Sas 15
Sas 15
Sas 15
SAS 15
1. Health Threats:
Poor Environmental Sanitation
Unhealthy lifestyle and Personal habits specifically Alcohol Drinking
Improper balanced diet
Lack of exercise or physical activity
Unresolved conflict of family members
2. Health Deficit:
Cough and colds
Allergic Rhinitis
Family No. 1
Name of Family head:
Address: 24 Catmon St. Brgy Uno, Sitio Dos
No portable water Health Threat
Poor environmental sanitation Health Threat
Family conflicts Health Threat
Pregnancy Forseeable crisis
Family No. 1
Problem: No Portable Water
Criteria standards Score Weight Computation Actual Score Justification
1. Nature of Health deficit 3 1 2/3 0.66 It is considered a health
the problem threat because it may
Health threat 2 x 2/3 (0.66) cause water pollution
Foreseeable 1 1 1/3 (0.33) that may contaminate
crisis water leading to
transmitting diseases
such diarrhea, cholera,
dysentery, typhoid, and
2. Modifiability Removable 2 1/2 1
Partially 1 2 x 1 It is partially modifiable
modifiable since dissemination of
Not modifiable 0 2 0 information about ways
of conserving water and
other alternative way was
done through health
teaching. The family
recognized what are
some ways in preserving
clean water.
3. Preventive high 3 1 3/3 1 Health risks such as
potentials accumulating infectious
moderate 2 x 2/3(0.66) skin diseases in the
Low 1 1 1/3 (0.33) members of the family is
high and therefore be
given urgent attention.
The family knows
alternative ways to
preserve clean water.
4. Salience of Needs 2 1 2/2 1 The family recognizes
the problem immediate the condition a serious
attention problem needing
Does not need 1 x ½ ( O.50)
Not a problem 0 1 0
Total Score: 3.66
Family No. 1
Problem: Poor environmental Sanitation
Criteria standards Score Weight Computation Actual Score Justification
1. Nature of Health deficit 3 1 2/3 0.66 It is considered a health
the problem threat because improper
Health threat 2 x 2/3 (0.66) garbage disposal causes
Foreseeable 1 1 1/3 (0.33) water pollution that
crisis contains hazardous and
toxic materials which can
cause respiratory
problems, skin and blood
infections. This also
allows insects and
vectors to have resting
sites that may cause
disease to a person such
as dengue.
2. Modifiability Removable 2 2 2/2 1 The problem is easily
Partially 1 x 1 modifiable since there is
modifiable an availability of the
Not modifiable 0 2 0 health resources in
teaching the family. The
family is cooperative and
follows health education
3. Preventive high 3 1 3/3 1 in proper sanitation of
It is highly preventive
potentials since health teaching was
moderate 2 x 2/3(0.66) imposed to the family
Low 1 1 1/3 (0.33) about the importance of
proper garbage disposal
and they demonstrated
and practiced on how to
properly sanitize their
things whether external
or in the internal
4. Salience of Needs 2 1 0/2 0 The family does not
the problem immediate recognize the problem
attention since they managed to
Does not need 1 x ½ ( O.50) live with it and no one
immediate had an illness because of
attention the problem.
Not a problem 0 1 0
Total Score: 3.66
Family No. 1
Problem: Family Conflict
Criteria standards Score Weight Computation Actual Score Justification
1. Nature of Health deficit 3 1 2/3 0.66 It is considered a health
the problem threat since any conflicts
Health threat 2 x 2/3 (0.66) in the family can be
Foreseeable 1 1 1/3 (0.33) conducive to disease or
crisis may result to failure to
maintain wellness or
realize health potential.
2. Modifiability Removable 2 2 1/2 1 It is only partially
Partially 1 x 1 modifiable since the
modifiable family has limited
Not modifiable 0 2 0 options with regards to
the problem but can
resolve it with enough
time and effort in both
the nurse and the family.
3. Preventive high 3 1 3/3 1 It is only moderately
potentials preventive because of the
moderate 2 x 2/3(0.66) low salience of the
Low 1 1 1/3 (0.33) family with regards to
the problem.
4. Salience of Needs 2 1 1/2 0.50 The family recognizes
the problem immediate the problem but does not
Does not need 1 x ½ ( O.50) need immediate
immediate attention.
Not a problem 0 1 0
Total Score: 3.16
Family No. 1
Problem: Pregnancy
Criteria standards Score Weight Computation Actual Score Justification
1. Nature of Health deficit 3 1 1/3 0.33 The problem is
the problem considered a forseeable
Health threat 2 x 2/3 (0.66) crisis since one of the
Foreseeable 1 1 1/3 (0.33) family member is a
crisis pregnant woman and
anticipated periods of
unusual demand on the
individual or family is
2. Modifiability Removable 2 2 2/2 1 The resources in the family
Partially 1 x 1 and interventions needed to
modifiable solve the problem are
Not modifiable 0 2 0 available.
3. Preventive high 3 1 3/3 1 Possibility of complications
potentials during labor and delivery
moderate 2 x 2/3(0.66) and occurrence of
Low 1 1 1/3 (0.33) abnormalities in the infant
are prevented if proper
interventions are imposed as
early as possible.
4. Salience of Needs 2 1 2/2 0 The family doesn’t
the problem immediate recognize the existence of
attention the problem.
Does not need 1 x ½ ( O.50)
Not a problem 0 1 0
Total Score: 2.33
1. No Portable Water
2. Poor environmental Sanitation
3. Family Conflict
4. Pregnancy
1. I’ve learned how to properly assess the family with the use of Family Data Analysis techniques.
2. I’ve also learned how to categorize health problems according to factors affecting priority status.
3. I’ve learned how to do proper computation and justifying the scores of different family health
1. I’d like to learn more about how to identify the family nursing care problem with its second level
2. I’d like to learn how to apply appropriate interventions and make an NCP on different family health