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Rapport Aquaculture Ethiopia

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Investment opportunities in the Ethiopian


Alayu Yalew
MSc, Aquaculture

Eshete Dejen
PhD, Fisheries & Aquaculture

Petra Spliethoff
Centre for Development Innovation (CDI),
Wageningen UR

Written by: Alayu Yalew¹, Eshete Dejen², Petra Spliethoff³ Contents
Edited for series consistency: Monika Sopov³ and Gertjan Becx⁴

Layout and illustrations Erika Endrődiné Benkő ▪ [email protected]

Major trends in the development of the aquaculture
Based on design of 360Ground ▪ www.360ground.com sub-sector 3
¹ MSc, Aquaculture
Investment opportunities 7
² PhD, Fisheries & Aquaculture Points to consider 11
³ Centre for Development Innovation (CDI), Wageningen UR
⁴ AGRIBiz.et part of the Addis Ababa Chamber of Commerce
Sources of further information 15
Commissioned by AGRIBiz.et part of the Addis Ababa Chamber of Commerce and Sectorial Associations (AACCSA).



Please quote as: Yalew, A. et al., 2015, Business Opportunities Report Aquaculture #10 in the series written for the
"Ethiopian Netherlands business event 5-6 November 2015, Rijswijk, The Netherlands”

Please contact the following organizations for more information and support:
▪▪ Centre for Development Innovation, Wageningen University & Research Centre; P.O. Box 88, 6700 AB Wageningen,
Petra Spliethoff, [email protected]
▪▪ Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Addis Ababa; [email protected], T: +251 (0)11 371 1100
▪▪ Enterprise Agency part of the Netherlands Ministry of Economic Affairs; [email protected], T: +31 88 602 1047
▪▪ AGRIBiz.et part of AACCSA; [email protected], T: +251 (0)91 266 0725

iStock.com/Joel Carillet
Major trends in the
development of the
Key findings

Ethiopians fast about 190 days annually. Although people do not consume

aquaculture sub-sector
meat on those days, they however might eat fish. Fish consumption steeply
rises during fasting days. Fishers and traders anticipate increased demand
therefore they increase production and supply.

Aquaculture production is insignificant. According to FAO estimates, aqua-
culture production is approximately 15–25 tonnes per year, mainly from
small-scale subsistence farms.

Ethiopia is a country in the horn of Africa endowed with 1.1 Production Regional governments are allocating budgets for the peri-urban markets. It is likely that this production
numerous aquatic resources, including over 20 natu- establishment of standard hatcheries. Yet there is still model is also attractive to small-scale farms that use
ral lakes, 12 large river basins, over 75 wetlands, and 1.1.1 Feed an urgent need to select suitable brood stock to increase irrigation water for crop cultivation.
15 reservoirs. Micro and macro-dam construction and Fish feeds are not readily available in Ethiopia. Govern- production of required fry and fingerlings.
river impoundment have created innumerable large ment stations and some small-scale private fish farms Intensive systems
and small water bodies. Both inland capture fisheries produce on-farm feeds using locally available feed 1.1.3. Production systems This production model involves the culture of tilapia in
and aquaculture activities are concentrated around ingredients and simple (meat grinder type) equip- ponds with frequent water exchange, in flow-through
the many lakes and rivers in the Rift Valley, as well ment for producing sundried pellets. Alema Koudijs Extensive systems tanks or in floating cages. Another option is the inten-
as around the Blue Nile, which supplies water to the Feed Plc in Debre Zeit is one of the most modern feed The pond(s) can have an area of 300 m² enabling the sive culture of African catfish in flow-through ponds or
country's largest water body, Lake Tana. mills in Ethiopia producing feed for poultry, cattle, and production of at least 150 kg of fish in one production tanks. Both production systems require quality fingerlings
small ruminants (goats, sheep) and they also have season. and fish feeds that are high in protein.
Aquaculture farms in Ethiopia are small-scale, sub- plans to invest in a fish feed line. With a production
sistence-oriented and only to a certain degree commercial. of 1000–1200 MT/month, this company has a market FINGERPONDS: This type of pond can be constructed High volumes of market-sized fish need to be produced,
It is estimated that there are more than 1300 sub- share of over 30%. Feed ingredients of plant origin— along a lake or river, in the seasonally flooded wetlands. processed and supplied to nearby urban markets. This
sistence fish farmers in Ethiopia with a pond size of about such as corn, soybean, cotton seed, wheat, and such Fingerponds can produce 180 to 400 kg fish/ha per sea- requires an efficient organisation of the value chain.
100–300 m². The main species farmed is tilapia. Most by-products as oil cakes and bran—are locally available son for unfertilized ponds, and 400 to 1000 kg fish/ha per
season for fertilized ponds.
pond fish farmers combine fish farming with irrigation, and incorporated in livestock feeds. In 2012, the price of This production model is both capital and technology
crop farming and horticulture. Candidate species for those ingredients increased considerably (up to 100% for intensive. Since neither the technology nor the required
aquaculture include tilapia (O. niloticus) and the African some) as a result of an increased export of unprocessed Semi-intensive culture in ponds management skills are currently available in Ethiopia,
catfish (Clarias spp). Limited research activities are oilseeds to neighbouring countries, and of speculation Semi-intensive ponds require high investments in terms these will have to be imported. This production model is
underway. and crop failures due to droughts. This led to growing of land, capital, reliable and clean water supply, access therefore likely to be adopted by companies with foreign
competition for crops and by-products (oilseed cakes) to roads, as well as high running costs for inputs such shareholders.
Aquaculture production in Ethiopia has not really taken for use in livestock feeds and for human consumption. So as good quality fingerlings, quality feeds and fertilizers,
off, and is rather a potential than an actual practice. far, this company does not invest in fish feed. The electricity to run the aerators, skilled labour and inten- In these systems, fish are kept in concrete plastic or
Accurate data on production volumes are not docu- by-products of fish processing (fileting and gutting) are sive management. fiberglass basins, or in canal-shaped (concrete) basins.
mented. However, according to FAO estimates, in recent a potential source that could be used to prepare fishmeal. A continuous supply of fresh water, rich in oxygen, is
years production has increased from 15 to 25 tonnes Alternatively, feeds can be formulated for the semi- Production may range from 3 to 6 tons/ha per year needed. The production per m³ basin volume can range
annually. There is one company that is trying to utilize intensive farming of tilapia and catfish, which require depending on management. from 5 to over 500 kg/m³ per year, be it that these
the potential by establishing a large-scale commercial less animal protein. figures only apply for the air-breathing catfish. Inten-
fish farm: Africa Sustainable Aquaculture B.V. With additional aeration, productivity can be raised to sive fish-farming systems require very high investment,
1.1.2 Hatcheries over 15 tons/ha per year, especially when there is no skilled management and reliable sources of water,
The Ethiopian government has identified aquaculture as There are no commercial hatcheries in Ethiopia for the cold season. fingerlings and high-quality complete fish feeds (pel-
one of the strategic areas of intervention to address the production of fingerlings. Small numbers of tilapia fry and lets). A back-up generator is an absolute necessity.
problem of food insecurity and poverty in the rural areas. fingerlings can be obtained from Ministry of Agriculture This production model involves the culture of tilapia in
It is considered an important economic activity that research stations. The National Fishery and Aquaculture ponds with African catfish as predators to reduce the AQUAPONICS: This is a system whereby vegetable and fish
supports diversification, integration and improvement Research Center in Sebeta provides small quantities of number of tilapia offspring in the pond. Fingerlings are grown in an integrated system, requiring quality inputs
in rural livelihoods (MoA and FAO, 2009). The govern- tilapia fingerlings free of charge to fish farmers. The can be produced on the farm in breeding ponds. In the and intensive management. In this system, it is possible
ment recently re-emphasised the significance of fish same applies to the Bahir Dar Fisheries and Aquatic Life growout ponds, fish feed on natural feeds. These can be to produce at least 80 MT of tilapia fish and 23,000 MT of
vegetables from one hectare of land (10,000 sq. meter)
culture through a joint effort with the FAO Sub-Regional Research Center (in Bahir Dar). There are also a few enhanced through the application of fertiliser, in combi-
per year.
Office for Eastern Africa (FAOSFE) to draw up a National small-scale private farms that sell tilapia fingerlings. nation with artificial feeds low in protein that mainly
Aquaculture Development Strategy (NADS), which was Mono-sex tilapia fingerlings are not available. There is consist of material from plant origin and by-products
approved at the end of 2009. The overall objective of one small-scale trout farm that sells rainbow trout such as oilcakes.
the strategy is to define a regulatory framework and to fingerlings. There are no African catfish fingerlings
build a strong basis for the development of aquaculture available. The availability of fry and fingerlings from For this production model, less capital and technology
in the country. hatcheries and nurseries is therefore a major constraint is required than for intensive systems, but production
on the development of aquaculture in Ethiopia. As long is relatively low. In order to efficiently produce, process
as this situation persists, new fish farms will have to and market relatively small quantities of fish, farms of this
produce their own fingerlings. type are preferably organised in clusters that supply

4 Major trends in the development of the aquaculture sub-sector Major trends in the development of the aquaculture sub-sector 5
There is a need for investments in hatcheries, feed and seed supply and ancillary
services (disease prevention and control, harvesters, transporters, traders,
fish processors and storage facilities) across the whole fish value chain.
Studies and discussions at platform meetings clearly show the need for effective
models of fish feed plants, hatcheries and (grow-out) fish production systems

that work. The establishment of a model fish farm is currently initiated by
Bahir Dar University.

There are opportunities for two specific business models: large-scale intensive
commercial fish production and small-scale semi-intensive commercial fish

Tilapia farming could be a viable business proposition under certain circum-

stances in Ethiopia. Cage farming requires low investments and little extra
input, but sites for this activity are limited in the country. Intensive systems
for tilapia in tanks and recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) do not seem
to be viable due to the high investment costs and the costs for generating

The farming of African catfish is not yet a viable option as market prices of
this fish are still relatively low in Ethiopia.

Quick facts
▶▶ Fish consumption in the country is influenced by supply factors rather than
by culture.
▶▶ High price: Fish is relatively expensive compared with the local prices of
vegetables and grains on a unit weight basis, but is frequently less costly
than alternative animal protein sources.
▶▶ There is an extreme regional variation in fish consumption. People consume
comparatively large amounts of fish in production areas and in Addis Ababa,
while outside these areas the domestic market for fish is small.

2.1 Lucrative market All three factors noted above will contribute to an increase The fish that are landed are utilised in fresh, chilled, 2.3 Conducive policy environment
in demand, i.e. a shift in demand towards fish consump- frozen, cured and canned forms. Most (about 73%) of
With a population of almost 92 million Ethiopia is tion by higher income groups’ growing earnings (per the total fish catch is marketed fresh in nearby markets. In 2009, the Ministry of Agriculture (MoA) developed
becoming the second most populated country on the capita GDP is increasing at around 1.6%); at relatively The rest reaches distant consumers chilled or frozen a National Aquaculture Development Strategy with the
continent next to Nigeria. The population is expected to low consumption and low income levels, fish is probably (26%), or dried, smoked or canned (1%). support of FAO. The Strategy comprises a comprehensive
increase to 117 million by 2025. a luxury good (i.e. a 1% increase in income will boost framework for the sustainable development of a mar-
demand by more than 1%); and population growth. ket-responsive aquaculture industry over the coming
Reports from the Ministry of Agriculture indicate that 2.2 Suitability of land for twenty years and an associated outline plan for invest-
the per capita fish consumption of the country has Population growth alone is associated with a 2.1% annual aquaculture production ment by the public sector.
reached 1 kg, from 240g in 2013. The growing demand increase in aggregate demand. If indeed fish is a luxury
for fish, especially during the fasting season (190 days good in Ethiopia, as suggested above, then population Ethiopia has very diverse agro-ecological zones of- Ethiopia recently finalized a five-year Growth and
a year) cannot be met by production from capture growth combined with income growth would boost fering a favourable potential for developing fish culture Transformation Plan (GTP 1) to promote agricultural
fisheries alone. demand for fish at a rate of at least 3.7% per annum. both in terms of land/water and in its climatic system. growth through the adoption of improved technologies
This equates to a 20% increase in demand over five Based on physical, socioeconomic, climatic and infra- and fostering of private-sector investment. Evaluation
Consequently, given the increasing demand for fish in years and a 44% increase over 10 years. structure suitability indicators, as well as the biology of GTP 1 revealed that the contribution of livestock and
urban areas, the price of fish per kg has increased to of the selected fish species, a GIS analysis was carried fish was very low. GTP 2 (2015–2020) emphasizes the
60 Ethiopian Birr (ETB) and even to 90 ETB during The assumed shift in preferences would deepen the out by FAO in 2012. The study indicated that for tilapia development of the livestock and fisheries sector. This
fasting (2015). effect. Furthermore, if the population of Addis Ababa culture, 15,158 km² (more than 1%) of the total land plan includes activities to enhance aquaculture, such as:
(a major focus for fish consumption) is growing faster mass of the country is highly suitable and 871,731 km²
As increasing scarcity (apparently reflecting both rising than the rest of the population and incomes there are (62%) is moderately suitable for tilapia culture. ▶▶ Strengthening the existing fish stocking program
demand and supply constraints) has resulted in higher increasing faster too, there would be a still stronger following the water-harvesting system;
real prices for fish, there is a tendency for fish to become increase in demand. Although this is only circa 1% of the total land area of ▶▶ Promoting and developing farmer-based demonstra-
a luxury product consumed by higher income groups. Ethiopia, it is more than sufficient to produce a signifi- tion fish ponds;
Traders and other observers suggest that higher income Where supply cannot match these increases in demand, cant amount of fish. ▶▶ Establishing fish zones and regional/federal ad-
groups may represent a significant source of the soaring the real price of fish will rise. ministration-based fish culture centres for breeding
demand (reflecting wider exposure to different types of Aquaculture Development Suitability Map of Ethiopia (Draft) and distribution of fingerlings;
food and echoing the global shift in demand towards fish The price of fish depends on the species and the product. Source: Eshete, D. and Zemnu, M. (2012) ▶▶ Training of fish-farm technicians;
as a healthier source of animal protein). Nevertheless, The most common fish product—tilapia fillet—sells for ▶▶ Strengthening research in the areas of developing
population increase (particularly in growing Addis Ababa) ETB 74–94/kg in retail shops in Addis Ababa, while cat- farming technologies, food and feeding;
and a modest general increase in incomes are also factors. fish sells for ETB 30/kg in markets and for ETB 50/kg ▶▶ Promotion and development of commercial aqua-
in retail shops. Fish prices have been widely reported to culture complementary with small-scale aquaculture
have increased rapidly during the last 10 years. and other agricultural development interventions.
Fish price by species and product type in FPMI outlets 2007-11 (ETB)
Source: FPMI, 2012
Other estimates of the increase in the price of fish over The Ethiopian government welcomes foreign investments
180 the last 10 years were even more outrageous, with and has developed a package of incentives under Regu-
Nile perch sliced
increases of up to 2000%. Figure 3.5 presents the lation No. 84/2003 for domestic and foreign investors
160 Tilapia fillets(Bahir Dar)
increase in the price of various fish species and prod- engaged in new enterprises and expansions, across a
140 Tilapia fillet(Arba Minch)
Tilapia fillet(Zeway)
ucts during the last five years as reported by the Fish range of sectors. These incentives include customs duty
120 Production and Marketing Industry (FPMI), which is the exemption, income tax exemption, and remittance of
Smoked fish
100 Tilapia gutted largest single trader of fish in Ethiopia. This clearly shows funds and investment guarantee and protection.
80 Catfish fillet an increase in the price of tilapia fillet and gutted tilapia
60 Canned fish (up to about 210%) and catfish (up to about 270%). So far, licenses have been issued for 37 investors to
In both cases, this exceeds the roughly 200% inflation establish fish farming and related enterprises in dif-
of average consumer prices during that period. In Ethiopia ferent parts of the country. These include some of the
20 for NILE TILAPIA culture major investors with an interest in the sector such as
2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Tilapia is by far the most dominant species caught and 15,158 km² Ethio-Fisheries Plc (near Lake Abaya), Vittorio Viet Carlo
consumed in Ethiopia, followed at some distance by is highly suitable Talarico Plc (Lake Chamo area), MIDGE 2000 Plc (Cage
catfish, and recently also carp. In fish-production areas, Culture in Lake Tana), Ashraf Agricultural and Indus-
fish consumption patterns reflect the local availability 871,731 km² trial Plc (fish farming and processing around Lake Tana),
of fish. is moderately suitable Trout Fish Farm Plc and Lobster Farm Plc.

8 Investment opportunities Investment opportunities 9

Points to consider

3.1 Production systems 3.2 Important legal documents
Under the present conditions in Ethiopia, the major issue The most important legal document concerning fisheries
for intensive aquaculture is the regular supply of quality and aquaculture in Ethiopia is the Fisheries Develop-
fish feed. ment and Utilization Proclamation (No. 315/2003).
This proclamation contains 21 articles that describe
Competitive fish feeds can be produced in Ethiopia procedures and rules to be enforced in order to utilise
using slaughterhouse and fish waste as protein sources. the country's fishery resources and to develop aqua-
Know-how on the formulation and production of fish culture. This is the only proclamation in Ethiopia that
feed for all species and growth stages is available in legally describes and elaborates capture fishery and
Ethiopia. aquaculture at the federal level (BOMOSA, 2009).

For the semi-intensive fish farms, the major bottleneck Article 5(10) states, that any person who wishes to
is know-how. Although this farming system is not very import or export any type of exotic live fish species
complicated in terms of aquaculture technology or must have a permit from the Biodiversity Institute first.
management skills, farmers wishing to engage in fish Article 5(10) also states that any person who wishes to
culture need access to basic fish-farming expertise. In transfer live fish that have been imported or an indig-
the absence of government support, initiatives such as enous species from one regional water body to another
Africa Fish, the Aqua-Spark Fish for Good Investment regional water body, must have a permit from the ministry.
facility and the Farm Africa concept of aqua shops in
Kenya, can be approached. These initiatives facilitate Similarly, article 6 contains provisions that deal with
the development of small-scale commercial aquaculture how to obtain permits to establish aquaculture farms,
through the provision of capital, know-how, inputs, the control of fish disease, and standards for the estab-
formation of clusters, market access, etc. lishment and operation of aquaculture facilities. In
some areas, regional legislation on fisheries applies in
The two models can also be seen as interrelated. Once addition to the national regulation. For certain types of
a few intensive fish farms are operational, they can aquaculture, the environmental and water resources
serve as facilities for hands-on training, farm action legislation may also apply, such as the need for an
research, etc. Furthermore, the intensive farms can bring environmental impact assessment.
their surplus of fingerlings to the market so that these
become available for other small-scale semi-intensive In addition to the Fisheries Development and Utilization
farms. In this way, the intensive farms generate spin- Proclamation, the following legal documents contain
offs that will accelerate the development of the entire important provisions that are pertinent to animal
aquaculture sector, independent of direct government products and marketing, animal diseases and environ-
investment in hatcheries and training/demonstration mental issues:
farms. ▶▶ Animal, Animal Products and By-products Marketing
Development Authority Establishment Proclamation
New supply and value chains are required to support (No. 117/1998)
the sustainable development of aquaculture in Ethiopia. ▶▶ Animal, Animal Products and By-products Marketing
Development Authority Establishment (Amendment)
Proclamation (No. 198/2000)
▶▶ Animal Diseases Prevention and Control Proclamation
(No. 267/2002).

12 Points to consider
Sources of further

Government organizations
Ministry of Finance and Economic Development Contact: Aquaculture and fisheries research institutes
The Ministry of Finance and Economic Development (MoFED) has the lead responsibility for P. O. Box 1037 or 1905 Several Ethiopian universities provide higher education and research opportunities related to fisheries and aquaculture. The Addis
facilitating the flow of funds to those agencies that are responsible for the implementation of Addis Ababa Ababa, Bahir Dar, Hawassa and Ambo universities offer fisheries and aquaculture education and also conduct research. The Ethiopian
fisheries and aquaculture development. It also has overall responsibility for the formulation Tel.: +251 11 155 2400/ Institute of Agricultural Research (EIAR) and the Regional Agricultural Research Institutes (RARIs) are responsible for coordinating the
of the country's economic development policies and plans. various research programmes of the national network of agricultural research stations including on-farm trials and demonstrations.
+251 11 122 6698
Fax: +251 11 155 1355/
+251 11 155 3814 The Addis Ababa University
E-mail: [email protected] Department of Zoological Sciences
P. O. Box 1176
Contact: Abebe Getahun
Ministry of Agriculture Contact:
E-mail: [email protected]
The Ministry of Agriculture (MoA) is mandated for the development and management of fisheries P. O. Box 62347
and aquatic resources. The MoA has responsibility for enhancing market-led agricultural develop- Addis Ababa
ment and food security. At the federal level, the MoA is also responsible for the promotion and Ambo University
Tel.: + 251 11 551 8040/
expansion of extension services aimed at small-scale farmers, pastoralists and private investors. 7354 Department of Biology, Fisheries and Aquaculture Program
This involves the establishment and operation of a network of agriculture and rural technology Fax: +251 11 551 1543 P. O. Box 19
training centres. The MoA is the lead agency for the development and implementation of the Contact: Professor Natarajan
E-mail: [email protected]
fisheries and aquaculture subsector. E-mail: [email protected]
Bahir Dar University
Department of Biology
Agricultural Transformation Agency (ATA) Contact:
P. O. Box 79
Agricultural Transformation Agency (ATA) is a semi-autonomous unit within the Ministry of Addis Ababa Contact: Wassie Anteneh
Agriculture, established to develop systemic solutions on cross-cutting issues. Among others the Tel: +251 11 557 0678 E-mail: [email protected]
Agency is responsible for developing the national road-map strategy for different crops. It is also Fax: +251 11 557 0668
in charge of developing strategies and recommendations for national organizational platforms E-mail: [email protected]
to maximize impact and speed up transformation. National Fish and other Aquatic Life Research Center
P. O. Box 64, Sebeta
Tel.: +251 11 338 0023/0814
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Department of Business Diplomacy Contact: Fax: +251 11 338 0657
The Economy and Business Directorate has the responsibility to collect, organize and process P. O. Box 393 Contact: Zenebe Tadesse
accurate, relevant and timely information on economic and business situations and market Addis Ababa E-mail: [email protected]
intelligence for government and non-governmental organizations and the business community. Tel.: +251 11 551 0551
It facilitates an effective and efficient flow of information between the Ministry, Ethiopian Fax: +251 11 551 4300 Bahir Dar Fisheries and Aquatic Life Research Center
missions abroad and relevant national bodies, to centralize, process and disseminate economic E-mail: [email protected] Amhara Region Agricultural Research Institute (ARARI)
and business information in a consistent and sustainable way.
P. O. Box 794, Bahir Dar
Tel.: +251 58 220 0899/+251 91 201 6855
Ethiopia Biodiversity Institute Contact: Belay Abdissa
E-mail: [email protected]

Ziway Fisheries Resource Research Centre

Oromia Region Agricultural Research Institute (ORARI)
P. O. Box 229, Ziway
Tel.: +251 91 104 4974
Contact: Megeresa Endebu
E-mail: [email protected]

16 Sources of further information Sources of further information 17

Private sector partners

Aquaculture and fisheries research institutes – Service providers Gafat Endowment Contact:
Gafat Endowment is a people-to-people non-governmental organization committed to gener- P. O. Box 1628, Bahir Dar
ating income from investing endowments to benefit the people. Its vision is to see its companies Tel. : +251 58 226 6147
Ethiopia Investment Agency
generate funds and play a major role in developing the Amhara Region and raising the living E-mail: [email protected]
The Agency is a government agency established to promote, encourage and facilitate private investments in general and foreign standard of its people.
investments in particular in Ethiopia.
P. O. Box 2313, Addis Ababa
Tel.: +251 11 551 0033 TIRET Corporate Contact:
www.investethiopia.gov.et TIRET Corporate was established as an endowment organization for the benefit of the people of P. O. Box 1199, Bahir Dar
Amhara region. It works in different investment areas including farming (flower, sesame), provision Tel.: +251 58 226 1111/
Commercial Bank of Ethiopia (CBE) of services (transport, rehabilitation) and industry (brewery, food-oil processing). +251 91 878 1035
The CBE plays a catalytic role in the economic progress and development of the country. CBE has reliable and long-standing Contact: Abebe Terefe
relationships with many internationally acclaimed banks throughout the world. E-mail: abebeterefe@gmail.
P. O. Box 255, Addis Ababa com
Tel.: +251 11 551 5000
E-mail: [email protected] Alema Farms (Alema Koudijs Feed Plc) Contact:
Alema Farms was established to address the shortage of protein for human consumption in Debre Zeit, around Sofa
Development Bank of Ethiopia Ethiopia by developing improved animal production programs. Today, the integrated enterprise has Mountain
The development bank of Ethiopia (DBE) is one of the financial institutions engaged in providing short, medium- and long-term a prominent position as a reliable supplier of quality animal feed (broiler layer, pig and cattle feed), P. O. Box 1423, Debre Zeit
development credits. DBE’s distinguishing feature is its “project”-based lending tradition. Projects financed by the Bank are chicken hatching eggs, table eggs, broiler meat, pork and processed meat products. Tel.: +251 11 433 6912/
carefully selected and prepared, appraised, closely supervised and systematically evaluated. Since its establishment, the bank has 9966
been playing a significant role in promoting overall economic development of the country. Fax: +251 11 433 5246/
P. O. Box 1900, Addis Ababa 4655
Tel.: +251 11 551 1188/89 E-mail: alemafarms@
E-mail: [email protected] ethionet.et

Ethiopian Customs and Revenues Authority (ECRA)

FPMI: Fish Production and Marketing Industry Contact:
The Ethiopian Customs and Revenues Authority is the body responsible for collecting revenue from customs duties and domestic
taxes. In addition to raising revenue, the ECRA is responsible for protecting the society from adverse effects of smuggling. Fish Production and Marketing Industry (FPMI) is one of the largest (and possibly the only)
It seizes and takes legal action against those involved in the act of smuggling while facilitating the legitimate movement of goods seafood distributors and importers in Addis Ababa. They have 3 refrigerated trucks, 3x500 metric
and people across the borders. tonne cold store facilities and four blast freezers.

Addis Ababa
Tel: +251 11 662 9903/04 African Sustainable Aquaculture (ASA) Contact:
Fax: +251 11 662 9818
With ‘trade and not aid’ philosophy, a group of Dutch entrepreneurs travelled to Ethiopia in 2012 http://
E-mail: [email protected]
to conduct a baseline study. The aim was to find out if there is a viable, sustainable strategy for africasustainableaquaculture.
driving Africa’s economic and social development. We explored three different agricultural sectors com/
in Ethiopia—fruits, vegetables and fish—to identify which of these sectors have the potential to
be developed in a sustainable way. The outcome of the baseline study was that there are many
business opportunities in fish. The fish sector is underdeveloped and there are no large-scale
commercial aquaculture initiatives in the country yet.
Therefore, the entrepreneurs decided to found Africa Sustainable Aquaculture B.V., with the aim to
invest in commercial and sustainable aquaculture sectors in Africa, primarily focusing on Ethiopia.
Currently, the company is in the construction phase.

18 Sources of further information Sources of further information 19

Development and civil society organizations

Fish For All (FFA) Contact:

Fish For All (FFA) is an indigenous NGO established to promote fisheries development and P. O. Box 27718
management in Ethiopia by encouraging and assisting small-scale fisheries and local communities Addis Ababa
around water bodies that contain fish resources. Tel.: +251 11 663 9414
Contact: Alayu Yalew
E-mail: alayuyalew@yahoo.

FAO Sub-Regional Office For East Africa Contact:

For the FAO, aquaculture is a strategic sector that plays a major role in providing food security. P. O. Box 5536
In the face of declining fisheries, it provides an alternative source of fish protein, which is a cure Addis Ababa
for malnutrition in young children, and helps to stabilise food prices. The FAO's aquaculture Tel.: +251 11 647 8888
programme is mostly directed towards smallholders producing fish for local markets. Fax: +251 11 647 8800
Contact: Ana Menezes
E-mail: ana.menezes@fao.

Ethiopia Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences Association (EFASA) Contact:

EFASA is a non-profit professional organization with more than 200 members from research and P. O. Box 31819
higher education institutions, the private sector, NGOs and development organizations. EFASA Tel.: +251 11 157 3422/
organizes meetings, workshops and conferences to exchange and share knowledge and infor- +251 91 110 9022
mation on fisheries and aquaculture. Contact: Abebe Ameha
E-mail: brklmm2008@


1. EU-supported Lake Fisheries Development Project 1. The SmartFish Programme: Implementation of a regional
(1992-98). The objective was to increase fish production fisheries strategy for the Indian Ocean, and Eastern and
through supplying improved fishing gear, improving the Southern Africa.
access of fisher folk and traders to credit, and facilitating
2. Feasibility study of the aquaculture business, fish feed
marketing, etc.
and fish hatchery in Ethiopia conducted by ABSF, Addis
2. The UN Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) supported Chamber of Commerce, 2015.
the formulation of the National Aquaculture Development
Strategy of Ethiopia (April 2009).
For futher information, please refer to the report below, which also served as inspiration for the current report:
3. Business opportunities for aquaculture in Ethiopia by
scientists from MARES, FAO-SFE and LEI.
• Business opportunities for aquaculture in Ethiopia
4. EU-supported ACP Fish II: Strengthening Fisheries Manage- Rothuis, A.J., Duijn, A.P. van, Kamstra, A., Dejen, E., Pijl, W. van der, Rurangwa, E., Stokkers, R. (2012) The Hague : LEI / IMARES part of
ment in ACP countries. This was aimed at improved fisheries Wageningen UR, 2012 (Report / IMARES 2012-003 / C035/12) - ISBN 9789086155798 - 120 p.
policies and management plans and enforcement capa-

20 Sources of further information


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