Personal Care Products: A Study On Women Consumer Buying Behaviour
Personal Care Products: A Study On Women Consumer Buying Behaviour
Personal Care Products: A Study On Women Consumer Buying Behaviour
The present paper focused on the buying behaviour of women consumers regarding personal care products.
The study of consumer behaviour is the most important factor for marketing of any goods and services and
it involved understanding the consumer mindset and their views on of personal care products. A survey of
172 respondents was carried out with structured questionnaire. The questionnaire included general
demographic questions as well as some specific questions to study the consumer buying behaviour of
personal care products consumers. The data was analysed by the descriptive statistics, percentages,
ANOVA analysis and Correlation by using SPSS 23.0 Version. The results of ANOVA analysis reveal that
demographical factors of respondents having significant mean difference with buying personal care
products, products factors like Brand Name, quality, price, Brand Loyalty, Affordability,
Recommendations of Sales People and Previous Usage Experiences are significant impact on consumer
buying behaviour and influence factors like Brand Ambassadors and Family & Friend references are great
impact on buying mode of women respondents and the results of correlation analysis indicates that marital
status, education having strong association with buying of personal care products. Product factors like
brand loyalty, brand name and quality of product having strong relation with respondents buying behaviour
and Brand Ambassadors and Family & Friend references also show positive relation with buying personal
care products.
Keywords: Personal care products, Brand Name, Quality, Price, Brand Loyalty, Buying behaviour.
and association select, purchase, use and have given more noteworthiness on ladies
discard products, administrations , thoughts obtaining. Every individual has her very
or experience to fulfil their necessities and own conduct towards the obtaining
needs. The outcomes inferred that the procedure; anyway they are impacted by
expanding pattern of various restorative specific elements.
items, excellence care items, healthy skin Dr. Sushil Mohan (2012) Status
items, hair care items and so on powers the marking, brand frame of mind, paying
market developing open door for corrective premium for marked dressing, self-idea and
items. reference bunches were found to perfectly
Suganya S and Beena Joice M affect female buyer purchasing conduct
(2016) contemplate makes an endeavour to while expanding customer inclusion in style
comprehend the ladies' buy conduct apparel Hareem Zeb, Kashif Rashid, and M.
alongside an endeavour to recognize what Bilal Javeed (2011). Client practices are
factors assume a critical job in her buy affected by various factors, for example,
conduct. A poll was created and dispersed to culture, social class, references bunch
ladies buyers by utilizing comfort inspecting connection, family, pay level and pay
strategy. The absolute example comprises of independency, age, and so on thus they
150 respondents. The examination gives show diverse client practices. 88% of
proof and bits of knowledge on different motivation purchasing was represented the
factors utilized for investigation and blend of buyers' statistic attributes. The
uncover that brand devotion, disposition, quality of the indicator factors uncovered
qualities and conviction have given more that however instruction was irrelevant, yet
centrality on drive ladies obtaining. The it applied the most effect on drive
outcomes have indicated positive effect on purchasing among buyers. Personality plays
motivation purchasing conduct. a significant role in the consumer buying
Vandana Sabharwal, Savita Maan behaviour since different consumers have
and Sanjeev Kumar (2014) contemplate different personality traits which reflect
concentrated on the use example, factors their buying behaviour Agbo J. C. Onu
and brand ownership of beauty care (2014).
products among ladies. it likewise Vinith Kumar Nair. Prakash Pillai R
investigates that the variables influencing (2007) saw that male and female shoppers
ladies' buy choice for makeup item. Brand for the most part want to buy and make the
turned out as a main consideration brand choice of beauty care products
considered by all ladies while buying. separately. Quality is the central point
Quality, expectation and reasonableness to impacting the buy choice of male buyers. It
skin type are different components which likewise uncovers that one of the
influence buy of healthy skin items. The fundamental wellsprings of data among the
examination uncovers that cream was females about various brands of beauty care
observed to be most pervasively utilized by products is companions gathering.
all age gathering. Hostile to maturing and III. OBJECTIVE
toners was observed to be favoured by the To examine the correlation between
matured ladies. buying the personal care products and
Siddhartha shriram shimpi; Dr. D.K. demographical variables of customers;
Sinha (2012) examined and assessed To find out the most influencing
disposition, brands, values which made a purchasing factors while buying the
drive towards ladies purchasing conduct. personal care products;
The examination gives proof and an To examine the impact of decision
understanding on different factors utilized influencers while buying personal care
for investigation and uncovers that products.
confidence, self-introduction and congruity III. HYPOTHESIS
Age: More than 28.5% candidates belongs of 31-35 years, below 25 years, 36-40 years
the age group of 26-30 years and above, and and 41 and above years respectively.
28.5%, 20.3%, 16.9% and 5.8% by the age
Education: It is found from above table, that Income in rupees: 56.4% of family have an
extra than 39.0% of the respondents Post income between 20,001-30,000 followed by
Graduation, and followed with 32.6%, 13.4%, 11.0%, 10.5% and 8.7% with the
18.0%, 10.4% belongs to Graduation, income of 40,001-50,000, 30,001-40,000,
Above PG, Below Graduation respectively. and 50,001 and above and below 20,000
Occupation: It is evident from above table, have family income level of respondents.
that more than 39.0% of the respondents are Marital Status: From the above desk it is
belongs to Student, and it are observed that evident that 79.7% of the whole respondents
26.7%, 12.8%, 12.2% and 9.3% working as belong to Unmarried accompanied by
Private Employee, Home Maker, Govt 20.3% through Married respective.
Employee and Business respectively.
It is evident from table-3, the majority of buying and using national brands and
the women respondents buying personal 27.3% of respondents are using
care products in every three months, international brands towards their
followed with 29.1% of respondents personal care products.
buying in Every a month, 14.5% of Results of ANOVAs: It is used to analyse
respondents buying in Every five for any significant mean difference of
months, 8.1% of respondents buying selected variable within the samples, those
Occupationally and 4.1% of women are Demographic factors of women
customer buying personal care in once a respondents and buying behaviour.
year. HO1: there is no significant mean
Above disk reveals that 36.1% difference in the demographical groups of
respondents buying Fair & lovely women towards buying the personal care
cosmetic, followed with 21.5%, 18.7%, products.
9.3%, 7.5%, 6.9% respondents are The above disk reveals the opinion
buying Lakme, Olay, Pounds, Garnier of the women respondents towards buying
and Vaseline. personal care products, with respect to the
More than 80% women respondents socioeconomically factors i.e. Age, Gender,
having Brand Consciousness towards Education, Occupation and Income in
their personal care products and 20% of rupees. It reveals that, the mean difference
women/female respondents are not of the female respondents from the
conscious about their personal care population and their sum of the square
brand products. difference between the groups. Followed by,
Majority of the women respondents Age group in years shows that 38.391 is the
from the selected sample accounted for a between-group variation the population. If
higher percentage 72.7% they are the value is very small it indicates that the
mean of the sample is very close to each 53.137and they're within group variations
other in the between groups. 191.120 is the are 33.436, 168.292, 176.929, 171.980. F-
variation of within groups of age group Statistic values are .835, 1.065, 1.020 and
respondents. The disk also shows that F- 1.723 followed with a significant level are
distribution and its value 1.120. Finally, the 0.00, 0.00, 0.000 and 0.004, all significance
age group significance value 0.006 is less values of demographic factors of
than 0.05. Which is indicating that the null respondents are less than 0.05. So it's
hypothesis can be rejected? So age of indicating that the alternative hypothesis
women respondents having mean difference accepted due to the null hypothesis can be
with the buying personal care products. And rejected. Therefore, demographics factors of
followed with socioeconomic factors like women respondents are having mean
Education, Occupation, income in rupees difference with buying of personal care
and marital status of between groups products.
variations are 5.006, 32.127, 32.350,
Table 4. ANOVA
Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
Age Between Groups 38.391 26 1.477 1.120 .006
( in years) Within Groups 191.120 145 1.318
Total 229.512 171
Education Between Groups 5.006 26 .193 .835 .000
Within Groups 33.436 145 .231
Total 38.442 171
Occupation Between Groups 32.127 26 1.236 1.065 .000
Within Groups 168.292 145 1.161
Total 200.419 171
Income Between Groups 32.350 26 1.244 1.020 .000
(in rupees) Within Groups 176.929 145 1.220
Total 209.279 171
Marital Status Between Groups 53.137 26 2.044 1.723 .004
Within Groups 171.980 145 1.186
Total 225.116 171
It is observed from the above table, product Previous Usage Experiences and their F
factors like Brand Name, quality, price, values found to be statistically significant,
Brand Loyalty, Affordability, meaning there by there is significant
Recommendations of Sales People and influence of product factors on women
customers while purchasing personal care F(26,145)= 1.722, p< .05 and Previous
products, those are, Brand name F(26,145)= Usage Experiences F(26,145)= 1.677, p<
1.769, p< .05, quality F(26,145)= 1.361, p< .05. So null hypothesis rejected, there is
.05, price F(26,145)= 1.161, p< .05, Brand significant influence of the product factors
Loyalty F(26,145)= 2.758, p< .05, on women customers towards buying
Affordability F(26,145)= 2.758, p< .05, personal care products.
Recommendations of Sales People
HO3: there is no significant impact of decision influencers while buying personal care
Table 6: ANOVA
Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
Media Vehicles Between Groups 8.194 13 .630 2.021 .002
Within Groups 49.271 158 .312
Total 57.465 171
Brand Ambassadors Between Groups 10.545 13 .811 2.340 .000
Within Groups 54.775 158 .347
Total 65.320 171
Family & Friend references Between Groups 10.694 13 .823 2.355 .000
Within Groups 55.184 158 .349
Total 65.878 171
Table 9: Correlations between the Decision influence factors liberalization 100% FDI is permitted in
and women buying mode
S.No Decision influencers r India. This has pulled in remote
1 Media Vehicles .404* organizations to infiltrate the Indian market.
2 Brand Ambassadors .686**
3 Family & Friend references .652** The advertisers dependably search for
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed) emergent patterns that propose new
*. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).
promoting chances and here in India a great
deal of chances are accessible. The personal
Disk 9 indicates Correlations between the
care sector is a standout amongst the best
Decision influence factors and women
and significant segments right now. There is
buying mode, like Brand Ambassadors
a ton of future open door in this part and
(r=.686**), Family & Friend references
they should give more importance on media
(r=.652**) and Media Vehicles (r=.404*) are
advertising to create market awareness and
having strong association with women
to make a brand image in the mind of
buying behaviour at the 0.01 and 0.05 level
customers, followed with and company
significant levels.
people always come with better strategies
for catching new and existed customers
towards their market segment and they
should regularly watch out the competitor
The personal care industry is one of
strategy because customers attitude and
the quickest developing purchaser items
perception will change and they always look
divisions in India with a solid potential for
for extra buying benefits. Customers prefer
outside organizations. The personal care and
best quality items with the best
beauty care products area in India has
price. Hence, Company people keep it mind,
appeared solid development, with
and they need to come out with innovative
expanding rack space in retail locations and
technology and best features towards the
boutiques in India, stocking beautifiers from
products. Because, consumers are attracting
around the globe. The present study
with more brand conscious and they are
explored that woman consumer buying
dissatisfied with the variety items offered.
behaviour regarding personal care products,
the results reveals that the majority of the
respondents buys personal care products in
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every month with higher brand
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How to cite this article: Lavuri R, Sreeramulu D. Personal care products: a study on women
consumer buying behaviour. International Journal of Research and Review. 2019; 6(6):271-279.