Eng 6003 Assign 1-1
Eng 6003 Assign 1-1
Eng 6003 Assign 1-1
Learning to deliver effective presentation is a necessary skill to master both for university and further
endeavours. As a university student, you are expected to be able to speak and communicate
appropriately in various contexts.
Task Description
This is an individual assignment. You are required to conduct an oral presentation based on a specific
topic that you would want to explore with a group of audience.
Introduce yourself.
Create an effective opening that will attract your audience: pose a question, give an amazing
fact, or tell a short, interesting story.
Reveal your topic to the audience and explain why it is important for them to learn about.
Give a brief outline of the major points you will cover in your presentation.
Main Body:
Explain at least three important points (main ideas) based on the task topic. Give clear
explanations. Provide sufficient evidence to be convincing.
Use transitions between sections of your presentation (introduction, body, and conclusion) as
well as between points in your main body section. Check out useful phrases and expressions
(language functions) to help you express your points.
Signal your conclusion with a transition.
Summarize your points.
Refer to future action if needed.
End with, “Thank You.”
If answering questions, tell your audience, “I’ll now be happy to answer any questions.”
CRITERIA 4 3 2 1 Scor
QUALITY OF CONTENT Main points are very clear and Main points are clear and Main points are somewhat Presentation lacks main
& ORGANIZATION very detailed detailed clear but could use more points and related details
• Information is directly linked • Information is linked to detail • Information lacks
to presentation topic presentation topic • Most information is connection to the
• Information is very organized • Information is well linked to the presentation presentation topic
organized topic • Information is not
• Information is organized organized
GRAMMAR & WRITING Writing uses correct There are some errors in There are many errors in There are too many errors
conventions of grammar, conventions of grammar, conventions of grammar, in conventions of grammar,
capitalization, and punctuation. capitalization, or capitalization, and capitalization, and
The wording makes sense. punctuation but they do not punctuation and the punctuation and the
hinder the effectiveness of effectiveness of effectiveness of
presentation. The wording presentation is somehow presentation is severely
makes sense. affected. The wording is a affected. The writing does
little confusing. not make sense to the
NONVERBAL Speaker appears very Speaker appears fairly Speaker appears generally Speaker appears very
COMMUNICATION/ comfortable and confident comfortable and confident at ease and confident uneasy and insecure
BODY LANGUAGE • Speaker consistently faces • Speaker generally faces • Speaker sometimes faces • Speaker faces away from
the audience and maintains the audience and maintains the audience and maintains the audience or makes no
good eye contact good eye contact eye contact eye contact
• Speaker consistently appears • Speaker generally • Speaker sometimes • Speaker appears
to be engaging with the appears to be engaging appears to be engaging disengaged from the
audience with the audience with the audience audience
• Speaker uses body motions • Speaker uses body • Speaker's body motions • Speaker lacks any body
and gestures very effectively motions and gestures well and gestures neither motions or gestures or
support nor detract from demonstrates consistent
presentation distraction in terms of body
motions or gestures
QUALITY OF VERBAL Speaker’s voice is very Speaker’s voice is steady, Speaker’s voice is • Speaker’s voice is
COMMUNICATION confident, steady, strong, and strong and clear generally steady, strong consistently too weak or
clear • Speaker often uses and clear too strong
• Speaker consistently uses inflections to emphasize • Speaker sometimes uses • Speaker fails to use
inflections to emphasize key key points and create inflections to emphasize inflections to emphasize
points or to create interest interest key points and create key points and create
• Speaker's talking pace is • Speaker's talking pace is interest interest or speaker often
consistently appropriate mostly appropriate • Speaker's talking pace is uses inflections
appropriate inappropriately
• Speaker's talking pace is
consistently too slow or too
OVERALL This was an exceptional This was a very good and This presentation was This presentation was weak
PRESENTATION presentation and extremely effective presentation. good. The student is and not effective. Student
EFFECTIVENESS effective. Student is Student seems pretty somewhat prepared, but it does not seem at all
completely prepared. prepared but might have is clear that rehearsal was prepared to present.
Presentation of items flows needed a couple more lacking. Content is
smoothly. rehearsals or thought to presented in a disjointed
flow. way.
Total /20