Teesta-III Cut-Off Wall
Teesta-III Cut-Off Wall
Teesta-III Cut-Off Wall
Abstract: The Teesta-III Hydro Electric Project (1200 MW) essential to optimize the construction cost vis-a-vis
is located in North District in the North Eastern State of construction period taking into account the price escalation
Sikkim, India. The project is in advanced stage of and interest during construction as well as benefits due to
construction and is likely to be commissioned by Jan early completion. The project area experiences almost six
2015.The project envisages the construction of 60m high months of monsoon rains and with scarcity of clay material
Concrete Face Rock-Fill Dam (CFRD) as diversion in the vicinity of dam site, the central earth core type rock fill
structure. The concrete Diaphragm wall was constructed dam was ruled out. Various alternatives of providing positive
under the Concrete Face Rock Fill Dam as positive cutoff cutoff below the dam foundation like curtain grouting,
wall so as to arrest the seepage of water below the dam diaphragm wall and jet grouting was explored. Due to large
foundation. This cutoff wall is made up of plastic concrete depths and presence of big size boulders, all these options
which can deform without development of cracks. The are challenging. However during detailed design and with
excavation up to 60 m in the river borne material which selection of CFRD, the diaphragm wall was selected in
comprised of big boulders caused problems and therefore tandem as part of diversion structure. Many CFRD’s with
well planned construction method was employed by careful diaphragm wall up to 100 mtr has been built all over the
deployment of right kind of trench cutting machine and world and even in India 60m high CFRD type dam with 60
other drilling accessories. This paper details the basic plan, m deep cutoff wall has been done in Dhauliganga Hydro
process of cutoff wall construction and evaluation of its Electric Project (Uttrakhand) successfully. Keeping into
performance. various aspects the CFRD with diaphragm wall was adopted.
The location of cutoff wall was shifted from center to the
I. INTRODUCTION upstream end. The positioning of the impervious elements
The river Teesta is one of the main Himalayan Rivers and outside the dam body makes the construction of cutoff wall
originates from the glaciers of Sikkim in north at an elevation and related foundation treatments independent of the rock-
of about EL 5280 m. This river is formed by confluence of fill construction and thus simplifying the construction
two snow fed streams namely Lachen Chu and Lachung Chu schedule.
at Chungthang about 400 m upstream of the proposed dam
site. It has been planned to harness the power potential of
Teesta through cascade of six power projects across the
basin. This project Teesta Stage-III envisages utilization of
gross head of 800 meter, by construction of 60 m high
Concrete Face Rock fill. This is a run of the river
hydropower scheme. It operates with a low plant load factor
51% to satisfy electricity demand peaks. The power House
holds 6 units of 200 MW each generating 5228 MU of energy
annually. The project envisages construction of plastic
concrete cutoff wall through the boulder mixed alluvial
deposits at the dam site extended from the level of the plinth
foundation of the dam up to the 1m into bed rock. During the
feasibility stage design Concrete Gravity Dam was proposed.
It involved excavation of more than 50 m deep river borne
material for about 18lac cum and further about 8lac cum of
concrete in the dam body out of which 6 lac cum below the
river bed. These works would have entailed handling of
heavy seepage of the dam pit resulting in high cost in
dewatering. The time consumed in excavation and concreting
work would have increased diversion period and hence the
flood risk. Further the elaborate grout curtain being required
below the Cofferdam and may be Jet-Grouting as done in the
case of Teesta-V and Teesta-VI dam sites. With such high
requirement of time and cost, the dam construction period
was getting critical for commissioning of the project and
therefore alternatives were explored on this account. It is A view of CFRD
Layout of Dam Complex This is a conventional cast-in-situ plastic concrete cutoff wall
excavated under bentonite slurry and concreted by tremie
III. HYDROLOGY pipe. This continuous cutoff wall is done in alternate panels
The catchment area of Teesta River above the Dam Site is primary panel being 2.8 m long and secondary panel being
about 2787 Sq. km out of which 70% is snow bound. The 2.4 m long. Primary panels were excavated at regular spaces
catchment under glacier cover is 425 Sq. Km. the River flows along the cutoff axis. When the plastic concrete of adjacent
in a very steep gradient of 1 in 20 up to Chungthang. Rains primary panels is hardened enough (0.2 to 0.4 Mpa, i. e. after
are mainly in the lower part of the catchment area below El 4-5 days) the secondary panel in between was excavated.
4570 m. most of the rainfall occurs during the monsoon The interlocking between primary and secondary panel is
period, though significant spells of rain are also experienced obtained by scrapping the edges of the primary panels
in the non-monsoon months as well. The annual rainfall near already constructed, thus overlapping about 30 cm on each
Chungthang has been found to normally vary 1600 mm to edge. As the excavation reaches acceptable depth (i. e. 1 m
2750 mm however in 2010 the annual rainfall recorded was into the bed rock) the panel is cleaned and concreted. The
3220 mm and in 2012 as 3200 mm. The mean discharges of wall thickness has been kept as 1000 mm, though
Teesta River at Dam Site (Chungthang) vary during the dry theoretically minimum thickness is kept 800mm. The
season of the year from 30 cumecs to 60 cumecs and from increased thickness has been designed for two reasons, firstly
100 cumecs to 500 cumecs during the wet season of the year. given the very difficult soil to be excavated and in event of
The project has been designed for diversion flood of 1028 some deviation occurring especially when large boulders are
Cumecs (100 year frequency flood) and a design flood of encountered the minimum cutoff wall thickness specified
7000 cumecs. between the two panels (750mm) could be achieved. Also
the increased thickness will allow the extraction of larger consolidating, this river borne material/bouldary soil and
boulders thus reducing the requirements of chiseling. Such thus to ensure that there shall be no loss of bentonite slurry
walls are not supposed to carry load and hence great strength during trenching. The grouting was performed through two
is not required. Rather these walls should be able to follow parallel rows, one upstream and one downstream of the
the deformation imposed on them by the soil without diaphragm wall to be constructed. A total of 56 holes with
cracking and therefore the plastic concrete is selected to depth varying from 20 m to 33 m were done and cement
allow for higher deformation and low compressive strength. grouted to consolidate the foundation consuming about of
Therefore bentonite slurry is mixed during the preparation of 20000 bags of cement. This facilitated better ground
the concrete mix to improve deformation characteristics. condition during trench excavation.
C. Trenching
The main excavation equipment used for the excavation of
cutoff wall were BC-40 Trench Cutter, Hydraulic Grab (with
120 ton capacity, hydraulic cylinder chisels (14+17ton
capacity). Diaphragm walls are constructed using the slurry
trench technique, which involves excavating a narrow trench
that is kept full of bentonite slurry. The slurry exerts a
hydraulic pressure against the trench walls and act as shoring
Average Excavation Speed
to prevent collapse.
Sl No Equipment M2/Hr
1 BC 40 cutter 1.15
Excavation Volume
Sl No Equipment M2
1 BC 40 Cutter 5790
The trench was excavated to the full depth by BC40 Trench 2 Grab & Chisel 480
Cutter except the top 6-8 m being excavated by Grab having 3 Total 6270
the same width of the cutter. The Hydromill Type Trench
Cutter BC-40 (BAUER) 1.0m thick and 2.8 m wide with a
height of 11.40 m and operated by Crawler Crane Liebherr Operational Hours
HS885 equipped with HT550 System was used. The Cutter
Sl No Equipment Hrs
has inbuilt electronic system to monitor the performance of
Cutter. For BC the consumption of bit tips Round Shank 1 Graber 340
Chisel Teeth was high 4.2Pc/M2. Before starting the trench 2 Chisel 1350
excavation, the pretrench was deepened to about 3.5 m and
filled with drilling fluid so as to permit the total immersion of 3 BC 40 Cutter 3480
trench cutter pump. Whenever required, a chisel was utilized
to break the boulder or removing the rock fragments by the Excavation Volume
Grab. Cross chisel of 11m long and 14ton weight are being
used to crush the boulders encountered during trenching.
Removal of crushed rock fragments at greater depth was 7.6
mainly handled by way of BC 40 only. Both Chisel and Grab % BC 40 Cutter
are being handled by HS882 Crane which is with special
feature of free fall and live pull capacity. Two types of chisel,
box and cross were used depending on boulder shapes. The 92.6% Grab &
average excavation speed for BC40 Cutter was 1.15m2/Hr Chisel
and the Grab was about 0.66m2/hr. About 92% of excavation
was carried by BC40 cutter. Both the primary and secondary
panels were excavated in one single bite 2.8 m long.
3.000 Avg. Comp
2.500 Strength
2.000 Unconfined
1.500 (N/mm2)
1.000 Avg. Comp
0.500 Strength
0.000 Confined
After the completion of the excavation tests and operations B. Young’s Modulus
are carried out in order to detect the actual depth, to desand Young’s modulus also satisfied the specifications and
and homogenize the slurry mud, to clean up the side walls average value obtained was in the range of 350 MPa for
and the bottom of the trench. The time between the end of confined state 250 Mpa for unconfined state.
panel cleaning and the start of pouring is kept minimal as
possible. Temporary steel gang ways is laid on the trench on 500.000
both sides of the pipes to create safe working condition. The
concrete is placed using a pipe, the lower end of which is 400.000
always immersed into the concrete to a depth sufficient to
prevent the bentonite slurry to penetrate into the pipe. The 300.000 You
tremie pipe is lowered into the trench to the bottom of the ngs
excavation and then raised about 30-40 cm when concrete 200.000
begins. Except in the beginning, the immersion of the tremie 100.000 dul
pipe into the poured concrete was kept between 3m-5m. us…
After priming the pipe is lifted as the concrete rises in the 0.000
trench, and moved up and down to help the flow of plastic
concrete. The service crane supporting the tremie hopper
raises and lowers the tremie pipe throughout the pouring
time. During concreting, the concrete level is checked at
Fig No: 4- Young’s Modulus for Unconfined and Confined
frequent intervals to ascertain the actual volume vis-à-vis the
theoretical volume. About 9460 m3 concrete was palced in
cutoff wall against theoretical quantity of 6752 m3 i.e. 40%
C. Permeability
was the over break quantity. The bentonite was mixed into
The test results conducted on samples were satisfactory and
concrete in the form of solution since it took 10-12 hrs for
average permeability obtained was in the range of 0.083X10-
dissolution and hence bentonite was mixed with water on 8
previous day of concreting. During concrete placement, the
slurry mud in excess is sucked by a suitable pump, located
within the guide walls and delivered to the desanding plant Permeability
storage ponds, to be regenerated by the same process.
All the data’s on excavation and concreting is recorded on 0.08
the proper log including the testing reports of bentonite slurry 0.06
and plastic concrete. The plastic concrete was tested for 0.04
following parameters 0.02 PERMEABILITY
A. Strength
It is essentially desirable to do pre-consolidation grouting in
the vicinity of the cutoff wall which helps in prevention of
whole collapse or ground subsidence during trench
excavation work. Experience has shown that the BC cutter
proved to be the most effective equipment for penetration at
depth and such boundary strata. Also the deployment of right
kind of trenching equipment and crew is necessary for timely
execution of the work with safety and quality as well. The
feasibility study and further the experience of construction of
CFRD with diaphragm wall in such a difficult geological and
topographical conditions of Dam Site has proved that this is
the most viable and economical solution in such riverine
material. The location of cutoff wall axis u/s of CFRD toe
gives a lot of leverage so far as construction period of
diversion structure is concerned.