Detection Limit and Estimate of Uncertainty of Analytical XRF Results
Detection Limit and Estimate of Uncertainty of Analytical XRF Results
Detection Limit and Estimate of Uncertainty of Analytical XRF Results
Some tools for estimating the uncertainty of XRF results are described. As introduction to the subject, the detection
limit is treated even if this parameter and the uncertainty of a result describe different characteristics of an analytical
method. The expression "detection limit" is probably one of the most widely misunderstood in XRF analysis. Not
only is there a general lack of agreement about the order of magnitude of detection-limit data, but also the interna-
tional convention for calculating such data is not always respected and the way of naming them is questionable. If a
consensus exists on the meaning of this expression (the smallest amount of an analyte that can be detected in a
specimen), the interpretation of data varies greatly. This paper attempts to suppress all this confusion. The basic
philosophy behind the interpretation of the concept is reviewed and a new realistic and representative way to name
it is proposed. The distinction between the limit of detection and the limit of determination is clearly established.
General considerations for evaluating the uncertainty associated with the sample preparation are also discussed.
Finally, a few comments on the way of reporting analytical results are presented.
on the combination of errors introduced mainly by
1. Introduction'
the sample preparation, the measurement of both
The basic requirement of quantitative X-ray
peak and background intensities, the slope "m" of
fluorescence (XRF) analysis is first to prepare suit-
the calibration line and the corrections for matrix
able specimens from the samples to be analyzed.
effects. All these errors can be grouped in two
Then, to measure the intensity Ip of the peak of the
main categories. The first one is the random error,
element to be determined (or analyte) since this
represented by the precision, which can arise, for
intensity is related to the concentration by means
example, from random fluctuations associated to
of the calibration procedure [1]. However, this ana-
the process of measurement of X-ray peak intensi-
lyte peak intensity must be first corrected for dead
time, which is normally done automatically by
These are called counting statistical errors [3]
contemporary instruments. If necessary, particu-
(CSE). The other category is the systematic error,
larly for trace element determination, it must also
represented by the accuracy, whereby a certain bias
be corrected for background beneath the peak, any
is present in the results, as could happen if a badly
spectral overlap(s) and blank. Finally, if necessary,
determined calibration curve is used. Precision can
the net intensity must be multiplied by the term Mis
be considered as a measure of the repeatability
to correct for matrix effects [2]. However, a de-
[4,8] (replicate determinations made under condi-
scription of this last step, and also calibration pro-
tions as nearly identical as possible) of a result,
cedures, will be ignored in the present paper on the
while accuracy is a measure of the closeness of the
uncertainty associated with analytical XRF results,
results with its true value. As an analogy, if we
that having already been treated in other papers [1,
have a ruler with an incorrectly engraved scale, we
2]. We will consider, instead, how to estimate the
could repeat with precision the measurement of the
uncertainty introduced in the analytical results dur-
length of an object, but the results will be inaccu-
ing all these steps. .
rate. The combination of these two types of errors,
In quantitative XRF analysis, the global (or
precision and accuracy, enables us to estimate the
overall) uncertainty of an analytical result depends
global uncertainty of each concentration to be de-
Certain instrument manufacturers are identified in this termined. In practice, precision can be improved
paper to specify adequately the source of experimental by controlling the random errors introduced during
data. Such identification does not imply recommenda- sample preparation and by the analytical instru-
tion or endorsement by the author, nor does it imply that ment within the range of stability of the generator
the instruments used are necessarily the best available and of the X-ray tube, to such an extent that the
for the purpose. main source of random errors remaining is due to
∑ (I −I)
trace element determination to check whether the 2
differences in concentration from sample to sample 2 m
i given
transforms the measured X-ray fluorescence inten-
sity of a particular analyte to concentration [1]. An m =1 C i given
example of such a calibration line is given in Fig- (E % )global = ⋅100
ure 2. It is desirable to use several reference mate- n
rials so that the error due to calibration is held as (18)
small as possible. However, the calibration trans- where
formation is usually subject to errors depending on (E%)global Average relative analytical uncer-
the reliability of the reference materials used and tainty value in %
on the accuracy of the analytical method [12] for n Total number of calibration reference
the matrix effect corrections. If certified reference materials
materials are used, the reliability is quantifiable by m Suffix for identifying each calibration
the uncertainty that is always associated with a reference material
certified value. Although the reference materials i Element to be determined or analyte
may well be in agreement among themselves, they Ci given Given or certified concentration
nevertheless may be the cause of systematically value of element i in calibration ref-
erroneous analyses. The relative standard deviation erence materials
calculated from the regression analysis of data of Ci calculated Calculated concentration value of
the calibration line is therefore not a reliable crite- element i in calibration reference ma-
rion to estimate the global uncertainty over a given terials
range of concentrations for an analytical method.
However, the global uncertainty of the analytical The global analytical uncertainty is a combi-
results may be very well estimated by comparing nation of all sources of random and systematic er-