44 Resume Writing Tips PDF
44 Resume Writing Tips PDF
44 Resume Writing Tips PDF
(Courtesy of www.dailywritingtips.com)
Having a solid and effective resume can greatly improve your chances of landing
that dream job. That is beyond discussion. How does one make sure that his resume
is top notch and bullet proof, however? There are several websites with tips around
the web, but most bring just a handful of them. We wanted to put them all together
in a single place, and that is what you will find below: 44 resume writing tips.
These keywords will usually be nouns. Check the job description and related job ads
for a clue on what the employer might be looking for. You can read more about
resume keywords on the article Tapping the Power of Keywords to Enhance Your
Resume’s Effectiveness.
Sure, we know that you are good looking, but unless you are applying for a job
where the physical traits are very important (e.g., modeling, acting and so on), and
unless the employer specifically requested it, you should avoid attaching your
picture to the resume.
Unless you are 100% sure that some of your hobbies will support you candidacy,
avoid mentioning them. I know you are proud of your swimming team, but share it
with your friends and not with potential employers.
It is a good idea to update your resume on a regular basis. Add all the new
information that you think is relevant, as well as courses, training programs and
other academic qualifications that you might receive along the way. This is the best
way to keep track of everything and to make sure that you will not end up sending
an obsolete document to the employer.
You resume should not contain the pronouns “I” or “me.” That is how we normally
structure sentences, but since your resume is a document about your person, using
these pronouns is actually redundant.