Gen Surgery LMR

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General surgery

1. Muscle which is primarily responsible for rectal continence - Puborectalis

2. Commonest complication of immunosuppression is - Infection
3. Highest chance of success,in renal transplant is seen when the donor is the - identical
4. Commonest type of cancer of the renal pelvis & upper ureter is - transitinal cell Ca
5. Commonest site of intestinal atresia is in the - Duodenum
6. Complications of meckel's diverticulam include -
7. In Budd chiari syndrome the occlusion is at the - Hepatic vein
8. Features of hypovolemic shock - oliguria,low BP,acidosis,tacycardia
9. Ca stomach is ass. i blood group - A
10. Cock's peculiar tumour is - infected sebaceous cyst
11. Amoebic abscess ruptures most commonly into - Rt.lung cavity
12. Best diagnostic aid in blunt trauma abd. Is - peritoneal lavage
13. Best position for self palpation of breast in women is - lying down
14. Earliest sign of DVT is - rise in temperature
15. Hemoblia is characterised by - Jaundice,biliary colic,malena
16. Ectopic testis is found in - perineal,intra abdominal,inguinal
17. Rx of an open wound seen 12 hrs after the injury - debridement & suture
18. Toxic mega colon is seen in - ulcerative colitis

19. Complication of TPN include

- hyperglycemia,hypokalemia,hyperosmolar
20. Commonest posterior mediastinal tumour is - Neurofibroma
21. Prognosis for Ca rectum is best assessed by - histological grading
22. Acute urinary retention in a male child may be due to - Meatal ulcer with scabbing
23. Rare complication of ulcerative colitis - Toxic dilatation
24. Commonest site of peptic ulcer perforation - ant. Aspect of 1st part of duodenum
25. Bronchogenic Ca which produce paraneoplastic syndrome - Oat cell ca
26. Rx of zollinger ellison syndrome - tot. Gastrectomy i removal of tumour
27. Lymphnode which is 1st to be involved in Ca breast - pectoral group
28. Warthins tumour is - gives a hot pertechnetate scan
29. Commonest site of amoebiasis in the gut - sigmoid colon
30. Earliest sympt. Of Ca rectum - Bleeding PR
31. Commonest site of Ca tongue - Lateral borders
32. Dentigerous cyst arises from - an unerupted tooth
33. Curlings ulcer is seen in - Burns patient
34. Commonest cause of A-V fistula - congenital
35. Treatment of sub galeal hematoma - conservative
36. Which sulphonamide is used for the treatment of ulcerative colitis - salazopyrin
37. Hashimotos thyroiditis - auto immune/hypothyroid state/plasma cell & lymphocytic
38. signs of cerebral compression
- bradycardia,papilloedema,vomiting,dec. Level of consciousness
39. Barium meal picture of Ca stomach is
-filling defect,loss of rugosity,small capacity of stomach,delayed emptying of barium
40. MC site for Ca stomach is - Prepyloric
41. Earliest symptom in acute appendicites - Pain
42. In acute diverticulitis of the colon,the sigmoidoscope can't be passed beyond 15cm
43. Features of Ca penis - surgery/circumcision soon after birth provides total
immunity/metastatic to inguinal nodes.
44. Spider leg appearance in IVP is suggestive of - Renal cyst,Renal Ca
45. Commonest type of gallstone is - Mixed
46. Percentage of gallstones which are radio opaque - 10%
47. Percentage of renal stones which are radio opaque - 90%
48. Staghorn calculus is made out of - Phosphate
49. Primary closure of incised wounds must be done within - 6hrs
50. Hypotension in a case of gasgangrene is best treated by - whole blood
51. Honey coomb liver is seen in - Actinomycosis
52. Commonest form of actinomycosis is - facio cervical.
53. Glomerular filtration stops when the systolic pressure falls below - 70mmhg
54. Highest concentration of potassium is in - Darroe's solution
55. Tuberculous lymphadenitis - in all age dgroup,H/o contact or drinking infected
milk,mostly cervical
56. Carbucle - inefctive gangrene of subcutaneous tissue/staphylococcus/diabetes r more
prone/ Rx-penicillin & excision of necrotised tissue
57. Maximum tourniquet time for the upper limb - 1 hr
58. Charcots joint seen in - T2DM,syringomyelia,tertiary syphillis
59. MC type of spina bifida - spina bifida oculta
60. Disc prolapse most commonly occurs at the level - L4/L5 level
61. Cleft lip is repaired - for cosmetic reason
62. Cleft palate is repaired around - after 1&half yrs
63. Mandible is commonly # - at the neck of the condyle
64. Parotid duct is known as - stenson's duct
65. Vincent's angina is caused by - borrelia vincentii & fusiformis fusiformis
66. Ca tongue less than 2 cm is treated by - Radiotherapy
67. Earliest tumour to appear after birth is - cystic hygroma
68. Therapy of choice for diffuse toxic goitre in a pt over 45 yrs - Radio iodine
69. MC site for thyroglossal cyst is - Subhyoid
70. Commonest symptom of Ca bronchus is - Cough
71. Sensitivity of casoni's test is 75%
72. MC type of diaphragmatic hernia is - Hiatus hernia
73. Saint's triad - gall stones/diverticuli coli/hiatus hernia
74. To diagnose hypertrophic pyloric stenosis - palpation of the hypertrophic pylorus
75. Most imp. Radiological sign of splenic rupture is - obliteration of splenic shadow
76. Normal portal venous pressure is - 6-12mmhg
77. Gall stone gets impacted MC in which part of common bile duct - supraduodenal
78. Commonest type of hernia is - Inguinal
79. Rx of annular pancrease is - duodeno dudenostomy
80. In cystic fibrosis,MC org which cause infection - staphylococcus
81. MCC of acute pancreatitis is - Biliary tract disease
82. Whipple's triad in Insulinoma includes
- hypoglycemia below 45mgdl / symp relieved by glucose / hypoglycemia n fasting stg
83. commonest site of intra peritoneal abscess - pelvic
84. Commonest position of the appendix - retrocecal
85. Commonest site of carcinoid tumours - Appendix
86. Surgery for carcinoid of the appendix - appendicectomy
87. Superior rectal artery arises from the - Inferior mesentric artery
88. Commonest type of anorectal abscess - perianal
89. Burst abdomen most commonly occurs on the - 7th day
90. Oliguria - excretion of less than 300ml in 24hrs
91. MC congenital anomaly of the upper renal tract is - duplication of renal pelvis
92. Normal capacity of the renal pelvis - 7ml
93. Earliest symptom of wilm's tumour - abdominal tumour
94. MCC for pulsion diverticulum of d urinary bladder s-contracture of the bladder neck
95. Commonest org. giving rise to UTI - E-coli
96. Most malignant carcinoma of the bladder is - Adenocarcinoma
97. Indications for surgery in BPH - prostatism,chronic retention,hemorrhage
98. Commonest type of hypospadiasis is - glandular
99. Narrowest part of the male urethra is - External meatus
100.Commonest indication for liver transplantation in Infant is - Biliary atresia
101.Thromboembolism after pelvic surgery is usually from the veins - Calf
102.Hemorage frm a bleeding duodenal ulcer s due 2 d erosion of -gastroduodenal artery
103.Common bile duct stones will manifest - jaundice,itching,gray coloured stools
104.Secondary deposites from Ca breast & Ca prostate is commonest in - Bone
105.Hypovolemic shock manifests when the percentage of blood loss exceeds - 25%
106.Commonest bladder tumour is - papilloma
107.TOC for stab injury caecum - ileo-transverse anastomosis
108.Bleeding per nipple is seen in - Duct papilloma
109.Commonest site of brain abscess - Temporal
110.Lymphnode metastasis commonest in - papillary Ca thyroid
111.Commonest testicular malignancy is - Seminoma
112.Commonest cause for hyperparathyroidism is - single adenoma
113.Acute onset of anuria in elderly man - obstructive urinary disease
114.TOC in nasopharyngeal Ca - Radiotherapy
115.Pt i H/o fall comes 1 wk later i headache & progressive neurological deterioration
diagnosis could be - chronic SDH
116.TOC in severe Flail chest - IPPV
117.TOC in duodenal atresia - duodenojejunostomy
118.Paeu 'd' orange is due to - subcutaeneous lymphatic involvement
119.Mucocele of the appendix is - retention cyst
120.Cause of blood in stools in children - Meckels divert,intususception,juvenile polyp
121.Nerve injured easily at PDA ligation - Recurrent laryngeal nerve
122.Commonest site of Ca breast - upper outer quadrant
123.MC congenital defect ass. I pulmonary stenosis - VSD
124.Highest frequency of coarcation of Aorta is seen in - Turner's syndrome
125.Highest frequency of VSD is seen in - Down's syndrome
126.Bronchogenic Ca commonly metastasises to which endocrine organ - Thyroid
127.Gynaecomazia may be seen in patients i
- cimetidine therapy,cirhosis of liver,klienfelter's syndrome
128.Symptoms of endemic goitre r - dysphagia,hoarseness,cold intolerance
129.Following resection of 2/3 of the liver, regeneration is complete within - 4-6 months
130.Transitional cell lining is seen in - ureter,bladder,urethra
131.During esophagoscopy,the area in the esophagus mostly perforated is
-crycopharyngeus muscle
132.Recurrent prolapse of the rectum in children is treated by - Thiersh wiring
133.Most malignant testicular tumour - choriocarcinoma
134.Rx of cystic hygroma is - surgical excision
135.Injury to superior laryngeal nerve causes - loss of timbre of voice
136.Rx in Hashimoto's disease - Thyroxine
137.Acute mastitis commonly occurs during - Lactation
138.MC complication post operatively in splenectomy is - left lower lobe atelectasis
139.TOC in Desmoid tumours is - wide excision
140.Pulmonary neoplasm ass. I smoking is - squamous cell Ca
141.% of small intestine which is removed i out much digestive disability - 70%
142.MC nodule found in the liver - Hemangioma
143.Commonest cause of esophageal perforation is - Instrumentation
144.% of pt's i perforated peptic ulcer who show free gas under d diaphragm - 75%
145.Definitive operation for transposition of great vessels - Mustard's procedure
146.Most reliable investigation for bladder rupture -0 Retrograde cystogram
147.MCC of death in pt's i Burger's disease is - MI
148.Principal cause of death in renal transplant pt's is - Infection
149.MCC of colonic obstruction is - Neoplasm
150.Thumb printing is characteristic of - Ischemic colitis
151.Ulcerative colitis always involves the - Rectum
152.Procedure of choice in ulcerative colitis i acute perforation - total colectomy &
153.MC coagulopathy noted in surgical pt's - Thrombocytopenia
154.Golden period for Rx of open wounds is - 6 hrs
155.MCC of adrenal insufficiency is - diffuse atrophy due to steroid administration
156.Pain relief in chronic pancreatitis can be obtained by destruction of - celiac ganglia
157.Treatment of pouch of doughlas abscess is - Posterior colpotomy
158.Complications of therapy i radioactive iodine-hypothyroidism,leukemia,thyroid malig
159.Urinary incontinence results from - neurogenic bladder,VVF,ectopic ureter
160.Sr. Amylase usually becomes elevated in acute pancreatitis after - 4-6hrs
161.TOC for Ca lip less than 1 cm - Radiation
162.Predisposing factors for development of oral Ca - smoking,syphillis,alcohol
163.Ca of oropharynx is most commonly found in the - Tonsils
164.Nerve which lies in ass. To Wharton's duct is - Lingual
165.Spontaneous pneumothorax exceeding 25% of chest cavity have chest tube inserted
166.Pt i Mesothelioma - hypoglycemia,hemorhagic pleural effusion,ass. I asbestosis
167.Lung abscess secondary to aspiration is most often seen in - Apical lower lobe
168.MCC of hemoptysis is - Pulmonary TB
169.Most important step in cardiac resucitation - Ventilation
170.Intermittant claudication at the level of the Hip indicates - iliac artery occlusion
171.Commonest symptom ass. i thoracic outlet syndrome - pain in ulnar distribution
172.Most reliable investigation in the diiagnosis of pulmonary embolism is - angiography
173.Mallory weiss syndrome often occurs in - Hepatoma
174.Rate of growth of nerves after peripheral nerve suturing is - 1mm/day
175.Carcinoid syndrome occurs only if there is metastasis to - Liver
176.Tensile strength of wound reaches that of normal tissue by - 6 months
177.Bee venom can be neutralised by applying - Soda bicarbonate
178.Most dangerous injury is - human bite
179.Gas gangrene is caused by - cl.welchii/cl.edematiens/cl.septicum
180.Best site for IM injection - upper outer segment of buttacks
181.Worst position for scars is - Sternum
182.Commonest cause of cellulitis is - Streptococcus
183.Foaming liver is seen in - Gas gangrene
184.Erysepalas is caused by - strep pyogenes
185.Hyperbaric oxygen is useful in - gas gangrene,tetanus,frostbite
186.Commonest form of anthrax is - cutaeneous type
187.Malignant pustule occurs in - anthrax
188.Secondary amylodosis occurs in - chronic osteomyelitis,rheumatoid arthritis,leprosy
189.Most reliable investigation in amyloid disease - Rectal biopsy
190.Which of the parts of body is not affected by leprosy - Ovary
191.MC peripheral nerve affected in leprosy is - Ulnar
192.Moth eaten alopecia is seen i - Syphilis
193.Yaws - caused by treponema pertunae spread by direct contact,Rx is penicillin
194.Term universal tumour refers to - Lipoma
195.Hydrocele is atype of - Exudation cyst
196.Blood platelets is stored blood do not remain functional after - 24hrs
197.Half life of factor 8 is - 8hrs
198.Min. amount of urine required to excrete the end products of metabolism is - 400ml
199.Pitting edema indicates an excess of 4.5 litres of fluid in tissue spaces
200.Commonest site for rodent ulcer is - inner canthus
201.MC infection of the hand is - acute paronychia
202.Following TPN one expects weight gain after - 7 days
203.Treatment of post traumatic epilepsy is - Long term anticonvulsants
204.Features of raised ICT - convulsions/papilledema/altered sensorium
205.Pt presents with high fever,signs of raised ICT & past H/O chronic otitis media likely
diagnosis is - Pyogenic meningitis
206.Facial nerve palsy is seen in the following # - Middle cranial fossa
207.Disinfectant kills the following - pathogenic micro organisms
208.Common cause of ventillatory insufficiency is - Airway obstruction
209.Treatment of ventricular fibrillation - immediate electro cardioversion
210.Cracked nipple may be - fore runner of breast abscess
211.Left ventricular failure is indicated if pulmonary artery wedge pressure exceeds -
212.Reliable parameter of fluid deficiency in burns is - Hourly urine output
213.Following is a physiological solution for infusion in burns pt - ringer lactate
214.In staphylococcal infection the following antibiotics are recommended -
215.Pt has lacerated untidy wound of the leg & came to cauality after 2 hrs his wound should
be - debrided & sutured immediately
216.Multiple liver secondaries r most common in the following cancers - stomach
217.Commonest renal calculi - calcium oxalate
218.In a case of pelvic # i urethral injury most imp 1st step in management is - Rx shock &
219.Predisposing factor of Ca bladder - smoking/B-napthylamine/bilharziasis
220.UTI exists when bacterial count in 1ml of midstream specimen of urine s- 105 or over
221.Dupytrens contracture of the hand commonly starts in - Ring finger
222.Full thickness skin graft can be taken frm - elbow/back to neck/supra clavicular area
223.Full thickness loss of middle 1/3rd of upper lip is best reconstructed by -Abbey flap
224.Sjogren syndrome refers to disease of - Parotid glands
225.Rx of cancer cheek using single drug,d best results r obtained by-CIS platinum
226.40 yr old lady is found to have symptomatic Gall stones.the TOC - cholecystectomy
227.Commonest type of Breast cancer is - Ductal
228.Commonest orbital tumour causing exopthalmous is - Glioma
229.Prolonged use of antibiotics orally will result n
- diarrhoea/fungal infections/enterocolitis
230.Commonest site for colonic diverticula is - sigmoid colon
231.Ramsted's operation is done for - hypertrophic pyloric stenosis of infants
232.Diagntic of hirschsprungs disease is - rectal biopsy
233.Cancer of the anus is commonly - squamous cell Ca
234.Commonest symptom of pheochromocytoma is - Headache
235.Greenish discharge from the nipple is suggestive of - Fibroadenosis
236.Commonest malignancy in men over the age of 65 - Prostatic Ca
237.Complimentary operation done at the time of prostectomy is - Vasectomy
238.Bones most commonly involved in metastasis in Ca prostate is - Pelvis
239.Sistrunk's operation is used in - thyroglossal fistula
240.TOC for mixed parotid tumour is - superficial parotidectomy
241.Commonest pancreatic tumour is - ductal adenocarcinoma
242.Hiatus hernia is treated by - surgery when medical treatment is failed
243.Commonest site of Ca tongue is - Ant2/3 lateral aspect
244.In Ca prostate i metastasis which is raised - acid phosphatase
245.Intermittant claudication is caused by - arterial insufficiency
246.Renal tuberculosis is charecterised by - sterile acid pyuria
247.Vincent's angina affects - Pharynx
248.Fibroadenoma of breast are - Solitary mobile mass
249.Renal transplant pt's receive - Azathioprine
250.Common cancer of the oral cavity is - squamous cell Ca
251.Commonest site of esophageal Ca is - Middle 1/3rd
252.Acanthosis nigricans is seen i - colonic Ca/ Ca Breast
253.Gynacomazia is seen i - spirinolactone / digitalis / INH administration
254.Massive transfusion results in - DIC / hypothermia / thrombocytopenia
255.Ampicillin prophylaxis is given in - Rectal surgery
256.Burgers disease is seen in - male/age less than 40yrs / smoker
257.Commonest cause of recto vaginal fistula n India s - Ca cervix
258.Narrowest part of urethra is - External meatus
259.Triad of wilms tumour is - hematuria / mass abdomen / fever
260.Middle rectal artery is branch of - Internal pudendal artery
261.Commonest stomach tumour which bleeds - Leiomyosarcoma
262.Lacerated wound looks like an incised wound in the - Scalp
263.Budd chiari syndrome is due to thrombosis of - Hepatic veins
264.Budd chiari syndrome can be caused by - polycythemia / drinking herbal tea /
membranous webs of IVC / thrombosis of hepatic veins
265.Blood supply of the Jejunum is through the - superior mesenteric artery
266.Accidental small splenic rupture is treated i - catgut suturing i omental patch
267.Zollinger ellison syndrome is caused by - non alpha non beta cells
268.Rx of zollinger ellison syndrome is - Omeprazole
269.Components of saint's triad are - gall stones / hiatus hernia / diverticulosis
270.Commonest tumour occuring in undescended testis is - Seminoma
271.% of the cardiac output flows through the liver - 30%
272.In cholangitis the organism mostly responsible is - E.coli
273.Reseection of the terminal ileum results in
- vit B12 defeciency / inc.incidence of gall stones / steatorhea
274.Excision of the hyoid bone is done in - Thyroglossal cyst
275.Commonest cause of intestinal obstruction in children is - Intussusception
276.Complications of extracardiac massage - rib # / stomach rupture / liver rupture
277.Commonest thyroid malignancy is - pappilary Ca
278.Ulceration of peyer's patch occur in - Salmonella infection
279.Rx of spreading streptococcal cellulitis is - Penicillin
280.Massive spleenomegaly is seen in- Hairy cell leukemia / chronic myeloid leukemia
281.Commonest cause of recurrent laryngeal nerve palsy - thyroidectomy
282.Ca breast is seen in- Nulliparity / positive family history / high socio economic status
283.Features of Horners syndrome - ptosis / myosis /anhydrosis
284.Gastrin levels r raised in - zollinger ellison synd./pernicious anemia / gastric ulcer
285.Appendicular artery is a branch of - ileo colic artery
286.Ideal Rx of Hashimoto's thyroiditis - Thyroxine
287.Spleen contains about - 1% of the total blood volume
288.Hereditary spherocytosis is transmitted as - Autosomal dominant
289.Commonest intra abdominal tumour below 2 yrs - neuroblastoma
290.Commonest intra abdominal tumour bet 2-5yrs - wilm's tumour
291.Commonest site of carcinoid tumour - Appendix
292.Commonest benign tumour of the esophagus - leiomyoma
293.Thumb printing sign is seen in - Ischemic colitis
294.Radio luscent renal stones r composed of - Uric acid / Xanthine
295.Commonest bladder stone is - triple phosphate
296.Polycystic kidneys can be ass. i - cysts in liver,lungs / coarcation of aorta / bery
297.Commonest oresenting C/O medullary Ca thyroid - Diarrhoea
298.Commonest renal stone - Oxalate
299.Commonest site of 1ry krukenberg tumour is - Stomach
300. Inverse 3 sign on barium meal is seen in - Ca head of pancreas
301.Site of transplantation in Islet cell transplant for diabetes mellitus
- injected into the portal vein
302.Pt i alkaline urine which s cloudy i plenty of pus cell s suffering frm-proteus infection
303.Dumbell tumour is seen in - Neurofibroma
304.Pt c/o occasional vomiting of food particles eaten few days ago.with breath smells foul
most likely diagnosis is - Achalasia cardia
305.Commonest site of diverticulosis is - Sigmoid colon
306.In obstruction of the large gut,rupture occurs at the - cecum
307.Best prognosis in acute pancreatitis is seen i - gall stone pancreatitis
308.Preferred material for femoro popliteal bypass is - saphenous vein
309.Bony metastasis in children is commonest i - Neuroblastoma
310.Rx of uncomplicated hydatid cyst in lung is - Enucleation
311.Caudate lobe of liver is situated - IVC & ligamentum venosum
312.Calcification of adrenal is seen in- TB / addison's disease
313.Commonest cause of intussusception is - hypertrophy of submucous peyer's patches
314.White leg is due to - femoral vein thrombosis & lymphatic obstruction
315.Drug used for Achalasia cardia - Nifedipine
316.Typhoid perforation occurs in 3rd week
317.Best Rx in tension pneumothorax is - immediate letting out of air
318.Tenesmus occurs in lesions of - Sigmoid colon
319.Scalp hemorhage is best controlled by -0 Pressure
320.Burning epigastric pain is due to - Reflux esophagitis
321.Skin flap is used in - bone /tendon /pressure sores & not in - burns wound
322.Incubation period of gangrene is - 1-3 days
323.Graft from sister to brother is - Allograft
324.Raynaud's phenonmenon is seen in - atherosclerosis/scleroderma/buerger's disease
325.Sjogren syndrome is ass. i rheumatoid arthritis / SLE / scleroderma
326.Commonest congenital gastrointestinal anomaly in an infant is - congenital megacolon
327.Pt i diarhea,cramps, post prandially & has CVS finding probable diagnosis
- carcinoid syndrome
328.Chaga's dis. does not involve - pancreas & involves -duodenum / esophagus / colon
329.Rectal examination should not be done in - Anal fissure
330.Fournier's gangrene occurs in the - Scrotum
331.Coffee bean sign is seen in - Volvulus
332.Commonest cause of death in peptic ulcer pt is - hemorhage
333.Heller's operation is done in - Achalasia cardia
334.Radiolucent is - Uric acid
335.Antiseptic means - agent applied on skin to eradicate pathogenic microbes
336.Seen in DVT - swelling / discolouration / pain & not claudication
337.Commonest site of TAO - popliteal artery
338.Triad of jaundice,fever & chills occur in - CBD stones
339.Commonest cause of unilateral pedal edema in India is - Filariasis
340.Blood stained sputum may be the only synptom in - Adenobronchus
341.In philadelphia chromosome the defect is in - long arm os chromosome 22
342.Diarrhoea in zollinger ellison syndrome is due to - Gastrin
343.Clickin Jaw is due to - Lax temporomandibular joint
344.Sulfonamide useful in treating ulcerative colitis is - sulfasalazine
345.Commonest presentation of meckels diverticulum is - Bleeding
346.Potato tumour of the neck is also called - chemodectoma
347.B/L spider leg appearance of kidney in IVP is seen n -polycystic kidney /renal cell Ca
348.Timble bladder is seen in - Chronic TB
349.Bladder tumours mostly arise from - Mucosa
350.Testicular cancer is common in - undescended abdominal testis
351.Serum calcitonin level is raised in - Medullary Ca thyroid
352.Commonest parotid tumour is - pleomorphic adenoma
353.G- cells are present mostly in - Pyloric antrum
354.Mulyiple fistula in ano commonly occurs in - Tuberculosis
355.Dupytrens contracture results from - contraction of palmar aponeurosis
356.Best diagnostic tool in obstructive jaundice - USG
357.Thyroglossal fistula develops due to - incomplete removal of thyroglossal cyst
358.Acanthosis nigricans is commonly seen in- Ca stomach
359.Precancerous condition of the stomach is - atrophic gastritis
360.TOC in polycystic kidney is - Renal transplant
361.Tinnels sign indicates - regeneration of nerves
362.Healing is slow below the knee joint because of - poor vascularity
363.Most important clinical finding in a case of head injury - level of consciousness
364.DOC for carrier's of diptheria - Erythromycin
365.Calcification of the prostate is seen in - Alkaptonuria
366.Features of ARDS - pulmonary edema / stiff lung / hypoxia
367.Deep skin burns is treated i - full thickness graft
368.Normal acid level in stomach is - 15-20 meq
369.Commonest type of cleft lip is - Unilateral
370.Gasless abdomen in x-ray is a sign of - ulcerative colitis
371.Commonest cause of bleeding PR in a male bet 20-40yrs - internal hemorhoids
372.Highest risk for malignancy in colo is for - familial polyposis
373.Commonest presentation of B/L ureteric stones - Pain
374.TOC for pagets disease of nipple is - mastectomy
375.Commonest bladder tumour in children is - Rhabdomyosarcoma
376.Amputated digits are preserved in - plastic bag in ICE
377.Commonest type of pancreatic Ca is - ductal adenocarcinoma
378.SAH is commonly due to - rupture aneurysm
379.Best method for diagnosis of DVT is - Doppler examination
380.Commonest late complication of traumatic rupture of urethra is - stricture
381.Rx for EDH - immediate evacuation
382.Cleft lip is due to non fusion of - maxillary process i medial nasal process
383.MCC of acute intestinal obstruction in neonates is - duodenal atresia
384.MC site for intra abdominal abscess following laparotomy is - pelvic
385.Commonest complication following hemorhoidectomy is - urinary retention
386.GERD is best diagnosed by - endoscopy
387.Raised serum alkaline phosphatase is suggestive of - Pagets disease
388.In radical mastectomy,which is spared - supra clavicular lymphnodes
389.Hour glass stomach is seen in - Gastric ulcer
390.In pneumothorax due to blunt injury,TOC - Thoracotomy
391.MCC of generalised peritonitis in a 40yr male is - duodenal ulcer perforation
392.Vessels most commonly involved in TAO - anterior & posterior tibial
393.Skin graft for facial wounds is taken from - post auricular region
394.Pulsating varicose vein in a young adult is due to - arterio venous fistula
395.Gastric tetany is due to - decreased calcium absorption
396.Acute onset of cough stridor & dyspnoea in a child is mostly due to - foreign body
397.Axillary nerve injury at its origin leads to paralysis of - Deltoid & teres minor
398.MC benign tumour of the stomach is - Leiomyoma
399.Strangulation is most common with which hernia - Femoral
400.Winging of scapula is due to paralysis of - Serratus anterior
401.Wound healing is worst at - Sternum
402.Best skin graft for open wounds is - Autograft
403.Gastric acid secretion is inhibited by - somatostatin
404.2ndries in the neck i no obvious 1ry malignancy is most often due to - Ca.nasopharynx
405.Lumbar sympathectomy is done for - rest pain / skin ulcerations
406.TOC in fistula in ano - Fistulectomy
407.Barrets ulcer is due to - reflux esophagitis / ectopic gastric mucosa
408.Most frequent congenital anomaly of the GI tract is - Meckel's diverticulum
409.Presence of air in portal vein is suggestive of - necrotising enterocolitis
410.Strawberry gallbladder is seen in - cholesterolosis
411.Marker of hepatitis B in the window period is - Anti HBC
412.Pre-Bcells & B cells are produced in - Bone marrow
413.Pseudolymphoma is a common presentation of - Sjogren's syndrome
414.DOC in sarcoidosis - Prednisolone
415.Respiratory arrest due to respiratory alkalosis is rectified by - insufflation i CO2
416.Most specific antibody in the diagnosis of SLE is - anti-sm
417.In Burns heat loss is by - exposed area by evaporation
418.MC complication of varicose vein stripping is - Ecchymosis
419.Aspiration pneumonia is most commonly ocurs in - right lower lobe
420.For aortic graft the best material available is - Vein
421.Courvoisier's law is related to - Jaundice
422.Signs of hypocalcemia starts appearing when serum levels of ionized calcium falls below
423.Multiple sclerosis may be diagnosed by - MRI
424.Internal sphincterotomy is the treatment of choice for - fissure in ano
425.Best method to estimate gastric acid secretion - pentagastrin test
426.Sterile needle test helps in differentiating - depth of burns
427.In intestine lipoma is commonest in - caecum
428.Cleft lip all the stitches r removed on - 4th day
429.Cold water Rx of burns has the disadvantage that it increase the chances of infection
430.TOC from inguinal hernia in infants is - Herniotomy
431.Most useful method to diagnose cause of upper GI bleed is - Endoscopy
432.Ca bladder constantly shows - persistent & recurrent UTI
433.Commonest bacteria detected from brain abscess 2ndory to ear infection - Proteus
434.Unilateral clefts r most common on left side
435.Primary factor in resuscitation of a pt of cardiac arrest - Adequate airway
436.Secondary deposits from prostatic Ca is commonest in - Bone
437.Commonest cause of aneurysm formation is - Atherosclerosis
438.Pus in burns form in - 2-3 days
439.Margins of squamous cell Ca is - Everted
440.TOC in duodenal atresia - duodenojejunostomy
441.Brain space occupying lesions causes death by - brain herniation
442.Cellulitis is infection of - subcutaeneous spaces
443.Arow headed finger on x-ray is suggestive of - Acromegaly
444.Common cause of hematemesis - chronic peptic ulcer /esophageal varices / Ca stomach
445.Frequent mechanism in perforation of appendix is - tension gangrene due to the
accumulating secretions
446.Best investigation of acute mechanical intestinal obstruction is - x-ray abdomen
447.Odourless peritoneal fluid is noticed in - perforated peptic ulcer
448.Hashimoto's disease is - an auto-immune thyroiditis
449.Sequence of symptoms in pulmonary embolism - dyspnoea,pain,haemoptysis
450.Haemostasis in scalp wound is best achieved by - direct pressure over the wound
451.Preoperative shaving is idealy done at - just before operation
452.Most important in assessing fertility potential is - sperm motility
453.Undescended testis usually develops - seminoma
454.Life of preserved semen for artificial insemination is - 5yrs
455.Renal TB originates in the - renal papilla
456.Cryoprecipitate is a rich source of - Factor 8
457.Seldinger needle is used for - arteriography
458.Intra lobar sequestration of lung is commonest in the - lateral basal segment of lower
459.Most important complication of PDA in a child is cardiac failure
460.In semen banks, semen is preserved at low temperature using - liquid nitrogen
461.Marion's disease s due 2-muscular hypertrophy of int. sphincter of urinary bladder
462.Wilm's tumour is ass. With - Glaucoma
463.After surgical Rx of Ca esophagus,replacement of esophagus is done with - Stomach
464.Rx of a case of iliac artery embolism requires - Embolectomy
465.Immediate TOC in flail chest is - Positive pressure ventilation
466.Which nerve is easily injured at PDA ligation - recurrent laryngeal
467.Gall stones do not contain - Oxalate
468.Aaron's sign is seen in - Acute appendicites
469.Normal amount of pleural fluid is approximately - 15ml
470.Blood stained discharge from the nipple means that the patientmay have - duct papilloma
471.Rx of Thimble bladder is - lleocystoplasty
472.After an open injury,the optimum time for nerve suture is - when wound is free frm
473.An overdose of heparin is treated by - Protamine sulphate
474.Optimum time of splenectomy in a child i hereditary spherocytosis is - 3-4 yrs of age
475.Ca of pancreas attains greatest size when it is located in - Body & tail
476.TOC of hypertrophic pyloric stenosis of adults is - pyloroplasty
477.Salmon patch usually disappears by age - one year
478.Flower vase pattern of the pelvis in an IV urogram is seen in - Horse shoe kidney
479.Rhinoplasty is usually done at the age of - 16 yrs until d nose s fully grown
480.First muconium is said to be formed during the 4th month of foetal life
481.In children persistant priapism may result due to - Leukemia
482.In cleft lip operation all the stitches r removed on - 4th day
483.Hynes pharyngoplasty is used to improve a child's - speech
484.Painless ulcer of the tongue is due to - syphillis
485.Maximum life of a transfused RBC is - 50 days
486.Operation of choice in congenital pyloric stenosis is - pyloromyotomy
487.Pyrexia due to wound infection commonly occurs after - 5th post op day
488.B/L breast Ca occur commonly in - Lobular Ca
489.Catgut is prepared from submucosal layer of the intestine of - sheep
490.PDA needs surgery to prevent the development of - CHF
491.MC type of bronchgenic Ca is - Epidermoid
492.Clinodactyly most often involves - little finger
493.Horner's syndrome ass. With pain shoulder & arm is suggestive of - pancoast tumour
494.Morphine given for injury is primarily - an analgesic
495.Presenting symptom of Ca stomach - weight loss
496.A cricoid hook is used particularly - in tracheostomy
497.Kiss cancer of the urinary bladder is - Benign
498.Cullen's sign is seen in - acute hemorhagic pancreatitis
499.Ramsteds operation is for - congenital pyloric stenosis
500.Commonest site of carcinoma stomach is - pylorus
501.Rx of strangulated hernia is - immediate surgery
502.IOC in peptic ulcer is seen in syphilis/chancroid/granuloma inguinale
503.Rx for primary piles is - sclerotherapy
504.Best investigation to diagnose piles is - proctoscopy
505.Complication of ectopic testes is - seminoma/atrophy/torsion
506.Maximum dilatation of esophagus occurs in - achalasia cardia
507.Skin cancer which can occur due to exposure of light is - Melanoma
508.MC tumour of minor salivary glands is - mixed tumour
509.MCC of surgical wound infection - Staph aureus
510.Paralytic ileus is caused by - Peritonitis
511.Golf-hole ureter is seen in - tuberculosis of ureter
512.Earliest symptom of BPH - frequency
513.Diverticular disease is not common in- stomach
514.Hernia which often simulates a peptic ulcer is - fatty hernia of the linea alba
515.Commonest cause of metabolic alkalosis is - pyloric stenosis
516.Nephrocalcinosis - deposition of calcium within renal substance
517.High risk groups for transmission of HIV virus include -
homosexuals/haemophiliacs/children of HIV mothers
518.Emergency measure to be taken with caustic ingestion
- endoscopic assessment of degree of damage
519.Precociuos puberty is treated by administering - LHRH
520.Auto nephrectomy is seen in - sickle cell anemia
521.Most reliable indicator of carcinoma of prostate recurrence after surgery - PSA
522.To rule out azzospermia as a cause of infertility due to obstruction of seminal
vesicles,substance to be found in semen is - fructose
523.What is true about keloids - appears few days after surgery
524.Rx of contaminated wound in gas gangrene - debridement of wound
525.Commonest cause of metabolic alkalosis in surgical patient is - gastric outlet obstruction
526.Commonest cause of nosocomial infection - staphylococci
527.Punctuate yellow exudates in colon, found on endoscopic examination r indicative of
antibiotic colitis
528.Antibiotics should be given how long i surgery prophylaxis - 1 hour before
529.Immediate surgery is indicated in - extra dural
530.Skeletal metastasis is common in - cancer breast
531.Rx in # pelvis i rupture urethra is - supra pubic cystostomy
532.26yr old woman in the first trimester of pregnancy has been admitted i retching &
repeated vomitting i large hematemesis.her pulse rate is 126/mt & BP is 80 mmhg
systolic,diagnosis is - Mallory weiss syndrome
533.Male infertility occurs if the sperm count is less than - 20mill/ml
534.Pulp space infection can lead to - avascular necrosis of the terminal phalanx
535.A carbuncle is Rx by - antibiotics alone
536.During nutritional assessment of a surgical pt,the status of muscle protein is indicated by
- mid-arm circumference
537.Cock's peculiar tumour is - secondary to infectious sebaceous cyst
538.Best prognosis in pancreatitis - Gall stone pancreatitis
539.Acute mechanical large bowel obstruction should be operated early because
- early gangrene & perforation
540.Trans urethral resection syndrome is due to - hyponatremia
541.Keloid is best treated by - wide excision & grafting
542.Commonest site of metastasis of wilm's tumour is - Lungs
543.Toxic megacolon is a complication of - ulcerative colitis
544.Skip transmural lesions i tuberculoid granuloma seen in - crohn's
545.Commonest cause of solitary thyroid nodule - follicular adenoma
546.In penetrating injury commonly afected is - is - liver
547.In extraperitoneal bladder rupture urine escapes into - below urogenital diaphragm
548.Dentric ulcer commonly seen in - Herpes simplex
549.In a case of acute trauma best guidline for quick replacement of fluids is - PCV
550.Commonest cause of bleeding PR in India is - internal hemorrhoids
551.IOC in pulmonary embolism - angiography
552.Commonest tumour metastasis to heart is - Bronchogenic Ca
553.Paget's disease of nipple is treated by - biopsy & simple mastectomy
554.Horner's syndrome is produced due to pressure on - stellate ganglion
555.Pancoast tumour - causes radicular pain in upper limb
556.Commonest complication of cryotherapy is - persistant watery discharge
557.Commonest cause of abdominal aortic aneurysm - atherosclerosis
558.In hand inj.first to be repaired is - Bone
559.Commonest presentation of TB pericarditis - constrictive
560.Painless effusions in joints in congenital syphilis is called - clutton's joint
561.Manjolin's ulcer is - squamous cell Ca from scar
562.Commonest tumour in parotid gland is - pleomorphic adenoma
563.Neck swelling moves on swallowing - thyroid gland
564.Complication commonly occurs in ant. Dudenal ulcer - perforation
565.Commonest beningn tumour of heart is - myxoma
566.Boil can occur in - pinna/skin/scalp & not in palm
567.Acute appendicites is best diagnosed by - physical examination
568.In ankylosing spondylitis radiological changes first seen in - sacro iliac joint
569.Adult femlae c/o of fainting fits/dysphonia/amnesia/anorexia the most likely diagnosis is
- Hysteria
570.Pt i grossly contaminated wound presents 12 hr after an accident his wound should be
managed by - thorough cleaning i debridement of all dead & devitalised tissue without
primary closure
571.A cystic swelling at the root of the nose which increases in size on straining is likely to be
- meningocele
572.MC type of Oral Ca - Lip
573.Pt i renal stone developed pathological # along i abdomen pain & certain psychiatric
symptoms he should be investigated for - hyper parathyroidism
574.Spleenectomy is to be avoided in children becoz of - increase risk of infection
575.Symptoms of hyperthyroidism - vossiuos appetite/emotional disturbances/sleeplessness &
not cold intolerance
576.Old male Ca caecum operated(hemicolectomy) 4th POD pt develops fever & pain in the
leg most important clinical entity one should look for this - DVT
577.40yrs old male i painless cystic liver enlargement of 4 yrs duration without fever or
jaundice most likely diagnosis is - Hydatid cyst
578.20yr old foot ball player received a hard kick in epigastrium a large cystic swelling
appeared in the epigastrium 2 wks later mostly diagnosis s - pseudo pancreatic cyst
579.8yr old boy presented i progressive swelling around the knee joint i 2 month duration
following mild trauma localised examination reveals an irregular bony swelling over the
upper end of tibia i a rised local temperature & variable consistency & ill defined
margin the most likely diagnosis is - Ewing's sarcoma
580.Ewing's sarcoma is a malignant small, round, blue cell tumour. It is a rare disease in
which cancer cells are found in the bone or in soft tissue. The most common areas in
which it occurs are the pelvis, the femur, the humerus, the ribs and clavicle (collar
bone).occurs most frequently in teenagers and young adults,
581.5yr male i one testis in the scrotum the other felt in inguinal canal Rx is - orchiopexy
582.More than 3 units of blood transfusion must be supplemented by IV - calcium gluconate
583.Mc precancerous lesion for an oral Ca is - leukoplakia
584.Marker for seminoma testis is - HCG
585.MC indication for splenectomy is - trauma
586.Causes of gynecomastia - leprosy/cirhosis/klienfelters syndrome
587.MC cause of aneurysm of abdominal aorta is - atherosclerosis
588.Best indicator for monitoring response to fluid replacement in severe trauma is
- Urine output
589.Most common malignancy after cholecystectomy is of - Stomach
590.Most common cause of spleenic rupture is - Malaria
591.Cystic hygroma - may cause respiratory obstruction/ common in neck/present at birth
592.Treatment of primary retinoblastoma is - Enucleation
593.White pupillary reflex in a child is due to - retinoblastoma
594.Kaposi sarcoma is commonly seen in - Head & neck
595.Nerve repair in infected wound should be secondary
596.Bleeding in duodenal ulcer is from which artery - Gastroduodenal
597.Cause of gaseous distension of abdomen in acute intestinal obstruction is
- swallowed atmospheric air
598.Indication of TPN - post oper.ileus /enterocolic fistula/ enterocutaeneous fistula & not
acute pancreatitis
599.Lymphnode metastasis is commonly seen in - rhabdomyosarcoma
600.Broncholithiasis means - calcified lymphnodes eroding into bronchus
601.Example for radiation induced cancer is - papillary Ca thyroid
602.Breast malignancy commonly detected by - breast self examination
603.Massive blood transfusion is defined as - whole blood volume
604.Thyroid scan is most useful in diagnosing - toxic adenoma of thyroid
605.Organism causing destruction of skin grafts - streptococcus
606.Pt complains of periumblical pain & nausea particularly after taking food diagnosis is
- Meckel's diverticulam
607.MCC of painless bleeding PR in man is - Piles
608.Duration of heparin therapy in DVT is - 7-10 days
609.Tylosis is ass. With - esophageal Ca
610.1st thing to be done to patient i tension pneumothorax
- insertion of wide bore needle in the intercoastal space
611.Sitz bath - sits in a basin containing warm antiseptic lotion
612.Rectal stricture is a common manifestation of - lymphogranuloma inguinale
613.Flower vase pattern of the pelvis in an IV urogram is seen in - Horse shoe kidney
614.Accurate diagnostic aid in renal artery stenosis is - selective renal angiography
615.Earliest symptom of BPH - frequency
616.Lymphnode first involved in cancer of the skin of the scrotum - superficial inguinal
617.Commonest cause of urethral stricture in a young person is - Gonococcal
618.MCC of death in kaposi sarcoma is - massive pulmobary hemorhage
619.Bisgard Rx is for - venous ulcer
620.Trosier's sign is - lt.supra clavicular lymphnode enlargement
621.Migrating thrombophlebitis ass. With cancer of - Pancrease
622.On exertion urine steam increases in - Urethral stricture
623.MCC of liver abscess in south india is - Amoebic
624.Hernia which often stimulates a peptic ulcer is - Fatty hernia of the linea alba
625.Delayed wound healing is seen in - malignancy/diabetes/infection & not in -
626.Periampullary carcinoma feature is - early jaundice
627.In contaminated punctured wound of the leg of a non immune child of 10 yrs -
active & passive immunisation along with antibiotics
628.Splenic vein thrombosis is best treated by - splenectomy
629.Rx of non functioning thyroid nodule in a 40yr old male should be -surgical excision
630.Boy presence i bilateral prominence of breast & wants to be removed ideal incision -
incision along the areolar margin
631.A mobile variegated large lump in the breast of a 20 yr old female is most likely to be
due to - cystosarcoma phylloides
632.Pt is admitted i severe pain in abdomen,nausea,vomitting & fever,tenderness & rigidity +
sr.amylase -1000 IU/litre - acute pancreatitis
633.Nasopharyngeal Ca originates in - Fossa of rosenmuller
634.Rheumatoid arthritis commonly affects the - Cervical spine
635.In 40yrs male,thrombus in the common femoral artery is because of - Atheroma
636.IOC for an early gastric Ca - stained endoscopic biopsy
637.Commonest metastasis in renal cell Ca is to - Lung
638.Somatostatin is secreted by - D cells
639.Prognosis of breast cancer is best determined by - axillary node involvement
640.Rectal polyps usually present with - Bleeding
641.A boil is due to staphylococcal infection of - hair follicle
642.If a pt i a suspected # of pelvis has some bleeding from the urethra & unable to pass
urine - he sholud be prepared for surgery & catheterisation attempted in O.T
643.Retinoblastoma is - Unilateral 70%
644.12month child suddenly draws up his legs & screams i pain.repeated periodically
through out night interspersed i periods of quiet sleepwhen seen after 12 hrs child looks
pale,has just vomited & passed thin blood stained stool,there is a mass around umblicus
MLD - Intussusception
645.In a pt i polytrauma presence of hypotension i elevated cvp is suggestive of - cardio-
pulmonary problem
646.Commonest side effect of 5 flouro-uracil is - Bone marrow suppresion
647.Lymphatic metastasis of buccal Ca 1st involves - submandibular
648.IOC of case of obstructive jaundice - USG
649.Commonest Ca in men in tropical countries - Ca oral cavity
650.Serum amylase levels raised in - duodenal ulcer perforation /pancreatitis/small bowel
651.Liver biopsy is done through 8th midaxillary line to avoid - lung
652.Commonest cause for mediastinitis is - esophageal perforation
653.Trendelenbergs test is positive in to injury of - superior gluteal nerve
654.Most of the parotid tumour are managed by - superficial parotidectomy
655.Immediate management of a child i foreign body inhalation is - Bronchoscopy
656.Function of thick gastric mucosa is - protects epithelium
657.Tension pneumothorax due to # rib is treated by - tube drainage
658.Eemergency treatment of tension pnemothorax in the casuality dept is
- puncture by wide bore needle
659.In modified radical neck dissection,structure not preserved is - submandibular gland
660.Uncommon cause of upper GI bleed is - Ca stomach
661.Initial treatment in a management of trauma - Airway
662.TOC in choledochal cyst - excision of cyst i hepatojejunostomy
663.Pt i abdomen injury,# rib & bruise over left hypochondrium,probable diagnosis
- splenic rupture
664.Best way to diagnose lower intestinal obstruction - multiple air gas shadows on x-ray
665.60yr old man present i an ulcer on lateral margin of tongue,also complains of ear
pain,most probable diagnosis - carcinamatous ulcer
666.Disc prolapse is recognised by - CT/MRI/Myelography
667.During parotid surgery injury to the nerve which results in Frey's syndrome
- Auriculotemporal nerve
668.In a pt i aneurysmal bleed in the brain,deterioration of the mental state on the 7th day
indicates - spasm
669.For an open wound on leg i exposure of bone,treatment of choice - pedicle graft
670.Ventilation/perfusion ratio is highest in - apex of lung
671.Cause of death in blunt trauma chest is - tracheo bronchial rupture
672.Earliest symptom in Ca bladder is - hematuria
673.Procedure of choice for elective removal of CBD stones is
- endoscopic choledocholithotomy
674.TIPSS involves percutaneous creation of a shunt between - portal vein & hepatic vein
675.Orchidopexy for undescended testis is recommended at which age - 2yrs
676.Commonest type of VSD - perimembranous VSD
677.Thickened peripheral nerves r seen n -
amyloid polyneropathy/hansen's/refsum's disease
678.Sentinel node of gallbladder is - - lymphnode of lund
679.Positive kehrs sign is - haemoperitoneum
680.Chronic SDH refers to collection present for a period of - 21 days
681.Period of onset in tetanus refers to the time between - first symptom to spasm
682.Patchy meningitis hemorhagica interna is manifesteed by - SAH
683.Best test to differentiate between medicals & surgical jaundice is - USG
684.Causes for cholecystitis - estrogen/OCP/obesity
685.Elective cholecystectomy is - clean contaminated
686.Intestinal angina is a symptom complex of - postprandial abdominal pain,weight
loss,chronic mesenteric vessel occlusion
687.Organ secretes zinc in large amount in man - prostate
688.Significant loss of wgt i cough i blood streaked sputum,old PTB, drooping of left eyelid
for one month i ptosis of left eye & papillary miosis,CXR shows round opacification in
left upper apical lobe probable diagnosis - Squamous cell Ca

689.Predisposing causes for torsion of the testis - inversion of testis,between 10-25yrs of

age,separation of the epididymis
690.Biliary stricture developing after laparoscopic cholecystectomy usually occurs at which
part of the common bile duct - Upper
691.MCC of acquired Av fistula - Penetrating trauma
692.Procedure of choice for the evaluation of an aneurysm - MRI
693.MCC of gastric outlet obstruction in India is - peptic ulcer disease
694.Narrowest part of respiratory tract in children - subglottic area
695.Hyper-acute rejection is seen in - kidney
696.Bloodfractions is stored at 40'c - cryoprecipitate
697.Acute onset of pain n left testis for 16yr old boy Rx s-antibiotix & review after 1 week
698.Posterior urethra is best visualised by - voiding cystogram
699.MC location of intracranial neurocysticercosis - Brain parenchyma
700.MCC of perpheral limb ischemia in India is - Atherosclerosis
701.MC nerve in the neck from which schwanoma arises - vagus nerve
702.Term left sided appendicites as popularly called is nothing but - Diverticulitis
703.Pancreatitis that has good prognosis - post operative pancreatitis
704.Snow storm ascites is seen in - Meconium ileus
705.MC type of Ca gall bladder in a pt i gall stones - adenocarcinoma
706.Orthobaric oxygen is used in carbon monoxide poisoning
707.Insulinoma is most commonly located in which part of pancreas - equally distributed
708.Pt i hematuria for many days,found to have renal calculi,calcifications in the wall of
urinary bladder & small contracted bladder,most probable cause - schistosomiasis
709.Tennis elbow is characterised by - tendinitis of common extension origin
710.Compression of a nerve within the carpel tunnel produces inability to - oppose the thumb
711.In IV drug abuser whish artery is affected most - Brachial
712.TOC for medullary Ca of thyroid is - Total thyroidectomy
713.MC cancer,affecting both males & females of the world is - Lung cancer
714.MCC of morbidity & mortality in pts undergoing major vascular surgery is
- Thrombo embolic phenonmenon
715.TOC in malignant tracheo-esophageal fistula is - Metal stent
716.Tumour presenting with proptosis - Neuroblastoma
717.Tensile strength of the wound starts & increases after - 3-4 days
718.Amoebic liver abscess - occurs in right lobe/surgical drainage is indicated/extension of
abscess from liver to pericardium is the most dreaded complication
719.Methods to reduce intra cranial pressure in pts i head injury
- hyperventilation/admin of mannitol/hypothermia
720.Clinical manifestations of Bronchogenic Ca include - hoarseness of voice due to
involvement of left laryngeal nerve/horner's syndrome/diaphragmatic palsy due to
infiltration of phrenic nerve
721.Vitamin which has inhibitory effect on wound healing - Vit E
722.MC practised operative procedure for a perforated duodenal ulcer is
- Graham's omental patch repair
723.MC neurologic abnormality that occurs i head injury is - Altered consciousness
724.Favours postoperative wound dehiscence - jaundice/malignancy/hypoproteinemia
725.Testicular tumour most sensitive to radiation is - seminoma
726.Adenocarcinoma of esophagus is seen in - Barret's esophagus
727.Which tumour is treated by hormones - Ca prostate
728.IOC for reflux esophagitis - 24hrs acid output
729.Most accurate & non invasive method for diagnosing DVT - Plethesmography
730.Earliest method of diagnosing pitutary tumour - CT scan
731.Gastro-jejunostomy is an example of - clean,contaminated wound
732.MC site of aortic dissection - ascending aorta
733.Aortic disection is seen in - Marfan's syndrome
734.MC sarcoma in a child is - Rhabdomyosarcoma
735.MC site for venous thrombosis - Soleal vein
736.Keloid scars is made up of - Dense collagen
737.Highest concentration of hydroxy proline is seen in - Collagen
738.IOC in the early phase of renal transplant - USG
739.After surgery,a small left over stone in the CBD is best treated by - ERCP
740.Best investigation for Ca colon - colonic biopsy
741.Best way to treat street wounds - cleaning i saline & debridement
742.Dr.christian bernard performedthe 1st heart transplant in the year - 1967
743.Re-implantation time for lower limb is - 8hrs
744.Stump pain is relieved by - continuous tapping over the stump
745.Spring water cyst is another name for - pericardial cyst
746.Increased amylase in pleural fluid is seen in - Malignancy
747.Gold standard for diagnosis of pulmonary embolism - pulmonary angiography
748.Commonest site of ischemic colitis - splenic flexure
749.Lymphovenous anastamosis done in - filariasis
750.TOC for flail chest - strapping & internal fixation of ribs & IPPV
751.Regarding pes Excavatum
- cosmetic deformity/depression in chest/decrease in lung capacity
752.Diagnosis of Hodgkin's disease is confirmed by - lymphnode biopsy
753.Cystic hygroma is seen in - Turner's syndrome
754.CA-125 is atumour marker for - ovary
755.Hypercalcemia is seen in
- sarcoidosis/thyrotoxicosis/vit A intoxication & not in phenytoin therapy
756.SIADH is most commonly seen in - Oat cell Ca
757.DOC in actinomycosis is - penicillin
758.Renal artery stenosis in young female is caused due to - fibromuscular hypertrophy
759.Common site for esophageal perforation is - cervical esophageal
760.Hyperkeratosis of palms & soles is seen in - oesophageal ca
761.Commonest viral tumour - Warts
762.In anal Ca the TOC is - Radio + chemo
763.Foreign body aspiration most commonly enters - right main bronchus
764.Lisch nodules in neurofibromatosis are - hamartomas
765.Commonest cause of hematemesis & malena - esophageal varices
766.Commonest cause of death in sophisticated world - IHD
767.1st heart transplant was done by christian bernard in 1967
768.Procedure of choice in the case of a child who has inhaled a peanut
- immediate thoracotomy
769.Renal trauma is best treated by - observation & supportive measures
770.Cause of hydrocele in infants – infection
771.Old female i hard nodular,painless swelling in the thyroid region diagnosis in this case is
best established by - F.N.A.C
772.In a pt i head injury black eye ass i subconjunctival hemorhage occurs when there is
- # of floor & anterior cranial fossa
773.Felon is - terminal pulp space infection
774.Best investigation for air in peritoneal cavity is - X-ray abdomen-erect view
775.Rugger jersy sign is seen in - Ankylosing spondylitis
776.58 yrs male i acute onset of varicocele on left side most probable cause - Ca kidney
777.Hyoid bone is closely ass. To - thyroglossal cyst
778.Ureter is identified at surgery by - rhythmic peristalsis
779.Nosocomial pneumonia is most common due to - gram -ve bacilli
780.Regarding adenocarcinoma esophagus - caused by barrets esophagus
781.Human bite spreads - anaerobic streptococci
782.Single most prognostic factor in breast carcinoma - lymphnode status
783.In radical mastectomy which of the following is preserved - cephlic vein
784.5 day self subsiding pain is diagnostic of - thrombosed external hemorrhoids
785.Duodenal blowout is - complication of partial gastrectomy
786.Paget's disease of nipple is - Neoplasia
787.Irritation of diaphragm radiates to - C3-C4
788.Inguinal lymph node enlargement is seen in - malignant melanoma foot
789.In thyroglossal cyst carcinoma which arises is - Papillary
790.Ca of the right colon usually present i - massive bleeding
791.Commonest histological variety of bronchogenic Ca is - Squamous cell Ca
792.Commonest cause of A-V fistula - congenital
793.Keloid - local recurrence is common after excision
794.FNAC may not be diagnostic in which Ca of thyroid - follicular
795.Tension pneumothorax results in - decreased venous return
796.MC neoplasm of kidney is - Renal cell Ca
797.Tear drop bladder is found in - Pelvic hematoma
798.Sequestrated lung is supplied most commonly by - Descending aorta
799.Gas most suited for laproscopy is - Carbon di oxide
800.Gold standard investigation for stone in bile duct is - USG
801.Most diagnostic investigation in pulmonary embolism is - Angiography
802.Hyperacute graft rejection is caused by - preformed antibodies
803.Most common artery used for coronary artery bypass graft is - Inferior.mammary artery
804.Recovery of renal functions after renal transplant usually takes - 1 month
805.Hernia is prevented by - transversalis fascia
806.Infection in renal transplant patient is usually caused by - CMV
807.MC type of renal transplantation in India is - Allograft
808.Best method to confirm treatment of TB kidney - IUP
809.Trauma to diaphragm,true is - left side more common
810.Warfarin is stopped - 6-8 days prior to surgery
811.Most reliable urine specimen is obtained by - suprapubic aspiration
812.MC site of Berry aneurysm - anterior communication artery
813.Most useful investigation for profuse lower GI bleed is - colonoscopy
814.Old man i bout of prolonged vomitting i excessive hematamesis following alcohol
ingestion,likely to suffer from - Mallory weiss syndrome
815.Gas under diaphragm seen in - typhoid perforation/perforated duodenal ulcer/after
laporotomy & not in spontaneous rupture of esophagus
816.Best Rx in SDH in deteriorating pt - surgical evacuation
817.Excision of hyoid bone is commonly done us - thyroglossal cyst
818.Features of hypernephroma - persistant pyrexia/hematuria/polycythemia
819.Ca of colon develops in - jeuvenile polyps/inflammatory polyps/hamartomatous polypi &
not in - familial adenamatous polypi
820.Amyl nitrate inhalational test is used to detect - Ca esophagus
821.In triage green colour indicates - Ambulatory pts
822.Rotation of sigmoid volvulus ocurrs - anticlockwise
823.Rectal polyp most commonly presents as - Bleeding
824.Intestine gets strangulated Mc in - Omental bursa
825.Mild head injury is having GCS - 10/15

826.Most frequently used procedure for diagnosing palpable breast masses is - fine needle
827.Low & fixed specific gravity of urine is seen in - CRF
828.Painless lymphnode in cervical region,biopsy shows normal thyroid gland normal on
palpation also, most likely to be - papillary ca thyroid
829.In meckel's diverticulum,ectopic gastric tissue is diagnosed by - Radionuclide scan
830.Best guide to adequate tissue perforation in the fluid management of pt i burns is to
ensure a minimum hourly urine output of - 30-50ml
831.4 points of probe plcement in focused abdominal sonogram for trauma in blunt
thoracoabdominal trauma are - epigastrium,rt.hypochondrium,lt.lower
832.Catgut is preserved in - isopropyl alcohol
833.TOC for a mucocele of gall bladder is - Cholecystectomy
834.Length of a standard proctoscope is - 6 inches
835.MC rhythm disturbance during early postop period is - tachycardia
836.Sentinel lymph node biopsy is done in which malignancy - Breast
837.Double bubble appearance on x-ray is seen in - duodenal atresia/annular
pancraese/malrotation of gut
838.Seat belt causes injury to - Duodenum
839.Pt i one episode of spontaneous pneumothorax, which is adviced - stop diving/stop
smoking/stop flying
840.Rx for pyoderma gangrenosum is - surgery + antibiotics
841.Rare site for metastasis - forearm & legbones
842.C complication following hemorhoidectomy is - urinary retension
843.Neonatal kidney achieves concentrating ability equal 2 adult kidney by-1yr of age
844.Thickened mucosal walls in the stomach occur due to - Lymphoma
845.Hypoparathyroidism following thyroid surgery commonly occurs within - 2-5 days
846.1st permanent molar erupts between - 6-7yrs
847.Indications of circumcision are - chronic balanoposthitis/jew religion/paraphimosis &
not in Ca penis
848.Bedsore is example of - trophic ulcer
849.Neurosurgical Rx of epilepsy usually involves,removal of epileptic focus from which lobe
- temporal lobe
850.Initial therapy of documented DVT in a post op case is - IV heparin therapy
851.Complications of A-V fistula done for renal failure include - infection/thrombosis/high
output cardiac failure
852.When do we have to start antibiotics to prevent post op infections - 1hr before surgery &
continue after surgery
853.H.pylori infection causes Ca by which mechanism - Gastric metaplasia
854.Steroids are used in transplantation - to prevent graft rejection
855.Disinfect the bronchoscopy tube - 2% gluteraldehyde for 20 mts
856.Which nerve is repaired i good prognosis - Radial nerve
857.Commonest complication of meckel's diverticulum is - Bleeding
858.In a catheter sized 16F, 16F stands for - 1mm circumference
859.Battle sign is seen in # of - middle cranial fossa
860.Best cure rate in keloids is achieved by - excision & radiotherapy
861.Commonest tumour at inner canthus of eye - rodent ulcer
862.Veins avoided for IV infusion in Rx of abdominal trauma - long saphenous
863.Pt on anticoagulant therapy,the INR is maintained at - 2.5-3.5 times the normal
864.Biopsy of the opposite side breast is adviced for - lobular Ca
865.Most specific & sensitive method of screening in renovascular HTN - captopril renogram
866.Esophageal ulcer i a viral etiology is demonstrated by taking a biopsy from-surrounding
867.Local anaesthetic cannot be used at the site of infections because it cause - spread of
infection & lowered efficiency
868.Pseudo kidney is - thickened bowel loop on USG
869.Recurrence rate is highest i which modality of treatment for achalasia cardia - botulinum
toxin injection
870.Sentinel node biopsy is done in - Ca breast
871.Best site for intercostal drain in a case of pleural effusion-7th intercoastal space in mid
axillary line
872.Commonest site of ectopic salivary tumour - cheek
873.Asbestosis is ass. I pleural fibroma,bronchogenic Ca,mesothelioma &not i gastric Ca
874.Electrical pacemaker of stomach is situated in - Fundus
875.Female presents i finger stiffness & dysphagia,diagnosis is -scleroderma
876.Pointing index is seen in - acute appendicites
877.Least irritant fluid to peritoneum - blood
878.MC site of Ca pancreas - Head
879.Degloving injury is - Avulsion injury
880.Mayo's operation is done for - umblical hernia
881.Correct line of management in child who has swallowed a coin is - rigid endoscopy
882.Malignancies ass i HIV - gastric adenoCa,non hodgkin's lymphoma,kaposi's sarcoma
883.Arsenic is ass i increased risk of Basal cell Ca
884.Incubation period of gangrene is - 1-3 days
885.Cortisol level returns to normal - 3 days after hemorhage
886.Diffuse peritonitis following appendicites is usually seen - when appendicular
perforation occurs early(within24hrs)
887.Frost bite is treated by - slow rewarming
888.In marfan's aortic aneurysm occurs in - Ascending aorta
889.Best flap for esophagus repair - stomach
890.Hosp. aquired org. r-staphylococcus,accinobacter,pseudomonas&not streptococcus
891.2yr old child i intercostal retraction & increasing cyanosisi foreign body aspiration,life
saving emergency Rx - Heimlich's manoeuvre
892.Most common vein to get thrombosed is - Long saphenous
893.25yrs male who had sex recently presented i painful testes & pain was not relieved on
elevation of the testes,diagnosis could be - Torsion testis
894.12 hr old bullet injury to the left colon is ideally treated by - resection of affected
segment i upper segment colostomy & lower segment as a mucus fistula
895.Pt i head injury i rapidly increasing ICT without hematoma,DOC for initial Rx - 20%
896.Commonest site of perforation during colonoscopy is - Splenic flexure
897.In the healing of a clean wound the maximum immediate strength of the wound is
reached by - 4-7 days
898.Following TPN, weight loss is seen - upto 7 days
899.Premature infant born at 32 weeks of gestation developed respiratory distress after 4hrs
of birth.x-ray showed ground glass appearance with air bronchogram,the probable
diagnosis - meconium aspiration
900.Parenteral nutrition is best given through - subclavien vein
901.Diagnosis of lung sequestration is by - angiography
902.Unilateral hydronephrosis is due to - Ureterocele
903.Most severe pain in ureteric stone is seen in case of - oxalate stones
904.Commonest sign of intrabronchial foreign body in children is - Stridor
905.Hirschprung's disease is treated by - excision of aganglionic segment
906.Nerve sacrificed in parotid surgery - Facial
907.Best treatment to prevent gas gangrene - Thorough debridment
908.IOC in cerebral abscess is - MRI
909.Commonest site of aneurysm is - anterior communicating artery
910.MCC of SDH - rupture of superior cerebral vein
911.Normal CSF pressure is - 110-180 mmcsf
912.Commonest spinal tumour - ependynoma
913.Cystic hygroma - excision of cyst at an early age
914.Commonest peripheral aneurysm is - popliteal
915.Somatostatin inhibits release of - GH,gastrin,TSH
916.Urethral anomaly most common is - Hypospadiasis
917.AV fistula leads to - sinus tachy,increased preload,increased cardiac output
918.Thorocotomy is indicated in esophageal perforation,masive air leak,bleeding>200ml/hr
919.Death in blunt trauma chest is due to - tracheo bronchial injury
920.Infection of flexor tendon of index finger can spread to - thenar space
921.In whipple's operation removed are - CBD,head of pancrease,duodenum & not portal
922.Young female i proptosis,intolerance to heart i increased T3 & T4.diagnosis is -
Hashinoto's thyroiditis
923.DVT is caused by - lower limb trauma,hip & pelvic surgery,cushing's syndrome
924.Greenish discharge of nipple is seen in - Duct ectasia
925.MC route of infection/cause,for pyogenic liver abscess is - biliary sepsis
926.Stone at lower end of ureter removed by - Endoscopic removal
927.Mc source of bleeding in EDH - Middle meningeal artery
928.Type of bleeding in SDH is - Venous
929.MC type of Hypospadiasis - Glandular
930.Burn patients die in 24 hours because of - Sepsis
931.Iv Fluid of choice in burns patients is - Ringer lactate
932.MCC of bleeding from breast - Papilloma
933.Sudden onset of chest pain while in Air travell - DVT
934.Best time for treatment of undescended testis - 6 months of age
935.Best anticoagulant used in DVT - Low molecular weight heparin
936.Urinary stone get dislodged in - junction of ureter & renal pelvis
937.MC site for Hydatid cyst - Liver
938.Which test is done to differentiate between varicose vein & DVT - Perthe's test
939.First aid for external hemorhage - direct pressure
940.Bleed in epidural part of brain is due to rupture of - middle meningeal artery
941.Bleed in subdural part of brain is due to - torn of bridging veins
942.Bleed in subarachnoid part of brain is due to - aneurysm rupture
943.Intra cerebral bleed is due to - rupture of lenticulostriate artery

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