Wood You Beleaf It - Come Learn With Me Book Study Lesson Plan

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Lesson Plan 1 Book Study

Date TBD Lesson Come and Learn With Me Grade 6

Title (Book Study) Level

Time in Subject English & Art Lesson # 1

Lesson 60min

Developed Shelby Curzon, Janessa Filo, Matthew Fries, Alex Santangelo, &
by Annecke Schachtner

Identify Desired Results

Learner Outcomes from the Program of Studies

What are the SPECIFIC outcomes to be addressed in this lesson?

Specific outcomes:
• Experiment with a variety of forms of oral, print and other media texts to
discover those best suited for exploring, organizing and sharing ideas,
information and experiences.
• Apply knowledge of organizational structures of oral, print and other
media texts to assist with constructing and confirming meaning.
Art - Level 3 (grade 5-6)

Component 3 - Appreciation
C. Artworks contain symbolic representations of a subject or theme.

Component 10 (i)
PURPOSE 1: Students will record or document activities, people and discoveries.
A. Everyday activities can be documented visually.
B. Special events, such as field trips, visits and festive occasions can be recorded
C. Family groups and people relationships can be recorded visually.

PURPOSE 2: Students will illustrate or tell a story.

A. A narrative can be retold or interpreted visually.
C. Material from any subject discipline can be illustrated visually.

PURPOSE 4: Students will express a feeling or a message.

B. Specific messages, beliefs and interests can be interpreted visually, or

Assessment Strategies
Objective in student-friendly What will I accept as evidence of
language learning/development? Have I
What will students employed formative assessment? Do I
understand/experience/appreciate make use of prior assessments in this
as a result of this lesson? lesson?

By the end of this lesson students will… Class discussion will provide an
Be able to compare and Contrast their understanding of where students are at
personal ideas against a scholar’s as well as their level of engagement.
ideas. Learning logs will show development
and evidence of engagement throughout
Visually represent ideas that are
the entire three-week unit.
delivered orally.
Teacher can gather learning logs at the
end of the day to make sure each
student participated with the drawing

Resources How will you attend to the needs of
What ALL learners in this lesson?
will be required?

• Book come and learn with me Potential limits may arise with students
• Learning logs, Pencil and eraser who do not feel comfortable with their
• White board or Chalk board for drawing skills. This could be adapted to
teacher use have students write out their ideas
instead of drawing, or describing their
thoughts orally.

If the teacher is moving too quickly

while reading students may feel
discouraged and unable to keep up.
Consistent check ins with students and
how they are doing while drawing, and
to speak up if they feel they need more
time. Teacher should also let them know
they have the option to write out their
ideas if they do not feel comfortable
drawing them.

Lesson Plan Sequence

How will you activate prior knowledge and engage them in the lesson and
how does this lesson connect to prior lessons?

Explain the activity and what the students will be expected to do, as well as what
is to come after the activity.

Learning/Activity Sequence
How will students Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate, and/or Evaluate their
understandings of the outcomes.

What are the STUDENTS Approx.

What is the TEACHER doing? doing? How are they engaged time
What is your plan for the body while you are teaching the
of the lesson? What steps are lesson?
taken during the lesson?

The teacher begins by explaining The students are expected to 10

the activity and that while she is listen to the instructions and what minutes
reading a page of the book “ Come is expected of them during the
and Learn with me” the students activity. They are then able to ask
will draw what they think he/she any questions they may have
is describing. before the activity begins.
The teacher will then ask students While the teacher is reading the 20
to sit at their desks and take out students are expected to draw out minutes
their learning logs while they what they hear and what they
begin reading a page from the think the image on the page
book. would look like based off of the
teachers description and the

Once the teacher is done reading a Students are expected to 20

few pages from the book the participate in discussion, showing minutes
teacher will facilitate a discussion their drawings and addressing
comparing the students images to any major differences between
the actual images of the book. their images and that of the

After the discussion as a group Students will write a short 10

has ended the teacher will give reflection on the activity in their minutes
students ten minutes to reflect on learning logs.
their own thoughts and
experiences throughout the
activity in their learning logs.

How will you ensure students walk away with a sense of understanding the
purpose of the lesson and its importance to their learning?

In conclusion, the students will show their understanding through contribution to

discussion as well as their engagement with the activity and the results of their
reflection in their learning logs. Students will have opportunities to ask any
questions throughout the lesson and class discussions if there are any gaps in
understanding. The rest of the unit will also bring together ideas and help
students draw connections throughout the weeks of the overall unit.
Pre-service Teacher Self-Reflection

· How do you feel your students experienced this lesson?

· How were they able to make explicit and self-evaluate their growing
understanding, skills and/or knowledge?
· How did you employ formative assessment for/of/as learning?
· Were you successful in reaching all students? How do you know? How did
you accommodate for diverse learners and those requiring
· Were there opportunities to address Indigenous, multicultural and
interdisciplinary activities and knowledge?
· What went well and what needs refinement? What might you do
differently next time?

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