
the context of the article on social justice found in the 1987 Constitution. In the LBP's
opinion, when we awarded the petitioners 12% interest by way of potential income, we
removed from the taking of agricultural properties for agrarian reform its main public
purpose of righting the wrong inflicted on landless farmers.
By this argument, the LBP effectively attempts to make a distinction between the just
compensation given to landowners whose properties are taken for the government's
agrarian reform program and properties taken for other public purposes. This
perceived distinction, however, is misplaced and is more apparent than real.
The constitutional basis for our agrarian reform program is Section 4, Article XIII of
the 1987 Constitution, which mandates:
This provision expressly provides that the taking of land for use in the government's
agrarian reform program is conditioned on the payment of just compensation.
Nothing in the wording of this provision even remotely suggests that the just
compensation required from the taking of land for the agrarian reform program
should be treated any differently from the just compensation required in any other
case of expropriation. As explained by Commissioner Roberto R. Concepcion during
the deliberations of the 1986 Constitutional Commission:
[T]he term "just compensation" is used in several parts of the Constitution, and,
therefore, it must have a uniform meaning. It cannot have in one part a meaning
different from that which appears in the other portion. If, after all, the party
whose property is taken will receive the real value of the property on just
compensation, that is good enough.
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In fact, while a proposal was made during the deliberations of the 1986 Constitutional
Commission to give a lower market price per square meter for larger tracts of land, the
Commission never intended to give agricultural landowners less than just
compensation in the expropriation of property for agrarian reform purposes.[8]
To our mind, nothing is inherently contradictory in the public purpose of land reform
and the right of landowners to receive just compensation for the expropriation by the
State of their properties. That the petitioners are corporations that used to own large
tracts of land should not be taken against them. As Mr. Justice Isagani Cruz
eloquently put it:
[S]ocial justice - or any justice for that matter - is for the deserving, whether he
be a millionaire in his mansion or a pauper in his hovel. It is true that, in case of
reasonable doubt, we are called upon to tilt the balance in favor of the poor, to
whom the Constitution fittingly extends its sympathy and compassion. But never
is it justified to prefer the poor simply because they are poor, or to reject the rich
simply because they are rich, for justice must always be served, for poor and rich
alike, according to the mandate of the law.
Nor do we find any merit in the LBP's assertion that the large amount of just
compensation that we awarded the petitioners, together with the amount of interest
due, would necessarily result in making the farmers- beneficiaries endure another
form of bondage - the payment of an exorbitant amount for the rest of their lives.
As the petitioners correctly pointed out, the government's liability for the payment of
interest to the landowner for any delay attributable to it in paying just compensation
for the expropriated property is entirely separate and distinct from the farmers-
beneficiaries' obligations to pay regular amortizations for the properties transferred to
Republic Act No. 6657 (The Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Law, or CARL) provides
for the specific source of funding to be used by the government in implementing the
agrarian reform program; this funding does not come directly from the payments
made by the farmers-beneficiaries.[10]
More to the point, under the CARL, the amount the farmers-beneficiaries must pay
the LBP for their land is, for the most part, subsidized by the State and is not
equivalent to the actual cost of the land that the Department of Agrarian Reform paid
to the original landowners. Section 26, Chapter VII of the CARL provides:
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SEC. 26. Payment by Beneficiaries. - Lands awarded pursuant to this Act shall
be paid for by the beneficiaries to the LBP in thirty (30) annual amortizations at
six percent (6%) interest per annum. The payments for the first three (3) years
after the award may be at reduced amounts as established by the PARC:
Provided, That the first five (5) annual payments may not be more than
five percent (5%) of the value of the annual gross productions paid as
established by the DAR. Should the scheduled annual payments after the fifth
year exceed ten percent (10) of the annual gross production and the failure to
produce accordingly is not due to the beneficiary's fault, the LBP may reduce the
interest rate or reduce the principal obligation to make the payment affordable.
Interpreting this provision of the law, DAR Administrative Order No. 6, Series of 1993
A. As a general rule, land awarded pursuant to E.O. 229 and R.A. 6657 shall be
repaid by the Agrarian Reform Beneficiary (ARB) to LANDBANK in thirty
(30) annual amortizations at six (6%) percent interest per annum. The
annual amortization shall start one year from date of Certificate of
Landownership Award (CLOA) registration.
B. The payments by the ARBs for the first three (3) years shall be two and a
half percent (2.5%) of AGP [Annual Gross Production] and five percent
(5.0%) of AGP for the fourth and fifth years. To further make the payments
affordable, the ARBs shall pay ten percent (10%) of AGP or the regular
amortization, whichever is lower, from the sixth (6 ) to the thirtieth
(30 ) year.
We deny as well the LBP's motion to set the case for oral arguments. The submissions
of the parties, as well as the records of the case, have already provided this Court with
enough arguments and particulars to rule on the issues involved. Oral arguments at
this point would be superfluous and would serve no useful purpose.
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The interest of the Republic, for whom the OSG speaks, has been amply protected
through the direct action of petitioner LBP - the government instrumentality created
by law to provide timely and adequate financial support in all phases involved in the
execution of needed agrarian reform. The OSG had every opportunity to intervene
through the long years that this case had been pending but it chose to show its hand
only at this very late stage when its presence can only serve to delay the final
disposition of this case. The arguments the OSG presents, furthermore, are issues that
this Court has considered in the course of resolving this case. Thus, every reason
exists to deny the intervention prayed for.
Carpio Morales, Peralta, Bersamin, Del Castillo, Villarama, Jr., Perez, and Mendoza,
JJ., concur.
Corona, C.J., I join the dissent of J. Abad.
Carpio, J., no part, prior inhibition.
Velasco, Jr., J., I join the dissent of J.Abad.
Nachura, J., on leave.
Leonardo-De Castro, J., I maintain my vote for reduced interest rate.
Abad, J., please see my dissenting opinion.
Sereno, J., see concurring opinion.
[1] Section 5.
[2] Land Bank of the Philippines v. Orilla, G.R. No. 157206, June 27, 2008, 556
SCRA 102, 116-117.
[ ]
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[5] Justice Abad's Dissent, p. 2.
[7] III Record at 17, cited in Bernas, SJ. The Intent of the 1986 Constitution Writers,
1995 ed., p. 948.
[8] Id. at 947; III Record at 17, where the Commissioners, in discussing just
compensation within the context of properties expropriated for redistribution to
farmers in pursuance of agrarian reform, stated thus:
Fr. Bernas: But is it the intention of the Committee that the owner should receive
less than the market value?
Mr. Monsod: It is not the intention of the Committee that the owner
should receive less than the just compensation.
[9] Gelos v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 86186, May 8, 1992, 208 SCRA 608, 616.
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Section 63. Funding Source.- The initial amount needed to implement this Act
for the period of ten (10) years upon approval hereof shall be funded from the
Agrarian Reform Fund created under Sections 20 and 21 of Executive Order No.
229.Additional amounts are hereby authorized to be appropriated as and when
needed to augment the Agrarian Reform Fund in order to fully implement the
provisions of this Act.
(b) All receipts from assets recovered and from sale of ill-gotten wealth recovered
through the Presidential Commission on Good Government;
(d) Portion of amounts accruing to the Philippines from all sources or official
foreign aid grants and concessional financing from all countries, to be used for
the specific purposes of financing production credits, infrastructures, and other
support services required by this Act;
[11] DAR Administrative Order No. 6, Series of 1993 defines Annual Gross Production
(AGP) as the "peso (P) value of the annual yield/produce per hectare of the land
awarded to farmer-beneficiaries (as established jointly by the Department of Agrarian
Reform (DAR) and the Land Bank of the Philippines [LBP] during the valuation
process) which is reflected in the valuation portion of the Claims Valuation and
Processing Form.
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