Opportunity Progression: Americas Software Sales

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Americas Software Sales

Opportunity Progression
Some best practices to keep deals moving towards a successful close

Ginny Whalen
Selling Best Practices

© 2007 IBM Corporation

Americas SkillWorks


ƒWhy creating customer value is so important in 2008

ƒThree Value Drivers
ƒWhere and Why Deals Stall
ƒFour Difference Makers
ƒ Client’s Compelling Reason to Act
ƒ Create and/or reengineer visions with IBM unique value
ƒ Insure Key Decision Leader is focused on value, not risk
ƒ Understand and deliver client’s expected value
ƒPlanning the call

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3 Things IT Leaders Need to do in 2008

● CIO Magazine, 2008: The Year Only the Strong IT

Leaders Survive” (12/19/07)
● Three Things IT Leaders Need to Do to Earn Promotions
in 2008
1. Run the IT Department like a profit and loss center
2. Generate ideas for business growth and work with a business unit
head to implement them
3. Solve business problems

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The Three Value Drivers

● The Unrecognized Problem

 Help clients understand their problems, issues and
opportunities in new and/or different ways

● The Unanticipated Solution

 Help clients arrive at better solutions than they would
have arrived at on their own

● Broker of Capabilities
 Become a broker of services and act as a client advocate
within your own organization
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Deals stall in stages 2 through 5

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Evaluate Refining Implementing
business business Recognize Evaluating Selecting the the solution and
concerns and
environment strategy and needs options solution option evaluating
and strategies initiatives success

Customer agreement with outcomes and progress

Noticing Identifying Validating Qualifying Winning Implementing

Explore with the

Building relationship
customer and Establish the Articulate IBM Monitoring the
opportunity business Developing the
understanding capabilities Closing sale implementation
customer's business derived from capability the solution with
and qualify the to ensure
environment, process relationship customer the customer
opportunity expectations
and issues building needs and are met
interactions wants

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5 Phase Method

3 Opportunity
Team IBM’s

Specific &
superior client

Build Explore Describe Articulate IBM Develop Close Sale Meet
Relationship Opportunity Capabilities Value Solution Expectations
Noticing Identifying Validating Qualifying Conditionally Implementing

CRM/ Siebel
Conditionally Won / Won &
Noticed Identified Validated Qualified Agreed Implement Completed

Can occur anytime


the client’s business options and approach and agree to client client solution client value and
and needs solution experience


Siebel stages still used but not signaling the end of a phase Siebel Stage Indicators signaling end of a phase in the new CVM

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Some Reasons Why Deals Stall

● What we can control
Not in alignment with client
Opportunity does not support a real business need
Not at Power/Key Decision Leader
Impact of project has not been identified
Product focused versus solution focused
Solution isn’t uniquely differentiated from competitors
Key Decision Leader is focused on price and/or risk
No urgency to buy
Team IBM does not have a strong value based negotiation strategy
● What we cannot control
Internal political issues

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Four signs that indicate the health of an opportunity

ƒCustomer's compelling reason to act

ƒCustomer's perception of IBM's unique value (IUV)

ƒKey Decision Leader's perceived solution risk

ƒCustomer's expected value

The progress of an opportunity depends on the strength of its vital signs at key points in
the customer's decision process.

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Opportunity Plan

A 3 or 4-part aid provided as a series of forms in an Word document



Signature Selling Method Signature Selling Method Signature Selling Method

Account Name AccountName Account Name
IBM Opportunity Plan Opportunity IBM Opportunity Plan Opportunity IBM Opportunity Plan Opportunity
Last Updated Last Updated Last Updated

Use this 3-step plan early and often to: Assessing Strength of the Opportunity Opportunity Action Plan (Win Plan)
• Page 1: Document critical facts about the opportunity
• Page 2: Assess the opportunity and gaps in the sales strategy + FAST PATH FULL PATH Refer to the Opportunity Assessment questions that need more focus.
• Page 3: Identify actions to close the gaps and execute the sales strategy I I
Is this opportunity real? don’t Yes No don’t Yes No
know know
Potential Revenue$K)
( Opportunity ID # Primary Competitor IBM Owner 1. Is the opportunity closely tied to a customer business initiative? # Action Owners Other people or resources Due
needed Date
+ 2. Does the customer have a business need to actow? n
+ How compelling is the customer's need to act now? ___ I don’t know ___ I don’t know
1 - Whatcustomer business initiative
does this opportunity support? (See Account Plan) What business initiative is this action tied to? What's driving it? What's the window of ___ Weak ___ Weak 2
How does the customer describe the initiative in their words? (See annual report/web.)
opportunity for action? What business impact does the customer want? ___ Strong ___ Strong
3. Does the customer have funding available now?
Measurable Business Achieved through Business 4. Do we want to pursue the opportunity? 4
Goal Actions Projects domain/function/process Notes”
• •
I I 6
• • Can we offer the best solution? don’t Yes No don’t Yes No
know know 7
• • 5. Do we know the business capabilities the customer wants?
6. Do we have a solution that fits? 8
Who is the customer for this opportunity? (See Relationship Responsibilities in Account Plan)
Who is your primary client? (Name) Their job title: Buying decision le:
ro + 7. Can we differentiate our capabilities so the customer sees value they can't get from 9
anyone else?
+ How differentiated are Team IBM's capabilities? ___ I don’t know ___ I don’t know 10
What is thecustomer's business need to act?now What IBM capabilities differentiate IBM from the competition? What's the customer's view?___ Weak
IBM's view? What' is it worth to the customer? How much differentiation do we need to
___ Weak
win? ___ Strong ___ Strong
8. Do we know how the buying decision will be made? 12
2 - What areTeam IBM's capabilities and differentiation?
9. Do we want to pursue the opportunity? 13
Primary client's view: List the IBM capabilities the client views and values as differentiators.
• Notes
• I I
• Does the customer want our solution? don’t Yes No don’t Yes No 15
Team IBM's view: What capabi
lities will differentiate IBM for this customer? (List) know know
10. Do we have a relationship with the key decision leader? 16

• 11. Does the key decision leader want our solution? 17
• 12. Does the key decision leader value IBM's differentiation?
+ 13. Has the key decision leader agreed to a decision support plan? 18
3 - How will the customer make their ?
buying/procurement decision
• + How strong is the key decision leader's support? 19
What is our relationship with the key decision leader? What's the evidence of their support___ I don’t know ___ I don’t know
Who must support an IBM decision Their job title Buying decision role for our solution? What risks does the key decision leader see with our solution and/or ___ Weak ___ Weak 20
for this opportunity? (Identify key decision leader) capabilities? How is the decision support plan addressing these risks and vali
dating Team ___ Strong ___ Strong
IBM's differentiation?
14. Do we want to pursue the opportunity?

Does the solution meet customer expectations? don’t Yes No don’t Yes No
4 - What are thecustomer's expectations
for this project/opportunity with IBM? know know
• + 15. Is the value proposition agreed to by the customer?
• + How strong is the value proposition for the solution for this customer? ___ I don’t know ___ I don’t know
• What are the customer's expectations for the solution? How compelling is their business ___ Weak ___ Weak
case? What is the evi
dence that the key decision leader supports the value proposition for
the solution? ___ Strong ___ Strong
16. Do we want to pursue the opportunity?

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Design 09012003 Design 09012003 Design 09012003

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Opportunity Plan: Is this opportunity real?

Fastpath Assessing the strength of the opportunity

Is this opportunity real? I don’t Yes No

1. How compelling is the client’s need to act now? __ I don’t know
What business initiative is this action tied to? What needs or issues are driving it? What is the __ Weak
decision date and timeline for action? What are the consequences and impact if nothing is done?
__ Strong
What business payoff and value does the client want?

2. Does the client have funding available now?

Notes: Remember to complete section V. Do we want to pursue?

How compelling is the client’s need to act now?

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What is the customer's CRA for the opportunity?

Customer's Business Customer compelling
Environment drivers initiatives
reason to
CRA is:
„The complete story of why the customer needs to invest in a project, and the
reasons for investing in this particular project.
„ It can be made up of one or more explicit needs/active pain
CRA is not:
„Nonspecific to that customer. Example: "All key players in the consumer
electronics industry are investing in supply chain."
„ A date on the calendar unless the date has a significant consequence if not met

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Is This a Compelling Reason to Act?

● Utility Company has to meet the new government regulations

requiring them to offer energy saving audits to their customers
by year end
● Large financial institution needs a commercial paper system that
is more comprehensive than their current one and it has to be
implemented by year end
● A utility company has to purchase a new financial system
because they are merging with another utility and have to merge
their financials by audit season
● A large bank needs a Credit Risk system that would allow them
to transfer reserves around the world, thus, giving them more
trading power and allowing for less mistakes
● A offsite storage management company needs to increase
storage capacity in order to meet their service level
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Compelling Reason to Act versus an Individual’s “Need” or “Pain”

Corporate business initiative is to grow revenues by x% & market share by x%

● Tester
 Inability to assess the quality of an application
● Analyst
 Inability to write good requirements specification
● IT Project Manager
 Inability to deliver solution as required
 Inability to meet the needs of the lines of business
● VP of Marketing
 Inability to capitalize on new marketing opportunities
● Operations manager
 Inability to effectively manage supply chain
● Call Center Manager
 Inability to quickly respond to customer inquiries
● VP of Sales
 Inability to meet revenue targets

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Client Needs: is your customer just complaining?

I want to
it’s a
it’s a take
but I
than I
to resolve
can live it
with it realized

Implied Needs Explicit Needs

problems, difficulties strong wants
or dissatisfaction or desires
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Opportunity Plan: Can IBM offer the best solution?


Can we offer the best solution? I don’t Yes No

3. Do we know the business capabilities the client needs?

4. Do we have a solution that fits?

5. How differentiated are Team IBM capabilities? __ I don’t know

What IBM capabilities differentiate IBM from the competition? What’s the client’s view of IBM’s __ Weak
differentiation? What is this differentiation worth to the client? How much differentiation do we need to win?
__ Strong

Notes: Remember to complete section V. Do we want to pursue?

How differentiated are Team IBM’s capabilities?

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What is Unique Value?

Customer IBM

Business Business Customer perception of Differentiation Solution Capabilities
profile drivers initiatives
IBM unique

Unique value is:

ƒThe customer’s perception, not IBM’s

Address these components to develop IBM’s potential UV

ƒHow differentiated are Team IBM's capabilities?
ƒWhat are the capabilities that differentiate IBM from the competition?
ƒWhat is the customer's view? What is IBM's view?
ƒWhat is it worth to the customer?
ƒIf not a product capability how else can you differentiate yourself and IBM?
ƒHow much differentiation does IBM need to win?

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Rational Unique Value: GDD

Differentiator IT Advantage LOB Advantage Competitor

Unified Process Mitigate risk early in the project Projects completed sooner and with
lifecycle less risk allowing quicker response to
Remedy the root causes of project changes in marketplace
failures Customer sat – less problems with
Unifies distributed teams, contractors, application
outsourcers with common definition Image on web
and flow

Improved Enables proper understanding of the Projects delivered with all

requirements problem for decreased rework requirements addressed and
management Communicates change and the provided sooner so can be deployed
impact of change that much faster to gain competitive
edge, increase in market share, etc
Manage scope of project

Managing & Address issues and risk before they Corporate image
Measuring Project impact the project Asses project success and redirection
Success & Quality Quantify status with real if needed
Align IT with business goals

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WebSphere Extended Deployment

Differentiator IT Advantage LOB Advantage Competitor

Service Level Management Will handle different workloads with

different priorities

Intelligent Workload Routing

Administration & Capture performance metrics to the

Visualization file system
Ability to compute charge backs
Capacity planning

Distributed Caching

Data Aggregation

SOA Acceleration

HTTP Session Management

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Opportunity Plan: Does the Client want the IBM solution?

Yes No
Does the client want our solution? I don’t
6. How strong is IBM’s client relationship at all levels compared with competition? __ I don’t know
Consider key decision leader and other key influencers. Could this be impacted by 3rd parties, __ Weak
e.g. parent company, SIs, ISVs, auditor? Is client satisfaction high?
__ Strong
7. Do we know how the buying decision will be made?

8. How strong is the key decision leader's support? __ I don’t know

What is our relationship with the key decision leader? How do we know the key decision leader __ Weak
believes IBM’s solution will best deliver the expected business value? What risks does the key
__ Strong
decision leader see with our solution and/or capabilities? How is the Decision Support Plan
addressing these risks and validating Team IBM's differentiation?

Notes: Remember to complete section V. Do we want to pursue?

How strong is the Key Decision Leader’s support?

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How can you identify key players?

ƒ Has an informal role in the buying decision unit
ƒ Provides influence and sells on behalf of a supplier

Benefit Owner:
ƒ Is the client stakeholder(s) who will receive the business benefit
ƒ Could be responsible for delivering the business benefit
ƒ Could also be key decision leader, approver, evaluator

Key Decision Leader:

ƒ Leads the decision-making process through formal, consensual, or assumed authority
ƒ Has strong influence on members of the buying decision unit and the organization
ƒ Could determine, or have strong influence, on the evaluation criteria. Could approve the final
ƒ Is the most important individual to identify and influence.

Other key players?

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Rational Key Player List

Testers ● Inability to understand what to test

● Inability to write correct & complete test cases
● Inability to test what’s required after requirements or code
● Inability to complete testing in time allotted

dB Designer ● Challenges with data quality

● Reliability of the dB
● Inability to meet schedules & delivery commitments

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Rational Key Player List

Architect ● Challenges with maintainability & evolution of an
● Problems with ensuring architectural integrity over time
● Enabling communication to and from all stakeholders

Business Analyst ● Challenge with gathering & insuring requirements are

complete & meet needs of customer
● Accurate assessment of current business situation
● Inability to translate business requirements into system

Developer ● Inability to implement requirements

● Inability to design the system in accordance with the
system architecture
● Inability to write bug free code

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Rational Key Player List

SW Development Mgr ● Challenge meeting scheduled commitments

● Attracting and retaining skilled talent/resources
● Staying within budget
● Meeting the requirements of the application
● Inability to track status of projects

Project/Program Mgr ● Challenge meeting scheduled commitments

● Inability to meet the requirements of the application
● Challenges with the allocation of resources
● Coordination amongst development teams
● Measure & maintain quality of process/product
● Reduce time to market
● Inability to accurately assess & communicate project

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Rational Key Player List

CIO ● Inability to meet the needs of the LOBs

● Challenge with increasing business efficiencies and cutting IT
unit costs
● Inability to improve customer satisfaction: internal and external
● Meeting deadlines on time and within budget
● Inability to attract and retain competent IT professionals

CTO ● Maximizing the use of technology to maintain/increase

competitive advantage
● Unable to support business direction of company

VP Engineering ● Reduce time to market

● Reduce engineering costs
● Maintain customer sat commitments
● Meet quality control standards

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Exploring Impact Title: CFO

BI: Declining Profits
R1: Inability to reduce costs
R2: Inabilitiy to increase revnues
R3: Eroding marketshare

Title: IT Exec/CIO Title: VP Engineering Title: Marketing

BI: Inability to meets the needs of BI: Escalating development costs BI: Inablity to increase market
the LOBs R1: required application not share
R1: not able to deliver applications deivered on time R1: Not able to capitalize on new
on time and as required marketing opportunities
R2: not meeting project deadlines R2: Web applicaiton was not
developed on time and did not meet

Title: Project Manager

BI: Inablity to deliver solution as
R1: application doesn't work
R2: can't manage the scope of the

Title: Analyst Title: SW Developer

Title: db designer
BI: Inability to communicate BI: Inability to create an operational
requirements BI: Develop incorrect db design application
R1: not able to understand
R1: can't manage the different versions R1: incorrect or non-delivered requirements
of requirements requirements R2: given incorrect design
R2: requirements are poorly written R2: lack of appropriate tools

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Evaluation Plan: Controlling the Sell Cycle

Activity/Action Owner Due Date √ Billable

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Decision Support Plan
Understanding and resolving your customer’s concerns in selecting the IBM solution


Remaining for the Decision Leader

Concern or issue H/M/L Action Name

Remaining for other key stakeholders


• Business Initiatives - Confidence that solution supports the business initiative? • Business case - Confidence in the business case?
• Preferences – Solution complies with technology, sourcing, and financing preferences? • Change - Organization capable of implementing and operating the solution?
• Capability - Solution provides required capabilities? • IBM Value - Confident that IBM offers unique business value?
• Results - Confidence desired results will be realized?

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Opportunity Plan: Does the IBM solution meet client expectations?

Does the solution meet the client expectation? I don’t Yes
9. Can we meet or exceed client expectations?

10. How strong is the value proposition for the solution for this client? __ I don’t know
What are the client's expectations for the solution? How compelling is their business case? __ Weak
What shows that the key decision leader supports the value proposition for the solution? __ Strong
Notes: Remember to complete section V. Do we want to pursue?

How strong is the value proposition for the solution for this client?

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A word or two about "value"

ƒThe greater the value the greater the reason to buy

ƒPeople will invest proportionate to the problem
ƒThey will invest a little to solve a little problem. They will invest
a lot to solve a big problem.
ƒValue gives them a reason to take action, gives them
a sense of urgency
ƒWe lose more to "No Decision" than to all our
competitors combined
ƒExplore the impact on others to increase the value of
the opportunity
ƒValue is in the eye of the beholder

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Types of Value
ƒIncreased Revenue ƒCapabilities provided by your product/service that help the buyer
increase revenue and profits
ƒTime to market
ƒAbility to react to competition
ƒIncreased Sales

ƒCapabilities provided by your product/service that help the buyer

Displaced Costs eliminate as existing cost and improve profits
ƒ reduced labor costs
ƒ equipment maintenance costs
ƒ prototyping costs

ƒAvoided Costs ƒCapabilities provided by your product/service that help the buyer
eliminate a future cost (usually not budgeted)
ƒ Overtime
ƒ Employee turnover
ƒ Equipment downtime

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Types of Value

ƒRedirected Costs ƒCapabilities provided by your product/service that free a

resource the buyer can utilize in another area of the
ƒComputer time

ƒIntangible Benefits
ƒCapabilities provided by your product/service that help the
buyer but have no dollar value or the buyer is unwilling to
assign a dollar value
ƒemployee morale
ƒcompany image
ƒemployee productivity (where no dollar amount is given)

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Exploring Impact
Pain: Stock price is down

CFO R1: Profits are down

R2: Customer erosion
Pain: Profits are down
R1: Not meeting sales
R2: Mfg. cost are up

VP Marketing VP Manufacturing VP Sales

Pain: Customer erosion Pain: Mfg. cost are up Pain: Not meeting sales
R1: Can’t fill orders R1: Orders for products R1: Salespeople taking
R2: Can’t offer they don’t have orders they can’t fill
substitute products R2: Not selling products R2: Can’t offer subs. to
to customers they do have customers

Director IT
Pain: Unhappy line VPs
with product catalog
R1: Can’t deliver needed
applications on time

Mgr. Systems Development

Pain: Unable to meet info. Specific capabilities of
needs of Line VPs IBM software will enable
R1: Legacy applications this person to deal with
still on mainframe these issues, thus
R2: Applications not effecting a “beneficiary
flexible to change chain” up to the top of the
with business organization.

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Exploring Impact: BPM

Title: CFO

BI: Declining Profits

R1: Inability to reduce costs
R2: Inabilitiy to grow sales,
increase marketshare

Title: CIO
Title: COO Title: VP of Sales/Marketing
BI: Inability to meets the needs BI: inability to improve operational BI: Inability to grow sales/ marketshare
of the LOBs R1: inability to meet customer deadlines
R1: not able to deliver solution R2. Poor customer sat/call center not
R1: inability to improve fill rate able to respond to customer requests in
as required R2: poor collaboration with timely manner
R2: poor collaboration with customers, suppliers and partners
customers, suppliers, partners R3: distribution & related costs rising
and employees

Title: Director of Inventory Mgt

Title: VP of Customer Service Title: Directory of Operations
BI: Inability to improve fill rate BI: Distribution & related costs
BI: poor customer sat
R1: Problems with supply chain escalating
R1: call center agents don’t
R2: high rate of unsold goods R1: need to streamline
have access to info needed to
R3. Turnover rate low on in- transportation costs
respond to customer questions
stock products R2: order management application
R2: orders aren’t filled and
shipped by promise date not meeting bus. needs
R3: inventory costs high

Title: Distribution Manager

Title: IT Development Mgr
Title: IT Communications Mgr
BI: Inability to deliver solution BI: Poor collaboration with suppliers, BI: Inability to manage supply chain
as required partners, customers and employees R1: key business processes not
R1: application doesn't work R1. disparate systems integrated
correctly R2 business processes not R2. Poor collaboration with
R2: can't manage the scope of integrated suppliers and partners
the project

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Exploring Impact: Portal

Title: COO

BI: Inability to reduce costs

R1: inability to manage supply
R2: inability to improve
operational efficiencies Title: Sr. Exec Marketing
Title: HR BI: Inablity to increase market share
BI: inability to deliver and manage R1: Not able to capitalize on new
key employees responsibilities marketing opportunities
R1: unable to get employee
Title: Sr Exec Sales R2: not effectively using
acceptance of important health and collaboration capabilities to better
BI: inability to increase revenues
safety regulations user web experience
R1:not able to have 360 degree view
R2: compelling dates not met
of customer
R3: employee changes take too
Unable to cross sell & up sell
R3: not able to provide personalized
view of account to Title: Call Center Manager
Title: Operations Manager Improve customer web experience
BI: inability to respond to customer
BI: Inablity to manage supply
Inquiries quickly
chain Title: CIO
R1: agents have different sign-ons
R1: no 360 degree view of supplier
for different systems
so not able to take advantage of all BI: Poor image within company
R2: info needed resides on multiple
potential discounts R1: inability to meet user demands
R2: R2: increasing costs of managing
R3: manual re-keying required
Applications and access
R4: no 360 degree view of customer
R3: takes too long to develop
Title: IT Administrator
Title: Applications Manager
BI: takes to long to develop
BI: Inability to meet to user demands
apps needed to respond to
R1: users need to remember multiple
change in market
sign-ons to do their jobs
R1: applications are on different
R2: needed information resides on
multiple systems
R2: not aware of existence of
some apps that can be reused

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Exploring Impact: MDM

Title: CEO

BI: Shareholder value declining

R1: Declining profits
R2: inability to leverage corporate
R3: inability to gain market share Title: CFO
Title: Claims Exec R4: declining competitiveness
BI: Declining Profits
BI: Claims processing slow and R1: Too many high risk policies on
expensive books
R1: information needed is difficult
Title: VP Sales & Marketing R2: unable to assess risk
to access R3: Revenue to headcount is out of
BI: inability to increase revenue and
R2: customer data not accurate or balance
gain market share
R1: unable to cross sell/ up sell
R3: essential data not integrated
R2: lack 360-degree view of the
into processing workflow
R3: declining customer satisfaction Title: VP Commercial
Title: VP Underwriting BI: Too many high risk policies on
the books
BI: Underwriting process Title: VP IT BI: Inability to open new markets
inaccurate & cycle times too long
R1: underwriting process inaccurate
R1: difficult to compile complete BI: Inability to meet user demands & cycle times too long
applicant profile for accurate risk R1:info needed resides on disparate R2: inadequate information for
assessment systems proper risk assessment
R2: lack 360-degree view of the R2: takes too long to develop R3: lack accurate data for new
customer applications market assessment
R3: application development too
Title: VP Customer Care R4: can’t aggregate (un)structured
Information from disparate systems Title: Applications Manager
R5: each app requires custom code BI: takes to long to develop
BI: Not meeting service level
apps needed to respond to
commitments/declining customer sat
change in market
R1: Takes too long to respond to
R1: heterogeneous data in
customer inquiries/don’t have the info
disparate systems
the need
R2: lack of data accuracy and
R2: Increasing number of service

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The Value Proposition is the business case for the solution

based on the customer's expected business value
The Value Proposition restates shared understanding of the
customer's Compelling Reason to Act, Vision & perception of IBM's
Unique Business Value!
Sample Value Proposition Worksheet
Business Initiative(s) and Compelling
Reason to Act for this opportunity
Desired State
Business requirements of the Key Decision
Leader (Power Sponsor )
Business Solution
How the proposed solution meets
requirements (ISC)
Investment Case
Measure of the value to be derived (Value -
Total Benefits - Total Costs)
Financing Alternatives
Alternatives to fund the investment and
effect on return
Steps to begin implementation

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Americas SkillWorks

Call Outcomes—Major Sales

S More complex sales have two outcomes

Action is agreed upon that moves the sale forward
N Discussion will continue but no action is agreed upon
U Key call objective: Turning a continuation into an advance
©1986, 2006 Huthwaite, Inc., CONFIDENTIAL

© 2007 IBM Corporation Talent and skill development for Americas software sales and technical sales teams 37
Americas SkillWorks

Planning the Call

1 Plan the advance

• What is a realistic commitment to ask of the client?

• What is Plan B?

2 Plan how to get there

• What potential problems and impacts would have to
be present to justify the advance?

• What questions might help to explore whether

those problems exist?

©1986, 2006 Huthwaite, Inc., CONFIDENTIAL

© 2007 IBM Corporation Talent and skill development for Americas software sales and technical sales teams 38
Americas SkillWorks

© 2007 IBM Corporation Talent and skill development for Americas software sales and technical sales teams 39

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