@@@@API Technical Data Book Tanques Bombas y Tuberías PDF
@@@@API Technical Data Book Tanques Bombas y Tuberías PDF
@@@@API Technical Data Book Tanques Bombas y Tuberías PDF
Term Description
bbl Barrel
bpm Barrels per minute
Cap Capacity
Csg Casing
DC Drill collar
Disp Displacement
DP Drillpipe
DS Drillstring
ECD Equivalent circulating density
Eff Efficiency
EMW Equivalent mud weight
EOB End of build
FCP Final circulating pressure
FMDPP Final maximum drillpipe pressure
FP Formation pressure
ft Foot
gal Gallon
gpm Gallons per minute
HP Hydrostatic pressure
ICP Initial circulating pressure
ID Internal diameter
IMDPP Initial maximum drillpipe pressure
KOP Kick off point
KWM Kill weight mud
MD Measured depth
min Minutes
MW Mud weight
OD Outer diameter
OMW Original mud weight
pcf Pounds per cubic foot
PP Pump pressure
ppf Pounds per foot
ppg Pounds per gallon
psi Pounds per square inch
PV Plastic viscosity
Q Flow rate
SF Safety factor
SICP Shut in casing pressure
SIDPP Shut in drillpipe pressure
sk, sx Sack, sacks
SPM Strokes per minute
SPP Slow pump pressure
stk Stroke
TVD True vertical depth
V Velocity
Vol Volume
YP Yield point
4 Formulas & Equations
(Casing ID inches)2
Casing Capacitybbl/ft (CsgCap) =
(Pipe IDinches)2
Drill String Capacitybbl/ft (DSCap) =
Capacitybbl/ft =
Tank Diameterft2
Capacitybbl/ft =
Tank Diameterinches 2
Capacitybbl/inch =
Tank Diameterft2
Capacitybbl/inch =
Tank Diameterinches 2
Volumebbl = Capacitybbl/ft x Heightft
Volumebbl = Capacitybbl/inch x Heightinches
Rectangular Tanks
Capacitybbl/ft = 0.178 x Lengthft x Widthft
Capacitybbl/inch = 0.0148 x Lengthft x Widthft
Volumebbl = Capacitybbl/ft x Heightft
Volumebbl = Capacitybbl/inch x Heightinches
Pump Rates
Ratebpm = Outputbbl/stk x SPM
Rategpm = 42 x Outputbbl/stk x SPM
BBL to Pump
Timemin =
Outputbbl/stk SPM
New PPpsi = Old PPpsi
New MWppg
New PPpsi = Original PPpsi
Original MWppg
Formulas & Equations 7
0.1 YP
ECDppg = MWppg
HoleDiamet erinches - PipeOD inches
YP = Fann 300 reading – PV
PV = Fann 600 reading – Fann 300 reading
Trip Calculations
Trip Marginppg
Trip Marginppg =
11.7 Hole Diameterinches - Pipe ODinches
SPPpsi KWMppg
FCPpsi =
Drillstrin g Volumebbl
Outputbbl / stk
Strokes to Surface
Time to Surface =
10 Formulas & Equations
Kick Gradientpsi/ft
SICP psi SIDPP psi
Kick Gradientpsi/ft = MWppg 0.052
Kick LengthTVDft
LOT psi
EMWLOT ppg =
0.052 x ShoeDepth TVDft
EMWFIT ppg =
0.052 x ShoeDepth TVDft
Maximum Formation Pressure that can
be Controlled with a Well Shut-In
Max FPpsi = 0.052 x (KTppg + MWppg) x DepthTVDft
12 Formulas & Equations
Stripping/Snubbing Calculations
14 Formulas & Equations
SICPpsi =
Subsea Formulas
Hydrostatic Pressure in Riser (HPRpsi)
HPRpsi = (Water Depthft + Air Gapft) x .052 x MWppg
Riser Differentialpsi
Riser Differentialpsi = HPRpsi - HPSpsi
Riser Marginppg
Riser Differenti alpsi
Riser Marginppg =
0.052 TVDft - Water Depthft - Air Gapft
FCPpsi = SPPpsi (through the riser)
Accumulator Sizing
API Minimum Requirements
100% (S.F.= 1) of fluid volume required to close and hold
closed all preventers and open an HCR valve and have a
system pressure of 200 psi above minimum recommended
precharge pressure remaining on the accumulator with
pumps off.
Standard Recommendation
150% (S.F.= 1.5) of fluid volume required to close and hold
closed all preventers and open an HCR valve and have
1,200 psi system pressure remaining on the accumulator
with pumps off.
Recommended Useable Accumulator
Precharge Fluid Size Factor*
Hydraulics Formulas
Annular Velocity (AVft/min)
24.51 Pump Rategpm
Vft/min =
HoleOD in2 - PipeOD in2
Rules of Thumb
Stuck Pipe
Given 6 ¼" DC:
d 3.1416 6.25
6.545 (round to 6.5)
3 3
P = 200 psi (approx. 0.5 ppg overbalance at 8,000 ft)
L = 200 ft (of permeable zone)
Fdiff = 0.2 x 200psi x 200ft x 12in./ft x 6.5in. = 624,000lbs
When the drill string is stuck, the free point method can be
used to estimate the amount of free pipe in the hole.
Begin by pulling on the pipe with an initial force (Fi) that is at
least 1,000 pounds more than the hanging weight of the
string, and make a reference mark on the string. Increase the
pull by increments (for example, 5,000 lbs) to final force (Ff)
to determine a measurable stretch. Mark the string again,
measure the distance between the marks and record as the
stretch (S) in inches. Record the difference between Ff and Fi
as the pull increment (PI). The amount of free pipe (L) in
1,000’s of feet below the rotary can then be estimated. These
estimates tend to be more accurate in straight holes than in
directional wells.
Estimating Formula
The formula for free pipe length L is:
OD 2 ID 2
L = 1.9635 S
The formula for pipe stretch S is:
Pl L
S= 2 2
1.9635 (OD ID )
L = Length of free pipe (1,000s ft)
S = Stretch (inches)
OD = OD of the pipe (inches)
ID = ID of the pipe (inches)
Pl = Pull increment (1,000s lbs) = Ff - Fi
Drillpipe size = 5", 19.5 lb/ft Fi = 5,000 lb
OD = 5" Ff = 35,000 lb
ID = 4.276" S = 12"
PI = 35 – 5 = 30
25 18.284
L = 1.9635 12 = 5.27 thousand feet
Rule of Thumb
The temperature drop across a choke or orifice is about
one degree Fahrenheit (F) per each pressure drop of one
atmosphere (rounded at 15 psi).
Estimating Formula
Ph PL 1F
Tdrop = Temperature drop (degrees)
Ph = Gas pressure before the choke (psi)
PL = Gas pressure after the choke (psi)
atm = Atmospheric pressure (15 psi)
Calculate temperature drop if the gas pressure is reduced
from 1,000 psi to 500 psi across a choke.
(1,000 500)
Tdrop = 1F
= 33 x 1°F = 33°F temperature drop
ρ x Q2
10858 x A 2
∆P = Pressure (psi)
ρ = Density (ppg)
Q = Circulation rate (gal/min)
A = Area of the nozzle (in2)
22 Rules of Thumb
Rule of Thumb
The approximate flow rate (in mmscfd) of a gas well
through a blowdown line choke can be estimated by
multiplying 24 hours/day, times the tubing pressure plus 15,
times the square of the choke size in inches and divide by
Estimating Formula
Calculate the estimated flowrate of a gas well, given that
tubing pressure is 3,500 psi, and choke size is 1/4.
Area of a Circle (in )
0.7854 x D
or π D /4
or π R
D = diameter (inches)
R = radius (inches)
Rules of Thumb 23
65.4 MWppg
BF =
Since the well has higher temperatures than the air above
ground, an elongation will take place.
Rule of Thumb
Pipe will elongate about 0.83 inches, per 100 feet of length,
per 100 degree F increase in temperature. Knowing the
surface temperature and the average temperature of the
well, the elongation can be estimated.
Estimating Formulas
T = Ta – Surface Temp
in / in
LT 12in / ft 0.0000069 L T
LT 0.83
100 ft 100F
BHT = Bottomhole temperature (°F)
Depth = True vertical depth (ft)
ST = Surface temperature (°F)
Ta = Average temperature (°F)
T = Change in average temperature (°F)
LT = Elongation (inches)
L = Length of pipe (ft)
Rules of Thumb 25
My Rules of Thumb
Pipe Nom. Wall Pipe Plain Upset Pipe Pipe Tool Joint with Tool Joint without Tool Joint
Size Wt. Thick. ID End Wt. Wt. End Dia. End Dia. Designation OD ID Length Weight Capacity Displ. Capacity Displ.
In. Lb/Ft In. In. Lb/Ft Lb ID OD In. In. Ft. Lb Bbls/Ft Bbls/Ft Bbls/Ft Bbls/Ft
External Upset – Grade E
2⅞ 10.40 0.362 2.151 9.72 2.40 2.151 3.219 OH 3.875 2.156 1.29 34.99 0.00451 0.00389 0.00449 0.00353
3½ 13.30 0.368 2.764 12.31 4.00 2.602 3.824 NC 38 (IF) 4.750 2.688 1.54 61.10 0.00741 0.00515 0.00742 0.00448
3½ 15.50 0.449 2.602 14.63 2.80 2.602 3.824 NC 38 (IF) 5.000 2.563 1.59 74.82 0.00658 0.00606 0.00658 0.00532
Drillpipe – Range II
Internal External Upset – Grade X
5 19.50 0.362 4.276 17.93 16.80 3.653 5.188 NC 50 (EH) 6.375 3.500 1.65 120.23 0.01745 0.00784 0.01776 0.00652
External Upset – Grade G
4 14.00 0.330 3.340 12.93 14.40 3.063 4.625 NC 46 (IF) 6.000 3.250 1.70 108.76 0.01082 0.00587 0.01084 0.00471
4½ 16.60 0.337 3.826 14.98 17.20 3.563 5.188 NC 50 (IF) 6.375 3.750 1.67 113.10 0.01421 0.00663 0.01422 0.00545
Internal External Upset – Grade G
4½ 20.00 0.430 3.640 18.69 17.60 2.813 4.250 NC 46 (EH) 6.250 2.500 1.71 142.46 0.01252 0.00830 0.01287 0.00680
5 19.50 0.362 4.276 17.93 16.80 3.563 5.188 NC 50 (IF) 6.625 2.750 1.70 157.37 0.01719 0.00827 0.01776 0.00652
5 25.60 0.500 4.000 24.03 15.40 3.313 5.188 5 ½ FH 7.250 3.250 1.82 188.17 0.01523 0.01075 0.01554 0.00874
5 25.60 0.500 4.000 24.03 15.40 3.313 5.188 5 ½ FH 7.250 3.500 1.82 179.97 0.01535 0.01066 0.01554 0.00874
5½ 21.90 0.361 4.778 19.81 21.00 3.813 5.563 5 ½ FH 7.250 3.500 1.79 184.41 0.02162 0.00925 0.02218 0.00721
Internal External Upset – Grade S
5½ 21.90 0.361 4.778 19.81 21.00 3.813 5.563 HT 55 7.000 4.000 2.33 199.19 0.02172 0.00925 0.02218 0.00721
5½ 24.70 0.415 4.670 22.54 18.40 3.813 5.563 HT 55 7.000 3.750 2.31 210.15 0.02067 0.01042 0.02119 0.00820
5⅞ 23.40 0.361 5.153 7.000 4.25 0.02521 0.00971 0.02579 0.00773
6⅝ 25.20 0.330 5.965 22.19 25.87 5.315 6.929 HT 65 8.000 5.000 2.35 240.81 0.03385 0.01078 0.03456 0.00807
6⅝ 27.70 0.362 5.901 24.21 24.00 5.315 6.929 HT 65 8.000 4.750 2.39 284.15 0.03297 0.01194 0.03383 0.00881
Drillpipe Capacity
& Displacement 27
DP OD Weight ID Tube DP Capacity Displacement
(In). (ppf) (In.) (bbl/ft) (bbl/ft)
4.85 1.995 0.00387 0.0016 0.0055
6.65 1.815 0.00320 0.0023 0.0055
6.45 2.469 0.00592 0.0021 0.0080
6.85 2.441 0.00579 0.0022 0.0080
8.35 2.323 0.00524 0.0028 0.0080
10.40 2.151 0.00449 0.0035 0.0080
8.50 3.063 0.00911 0.0028 0.0119
9.50 2.992 0.00870 0.0032 0.0119
3½ 11.20 2.900 0.00817 0.0037 0.0119
13.30 2.764 0.00742 0.0045 0.0119
15.50 2.602 0.00658 0.0053 0.0119
11.85 3.476 0.01174 0.0038 0.0155
4 14.00 3.340 0.01084 0.0047 0.0155
15.70 3.240 0.01020 0.0053 0.0155
12.75 4.000 0.01554 0.0041 0.0197
13.75 3.958 0.01522 0.0045 0.0197
16.60 3.826 0.01422 0.0055 0.0197
20.00 3.640 0.01287 0.0068 0.0197
16.25 4.408 0.01888 0.0054 0.0243
5 19.50 4.276 0.01776 0.0065 0.0243
20.50 4.214 0.01725 0.0070 0.0243
21.90 4.778 0.02218 0.0072 0.0294
24.70 4.670 0.02119 0.0082 0.0294
23.40 5.153 0.02579 0.0077 0.0335
5⅞ 26.30 5.045 0.02472 0.0088 0.0335
28.67 4.875 0.02309 0.0104 0.0335
22.20 6.065 0.03573 0.0069 0.0426
6⅝ 25.20 5.965 0.03456 0.0081 0.0426
31.90 5.761 0.03224 0.0104 0.0426
7⅝ 29.25 6.969 0.04718 0.0093 0.0565
Heavy-Weight Drillpipe
3½ 2¼ 0.625 NC 38 (3 ½ IF) 4¾ 2⅜ 23.2 9,900 0.0050 0.0084
9 11
4 2 /16 0.719 NC 40 (4 FH) 5¼ 2 /16 27.2 13,250 0.0073 0.0100
4½ 2¾ 0.875 NC 46 (4 IF) 6¼ 2⅞ 41.0 21,800 0.0074 0.0149
5 3 1.000 NC 50 (4 ½ IF) 6⅝ 3 /16 49.3 29,400 0.0088 0.0179
5½ 3⅜ 1.063 5 ½ FH 7 3½ 57.0 33,200 0.0111 0.0207
6⅝ 4½ 1.063 6 ⅝ FH 8 4½ 70.8 46,900 0.0196 0.0257
OD ID 1 ½" 1 ¾" 2" 2 ¼" 2 ½" 2 ¾" 3" 3 ¼" 3 ½" 3 ¾"
Capacity 0.0022 0.0030 0.0039 0.0049 0.0061 0.0073 0.0087 0.0103 0.0119 0.0137
Wt lb/ft 36.7 34.5 32.0 29.2 - - - - - -
Disp bbl/ft 0.0133 0.0125 0.0116 0.0106 - - - - - -
Wt lb/ft 42.2 40.0 37.5 34.7 - - - -
Spiral Drill-Collars -
4 ¼"
Disp bbl/ft 0.0153 0.0145 0.0136 0.0126 - - - - - -
Wt lb/ft 48.1 45.9 43.4 40.6 - - - Approx.
- Displacement
- of -
4 ½" Spiral Drill Collar
Disp bbl/ft 0.0175 0.0167 0.0158 0.0148 - - - - - in bbls/ft -
Wt lb/ft 54.3 52.1 49.6 46.8 43.6 - - - - -
4 ¾"
Disp bbl/ft 0.0197 0.0189 0.0181 0.0170 0.0159 - - - OD 2 - ID 2 - 2.56 -
Drill Collars
Wt lb/ft 60.8 58.6 56.1 53.3 50.1 - - - - -
5" 2,747-
Disp bbl/ft 0.0221 0.0213 0.0204 0.0194 0.0182 - - - -
Wt lb/ft 67.6 65.4 62.9 60.1 56.9 53.4 - - - -
5 ¼"
Disp bbl/ft 0.0246 0.0238 0.0229 0.0219 0.0207 0.0194 - - - -
Wt lb/ft 74.8 72.6 70.1 67.3 64.1 60.6 56.8 - - -
5 ½"
Disp bbl/ft 0.0272 0.0264 0.0255 0.0245 0.0233 0.0221 0.0207 - - -
Wt lb/ft 82.3 80.1 77.6 74.8 71.6 68.1 64.3 - - -
5 ¾"
Disp bbl/ft 0.0299 0.0291 0.0282 0.0272 0.0261 0.0248 0.0234 - - -
Wt lb/ft 90.1 87.9 85.4 82.6 79.4 75.9 72.1 67.9 63.4 -
Disp bbl/ft 0.0328 0.0320 0.0311 0.0301 0.0289 0.0276 0.0262 0.0247 0.0231 -
Wt lb/ft 98.0 95.8 93.3 90.5 87.3 83.8 80.0 75.8 71.3 -
6 ¼"
Disp bbl/ft 0.0356 0.0349 0.0339 0.0329 0.0318 0.0305 0.0291 0.0276 0.0259 -
Wt lb/ft 107.0 104.8 102.3 99.5 96.3 92.8 89.0 84.8 80.3 -
6 ½"
Disp bbl/ft 0.0389 0.0381 0.0372 0.0362 0.0350 0.0338 0.0324 0.0308 0.0292 -
ID 1 ½" 1 ¾" 2" 2 ¼" 2 ½" 2 ¾" 3" 3 ¼" 3 ½" 3 ¾"
Capacity 0.0022 0.0030 0.0039 0.0049 0.0061 0.0073 0.0087 0.0103 0.0119 0.0137
Wt lb/ft 116.0 113.8 111.3 108.5 105.3 101.8 98.0 93.8 89.3 -
6 ¾"
Disp bbl/ft 0.0422 0.0414 0.0405 0.0395 0.0383 0.0370 0.0356 0.0341 0.0325 -
Wt lb/ft 125.0 122.8 120.3 117.5 114.3 110.8 107.0 102.8 98.3 93.4
Disp bbl/ft 0.0455 0.0447 0.0438 0.0427 0.0416 0.0403 0.0389 0.0374 0.0358 0.0340
Wt lb/ft 134.0 131.8 129.3 126.5 123.3 119.8 116.0 111.8 107.3 102.4
7 ¼"
Disp bbl/ft 0.0487 0.0479 0.0470 0.0460 0.0449 0.0436 0.0422 0.0407 0.0390 0.0372
Wt lb/ft 144.0 141.8 139.3 136.5 133.3 129.8 126.0 121.8 117.3 112.4
7 ½"
Disp bbl/ft 0.0524 0.0516 0.0507 0.0497 0.0485 0.0472 0.0458 0.0443 0.0427 0.0409
Drill Collars
Wt lb/ft 154.0 151.8 149.3 146.5 143.3 139.8 136.0 131.8 127.3 122.4
7 ¾"
Disp bbl/ft 0.0560 0.0552 0.0543 0.0533 0.0521 0.0509 0.0495 0.0479 0.0463 0.0445
Wt lb/ft 165.0 162.8 160.3 157.5 154.3 150.8 147.0 142.8 138.3 133.4
Disp bbl/ft 0.0600 0.0592 0.0583 0.0573 0.0561 0.0549 0.0535 0.0520 0.0503 0.0485
Wt lb/ft 176.0 173.8 171.3 168.5 165.3 161.8 158.0 153.8 149.3 144.4
8 ¼"
Disp bbl/ft 0.0640 0.0632 0.0623 0.0613 0.0601 0.0589 0.0575 0.0560 0.0543 0.0525
Wt lb/ft 187.0 184.8 182.3 179.5 176.3 172.8 169.0 164.8 160.3 155.4
8 ½"
Disp bbl/ft 0.0680 0.0672 0.0663 0.0653 0.0641 0.0629 0.0615 0.0600 0.0583 0.0565
Wt lb/ft 199.0 196.8 194.3 191.5 188.3 184.8 181.0 176.8 172.3 167.4
8 ¾"
Disp bbl/ft 0.0724 0.0716 0.0707 0.0697 0.0685 0.0672 0.0658 0.0643 0.0697 0.0609
Wt lb/ft 210.2 208.0 205.6 202.7 199.6 196.0 192.2 188.0 183.5 178.7
Disp bbl/ft 0.0765 0.0757 0.0748 0.0738 0.0726 0.0714 0.0700 0.0685 0.0668 0.0651
Wt lb/ft 260.9 258.8 256.3 253.4 250.3 246.8 242.9 238.8 234.3 229.4
Disp bbl/ft 0.0950 0.0942 0.0933 0.0923 0.0911 0.0898 0.0884 0.0869 0.0853 0.0835
Drill Collar Capacity
& Displacement 31
Kill Sheet
Kill rate (slow or fast pump) = _________ SPM
Drill String Capacity Annulus Capacity
Kill weight mud (KWM) = OMW = _________ ppg
Sec. A bbl Sec. F bbl 0.052 TVD
Sec. B bbl Sec. G bbl Initial circulation pressure (ICP) = SIDP + Kill rate pressure = _________ psi
Sec. C bbl Sec. H bbl KWM
Final circulation pressure (FCP) = Kill rate pressure x = _________ psi
Sec. D bbl bbl OMW
Sec. E bbl bbl Surface to bit __________ strokes | Bit to surface __________ strokes
Total bbl Total bbl
One circulation __________ strokes
NOTE: Enlarge page by 125% to
Kill Schedule ("Wait & Weight" Method)
get 8½ x11" full-size worksheet.
Strokes Volumes Drillpipe Press Strokes Volume Drillipe Press
0 0 ICP
Casing size
Set at
To Bit FCP
Kill Sheet
Bit at ft
TD at ft
ubing Size Normal Weight Threaded Coupling Internal Joint Yield Strength Displacement
Wall Collapse
T&C T&C Inside Coupling Outside dia. Yield T&C T&C Capacity T&C T&C
Grade Thick. Resistance
Nominal In. OD In. Non- Upset Dia. In. Drift Dia Pressure Non-Upset Upset bbl/ft Non-Upset Upset
In. In. Non- Upset Upset PSI
Upset lb/ft lb/ft PSI Lb Lb bbl/ft bbl/ft
Upset In. Rea. In. Spec In.
1.050 1.14 1.20 H-40 0.113 .824 .730 1.313 1.660 7,680 7,530 6,360 13,300 0.00066 0.00041 0.00044
1.050 1.14 1.20 J-55 0.113 .824 .730 1.313 1.660 10,560 10,560 8,740 18,290 0.00066 0.00041 0.00044
1.050 1.14 1.20 C-75 0.113 .824 .730 1.313 1.660 14,410 14,130 11,920 24,940 0.00066 0.00041 0.00044
API Tubing
1.050 1.14 1.20 N-80 0.113 .824 .730 1.313 1.660 15,370 15,070 12,710 26,610 0.00066 0.00041 0.00044
1.315 1.70 1.80 H-40 0.133 1.049 .955 1.660 1.900 7,270 7,080 10,960 19,760 0.00107 0.00062 0.00065
1.315 1.70 1.80 J-55 0.133 1.049 .955 1.660 1.900 10,000 9,730 15,060 27,160 0.00107 0.00062 0.00065
1.315 1.70 1.80 C-75 0.133 1.049 .955 1.660 1.900 13,640 13,270 20,540 37,040 0.00107 0.00062 0.00065
1.315 1.70 1.80 N-80 0.133 1.049 .955 1.660 1.900 14,550 14,160 21,910 39,510 0.00107 0.00062 0.00065
1.660 2.30 2.40 H-40 0.125 1.410 1.286 2.054 2.200 5,570 5,270 0.00193
1.660 2.30 2.40 H-40 0.140 1.380 1.286 2.054 2.200 6,180 5,900 15,530 26,740 0.00185 0.00084 0.00087
1¼ 1.660 2.30 2.40 J-55 0.140 1.380 1.286 2.054 2.200 8,490 8,120 21,360 36,770 0.00185 0.00084 0.00087
1.660 2.30 2.40 C-75 0.140 1.380 1.286 2.054 2.200 11,580 11,070 29,120 50,140 0.00185 0.00084 0.00087
1.660 2.30 2.40 N-80 0.140 1.380 1.286 2.054 2.200 12,360 11,810 31,060 53,480 0.00185 0.00084 0.00087
Tubing Size Normal Weight Threaded Coupling Internal Joint Yield Strength Displacement
Wall Collapse
T&C T&C Inside Coupling Outside dia. Yield T&C T&C Capacity T&C T&C
Grade Thick. Resistance
Nominal In. OD In. Non- Upset Dia. In. Drift Dia Pressure Non-Upset Upset bbl/ft Non-Upset Upset
In. In. Non- Upset Upset PSI
Upset lb/ft lb/ft PSI Lb Lb bbl/ft bbl/ft
Upset In. Rea. In. Spec In.
1.900 2.75 2.90 H-40 0.145 1.610 1.516 2.200 2.500 5,640 5,340 19,090 31,980 0.00252 0.00100 0.00106
API Tubing
1.900 2.75 2.90 J-55 0.145 1.610 1.516 2.200 2.500 7,750 7,350 26,250 43,970 0.00252 0.00100 0.00106
1 1/ 2
1.900 2.75 2.90 C-75 0.145 1.610 1.516 2.200 2.500 10,570 10,020 35,800 59,960 0.00252 0.00100 0.00106
1.900 2.75 2.90 N-80 0.145 1.610 1.516 2.200 2.500 11,280 10,680 38,130 63,950 0.00252 0.00100 0.00106
Tubing Size Normal Weight Threaded Coupling Internal Joint Yield Strength Displacement
Wall Collapse
T&C T&C Inside Coupling Outside dia. Yield T&C T&C Capacity T&C T&C
Grade Thick. Resistance
Nominal In. OD In. Non- Upset Dia. In. Drift Dia Pressure Non-Upset Upset bbl/ft Non-Upset Upset
In. In. Non- Upset Upset PSI
Upset lb/ft lb/ft PSI Lb Lb bbl/ft bbl/ft
Upset In. Rea. In. Spec In.
2.375 4.00 H-40 0.167 2.041 1.947 2.875 5,230 4,920 30,130 0.00405 0.00146
2.375 4.60 4.70 H-40 0.190 1.995 1.901 2.875 3.063 2.910 5,890 5,600 35,960 52,170 0.00387 0.00167 0.00171
API Tubing
2.375 4.60 4.70 J-55 0.190 1.995 1.901 2.875 3.063 2.910 8,100 7,700 49,450 71,730 0.00387 0.00167 0.00171
2.375 4.60 4.70 C-75 0.190 1.995 1.901 2.875 3.063 2.910 11,040 10,500 67,430 97,820 0.00387 0.00167 0.00171
2 3/8 2.375 5.80 5.95 C-75 0.254 1.867 1.773 2.875 3.063 2.910 14,330 14,040 96,560 126,940 0.00339 0.00211 0.00216
2.375 4.60 4.70 N-80 0.190 1.995 1.901 2.875 3.063 2.910 11,780 11,200 71,930 104,340 0.00387 0.00167 0.00171
2.375 5.80 5.95 N-80 0.254 1.867 1.773 2.875 3.063 2.910 15,280 14,970 102,990 135,400 0.00339 0.00211 0.00216
2.375 4.60 4.70 P-105 0.190 1.995 1.901 2.875 3.063 2.910 15,460 14,700 94,410 136,940 0.00387 0.00167 0.00171
2.375 5.80 5.95 P-105 0.254 1.867 1.773 2.875 3.063 2.910 20,060 19,650 135,180 177.710 0.00339 0.00211
Tubing Size Normal Weight Threaded Coupling Internal Joint Yield Strength Displacement
Wall Collapse
T&C T&C Inside Coupling Outside dia. Yield T&C T&C Capacity T&C T&C
Grade Thick. Resistance
Nominal In. OD In. Non- Upset Dia. In. Drift Dia Pressure Non-Upset Upset bbl/ft Non- Upset Upset
In. In. Non- Upset Upset PSI
Upset lb/ft lb/ft PSI Lb Lb bbl/ft bbl/ft
Upset In. Rea. In. Spec In.
2.875 6.40 6.50 J-55 0.217 2.441 2.347 3.500 3.668 3.460 7,680 7,260 72,580 99,660 0.00579 0.00233 0.00236
2.875 6.40 6.50 C-75 0.217 2.441 2.347 3.500 3.668 3.460 10,470 9,910 98,970 135,900 0.00579 0.00233 0.00236
API Tubing
2.875 8.60 8.70 C-75 0.308 2.259 2.165 3.500 3.668 3.460 14,350 14,060 149360 185,290 0.00496 0.00313 0.00317
2 7/8 2.875 6.40 6.50 N-80 0.217 2.441 2.347 3.500 3.668 3.460 11,170 10,570 105,570 144,960 0.00579 0.00233 0.00236
2.875 8.60 8.70 N-80 0.308 2.259 2.165 3.500 3.668 3.460 15,300 15,000 159,310 198,710 0.00496 0.00313 0.00317
2.875 6.40 6.50 P-105 0.217 2.441 2.347 3.500 3.668 3.460 14,010 13,870 138,560 190,260 0.00579 0.00233 0.00236
2.875 8.60 8.70 P-105 0.308 2.259 2.165 3.500 3.668 3.460 20,090 19,690 209,100 260,810 0.00496 0.00313 0.00317
3.500 7.70 H-40 0.216 3.068 2.943 4.250 4,630 4,320 65,070 0.00914 0.00280
3.500 9.20 9.30 H-40 0.254 2.992 2.867 4.250 4.500 4.180 5,380 5,080 79,540 103,810 0.00870 0.00335 0.00338
3 1/2
3.500 10.20 H-40 0.289 2.922 2.797 4.250 6,060 5,780 92,550 0.00829 0.00371
3.500 7.70 J-55 0.215 3.068 2.943 4.250 5,970 5,940 89,470 0.00914 0.00262
Tubing Size Normal Weight Threaded Coupling Internal Joint Yield Strength Displacement
Wall Collapse
T&C T&C Inside Coupling Outside dia. Yield T&C T&C Capacity T&C T&C
Grade Thick. Resistance
Nominal In. OD In. Non- Upset Dia. In. Drift Dia Pressure Non-Upset Upset bbl/ft Non-Upset Upset
In. In. Non- Upset Upset PSI
Upset lb/ft lb/ft PSI Lb Lb bbl/ft bbl/ft
Upset In. Rea. In. Spec In.
3.500 9.20 J-55 0.254 2.922 2.867 4.250 7,400 6,990 127,250 0.00829 0.00371
3.500 10.20 J-55 0.289 2.922 2.797 4.250 8,330 7,950 127,250 0.00829 0.00371
API Tubing
3.500 7.70 C-75 0.216 3.068 2.943 4.250 7,540 8,100 122,010 0.00914 0.00280
3.500 10.20 C-75 0.289 2.922 2.797 4.250 11,360 10,840 173,530 0.00829 0.00371
3.500 12.70 12.95 C-75 0.375 2.750 2.625 4.250 4.500 4.180 14,350 14,060 230,990 276,120 0.00735 0.00462 0.00471
3.500 7.70 N-80 0.216 3.068 2.943 4.250 7,870 8,640 130,140 0.00914 0.00280
3.500 10.20 N-80 0.289 2.922 2.797 4.250 12,120 11,560 185,100 0.00829 0.00371
3.500 12.70 12.95 N-80 0.375 2.750 2.625 4.250 4.500 4.180 15,310 15,000 246,390 294,530 0.00735 0.00462 0.00471
3.500 9.20 9.30 P-105 0.254 2.992 2.867 4.250 4.500 4.180 13,050 13,340 208,800 271,970 0.00870 0.00335 0.00338
3.500 12.70 12.95 P-105 0.375 2.750 2.625 4.250 4.500 4.180 20,090 19,690 323,390 386,570 0.00735 0.00462 0.00471
Tubing Size Normal Weight Threaded Coupling Internal Joint Yield Strength Displacement
Wall Collapse
T&C T&C Inside Coupling Outside dia. Yield T&C T&C Capacity T&C T&C
Grade Thick. Resistance
Nominal In. OD In. Non- Upset Dia. In. Drift Dia Pressure Non-Upset Upset bbl/ft Non-Upset Upset
In. In. Non- Upset Upset PSI
Upset lb/ft lb/ft PSI Lb Lb bbl/ft bbl/ft
Upset In. Rea. In. Spec In.
4.000 9.50 H-40 0.226 3.548 3.423 4.750 4,050 3,960 72,000 0.01223 0.00346
4.000 11.00 H-40 0.262 3.476 3.351 5.000 4,900 4,590 123,070 0.01174 0.00400
4.000 9.50 J-55 0.226 3.548 3.423 4.750 5,110 5,440 99,010 0.01223 0.00346
API Tubing
4.000 11.00 J-55 0.262 3.476 3.351 5.000 6,590 6,300 169,220 0.01174 0.00400
4.000 9.50 C-75 0.226 3.548 3.423 4.750 6,350 135,010 0.01223 0.00346
4.000 11.00 C-75 0.262 3.476 3.351 5.000 8,410 8,600 230,750 0.01174 0.00400
4.000 9.50 N-80 0.226 3.548 3.423 4.750 6,590 7,910 144,010 0.01223 0.00346
4.000 11.00 N-80 0.262 3.476 3.351 5.000 8,800 9,170 246,140 0.01174 0.00400
4.500 12.60 12.75 H-40 0.271 3.958 3.833 5.200 5.563 4,490 4,220 104,360 144,020 0.01522 0.00458 0.00464
4.500 12.60 12.75 J-55 0.271 3.958 3.833 5.200 5.563 5,730 5,800 143,500 198,030 0.01522 0.00458 0.00464
4 1/2
4.500 12.60 12.75 C-75 0.271 3.958 3.833 5.200 5.563 7,200 7,900 195,680 270,040 0.01522 0.00458 0.00464
4.500 12.60 12.75 N-80 0.271 3.958 3.833 5.200 5.563 7,500 8,430 208,730 288,040 0.01522 0.00458 0.00464
Connection Data Tube Data
Outer Inner Make- Outer Inner Wall Cross 100% Ult. Depth Pull PSI Collapse Cap. Disp. Capacity Disp.
Dia. In. Dia. In. Torque Grade Dia. In. Dia. In. Drift Thick Section Yield Strength 100% 100% Burst 100%
Tubing Size 100% Gals/1000 ft bbls/ft
1.327 0.687 300 P-110 1.050 0.742 0.648 0.154 0.433 110,000 125,000 31,700 47,600 32,200 26,200 22.5 15.3 0.00054 0.00036
Outer Inner Make- Outer Inner Wall Cross 100% Ult. Depth Pull PSI Collapse Cap. Disp. Capacity Disp.
Dia. In. Dia. In. Torque Grade Dia. In. Dia. In. Drift Thick Section Yield Strength 100% 100% Burst 100%
Tubing Size 100% Gals/1000 ft bbls/ft
4-½" PH-6 HYDRIL
5.125 3.765 8,500 P-110 4.500 3.826 3.701 0.337 4.407 110,000 125,000 31,300 485,000 16,480 14,340 598.0 229.2 0.01424 0.00546
Casing Strength
15.0 5,700 7,770 8,290 9,840 11,400 5,500 6,970 7,250 8,090 8,830
18.0 6,970 9,500 10,140 12,040 13,940 7,390 10,000 10,490 12,010 13,470
14.0 4,270 5,820 3,120 3,560
15.5 4,810 6,560 7,000 9,620 3,860 4,860 4,990 5,620
5½ 17.0 5,320 7,250 7,740 9,190 10,640 4,910 6,070 5,890 6,930 8,520
20.0 6,310 8,610 9,190 10,910 12,640 6,610 8,440 8,830 10,000 11,100
23.0 7,270 9,900 10,560 12,540 14,520 7,670 10,400 11,160 12,920 14,520
20.0 4,180 6,090 7,230 3,060 3,480 3,830
6⅝ 24.0 5,110 6,970 7,440 8,830 10,230 4,560 5,550 5,550 6,310 6,730
28.0 6,060 8,260 8,810 10,460 12,120 6,170 7,830 8,170 9,200 10,140
20.0 2,720 3,740 5,100 1,920 2,500 2,660
23.0 4,360 5,940 6,340 7,530 3,270 3,770 3,830 4,150
26.0 4,980 6,790 7,240 8,600 9,960 4,320 5,250 5,320 5,870 7,220
29.0 5,610 7,650 8,160 9,690 11,220 5,400 6,760 7,020 7,820 8,510
32.0 6,230 8,490 9,060 10,760 12,460 6,460 8,230 8,600 9,730 10,760
35.0 6,850 9,340 9,960 11,830 13,700 7,270 9,710 10,180 11,640 13,020
Casing OD Weight Burst Pressure (psi) Collapse Pressure (psi)
(In.) (ppf) H40 J/K 55 C75 N80 C95 P110 H40 J/K 55 C75 N80 C95 P110
26.4 4,140 5,650 6,020 7,150 8,280 3,010 3,280 3,930 3,710 3,900
29.7 6,450 6,890 8,180 9,470 4,670 4,790 5,120 6,180
33.7 5,430 7,400 7,900 8,180 10,860 5,090 6,320 6,560 7,260 7,870
39.0 8,610 9,180 9,380 12,620 8,430 8,820 9,980 11,060
24.0 2,950 950
32.0 2,860 3,930 5,360 5,710 7,860 2,210 2,530 2,950 3,050 3,430
Casing Strength
36.0 4,460 6,090 6,490 7,710 8,930 3,450 4,020 4,470 4,360 4,700
40.0 5,020 6,850 7,300 8,670 10,040 4,400 5,350 5,520 6,010 7,420
36.0 2,560 3,520 4,800 5,120 7,040 1,710 2,220 2,320 2,370 2,470
40.0 3,950 5,390 5,750 6,820 7,900 2,570 2,980 3,530 3,330 3,480
9⅝ 43.5 4,350 5,930 6,330 7,510 8,700 3,250 3,750 3,810 4,130 4,760
47.0 4,720 6,440 6,870 8,150 9,440 3,880 4,630 4,760 5,080 5,310
53.5 7,430 7,930 9,410 10,900 6,380 6,620 7,330 7,930
40.5 2,280 3,130 4,270 1,420 1,730 1,720
45.5 3,580 4,880 5,210 7,160 2,090 2,410 2,480 2,610
51.0 4,030 5,490 5,860 6,960 8,060 2,700 3,100 3,750 3,490 3,750
10 ¾ 55.5 4,430 6,040 6,450 7,660 8,860 3,320 3,950 4,020 4,300 4,630
60.7 4,880 6,650 7,100 8,436 9,760 4,160 5,020 5,160 5,566 5,860
65.7 5,330 7,260 7,750 9,200 10,650 4,920 6,080 6,300 6,950 7,490
71.1 10,050 11,640 8,470 9,280
47.0 3,070 4,190 1,630 1,620
11 ¾ 54.0 3,560 4,860 2,070 2,380
60.0 4,010 5,460 5,830 6,920 8,010 2,660 3,070 3,680 3,440 3,610
Casing OD Weight Burst Pressure (psi) Collapse Pressure (psi)
(In.) (ppf) H40 J/K 55 C75 N80 C95 P110 H40 J/K 55 C75 N80 C95 P110
48.0 1,730 770
54.5 2,730 3,980 5,470 1,140
61.0 3,090 4,220 4,500 1,540 1,660 1,670
13 ⅜ 68.0 3,450 4,710 5,020 5,970 1,950 2,220 2,270 2,330
72.0 3,700 5,040 5,380 6,390 7,400 2,230 2,590 2,880 2,820 2,880
77.0 5,400 5,760 2,990 3,100
Casing Strength
85.0 5,970 6,360 8,750 3,810 3,870 4,490
65.0 1,640 670
75.0 2,630 1,010
84.0 2,980 1,410
109.0 3,950 7,890 2,560 3,470
87.5 1,530 2,110 520 520
18 ⅝
106.0 2,740 1,140
94.0 1,530 2,110 520 520
20 106.5 2,410 770
133.0 3,060 1,500
24 156.0 X-42 1,910 860
26 202.0 X-42 2,120 1,100
30 310.0 X-42 2,450 1,480
36 374.0 X-42 2,040 1,010
46 Casing Capacity
52 Mud Weights
Gradient Gradient
lb/gal lb/ft3 kg/m 3 Depth Depth
(psi/ft) (kPa/m)
8.34 62.38 999.3 1.00 0.434 9.8
8.5 63.58 1018.5 1.02 0.442 10.0
8.6 64.32 1030.5 1.03 0.447 10.1
8.7 65.07 1042.4 1.04 0.452 10.2
8.8 65.82 1054.4 1.05 0.458 10.4
8.9 66.57 1066.4 1.07 0.463 10.5
9.0 67.31 1078.4 1.08 0.468 10.6
9.1 68.06 1090.4 1.09 0.473 10.7
9.2 68.81 1102.3 1.10 0.478 10.8
9.3 69.56 1114.3 1.12 0.484 10.9
9.4 70.31 1126.3 1.13 0.489 11.1
9.5 71.05 1138.3 1.14 0.494 11.2
9.6 71.80 1150.3 1.15 0.499 11.3
9.7 72.55 1162.3 1.16 0.504 11.4
9.8 73.30 1174.2 1.18 0.510 11.5
9.9 74.05 1186.2 1.19 0.515 11.6
10.0 74.79 1198.2 1.20 0.520 11.8
10.1 75.54 1210.2 1.21 0.525 11.9
10.2 76.29 1222.2 1.22 0.530 12.0
10.3 77.04 1234.2 1.24 0.536 12.1
10.4 77.79 1246.1 1.25 0.541 12.2
10.5 78.53 1258.1 1.26 0.546 12.4
10.6 79.28 1270.1 1.27 0.551 12.5
10.7 80.03 1282.1 1.28 0.556 12.6
10.8 80.78 1294.1 1.29 0.562 12.7
10.9 81.53 1306.0 1.31 0.567 12.8
11.0 82.27 1318.0 1.32 0.572 12.9
11.1 83.02 1330.0 1.33 0.577 13.1
11.2 83.77 1342.0 1.34 0.582 13.2
11.3 84.52 1354.0 1.36 0.588 13.3
11.4 85.27 1366.0 1.37 0.593 13.4
11.5 86.01 1377.9 1.38 0.598 13.5
11.6 86.76 1389.9 1.39 0.603 13.6
11.7 87.51 1401.9 1.40 0.608 13.8
11.8 88.26 1413.9 1.41 0.614 13.9
11.9 89.01 1425.9 1.43 0.619 14.0
12.0 89.75 1437.8 1.44 0.624 14.1
12.1 90.50 1449.8 1.45 0.629 14.2
12.2 91.25 1461.8 1.46 0.634 14.4
12.3 92.00 1473.8 1.48 0.640 14.5
12.4 92.74 1485.8 1.49 0.645 14.6
12.5 93.49 1497.8 1.50 0.650 14.7
12.6 94.24 1509.7 1.51 0.655 14.8
12.7 94.99 1521.7 1.52 0.660 14.9
12.8 95.74 1533.7 1.53 0.666 15.1
12.9 96.48 1545.7 1.55 0.671 15.2
13.0 97.23 1557.7 1.56 0.676 15.3
13.1 97.98 1569.6 1.57 0.681 15.4
13.2 98.73 1581.6 1.58 0.686 15.5
13.3 99.48 1593.6 1.60 0.692 15.6
13.4 100.22 1605.6 1.61 0.697 15.8
13.5 100.97 1617.6 1.62 0.702 15.9
Mud Weights 53
Gradient Gradient
lb/gal lb/ft3 kg/m 3 Depth Depth
(psi/ft) (kPa/m)
13.6 101.72 1629.6 1.63 0.707 16.0
13.7 102.47 1641.5 1.64 0.712 16.1
13.8 103.22 1653.5 1.65 0.718 16.2
13.9 103.96 1665.5 1.67 0.723 16.4
14.0 104.71 1677.5 1.68 0.728 16.5
14.1 105.46 1689.5 1.69 0.733 16.6
14.2 106.21 1701.5 1.70 0.738 16.7
14.3 106.96 1713.4 1.72 0.744 16.8
14.4 107.70 1725.4 1.73 0.749 16.9
14.5 108.45 1737.4 1.74 0.754 17.1
14.6 109.20 1749.4 1.75 0.759 17.2
14.7 109.95 1761.4 1.76 0.764 17.3
14.8 110.70 1773.3 1.78 0.770 17.4
14.9 111.44 1785.3 1.79 0.775 17.5
15.0 112.19 1797.3 1.80 0.780 17.6
15.1 112.94 1809.3 1.81 0.785 17.8
15.2 113.69 1821.3 1.82 0.790 17.9
15.3 114.44 1833.3 1.84 0.796 18.0
15.4 115.18 1845.2 1.85 0.801 18.1
15.5 115.93 1857.2 1.86 0.806 18.2
15.6 116.68 1869.2 1.87 0.811 18.3
15.7 117.43 1881.2 1.88 0.816 18.5
15.8 118.18 1893.2 1.90 0.822 18.6
15.9 118.92 1905.1 1.91 0.827 18.7
16.0 119.67 1917.1 1.92 0.832 18.8
16.1 120.42 1929.1 1.93 0.837 18.9
16.2 121.17 1941.1 1.94 0.842 19.1
16.3 121.91 1953.1 1.96 0.846 19.2
16.4 122.66 1965.1 1.97 0.853 19.3
16.5 123.41 1977.0 1.98 0.858 19.4
16.6 124.16 1989.0 2.00 0.863 19.5
16.7 124.91 2001.0 2.01 0.868 19.6
16.8 125.65 2013.0 2.02 0.874 19.8
16.9 126.40 2025.0 2.03 0.879 19.9
17.0 127.15 2036.9 2.04 0.884 20.0
17.1 127.90 2048.9 2.05 0.889 20.1
17.2 128.65 2060.9 2.06 0.894 20.2
17.3 129.39 2072.9 2.08 0.900 20.3
17.4 130.14 2084.9 2.09 0.905 20.5
17.5 130.89 2096.9 2.10 0.910 20.6
17.6 131.64 2108.8 2.11 0.915 20.7
17.7 132.39 2120.8 2.12 0.920 20.8
17.8 133.13 2132.8 2.14 0.926 20.9
17.9 133.88 2144.8 2.15 0.931 21.1
18.0 134.63 2156.8 2.16 0.936 21.2
18.1 135.38 2168.8 2.17 0.941 21.3
18.2 136.13 2180.7 2.18 0.946 21.4
18.3 136.87 2192.7 2.20 0.952 21.5
18.4 137.62 2204.7 2.21 0.957 21.6
18.5 138.37 2216.7 2.22 0.962 21.8
18.6 139.12 2228.7 2.23 0.967 21.9
18.7 139.87 2240.6 2.24 0.972 22.0
54 Mud Weights
Gradient Gradient
lb/gal lb/ft3 kg/m 3 Depth Depth
(psi/ft) (kPa/m)
18.8 140.61 2252.6 2.26 0.978 22.1
18.9 141.36 2264.6 2.27 0.983 22.2
19.0 142.11 2276.6 2.28 0.988 22.3
19.1 142.86 2288.6 2.29 0.993 22.5
19.2 143.61 2300.6 2.30 0.998 22.6
19.3 144.35 2312.5 2.32 1.004 22.7
19.4 145.10 2324.5 2.33 1.009 22.8
19.5 145.85 2336.5 2.34 1.014 22.9
19.6 146.60 2348.5 2.35 1.019 23.1
19.7 147.34 2360.5 2.36 1.024 23.2
19.8 148.09 2372.4 2.38 1.030 23.3
19.9 148.84 2384.4 2.39 1.035 23.4
20.0 149.59 2396.4 2.40 1.040 23.5
10,000 API Type 6BX with
API Type BX Grade B- Grade 2-
psi Type BX Groove
7 H
Nominal Standard
Service Energized Ring Old API Series Through Number Bolt Size Bolt Circle Flange Flange
Flange Size Ring Gasket
Rating (psi) Number Designation Bore ID (In.) of Bolts (In.) (In.) Diameter (In.) Thickness (In.)
(In.) Number
2M R37 RX37 4" 600 4 /16 8 ⅞ 8½ 10 ¾ 1 13/16
3M R37 RX37 4" 900 4 1/16 8 1⅛ 9¼ 11 ½ 2 1/16
5M R39 RX39 4" 1,500 4 1/16 8 1¼ 9½ 12 ¼ 2 7/16
3M BX168 26 ¾ 24 2 39 ⅜ 43 ⅜ 6 11/32
60 BOP Fluid Operating Volumes
Cameron BOPs
Cameron Type 'D' Annular Preventer
BOP Nom. Size Working Fluid to Close Fluid to Open
(In.) Pressure (psi) (gal) (gal)
5,000 1.69 1.39
7 1/16
10,000 2.94 2.55
5,000 5.65 4.69
10,000 10.15 9.06
5,000 12.12 10.34
13 5/8
10,000 18.10 16.15
Shaffer BOPs
Shaffer Spherical Annular Preventer
BOP Nom. Working Cover Fluid to Fluid to
Size (In.) Pressure (psi) Type Close (gal) Open (gal)
3,000 Bolted 4.57 3.21
7 1/16 5,000 Bolted 4.57 3.21
10,000 Bolted 17.11 13.95
3,000 Bolted 7.23 5.03
5,000 Bolted 11.05 8.72
3,000 Bolted 11.00 6.78
11 5,000 Bolted 18.67 14.59
10,000 Wedge 30.58 24.67
3,000 Bolted 23.50 14.67
13 5/8 5,000 Bolt/Wedge 23.58 17.41
10,000 Wedge 40.16 32.64
16 3/4 5,000 Wedge 33.26 25.61
18 3/4 5,000 Wedge 48.16 37.61
21 1/4 2,000 Bolted 32.59 16.92
5,000 Wedged 61.37 47.76
62 BOP Fluid Operating Volumes
Hydril BOPs
Hydril Type 'GK' Annular Preventer
BOP Nom. Working Pressure Fluid to Close Fluid to Open
Size (In.) (psi) (gal) (gal)
3,000 2.85 2.24
5,000 3.86 3.30
7 1/16 10,000 9.42 7.08
15,000 11.20 7.50
20,000 10.90 7.20
3,000 4.33 3.41
9 5,000 6.84 5.80
10,000 15.90 11.95
3,000 7.43 5.54
5,000 9.81 7.98
10,000 25.10 18.97
15,000 26.67 20.45
3,000 11.36 8.94
13 5/8 5,000 17.98 14.16
10,000 37.18 12.59
2,000 17.46 15.80
16 3/4 3,000 28.70 19.93
5,000 28.70 19.93
Displacement of External Displacement External
OD Wall ID Nom. Wt Internal Capacity/ft OD Wall ID Nom Wt Internal Capacity
Steel/ft Displacement/ft Of Steel Displacement
Specified Specified Calculated lbs/ft Specified Specified Calculated lbs/ft
Gallons bbls Gallons bbls Gallons bbls Gallons bbls Gallons bbls Gallons bbls
2.00 .134 1.732 2.677 .12239 .002914 .04081 .00097 .16320 .00389 2.875 .156 2.563 4.541 .26801 .006381 .06922 .00165 .33724 .00803
Electric Line
1-H-181-M 3/16 .187 3,600 68 15/12 198/132 12.5 600
4-H-181-A 3/16 .186 3,300 60 18/18 143/76 26.0 300
1-H-203-A 13/64 .203 4,500 79 16/10 212/212 6.9 300
1-H-203-D 13/64 .203 4,500 79 16/10 212/212 6.9 420
1-H-203-K 13/64 .203 4,500 80 16/10 212/212 6.9 500
1-H-220-A 7/32 .223 5,500 92 18/12 212/212 4.5 300
1-H-220-D 7/32 .223 5,500 95 18/12 212/212 4.5 420
1-H-220-K 7/32 .223 5,500 95 18/12 212/212 4.5 500
1-H-226-K 7/32 .222 5,000 99 18/12 196/196 7.7 500
1-H-281-A 9/32 .288 10,000 153 18/12 352/352 2.8 300
1-H-281-K 9/32 .288 10,000 158 18/12 352/352 2.8 500
1-H-314-A 5/16 .316 11,200 183 18/12 426/426 2.8 300
1-H-314-D 5/16 .316 11,200 187 18/12 426/426 2.8 420
1-H-314-K 5/16 .316 11,200 190 18/12 426/426 2.8 500
Breaking Strength Weight (lbs) Armor Wires Wire BS – lbs CDR Resistance Maximum Temp
Cable Type Size (In.) Diameter (In.)
(lbs) 1000ft (Out/In) (Out/In) (Ohms/Mft) (°F)
7-H-314-A 5/16 .323 9,600 180 18/18 426/225 16.6 300
1-H-375-A 3/8 .375 14,600 253 18/12 595/595 2.9 300
1-H-375-D 3/8 .375 14,600 260 18/12 595/595 2.9 420
1-H-375-K 3/8 .375 14,600 261 18/12 595/595 2.9 500
3-H-375-A 3/8 .372 13,500 235 20/16 486/397 7.1 300
4-H-375-A 3/8 .372 13,500 239 20/16 572/301 10.5 300
7-H-375-A 3/8 .372 12,800 243 18/18 572/301 10.5 300
Electric Line
1-H-422-A 7/16 .414 17,800 307 18/12 727/727 2.9 300
1-H-422-D 7/16 .414 17,800 316 18/12 727/727 2.9 420
1-H-422-K 7/16 .414 17,800 317 18/12 727/727 2.9 500
7-H-422-A 7/16 .426 18,300 314 18/18 766/397 10.9 300
7-H-422-D 7/16 .426 18,300 324 18/18 766/397 10.0 420
7-H-422-K 7/16 .426 18,300 326 18/18 766/397 10.0 500
7-H-464-A 15/32 .462 18,300 326 24/24 539/335 10.0 300
7-H-464-D 15/32 .462 18,300 333 24/24 539/335 10.0 420
7-H-464-K 15/32 .462 18,300 347 24/24 539/335 10.0 500
7-H-520-A 17/32 .522 26,000 462 20/16 958/778 10.5 300
7-H-520-D 17/32 .522 26,000 467 20/16 958/778 10.5 420
7-H-472-A Slammer .472 22,200 379 18/18 929/486 10.0 300
7-H-472-D Slammer .472 22,200 386 18/18 929/486 10.0 420
7-H-472-K Slammer .472 22,200 394 18/18 929/486 10.0 500
Carbon Steel – API 9A Breaking Strengths
Sinker Bar Weight Needed
Material (In) .072 .082 .092 .105 .108 .125
Br. Steel API Level 3 or improved plow (lbs) 961 1239 1547 1966 2109 2794
API Ex. Impr. Plow, Hi-Str, or Mon. AA (lbs) 1150 1460 1830 2360 2490 3300
Austenitic Stainless Steel – Breaking Strengths
Material (In) .082 .092 .105 .108 .125
Wireline Data
2000 9/1
ine For wirelne to fall against well 316 Stainless (lbs) 1083 1363 1732 1786 2270
3000 pressure, find desired line
7 /1 Super Austenitic Stainless – Breaking Strengths
ine versus well pressure and
Material (In) .092 .105 .108 .125
Well Pressure (psi)
4000 extrapolate total sinker bar
Sandvik Sanicro 28 (lbs) 1445 1885 1995 2675
weight needed.
3 /8
6 Moly Stainless Steel – Breaking Strengths
All “lbs” are breaking strength. Material (In) .092 .105 .108 .125
These vary with the
6000 Avesta 254 SMO (lbs) 1462 1818 1924 2454
manufacturer. Bridon Supa (lbs) 1550 2030 2030 2560
25-6MO (lbs) 1475 N/A 2050 2550
Cobalt Based Alloy – Breaking Strengths
Line Material (In) .092 .105 .108 .125
1/4 L
3/16 Li
.072 Line
.092 Line
1x 19 1x 19
Construction 1 x 16 1 x 16
(Dycan/Dyform) (Dycan/Dyform)
Galv. Carbon Steel 4500 6170 6000 8370
72 Wireline Data
Carbon Steel – API 9A Breaking Strengths
15-6Mo (Supa 75)
Sinker Bar Weight Needed
560 e
7 /1
3 /8 ine
480 5/1
400 7/32
360 1/4 L
280 3/16 Li
120 1/8 Line .100 Line
80 .092 Line .082 Line
.072 Line
Well Pressure (psi)
Conversion Factors 73