Overview On Accounting and Book Keeping
Overview On Accounting and Book Keeping
Overview On Accounting and Book Keeping
Accounting is the fundamental function of the every organization. Any financial
transaction should be included in the accounting. Any organization cannot know its
profit/loss and financial position without proper accounting system. Book keeping is
the basic activity of the accounting system. Generally accounting can be seen into three
major parts such as financial accounting, management accounting and cost accounting.
Here mostly every organization has the financial accounting which is more needed for
every organization and whatever type of organization. Profitable and non-profitable
organization must have the financial accounting for its financial transaction. The book
keeping system is summarized and provided the data to prepare the financial statement
of the firms. Book keeping is start with double entry of the financial transaction. Every
financial transaction has the double entry which is the very basic of the accounting.
Generally financial accounting is prepared according to the basic accounting concept,
policies, Lanka Accounting Standards (LKAS), International Financial Reporting
Standards (IFRS) in Sri Lanka. According to the LKAS 1, presentation of the financial
statement, a company should prepare and include the followings in its financial
statement such as,
Statement of comprehensive income
Statement of financial position
Statement of cash follow
Statement of changes in equity
Relevant disclosure and notes
The main purpose of the preparation of the financial statement and maintain accounting
system is to provide the financial information to its stakeholders.
Bookkeeping is the recording of financial transactions and it is a part of the process of
accounting in every organization. Generally transactions include purchases, sales,
receipts and payments by an individual person or an organization. There are several
Limitation of Bookkeeping/Accounting
Along with a number of important merits of book keeping and accounting, it has some
demerits or limitations. The notable demerits of book keeping are mentioned below.
It does not provide important but non monetary information like government
policies, political situations, strike and movements etc, which affect the financial
soundness of a firm.
It cannot be uniformly used by the all the organization in valuation of stock,
charging depreciation and maintaining provisions etc.
It ignores the price level changes because the prices of goods and services are
frequently changes but it records the income and expenses in historical basis,
which may be more or less than the current real prices.
It recognizes the value of the nominal assets like patents, trademark, preliminary
expenses etc, which may not have any real value. Some of such assets may be
valueless in the market but they may be shown in the statement of the financial
position continuously. Such a statement of the financial position cannot show the
real position of a firm or company.
Nowadays the bookkeeping system and accounting works are done by through the
accounting software which was done by manually as well with help of the ledger
system, so the bookkeeping system and accounting works are done very quickly, cost
effectively and on correct time. However proper knowledge should be needed to use
the accounting software than the manual accounting and bookkeeping activities, as well
huge money also need to purchase the accounting software. According to the current
world usage of the accounting software is very useful than manual system. Every
organization can do the accounting and bookkeeping system with the help of the
prepared excel sheet of micro soft office which is more user friendly and cost effective
but firm has to develop the accounting and bookkeeping system according to its nature