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Equivalent Circuit Model for Double Split Ring Resonators

Seif Naoui, Lassaad Latrach, Ali Gharsallah

Unit of Research Circuits and Electronics Systems High Frequency,

Faculty of Science, University ElManar Tunis, Tunisia.
E-mail: Seif.naoui@gmail.com

Abstract – This article focuses on the electric negative effective permeability, and metallic files
modeling of split ring resonators with a new produce a negative effective permittivity and
approach based on an equivalent circuit. The
elements of circuit are determined from geometric consequently obtaining a negative refractive
parameters forming the three dimensional model index metamaterials [6-7]. Some years later, C.
of this type of resonators. In the first part, an Caloz and Itoh [8-9] proposed method makes left
analytic study is proposed about the determination hand metamaterials use the lines transmission
of the components of the circuit according to a
function of physical parameters and a review about based on microstrip technology. There are many
comparison between obtained results when the types of metamaterials in electromagnetism,
simulation of two different models is presented. I n the most know are based on split ring resonator.
the second part, a study is devoted to demonstrate
These resonators or resonators with
the rate influence, according to the variation of
relative permittivity and the variation of physical magnetic response have many important
parameters, are the frequency characteristics of properties and that let them be presented in the
our electric equivalent model. The results of microwave field applications as waveguide,
simulations are demonstrated with using the two
filters and antennas [10-12]. Generally, electric
commercials software HFSS and ADS.
modeling takes a great interest in the microwave
Index Terms-Metamaterials, Split Ring Resonator, filed [13-15]. The most interesting electric
Equivalent Circuit, High Frequency Structure modeling properties, the facilitation of integration
Simulator (HFSS), Advanced Design System (ADS)
and manufacturing smaller devices. In this sector
I. INTRODUCTION of researching, there are a lot of works interested
by split ring resonator modeling [16-20].
In electromagnetism, the term metamaterial
shows an artificial composite material Taking into account the three-dimensional
which has electromagnetic properties modeling, we propose in this article and for the
not found in nature. They are generally periodic first time an equivalent circuit of SRR more
dielectric or metallic structures, which act as a adapted to preferred frequency. This circuit
homogeneous material. This important discovery having electrical components LC is correlated
had been proposed by physicist V.Veselago in to geometric parameters of this type of resonators
1968 [1]. Thirty years later, thesis properties were in 3D model. The second part is dedicated to
verified experimentally by J.Pendry [2-3]. One guide our studies to extract effect of variation of
year later, Dr. Smith and al. [4-5] got validation relative permittivity and physical quantities on
to demonstrate experimentally the existence of a frequency characteristics of our proposed electric
material by the left hand through the combination model.
of two periodic and homogeneous respectively
contain split ring resonators, which can produce a

II. EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT Thus the capacity "Cgap" of the slot ring is
determined by the following “Equation”.
The SRR may be modeled by an equivalent
electrical circuit. This circuit behaves as a  0 r t c
C gap  (2)
resonant cavity modeled by an LC circuit. The D
presence of a magnetic field H perpendicular the
plane supporting the two splits rings, allows the Therefore the capacity "Cm" created between the
two rings may be expressed as follows:
creation of Cgap capacity at the opening of each
ring. The interaction between these two metal A 0 rW (2lout  2lin  D)
rings is through a mutual capacity. In addition, Cm  (3)
each ring resembles a solenoid that can be
represented by an inductance Lm. The space With "lout" and "lin" as successively the lengths of
between the two rings will be modeled by a the outer and inner ring and W is the width of the
strip of metal ring, "S" is shown the space
capacity Cm. The electrical circuit is show in the between the two rings and "D" is the opening
following figure. rings or the gap. And the letter «A» is a balance
constant. With

μ0: The permeability of vacuum equal to

1.256  10 6 m.Kg.s 2 . A2 
ε0: The permittivity of vacuum equal to

8.854  10 12 A.s.V 1 .m 1 
C0: The speed-load equal to 3  108 Km / s

But the resonant frequency ‘f0’ can be determined

based on geometric parameters such as the SRR

1 1
f0   (4)
Fig. 1. Equivalent circuit model of SRR 2 Lm (Cm  Cgap ) 2 LmCm
The elements of this model can be calculated based on
If we want to work at an operating frequency
physical characteristics of the circuit. equal to 2.4GHz with a dielectric substrate such
as FR04-epoxy having a relative permittivity εr
III. CIRCUIT ELEMENTS CALCULATION equal to 4.4, and if we fix the value of mutual
inductance “Lm” at 60 nH, we can determine by
With the help of the below “Equations” we can using “Equation (4)” the mutual capacity “Cm”
make a theoretical study on the identification of created between the two rings such as:
elements of equivalent circuit of a split ring
resonator [16] and [18]. With a square shape as: 1
Cm  (5)
Inductance "Lm" of each ring takes the following 4 f 02 Lm

After a numerical application we find Cm ≈75fF.
0 S According to our knowledge on the design and
Lm  l out  lin  (1) implementation of this type of resonator, we can
W determine the geometric parameters "W" and "S"
meaning successively the track width of the ring
and the space between the two rings 1mm to

facilitate the calculation. So, we can now From “Equation (3)”, we can deduce the
determine the sum of two lengths rings Lout and expression of the physic parameter ‘D’ which
Lin with the aid of “Equation (1)” for the index the opining gap.
determination of the inductance.
 Cm 
After a numerical application we find that: D  2(l out  l in )   (11)
 A 0  r 
lin  lout  47.77mm (6)
So the numerical application gives us "D" equal
According the "Fig 3" for the SRR and especially to 1.14mm
the microstrip model present in three-dimensional
structure we can determine the expression of the
length of the outer ring by the following IV. MEASURED RESULTS AND

l out = l in + 2S + 2W (7) From the results of obtained simulations

supported by two commercial software the High
We note that both “Equations (6)” and “Equation Frequency Structure Simulator (HFSS) for three
(7)” are equal when: dimensional model of SRR offered in the “Fig. 2”
and the Advanced Design System (ADS) for
47.77mm  2S  W  electrical modeling illustrated in the “Fig. 1”, we
l in  (8) distinguish from the curve of the return loss S11
2 according to a function of frequency “Fig. 3” that
there is a low lag of 0.03GHz at the resonance
Then according to a numerical application, we frequency of the two patterns.
find an internal length ‘lin’ equal to 21.885mm
and an external length ‘lout’ equal to 25.885mm
for a working frequency chosen to 2.4GHz

Also, if we replace “Equations (1)” and

“Equation (3)” in “Equation (4)” one can
determine the equilibrium constant "A".

After simplification we find:

A (9)
4 2 (l out  l in ) 2 f 02  r

With the resonance frequency has the following


f0  (10) Fig. 2. Three-dimensional model of the split ring
2 (l out  l in ) A r resonator

C: the speed in a vacuum electromagnetic waves

equal to 3  10 8 m / s .

Nature of Relative Frequencies Return loss

Dielectric permittivity [GHz] [dB]
Rogers 2.2 3.427 -23.6
Rogers 3.2 2.839 -33.4
FR04-epoxy 4.4 2.4 -21
Mica 5.7 2.127 -24.3
Rogers 6 2.06 31

According the “table.1” of results aided from

software ADS, we find, in first time, that the
resonant frequency is increases at 0.439GHz for
εr= 3.2 and at 1.027GHz for εr=2.2. On second
time, we note that the resonance frequency of
equivalent circuit is decreases at 0.273GHz for
εr= 5.7 and at 0.33GHz for εr= 6.
Fig. 3. Mesurement the return loss of two models
for split ring resonators

Thus the equivalent circuit having a good

adaptation compared with which is in the 3D
model where we find an adaptation equal to
-21dB around the resonance's frequency 2.4 GHz
which is in the electric model and -12dB around
the resonance's frequency 2.37GHz about the
three- dimensional structure. As we note that the
electric model has a frequencies band less wide
than which is obtained in the three-dimension.
These light different at the resonant frequency of
the two models operating and at the adaptation
S11 and frequencies band, these are logical and
reasonable because these are due to the effect of
the geometric parameters and the tangential loss
of dielectric substratum which are not intercalated Fig. 4. Curve of the Return Loss as a function of
in the components Lm , Cm and Cgap. frequency then variation the relative permittivity

Then, we conclude from this study related to the

V. EFFECT OF VARIATION OF THE effect of changes the relative permittivity in our
RELATIVE PERMITTIVITY proposed circuit, the resonance frequency is
inversely proportional to the value of relative
In this case, we will verify the effect of variation permittivity. This result is similar to that found
of relative permittivity on our equivalent circuit when applying the three dimension model.
SRR square. We first take 4.4 as a nominal
relative value of permittivity “εnr” and then this
value is varied while keeping the other physical VI. EFFECT OF VARIATION THE
parameters w, D and S. PHYSICAL PARAMETERS

The objective of these studies is to check the

effect of variation of the physical parameters D,
Table 1: Effect of variation the relative permittivity on W and S on the frequency characteristics of the
frequency characteristic of equivalent circuit of SRR equivalent circuit. Where references will be set

by the electrical model works 2.4GHz where the return loss with respect to the reference case.
geometric variables are all equal to 1mm nominal In the second part, if we increase the value of this
value. parameter, we observe in this case a low increase
appear on the value of the resonant frequency and
VI.1 VARIATION OF THE GAP the return loss of electric model. The simulation
results are illustrated in the following figure.
In this study and on the one hand, if we decrease
the nominal value of the gap, we find using the
ADS simulation that the resonance frequency
decreases compared to the reference case at
0.12GHz for D = 0.1 mm and at 0.722GHz for D
= 0.01. On the other hand, if we proceed to
increase the nominal value of the gap, we note
that the resonance frequency increases in this
case at 0.13GHz for D=10mm and at 0.28GHz for

Subsequently, the variation of the physic

parameter D which index the opening rings
demonstrate that the resonant frequency is
proportional to the value of the gap D, as shown
in the following figure.

Fig. 6. Curve of the Return Loss as a function of

frequency then variation the track width

From this study we can show that the value of

the track width proportionally affects the values
of the resonant frequency, the return loss and
the band width of frequencies


Using the same principle to fix the physical

parameters D and W at nominal value and
varying the parameter S. Therefore if we drive a
diminution in value of the space between the two
Fig. 5. Curve of the Return Loss as a function of rings, we observe an increase in the value of the
frequency then variation the opening ring resonant frequency compared to the case of
reference by 0.032GHz for S equal to 0.1mm.
On the contrary, if we increase this parameter we
note a degradation of 0.036GHz and 0.09GHz
for successively S as having 10mm and 20mm
value. The simulation results are illustrated
In the first part, if we exercise a reduction on the in the following figure.
value of the track width of the ring, we conclude
a low degradation at level the resonance
frequency. By against this degradation is clearly
noteworthy at the wide band of frequencies and


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