Gen Surgery LMR
Gen Surgery LMR
Gen Surgery LMR
826.Most frequently used procedure for diagnosing palpable breast masses is - fine needle
827.Low & fixed specific gravity of urine is seen in - CRF
828.Painless lymphnode in cervical region,biopsy shows normal thyroid gland normal on
palpation also, most likely to be - papillary ca thyroid
829.In meckel's diverticulum,ectopic gastric tissue is diagnosed by - Radionuclide scan
830.Best guide to adequate tissue perforation in the fluid management of pt i burns is to
ensure a minimum hourly urine output of - 30-50ml
831.4 points of probe plcement in focused abdominal sonogram for trauma in blunt
thoracoabdominal trauma are - epigastrium,rt.hypochondrium,lt.lower
832.Catgut is preserved in - isopropyl alcohol
833.TOC for a mucocele of gall bladder is - Cholecystectomy
834.Length of a standard proctoscope is - 6 inches
835.MC rhythm disturbance during early postop period is - tachycardia
836.Sentinel lymph node biopsy is done in which malignancy - Breast
837.Double bubble appearance on x-ray is seen in - duodenal atresia/annular
pancraese/malrotation of gut
838.Seat belt causes injury to - Duodenum
839.Pt i one episode of spontaneous pneumothorax, which is adviced - stop diving/stop
smoking/stop flying
840.Rx for pyoderma gangrenosum is - surgery + antibiotics
841.Rare site for metastasis - forearm & legbones
842.C complication following hemorhoidectomy is - urinary retension
843.Neonatal kidney achieves concentrating ability equal 2 adult kidney by-1yr of age
844.Thickened mucosal walls in the stomach occur due to - Lymphoma
845.Hypoparathyroidism following thyroid surgery commonly occurs within - 2-5 days
846.1st permanent molar erupts between - 6-7yrs
847.Indications of circumcision are - chronic balanoposthitis/jew religion/paraphimosis &
not in Ca penis
848.Bedsore is example of - trophic ulcer
849.Neurosurgical Rx of epilepsy usually involves,removal of epileptic focus from which lobe
- temporal lobe
850.Initial therapy of documented DVT in a post op case is - IV heparin therapy
851.Complications of A-V fistula done for renal failure include - infection/thrombosis/high
output cardiac failure
852.When do we have to start antibiotics to prevent post op infections - 1hr before surgery &
continue after surgery
853.H.pylori infection causes Ca by which mechanism - Gastric metaplasia
854.Steroids are used in transplantation - to prevent graft rejection
855.Disinfect the bronchoscopy tube - 2% gluteraldehyde for 20 mts
856.Which nerve is repaired i good prognosis - Radial nerve
857.Commonest complication of meckel's diverticulum is - Bleeding
858.In a catheter sized 16F, 16F stands for - 1mm circumference
859.Battle sign is seen in # of - middle cranial fossa
860.Best cure rate in keloids is achieved by - excision & radiotherapy
861.Commonest tumour at inner canthus of eye - rodent ulcer
862.Veins avoided for IV infusion in Rx of abdominal trauma - long saphenous
863.Pt on anticoagulant therapy,the INR is maintained at - 2.5-3.5 times the normal
864.Biopsy of the opposite side breast is adviced for - lobular Ca
865.Most specific & sensitive method of screening in renovascular HTN - captopril renogram
866.Esophageal ulcer i a viral etiology is demonstrated by taking a biopsy from-surrounding
867.Local anaesthetic cannot be used at the site of infections because it cause - spread of
infection & lowered efficiency
868.Pseudo kidney is - thickened bowel loop on USG
869.Recurrence rate is highest i which modality of treatment for achalasia cardia - botulinum
toxin injection
870.Sentinel node biopsy is done in - Ca breast
871.Best site for intercostal drain in a case of pleural effusion-7th intercoastal space in mid
axillary line
872.Commonest site of ectopic salivary tumour - cheek
873.Asbestosis is ass. I pleural fibroma,bronchogenic Ca,mesothelioma ¬ i gastric Ca
874.Electrical pacemaker of stomach is situated in - Fundus
875.Female presents i finger stiffness & dysphagia,diagnosis is -scleroderma
876.Pointing index is seen in - acute appendicites
877.Least irritant fluid to peritoneum - blood
878.MC site of Ca pancreas - Head
879.Degloving injury is - Avulsion injury
880.Mayo's operation is done for - umblical hernia
881.Correct line of management in child who has swallowed a coin is - rigid endoscopy
882.Malignancies ass i HIV - gastric adenoCa,non hodgkin's lymphoma,kaposi's sarcoma
883.Arsenic is ass i increased risk of Basal cell Ca
884.Incubation period of gangrene is - 1-3 days
885.Cortisol level returns to normal - 3 days after hemorhage
886.Diffuse peritonitis following appendicites is usually seen - when appendicular
perforation occurs early(within24hrs)
887.Frost bite is treated by - slow rewarming
888.In marfan's aortic aneurysm occurs in - Ascending aorta
889.Best flap for esophagus repair - stomach
890.Hosp. aquired org. r-staphylococcus,accinobacter,pseudomonas¬ streptococcus
891.2yr old child i intercostal retraction & increasing cyanosisi foreign body aspiration,life
saving emergency Rx - Heimlich's manoeuvre
892.Most common vein to get thrombosed is - Long saphenous
893.25yrs male who had sex recently presented i painful testes & pain was not relieved on
elevation of the testes,diagnosis could be - Torsion testis
894.12 hr old bullet injury to the left colon is ideally treated by - resection of affected
segment i upper segment colostomy & lower segment as a mucus fistula
895.Pt i head injury i rapidly increasing ICT without hematoma,DOC for initial Rx - 20%
896.Commonest site of perforation during colonoscopy is - Splenic flexure
897.In the healing of a clean wound the maximum immediate strength of the wound is
reached by - 4-7 days
898.Following TPN, weight loss is seen - upto 7 days
899.Premature infant born at 32 weeks of gestation developed respiratory distress after 4hrs
of birth.x-ray showed ground glass appearance with air bronchogram,the probable
diagnosis - meconium aspiration
900.Parenteral nutrition is best given through - subclavien vein
901.Diagnosis of lung sequestration is by - angiography
902.Unilateral hydronephrosis is due to - Ureterocele
903.Most severe pain in ureteric stone is seen in case of - oxalate stones
904.Commonest sign of intrabronchial foreign body in children is - Stridor
905.Hirschprung's disease is treated by - excision of aganglionic segment
906.Nerve sacrificed in parotid surgery - Facial
907.Best treatment to prevent gas gangrene - Thorough debridment
908.IOC in cerebral abscess is - MRI
909.Commonest site of aneurysm is - anterior communicating artery
910.MCC of SDH - rupture of superior cerebral vein
911.Normal CSF pressure is - 110-180 mmcsf
912.Commonest spinal tumour - ependynoma
913.Cystic hygroma - excision of cyst at an early age
914.Commonest peripheral aneurysm is - popliteal
915.Somatostatin inhibits release of - GH,gastrin,TSH
916.Urethral anomaly most common is - Hypospadiasis
917.AV fistula leads to - sinus tachy,increased preload,increased cardiac output
918.Thorocotomy is indicated in esophageal perforation,masive air leak,bleeding>200ml/hr
919.Death in blunt trauma chest is due to - tracheo bronchial injury
920.Infection of flexor tendon of index finger can spread to - thenar space
921.In whipple's operation removed are - CBD,head of pancrease,duodenum & not portal
922.Young female i proptosis,intolerance to heart i increased T3 & T4.diagnosis is -
Hashinoto's thyroiditis
923.DVT is caused by - lower limb trauma,hip & pelvic surgery,cushing's syndrome
924.Greenish discharge of nipple is seen in - Duct ectasia
925.MC route of infection/cause,for pyogenic liver abscess is - biliary sepsis
926.Stone at lower end of ureter removed by - Endoscopic removal
927.Mc source of bleeding in EDH - Middle meningeal artery
928.Type of bleeding in SDH is - Venous
929.MC type of Hypospadiasis - Glandular
930.Burn patients die in 24 hours because of - Sepsis
931.Iv Fluid of choice in burns patients is - Ringer lactate
932.MCC of bleeding from breast - Papilloma
933.Sudden onset of chest pain while in Air travell - DVT
934.Best time for treatment of undescended testis - 6 months of age
935.Best anticoagulant used in DVT - Low molecular weight heparin
936.Urinary stone get dislodged in - junction of ureter & renal pelvis
937.MC site for Hydatid cyst - Liver
938.Which test is done to differentiate between varicose vein & DVT - Perthe's test
939.First aid for external hemorhage - direct pressure
940.Bleed in epidural part of brain is due to rupture of - middle meningeal artery
941.Bleed in subdural part of brain is due to - torn of bridging veins
942.Bleed in subarachnoid part of brain is due to - aneurysm rupture
943.Intra cerebral bleed is due to - rupture of lenticulostriate artery