Pervasive and Mobile Computing: Marc Bächlin, Gerhard Tröster
Pervasive and Mobile Computing: Marc Bächlin, Gerhard Tröster
Pervasive and Mobile Computing: Marc Bächlin, Gerhard Tröster
The performance of swimming is strongly related to the swimmer’s technique. Therefore, a swimmer who wants to
improve his swim performance has to devote a substantial proportion of the training to his swim style improvement. Apart
from a swimmer’s effort of heading forward efficiently, the swimmer needs to be concerned about breathing and floating at
the water surface.
The two most important physical principles to swim faster and more efficiently are:
• Reduction of water resistance through an improved body balance and body rotation.
• Increasing of the propelling force by improving the arm strokes and hence the stroke efficiency.
The consensus nowadays is that both factors must be optimized. The result of an improved streamlined position together
with an increased propelling force is synergetic swimming, meaning that both factors have to be improved likewise for fast
swimming [1].
Stroke efficiency is an indication of the swimmer’s technique. The parameters to determine the efficiency of the stroke
mechanics are the stroke length, measured as distance per stroke (DPS) in m/stroke and the swimming speed v , measured
in m/min. With an improved stroke technique, fewer strokes per distance are needed while swimming at constant speed.
On the other hand, a swimmer’s technique has improved, if he swims faster with the same number of strokes per distance,
e.g. one lane [2].
Body balance refers to the angle between the swimmer’s body and the water surface. A good body balance is crucial for
efficient swimming as drag forces are reduced enormously. There are several possible reasons for a bad body balance in
crawl swimming, for example, weak leg kicks, a weak body tension or a bad posture of the head due to looking upwards
instead of aligning spine and head.
∗ Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (M. Bächlin), (G. Tröster).
1574-1192/$ – see front matter © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
2 M. Bächlin, G. Tröster / Pervasive and Mobile Computing ( ) –
Body rotation refers to the swimmer’s body rotation along his longitudinal body axis. Body rotation is efficient in crawl
and backstroke swimming because the stroke length can be increased and the side-lying gliding position is the body position
with the least water resistance. The body rotation is ideally initiated by the leg kicks. The upper and the lower body part
should rotate together, because a synchronized rotation leads to a fluent motion. By contrast, a twist between the upper and
lower body results in an inefficient winding swim trajectory.
The strong influence of a good technique in swimming can be seen at national and international swimming competitions,
where even 40-, 50- and 60-year old swimmers sometimes achieve their personal best time. Many of these sportsmen have
been competitive swimmers in their earlier life when they have been 15–25 years old, some even Olympic participants. This
is possible because they have improved their training technique and hence their swimming technique. Although they have
less power and are less agile than in their younger days, they swim faster now with the improved technique [1].
Nowadays we know more about the best and most efficient swim techniques than several years ago, but the swimming
performance evaluation methods are still the same. There are the three observation methods of (i) self-perception
(ii) supervision by the swimming trainer and (iii) video analysis. All three methods have their advantages and disadvantages.
(i) By self-perception, the swimmer ‘‘feels the water’’ and can react to perceived forces. This allows him to react to faults
instantly. However, the swimmer must be experienced to be able to identify faults himself.
(ii) On the other side, video analysis is the most objective evaluation method. However, video analysis can only be done
off-line, it is time consuming, and the swimmer cannot correct his errors instantly. In addition, underwater cameras
are not allowed in public swimming pools to protect the privacy of other swimming pool visitors.
(iii) Direct supervision by a trainer is the most frequently used observation method. The trainer can give direct instructions
to the swimmer but he can only observe one swimmer at a time. Observation by the trainer also has its limitations, as
movements below the water surface are difficult to observe.
Many recreational swimmers and triathletes often train alone and do not have a trainer aside at all times or access to
video analysis. They are non-professional athletes and do not have the necessary experience and sense of self-perception.
The SwimMaster will help these athletes keep track of their technique in the training hours where no trainer is present.
In addition, it can support the trainer during his training hours by providing additional continuous swim performance
parameters not available so far.
2. Related work
Science and new techniques strongly influence the world of sports nowadays. Especially during the last 10–20 years,
many electrical devices have been developed to support the training of an athlete. Most well known wearable sport
computers nowadays are probably heart rate monitors, widely used in many sports to capture and display the heart rate
of the sportsman, e.g. the Polar RS4001 or the Suunto t6c.2 Pervasive computing has further successfully been applied to
different areas in the world of sport in disciplines like cycling3 or diving.4 Further, there is pervasive computing applied
to sports like running [3], skiing [4], snowboard [5,6], ski-jumping [7], golf [8,9], rowing [10], football games [11,12],
baseball [13], and table tennis [14].
The typical wearable sport device is wrist worn, equipped with tiny buttons on the side or on the top, features a small
liquid crystal display, and a piezo-electric beeper. Besides a sensor unit to capture e.g. speed, distance, depth or heart rate,
all these products provide the user with information about his current performance and/or physical state.
For swimmers there are only a few commercial swim-timer devices available, which can be used to measure lane times
and to count the number of lanes swum. There are devices to be placed on the pool wall, e.g. the Lap Track,5 or worn on the
swimmers finger, e.g. SportCount Chrono 100.6 They are based on push buttons and a display.
Current research on mobile, body worn systems focuses on context and activity awareness. Applied to swimming, a
context aware computing system can relieve the swimmer from e.g. manually pressing a button to count the lanes and stop
the time.7
Ohgi analyzed the stroke phases of a wrist worn motion sensor to quantify the swimmer’s fatigue [15]. Davey et al.
used a sensor on the swimmer’s hip to extract the strokes of front crawl swimming [16,17]. Chan has patented a method
using a magnetic field sensor to count the number of lanes swum [18]. Discriminating the four competition swim styles by
accelerometer sensors has been investigated by Slawson et al. [19].
All these previous works show the potential of body worn sensors in swimming as it has been summarized by Callaway
et al. [20]. However, previous work just presented methods to extract single parameters of swimming such as e.g. the
Fig. 1. Picture showing the sensors (Sx ) and actuators (Ax ) mounting positions.
arm strokes, the lap counts or the swim style. None of them has worked on the overall goal of stroke efficiency and
swim technique evaluation. We have been the first proposing a wearable system to perform an automatic stroke efficiency
evaluation [21]. Furthermore we introduced the SwimMaster system [22] and developed a SwimModel to simulate the sensor
signal recorded during swimming [23]. In this work we combine both works, the wearable SwimMaster system and the
SwimModel. We show how the SwimModel is used to evaluate the body-balance and body-rotation measurements of the
wearable SwimMaster system.
We built a SwimMaster prototype system as depicted in Fig. 1. The SwimMaster hardware consists of two major
building blocks, namely the SwimRecorder for motion measurement and recording and the Swim-Feedback-System for user
feedback [22]. Four sensors are mounted at the swimmer’s upper and lower back (SUBack , SLBack ) and at the left and right
wrist (SLWrist , SRWrist ). Furthermore the subject depicted in Fig. 1 wears the visual feedback swim goggles (AVisual ), the
tactile (ATactile ) and the acoustic (AAudio ) feedback devices. The data read from the acceleration sensor is not yet processed
online at this early stage but is stored for off-line processing. True online feedback is therefore not yet possible with this
In the next section we describe the SwimRecorder system we used for the data recording and evaluation of our parameter
extraction methods. Details on the Swim-Feedback-System are described in [24].
For the data acquisition of our swim studies we developed a SwimRecorder [22]. The SwimRecorder consists of a 3-axes
accelerometer sensor, a micro-controller, 1 GB of flash memory and a rechargeable battery. The acceleration signals are
converted by a 10 Bit A/D converter and sampled at a frequency of 256 Hz. With the 3.7 V, 250 mAh battery pack continuous
data recording of up to 48 h is possible. With a weight of 34 g and the dimensions of 36 × 42 × 12 mm3 the device can
unobtrusively be worn by the swimmer without hindering him while swimming. Watertightness is ensured by shrink-
wrapping the device in plastic foil. The device is started and stopped over a contactless reed switch.
The fixation of the wrist sensors SLWrist and SRWrist is like a wristwatch. The sensor is put in a transparent plastic tube, which
is fixed at the swimmer’s wrist using velcro fasteners. The orientation of the acceleration sensor as well as the packaging
and fixation of the SwimRecorder is shown in Fig. 2. The lower back sensor SLBack is mounted on the hip with an elastic stretch
band, worn like a belt. Velcro fasteners help to fit the band to the swimmer’s body. The upper back sensor SUBack is mounted
between the shoulders with elastic bands combined to a harness. The fixation ensures that the sensors do not shift or slip
away, but are still comfortable to wear for the swimmer and do not bother him during his swimming exercises. A picture
of a swimmer with the sensors attached is shown in Fig. 1. SLBack and SUBack are oriented according to the body coordinate
system shown in Fig. 3.
4 M. Bächlin, G. Tröster / Pervasive and Mobile Computing ( ) –
Fig. 2. Packaging and fixation of the SwimRecorder attached to the swimmer’s wrist. The arrows indicate the orientation of the three axes of the acceleration
Fig. 3. Body coordinate system: orientation and nomenclature of the axis and angles.
In the following, we differentiate between two coordinate systems, namely the fixed world coordinate system and the
body coordinate system. The linear variables in the world coordinates have a w index; coordinates in body coordinates have
a b index. Angular variables do not have an index because they always describe the orientation of the body coordinate system
relative to the fixed world coordinate system.
A rigid body has six degrees of freedom, three for the linear position of the center of gravity and three for the orientation.
For our description of the swimmer’s movement we describe the swimmer’s upper body and assume that it is rigid, which
is a reasonable assumption for the main upper body where the sensor SUBack is attached.
There are several methods to describe the orientation. We use the Euler angles, which describe the body orientation by
the three angles ϕy , ϕp , ϕr .8 Applied to a swimmer, the Euler angles are defined in the following order:
1. Rotation around the Z -axis by ϕy , the yaw angle.
2. Rotation around the Y -axis by ϕp , the pitch angle.
3. Rotation around the X -axis by ϕr , the roll angle.
All rotations are right-handed and executed around the body’s coordinate axes as depicted in Fig. 3.
The yaw angle ϕy is the swim direction. The pitch angle ϕp is a measure for the body balance. The roll angle ϕr describes the
body rotation around the body’s longitudinal axis. In the following the Euler angles ϕy , ϕp , ϕr are combined to the orientation
angle vector ϕ⃗ = [ϕy ϕp ϕr ].
In this section, we describe our swim parameter extraction methods to measure the swim performance and the swim
technique. Furthermore, we explain our SwimModel, used to analyze the acceleration signals and to evaluate the accuracy
of the body rotation and body balance measurement.
Within the recorded signal of the wrist sensors we detect the wall-push-off, the wall-turns and the wall-strike events.
This detection is based on the gradient of the y-axis of SXWrist . The raw acceleration signal ay is low-pass filtered using a second
order Butterworth filter with a normalized cutoff frequency of 0.01 to eliminate sensor noise. From the filtered signal afilt ,
the gradient is calculated with a sliding window of 0.2 s.
8 The Euler angles are often called α , β , γ . We have chosen the ϕ , ϕ , ϕ nomenclature in order to avoid confusion with the angular acceleration α
y p r
M. Bächlin, G. Tröster / Pervasive and Mobile Computing ( ) – 5
Fig. 4. Example of the detected wall-push-off (a), strokes (b) and wall-strike (c) events (line: filtered y-axis signal, dashed: detected events).
From the body sensor signal, we are not only interested in time events. This is different compared to the parameter
extraction from the wrist sensors. Therefore, a detailed understanding of this signal is required. To get a complete
understanding of the measured body acceleration we built a SwimModel, which describes the relation between measured
sensor acceleration signal and input forces, input moments, and swimmer’s orientation.
Fig. 6. Comparison between a real measured sensor signal (gray) and the simulated sensor signal (black).
part with about half the amplitude of the y-axis signal, but twice the frequency. The x-axis has the least dominant signal; it
is weaker and more irregular.
The simulation allows us to evaluate in detail the different components measured with the acceleration sensor at the
back of a swimmer. In the following we analyze and discuss the sensor signal split into the five component parts a ⃗gravity ,
⃗swim , a⃗centripetal , a⃗tangential and a⃗noise .
a is the component due to the gravity and the swimmer’s orientation. In the world coordinate system, the gravity
g = 9.81 m/s2 is given as a⃗w_gravity = [0 0 9.81], with only one constant component in the z-direction. Due to
the changing body orientation while swimming, the sensor measures components of this gravity in all three axes.
a is the component of the acceleration and deceleration of the swimmer due to the propelling arm and leg forces as
well as the drag forces.
a is the centripetal acceleration component due to the sensor displacement to the rotation axes and the angular
velocity ω⃗.
a is the tangential acceleration component due to the sensor placement and the angular acceleration α
a is the simulated sensor noise.
In the following, we explain the influence of these five components on the resulting acceleration. First we run the
swimming simulation for an ideal swimmer, which has a constant input force F⃗in , a constant body balance ϕp and a regular
sinusoidal body rotation ϕr . In Fig. 7, one can see that for such an ideal swimmer the sensor would measure a constant
acceleration signal on the x-axis, a sinusoidal signal on the y-axis and a second sinusoidal signal with twice the frequency
⃗cen-tan-noise in Fig. 7). The frequency of the signal in the y-axis is the same as the frequency
of the y-axis on the z-axis (see a
of the body rotation, respectively the frequency of the arm strokes. Due to the constant input force F⃗in , there is no signal
M. Bächlin, G. Tröster / Pervasive and Mobile Computing ( ) – 7
Fig. 7. Simulation of the acceleration components, which would be measured if the swimmer swims with a constant input force F⃗in and constant body
balance. agrav ity is the gravity component; aswim is the swimmer’s linear movement component; acen-tan-noise are the centripetal, tangential and noise
components (this signal component is < ± 1 m/s2 around zero).
component a ⃗swim of the swimmer’s movement. The centripetal a⃗centripetal and tangential accelerations a⃗tangential are within the
range of the noise a⃗noise and have no significant influence on any axes.
Second, we run the swim simulation with realistic arm forces. The arm force F⃗arm produced by the arm strokes is therefore
modeled with a trapezoid shape. In our model, we differentiate between four arm stroke phases, which are the catch, the
pull, the push, and the gliding stroke phase. The catch stroke phase is the part with rising force. The pull stroke phase is the
part with constant maximal force. The push stroke phase is the decreasing force part. The gliding phase is the part where no
force is applied by the arms. In Fig. 8 one can see that such an input force results in a rippled signal on the x-axis, the other
two axes are affected in the order of the noise.
Finally, Fig. 9 shows the split sensor signal for the simulated signal of Fig. 6. Due to the changing pitch angle of the
swimmer, there is also a changing gravity component in the x-axis. Further, one can see that forward swim acceleration is
more irregular. This is due to irregular arm forces.
The roll angle ϕr depends on the y- and z-axis, which are perpendicular to the swim direction. As we have shown
in the previous subsection and Fig. 9, the gravity component in the y- and z-axis is much bigger compared to the other
acceleration components. With the SwimModel we analyzed the influence of the disturbing acceleration components on the
angle measurement. For this purpose, we simulated the acceleration signal during swimming as shown in Fig. 6. In Fig. 9, we
have plotted the gravity component agrav ity , the swimmer’s linear movement component aswim , and the centripetal, tangential
and noise components acen-tan-noise . Based on the simulated sensor signal, we calculate the roll angle. Due to the simulation,
we also know exactly the correct roll angle. Fig. 10 shows the comparison between the roll angle (rollmeasured ) calculated from
the simulated acceleration signal and the correct roll angle (rollcorrect ). One can see that the irregular forward movement and
the changing pitch angle have no influence on the roll angle measurement. Eq. (1) is also valid for the non-static case of
8 M. Bächlin, G. Tröster / Pervasive and Mobile Computing ( ) –
Fig. 8. Simulation of the acceleration components, which would be measured if the swimmer swims not with a constant input force F⃗in but constant
body balance. agrav ity is the gravity component; aswim is the swimmers linear movement component; acen-tan-noise are the centripetal, tangential and noise
components (this signal component is < ± 1 m/s2 around zero).
Fig. 9. The sensor signal of Fig. 6 split into its component parts. agrav ity is the gravity component; aswim is the swimmer’s linear movement component;
acen-tan-noise are the centripetal, tangential and noise components (this signal component is < ± 1 m/s2 around zero).
Similarly as for the roll angle the pitch angle is given in the static case by the following equation:
ϕp = − arcsin . (2)
M. Bächlin, G. Tröster / Pervasive and Mobile Computing ( ) – 9
Fig. 10. Roll angle measurement: the dashed gray line is the correct roll angle and the black solid line is the measured angle by Eq. (1).
Fig. 11. Pitch angle measurement: the black line is the measured pitch angle by Eq. (2) and the gray line is the correct pitch angle. The dashed lines are
the average values of the measured and the correct pitch angle.
The body balance angle depends on the forward x-axis. This axis is strongly influenced by the irregular forward movement,
as one can see in Fig. 9. This results in a bad signal to noise ratio. Similar to the calculation of the roll angle, we calculated
the body balance. The pitch angle (pitchmeasured ) calculated from the simulated acceleration signal and the correct pitch angle
(pitchcorrect ) are plotted in Fig. 11. One can see that the body balance can not be calculated correctly from the acceleration
signal, due to the bad signal to noise ratio. Therefore it is not possible to calculate the instantaneous pitch angle from the
measured acceleration signal, as it is possible for the roll angle. Nevertheless, the average pitch angle (mean pitchmeasured )
corresponds to the average correct pitch angle (mean pitchcorrect ), as shown in Fig. 11. Therefore, only the average pitch angle
can be calculated from the acceleration sensor signal.
We recorded swimmers’ data using the SwimRecorder devices mounted to the swimmer as shown in Fig. 1. Swimmers
with different level of swimming experience took part in our experiments. We distinguish between three swimmer
categories depending on their swimming level. The categories with their names, their explanation, and the numbers of
participants are listed in Table 1. Overall, 18 swimmers have taken part in our studies, however not every subject participated
in each study. Fig. 12 shows one swimmer in action.
All subjects found our SwimMaster prototype rather comfortable to wear and reported that they did not feel restricted
in their movements. We do not have objective measures of the imposed drag forces by the system, but subjective feedback
from the swimmer reported no noticeable additional water resistance or disturbed fluid dynamics.
10 M. Bächlin, G. Tröster / Pervasive and Mobile Computing ( ) –
Table 1
Category names, explanation and number of subjects of the three swimmer groups.
Category Explanation Number of swimmer
Study 1 Study 2 Overall
For the evaluation of the automatic performance measurement, we accomplished a 7 × 50 m Stroke Efficiency Test
according to the protocol described by Maw and Volkers [25]. Eight swimmers have taken part in this study.
Each of the eight participants swam one lane seven times in crawl technique on a 2 min cycle with increasing or
decreasing speed. Beside the wrist acceleration, we measured manually the needed time intervals to compute v̄ and DPS
with a stopwatch. In addition to the stop watch times, another experimenter labeled start and end of a lane, pass of 5 and
45 m point, as well as all strokes. For the second manual labeling, we used a hand-held PC running the CRN Toolbox [26]. In
total, we recorded acceleration data of 56 lanes together with two manual time stamps of the stopwatch and the labeling
For comparison, we first evaluated the accuracy of the manual time measurements. The two independent manual
annotations allowed us to evaluate the manual annotation variation. In our study, the two manual measurements revealed
an error with a standard deviation of ±0.2 s per time event (start, stop, and arm stroke). The manual time measurement
error is due to human reaction times and variations in human event identification. It introduces a significant error on the
TPS measurement. For a high swimming velocity of 100 m/min and a low TPS of 1 s, the upper bound error is ±1.33% for the
velocity and ±13.3% for the TPS.
To assess the reliability of the automatic parameter extraction algorithm we compared the positions of the detected
events to the mean timings of the manual annotations. The start and stop events have all been detected correctly by
our automatic detection algorithm. The deviation from the expected position is in the range of ±0.3 s for the pool-start
and ±0.2 s for the wall-strike. The strokes are detected reliably except for the first or last stroke in one lane, which are
occasionally missed. This is not critical, as this does not affect our TPS calculation. The maximum error of the detected
stroke events from the expected positions is in the range of ±10% of the TPS. This deviation depends mainly on the
swimmer’s style and the swimming speed as this influences the width of the peak. The time measurement errors of the
automatic event detection have the following influence on the velocity and the TPS calculation: For a high velocity of
100 m/min and a small number of 15 strokes per lane, the upper bound error is 1.67% for the velocity and 1.33% for
the TPS.
While the manual velocity measurement is slightly more accurate than the automatic one, the automatic TPS extraction
clearly outperforms the manual measurement. However, ideally only the 40 m mid-pool part is used to determine the
velocity, which is not measurable from the acceleration data. Therefore, the velocity calculation in the automatic method
is based on the whole 50 m lane. This slightly affects the absolute velocity value, because swimmers have a higher velocity
during the first 5 m of the lane due to the wall push-off.
The Stroke Efficiency graphs of the four best performing swimmers are plotted in Fig. 13(a). The Stroke Efficiency graphs of
the four less experienced swimmers are depicted in Fig. 13(b). The small numbers beside the markers on the graph indicate
the order in which the lanes were swum. One can see that the better swimmers cover a wider range of 27–41 m/min
swimming speed difference between the slowest and fastest performance compared to the less skilled swimmers, who
only have 12–19 m/min swimming speed difference between the slowest and fastest performance. Secondly, the better
swimmers have an approximate linear performance, slightly falling with increasing speed. A decreasing DPS with increasing
velocity is expected due to an increased slippage, which results in an increasing number of strokes per lane. The less
skilled swimmers do not have this characteristic curve of the good swimmers. Three of them could not control their
swimming velocity properly, resulting in a nonlinear curve jumping between slower and faster swimming velocities. In
addition, the performance decreases with increasing number of lanes swum. The performance moves towards the origin
regardless of whether the speed is increased or decreased. Exhaustion is the explanation for this observation. The non-
experienced swimmers became tired with increasing number of lanes swum, resulting in a control loss of their swimming
For the validation of body-balance and body-rotation measurement, twelve subjects swam five pool lanes. They swum
the first lane with normal leg kicks and a good body balance. The second lane they swum with very weak leg kicks to provoke
a bad body balance. The third to fifth lane they swum with their normal body rotation, with minimal body rotation (ideally
γ = 0°), and with as much body rotation as possible (ideally γ = 90°).
M. Bächlin, G. Tröster / Pervasive and Mobile Computing ( ) – 11
(a) Swim Technique Analysis Graphs of the four best swimmers. (b) Swim Technique Analysis Graphs of the four less experienced
Fig. 15. Difference in pitch angles between good and bad body balance of all twelve subjects.
(a) Roll angle of an occasional swimmer. (b) Roll angle of an elite swimmer.
Fig. 16. Roll angle of (a) an occasional and (b) an elite swimmer.
• The average difference between roll angle amplitude of upper and lower body part:
1Āroll = · |AUn − ALn |. (4)
N n =1
• The average time shift between amplitude peaks of upper and lower body part:
1t̄roll = · tAUn − tALn (5)
N n =1
• N number of arm strokes.
• AUn the nth roll amplitude of the upper body part.
• ALn the nth roll amplitude of the lower body part.
• tAUn the nth time point of the upper body roll amplitude.
• tALn the nth time point of the lower body roll amplitude.
The body rotation of two different swimmers is shown in Fig. 16. The data in Fig. 16(a) belongs to an occasional swimmer
and the one in Fig. 16(b) to an elite swimmer. The body rotation of lower and upper back are drawn separately. One can see
that the body rotation amplitudes of the elite swimmer are larger than the body rotation amplitudes of the less experienced
swimmer. The rotation of lower and upper back is almost the same for the elite swimmer whereas there are big variations
in the rotation amplitudes of upper and lower back for the occasional swimmer. Finally, there is a time shift between the
M. Bächlin, G. Tröster / Pervasive and Mobile Computing ( ) – 13
(a) Average amplitude Āroll of upper and lower body rotation. (b) Average difference 1Āroll between upper and lower body rotation.
Table 2
Summary of roll amplitudes Āroll , roll amplitude differences 1Āroll and time
shifts 1t̄roll between lower and upper back rotation of swimmers within the
three swim categories.
maximum of lower and upper back rotation amplitudes for the occasional swimmer, which is not the case for the elite
In Fig. 17(a) we plotted the average roll amplitude for each of the three lanes of all twelve subjects. Our experiment
showed that the subjects struggled to swim with little body rotation. We explain this fact by the natural shoulder movement
when doing the crawl strokes, where some amount of body rotation is almost inevitable. In Fig. 17(b) we plotted the
average difference between upper and lower body for all three lanes and all subjects. The torsion is very similar for all
three lanes within one subject; however, the torsion differs among the subjects with a tendency to increasing torsion for
less experienced swimmers.
Comparing the above explained parameters between the three swimmer categories leads to the results in Table 2.
For these values, the first lane of normal swimming of every swimmer was taken into account. These results confirm
the observations discussed previously. Elite swimmers rotate noticeably more compared to recreational or occasional
swimmers. Elite swimmers are able to swim more constantly, resulting in a smaller variance of roll amplitudes. They rotate
their whole body avoiding skewing of the body, which can be seen by the smaller difference between the rotation of the
lower and upper back. Finally, the average time shift between the rotation of upper and lower back is smaller for better
swimmers, which is a measure of the synchronization of the body rotation.
Whereas these facts are already known beforehand, main result of our experiment is the verification that we are able to
measure these small, but important differences between good and less experienced swimmers.
Similarly as for the body balance, we compared the body rotation angle measurement of the sensors with the observer’s
estimation. Whereas the human observer has estimated the angles around 80° very well, he underestimated the angles for
small angles by up to 20°.
We built a system for swimming performance and technique analysis. We developed algorithms to extract important
parameters for swimming such as swim velocity, arm strokes, distance per arm stroke, body balance, and body rotation. We
developed a SwimModel for a detailed analysis of the measured body acceleration and an evaluation of our body-rotation
and body-balance measurement. Validation of the sensor angle measurement showed that we can measure the roll angle
accurately with our method. With studies on 18 swimmers we showed that our system can extract the above explained
swim parameters. The results of the stroke efficiency evaluation are consistent with the visual observations. The averaged
body balance measurement allows differentiation between a good and bad body balance. The longitudinal body rotation
measurement can be used to quantify a swimmer’s body-rotation technique by analyzing absolute rotation amplitudes and
14 M. Bächlin, G. Tröster / Pervasive and Mobile Computing ( ) –
comparing the amplitudes of the upper and lower body. To our knowledge, this is the first time that a body worn system
was used to perform a stroke efficiency evaluation and measure body-balance and body-rotation.
Our evaluation methods open new possibilities for state of the art swimming training, as objective values can be provided
at all times for the complete training. Many parameters are hard to judge from the trainer’s position outside the pool.
Therefore, such a wearable system provides the possibility to continuously monitor and evaluate parameters that can
otherwise only be extracted occasionally. This is advantageous for a swimming trainer who has to set up the best training
plan for his swimmers.
So far, the data analysis is based on off-line algorithms. The swim data is evaluated with a personal computer after
the swimming exercise. Since the algorithms do not require a global view on the data, this allows for an online algorithm
implementation. Roggen et al. have shown that computations similar in complexity to those carried out in this work are
suited for online implementation in miniature sensor nodes of the size of a button [27].
With an online algorithm, a swimmer can directly benefit from the wearable system through the online feedback device.
The feedback is especially valuable if a swimmer wants to work on specific problems, like his body-balance or body-
rotation, as he can get continuous feedback on his actual performance and react accordingly. To make the SwimMaster
system applicable in everyday swim training, we envision a swimsuit with integrated sensors and feedback capabilities.
In combination with an online swim-parameter extraction algorithm, swimmers can benefit from the feedback to work on
specific problems also when there is no trainer aside.
The authors would like to thank the swimmers and trainers of the swim club Appenzell (SCAP) for taking part in the