Bab 1 PPT - Id.en-Dikonversi PDF
Bab 1 PPT - Id.en-Dikonversi PDF
Bab 1 PPT - Id.en-Dikonversi PDF
The learning process is a determinant of the quality of education, therefore the learning
process must be strived to occur as expected. In learning, students do not use their understanding
and academic skills in solving problems or understanding the concept of learning that is
simulative or real. This is a situation that does not support the quality learning process.
Therefore, it is necessary to overcome this problem. As a teacher, it should create a fun and
effective atmosphere for students. Various efforts can be made by the teacher so that students
Based on the background that has been stated above, the formulation of the problem in
this study is "Is there an effect of the Contextual Teaching and Learning learning model on the
ability to understand the concept of natural science concepts in human breathing apparatus in
B. Research purposes
Based on the above problems, the purpose of this study is "To determine the effect of the
Contextual Teaching and Learning learning model on the ability to understand the science
concept of human breathing apparatus material for junior high school students".
C. Benefits of Research
1. For students
Teachers are expected to gain experience and can be used as a reference in the learning
process in order to improve learning activities with a new learning model so that students are
chapter 2
A. Theoritical review
1. Learning model
Definition of Learning Models, Strategies and Methods known in teaching and learning
activities: discussing, learning models, learning strategies, learning methods, learning techniques,
teaching skills. The learning model that is designed as a conceptual consists of a systematic
procedure pattern that is developed based on theory and is used in organizing the teaching and
Elaine B. Johnson (History, 2008) says contextual learning is a system that stimulates the
brain to compose patterns that embody meaning. Furthermore, Elaine said that contextual
learning is a learning system that is compatible with the brain that produces meaning by
connecting academic content with the context of students' daily lives. So, contextual learning is
an attempt to make students active in pumping their own abilities without losing in terms of
benefits, because students try to learn concepts as well as apply and relate them to the real world.
It is a learning concept that can help teachers link the material they teach with students' real-
world situations and encourage them to make connections between their knowledge and its
meaningful work (doing significant work); (3) carry out a self-regulating learning process (self-
study); (4) organizing collaboration; (5) critical and creative thinking (critical and creative
thinking); (6) provide individual services (maintain individuals); (7) strive to achieve high
standards (achieve high standards); and (8) using authentic assessment (using authentic
As a model, its implementation requires learning planning that reflects the concepts and
principles of CTL. Each learning model, apart from having an element of similarity, also has
certain differences. This is because each model has certain unique characteristics, which of
course have implications for certain differences in making designs (scenarios) tailored to the
model to be applied.
There are seven principles of contextual learning that must be developed by the teacher,
1. Constructivism (Constructivism)
2. Find (Inquiry)
3. Asking (Questioning)
6. Reflection
7. Authentic Assessment
1. Developing students' thinking to carry out more meaningful learning activities, whether by
working alone, discovering themselves, and constructing their own new knowledge and skills
2. Carry out the inquiry activity as far as possible for all the topics taught.
4. Creating a learning society, such as through group discussion activities, questions and
5. Presenting a model as an example of learning, through illustrations, models, and even actual
3. Concept Understanding
concepts students can develop their abilities in any subject matter. Comprehension is one of the
The indicators of understanding the concept of learning science used in this study refer to
the indicators stated by the Dirjen Dikdasmen regulation No 506 / C / Kep / PP / 2004, namely:
1) Restate a concept
d. Factors that exist in the organism itself which we call individual factors, which include
personal factors.
e. Factors that exist outside of the individual we call social factors, which include these
social factors include family or household conditions, teachers and their teaching
methods, tools used in learning, the environment and opportunities available and social
a. Translation, namely the ability to change certain symbols into other symbols without
changing meaning. Symbols in the form of words (verbal) are converted into pictures or
charts or graphs.
b. Interpretation, namely the ability to explain the meaning contained in symbols, both
verbal and nonverbal symbols. In this ability, a person can interpret a concept or principle
if he can explain in detail the meaning or concept or principle, or can compare, contrast,
The concept of respiratory organs in humans is in class V semester 1 as for the standard
of competence regarding identifying the functions of human and animal organs with basic
competences is to identify the function of human respiratory organs, identify the function
of animal respiratory organs such as fish and earthworms, identify the function of human
digestive organs and relationships with food and health, identify human circulatory
B. Framework of Mind
The ability to understand concepts is a prerequisite for achieving science learning goals.
The ability to understand the concept of science is the ability to think about something and can
see it from several aspects. The thinking skills include the ability to distinguish, explain, predict,
C. Research Hypothesis
Based on the theoretical study discussed above, the researcher concludes the following
a) Ha: There is an effect of the contextual teaching and learning (CTL) learning model on
increasing the understanding of the concept of learning science in the subject of human
b) Ho: There is no influence of the contextual teaching and learning (CTL) learning model to
increase the understanding of the concept of learning science on the subject of human
The type of research used is experimental research. So this experimental research is useful
to determine whether or not the influence of the variables that has been selected is used as
finding knowledge that uses data in the form of numbers as a means of finding information about
what we want to know. The type of experimental research used is Quasi Experiment, where not
1. Place of research
The location or place of this research is SMPN 1 Sungguminasa, on Jalan Habibu Kulle
2. Research time
This research is limited to science subjects at SMPN 1 Sungguminasa even semester of the
2018/2019 academic year which starts on 9-11 February 2019, with class VIII 1 as the
The research design used in this study is The Nonequivalent Post-Test Only Control Group
Design. This design was carried out to see the difference in the results of the ability to
understand concepts between the experimental class as the treated class and the control class as
the untreated class. To make it easier to understand, consider the following table:
Learning (CTL)
1. Population
quantities and characteristics set by researchers to study and draw conclusions (Sigiono, 2015, p.
118). Based on the definition of population that has been mentioned above, it can be said that the
population in this study is all students of class VIII SMPN 1 Sungguminasa even semester of the
The sample is part of the population that is the object / subject of research. If the
population is large and the researcher is not possible to examine everything in that population.
What is examined from the sample the conclusion can be applied in general, for that the sample
taken from the population must truly represent the population. So, the sample in this study were
1. Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) learning model is a learning concept that helps
teachers connect the subject matter they teach with students' real-world situations and
encourages students to make connections between their knowledge and its application in
2. The ability to understand the concept of learning science is the ability to think about
something and can see it from several aspects. The thinking skills include the ability to
3. Research procedure
In general, the research procedure can be divided into three parts, including:
1. Preparation phase
Sheets (LK)
e. Prepare and compile data collection instruments, namely the final test of concept
f. Before being tested on the sample, the instrument was tested to find out the validity,
reliability, discriminating power, and difficulty level of the questions. The final test
questions which contain questions on the ability to understand concepts, the researcher
tries it out at the school where the researcher conducts research, namely class VIII-1
2. Implementation Stage
Table 3.2. Syntax for the Application of the CTL Learning Model in the Experiment
3. Completion Stage
a. The researcher gave a final test in the form of a test of the ability to understand the same
concept in the experimental class and the control class after the subject matter being
b. Analyze the final test obtained from the experimental class and the control class.
d. Draw conclusions from the results obtained in accordance with the data analysis used.
1. Test
The data that will be collected in this research is data about students' ability to understand
mathematical concepts. The data collection technique is to use a final test given to students
2011, p. 142). The test will be given in the form of an essay and given at the end of the study.
F. Research Instruments
1. Learning Instruments
The instrument used in this study was a test. The test conducted in this study was a posttest
which was conducted to test the ability to understand the concept of learning science.
A good instrument must meet two requirements, namely valid and reliable. The test is given in
the form of essay items to measure students' understanding of the concept of learning science.
The description of the concept to become item items takes into account the domains of
Table 3.4. The Science Learning Concept Understanding Test Grid Instrument
Cognitive Aspects Problem
No. Indicator
A1 A2 A3 Used
Identifying the
1 respiratory apparatus 1,3,4,5 4
in humans
Explain the function
2 of the human 2,7 *, 11 16 13 5
respiratory apparatus
3 Describe the 6.9 2
respiratory process in
Explain things that
4 irritate the human 10,15,17 18.20 5
respiratory system
Explain how to
prevent diseases of
5 19 1
the human respiratory
Making a model of
6 the respiratory system 8,12 14 3
in humans
13 5 2 20
Note: A1: Remember
A2: Mamahami
A3: Apply
The scoring criteria for concept understanding questions are presented as shown in the
following table:
Table 3.5. Guidelines for Scoring for Science Learning Concept Understanding Tests
Student Response / Answers Score
No answer 0
There is an answer, but the answer is wrong 1
Correct answer, but incomplete explanation 2
Correct and complete answer 3
The validity test of the student learning outcomes instrument used in this study is the
content validity test and the construct validity test, which are as follows:
Validity shows the extent to which a measuring instrument measures what you want to
measure. It can be concluded that the validity test is a test that is carried out and that will be
measured so that it can show the extent to which a measuring instrument measures what you
want to measure so that it has high or low validity. Researchers used 2 validators from science
A test is said to be valid if the scores on the test item concerned have a correspondence or
alignment in direction with the total score, or in statistical language, namely there is a significant
positive correlation between the score of each test item and the total score (Ibid, p. 184).
1. Pre-requisite Test
a. Normality test
The normality test aims to see whether the sample data is normally distributed or not. The
statistics used in this normality test are the chi-square test as follows:
The normality test aims to see whether the sample data is normally distributed or not. The
statistics used in this normality test are the chi-square test as follows:
This variance homogeneity test aims to see whether the two data have homogeneous
variances or not. The homogeneity test to be used in this research is the F test (Riduan, h, 120),
The normality test aims to see whether the sample data is normally distributed or not. The
statistics used in this normality test are the chi-square test as follows:
After knowing that the data is homogeneous and normally distributed through homogeneity
and normality tests, the next step is to test the hypothesis. The hypothesis test used in this
research is the t-test technique. The t-test technique (also known as the t-test, t-score, t-ratio, t-
technique, student-t) is a statistical technique used to test the significance of the difference
between the two means from two distributions (Winarsunu, 2015, h, 75).
a) Ha: There is an effect of the contextual teaching and learning (CTL) learning model on
b) Ho: There is no effect of contextual teaching and learning (CTL) learning model on students'
The test criteria, if Fcount> Ftable at the 5% significant level, then Ha rejected, whereas if