MATH3075 3975 Course Notes 2016
MATH3075 3975 Course Notes 2016
MATH3075 3975 Course Notes 2016
Valuation and Hedging of Financial Derivatives
Related courses:
• MATH2070/2970: Optimisation and Financial Mathematics.
• STAT3011/3911: Stochastic Processes and Time Series.
• MSH2: Probability Theory.
• MSH7: Introduction to Stochastic Calculus with Applications.
• AMH4: Advanced Option Pricing.
• AMH7: Backward Stochastic Differential Equations with Applications.
Suggested readings:
• J. C. Hull: Options, Futures and Other Derivatives. 9th ed. Prentice Hall,
• S. R. Pliska: Introduction to Mathematical Finance: Discrete Time Models.
Blackwell Publishing, 1997.
• S. E. Shreve: Stochastic Calculus for Finance. Volume 1: The Binomial
Asset Pricing Model. Springer, 2004.
• J. van der Hoek and R. J. Elliott: Binomial Models in Finance. Springer,
• R. U. Seydel: Tools for Computational Finance. 3rd ed. Springer, 2006.
1 Introduction 5
1.1 Financial Markets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.2 Trading in Securities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
1.3 Perfect Markets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
1.4 European Call and Put Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
1.5 Interest Rates and Zero-Coupon Bonds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
1.5.1 Discretely Compounded Interest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
1.5.2 Continuously Compounded Interest . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
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If you hold a particular asset, you take the so-called long position in that
asset. If, on the contrary, you owe that asset to someone, you take the so-called
short position. As an example, we may consider the holder (long position)
and the writer (short position) of an option. In some cases, e.g. for interest rate
swaps, the long and short positions need to be specified by market convention.
Short-selling of a stock.
In contrast to the call option, the put option gives the right to sell an underlying
Definition 1.4.2. A European put option is a financial security, which gives
its buyer the right (but not the obligation) to sell an asset at a future time T for
a price K, known as the strike price. The underlying asset, the maturity time T
and the strike (or exercise) price K are specified in the contract.
One can show that a European put option is formally equivalent to the follow-
ing random payoff PT at time T
PT := max (K − ST , 0) = (K − ST )+ .
It is also easy to see that CT − PT = ST − K. This is left an as exercise.
European call and put options are actively traded on organised exchanges.
In this course, we will examine European options in various financial market
models. A pertinent theoretical question thus arises:
Single period market models are elementary (but useful) examples of financial
market models. They are characterised by the following standing assumptions
that are enforced throughout this chapter:
• Only a single trading period is considered.
• The beginning of the period is usually set as time t = 0 and the end of the
period by time t = 1.
• At time t = 0, stock prices, bond prices, and prices of other financial as-
sets or specific financial values are recorded and an agent can choose his
investment, often a portfolio of stocks and bond.
• At time t = 1, the prices are recorded again and an agent obtains a payoff
corresponding to the value of his portfolio at time t = 1.
In what follows, we will see that more realistic multi-period models in discrete
time can indeed be obtained by the concatenation of many single-period models.
Single period models can thus be seen as convenient building blocks when con-
structing more sophisticated models. This statement can be reformulated as
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Throughout this chapter, we assume that we deal with a finite sample space
Ω = {ω1 , ω2 , . . . , ωk }
The prices of the financial assets at time t = 1 are assumed to depend on the
state of the world at time t = 1 and thus the asset price may take a different
value for each particular ωi . The actual state of the world at time t = 1 is yet
unknown at time t = 0 as, obviously, we can not foresee the future. We only
assume that we are given some information (or beliefs) concerning the proba-
bilities of various states. More precisely, we postulate that Ω is endowed with
a probability measure P such that P(ωi ) > 0 for all ωi ∈ Ω.
The probability measure P may, for instance, represent the beliefs of an agent.
Different agents may have different beliefs and thus they may use different un-
derlying probability measures to build and implement a model. This explains
why P is frequently referred to as the subjective probability measure. How-
ever, it is also called the statistical (or the historical) probability measure
when it is obtained through some statistical procedure based on historical data
for asset prices. We will argue that the knowledge of an underlying probability
measure P is irrelevant for solving of some important pricing problems.
Ω = {ω1 , ω2 } = {H, T }.
The result of the toss is not known at time t = 0 and is therefore considered as
a random event. Let us stress that we do not assume that the coin is fair, i.e.,
that H and T have the same probability of occurrence. We only postulate that
both outcomes are possible and thus there exists a number 0 < p < 1 such that
P(ω1 ) = p, P(ω2 ) = 1 − p.
The money market account pays a deterministic interest rate r > −1. We
denote by B0 = 1 and B1 = 1+r the values of the money market account at time
0 and 1. This means that one dollar invested into (or borrowed from) the money
market account at time t = 0 yields a return (or a liability) of 1 + r dollars at
time t = 1.
S1 (ω1 ) S1 (ω2 )
u := , d := ,
S0 S0
where, without loss of generality, we assume that 0 < d < u. The evolution of
the stock price under P can thus be represented by the following diagram:
8 S0 u
S0 d
Let us emphasise that we postulate that φ can take any real value, i.e., φ ∈ R.
This assumption covers, for example, the short-selling of stock when φ < 0, as
well as taking an arbitrarily high loan (i.e., an unrestricted borrowing of cash).
The initial wealth (or initial value) of a trading strategy (x, φ) at time t = 0
is clearly x, the initial endowment. Within the period, i.e., between time t = 0
and time t = 1, an agent does not modify her portfolio. The terminal wealth
(or terminal value) V (x, φ) of a trading strategy at time t = 1 is given by the
total amount of cash collected when positions in shares and the money market
account are closed. In particular, the terminal wealth depends on the stock
price at time t = 1 and is therefore random. In the present setup, it can take
exactly two values:
V1 (x, φ)(ω1 ) = (x − φS0 )(1 + r) + φS1 (ω1 ),
V1 (x, φ)(ω2 ) = (x − φS0 )(1 + r) + φS1 (ω2 ).
Definition 2.1.1. The wealth process (or the value process) of a trading
strategy (x, φ) in the two-state single-period market model is given by the pair
(V0 (x, φ), V1 (x, φ)), where V0 (x, φ) = x and V1 (x, φ) is the random variable on Ω
given by
To rule out arbitrage opportunities from the two-state model, we must assume
that d < 1 + r < u. Otherwise, we would have arbitrages in our model, as we
will show now.
Proposition 2.1.1. The two-state single-period market model M = (B, S) is
arbitrage-free if and only if d < 1 + r < u.
Proof. If d ≥ 1 + r then the following strategy is an arbitrage:
• begin with zero initial endowment and at time t = 0 borrow the amount
S0 from the money market in order to buy one share of the stock.
Even in the worst case of a tail in the coin toss (i.e., when S1 = S0 d) the stock at
time t = 1 will be worth S0 d ≥ S0 (1 + r), which is enough to pay off the money
market debt. Also, the stock has a positive probability of being worth strictly
more then the debt’s value, since u > d ≥ 1 + r, and thus S0 u > S0 (1 + r).
The proof of the latter implication is left as an exercise (it will also follow from
the discussion in Section 2.2).
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Obviously, the stock price fluctuations observed in practice are much more com-
plicated than the mouvements predicted by the two-state single-period model
of the stock price. We examine this model in detail for the following reasons:
• Within this model, the concept of arbitrage pricing and its relationship to
the risk-neutral pricing can be easily appreciated.
• A concatenation of several single-period market models yields a reason-
ably realistic model (see Chapter 4), which is commonly used by practi-
tioners. It provides a sufficiently precise and computationally tractable
approximation of a continuous-time market model.
What is the ‘fair’ value of the call (or put) option at time t = 0?
In the remaining part of this section, we will provide an answer to this question
based on the idea of replication. Since we will deal with a general contingent
claim X, the valuation method will in fact cover virtually any financial contract
one might imagine in the present setup.
To solve the valuation problem for European options, we will consider a more
general contingent claim, which is of the type X = h(S1 ) where h : R+ →
R is an arbitrary function. Since the stock price S1 is a random variable on
Ω = {ω1 , ω2 }, the quantity X = h(S1 ) is also a random variable on Ω taking the
following two values
X(ω1 ) = h(S1 (ω1 )) = h(S0 u),
X(ω2 ) = h(S1 (ω2 )) = h(S0 d),
where the function h is called the payoff profile of the claim X = h(S1 ). It is
clear that a European call option is obtained by choosing the payoff profile h
given by: h(x) = max (x−K, 0) = (x−K)+ . There are many other possible choices
for a payoff profile h leading to different classes of traded (exotic) options.
From Proposition 2.1.3, we conclude that we can always find a replicating strat-
egy for a contingent claim in the two-state single-period market model. Models
that enjoy this property are called complete. We will see that some models
are incomplete and thus the technique of pricing by the replication principle
fails to work for some contingent claims.
( ) ( )
π0 (X) = EPe X
= EPe h(ST )
. (2.8)
Remark 2.1.2. Let us stress that the put-call parity is not specific to a single-
period model and it can be extended to any arbitrage-free multi-period model.
It suffices to rewrite (2.9) as follows: C0 − P0 = S0 − KB(0, T ). More generally,
in any multi-period model we have
Ct − Pt = St − KB(t, T )
1+r−d 1 + 13 − 1
pe = = 2
= .
u−d 2 − 12 9
Next, we compute the arbitrage price C0 = π0 (C1 ) of the call option, which is
formally represented by the contingent claim C1 = (S1 − K)+
( ) ( ) ( )
C1 (S1 − K)+ 1 5 4 15
C0 = EPe = EPe = 1 · (2 − 1) + · 0 = .
1+r 1+r 1+ 3 9 9 36
This example makes it obvious once again that the value of the subjective prob-
ability p is completely irrelevant for the computation of the option’s price. Only
the risk-neutral probability pe matters. The value of pe depends in turn on the
choice of model parameters u, d and r.
Example 2.1.2. Using the same parameters as in the previous example, we
will now compute the price of the European put option (i.e., an option to sell
a stock) with strike price K = 1 and maturity T = 1. A simple argument shows
that a put option is represented by the following payoff P1 at time t = 1
P1 := max (K − S1 , 0) = (K − S1 )+ .
( ) ( ) ( )
P1 (K − S1 )+ 1 5 4 ( 1) 1
P0 = EPe = EPe = 1 ·0+ · 1− = .
1+r 1+r 1+ 3
9 9 2 6
Note that the prices at time t = 0 of European call and put options with the
same strike price K and maturity T satisfy
15 1 1 1 1
C0 − P0 = − = =1− 1 = S0 − K.
36 6 4 1+ 3
This result is a special case of the put-call parity relationship.
Ω = {ω1 , . . . , ωk }. (2.10)
S1j : Ω → R.
Then the real number S1j (ω) represents the price of the jth stock at time t = 1
if the world happens to be in the state ω ∈ Ω at time t = 1. We assume that
each state at time t = 1 is possible, that is, P(ω) > 0 for all ω ∈ Ω.
Let us now formally define the trading strategies (or portfolios) that are
available to all agents.
Definition 2.2.1. A trading strategy in a single-period market model M is a
pair (x, φ) ∈ R × Rn where x represents the initial endowment at time t = 0
and φ = (φ1 , . . . , φn ) ∈ Rn is an n-dimensional vector, where φj specifies the
number of shares of the jth stock purchased (or sold) at time t = 0.
Given a trading strategy (x, φ), it is always assumed that the amount
φ := x −
φj S0j
V0 (x, φ) := φ0 B0 + j=1 φj S0j = x (2.11)
∑n ( ∑n ) ∑n
V1 (x, φ) := φ0 B1 + j=1 φ j j
S 1 = x − j=1 φ j j
S 0 B1 +
j j
j=1 φ S1 . (2.12)
Remark 2.2.1. Note that equation (2.12) involves random variables, meaning
that the equalities hold in any possible state the world might attend at time
t = 1, that is, for all ω ∈ Ω. Formally, we may say that equalities in (2.12) hold
P-almost surely, that is, with probability 1.
or, equivalently,
∑n ( ∑n ) ∑n
G1 (x, φ) := φ ∆B1 + j=1
φ ∆S1j = x− j=1 φ j
S0j ∆B1 + j=1 φj ∆S1j
where we denote
As suggested by its name, the random variable G1 (x, φ) represents the gains
(or losses) the agent obtains from his trading strategy (x, φ).
It is often convenient to study the stock price in relation to the money market
account. The discounted stock price Sbj is defined as follows
bj S0j
S0 := = S0j ,
bj S1j 1
S1 := = S1j .
B1 1+r
Vb0 (x, φ) = x,
( ∑
n ) ∑
n ∑
V1 (x, φ) = x− j j
φ S0 + j bj
φ S1 = x + φj ∆Sb1j ,
j=1 j=1 j=1
where we denote
∆Sb1j := Sb1j − Sb0j .
b1 (x, φ) is defined by
Finally, the discounted gains process G
b0 (x, φ) := 0,
G b1 (x, φ) := Vb1 (x, φ) − Vb0 (x, φ) = ∑n φj ∆Sb1j
G (2.16)
where we also used the property of Vb1 (x, φ). It follows from (2.16) that G
b1 (x, φ)
does not depend on x, so that, in particular, the equalities
b1 (x, φ) = G
G b1 (0, φ) = Vb1 (0, φ)
ω1 ω2 ω3
60 60 40
S11 9 9 9
40 80 80
S12 3 9 9
If we assume that Vb1 (0, φ) ≥ 0, then the last equation clearly implies that the
equality Vb1 (0, φ)(ω) = 0 must hold for all ω ∈ Ω. Hence, by part 1. in Proposition
2.2.1, no trading strategy satisfying all conditions of an arbitrage opportunity
may exist.
It is clear that there is a one-to-one correspondence between the set of all prob-
ability measures on Ω and the set P ⊂ Rk of vectors Q = (q1 , . . . , qk ) with the
following two properties:
1. qi ≥ 0 for every i = 1, . . . , k,
2. i=1 qi = 1.
Let X be the vector representing the random variable X and Q be the vector
representing the probability measure Q. Then the expected value of a ran-
dom variable X with respect to a probability measure Q on Ω can be identified
with the inner product ⟨·, ·⟩ in the Euclidean space Rk , specifically,
∑k ∑k
EQ (X) = i=1 X(ωi )Q(ωi ) = i=1 xi qi = ⟨X, Q⟩.
The set A is simply the closed nonnegative orthant in Rk (the first quadrant
when k = 2, the first octant when k = 3, etc.) but with the origin excluded. In-
deed, the conditions in (2.18) imply that at least one component of any vector X
from A is a strictly positive number and all other components are non-negative.
{ }
W⊥ = Z ∈ Rk | ⟨X, Z⟩ = 0 for all X ∈ W . (2.20)
Finally, we define the following subset P + of the set P of all probability mea-
sures on Ω
{ ∑ }
P + = Q ∈ Rk | ki=1 qi = 1, qi > 0 . (2.21)
The set P + can be identified with the set of all probability measures on Ω that
satisfy property 1. from Definition 2.2.4.
( ) (∑n ) ∑ n
( )
⟨X, Q⟩ = EQ Vb1 (0, φ) = EQ φj ∆Sb1j = φj EQ ∆Sb1j = 0.
j=1 j=1
| {z }
Proof. The proof of this classic result can be found in any textbook on the
convex analysis. Hence we will merely sketch the main steps.
Step 1. In the first step, one shows that if D is a (nonempty) closed, convex set
such that the origin 0 is not in D then there exists a non-zero vector v ∈ D such
that for every d ∈ D we have ⟨d, v⟩ ≥ ⟨v, v⟩ (hence ⟨d, v⟩ > 0 for all d ∈ D). To
this end, one checks that the vector v that realises the minimum in the problem
min d∈D ∥d∥ has the desired properties (note that since D is closed and 0 ∈/ D we
have that v ̸= 0).
Step 2. In the second step, we define the set D as the algebraic difference of B
and C, that is, D = C − B. More explicitly,
{ }
D = x ∈ Rk | x = c − b for some b ∈ B, c ∈ C .
It is clear that 0 ∈
/ D. One can also check that D is convex (this always holds
if B and C and convex) and closed (for closedness, we need to postulate that at
least one of the sets B and C is compact).
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From the first step in the proof, there exists a non-zero vector y ∈ Rk such that
for all b ∈ B and c ∈ C we have that ⟨c − b, y⟩ ≥ ⟨y, y⟩. This in turn implies that
for all b ∈ B and c ∈ C
⟨c, y⟩ ≥ ⟨b, y⟩ + α
where α = ⟨y, y⟩ is a strictly positive number. Hence there exists a vector a ∈ Rk
such that
inf ⟨c, y⟩ > ⟨a, y⟩ > sup⟨b, y⟩.
c∈C b∈B
It is now easy to check that the desired inequalities are satisfied for this choice
of vectors a and y.
Let a, y ∈ Rk be as in Proposition 2.2.2. Observe that y is never a zero vector.
We define the (k − 1)-dimensional hyperplane H ⊂ Rk by setting
{ }
H = a + x ∈ Rk | ⟨x, y⟩ = 0 = a + {y}⊥ .
Then we say that the hyperplane H strictly separates the convex sets B and
C. Intuitively, the sets B and C lie on different sides of the hyperplane H
and thus they can be seen as geometrically separated by H. Note that the
compactness of at least one of the sets is a necessary condition for the strict
separation of B and C.
Corollary 2.2.1. Assume that B ⊂ Rk is a vector subspace and set C is a com-
pact convex set such that B ∩ C = ∅. Then there exists a vector y ∈ Rk such
⟨b, y⟩ = 0 for all b ∈ B
⟨c, y⟩ > 0 for all c ∈ C.
Proof. Note that any vector subspace of Rk is a closed, convex set. From
Proposition 2.2.2, there exist vectors a, y ∈ Rk such that the inequality
⟨b, y⟩ < ⟨a, y⟩
is satisfied for all vectors b ∈ B. Since B is a vector space, the vector λb belongs
to B for any λ ∈ R. Hence for any b ∈ B and λ ∈ R we have that
⟨λb, y⟩ = λ⟨b, y⟩ < ⟨a, y⟩.
This in turn implies that ⟨b, y⟩ = 0 for any vector b ∈ B, meaning that y ∈ B ⊥ .
To establish the second inequality, we observe that from Proposition 2.2.2, we
⟨c, y⟩ > ⟨a, y⟩ for all c ∈ C.
Consequently, for any c ∈ C
⟨c, y⟩ > ⟨a, y⟩ > ⟨b, y⟩ = 0.
We conclude that ⟨c, y⟩ > 0 for all c ∈ C.
Corollary 2.2.1 will be used in the proof of the implication ⇒ in Theorem 2.2.1.
Proof. (⇒) We now assume that the model is arbitrage-free. We know that
this is equivalent to the condition W ∩ A = ∅. Our goal is to show that the class
M of risk-neutral probabilities is non-empty. In view of Lemma 2.2.1 (see also
Remark 2.2.4), it suffices to show that the following implication is valid
W∩A=∅ ⇒ W⊥ ∩ P + ̸= ∅.
We define the following auxiliary set A+ = {X ∈ A | ⟨X, P⟩ = 1}. Observe that
A+ is a closed, bounded (hence compact) and convex subset of Rk . Recall also
that P is the subjective probability measure (although any other probability
measure from P + could have been used to define A+ ). Since A+ ⊂ A, it is clear
W ∩ A = ∅ ⇒ W ∩ A+ = ∅.
By applying Corollary 2.2.1 to the sets B = W and C = A+ , we see that there
exists a vector Y ∈ W⊥ such that
⟨X, Y ⟩ > 0 for all X ∈ A+ . (2.22)
Our goal is to show that Y can be used to define a risk-neutral probability Q
after a suitable normalisation. We need first to show that yi > 0 for every i. For
this purpose, for any fixed i = 1, . . . , k, we define the auxiliary vector Xi as the
vector in Rk whose ith component equals 1/P(ωi ) and all other components are
zero, that is,
1 1
Xi = (0, . . . , 0, 1, 0 . . . , 0) = ei .
P(ωi ) P(ωi )
Then clearly
EP (Xi ) = ⟨Xi , P⟩ = P(ωi ) = 1
P(ωi )
and thus Xi ∈ A+ . Let us denote by yi the ith component of Y . It then follows
from (2.22) that
0 < ⟨Xi , Y ⟩ = yi ,
P(ωi )
which means that the inequality yi > 0 holds for all i = 1, . . . , k. We will now
define a vector Q = (q1 , . . . , qk ) ∈ Rk through the normalisation of the vector Y .
To this end, we define
qi = = cyi
y1 + · · · + yk
and we set Q(ωi ) = qi for i = 1, . . . , k. In this way, we defined a probability
measure Q such that Q ∈ P + . Furthermore, since Q is merely a scalar multiple
of Y (i.e. Q = cY for some scalar c) and W⊥ is a vector space, we have that
Q ∈ W⊥ (recall that Y ∈ W⊥ ). We conclude that Q ∈ W⊥ ∩P + so that W⊥ ∩ P + ̸=
∅. By virtue of by Lemma 2.2.1, the probability measure Q is a risk-neutral
probability measure on Ω, so that M ̸= ∅.
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Recall that the increments of the discounted prices in this example were given
by the following table:
ω1 ω2 ω3
∆Sb11 1 1 −1
∆Sb2 1 2 −2 −2
From the definition of the set W (see (2.17)) and the equality
Vb1 (0, φ) = φ1 ∆Sb11 + φ2 ∆Sb12 ,
it follows that
φ1 + 2φ2
W = φ1 − 2φ2 (φ1 , φ2 ) ∈ R2 .
−φ1 − 2φ2
We note that for any vector X ∈ W we have x1 + x3 = 0, where xi is the ith
component of the vector X.
In view of Theorem 2.2.1, we already know at this point that there must be
an arbitrage opportunity in the model. To find explicitly an arbitrage opportu-
nity, we use (2.19). If we compare W and A, we see that
W ∩ A = {X ∈ R3 | x1 = x3 = 0, x2 > 0}
so that the set W ∩ A is manifestly non-empty. We deduce once again, but this
time using equivalence (2.19), that the considered model is not arbitrage-free.
We will now describe all arbitrage opportunities in the model. We start with
any positive number x2 > 0. Since
x2 ∈ W ∩ A,
we know that there must exist a trading strategy (0, φ) such that
Vb1 (0, φ) = x2 .
To identify φ = (φ1 , φ2 ) ∈ R2 , we solve the following system of linear equations:
Vb1 (0, φ)(ω1 ) = φ1 + 2φ2 = 0,
Vb1 (0, φ)(ω2 ) = φ1 − 2φ2 = x2 ,
Vb1 (0, φ)(ω3 ) = −φ1 − 2φ2 = 0,
where the last equation is manifestly redundant. The unique solution reads
x2 x2
φ 1 = , φ2 = − .
2 4
As we already know, these numbers give us the number of shares of each stock
we need to buy in order to obtain an arbitrage. It thus remains to compute
how much money we have to invest in the money market account. Since the
strategy (0, φ) starts with zero initial endowment, the amount φ0 invested in
the money market account satisfies
x2 ( x )
φ0 = 0 − φ1 S01 − φ2 S02 = − 5 − − 10 = 0.
2 4
This means that any arbitrage opportunity in this model is a trading strategy
that only invests in risky assets, that is, stocks S 1 and S 2 . One can observe that
the return on the first stock dominates the return on the second.
In Section 2.1, we studied claims of the type h(S1 ) where h is the payoff’s profile,
which is an arbitrary function of the single stock price S1 at time t = 1. In our
general model, we now have more than one stock and the payoff profiles may be
complicated functions of underlying assets. Specifically, any contingent claim
can now be described as h(S11 , . . . , S1n ) where h : Rn → R is an arbitrary function.
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To price a contingent claim for which a replicating strategy exists, we apply the
replication principle.
Proposition 2.2.3. Let X be a contingent claim in a general single-period mar-
ket model and let (x, φ) be a replicating strategy for X, i.e. a trading strategy
which satisfies V1 (x, φ) = X. Then the unique price of X which complies with
the no arbitrage principle is x = V0 (x, φ). It is called the arbitrage price of X
and denoted as π0 (X).
Proof. The proof of this proposition hinges on the same arguments as those
used in Section 2.1 and thus it is left as an exercise.
Proof. Let (x, φ) be any replicating strategy for an attainable claim X, so that
the equality X = V1 (x, φ) is valid. Then we also have that
(1 + r)−1 X = Vb1 (x, φ).
Using Definition 2.2.4 of a risk-neutral probability measure, we obtain
( ) ( ∑ )
( ) n
−1 b
EQ (1 + r) X = EQ V1 (x, φ) = EQ x + j bj
φ ∆ S1
( )
= x+ φj EQ ∆Sb1j = x
| {z }
and thus formula (2.23) holds. Note that (2.23) is valid for any choice of a
risk-neutral probability measure Q ∈ M.
Let us consider a digital call in this model, i.e., an option with the payoff
1 if S1 > K,
0 otherwise.
Let us assume that the strike price K satisfies
(1 + l)S0 < K < (1 + h)S0 .
Then a nonzero payoff is only possible if the volatility is high and the stock
jumps up, that is, when the state of the world at time t = 1 is given by ω = ω1 .
Therefore, the contingent claim X can alternatively be represented as follows
1 if ω = ω1 ,
X(ω) =
0 if ω = ω2 , ω3 , ω4 .
Our goal is to check whether there exists a replicating strategy for this contin-
gent claim, i.e., a trading strategy (x, φ) ∈ R × R satisfying
V1 (x, φ) = X.
Using the definition of V1 (x, φ) and our vector notation for random variables,
the last equation is equivalent to
1+r (1 + h)S0 1
1+r (1 + l)S0 0
(x − φS0 )
1 + r + φ (1 − l)S0 = 0 .
1+r (1 − h)S0 0
The existence of a solution (x, φ) to this system is equivalent to the existence
of a solution (α, β) to the system
1 h 1
1 l 0
1 +β
−l = 0
1 −h 0
It is easy to see that this system of equations has no solution and thus a digital
call is not an attainable contingent claim within the framework of the stochas-
tic volatility model.
Recall that for any trading strategy (x, φ), the discounted gains satisfies
b1 (x, φ) = G
G b1 (0, φ) = Vb1 (0, φ) = φ∆Sb1 .
Clearly, this set is non-empty and thus we conclude that our stochastic volatil-
ity model is arbitrage-free.
In addition, it is not difficult to check that for every 0 < q1 < 21 there exists
a probability measure Q ∈ M such that Q(ω1 ) = q1 . Indeed, it suffices to take
q1 ∈ (0, 12 ) and to set
q4 = q1 , q 2 = q3 = − q1 .
Let us now compute the (discounted) expected value of the digital call X =
(1, 0, 0, 0)⊤ under a probability measure Q = (q1 , q2 , q3 , q4 )⊤ ∈ M. We have
EQ (X) = ⟨X, Q⟩ = q1 · 1 + q2 · 0 + q3 · 0 + q4 · 0 = q1 .
Since q1 is here any number from the open interval (0, 12 ), we obtain many differ-
ent values as discounted expected values under risk-neutral probability mea-
sures. In fact, every value from the open interval (0, 12 ) can be achieved.
Note that the situation in Example 2.2.4 is completely different than in Propo-
sitions 2.2.3 and 2.2.4. The reason is that, as we already have shown in Exam-
ple 2.2.3, the digital call is not an attainable contingent claim in the stochastic
volatility model and thus it is not covered by Propositions 2.2.3 and 2.2.4.
In view of Example 2.2.4, the next result might be surprising, since it says
that for any choice of a risk-neutral probability measure Q, formula (2.23),
yields a price which complies with the principle of no-arbitrage. Let us stress
once again that we obtain different prices, in general, when we use different
risk-neutral probability measures. Hence the number π0 (X) appearing in the
right-hand side of (2.24) represents a plausible price (rather than the unique
price) for a non-attainable claim X. We will show in what follows that:
• an attainable claim is characterised by the uniqueness of the arbitrage
price, but
• a non-attainable claim always admits a whole spectrum of prices that com-
ply with the principle of no-arbitrage.
Proposition 2.2.5. Let X be a possibly non-attainable contingent claim and
Q ∈ M be any risk-neutral probability measure for an arbitrage-free single-
period market model M. Then the real number π0 (X) given by
( )
π0 (X) := EQ (1 + r)−1 X (2.24)
defines a price for the contingent claim X at time t = 0, which complies with the
principle of no-arbitrage. Moreover, the probability measure Q belongs to the
e of risk-neutral probability measures for the extended market model M.
class M f
Proof. In view of the FTAP (see Theorem 2.2.1), it is enough to show that
there exists a risk-neutral probability measure for the corresponding model M, f
which is extended by S n+1
as in Definition 2.2.7. By assumption, Q is a risk-
neutral probability measure for the original model M, consisting of consisting
of the savings account B and stocks S 1 , . . . , S n . In other words, the probability
measure Q is assumed to satisfy conditions 1. and 2. of Definition 2.2.4 for
every j = 1, . . . , n. For j = n + 1, the second condition translates into
( ) ( )
EQ (∆Sb1n+1 ) = EQ (1 + r)−1 X − π0 (X) = EQ (1 + r)−1 X − π0 (X)
= π0 (X) − π0 (X) = 0.
The following result gives an algebraic criterion for the market completeness.
Note that the vectors A0 , A1 , . . . , An ∈ Rk represent the columns of the matrix A.
Proposition 2.2.6. Let us assume that a single-period market model M =
(B, S 1 , . . . , S n ) defined on the state space Ω = {ω1 , . . . , ωk } is arbitrage-free. Then
this model is complete if and only if the k × (n + 1) matrix A given by
1 + r S11 (ω1 ) · · · S1n (ω1 )
1 + r S11 (ω2 ) · · · S1n (ω2 )
· · · ·
A= = (A0 , A1 , . . . , An )
· · · ·
· · · ·
1 + r S1 (ωk ) · · · S1 (ωk )
1 n
has a full row rank, that is, rank (A) = k. Equivalently, a single-period mar-
ket model M is complete whenever the linear subspace spanned by the vectors
A0 , A1 , . . . , An coincides with the full space Rk .
Proof. On the one hand, by the linear algebra, the matrix A has a full row rank
if and only if for every X ∈ Rk the equation AZ = X has a solution Z ∈ Rn+1 .
On the other hand, if we set φ0 =x− j=1 φj S0j then we have
1 + r S11 (ω1 ) · · · S1n (ω1 ) φ V1 (x, φ)(ω1 )
1 + r S11 (ω2 ) · · · S1n (ω2 ) φ1 V1 (x, φ)(ω2 )
· · · · · ·
= .
· · · · · ·
· · · · · ·
1 + r S11 (ωk ) · · · S1n (ωk ) φn V1 (x, φ)(ωk )
This shows that computing a replicating strategy for a contingent claim X is
equivalent to solving the equation AZ = X. Hence the statement of the propo-
sition follows immediately.
Example 2.2.5. We have seen already that the stochastic volatility model dis-
cussed in Examples 2.2.3 and 2.2.4 is not complete. Another way to establish
this property is to use Proposition 2.2.6. The matrix A in this case has the form
1 + r (1 + h)S0
1 + r (1 − h)S0
1 + r (1 + l)S0 .
1 + r (1 − h)S0
The rank of this matrix is 2 and thus, of course, it is not equal to k = 4. We
therefore conclude that the stochastic volatility model is incomplete.
= Sb0j (since Q ∈ M)
( j)
We conclude that EQb ∆Sb1 = 0 and thus Q b ∈ M, that is, Q
b is a risk-neutral
probability measure for the market model M.
k ( )
X(ωi ) X
> Q(ωi ) = EQ
1+r 1+r
where we used the second part of (2.26) and the inequality λ > 0 in order to
conclude that the braced expression is a strictly positive real number.
Since i was arbitrary, we see that the equality Q = Q b holds. We have thus
shown that the class M consists of a single risk-neutral probability measure.
Chapter 3
When the state space is finite, the third condition is manifestly equivalent to
the following condition:
3’. if A, B ∈ F then A ∪ B ∈ F ,
which in turn, in view of condition 2., is equivalent to
3”. if A, B ∈ F then A ∩ B ∈ F .
Proof. (MATH3975) (⇒) Assume that (Ai )i∈I is a partition of the σ-field F
and that X is F-measurable. Let j ∈ I be an index and let an element ω ∈ Aj
be arbitrary. Define cj := X(ω). We wish to show that X(ω) = cj for all ω ∈ Aj .
Since X is F-measurable, from Definition 3.1.3 we have that X −1 (cj ) ∈ F .
Therefore, by properties 2. and 3. in the definition of a σ-field, we have
∅ ̸= X −1 (cj ) ∩ Aj ∈ F .
Since, obviously, the inclusion X −1 (cj )∩Aj ⊂ Aj holds, from the aforementioned
minimality property of the sets contained in the partition we obtain that
X −1 (cj ) ∩ Aj = Aj .
But this means that X(ω) = cj for all ω ∈ Aj and hence X is constant on Aj . By
varying j, we obtain such cj s for all j ∈ I.
(⇐) Assume now that X : Ω → R is a function, which is constant on all sets Aj
belonging to the partition and that the cj are given as in the statement of the
proposition. Let [a, b] be a closed interval in R. We define
{ }
C := cj | j ∈ I and cj ∈ [a, b] .
Since i∈I Ai = Ω no other elements then the cj occur as values of X. Therefore,
∪ ∪
X −1 ([a, b]) = X −1 (C) = X −1 (cj ) = Aj ∈ F,
j | cj ∈C j | cj ∈C
so that FtX is the smallest σ-field containing all the sets Xu−1 ([a, b]) where 0 ≤
u ≤ t and a ≤ b. Clearly FsX ⊂ FtX for s ≤ t and thus FX := (FtX )0≤t≤T is a
filtration. It follows immediately that a process (Xt )0≤t≤T is FX -adapted. The
filtration FX is said to be generated by the process X.
Example 3.1.2. Let St be the level of the stock price at time 0 ≤ t ≤ T . Since
for t ≥ 1 the price St is not yet known at time 0, on the basis of the initial
information at that time, the price St is modelled by means of a random vari-
able St : Ω → R+ . At time t, however, we observe the price of St and we thus
assume that St is Ft -measurable. We thus model the stock price evolution as
an F-adapted process S, where the filtration F is otherwise specified. In most
cases, we will set F = FS .
48 MATH3075/3975
Example 3.1.3. The following diagram describes the evolution of a single stock
over two time steps:
S: 2 = 9 ω1 P(ω1 ) = 6
S1C = 8J
JJ 2
JJ 5
S2 = 6 ω2 P(ω2 ) = 4
S0 =7 5
77 3
775 S: 2 = 6 ω3 P(ω3 ) = 6
77 5 tt
77 ttt
7 t
S1 = 4J
JJ 3
JJ 5
S2 = 3 ω4 P(ω4 ) = 9
Ω if a ≤ 4 and b ≥ 8, so that {4, 8} ⊂ [a, b]
{ω , ω } if 4 < a ≤ 8 and b ≥ 8, so that [a, b] ∩ {4, 8} = {8}
S1−1 ([a, b]) = 1 2
{ω3 , ω4 } if a ≤ 4 and 4 ≤ b < 8, so that [a, b] ∩ {4, 8} = {4}
∅ otherwise, that is, when [a, b] ∩ {4, 8} = ∅.
We conclude that F1S = {∅, {ω1 , ω2 }, {ω3 , ω4 }, Ω}. An agent is only able to
tell at time t = 1, whether the true state of the world belongs to the set
{ω1 , ω2 } or to the set {ω3 , ω4 }.
• At time t = 2, an agent is able to pinpoint the true state of the world. The
reason for this is as follows: F2S must contain the sets A1 := S2−1 ([9, 10]) =
{ω1 }, A2 := S2−1 ([6, 9]) = {ω1 , ω2 , ω3 }, A3 := S2−1 ([5, 6]) = {ω2 , ω3 } and A4 :=
S1−1 ([6, 9]) = {ω1 , ω2 } and, since F2S is a σ-field, it must also contain: {ω1 } =
A1 , {ω2 } = A3 ∩ A4 , {ω3 } = A2 \ A4 and {ω4 } = Ac2 . Hence F2S = 2Ω .
We have
P({ω ∈ A1 } ∩ {S2 (ω) = 9}) P(ω1 ) 6
P(S2 = 9 | A1 ) = = = 25
= ,
P(A1 ) P({ω1 , ω2 }) 2
P({ω ∈ A1 } ∩ {S2 (ω) = 6}) P(ω2 ) 4
P(S2 = 6 | A1 ) = = = 25
= ,
P(A1 ) P({ω1 , ω2 }) 2
P({ω ∈ A1 } ∩ {S2 (ω) = 3}) P(∅)
P(S2 = 3 | A1 ) = = = 0,
P(A1 ) P({ω1 , ω2 })
P({ω ∈ A2 } ∩ {S2 (ω) = 9}) P(∅)
P(S2 = 9 | A2 ) = = = 0,
P(A2 ) P({ω3 , ω4 })
P({ω ∈ A2 } ∩ {S2 (ω) = 6}) P(ω3 ) 6
P(S2 = 6 | A2 ) = = = 25
= ,
P(A2 ) P({ω3 , ω4 }) 3
P({ω ∈ A2 } ∩ {S2 (ω) = 3}) P(ω4 ) 9
P(S2 = 3 | A2 ) = = = 25
= .
P(A2 ) P({ω3 , ω4 }) 3
It then follows from Definition 3.1.7 that
3 2 39
EP (S2 | F1S )(ω) = 9 · + 6 · + 3 · 0 = , ∀ ω ∈ A1 ,
5 5 5
2 3 21
EP (S2 | F1S )(ω) = 9 · 0 + 6 · + 3 · = , ∀ ω ∈ A2 .
5 5 5
We also note that
( ) 39 2 21 3 141 6 4 6 9
EP EP (S2 | F1S ) = · + · = = 9· +6· +6· +3· = EP (S2 ).
5 5 5 5 25 25 25 25 25
Proposition 3.1.2. Consider a probability space (Ω, F, P) endowed with sub-σ-
fields G, G1 and G2 of F. Assume furthermore that G1 ⊂ G2 . Then
1. Tower property: If X : Ω → R is an F-measurable random variable then
( ) ( )
EP (X| G1 ) = EP EP (X| G2 ) | G1 = EP EP (X| G1 ) | G2 . (3.3)
We take for granted that this property uniquely determines the conditional ex-
pectation EP (X| G). Let us also mention that when Ω is finite then any random
variable is P-integrable with respect to any probability measure P on Ω.
Lemma 3.1.1. Let G be a sub-σ-field of F and let X be a random variable in-
tegrable with respect to Q. Then the following abstract version of the Bayes
formula holds
EP (XL | G)
EQ (X | G) = .
EP (L | G)
Proof. It is easy to check that EP (L | G) is strictly positive so that the right-
hand side of the asserted formula is well defined. By our assumption, the
random variable XL is P-integrable. Therefore, it suffices to show that
EP (XL | G) = EQ (X | G)EP (L | G).
Since the right-hand side of the last formula defines a G-measurable random
variable, we need to verify that for any set G ∈ G, we have
∫ ∫
XL dP = EQ (X | G)EP (L | G) dP.
Vt (φ) = φ0t Bt + φjt Stj .
for all t = 0, . . . , T − 1.
Sbtj :=
, (3.9)
∆Sbt+1 := Sbt+1 − Sbtj =
St+1 Stj
j j
− Bt
. (3.10)
54 MATH3075/3975
The discounted gains process G(φ) of a trading strategy φ = (φt )0≤t≤T equals
Proof. The proof is elementary and thus it is left as an exercise. Note that
the process G(φ) given by condition 2. does not depend on the component φ0 of
φ ∈ Φ.
2. EQ (∆Sbt+1
| Ft ) = 0 for all j = 1, . . . , n and t = 0, . . . , T − 1.
3.1.6 Martingales
Observe that condition 2. in Definition 3.1.14 is equivalent to the equality, for
all t = 0, . . . , T − 1,
( j )
EQ Sbt+1 | Ft = Sbtj .
The last equation leads us into the world of martingales, that is, stochastic
processes representing fair games.
EP (Xt | Fs ) = Xs .
To establish the equality in Definition 3.1.5, it suffices to check that for every
t = 0, 1, . . . , T − 1
EP (Xt+1 | Ft ) = Xt .
Whether a given process X is a martingale obviously depends on the choice of
the filtration F as well as the probability measure P under which the condi-
tional expectation is evaluated.
Sbtj = Sbsj + ∆Sbuj
56 MATH3075/3975
( ) ∑
( )
= EQ Sbsj | Fs + EQ ∆Sbuj | Fs
( )
( )
= Sbsj + EQ EQ ∆Sbuj Fu−1 Fs
| {z }
= Sbsj .
Note that to conclude that the braced expression is equal to 0, we used condition
2. in Definition 3.1.14.
The previous lemma explains why risk-neutral probability measures are also
referred to as martingale measures. As the next result shows, one can in fact
go one step further.
Proposition 3.1.4. Let φ ∈ Φ be a trading strategy. Then the discounted wealth
process Vb (φ) and the discounted gains process G(φ)
b are martingales under any
risk-neutral probability measure Q ∈ M.
Proof. (MATH3975) From equation (3.12), it follows that for all t = 0, . . . , T
Vbt (φ) = Vb0 (φ) + G
bt (φ).
Since Vb0 (φ) (the initial endowment) is a constant, it suffices to show that the
process G(φ) is a martingale under any Q ∈ M. From Proposition 3.1.3, we
n ∑
b b
Gt (φ) = Gs (φ) + φju ∆Sbu+1
j=1 u=s
n ∑
t−1 ( ( ) )
bs (φ) +
= G EQ EQ φju ∆Sbu+1
Fu Fs
j=1 u=s
( )
n ∑
( j )
bs (φ) +
= G b
EQ φu EQ ∆Su+1 Fu Fs
j=1 u=s
| {z }
bs (φ),
= G
where we used the fact that φju is Fu -measurable, as well as property (3.5) of
the conditional expectation.
As in the single-period case, the proof of the inverse implication relies on the
separating hyperplane theorem, but is more difficult. Hence the proof of
part (ii) in Theorem 3.1.1 is omitted.
Theorem 3.1.1. Fundamental Theorem of Asset Pricing. Given a multi-
period market model M = (B, S 1 , . . . , S n ), the following statements hold:
(i) if the class M of risk-neutral probability measures is non-empty then there
are no arbitrage opportunities in Φ and thus the model M is arbitrage-free,
(ii) if there are no arbitrage opportunities in the class Φ of all self-financing
trading strategies then there exists a risk-neutral probability measure, so that
the class M is non-empty.
Proof. (MATH3975) We will only prove part (i). We postulate that Q is a risk-
neutral probability measure for a general multi-period market model. Our goal
it to show that the model is arbitrage-free. To this end, we argue by contradic-
tion. Let us thus assume that there exists an arbitrage opportunity φ ∈ Φ.
Such a strategy would satisfy the following conditions (see Proposition 2.2.1):
1. the initial endowment Vb0 (φ) = 0,
2. the discounted gains process G bT (φ) ≥ 0,
3. there exists at least one ω ∈ Ω such that GbT (φ)(ω) > 0.
On the one hand, from conditions 2. and 3. above, we deduce easily that
( )
EQ G bT (φ) > 0.
On the other hand, using the definition of the discounted gains process, prop-
erty 2. of a risk-neutral probability measure (see Definition 3.1.14), and prop-
erties (3.4) and (3.5) of the conditional expectation, we obtain
(∑ n ∑
T −1 ) ∑ n ∑T −1
( ) ( )
EQ GT (φ) = EQ j bj
φu ∆Su+1 = EQ φju ∆Sbu+1
n ∑
T −1
( ) ∑
n ∑
T −1
( )
= EQ EQ (φju ∆Sbu+1
| Fu ) = EQ φju EQ (∆Sbu+1
| Fu ) = 0.
j=1 u=0 j=1 u=0
| {z }
This clearly contradicts the inequality obtained in the first step. Hence there
cannot be an arbitrage in the market model M = (B, S 1 , . . . , S n ).
58 MATH3075/3975
This observation simplifies the argument used in the proof of Theorem 3.1.1
Example 3.1.5. Let us consider the two-period model M = (B, S) with the
stock price S specified as in Example 3.1.3. We assume that the interest rate is
equal to zero, so that the equality Bt = 1 holds for t = 0, 1, 2.
We will examine the digital call paying one unit of cash at maturity date T = 2
whenever the stock price at this date is greater or equal than 8, that is,
1 if S2 ≥ 8,
0 otherwise.
In our model, the contingent claim X pays off one unit of cash if and only if the
state of the world is ω1 and zero else.
How can we find a self-financing replicating strategy for X, that is, a self-
financing strategy φ satisfying
V2 (φ)(ω) = φ02 (ω) + φ12 (ω)S2 (ω) = X(ω)?
The computational trick now is to decompose the model into single-period mar-
ket models. In our case, we need to examine three sub-models: one starting at
time t = 0 going until time t = 1 with price S0 = 5, one starting at time t = 1
with price S1 = 8 and one starting at time t = 1 with price S1 = 4. To solve our
problem, we proceed by the backward induction with respect to t.
It is easily seen that these equations are satisfied for V1 (φ)(ω1 ) = 32 = V1 (φ)(ω2 )
and thus π1 (X)(ω) = 32 for ω ∈ {ω1 , ω2 }. The equality of the wealth process for
the two states ω1 and ω2 is by no means a coincidence; it must hold, since V1 (φ)
has to be F1S -measurable (see Proposition 3.1.1). We then have, for ω ∈ {ω1 , ω2 },
2 1
φ01 (ω) = − · 8 = −2
3 3
so that two units of cash are borrowed.
60 MATH3075/3975
Let us now examine the hedging problem at time t = 1 when the stock price
is S1 (ω) = 4, that is, on the set {ω3 , ω4 }. There is no chance that the digital
call will payoff anything else than zero. The hedging strategy for this payoff is
trivial, invest zero in the money market account and invest zero in the stock.
We therefore have, for ω ∈ {ω3 , ω4 },
φ01 (ω) = φ11 (ω) = 0
and thus V1 (φ)(ω3 ) = 0 = V1 (φ)(ω4 ). Hence π1 (X)(ω) = 0 for ω ∈ {ω3 , ω4 }.
defines a price process π(X) = (πt (X))0≤t≤T for the contingent claim X that
complies with the principle of no-arbitrage.
Proof. (MATH3975) The proof of this result is essentially the same as the
proof of Proposition 2.2.4 and thus it is left as an exercise.
• If a claim X is attainable then the conditional expectation in the right-
hand side of (3.13) does not depend on the choice of a risk-neutral proba-
bility measure Q.
• If a claim X is not attainable then, as in the case of single-period market
models, one faces the problem of non-uniqueness of a price complying with
the principle of no-arbitrage. Indeed, unless a claim X is attainable, using
Proposition 3.1.6, we obtain an interval of prices π0 (X) for the claim X.
As a criterion for completeness, one has the following result, which should be
seen as a multi-period counterpart of Theorem 2.2.2.
Theorem 3.1.2. Assume that a multi-period market model M = (B, S 1 , . . . , S n )
is arbitrage-free. Then M is complete if and only if there is only one risk-neutral
probability measure.
Example 3.1.7. Let us return to Examples 3.1.3 and 3.1.5. As before, we as-
sume that the interest rate is equal to zero, i.e., r = 0. We will re-examine
valuation of the digital call that pays one unit of cash at maturity date T = 2
whenever the stock price at this date is greater or equal than 8, that is,
1 if S2 ≥ 8,
0 otherwise.
We already know that the arbitrage price equals π0 (X) = 61 and that this price
is in fact unique, since the claim X can be replicated. We will now compute the
arbitrage price of the digital call using the risk-neutral pricing formula (3.13).
For this purpose, we will first compute a risk-neutral probability measure Q =
(q1 , q2 , q3 , q4 ). The first two conditions for the qi s are obtained by the fact that Q
is a probability measure and condition 1. in Definition 3.1.14, that is:
q1 + q2 + q3 + q4 = 1, qi > 0, i = 1, 2, 3, 4.
62 MATH3075/3975
In order to compute the price of the digital call option, which is represented
by the claim X = 1{S2 ≥8} , we observe that X(ω) equals 1 for ω = ω1 and it is
equal to 0 for all other ωs. Since r = 0, the discounting is irrelevant, and thus
π0 (X) = EQ (X) = q1 · 1 + q2 · 0 + q3 · 0 + q4 · 0 = .
One can also compute the price π1 (X) using formula (3.13).
Note that the computation of the unique risk-neutral probability Q can sim-
plified if we focus on the conditional probabilities, that is, the risk-neutral
probabilities of upward and downward mouvements of the stock price over one
The following diagram describes the evolution of the stock price under Q
S2 = 9 ω1
S1B = 8K
1 %
S 2 = 6 ω2
S0 =8 5
88 43
88 S2 = 6 ω3
88 1
88 s
S1 = 4K
S2 = 3 ω4
where probabilities are the conditional risk-neutral probabilities, for instance,
Q(S2 = 6 | S0 = 5, S1 = 4) = Q(S2 = 6 | S1 = 4) = .
Let us now consider the claim Y = (Y (ω1 ), Y (ω2 ), Y (ω3 ), Y (ω4 ) = (1, 1, 3, −6)
maturing at T = 2. Using formula (3.13), we obtain the price process π(Y ):
Y (ω1 ) = 1 ω1
π1 (Y ) = 1
}> PPP 1
}}} PPP
}} PPP
4 }
}} (
}} Y (ω2 ) = 1 ω2
π0 (Y ) = −2
AA 3
AA 4
AA Y (ω3 ) = 3 ω3
AA n6
AA nnn
AA nn
π1 (Y ) = −3
Y (ω4 ) = −6 ω4
Chapter 4
The most widely used example of a multi-period market model is the binomial
options pricing model, which we are going to discuss in this section. This
model is also commonly known as the Cox-Ross-Rubinstein model, since it
was proposed in the seminal paper by Cox et al. (1979). For brevity, it is also
frequently referred to as the CRR model.
As we will see in what follows, the binomial market model is the concatenation
of several elementary single-period market models, as discussed in Section 1.1.
We assume here that we have one stock S and the money market account B,
but a generalization to the case of more than one stock is also possible.
P(Xt = 1) = 1 − P(Xt = 0) = p.
• The idea behind this construction is that the underlying Bernoulli process
X governs the ‘up’ and ‘down’ mouvements of the stock. The stock price
moves up at time t if Xt (ω) = 1 and moves down if Xt (ω) = 0. The dynamics
of the stock price can thus be seen as an example of a multiplicative
random walk.
• The Bernoulli counting process N counts the up mouvements. Before and
including time t, the stock price moves up Nt times and down t − Nt times.
Assuming that the stock price can only move up (resp. down) by the fac-
tors u (resp. d) we obtain equation (4.1) governing the dynamics of the
stock price over time.
Why is this model called the binomial model? The reason is that for each t, the
random variable Nt has the binomial distribution with parameters p and t.
To be more specific, for every t = 1, . . . , T and k = 0, . . . , t we have that
P(Nt = k) = k
pk (1 − p)t−k
and thus the probability distribution of the stock price St at time t is given by
P(St = S0 uk dt−k ) = k
pk (1 − p)t−k (4.2)
for k = 0, 1, . . . , t.
It it easy to show that the filtration FS = (FtS )0≤t≤T generated by the stock
price S = (St )1≤t≤T coincides with the filtration FX = (FtX )0≤t≤T generated by
the Bernoulli process X = (Xt )1≤t≤T , where F0X is set to be the trivial σ-field,
by definition. As usual, the money market account B is assumed to be defined
via B0 = 1 and
Bt = (1 + r)t . (4.3)
Definition 4.1.2. The binomial market model (or the CRR model) with
parameters p, u, d, r and time horizon T on a probability space (Ω, F, P) is the
multi-period market model consisting of the stock and the money market ac-
count, where the stock price evolution is governed by equation (4.1) and the
money market account satisfies (4.3). The underlying filtration F is assumed to
be the filtration FS = (FtS )0≤t≤T generated by S and the set of allowed trading
strategies Φ is given by all self-financing and FS -adapted trading strategies.
66 MATH3075/3975
Sample paths of the CRR model can be represented through the following lat-
tice, for T = 4,
S0 u
;S0 u JJ
vvv JJ
vv JJ
vv JJ
vv J$
S0 u H S: 0 u3 d
yy< HH
HH tt
yy HH tt
yy HH ttt
yy # tt
S0 u E S; 0 u2 dJ
||> EE
EE vv JJ
|| vv JJ
| EE vv JJ
| EE v JJ
|| " vv $
S0 B S0 udH S0 u2 d2
BB yy< HH tt:
BB yy HH t
BB y HH tt
B yyy HH ttt
y # t
S0 d E 2
S; 0 ud J
EE vv JJ
EE vvv JJ
E" vv JJ
v $
S0 d2 H S: 0 ud 3
HH tt
HH t
HH tt
HH tt
# tt
S0 d 3 J
S0 d4
St S0 uNt dt−Nt
St−1 S0 uNt−1 dt−1−Nt−1
= uNt −Nt−1 d1−(Nt −Nt−1 )
Xt 1−Xt
= u
{ d
u if Xt (ω) = 1,
d if Xt (ω) = 0.
We will now address the crucial question:
The proof of Proposition 4.1.1 is not hard and thus we leave it as an exercise.
Note that condition 3. here is the same as in Section 2.1 and it is equivalent to
pe = 1+r−d
. (4.4)
We thus see that the binomial model is arbitrage-free whenever d < 1 + r < u.
This is exactly the same condition as in a single-period model of Section 2.1. As
the value for pe in Proposition 4.1.1 is also unique, the risk-neutral probability
e is unique and thus, from Theorem 2.2.2, the binomial model is complete.
• We assume from now on that d < 1 + r < u. Otherwise, the CRR model is
not arbitrage-free.
• The sample paths of the CRR process are represented by the recombin-
ing tree (i.e. the lattice). Recall that since Nt can only take t + 1 values,
so does the stock price St for and date t = 0, 1, . . . , T . The corresponding
number of different sample paths of the stock price between times 0 and
t equals 2t , so that the number of sample paths grows very quickly when
the number of periods rises.
d = u−1 . (4.5)
St = S0 u2Nt −t . (4.6)
68 MATH3075/3975
1+r−d peu
pe = , pb =
u−d 1+r
and b
k is the smallest integer k such that
(u) ( )
k log > log .
d S0 d T
Proof. The price at time t = 0 of the claim X = CT = (ST − K)+ can be
computed using the risk-neutral valuation under P e
( )
C0 = EPe .
(1 + r)T
In view of Proposition 4.1.1, this can be represented more explicitly as follows
∑T ( )
1 T k T −k
( k T −k
C0 = pe (1 − e
p ) max 0, S 0 u d − K .
(1 + r)T k=0 k
We note that
( )
( u )k K log K
S0 dT
S0 uk dT −k − K > 0 ⇔ > ⇔ k> (u) .
d S0 dT log d
k−1 ( )
1 T k
C0 = T
pe (1 − pe)T −k 0
(1 + r) k=0 k
∑T ( )
1 T k ( )
+ T
pe (1 − pe)T −k S0 uk dT −k − K
(1 + r) k
T ( ) T ( )
S0 T k T −k k T −k K T k
= pe (1 − pe) u d − pe (1 − pe)T −k
(1 + r)T k (1 + r)T k
k k=b
so that
T ( )(
∑ )k ( )T −k T ( )
T peu (1 − pe)d K T k
C0 = S0 − T
pe (1 − pe)T −k
k 1+r 1+r (1 + r) k
k=bk k=b
T )
T k K
T ( )
∑ T k
T −k
= S0 pb (1 − pb) − pe (1 − pe)T −k
k (1 + r)T k
k k=b
where we write pb = 1+r
Example 4.2.1. (MATH3975) Check that 0 < pb = 1+r < 1 whenever 0 < pe < 1.
Let P be the probability measure obtained by setting p = pb in Definition 4.1.1.
Show that the process BS is an F-martingale under P b and the price of the call
C0 = S0 P(D) e
− KB(0, T ) P(D)
where D = {ω ∈ Ω : ST (ω) > K}. Using the abstract Bayes formula of Lemma
3.1.1, establish the second equality in the following formula
( )
b | Ft ) − KB(t, T ) P(D
Ct := Bt EPe BT−1 (ST − K)+ | Ft = St P(D e | Ft ).
where b
k(St , T − t) is the smallest integer k such that
(u) ( )
k log > log .
d St dT −t
Note that Ct = C(St , T − t) meaning that the call option price depends on the
time to maturity T − t and the level St of the stock price observed at time t, but
it is independent of the evolution of the stock price prior to t.
70 MATH3075/3975
1. Asian option: An Asian option is simply a European call (or put) op-
tion on the average stock price during the option’s lifetime. The following
payoffs are examples of traded Asian options.
(a) Arithmetic average option:
( )+
1 ∑
X= St − K . (4.7)
T + 1 t=0
2. Barrier options: Barrier options are options that are activated or deac-
tivated if the stock price hits a certain barrier during the option’s lifetime.
As an example, we consider two examples of the the so-called “knock-out”
barrier options.
(a) Down-and-out call: This option has the same payoff as a European
call with strike K, but only if the stock price always remain over the
barrier level of H < K. Otherwise, it expires worthless. Hence
X = (ST − K)+ 1{min 0≤t≤T St >H} . (4.9)
(b) Down-and-in call: This option has the same payoff as a European
call with strike K, but only if the stock price once attains a price below
the barrier level of H < K. Otherwise, it expires worthless. Thus
X = (ST − K)+ 1{min 0≤t≤T St ≤H} . (4.10)
The crucial difference between the options presented here and the standard
(that is, plain vanilla) European call or put is that their payoffs depend not only
on the terminal stock price ST , but on the whole path taken by the stock price
over the time interval [0, T ]. Pricing these options, however, works in the same
way as for the European call. It suffices to compute the discounted expectation
under the risk-neutral probability measure described by Proposition 3.3.1.
Suppose, on the contrary, that Ct < St − K for some t, i.e., St − Ct > K. Then
it would be possible, with zero net initial investment, to buy at time t a call
option, short a stock, and invest the sum St − Ct in the savings account. By
holding this portfolio unchanged up to the maturity date T, we would be able
to lock in a riskless profit. Indeed, the value of our portfolio at time T would
satisfy (recall that r ≥ 0)
We conclude that inequality (4.11) is necessary for the absence of arbitrage op-
Taking (4.11) for granted, we may now deduce the property Cta = Ct using
simple no-arbitrage arguments. Suppose, on the contrary, that the issuer of
an American call is able to sell the option at time 0 at the price C0a > C0 (it is
evident that, at any time, an American option is worth at least as much as a
European option with the same contractual features; in particular, C0a ≥ C0 ).
In order to profit from this transaction, the option writer establishes a dynamic
portfolio that replicates the value process of the European call, and invests the
remaining funds in the savings account. Suppose that the holder of the option
decides to exercise it at instant t before the expiry date T. Then the issuer of
the option locks in a riskless profit, since the value of portfolio satisfies
Ct − (St − K)+ + (1 + r)t (C0a − C0 ) > 0, ∀ t ≤ T.
The above reasoning implies that the European and American call options are
equivalent from the point of view of arbitrage pricing theory; that is, both op-
tions have the same price and an American call should never be exercised by
its holder before expiry.
Then the arbitrage price Pta of the American put option at time t equals Ut and
the rational exercise time after time t admits the following representation
τt∗ = min {u ≥ t | Uu = (K − Su )+ }. (4.15)
Therefore, τT∗ = T and for every t = 0, 1, . . . , T − 1
τt∗ = t1{Ut =(K−St )+ } + τt+1 1{Ut >(K−St )+ } .
74 MATH3075/3975
It is also possible to go the other way around – that is, to first show directly
that the price Pta satisfies the recursive relationship, for t ≤ T − 1,
{ ( a )}
Pta = max (K − St )+ , (1 + r)−1 EPe Pt+1 | Ft (4.16)
To summarise:
• In the case of the CRR model, the arbitrage pricing of an American put
reduces to the following simple recursive recipe, for t ≤ T − 1,
{ ( au )}
Pta = max (K − St )+ , (1 + r)−1 pePt+1 + (1 − pe)Pt+1
The price process π(X a ) satisfies the following recurrence relation, for t ≤ T − 1,
{ ( )}
πt (X a ) = max Xt , EPe (1 + r)−1 πt+1 (X a ) | Ft (4.18)
where, for a generic stock price St at time t, we denote by πt+1 (X a ) and πt+1
(X a )
the values of the price πt+1 (X a ) at the nodes corresponding to the upward and
downward mouvements of the stock price during the period [t, t + 1].
Let us consider a path-independent American claim:
• By a slight abuse of notation, we write Xta to denote the arbitrage price at
time t of a path-independent American claim X a .
• Then the pricing formula (4.19) becomes (see (4.17))
{ ( )}
Xta = max g(St , t), (1 + r)−1 pe Xt+1
+ (1 − pe) Xt+1
Let X a be the American call option with maturity date T = 2 and the following
reward process g(St , t) = (St − Kt )+ , where the variable strike Kt satisfies K0 =
9, K1 = 9.9 and K2 = 12. We will first compute the arbitrage price πt (X a ) of this
option at times t = 0, 1, 2 and the rational exercise time τ0∗ . Subsequently, we
will compute the replicating strategy for X a up to the rational exercise time τ0∗ .
We start by noting that the unique risk-neutral probability measure P e satisfies
S2uu6 = 17.429 ω1
S1u =
S2ud = 14.256 ω2
S0 = ;10
; ;;
;; S2du7 = 14.256 ω3
;; oo
;; 0.5oooo
;; ooo
S1d = 10.8O
S2dd = 11.664 ω4
Holder. The rational holder should exercise the American option at time t = 1
whenever he observes that the stock price has risen during the first period.
Otherwise, he should not exercise the option till time 2. Hence the rational
exercise time τ0∗ is a stopping time τ0∗ : Ω → {0, 1, 2} given by
τ0∗ (ω) = 1 for ω ∈ {ω1 , ω2 },
τ0∗ (ω) = 2 for ω ∈ {ω3 , ω4 }.
Issuer. We now take the position of the issuer of the option:
• At t = 0, we need to solve
1.2 φ00 + 13.2 φ10 = 3.3,
1.2 φ00 + 10.8 φ10 = 0.94.
Hence (φ00 , φ10 ) = (−8.067, 0.983) for all ωs.
• If the stock price has risen during the first period, the option is exercised
by its holder. Hence we do not need to compute the strategy at time 1 for
ω ∈ {ω1 , ω2 }.
• If the stock price has fallen during the first period, we need to solve
e01 + 14.256 φ11 = 2.256,
1.2 φ
e01 + 11.664 φ11 = 0.
1.2 φ
Hence (φ e01 , φ11 ) = (−8.46, 0.8704) if the stock price has fallen during the
first period, that is, for ω ∈ {ω3 , ω4 }. Note that φ
e01 = −8.46 is the amount of
cash borrowed at time 1, rather than the number of units of the savings
account B.
We conclude that the replicating strategy φ = (φ0 , φ1 ) is defined at time 0 for
all ωs and it is defined at time 1 on the event {ω3 , ω4 } only:
V1u (φ) = 3.3
ooooo VVVV
ooo VVVV
ooooo VV*
oo −−−
(φ00 , φ10 ) = (−8.067, 0.983)
NNN V du (φ) = 2.256
NNN iii
NNN ii
NN' iiii
e01 , φ11 ) = (−8.46, 0.8704)
V2dd (φ) = 0
78 MATH3075/3975
P (St+∆t = St u |St ) = + ∆t + o( ∆t)
2 2σ
provided that ∆t is sufficiently small.
Proof. The risk-neutral probability measure for the CRR model is given by
√ ( 2
σ ∆t + r − σ2 ∆t + o(∆t)
= √
2σ ∆t + o(∆t)
1 r − σ2 √ √
= + ∆t + o( ∆t)
2 2σ
as was required to show.
To summarise:
• For ∆t sufficiently small, we get
1 r − σ2 √
1 + r∆t − e−σ ∆t
pe = √ √ ≈ + ∆t.
eσ ∆t − e−σ ∆t 2 2σ
• Hence n = T
= 4 time steps.
• We adopt the CRR parameterisation to derive the stock price.
• Then u = 1.0956 and d = 1/u = 0.9128.
• We compute 1 + r∆t = 1.00833 ≈ er∆t and pe = 0.5228.
80 MATH3075/3975
65 65.7516
60 60.0152 60.0152
Stock Price
55 54.7792 54.7792
50 50 50 50
45 45.6378 45.6378
41.6561 41.6561
35 34.7047
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5
t/∆ t
65 0
60 0.67199 0
Stock Price
55 2.2478 1.4198
50 4.4957 4.0132 3
45 7.0366 6.9242
10.4714 11.3439
35 18.2953
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5
t/∆ t
65 0
60 0.67199 0
Stock Price
55 2.3459 1.4198
50 4.7928 4.2205 3
45 7.557 7.3622
11.3439 11.3439
35 18.2953
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5
t/∆ t
60 0 1
Stock Price
0 0
50 0 0 1
0 1
1 1
60 60.5174 61.0238
Stock Price
55.0079 55.4682
50 50 50.4184 50.8403
45.8283 46.2118
42.0047 42.3562
60 0.53103 0
Stock Price
2.0877 1.0709
6.8428 6.3488
10.1204 10.6438
60 0.53103 0
Stock Price
2.1958 1.0709
7.3846 6.7882
10.9953 10.6438
60 0 1
Stock Price
0 0
50 0 0 1
0 1
1 1
From the previous section, we know that valuation and hedging of American
claims is related to optimal stopping problems. Game contingent claims are as-
sociated with the so-called Dynkin games, which in turn can be seen as natural
extensions of optimal stopping problems.
86 MATH3075/3975
EP (Z(σ, τ ) | Ft ), (4.22)
while the max-player, who controls a stopping time τ ∈ T[t,T ] , wishes to maxi-
mize the conditional expectation (4.22).
Let us fix t. Since the stopping times σ and τ are assumed to belong to the class
T[t,T ] , formula (4.21) yields
( ) )
EP (Z(σ, τ ) | Ft ) = EP 1{τ =u≤σ} Lu + 1{σ=u<τ } Hu Ft .
We are interested in finding the value process of a Dynkin game and the corre-
sponding optimal stopping times. We start by stating the following definition
of the upper and lower value processes.
Definition 4.6.3. The F-adapted process Ȳ u given by the formula
Lemma 4.6.1. Let L0 (Ω, F, P) stand for the class of all random variables defined
on a probability space (Ω, F, P). Let A and B be two finite sets and let g : A×B →
L0 (Ω, F, P) be an arbitrary map. Then
It follows immediately from Definition 4.6.3 and Lemma 4.6.1 that the upper
value process Ȳ u always dominates the lower value process Ȳ l , that is, the
inequality Ȳtu ≥ Ȳtl holds for every t = 0, 1, . . . , T .
Definition 4.6.5. We say that the Nash equilibrium holds for a Dynkin game
if for any t there exist stopping times σt∗ , τt∗ ∈ T[t,T ] , such that the inequalities
( ) ( )
EP Z(σt∗ , τ ) | Ft ≤ EP (Z(σt∗ , τt∗ ) | Ft ) ≤ EP Z(σ, τt∗ ) | Ft (4.23)
are satisfied for arbitrary stopping times τ, σ ∈ T[t,T ] , that is, the pair (σt∗ , τt∗ ) is
a saddle point of a Dynkin game.
The next result shows that the existence of a Nash equilibrium for a Dynkin
game implies the Stackelberg equilibrium.
Lemma 4.6.2. Assume that a Nash equilibrium for a Dynkin game exists. Then
the Stackelberg equilibrium holds and
Since the inequality Ȳtu ≥ Ȳtl is known to be always satisfied, we conclude that
the value process Ȳ is well defined and satisfies Ȳt = EP (Z(σt∗ , τt∗ ) | Ft ) for all
t = 0, 1, . . . , T .
The following definition introduces a plausible candidate for the value process
of a Dynkin game.
and thus the stopping times σt∗ and τt∗ are optimal as of time t.
In view of the financial interpretation, the max-player and the min-player will
now be referred to as the seller (issuer) and the buyer (holder), respectively.
b , where U
Let us write U = B U b is the value process of the Dynkin game, that is,
or, equivalently,
{ { ( −1 )}}
Ut = min Ht , max Lt , Bt EPe Bt+1 Ut+1 | Ft
One can show that they are rational exercise times for the holder and issuer,
respectively. Proofs of Propositions 4.6.1 and 4.6.2 are omitted.
Proposition 4.6.1. The seller’s price πts (X g ) at time t of a game contingent claim
∗ ∗
is equal to the seller’s price π s (X a,σt ) of an American claim X a,σt with the payoff
∗ ∗
process X σt given by the formula Xtσ = Z(σt∗ , t) for every t = 0, 1, . . . , T . Conse-
quently, πts (X g ) = Ut for every t = 0, 1, . . . , T , and thus πts (X g ) is the solution to
the problem
with πT (X g ) = LT .
Under the assumption that the payoffs Ht = h(St , t) and Lt = ℓ(St , t) are given
in terms of the current value of the stock price at time t, it is convenient to
denote Xtg = πt (X g ) and to rewrite the last formula as follows
{ { ( gu )}}
Xtg = min h(St , t), max ℓ(St , t), (1 + r)−1 peXt+1 + (1 − pe)Xt+1
where n is the standard Gaussian probability density function. Since the Wiener
process W is Gaussian, the random vector
( )
, s, t > 0,
has the two-dimensional Gaussian distribution N (0, C), where 0 denotes the
null vector of expected values and C is the covariance matrix
( )
s min(s, t)
C= .
min(s, t) t
Consequently, the increment Wt −Ws has again Gaussian distribution and man-
EP (Wt − Ws ) = EP (Wt ) − EP (Ws ) = 0.
Moreover, we obtain, for s < t,
Var (Wt − Ws ) = EP (Wt − Ws )2 = EP (Wt2 ) − 2EP (Ws Wt ) + EP (Ws2 )
= t − 2 min(s, t) + s = t − 2s + s = t − s.
We conclude that
Wt − Ws ∼ N (0, t − s), s < t. (5.1)
It appears that the Wiener process has a common feature with the Poisson
process, specifically, both are processes of independent increments. In fact, they
belong to the class of Lévy processes, that is, the time-homogeneous processes
with independent increments (in other words, the processes with stationary
and independent increments).
Proposition 5.1.1. The Wiener process has stationary and independent incre-
ments. Specifically, for every n = 2, 3, . . . and any choice of dates 0 ≤ t1 < t2 <
· · · < tn , the random variables
Wt2 − Wt1 , Wt3 − Wt2 , . . . , Wtn − Wtn−1
are independent and they have the same probability distribution as the incre-
Wt2 +h − Wt1 +h , Wt3 +h − Wt2 +h , . . . , Wtn +h − Wtn−1 +h
where h is an arbitrary non-negative number.
92 MATH3075/3975
Proof. (MATH3975) For simplicity, we only consider the increments Wt2 − Wt1
and Wt4 − Wt3 . Note first that a random vector (Wt1 , Wt2 , Wt3 , Wt4 ) is Gaussian.
( ) ( ) W t1
Wt2 − Wt1 −1 1 0 0 Wt2 ,
Y = =
Wt4 − Wt3 0 0 −1 1 Wt3
and thus Y is a Gaussian vector as well. We compute
Cov (Wt2 − Wt1 , Wt4 − Wt3 ) = EP (Wt2 − Wt1 ) (Wt4 − Wt3 )
= EP (Wt2 Wt4 ) − EP (Wt2 Wt3 ) − EP (Wt1 Wt4 ) + EP (Wt1 Wt3 )
= t2 − t2 − t1 + t1 = 0.
Hence, by the normal correlation theorem, the random variables Wt2 − Wt1
and Wt4 − Wt3 are independent. Note also that it follows immediately from (5.1)
that the increments of W are stationary.
where ( )
1 (z − x)2
p(t − s, z − x) = √ exp −
2π(t − s) 2(t − s)
is the transition probability density function of the Wiener process.
Given the transition density function, we can compute the joint probability
distribution of the random vector (Wt1 , . . . , Wtn ) for t1 < t2 < . . . < tn , using
the transition densities only. Let us consider the case n = 2. Invoking the
independent increments property again, we obtain
P (Wt1 ≤ x1 , Wt2 ≤ x2 )
∫ x1
= P ( Wt2 ≤ x2 | Wt1 = y) p (t1 , y) dy
∫ x1
= P (Wt2 − Wt1 ≤ x2 − y) p (t1 , y) dy
∫ x1 ∫ x2 −y
= p (t2 − t1 , u) p (t1 , y) dudy
−∞ −∞
∫ x1 ∫ x2
= p (t2 − t1 , v − y) p (t1 , y) dvdy.
−∞ −∞
∫ x1 ∫ x2
P (Wt1 ≤ x1 , Wt2 ≤ x2 ) = p (t2 − t1 , v − y) p (t1 , y) dvdy.
−∞ −∞
In the same way, one can compute P (Wt1 ≤ x1 , Wt2 ≤ x2 , Wt3 ≤ x3 ) and so on.
Since the Wiener process W has independent increments, using also the well-
known properties of the conditional expectation, we obtain the following chain
of equalities
( )
EPe Sbt Sbu , u ≤ s
( )
= EPe Sbs eσ(Wt −Ws − 2 σ (t−s)) Sbu , u ≤ s
1 2
(from (5.7))
( )
= Sbs e− 2 σ (t−s) EPe eσ(Wt −Ws ) Sbu , u ≤ s
1 2
(property of conditioning)
( )
= Sbs e− 2 σ (t−s) EPe eσ(Wt −Ws ) Wu , u ≤ s
1 2
(from (5.8))
( )
= Sbs e− 2 σ (t−s) EPe eσ(Wt −Ws ) .
1 2
(independence of increments)
Recall also that Wt − Ws = t − s Z where Z ∼ N (0, 1), and thus
( ) ( √ )
EPe Sbt Sbu , u ≤ s = Sbs e− 2 σ (t−s) EPe eσ t−sZ .
1 2
which shows that Sb is indeed a martingale with respect to FS under P.
Recall that the European call option written on the stock is a traded security,
which pays at its maturity T the random amount
CT = (ST − K)+ ,
where x+ = max (x, 0) and K > 0 is a fixed strike (or exercise price). We take
for granted that for t ≤ T the price Ct (x) of the call option when St = x is given
by the risk-neutral pricing formula
( )
Ct (x) = e−r(T −t) EPe (ST − K)+ St = x . (5.9)
In fact, this formula can be supported by the replication principle. However,
this argument requires the knowledge of the stochastic integration theory with
respect to the Brownian motion, as developed by Itō (1944, 1946). The following
call option pricing result was established in the seminal paper by Black and
Scholes (1973). Recall that ln = log e .
Theorem 5.4.1. Black-Scholes Call Pricing Formula. The arbitrage price
of the call option at time t ≤ T equals
( ) ( )
Ct (St ) = St N d+ (St , T − t) − Ke−r(T −t) N d− (St , T − t) (5.10)
where ( )
ln SKt + r ± 12 σ 2 (T − t)
d± (St , T − t) = √
σ T −t
and N is the standard Gaussian (i.e. normal) cumulative distribution function.
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Proof. (MATH3975) Using (5.5), we can represent the stock price ST as fol-
ST = St e(r− 2 σ )(T −t)+σ(WT −Wt ) .
1 2
As in the proof of Proposition 5.4.1, we write WT − Wt = T − tZ where Z has
the standard Gaussian probability distribution, that is, Z ∼ N (0, 1).
It is clear that the function under the integral sign is non-zero if and only if
the inequality √
x e(r− 2 σ )(T −t)+σ T −tz − K > 0
1 2
The arbitrage price of the put option in the Black-Scholes model can now be
computed without difficulties, as shown by the following result.
Corollary 5.4.1. From the put-call parity
Ct − Pt = St − Ke−r(T −t)
we deduce that the arbitrage price at time 0 ≤ t < T of the European put option
equals ( ) ( )
Pt = K e−r(T −t) N − d− (St , T − t) − St N − d+ (St , T − t) .
Example 5.4.1. Suppose that the current stock price equals $31, the stock
price volatility is σ = 10% per annum, and the risk-free interest rate is r = 5%
per annum with continuous compounding.
Call option. Let us consider a call option on the stock S, with strike price $30
and with 3 months to expiry. We may assume, without loss of generality, that
t = 0 and T = 0.25. We obtain (approximately) d+ (S0 , T ) = 0.93, and thus
d− (S0 , T ) = d+ (S0 , T ) − σ T = 0.88.
The Black-Scholes call option pricing formula now yields (approximately)
C0 = 31N (0.93) − 30e−0.05/4 N (0.88) == 25.42 − 23.9 = 1.52
since N (0.93) ≈ 0.82 and N (0.88) ≈ 0.81. Let Ct = φ0t Bt + φ1t St . The hedge ratio
for the call option is known to be given by the formula φ1t = N (d+ (St , T − t)).
Hence the replicating portfolio for the call option at time t = 0 is given by
φ00 = −23.9, φ10 = N (d+ (S0 , T )) = 0.82.
This means that to hedge the short position in the call option, which was sold
at the arbitrage price C0 = $1.52, the option’s writer needs to purchase at time
0 the number δ = 0.82 shares of stock. This transaction requires an additional
borrowing of 23.9 units of cash.
Note that the elasticity at time 0 of the call option price with respect to the
stock price equals
( )−1 ( )
c ∂C C0 N d+ (S0 , T ) S0
η0 := = = 16.72.
∂S S0 C0
Suppose that the stock price rises immediately from $31 to $31.2, yielding a
return rate of 0.65% flat. Then the option price will move by approximately
16.5 cents from $1.52 to $1.685, giving a return rate of 10.86% flat. The option
has nearly 17 times the return rate of the stock; of course, this also means
that it will drop 17 times as fast. If an investor’s portfolio involves 5 long call
options (each on a round lot of 100 shares of stock), the position delta equals
500 × 0.82 = 410, so that it is the same as for a portfolio involving 410 shares of
the underlying stock.
98 MATH3075/3975
Put option. Let us now assume that an option is a put. The price of a put
option at time 0 equals
P0 = 30 e−0.05/4 N (−0.88) − 31N (−0.93) = 5.73 − 5.58 = 0.15.
The hedge ratio corresponding to a short position in the put option equals ap-
proximately −0.18 (since N (−0.93) ≈ 0.18). Therefore, to hedge the exposure
an investor needs to short 0.18 shares of stock for one put option. The proceeds
from the option and share-selling transactions, which amount to $5.73, should
be invested in risk-free bonds.
Notice that the elasticity of the put option is several times larger than the
elasticity of the call option. In particular, if the stock price rises immediately
from $31 to $31.2 then the price of the put option will drop to less than 12
Y(3∆ t) = 3h
Y(2∆ t) = 2h
0.5 Y(∆ t) = h
0.5 ...
0.5 0.5 0.5
Y(3∆ t) = h
0.5 0.5
Y(0) = 0 Y(2∆ t) = 0
−0.5 Y(∆ t) = −h
Y(3∆ t) = −h
Y(2∆ t) = −2h
Y(3∆ t) = −3h
Let us set t − s = ∆t and let us replace the Wiener process W by the random
walk Y h in equation (5.11). Then
Wt+∆t − Wt ≈ Yt+∆t
− Yth = ±h = ± ∆t.
Consequently, we obtain the following approximation
( ) √
r− σ2 ∆t + σ ∆t
St e( if the price increases,
St+∆t ≈ ) √
Se r− σ2
∆t − σ ∆t
if the price decreases.
for every Borel set B. Recall that intervals (a, b), (a, b], [a, b], etc, are examples
of Borel sets. Since ∫ x
F (x) = f (y) dy, ∀ x ∈ R,
it follows that f (x) = dx
F (x).
Example 6.1.2. Continuous random variables: uniform, normal (Gaussian),
exponential, Gamma, Beta, Cauchy variables, etc.
The mth moment of a continuous random variable X is defined by
∫ ∞
EP (X ) =
xm fX (x) dx,
Equation (6.1) also defines the expectation of any function of X say g(X). Since
Y = g(X) is itself random variable, it follows from equation (6.1) that if EP [g(X)]
exists then it equals
∫ ∞
EP [g(X)] = EP (Y ) = y dFY (y),
that is,
{ ∫∞
g(x)fX (x) dx, if X is continuous,
EP [g(X)] = ∑ −∞
∞ (6.2)
i=1 g(xi ) P(X = xi ), if X is discrete.
FX (x) = lim FX,Y (x, y), FY (y) = lim FX,Y (x, y).
y→∞ x→∞
is zero.
It is easy to see that independent random variables are uncorrelated, but the
converse is not true, as the following example shows.
Example 6.2.1. Let
Note that the correlation coefficient ρ(X, Y ) is not a general measure of depen-
dence between X and Y . Indeed, if X and Y are uncorrelated then they may be
either dependent or independent (although if X and Y are independent then
they are always uncorrelated). The correlation coefficient can be seen as a mea-
sure of the linear dependency of X and Y in the context of linear regression.
The random variables X and Y are jointly continuous if there exists a func-
tion fX,Y (x, y), called the joint probability density function such that
∫ b∫ d
P(X ∈ [a, b], Y ∈ [c, d]) = fX,Y (x, y) dydx
a c
P(X = xi , Y = yj )
pX|Y (xi | yj ) = P(X = xi | Y = yj ) =
P(Y = yj )
P(X = xi , Y = yj ) ∑
EP (X | Y = yj ) = xi = xi P(X = xi | Y = yj ).
P(Y = yj ) i=1
EP (X) = EP (X | Y = yj ) P(Y = yj ).
Continuous case. Assume that X and Y have a joint pdf fX,Y (x, y).
Definition 6.4.3. The conditional pdf of Y given X is defined for all x such
that fX (x) > 0 and equals
fX,Y (x, y)
fY |X (y | x) =
fX (x)
and the conditional cdf of Y given X equals
∫ y
fX,Y (x, u)
FY |X (y | x) = P(Y ≤ y | X = x) = du.
−∞ fX (x)
Definition 6.4.4. The conditional expectation of Y given X is defined for
all x such that fX (x) > 0 by
∫ ∞ ∫ ∞
fX,Y (x, y)
EP (Y | X = x) = y dFY |X (y | x) = y dy.
−∞ −∞ fX (x)
An important property of conditional expectation is that
∫ ∞
EP (Y ) = EP (EP (Y | X)) = EP (Y | X = x)fX (x) dx.
Table of Distributions
Binomial k
pk (1 − p)n−k {0, 1, . . . , n} np np(1 − p)
Poisson λk
e−λ k = 0, 1, . . . λ λ
( )
Normal (Gaussian) √ 1
2πσ 2
exp − 2σ 2
R µ σ2
N (µ, σ 2 )
( )
Standard Normal √1
exp − 2
R 0 1
N (0, 1)
Gamma Γ(n, λ) 1
λn xn−1 e−λx [0, ∞) n
Beta β(a, b) Γ(a+b)
xa−1 (1 − x)b−1 [0, 1] a
a+b a+b+1
Cauchy 1
π(1+x2 )