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Ground Tank & Pump House: Total 1,947,470

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Ground Tank & Pump House

Item Particular Quantity Unit Amount Remark

A Material Charges 1 Nos 1,236,080

B Labour Charges 1 Nos 711,390

TOTAL 1,947,470
Ground Tank & Pump House

Item Particular Quantity Unit Rate Amount Remark

( A ) Material Charges
Cement 61.92 Bag 5500 340,565
Sand 1.97 Sud 13000 25,580
Chipping 2.51 Sud 80000 200,787
Brick 2899.55 Nos 60 173,973
Jungle wood Scanlt 0.11 Ton 500000 56,625
Jungle wood Plank 0.06 Ton 500000 31,333
Nail 0.94 Viss 3600 3,398
Fuel 5.35 Gal 4000 21,414
16MM Ø 0.476 Ton 600000 285,423
10MM Ø 0.129 Ton 600000 77,198
8MM Ø 0.000 Ton 600000 0
6.5MM Ø 0.000 Ton 600000 0
Binding wire 3.20 Viss 3060 9,785
2'x2' Manhole with Cover 1.00 Nos 10000 10,000

( B ) Labour Charges
Mason 16.08 Nos 8000 128,613
Carpenter 4.53 Nos 8000 36,240
Steel fixer 11.51 Nos 8000 92,094
Worker 75.74 Nos 6000 454,443


Material Charges 1,236,080

Labour Charges 711,390

TOTAL 1,947,470
Ground Tank & Pump House
Page 4
Item Particular Quantity Unit Rate Amount Remark

1 Site clearing
150.00 Sft
Worker 0.38 Nos

2 Earthworkexcavation work
945.00 Cft
Worker 18.90 Nos

3 (1:3:6) Lean conc; work

118.13 Cft
Cement 15.19 Bag
Sand 0.57 Sud
Chipping 1.13 Sud
Fuel 2.36 Gal
Mason 1.18 Nos
Worker 7.09 Nos

4 (1:2:4) R.C.Conc; Work

143.91 Cft
Cement 26.60 Bag
Sand 0.66 Sud
Chipping 1.32 Sud
Fuel 2.88 Gal
Mason 2.88 Nos
Worker 11.51 Nos

5 Formwork
3 times used 113.25 Sft
Jungle wood scantling 0.11 Ton
Jungle wood Plank 0.06 Ton
Nail 0.94 Viss
Carpenter ( fixing ) 4.53 No
Worker ( fixing ) 2.27 No
Carpenter ( Dismantling ) No
Worker ( Dismantling ) No

6 Rebar Work 0.576 Ton

16MM Ø Steel 0.476 Ton
10MM Ø Steel 0.129 Ton
8MM Ø Steel 0.000 Ton
6.5MM Ø Steel 0.000 Ton
Binding Wire 3.20 Viss
Ground Tank & Pump House
Page 5
Item Particular Quantity Unit Rate Amount Remark

Steel fixer 11.51 Nos

Worker 11.51 Nos

7 1st class brick work in (1:3) cement mortor

214.78 Cft
Brick 2899.55 Nos
Cement 14.96 Bag
Sand 0.56 Sud
Mason 8.59 Nos
Worker 12.89 Nos

8 Back filling work

453.19 Cft
Worker 2.27 Nos

9 Disposal of excess soil as directed

491.81 Cft
Worker 2.46 Nos

10 1½" thk; ( 1:2:4 ) cement conc; floor topping

45.13 Sft
Cement 1.04 Bag
Sand 0.03 Sud
Chipping 0.05 Sud
Fuel 0.11 Gal
Mason 0.34 Nos
Worker 0.68 Nos

11 ¾" thk; Platering work with ( 1:3 ) cement motor

308.75 Sft
Cement 4.14 bag
Sand 0.15 sud
Mason 3.09 nos
Worker 6.18 nos

12 2'x2' Manhole with Cover 1 No

Page 6

Ground Tank
Detail of Measurement

Measurement Dedu Total of

No Particular No Content Remark
L B H ction Each
1 Site Clearing 1 x 1 15' 0'' 10' 0'' 150.00 sft
150.00 Sft

2 Earthwork Excavation Work

Footing 1 x 1 13' 6'' 8' 9'' 8' 0'' 945.00 Cft
945.00 Cft

3 (1:3:6) Lean Conc; Work

Footing 1 x 1 13' 6'' 8' 9'' 1' 0'' 118.13 Cft
118.13 Cft

4 (1:2:4) R.C.Conc; Work

Matt Footing 1 x 1 13' 6'' 8' 9'' 1' 0'' 118.13 Cft
Cover Slab 1 x 1 11' 0'' 6' 3'' 0' 4.5'' 25.78 Cft
143.91 Cft

5 Formwork
Matt Footing 1 x 1 44' 6'' 1' 0'' 44.50 Sft
Cover Slab 1 x 1 11' 0'' 6' 3'' 68.75 Sft
113.25 Sft

6 Rebar Work
10 Ø 16MMØ 8Ø 6Ø
Matt Footing
16MMØ @ 6" C/C ( 2 layer ) 1 2 18 13' 6'' 472.50
1 2 27 8' 9'' 472.50
Cover Slab
10MMØ @ 6" C/C ( 2 layer ) 1 2 13 11' 0'' 275.0
1 2 22 6' 3'' 275.0
Iron Step 1 1 8 3' 6'' 28.00
Dowel Bar 6 2 6 2' 6'' 180.0

10 Ø 16MMØ 8Ø 6Ø
RFT 730.0 973.00 0.00 0.00
ft Lb/ft Lb 5% Ton
16MM Ø Steel 973.00 1.043 1014.84 0.476
10MM Ø Steel 730.00 0.376 274.48 0.129
8MM Ø Steel 0.00 0.261 0.00 0.000
6MM Ø Steel 0.00 0.167 0.00 0.000
Page 7

Ground Tank
Detail of Measurement

Measurement Dedu Total of

No Particular No Content Remark
L B H ction Each
0.604 ton
7 1st class brick work in (1:3) cement mortor
G.Tank R.Wall 1 x 2 11' 0'' 1' 2'' 4' 0'' 99.00 Cft
1 x 2 4' 9'' 1' 2'' 4' 0'' 42.75 Cft
1 x 2 9' 6'' 0' 9'' 3' 5'' 48.69 Cft
1 x 2 4' 9'' 0' 9'' 3' 5'' 24.34 Cft
214.78 Cft

8 Back filling work

Excavation works 945.00 Cft
(1:3:6) lean conc;work 118.13 cft
(1:2:4) Footing conc; work 1 x 1 21' 0'' 12' 4'' 0' 9'' 194.3 Cft
(1:2:4) Column conc; work 1 x 6 11' 2'' 0' 9'' 0' 9'' 37.7 Cft
Brick work for Retaining Wall 141.8 Cft
491.8 945.00
453.19 Cft

9 Disposal of excess soil

Excavation works 945.00 Cft
Deduction Back filling 453.19 cft
491.81 Cft

10 1½" thk; ( 1:2:4 ) cement conc; floor topping

1 x 1 9' 6'' 4' 9'' 45.13 Sft
45.13 Sft

11 ¾" thk; Platering work with ( 1:3 ) cement motor

2 x 1 14' 3'' 9' 5'' 268.38 Sft
2 x 1 9' 6'' 1' 5'' 26.92 Sft
2 x 1 4' 9'' 1' 5'' 13.46 Sft
308.75 Sft

12 2'x2' Manhole with Cover 1 No

Page 8

21 12.33

9.167 10.247


Page 9

3.84 20

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