Faez Isa Judgement
Faez Isa Judgement
Faez Isa Judgement
(Original Jurisdiction)
Mr. Justice Umar Ata Bandial
Mr. Justice Maqbool Baqar
Mr. Justice Manzoor Ahmad Malik
Mr. Justice Faisal Arab
Mr. Justice Mazhar Alam Khan Miankhel
Mr. Justice Sajjad Ali Shah
Mr. Justice Syed Mansoor Ali Shah
Mr. Justice Munib Akhtar
Mr. Justice Yahya Afridi
Mr. Justice Qazi Muhammad Amin Ahmed
“Surah An Nisa, Verse 135: O YOU who have
attained to faith! Be ever steadfast in
upholding equity, bearing witness to the
truth for the sake of God, even though it be
against your own selves or your parents and
kinsfolk. Whether the person concerned be
rich or poor, God's claim takes precedence
over [the claims of] either of them. Do not,
then, follow your own desires, lest you swerve
from justice: for if you distort [the truth],
behold, God is indeed aware of all that you
Translation by Muhammad Asad
(emphasis supplied)
has many a times reaffirmed that the judiciary must enjoy the
3. In the above background, we may now set out the
Revenue) that neither the petitioner nor Mrs. Isa had declared
revealed that Mrs. Isa had stopped filing her tax returns from
properties was not accounted for which meant that the aspect
taxpayer, and his adult children (ref: page 128, Const. P. No.
following prayer:
the petitioner;
State surveillance;
Const. P.17 of 2019, etc.
20 of 2019);
P. No. 21 of 2019);
No. 29 of 2019);
Const. P.17 of 2019, etc.
and were heard along with the main petition filed by the
Justice for six months in the year 2023 while Justice Ijaz ul
Const. P.17 of 2019, etc.
SCMR 1875):
“O R D E R
For detailed reasons to be recorded later and
subject to any orders made or directions
given therein (if any), these petitions are
allowed and disposed of in the following
1. Subject to what is stated below, the
Order of the Court is that Reference No. 1 of
2019 is declared to be of no legal effect
whatsoever and stands quashed, and in
consequence thereof the proceedings pending
in the Supreme Judicial Council (“Council”)
against the Petitioner in CP 17/2019
(including the show-cause notice dated
17.07.2019 issued to him) stand abated.
2. Mr. Justice Yahya Afridi dismisses CP
17/2019 and disposes of the other petitions
in terms as stated in para 1 herein above.
Const. P.17 of 2019, etc.
Herein below are the detailed reasons for this short order.
SC 61):
and protected.
Learned counsel for both the petitioner and the Bar Councils
just for the petitioner rather it was for the institution. It was
connected petitions.
Const. P.17 of 2019, etc.
be kept in mind that the petitioner has alleged that there have
not denied and remains intact, the SCN cannot survive on its
during oral submissions, this Bench could not quash the SCN
adjudicated upon the process of the SJC nor quashed its SCN
Const. P.17 of 2019, etc.
the petitioner’s plea that the same must be verified to test the
the SCN issued by the SJC has no foundation except for the
(emphasis supplied)
case the Full Bench quashed the reference against the (then)
Bench hearing the CJP case (supra), we can only convey our
SJC is a unique (and the only) body which can examine the
in the country and the two senior most Chief Justices of the
goes against the spirit and intent of the Constitution. But this
that the scope of judicial review is not only vast but may also
dignity both in their public and private lives and will not
Const. P.17 of 2019, etc.
“Chambers Dictionary
Page 471: Dignity: elevation of mind or
Page 869: Integrity: uprightness; honesty;
Page 1376: Propriety: conformity with good
manners; conformity with convention in
language and conduct;”
“3. Definitions:
In the present Procedure, unless the context
provides otherwise, the following expressions
used in the Procedure will have the meaning
as assigned to them
(l) “Misconduct”, includes,
(i) conduct unbecoming of a Judge,
(ii) is in disregard of the Code of Conduct
issued under Article 209(8) of the
Constitution of Islamic Republic of
(iii) is found to be inefficient or has ceased
to be efficient.”
Const. P.17 of 2019, etc.
Both criteria are consistent with the CoC and are primarily
Mrs. Isa and the petitioner. The former’s returns showed that
she did not have sufficient funds for the purchase of these
properties (the children have not filed any tax returns), while
The second case is Syed Zafar Ali Shah Vs. General Pervaiz
Executive; and
Const. P.17 of 2019, etc.
very clearly means that the CoC does not only expect
prestige and honour of the Judge but also the prestige and
of Australia, held:
observed that:
This dictum was later cited with approval in the CJP case
of a Judge.
Court is incorrect.
days are long gone when a husband and wife were treated as
one person in law and the husband was that person” (ref:
they exercise power and authority under the law. Under the
these perks and benefits which are also enjoyed by his spouse
Const. P.17 of 2019, etc.
A. During Service
B. After Service
664) that:
Judges states:
Strengthening basic principles of judicial
1. Invites Member States, consistent with
their domestic legal systems, to encourage
their judiciaries to take into consideration the
Bangalore Principles of Judicial Conduct,
annexed to the present resolution, when
reviewing or developing rules with respect to
the professional and ethical conduct of
members of the judiciary; …”
Principle: Propriety, and the appearance of
propriety, are essential to the performance of
all of the activities of a judge.
4.7: A judge shall inform himself or herself
about the judge's personal and fiduciary
financial interests and shall make reasonable
efforts to be informed about the financial
interests of members of the judge's family.”
Const. P.17 of 2019, etc.
“Judge’s family” includes a judge's spouse,
son, daughter, son-in-law, daughter-in-law,
and any other close relative or person who is
a companion or employee of the judge and
who lives in the judge's household.”
tax at a nominal rate set out in the Schedule to the Act. The
public office are not eligible to avail this tax incentive. The
produced below:
after inquiring from his client, that the latter did not gift any
“Oxford Dictionary:
Informed: Having or showing knowledge of a
subject or situation.”
Const. P.17 of 2019, etc.
under the CoC and the law relating to public office holders
that the filing of the Reference was a colourable and mala fide
iv. The haste with which action was taken against the
to the SJC.
form were too vague to satisfy the high threshold of mala fide
elder brother.
and fiercely debated issue, we would like to first set out what
in law. Even though both are a species of mala fide, yet each
Pakistan (2017 SCMR 1249) has studied not only the entire
action, the latter deals with actions that are manifestly illegal
be done when the facts or legal defects justify its use. In the
present case, the petitioner has alleged bad faith and ulterior
the State. Indeed, it was for this very reason that Justice
that any person who wishes to raise this plea must prove it to
cogent evidence.
reproduced below:
is noted that the review petition filed by PTI, which has been
in fact.
that considering the sensitivity of the matter and the fact that
Court observed:
Judge of the Superior Courts. The word ‘any’ means that the
the petitioner.
has also been echoed by the learned counsel for the petitioner
petitioner and his family may have lived through from the
Const. P.17 of 2019, etc.
leaked the next day on the media (as was the second letter
that the petitioner had read the Reference and was aware of
SJC and the petitioner himself. The date of the media report
learned counsel for the petitioner also raised issue with Mrs.
point scoring. It is not the petitioner’s case that she had any
she violated not only Rule 13 of the 2005 Rules but also
independent proceedings.
days of its receipt, Chairman ARU met the Law Minister who
the SJC. He stated that this was clear evidence of the AG’s
in the Reference, these did not form part of the record before
with law.
these cases did not specifically state the need for a body like
of Rai Sahib Ram Jawaya Kapur and others Vs. The State
(ii) "Attached Department" means a
Department which has direct relation with a
Division and has been declared as such by
the Federal Government;”
3. In view of the above, and in pursuance of
earlier decision of the Cabinet [05.09.2018],
the following is submitted for consideration
and approval of the Cabinet:
c. Placement of ARU, under Cabinet Division,
to be housed in the Prime Minister’s House;”
No. 643(S)/2018-Cab. The Cabinet, in its
meetings held on 5th and 13th September,
2018, vide cases N0. 546/35/2018 and No.
Const. P.17 of 2019, etc.
the ARU does not act directly but instead operates through its
which are also set out in the above noted Notification dated
No. F.32/CM/2018-Cab. The Cabinet, in its
meeting held on 5th September, 2018, vide
case No.546/35/2018, approved the
Establishment of Assets Recovery Unit for
implementation of Recovery of Unlawful
Assets Abroad.
2. The composition and terms of reference of
Assets Recovery Unit shall be as follows:
Const. P.17 of 2019, etc.
A. Composition:
1. SAPM on Accountability. Chairman
2. Senior Officer from Federal Member
Investigation Agency (FIA).
3. Senior Officer from National Member
Accountability Bureau (NAB).
4. Senior Officer from Federal Board Member
of Revenue (FBR).
5. Senior Officer from State Bank of Member
Pakistan (SBP).
6. 2/3 Experts from private sector Members
with expertise in forensic
accounting, anti-money
laundering, international criminal
laws and transactional legal
7. Any other officer/agency/ firm/ or
individual if so required by the
Unit on temporary or permanent
basis may be co-opted by the
B. Terms of Reference:
3. Assets Recovery Unit designated officers
from relevant organization/department/other
law enforcement agencies like NAB, FIA or
FBR shall with consultation/support of
relevant LEA, trace/detect and pursue
repatriation of unlawful assets from abroad.
For this purpose, ARU may seek
help/assistance of foreign governments/
firms/lawyers or individuals if so required.”
has observed:
was mandatory.
as follows:
reproduced below:
observed in the Adil Chattha case (supra) that the Court will
the present case. He stated that the tax and property records
1973 SC 157).
each aspect of the petitioner’s plea, the two issues are dealt
such service are provided in Article 260 ibid. These have been
Mills & Distillery Ltd (PLD 1975 SC 244) which quotes the
by law; and
for the benefit of the public at large. They have a fixed tenure,
of Article 209 when the ARU sought the tax information of the
conditions laid down therein are met, this clause also applies
therefore follows that the request made by the ARU for the tax
which gives the details of not only the property but also the
property records are open to the public (and have been since
such records. Clearly then, the acts of the officers of ARU and
under Article 14(1) is for the privacy of home and that too
subject to law. Such privacy does not extend to the tax and
Bhutto case (supra), giving the same ruling on the facts of the
of this Court given in the CJP case (supra). He argued that all
this Court could not analyse in any detail the opinion formed
some material before the President which had nexus with the
of a reference.
for investigation has been granted and that materials that are
However, if this Court were to lay down that despite all the
the petitioner (or for that matter any other Superior Court
Judge) could only have come from the President himself. The
record shows this was not done. Instead, when the complaint
“Schedule II
[Rule 3(3)]
21. Law and Justice Division
Const. P.17 of 2019, etc.
Court Judges. Indeed, the ROB do not at all deal with the
reproduced below:
Schedule V-B which sets out the list of cases in which the
Superior Court.
against the petitioner, was from the Law Minister who under
process after all the material had already been collected. The
Const. P.17 of 2019, etc.
Section XIIA The Income Tax Ordinance,
192 Prosecution for false statement in
verification- where tax sought to be evaded is
ten million rupees or more[;]
192A Prosecution for concealment of Income-
where tax sought to be evaded is ten million
rupees or more[;]
Note: for the purposes of this Section,
concealment of income includes any
act referred to in sub-section (1) of
section 111 (unexplained income or
194 Prosecution for improper use of National
Tax Number [Certificate}- where tax sought to
be evaded is ten million rupees or more[;]
199 Prosecution for abetment – where tax
sought to be evaded is ten million rupees or
Const. P.17 of 2019, etc.
the Ordinance.
does not allege that the petitioner has violated the provisions
produced below:
lacks force for the simple reason that the offence of money
the principle that statutes which are not pari materia cannot
(emphasis supplied)
under Section 116(1). Mrs. Isa did receive notices for the
years 2015, 2017 and 2018 but those were issued under
Section 114(4) of the Ordinance for her failure to file her tax
Const. P.17 of 2019, etc.
(B) Findings:-
(i) That, Mr. Justice Qazi Faez Isa did not
declare the above offshore properties owned
by his wife (and children).
(ii) That, Mrs. Sarina Isa Khoso is wife of Mr.
Justice Qazi Isa as per CINC 42301-
9722154-2, who also file her tax return for
Tax year 2014.
(iii) That, Mr. Justice Qazi was liable to
declare the above offshore properties as per
provisions of Section 116(1)(b) which
mandate every taxpayer to file the Wealth
Statement in the prescribed format declaring
therein “the total assets and liabilities of the
persons and his spouse, minor children, and
other dependents.”
(iv) That, Mrs. Sarina M. Isa (wife), Sehar Isa
Khoso (daughter), and Arslan Isa Khoso (son)
also did not declare the above properties
since they did not file their tax declarations
for the Tax Year 2014-2018.””
Const. P.17 of 2019, etc.
Income Tax Rules, 2002 for the tax year 2013. What is
declare the assets of his spouse who had not filed a return of
have noticed that the FBR is itself unsure about the true
Const. P.17 of 2019, etc.
the tax year 2015, FBR altered the scope of this duty. It asked
for Mrs. Isa to orally apprise the Court through video link
without oath through video link from her home. The Bench
Bath Island, even though her new address, Phase II DHA was
SBP, and that the tax authorities were aware that apart from
Based on the facts and needs of that case, the said learned
above quoted view the President had simply followed the PM’s
Justice along with all the relevant attachments and the PM’s
it with the PM but also with the Law Secretary, the AG and
the Law Minister. Input was also sought from Secretary to the
the petitioner Judge (or for that matter any other citizen of
the Reference and its legal aspects with the AG and the Law
Article 48(1) ibid the President has the power to return the
Cabinet rather than the PM. However, the short and simple
PM. The rationale for this rule becomes evident when the list
Matters for Cabinet Consideration
72: The following is an indication of the kind
of issues that would normally require
consideration by the Cabinet:
a. Proposals relating to the delivery of the
Government’s priorities
b. Significant or controversial policy issues
c. Proposals affecting the Government’s
financial position, or important financial
d. Proposals that are challenging to
implement due to their complexity or timeline
for delivery
e. Significant matters affecting state and
territory government relations
f. The most significant international business,
including international treaties and
g. National emergencies, including any
decision to take military action
h. Proposals that affect Australia’s
constitutional arrangements
Const. P.17 of 2019, etc.
[Rule 15-A(1)]
2D. Appointment, resignation and removal of
Provincial Governors, determination of their
salaries, allowances and privileges
19. Auditor General of Pakistan:
(i) Appointment, removal, term of office
and terms and conditions of service;
33. Federal Shariat Court: number of Judges,
their appointments, transfer, resignation,
removal, allowances and privileges.
35. Reference to Supreme Judicial Council.
36D. Council of Islamic Ideology:
(i) Appointment, resignation and removal
of members and Chairman,”
(emphasis supplied)
which are deliberated upon by the Cabinet and the fact that
President must state his reasons for disagreement and call for
endorse the said advice leaving it for the SJC to analyse the
said that the President applied his mind to the facts alleged in
vii. The President did not get considered, fair and objective
in the Reference;
petitioner in public.
the Constitution, the ROB, the Ordinance and AMLA but have
also ignored the law laid down in the CJP case (supra) which
disregard of the law. Being arbitrary and illegal these act have
Const. P.17 of 2019, etc.
with malice in fact, the scale and degree of the illegalities are
for being legally defective. The SCN issued by the SJC derives
good faith neither Judges nor the institution can retain the
ruler at the time that the allegations against the former were
rendered insignificant.
the London Properties, the primary fact which forms the basis
which he serves.
the law. Indeed, neither the institution of the judiciary nor the
the path which in the first place should have been taken by
rights of the petitioner and his family under Article 10A of the
those of Mrs. Isa’s, but also employs personnel who are well-
reasonable timeline.
SJC for its consideration. This was done to give SJC the
obliges the SJC to take any action based on the report. The
Const. P.17 of 2019, etc.
the rights of the affected taxpayers, Mrs. Isa and her children,
the Bench.
Irshad Hussain/Meher LC
Sr. No Topic Para Nos
1 Introduction 1-2
Independence of Judiciary; Impartiality of Judges
2 Facts 3-12
Factual matrix; Petitioner’s propositions;
Connected petitions with main propositions;
Respondents propositions; Recusal application by
counsel for petitioner; Short order dated
3 Maintainability 13-23
Art 184(3) and bar of Art 211 on jurisdiction;
Grounds of review of pre-reference proceedings;
Petition maintainable
4 Case against the Petitioner 24-42
Reference to Art 209; Brief reference to the
allegations; Reference to Code of Conduct;
Reference to SJC Rules 2005; Meaning of
misconduct; Timing of misconduct;
Accountability for family’s conduct (Judicial
Estacode, Bangalore Principles, Amnesty
Schemes, Scope of obligation on Judges to be
informed of financial affairs of family members)
5 Mala Fides 43-64
Meaning and standard of proof of mala fides;
Specific incidents raised by counsel for petitioner
as highlighting the mala fides of respondents
(Review petitions filed against Dharna Judgment,
Proxy complainant, Leaking of Reference, Firdous
Ashiq Awan’s press conference, Hastiness of
Government, Remarks of (former) AG in
Rejoinder); No malice in fact
6 Constitution of ARU 65-76
Reference to Foreign Currency Accounts Cases;
Creation of ARU (Executive authority,
Notifications from Cabinet read with Rule 2(1)(ii)
ROB, Composition and TORs of ARU, Publication
of Notification in gazette); Appointment of
Const. P.17 of 2019, etc.
Faisal Arab, J.- I have had the privilege to go through the judgment
Income Tax Ordinance, 2001 and on the plea of mala fide I respectfully
agree with the same. I also intend to add my own reasons in support of
2. The origin of the Reference No.1 of 2019 filed by the
names of their relatives. The details of the foreign properties were said to
be attached with the letter. The Law Minister was informed about this
letter, who advised the Chairman, Asset Recovery Unit, to verify the
the tax records that no property located abroad has been declared either
by the petitioner or his wife in terms of Section 116 (1) (b) of the Income
Tax Ordinance, 2001. From further verification from the Land Registry in
Street, London W2 2AN acquired in the year 2011 (ii) 90 Adelaide Road,
London E10 5NW acquired in the year 2013 and (iii) 40 Oakdale Road,
London E11 4DL also acquired in the year 2013 stand in the joint names
Later, it has come on record that the first of these properties was initially
acquired in the year 2004 in the name of the petitioner’s wife only and in
the year 2011 the petitioner’s daughter was made co-owner along-with
his wife. The second property acquired in the year 2013 stands in the
Const. P.17 of 2019, etc.
joint names of the petitioner’s wife and son and the third, also acquired
in the year 2013, stands in the joint names of the petitioner’s wife and
was completed in the manner stated above, the Law Ministry placed a
and was then placed before the President under Article 48 (1) of the
foreign assets. The draft of the Presidential Reference was also appended
with the Prime Minister’s advice, which the President was asked to sign.
The President acted on such advice and signed the Reference, which was
then sent to the Supreme Judicial Council to conduct inquiry against the
source, the Council or the President is of the opinion that a Judge of the
Supreme Court or a High Court ……. (b) may have been guilty of
misconduct, the President shall direct the Council to, or the Council may,
on its own motion, inquire into the matter.’ The use of the words ‘from any
leaving the door wide open for the information to come in from any
source, Article 209 (5) of the Constitution has also ensured that receipt
of any and every information per se should not trigger inquiry against a
the Supreme Judicial Council or the President has formed the opinion
Const. P.17 of 2019, etc.
that the matter needs to be inquired into. The informant has no right to
seek that the President or the Supreme Judicial Council must conduct
inquiry on the information that has been placed by him before any of
them. The Constitution has left such decision in its entirety in the hands
of the Supreme Judicial Council and the President. Until either of them
only then the Supreme Judicial Council could embark upon the inquiry
otherwise not.
would be able to work with the freedom and confidence required of him
the Constitution has given primacy to the opinion that is formed on the
(5) of the Constitution. It is for this reason that when the Constitution
admits information from any source, it basically says let there be search
for the truth if in the opinion of any of the two opinion makers there is
importance. It reads ‘If, after inquiring into the matter, the Council reports
to the President that it is of the opinion- (a) that the Judge is incapable of
performing the duties of his office or has been guilty of misconduct, and (b)
Const. P.17 of 2019, etc.
that the President may remove the Judge from office.’ The words “… after
Judicial Council to first conduct the inquiry and then submit its report
to the President. Once that is done and in its report returns its findings
Article 209 of the Constitution uses the word ‘may’, which clothes the
charges framed against him, in that eventuality the matter ends there.
review before this Court. To quote an example from a matter from foreign
(whose role can be equated with the role of Supreme Judicial Council)
role which our President exercises in such matters) did not accept the
removal. With the result that Justice Ramaswami continued in his office
until he superannuated.
removed from office except as provided by this Article’. This means that
the Supreme Judicial Council and no other. This has been done keeping
the one provided in the Constitution i.e. the Supreme Judicial Council
209 (7) clearly entrusted the power to inquire into the conduct of a Judge
provision, it would have deprived the most important organ, the Supreme
of the merits of the information. If this Court was to first give its findings
from proceeding with the inquiry, it would be deviating from the scheme
devised under the Constitution for the accountability of the judges of the
actions that may be taken under Article 209 (5) of the Constitution in
future. In every case the credentials of the informant and not the worth
forum created exclusively for the accountability of judges but would also
Article 209 (5) of the Constitution, the allegations made against a sitting
judicial interference that amounts to stifling the very function which the
and facts alone, not their legal effects. The terms such as benami
ownership or corruption or bribery are all legal effects that arise from a
set of alleged facts. Once that is done then it is for the adjudicating
forum to work out the legal effects emanating from any given set of facts
Const. P.17 of 2019, etc.
explained in the case of Ala-ud-Din Vs. Mst. Farkhanda Akhtar PLD 1953
state only the facts and it is for the Court to apply the law and work out
regard for the rules of pleading, legal effects are generally made part of the
reproduced. Then in the case of Budho Vs. Ghulam Shah (PLD 1963 SC
553), a five-member bench of this Court reiterated this principle and held
be presumed that reliance would be placed on such facts and what legal
effects emerge from such facts need not be stated in the pleadings in
order to seek the relief. Failure to state the legal effects, therefore, cannot
lack of regard for the rules of pleadings. Hence, what legal effect emerges
from the narration of a set of facts alleged in the Reference was not
11. For a moment even if the rules of pleadings are kept aside,
of foreign assets. This allegation was made by drawing inference from the
fact that the foreign assets were neither declared by the petitioner nor his
wife as required under Section 116 (1) (b) of the Income tax Ordinance,
12. With regard to the plea of the petitioner that as the London
Properties are not in his name he was not required to declare it in his
Ordinance, 2001, it may be stated that under Section 116(1) (b) of the
declare any wealth that stands in their names or in the names of their
not only in their own names but also in the names of their spouses,
which stands in the name of another that has made it obligatory upon
names the taxpayer is most likely to purchase from his own sources.
(2) of the Income Tax Ordinance, 2001. When a taxpayer declares his
assets under Section 116, such declaration had to reconcile with his
declared income.
13. When any asset that has not been declared in terms of
Section 116 gets disclosed at any stage, it is likely to give rise to the
asset was acquired. In such eventuality the taxpayer can be called upon
then the value of the undeclared asset, to the extent it was not
deemed income generated from ‘other sources’ and added to his already
Const. P.17 of 2019, etc.
declared income, if there was any. This is done in terms of Section 111 of
the Income Tax Ordinance, 2001. The income tax liability so determined
Income Tax Ordinance, 2001. Once that is done on the basis of deeming
mandate and compel such person to divulge the nature of the activity
that had become the source of acquiring the undeclared asset. Hence,
insofar as the legitimacy of the activity from which the undeclared asset
was created would still remain a mystery and the matter would come to
an end but only for the purposes of income tax law. Hence, the legitimacy
of the activity from which the undeclared asset was created would still
remain unascertainable inspite of the fact that Sections 111 and 182 of
the Income Tax Ordinance, 2001 were fully applied by the Income Tax
were acquired beyond his known sources of income. In that sense the
declarations made under Section 116 (1) (b) become a ‘relevant fact’ in
So, the utility of the declaration made under Section 116 is not restricted
Council was not invoked to recover income tax that may not have been
paid on income from which the London properties were acquired as such
Const. P.17 of 2019, etc.
taking recourse to Section 116 of the Income Tax Ordinance, 2001 could
only be termed as a ‘relevant fact’ which is intended for proving the ‘fact-
in-issue’ which is the probable concealment of the source from which the
16. Where a person holds a high public office and any asset
household in the country or abroad and had not been declared to the tax
authorities in terms of Section 116 (1) (b) of the Income Tax Ordinance
the holder of high public office or of the member of his or her household,
disclosure is likely to cast doubts on his or her integrity and honesty and
a public office holder, the declaration under Section 116 (1) (b) of the
Income Tax Ordinance, 2001 by itself is not a ‘fact in issue’ but only a
of the public office holder or his spouse or children or any other person
Const. P.17 of 2019, etc.
Section 116 (1) (b) can be used as a ‘relevant fact’ before both the forums
i.e. income tax authorities and the forum that is empowered to take
used in the said section is ‘person’s spouse’ and not wife. Thus, if a
Income tax law is not concerned with whether the spouse of a resident
in the names of taxpayer’s loved ones. Husband and wife are both
presumptive heirs of each other. Any property in the name of any of them
property in his or her name remains undeclared and when such a fact
proceedings takes the plea that his or her spouse being a person of
divulged by him or her under Section 116 of the Income Tax Ordinance,
2001. This, if accepted, would then mean that if first asset of substantial
then the spouse with the ownership of valuable asset that was acquired
first in point of time has become a person of means. As stated earlier, the
whole intent of the income tax law is to prevent tax evasion which would
‘spouse’ appearing in Section 116. It is for this reason that when the law
states ‘spouse’ it does not qualify it by stating that only such assets are
Section 116 so as to mean that the term ‘spouse’ is confined to only such
Edition page 751), it is stated that punctuations are to denote the stops
that ought to be made in oral reading, and point out the sense. When
the relevant portion of Section 116 (1) (b) of the Income Tax
the person’s spouse, minor children, and other dependents…’ we find that
in the said provision there is a coma before the conjunction ‘and’. When
added before the conjunction ‘and’ in order to denote that the words that
appear after the coma and the conjunction are not to be read so as to
modify what has preceded before in the same sentence. Joining of two
clauses in one sentence does not mean that both are to be read as
Const. P.17 of 2019, etc.
‘dependent spouse’. What Section 116(1) (b) intend to mean is that the
even in an action taken under Income Tax Ordinance, 2001 cannot take
the stand that unless his or her spouse is shown to be dependent on him
their names under Section 116 (1) (b) of the Income Tax Ordinance,
moves to her husband’s house then the husband has to bear the
member of his household exists under civil law, Muslim Personal Law
as well as under Islamic law which creates a right of the wife over her
provide to her wife all necessities of life irrespective of her own means as
long as the marriage subsists and even for some time thereafter. In
towards his wife states that wife can even rent her own house to her
Const. P.17 of 2019, etc.
husband so that her husband will allocate that house for their
a right of a wife that her husband must maintain her as long as she
claim that he has no financial responsibilities towards his wife for the
and reach to comply with the mandate of the law which requires him to
disclose assets in the name of his wife who is living with him as member
past this Court interfered with the proceedings of the Supreme Judicial
President of Pakistan (PLD 2010 Supreme Court 61). Even in that case
made basis for nullifying the proceedings but this Court noticed quite
pronounced acts of mala fide on the part of the then President who under
the then existing provisions of Article 209 (5) of the Constitution was the
with the then Chief Justice of Pakistan could be said to be one of the
called the Chief Justice for a meeting at his office in the morning hours,
in which the Chief Justice refused to give any assurance that this Court
Chief Justice was asked to either resign or face the Reference. The Chief
Justice refused to resign, upon which he was not allowed to leave for
more than five hours. During this time the Chief Justice was stripped of
Const. P.17 of 2019, etc.
all his powers and a Reference against him was filed under Article 209 (5)
Chief Justice, who took oath the same day and held the meeting of the
Supreme Judicial Council at 06:30 p.m. Two Chief Justices of the High
specially flown in for the meeting even before the Acting Chief Justice
had taken oath of his office. During the hearing of Iftikhar Muhammad
the Supreme Judicial Council and after examining the same, noticed that
09.03.2007 had ever been passed on that day. The Council nevertheless
met in the evening and issued a notice to the deposed Chief Justice for
meanwhile, the Chief Justice was taken to his residence and put under
house arrest.
Reference was not quashed by this Court on the basis of the allegations
contained therein but because his removal from his office was on
account of his refusal to give assurance to the then President that his
on one and the same day clearly demonstrated utter mala fide on the
part of the then President who himself was the sole opinion maker under
Council. That was the background that led to the quashment of the
Reference against the then Chief Justice by this Court. The petitioner
Const. P.17 of 2019, etc.
has not alleged mala fide against the President but has raised such a
plea only against the informant and the persons who processed the
information. The present case is thus not even remotely close to what
the Prime Minister, the President has contravened the provision of Article
209 (5) of the Constitution as he did not form his own independent
stated that without obtaining the approval of the Federal Cabinet, the
Prime Minister could not have advised the President to file the Reference
and reliance was placed on the case of Mustafa Impex, Karachi Vs. The
Government of Pakistan (PLD 2016 SC 808) in this regard. Both the legal
questions though contradict each other, one can say that these pleas
may have been taken in the alternative without stating so. In order to
examine the question whether the Reference suffered from any legal
defect, the true import of Article 48 (1) & (2) of the Constitution needs to
the President to act in accordance with the advice of the Cabinet or the
Prime Minister which means it comes into play when any matter relates
be exercised by the Cabinet and the Prime Minister in the name of the
President. This also indicates that the affairs of the government in the
which the President can exercise his powers in his own discretion. These
are proviso to Article 48 (1), Article 48(2), Article 56(2), Article 58(2),
Article 75(1) (b), Article 91(7), Article 209(5), Article 232(1) and proviso to
becomes clear that in forming his opinion the President is not dependent
on the advice of the Prime Minister or the Cabinet. He can form opinion
on any information that may have come to him from any other source.
Constitution, the Executive being the biggest litigant in the country was
inquiry into the conduct of a judge of the Superior Judiciary was out of
who is the symbol of unity of the State and not part of the Executive
clearly indicates that the President has to act in his own discretion to
25. For the President to act under Article 48(1) the source is the
advice of the Prime Minister and the Cabinet and for the President to act
under Article 209(5) the source could be any, there is no limitation. All
actionable before the President and then it is for him to either seek any
sufficient enough to refer the matter to the Supreme Judicial Council for
the Constitution. The Executive on its part cannot compel the President
income tax records of the Federal Board of Revenue and the office of the
Land Registry of London was submitted to the Law Minister vide ARU’s
letter dated 10.05.2019 and on such information the course that was
the summary prepared for the Prime Minister. Paragraphs 17 & 18 of the
allegations in terms of Article 209 (5) of the Constitution, and after such
inquiry submit a Report to the President under Article 209 (6) of the
17.05.2019 and was then placed before the President. The President
against the petitioner under Article 209 (5) of the Constitution. Thus,
nothing was left for the President to decide on his own in terms of Article
209 (5) of the Constitution. From what transpired from the whole
Judicial Accountability:
Judicial Council was thus carved out under Article 209(5) of the
public trust in the judiciary. By virtue of Article 209 (7) read with Article
Council only. No Court can assume such a role. The Supreme Judicial
the merits of the allegations made against any judge of the superior
judiciary. Only plea of mala fide was allowed to be taken by this Court in
2010 Supreme Court 61) and that too mala fide was attributed to the
former President who was then solely entitled to form the opinion as to
Const. P.17 of 2019, etc.
deserves the honor, dignity and respect which go with his office. When
under Article 209 (5) of the Constitution, then not only his credibility but
anguish that continues until his name gets finally cleared. The agony
may even continue for some time thereafter. Nonetheless, the sanctity of
superior judiciary around the world. Some got impeached and the others
due deference to the Supreme Judicial Council that has been entrusted
household which was acquired while he was in office and has not been
declared to the income tax authorities and such fact becomes public then
missing unless the matter is brought to its closure. One can imagine the
immeasurable damage both to the image of the judge for the remainder
of his tenure in office and the faith of the people in the accountability
gone into public domain are not taken to their logical conclusion. As the
saying goes ‘the robe magnifies the conduct’. Leaving the matter without
inquiry would in fact give rise to a great deal of skepticism about his
Const. P.17 of 2019, etc.
integrity in the public eye. Judges write many judgments, some of which
go against the sitting government. This does not mean that Article 209(5)
Judicial Council also does not depend upon what motivated the
informant to place the information on the desk of one of the two opinion
makers who found it to be credible enough to call for an inquiry, nor the
therefore, primacy has to be given to the matter that goes to the heart of
the controversy.
financial credibility then it becomes all the more necessary that he and
his wife, who lives with him as a member of his household, should take
would be the only appropriate response to meet the allegations and clear
the doubts that may have arisen in the minds of the public. For any
judicial interference, it will die in the hearts and minds of the people for
whom it was framed. After holding that the Presidential Reference was
adopting the course provided in the short order dated 19.06.2020 would
not have resulted in genuine exoneration for the petitioner. Keeping this
Const. P.17 of 2019, etc.
in mind when this Court in its short order directed the Commissioner
assets and place its report before the Supreme Judicial Council, it in
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Bandial, J. and agree with him to the extent of declaring the Presidential
valuable submissions of the learned counsel for the parties, the same
have very aptly been recorded by my worthy brother Umar Ata Bandial J.
Thus, I would not repeat the narration thereof and adopt the same to be
Faez Isa, the Petitioner, has invoked the constitutional jurisdiction of the
provision reads:
that the said matter involves any of the enforcement of the fundamental
(“fundamental rights”).
Supreme Court, wherein it has vast authority to take action suo motu or
Supreme Court under this jurisdiction is final and not appealable. The
Justice Raja Jilal-Ud-Din and another v. Federation of Pakistan through Secretary, Ministry of Law and Justice,
Human Rights, Government of Pakistan, Islamabad and others (PLD 2016 Supreme Court 269); Al-Jehad Trust
v. President of Pakistan PLD 2000 SC 84; Suo Motu Action Regarding Eligibility of Chairman and Members of
Sindh Public Service Commission etc.: In the matter of 2017 P L C (C.S.) 984.
decide cases under Article 184(3), and in particular, suo motu actions,
lest the exercise of such jurisdiction may be seen to have been abused.
present petition would not only be swaying from the issue in hand but
consensus reached is for the same to encompass any issue affecting the
group might be.4 It is also settled law that the locus standi of the
exceptional circumstances.5
Independence of Judiciary
Petitioner in the present petition, it is noted that the key issue, apart
C.M.A. No. 7798 of 2018
Anwar Aziz v. Federation of Pakistan (PLD 2001 Supreme Court 49), Abdul Wahab v. HBL (2013 SCMR 1383)
and Asad Ali v. Federation of Pakistan (PLD 1998 Supreme Court 161); Miss Benazir Bhutto v. Federation of
Pakistan (PLD 1988 Supreme Court 416); Pakistan Muslim League (N) through Khawaja Muhammad Asif,
M.N.A. and others v. FEDERATION OF PAKISTAN through Secretary Ministry of Interior and others (PLD 2007
Supreme Court 642)
5 Dr. Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri v. Federation of Pakistan (PLD 2013 Supreme Court 413)
Const. P.17 of 2019, etc.
endorse and posit is that, for such a society, a delicate balance must be
institution of the rule of law has evolved, however, its general gist has
always remained the same and has been aptly described7 in terms that:
“In the West, in India, and in the Muslim world, there was
a body of preexisting law, sanctified by religion and
safeguarded by a hierarchy of priests and clerics, that was
prior to and independent of the state. This law was seen
as being older, higher, and more legitimate than the
current ruler and therefore binding on him. That is the
meaning of the rule of law: even the king or emperor is
bound by the law and not free simply to do as he pleases.”
legislative branch to bolster the rule of law. To this end, one of the
country. In the zeal to insulate the judiciary, one must not forget to
6 Francis Fukuyama, The Origins of Political Order: From Prehuman Times to the French
Revolution (1st edn, 2011) pp.15-16
7 Francis Fukuyama, The Origins of Political Order: From Prehuman Times to the French
Revolution (1st edn, 2011) p 121
Const. P.17 of 2019, etc.
the judiciary, in achieving the ultimate goal of establishing the rule of law
judiciary with all its legal, social and political implications is surely a
petitioner meets the first condition precedent for invoking the jurisdiction
Fundamental Rights
speech10 and information11, and that, too, for the larger interest of
the Petitioner is not just a citizen, but a Judge of the Supreme Court, I
relates to the terms and conditions of his service but also affects the
Asad Ali v. Federation of Pakistan (PLD 1998 Supreme Court 161); Al-Jehad Trust v. Lahore High Court (2011
SCMR 1688); Chief Justice of Pakistan Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry v. President of Pakistan through
Secretary and others (PLD 2010 SC 61).
Majesty of an Oath
assumed the office by taking an oath under the Constitution12. The oath
declares; inter alia, that “I will abide by the code of conduct issued
yet it has over time, evolved into a recognized "natural and universal
custom".14 At its core is always the deterring force to ensure the truth of
On the one hand, we have the fundamental rights that have been
rights but only moderate the exercise of enforcing the same. And thus,
subjects all rights and privileges available to him under the Constitution
and the law, which may be contrary to or not in consonance with the
12 Articles 178 and 194 read with Third Schedule of the Constitution.
13 Third Schedule of the Constitution read with Article 209(8) of the Constitution
14 Helen Silvino, ‘The Oath’ [1959] (68)7 Yale Law Review 1329
15 Article 8, 199, 184(3) of the Constitution
Const. P.17 of 2019, etc.
instances in this respect are: the members of “forces” cannot claim any
and conditions of service of the civil servants, this Court has observed
Code of Conduct
courage, modesty, and the capacity to resist the siren of notoriety for
that on the one hand, a Judge is bestowed with the sacred constitutional
trust, and on the other hand, he is obligated "to present before the public
worthy Judges to avoid litigation, and resorting to the same should only
be made in dire need, and that too, as a last inevitable option. Caution
should always govern the need. In case, a sitting Judge having no other
and remain "cautious and forbearing" to ensure that his actions do not
infringe upon the respect and dignity attributable to the esteemed office
of the Judge. The object is to avert any chance of him being placed in a
vehemently assert that the petition was moved for safeguarding the
independence of the judiciary and that he had accepted the brief for the
same reason. However, from the Petitioner’s point of view, the subject
being so, seeking to enforce the fundamental rights to challenge the very
charges against him to be ultra vires, and that too without withstanding
the prescribed enquiry would negate the very spirit of the oath taken by
opinion that the present petition is not maintainable. It starkly lacks one
the Constitution. More so, when the positive exercise of the said
independently moved this Court, yet they have in unison challenged the
very legality of the Reference filed by the worthy President against Justice
22. I will first address the preliminary objection raised by the learned
to entertain the present petitions given the bar provided under Article
challenged on the grounds of coram non judice, mala fide and want of
Const. P.17 of 2019, etc.
the charges levelled against Mr Justice Qazi Faez Isa in the Reference, as
the same falls in the exclusive domain of the Council. Similarly, another
contested issue, the scope and extent of the culpability of a sitting Judge
qua the actions and inactions of his spouse and children, is a matter
which ought to have been expressly dealt with in the code of conduct. In
setting steps for the Council to follow, and that too, without hearing the
learned counsel for the parties on the challenge made on the jurisdiction
and bona fide of the Council, would be premature and offend the
judiciary. These issues, as stated earlier, have been treated by this Court
Petitioners, unlike a sitting Judge of the superior court, are not shackled
constitutional court under Article 184(3). Given the above, the objection
Federation vests with the Cabinet headed by the worthy Prime Minister,
and all its acts are to be expressed in the name of the worthy President.28
head of the State, unifying the federating units, and maintaining the
balance of the trichotomy of power between the three organs of the State.
exceptions to the above rule30, where the worthy President has been
27 Al-Jehad Trust v. President of Pakistan PLD 2000 SC 84; Suo Motu Action Regarding
Eligibility of Chairman and Members of Sindh Public Service Commission 2017 P L C (C.S.)
984), Miss Benazir Bhutto v. Federation of Pakistan (PLD 1988 SC 416) Pakistan Muslim
League (N) through Khawaja Muhammad Asif v. Federation of Pakistan (PLD 2007
Supreme Court 642)
28 Article 91 of the Constitution
29 Article 48(1) of the Constitution
30 Article 48(2) of the Constitution
Const. P.17 of 2019, etc.
Reference against the Mr Justice Qazi Faez Isa under Article 209 of the
same was to be sent on the "advice" of the worthy Prime Minister and
that it was binding upon the worthy President. On the other hand, the
Dogar, a summary was prepared and then moved by the Ministry of Law,
and finally placed before the worthy President, with the "advice" of the
21. In terms of Article 209(5), read with Article 48 of the Constitution of the
Islamic Republic of Pakistan, 1973, the President is advised to form an opinion on
the proposals contained in paras 17 and 18 of the summary, and direct the
Supreme Judicial Council to inquire into the allegations of misconduct against Mr
Justice Qazi Faez Isa, a Judge of the Supreme Court of Pakistan. Accordingly,
draft reference (Attachment A) may pleased be signed.
PM’s Office U.O. No. 1338/Secy(PM)/2019 dated 17-05-2019.
The worthy President signed and approved the summary with his
22. The Prime Minister’s advice at Para 21 of the Summary is approved and
the Reference signed. (handwritten noting)
(-sd-) President
firstly, that the "advice" of the worthy Prime Minister was unconditionally
Const. P.17 of 2019, etc.
misconduct against Mr Justice Qazi Faez Isa; and finally that, there was
the Council; secondly, the said "information" may emanate from "any"
has to form his opinion, or whether to proceed with the sending of the
should now be on the “advice” of the worthy Prime Minister to the worthy
executive act, and it came within the purview of the general rule,
envisaged under clause (1) of Article 48 read with clause (1) of Article 91
of the Constitution and clause 15A read with item 33 of the Schedule IV
“advice” of the worthy Prime Minister was binding upon the worthy
misconduct is made out against the Judge, and if so, then a reference is
to be sent for an enquiry to the Council. This decision or for that matter,
source". The "advice" of the worthy Prime Minister when received by the
circumstances, the "advice" of the worthy Prime Minister would then fall
within the exception to the general rule, as envisaged under clause (2) of
apply his independent mind on the matter and then act accordingly.
Const. P.17 of 2019, etc.
only if we omit to read the words, "If, on information from any source,"
prefacing Article 209 (5). It is only then that the "advice" of the Prime
every word of the Constitution has a purpose and meaning to it. No word
in the letter of the law, has to be respected and abided. Thus, in the face
the Rules of Business, as relied upon by the learned counsel for the
the opinion formed by the Worthy President in the present case, I have
blindly accepted and followed the "advice" of the worthy Prime Minister to
send the Reference to the Council. The formation of the “opinion” by the
worthy President was, it seems, muddied by the blatant and uncalled for
to the Council would lack legal sanction and be without lawful authority,
37. One must be mindful of the fact that even the above-
law of evidence; relevance and admissibility, and not the source of such
32 The point was put starkly by Crompton J. in England in the 19th century: “It matters not
how you get it; if you steal it even it would be admissible in evidence..” R. v. Leatham
(1861), 8 Cox C.C. 498, at 501, [1861-73] All E.R. Rep. Ext. 1646; R v Sang, [1979] 2 All ER
1222; Kuruma v. The Queen (PLD 1957 Privy Council 32); Jones v the University of
Const. P.17 of 2019, etc.
I, with great respect, do not subscribe to. The judicial stance taken
be legally palatable if viewed in their territorial context, and that too with
Fourth Amendment.
Council to act in a particular manner, and that too at this stage, would
40. Much has been stated about Mr Dogar and his complaint of
fide in filing the complaint against the wife of Mr Justice Qazi Faez Isa
that, the information regarding the foreign property of Mrs Sarina Isa
Warwick, [2003] 3 All ER 760[2003] 3 All ER 760; Imerman v Tchenguiz and others;
Imerman v Imerman, [2011] 1 All ER 555 [2011] 1 All ER 555.
33 Propp v. Propp, 2014 SICCA 5, [2014] S.J. No. 12, at para. 41 (Sask. C.A.)
34 Magraj Patodia vs R. K. Birla and Ors (1971 AIR 1295, 1971 SCR (2) 118); RM Malkani vs.
the State of Maharashtra (AIR 1973 SC 157); Umesh Kumar v. State of Andhra Pradesh
(AIR 2014 SC 1106)
35 Boyd v. the United States (116 U.S. 616(1886); Weeks v. United States (232 U.S. 383(1914);
U.S. v. Leon (468 U.S. 897, 104 S.Ct. 3405 (1984); Mass. v. Sheppard (468 U.S. 981 (1984);
Brewer v. Williams, 430 U.S. 387, 97 S.Ct. 1232 (1976); Terry v. Ohio, 382 U.S. 1 (1968);
Adams v. Williams, 407 U.S. 143 (1972).
Const. P.17 of 2019, etc.
admitted by Mr Justice Qazi Feaz Isa to be owned by his wife, Mrs Sarina
Unlawful Surveillance
law.37 Thus, any action by the executive, without the backing of the law,
of Mr Justice Qazi Faez Isa not been freely and legally accessible, then it
information through surveillance. To this end, the learned counsel for the
And further, placing on record, a copy of the title of the said foreign
property, pre-dating the Complaint, and that too, from the relevant and
(“Certificate”)39 confirmed that the requisite search under the laws of the
United Kingdom had already been carried out. Hence, the stance of the
Petitioners regarding mala fide of the Federal Government did not cross
44. The legal sanction for establishing the Asset Recovery Unit (“ARU”)
has also been a matter of contest between the parties. The question that
in hand can be resolved based on the legality of the actions taken by the
from the income tax returns of Mr Justice Qazi Faez Isa or his wife, Mrs
and particulars of their income tax returns filed and maintained under
Law Minister and was then made the basis for the Reference.45
Confidentiality of Income Tax Returns and the Penal Consequence for its
Chairman ARU, the then Chairman Federal Board of Revenue and the
assessee.46 The income tax officials, who are the custodian of the said
information, are commanded under the law to jealously guard the same,
to seek from the assessee, the source of funds48 for the acquisition of any
assets. In case, the competent income tax official is not satisfied with the
47. In the present case, once the Income Tax Officials had information
regarding the alleged undeclared assets of Mrs Sarina Isa, they despite
the chain of directions emanating from the Law Minister leading to the
under Section 189 read with Section 199 and section 216 (1) of the
review the penal as well as the asserted saving provisions under the
for the time being in force, no court or other authority shall be,
save as provided in this Ordinance, entitled to require any public
servant to produce before it any return, accounts, or documents
contained in, or forming a part of this records relating to any
proceedings under this Ordinance, or any records of the Income
Tax Department generally, or any part thereof, or to give evidence
before it in respect thereof.
intent is evident from the said information being expressly excluded from
information, one must appreciate that the Law Minister and the
solely with the Council, and none other. Even otherwise, the information
relating to income tax returns of Mrs Sarina Isa would not fall within the
disclosures and thus retain its confidentiality. Surely, the legal position
would have been otherwise, had Mrs Sarina Isa consented to allow such
disclosure, which she did not or had the competent tax authorities
initiated proceedings against her under the Ordinance, which they never
Const. P.17 of 2019, etc.
did. This being so, passing any directions by this Court to the tax
authorities with specific time spans and setting the procedure for the
Income Tax officials to proceed against Mrs Sarina Isa, would amount to
such matters. More so, when such directions have been made against a
prosecute her, and that too without providing her with an effective
opportunity of hearing.
be available to the Law Minister or any other Federal Minister for issuing
52. The direction of the Law Minister and the Chairman ARU to
tax returns of Mr Justice Qazi Faez Isa and Mrs Sarina Isa, prima facia,
under the section 199 read with sections 198 and 216(1) of the
Ordinance. Similarly, the fact that the then Chairman Federal Board of
Revenue and the Income Tax Officials having not refused the illegal
49 Ch. Zahur Ilahi's Case (PLD 1975 SC 383); Aman Ullah Khan's Case (PLD 1990 SC 1092); Nawabzada
Muhammad Umar Khan's Case (1992 SCMR 2450); Baz Muhammad Kakar v. Federation of Pakistan through
Ministry of Law and Justice, Islamabad (PLD 2012 SC 870); Chief Justice of Pakistan Iftikhar Muhammad
Chaudhry v. President of Pakistan through Secretary and others (PLD 2010 Supreme Court 61)
Const. P.17 of 2019, etc.
record of the present case is placed before the Federal Board of Revenue
to proceed under the law, against the Law Minister, the Chairman ARU,
the then Chairman, Federal Board of Revenue and all the concerned
Income Tax Officers qua their role in ordering to inquire into, solicit,
Federal Board of Revenue to strictly follow the law in letter and spirit,
mind to the facts of the matter, lest the fundamental right to a fair trial
under Article 10-A of the Constitution of the Law Minister, the Chairman
ARU, the then Chairman, Federal Board of Revenue and the delinquent
Supreme Court not later than fifteen days from receipt of this Judgment.
Constitution and, thus, the entire process built thereon leading to the
Const. P.17 of 2019, etc.
filing of the Reference was in violation of the law and the Constitution. At
further bolster the independence of the judiciary, boast public trust, and
thus, promote the rule of law in our country. And to consider otherwise