Courage: Courage and Cowardice in To Kill A Mockingbird

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English 9A | Courage and Cowardice in To Kill a Mockingbird

Directions: As you read To Kill a Mockingbird, look for examples of characters demonstrating courage or cowardice.
When you encounter an example log it on the chart below. When you finish the reading and complete the chart, please
save your file with the appropriate name and submit it for grading. You will use this graphic organizer for a major essay.

Character Example from Text Page
Jem Ran and touched Boo Radley’s house 18

Simon Finch He made his way across the ocean selling and buying 4

Scout Talking back to Miss Caroline 22-23

Scout Writing in the middle of class 24

Atticus Letting the Cunninghams pay him in nuts 27

Jem Letting Walter come home with him and Scout to have 30

Scout Eating the random gum she found on the ground 44

Scout Taking those random coins from the ground 46

Scout Letting Jem roll her in the tire 49

Jem Retrieving the tire from the Radley Place 50

Character Example from Text Page
Atticus’s They refused to plead guilty to committing the 5
Clients crime they did commit
All of Everybody was too scared to go to the Radley house. 11
Mr. and Mrs. They were too scared to send Boo to the asylum 14

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Walter He was too scared to explain to Miss Caroline he was too 25
poor to pay her back.

Miss Being scared of the lice 34

Scout Washing out her mouth out of fear of getting in a tangle 45
with Calpurnia

Not retrieving the tire from the Radley Place 50

Jem and Scout Not telling Atticus about their game 53

Scout Originally not wanting to go for a walk 66

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