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Designation: E 1907 – 06a

Standard Guide to
Methods of Evaluating Moisture Conditions of Concrete
Floors to Receive Resilient Floor Coverings 1
This standard is issued under the fixed designation E 1907; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

1. Scope C 125 Terminology Relating to Concrete and Concrete

1.1 This guide includes both quantitative and qualitative Aggregates
procedures used to determine the amount of water or water C 168 Terminology Relating to Thermal Insulation
vapor present in or emitting from concrete slabs and criteria C 330 Specification for Lightweight Aggregates for Struc-
for evaluating the moisture-related acceptability of concrete tural Concrete
slabs to receive resilient floor coverings and related adhesives. C 332 Specification for Lightweight Aggregates for Insulat-
1.2 Although carpet tiles, carpet, wood flooring ceramic ing Concrete
tile, stone tile, coatings, films, and paints are not specifically D 2216 Test Methods for Laboratory Determination of Wa-
intended to be included in the category of resilient floor ter (Moisture) Content of Soil and Rock by Mass
coverings, the procedures included in this guide may be useful D 4259 Practice for Abrading Concrete
for evaluating the moisture-related acceptability of concrete D 4263 Test Method for Indicating Moisture in Concrete by
slabs for such finishes. the Plastic Sheet Method
1.3 This guide does not cover the adequacy of a concrete D 4397 Specification for Polyethylene Sheeting for Con-
floor to perform its structural requirements. struction, Industrial, and Agricultural Applications
1.4 This guide does not include procedures to determine the E 631 Terminology of Building Constructions
presence of non-moisture related impediments to the applica- E 1643 Practice for Installation of Water Vapor Retarders
tion of finishes. Used in Contact with Earth or Granular Fill Under Con-
1.5 This guide does not supersede the specific instructions crete Slabs
or recommendations of manufacturers for their flooring fin- F 141 Terminology Relating to Resilient Floor Coverings F
ishes. 710 Practice for Preparing Concrete Floors to Receive
1.6 The methods are listed in this guide for reference Resilient Flooring
purposes only. Refer to Practice F 710 and the flooring F 1869 Test Method for Measuring Moisture Vapor Emis-
manufacturer for acceptable quantitative methods. For accep- sion Rate of Concrete Subfloor Using Anhydrous Calcium
tance, refer to Practice F 710. Chloride
1.7 This standard does not purport to address all of the F 2170 Test Method for Determining Relative Humidity in
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the Concrete Floor Slabs Using in situ Probes
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro- F 2420 Test Method for Determining Relative Humidity on
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica- the Surface of Concrete Floor Slabs Using Relative Hu-
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use. midity Probe Measurement and Insulated Hood
2.2 Other Sources:
2. Referenced Documents BS 5325:1983 British Standard Code of Practice for Instal-
2.1 ASTM Standards: 2 lation of Textile Floor Coverings3
C 33 Specification for Concrete Aggregates BS 8203:1987 British Standard Code of Practice for Instal-
lation of Sheet and Tile Flooring3
CRI 104-1994 Standard for Installation of Commercial Tex-
1 This guide is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee F06 on Resilient Floor tile Floorcovering Materilas4
Coverings and are the direct responsibility of Subcommittee F06.40 on Practices. Addressing Moisture Related Problems Relevant to Resilient
Current edition approved Oct. 15, 2006. Published November 2006. Originally
approved in 1997. Last previous edition approved in 2006 as E 1907–06.
2For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or
contact ASTM Customer Service at [email protected]. For Annual Book of ASTM 3 British Standards Institution, 389 Chiswick High Road, London W4
Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page 4AL.
on the ASTM website. 4 The Carpet and Rug Institute, P.O. Box 2048, Dalton, GA 30722-
2048, 706/278-3176, 1994.

Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.

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E 1907 – 06a
Floor Coverings Installed Over Concrete 5 Moisture 6.2 No visible water in liquid form shall be present on the
Guidelines for the Floor Covering Industry 6 concrete at the time procedures commence.
6.3 Avoid locations in direct sunlight or subject to direct
3. Terminology sources of heat.
3.1 Definitions: 6.4 The concrete surface shall be free of coatings, finishes,
3.1.1 For terms used in these procedures, see Terminologies dirt, curing compounds, or other substances which may affect
C 168, E 631 and F 141. the rate of moisture dissipation or the adhesion of finishes.
3.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard: Non-chemical methods, such as abrasive cleaning or bead-
3.2.1 mat, as in “mat test”—a sample of vapor-retardant blasting, including methods described in Practice D 4259, may
sheet resilient floor finish material be used on existing slabs with deleterious residues to achieve
3.2.2 moisture emission—a term used by the flooring indus- an appropriate state for testing. For example, concrete slabs
try in the U.S. to measure moisture emission from concrete covered with existing adhered floor coverings must have all
floors in lb/[1,000 ft2· 24 h] (56.51 µg/(s·m2)) using the adhesive residue removed a minimum of 24 h prior to testing.
anhydrous calcium chloride test. Concrete slabs free of substances with deleterious residues
3.2.3 concrete—concrete made using hydraulic cement as shall also be prepared in this manner but such preparation may
defined in Terminology C 125. take place immediately before testing.
6.5 When using procedures involving electronic instru-
4. Summary of Guide ments, the presence of chlorides or carbonates, whether
4.1 This guide describes eight procedures, commonly re- present as deliberate additions or otherwise, and other concrete
ferred to as “tests”, used in the construction industry to addi-tives or metallic fibers can result in erroneous readings.
determine if the moisture present within or being emitted from The error will depend on the quantity present but, in general,
concrete slabs is acceptable. Said procedures range from the water content indicated by the test will be the maximum
highly subjective to quantitative. This guide shows the breadth water content.
of ways to evaluate for the presence of moisture in or moisture
vapor emission from concrete floor slabs. Many are identified 7. Procedures
only as early screening tools in order to save time with 7.1 General:
quantitative practices or methods required prior to the appli- 7.1.1 Perform bond and moisture testing procedures on
cation of resilient floorings. Refer to Practice F 710. concrete to determine if surfaces are sufficiently dry and free
from deleterious substances.
5. Significance and Use 7.1.2 Measure ambient temperature and relative humidity
5.1 This guide is intended to be used to determine if there within the structure in which the floor is located at beginning
are moisture-related conditions existing in concrete slabs and completion of each procedure.
which would adversely impact the successful application and 7.1.3 Sampling:
performance of these products. Unless otherwise indicated, sampling shall be as
5.2 This guide can also be used as an aid in the diagnosis of follows:
performance failures in resilient floor covering products. Locations shall not be concentrated and shall be
5.3 Unless otherwise indicated, these procedures are appli- distributed around the floor area. One location shall be near
cable to slabs on grade, slabs below grade, and slabs above the center with others around the perimeter. Selection of
grade (see Terminology F 141). locations shall include, but not be limited to, areas of
potentially high moisture such as joints and areas closer than 5
6. Interferences ft (1.5 m) from the edge of the slab.7
6.1 Conduct procedures after the internal conditions of the Use three sample locations for areas up to 1000
building in which a slab is located have been at normal service ft (50 m2)
temperature and humidity for at least 48 h. Otherwise, results Use one additional sample location for each addi-
may not accurately reflect the amount of moisture which is tional 1000 ft2(50m2).
present in the slab or would normally be emitted from or 7.2 Polyethylene Sheet Test:
through the concrete during normal operating conditions. If 7.2.1 Summary of Method—This method uses a vapor-
the service temperature and humidity is unattainable, the retardant plastic sheet sealed to the floor as a vapor trap to
internal conditions of the building in which a slab is located determine if excessive moisture is present.
shall have been maintained within the following temperature 7.2.2 Significance and Use:
and humid-ity range for at least 48 h: See Section 5.
6.1.1 Temperature: 65 to 85°F (18 to 29°C), and This method, described by Test Method D 4263, was
6.1.2 Relatively humidity: 40 to 60 %. developed by Committee D33 on Protective Coatings and
Lining Work for Power Generating Facilities. It is the respon-
sibility of Subcommittee D33.05 on Surface Preparation.
5Resilient Floor Covering Institute, 401 E. Jefferson, Suite 102, Rockville, MD
20850, November 1995.
6 7
World Floor Covering Association, 2211 E. Howell Avenue, Anaheim, CA Placement in a grid array is recommended when an isoplethic analysis is
92806 (800) 624-6880 Fax (714) 978-6066, undated but received August 1995. anticipated in order to facilitate documentation and accuracy.

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E 1907 – 06a Although developed for coating systems prepara- If the adhesive is partially or completely dissolved,
tion, it is also sometimes used in the flooring industry. is still wet, or has little bond, there is too much moisture
7.2.3 Apparatus—none. present to proceed with the installation of flooring material.
7.2.4 Reagents and Materials: If the mat is firmly bonded, or removal of the mat Transparent polyethylene sheet Specification D reveals the adhesive to be stringy and with good adhesion, the
4397, minimum 4 mils (0.1 mm) thick. level of moisture present is considered to be sufficiently low Adhesive tape that will adhere to the floor and the for installation of flooring material.
sheet, such as duct tape, 2 in (50 mm) wide. 7.4 Electrical Resistance Test:
7.2.5 Preparation of Apparatus—none. 7.4.1 Summary of Method—Determines the relative mois-
7.2.6 Calibration and Standardization—none. ture content by measuring the electrical conductivity of con-
7.2.7 Procedure: crete between the meter probes. 9 Conductivity varies in pro- Tape a plastic sheet approximately 18 in. by 18 in. portion to relative moisture content. Uses proprietary meters
(460 mm by 460 mm) tightly to the concrete surface making and interpretive methods provided by meter manufacturers.
sure all edges are sealed. 7.4.2 Significance and Use—see Section 5. After a minimum of 16 h8, remove the plastic sheet 7.4.3 This procedure provides a relatively quick way to
and inspect the underside of the sheet and the concrete surface obtain an approximation of the relative moisture content of
for presence of moisture. concrete.
7.2.8 Calculation and Interpretation of Results—Presence 7.4.4 Apparatus—Suitable instrument to measure the con-
of visible liquid water indicates concrete is insufficiently dry ductivity between two electrodes which are placed in contact
for application of finishes. Caution: False negative results with the concrete floor surface or placed into two pre-drilled
from the plastic sheet test can indicate a floor is dry simply holes one inch (25 mm) deep into the concrete floor.
because the concrete surface temperature is above the dew 7.4.5 Reagents and Materials—none.
point within the slab. Quantitative testing per Practice F 710 is 7.4.6 Preparation of Apparatus—Follow instrument manu-
necessary. facturer’s instructions.
7.3 Mat Test: 7.4.7 Calibration and Standardization—Follow instrument
7.3.1 Summary of Method: manufacturer’s instructions This method uses a sample of vapor retardant floor 7.4.8 Procedure—To use one type of instrument, it is
finish material and a water-based adhesive to predict the necessary to drill holes in the slab to receive pins. Another
behavior of resilient floor covering adhesives. type can be used with or without drilling holes, but the
7.3.2 A variation of this procedure (known as the “bond” readings will be more accurate if holes are drilled and the pins
test) beyond the scope of this document can be used to test for are driven into the holes. Care shall be taken to avoid contact
bond between substrate and resilient floor coverings. between the probes and any metal incorporated into the slab.
7.3.3 Apparatus—None. 7.4.9 Calculation or Interpretation of Results:
7.3.4 Reagents and Materials: Generic data to correlate measured electrical resis- Latex multipurpose or water soluble adhesive in- tance to acceptable moisture conditions are not available at
tended for use with resilient flooring products. It is not this time; however, instrument manufacturers generally
necessary to use the type of floor finish product intended for publish guides for this purpose specific to the instruments they
application in this procedure, since the sheet product simply manu-facture.
provides a vapor-retardant surface which has sufficient Although a high reading (good conductance) typi-
rigidity and weight to remain in place during the procedure. cally indicates high moisture content, a low reading (poor Sheet vinyl, or similar resilient vapor-retardant re- conductance) does not necessarily indicate more than surface
silient flooring sheet product. dryness, as the concrete may have a higher moisture content Adhesive tape that will adhere to the floor and the below the surface. Conversely, a concrete with low moisture
sheet, such as duct tape, 2 in (50 mm) wide. content but containing metal fibers could cause a high reading.
7.3.5 Preparation of Apparatus—Prepare number of mats Confirmation measurements can be made by taking
as required approximately 24 by 24 in. (600 by 600 mm). readings at a number of locations which are then covered by a
7.3.6 Calibration and Standardization—None vapor retarder material such as polyethylene sheeting then
7.3.7 Procedure—Apply adhesive to an area 24 in. by 24 taking subsequent readings 24 h later after removing the
in. (600 mm by 600 mm). While the adhesive is wet, place the covers. Where the second reading significantly exceeds the
mat, surface or face down, immediately into the adhesive. first, it indicates that the concrete has an unacceptable level of
Seal the perimeter edges using tape. The face is placed down moisture.
to avoid absorption of water in the adhesive by the backing. 7.5 Electrical Impedance Test:
7.3.8 Calculation or Interpretation of Results: 7.5.1 Summary of Method—Uses proprietary meters and After 72 h, make a visual inspection to determine interpretive methods provided by meter manufacturers to
the condition of the adhesive.
The most detailed information on this test comes from British Standards
Institution (BSI) BS 5325:1983 British Standard Code of Practice for Installation of
Although Test Method D 4263 specifies 16 h, some authorities recommend a Textile Floor Coverings and BS 8203:1987 British Standard Code of Practice for
minimum of 24 h. Installation of Sheet and Tile Flooring.

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E 1907 – 06a
determine the moisture content of concrete by measuring both 7.6 Quantitative Anhydrous Calcium Chloride Test:
conductance and capacitance. 7.6.1 Refer to Test Method F 1869.
7.5.2 Significance and Use—See Section 5. 7.7 Primer or Adhesive Strip Test: A quick, non-destructive way to determine the 7.7.1 Summary of Method—This method uses a sample of
relative moisture content of concrete by measuring the electri- the proposed floor finish material primer or adhesive to predict
cal AC impedance. Impedance is an alternating current mea- the behavior of resilient floor covering adhesives.
surement combining both resistance and capacitance while at 7.7.2 Apparatus—none.
the same time overcoming the separate limitations of each 7.7.3 Reagents and Materials—flooring adhesive or primer.
(single-line measurement with resistance and shallow depth of 7.7.4 Preparation of Apparatus—none.
penetration of signal with capacitance). With impedance mea- 7.7.5 Calibration and Standardization—none.
surement, a field is set up consisting of an area under the 7.7.6 Procedure—Place several small patches of adhesive
footprint of the instrument electrodes. The depth of the signal or primer approximately 24 by 24 in. (600 by 600 mm) in size
penetration will vary depending on the material content of the on the slab.
slab and the moisture content, generally varying from 0.75 in. 7.7.7 Calculation or Interpretation of Results—If after the
(20 mm) to 2.0 in. (50 mm). primer or adhesive has been down 24 h it bonds securely to
7.5.3 Apparatus—An electrical impedance meter specifi- the slab, the resilient material may be installed. If the primer
cally developed and calibrated for concrete moisture measure- or adhesive can be peeled from the floor using a putty knife,
ment. the slab has unacceptable moisture.
7.5.4 Reagents and Materials—none. 7.8 Hygrometer or Relative Humidity Test:
7.5.5 Preparation of Apparatus—See instrument manufac- 7.8.1 Refer to Test Method F 2420.
turer’s instructions. 7.9 Internal Relative Humidity Probe Test:
7.5.6 Calibration and Standardization—See instrument Refer to Test Method F 2170.
manufacturer’s instructions. 8. Reports
7.5.7 Procedure—Follow instrument manufacturer’s in-
structions. Typically, the meter is placed on the concrete slab 8.1 Prepare written report of procedure, indicating the
with its electrodes pressed in direct contact with the surface.
When the meter is switched on, low frequency signals are 8.1.1 Description of procedure, including reference to pro-
transmitted into the slab, measuring the change in impedance cedures described in this practice.
brought about by the presence and level of moisture. The 8.1.2 Date and time (to the nearest 1⁄4 h) of procedure (start
impedance is converted to a percentage moisture content and stop).
displayed on the instrument dial in both percentage and 8.1.3 Location of each procedure marked on a floor plan.
relative readings. Holes in the slab are typically not required. 8.1.4 Temperature and humidity at start and completion of
7.5.8 Calculation or Interpretation of Results:
8.1.5 Temperature and humidity range of normal operating See instrument manufacturer’s instructions.
environment of building interior (if known), and source of Instructions for calibration of instruments and cor-
relation of impedance meter readings to other methods of
8.1.6 Results of procedure.
determining concrete moisture conditions are typically pro-
8.1.7 Floor finish manufacturer’s moisture-related require-
vided by instrument manufacturers.
ments, if any, and reference for source of information. Readings typically indicate percentage moisture 8.1.8 Analysis of results, and conclusions
content (by mass).
8.2 Specifically indicate any unacceptable conditions ob- Confirmation measurements can be made by taking served or determined and source of criteria used.
readings at a number of locations in close proximity to one
another. If the readings vary, always use the highest value. 9. Precision and Bias
Additional confirmation measurements can be made by taking 9.1 The precision and bias has not been established for any
readings at locations which are subsequently covered with a of the procedures included in these practices.
vapor retarder (such as polyethylene sheet), then taking sub-
sequent readings 24 h later. Where the second reading signifi- 10. Keywords
cantly exceeds the first, the concrete is considered to have an 10.1 adhesives; carpet; concrete; floor; moisture; moisture-
unacceptable level of moisture. sensitive; moisture tests; resilient flooring; water; water vapor

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E 1907 – 06a

(Nonmandatory Information)


X1.1 Introduction tative anhydrous calcium chloride test, is 3.0 lb/ [1,000 ft 2· 24
X1.1.1 The effect on floor coverings from residual moisture hours] (170 µg/(s·m2)), although 5.0 lb/[1,000 ft2· 24 h](280
in concrete slabs or moisture passing through concrete slabs µg/(s·m2)) is considered acceptable for some products.11
from underlying soil has been understood and documented
X1.4 Design and Construction-Related Sources of Excessive
since the early 1950’s when the RMA (Rubber Manufacturers
Water in Concrete Floors
Association) developed a moisture test method widely
adopted by the flooring industry.10 X1.4.1 Artificial sources are typically caused by construc-
X1.1.2 Concrete floors may appear dry from a visual tion or operation of a building, such as:
examination but actually have a deleterious level of water X1.4.1.1 Irrigation—Mitigate by considering planting that
vapor in, emitting from, or passing through a slab. requires low water use and minimizing watering. Exterior
grading should provide good runoff or percolation.
X1.2 Adverse Impacts X1.4.1.2 Service conditions, such as frequent floor cleaning
X1.2.1 Excessive water or water vapor in or emitting from wash-downs. Mitigate by modifying maintenance requirements or
concrete slabs can result in the following adverse impacts: providing a waterproof barrier between finish and slab.
X1.2.1.1 Adhesive failure. X1.4.2 Natural sources are those that existed at the site
X1.2.1.2 Failure of paints or coatings to dry, cure, or prior to construction but may be exacerbated by the design of
coalesce. the building or the construction process. Natural sources
X1.2.1.3 Distortion (curling, warping, blistering), discolora- include:
tion, and deterioration of flooring products. X1.4.2.1 Poor exterior drainage and naturally occurring
X1.2.1.4 Delamination of coatings. ground water from a permanent or seasonal high water table.
X1.2.1.5 Spalling and cratering of concrete surfaces. As There should be no hydrostatic pressure against the bottom of
moisture emits from or passes through a slab, it can carry with a concrete slab with resilient floor covering finishes. Mitigate
it alkaline salts from the ground or the concrete itself which by providing adequate exterior drainage (grading exterior
are left behind as the water evaporates. The vapor from salt- slopes away from buildings). Rainwater leaders should be
bearing ground water is incapable of carrying salts through the piped to storm drains or to dispersal areas away from building.
concrete, but alkaline salt can build up cyclically at the top of Subdrains can be installed to remove water from under a slab
the slab profile due to chemically-pure vapor attracting salts and piped to locations away from buildings by gravity or
through osmosis. pumping.
X1.2.1.6 Deterioration of flat electrical cable. X1.4.2.2 Normal moisture conditions of soil beneath slabs.
X1.2.1.7 Fungal growth and odors. It is not unusual for the soil below a concrete slab to have a
permanently high water table or water vapor content due to
X1.3 Acceptable Level of Moisture capillary flow of water from the water table or lateral flow
X1.3.1 The limitation on the moisture content or level of from the exterior of the building. Mitigate by:
water vapor emitting from concrete should be dictated by or (1) Installing a capillary break of crushed or river-run rock
confirmed with flooring product manufacturers. Substrates beneath concrete slab (see Practice E 1643 Appendix).
should be tested to ascertain moisture conditions before mois- (2) Installing a vapor retarder beneath concrete slab (see
ture sensitive flooring materials or adhesives are installed. Practice E 1643 Appendix).
Typical limits or ranges are as follows: X1.4.3 Design and Construction sources:
X1.3.1.1 Using Test Method D 2216, moisture content X1.4.3.1 Residual water in or below the slab remaining
should be between 2.5 and 4.5% for floor covering products. from the construction process can result from water retained
Paint and coating system manufacturers typically recommend below the slab when a sand or crushed rock filled is used
less than 10% moisture content between the concrete and a vapor retarder. Whether or not this
X1.3.1.2 Relative humidity in concrete pores or in the fill is necessary for proper concrete curing is controversial (see
atmosphere of a chamber sealed over concrete should be less Guide E 1643 Appendix).
than 75%. X1.4.3.2 Low permeance concrete is desirable for several
X1.3.1.3 Most flooring product manufacturers recommend reasons. It dries quicker, it reduces the flow of vapor (if a vapor
that the maximum vapor emission considered acceptable for retarder is breached or not installed), and it is less hygroscopic. A
moisture-sensitive flooring systems, as measured by a quanti- water-to-cement ratio of approximately 0.22 to 0.25 is

10 Resilient Floor Covering Institute (RFCI) Addressing Moisture Related 11 Armstrong Commercial Flooring, Technical Services Report No. 15,
Problems Relevant to Resilient Floor Coverings Installed Over Concrete June 1994, recommends 5.0 lb for 1/8 in. vinyl composition tile and felt-backed
(Rockville, MD: Resilient Floor Covering Institute, November 1995) p. 6 commercial sheet flooring.

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E 1907 – 06a
required for complete hydration of cement. Typical concrete X1.5 Drying Time
mix designs may range from a water-to-cement ratio of 0.35
X1.5.1 The time required for residual water in slabs to dry
to 0.65. The excess of mixing water not required for cement
out sufficiently in order to not adversely affect floor coverings
hydration must be allowed to evaporate prior to the placement
and finishes typically ranges from six weeks to six months.
of resilient floor covering. To avoid excessive permeance,
This drying process is a function of the relative humidity and
water-cement ratios should be between 0.45 and 0.50 by
weight. Mixes should be designed with compressive strength temperature environment inside a building which, in turn,
of 3,000 psi (20 MPa) or more and slumps between 3 and 4 in influence the rate of vapor transmission through and out of the
(75 mm - 100 mm) by using water reducing admixtures and concrete. The rate of vapor transmission increases with an
appropriate cement-aggregate ratios. Proper curing resulting increased vapor pressure difference between the voids in the
in complete hydration of cement is also required to achieve concrete and the air around the slab.
low permeance. X1.5.1.1 The vapor pressure of air can be determined from Fig.
X1.4.3.3 When concrete is excessively permeable, moisture X1.1 by knowing the relative humidity and temperature
may accumulate by hygroscopicity. Highly permeable conditions. For example, to dry a slab, the movement of moisture
concrete may attract moisture from the atmosphere during must be from the concrete to the air. If the bottom of the concrete
periods of building occupancy inactivity or when the interior has an environment of 100% relative humidity and 70°F (21°C)
environment is temporarily or permanently left unconditioned, temperature, then the vapor pressure of air within the concrete is
for example, in school buildings during summer recess. about 0.36 lb/in2(2.5 kPa). Inside the room, the relative humidity
X1.4.3.4 Cracks, joints, and voids will allow increased may be 60% and temperature 80°F (26.7°C), which produces a
moisture transmission regardless of the permeance of vapor pressure of air of 0.29 lb/in 2(2.0 kPa). High pressure moves
concrete. Only an effective vapor retarder, properly installed to low pressure; therefore, the pressure difference of 0.07
below a slab on or below grade can mitigate the potentially lb/in2(0.5 kPa) is the driving force of moist air moving from the
adverse effects of low-permeance concrete or cracks, joints, concrete to the room. To force dry the concrete, it is more
and voids in high-permeance concrete. desirable to lower the relative humidity in

FIG. X1.1 Vapor Pressure of Moisture in Air at Different Temperatures and Relative Humidities. (Source: Ashok Kakade)

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E 1907 – 06a
the room than to raise the temperature. If any of the above X1.5.2.7 The Resilient Floor Covering Institute warns that a
conditions exist after the floor covering is installed, then the concrete floor must be allowed to cure and dry for a minimum
moisture becomes trapped under the covering and condenses, of six weeks before it is acceptable to install resilient floor
unless the covering itself allows the vapor to pass. coverings.14
X1.5.2 Concrete ceases to cure once the internal humidity X1.5.2.8 The Portland Cement Association suggests: “The
drops below approximately 80%. The actual drying time for drying period required will vary with environmental condi-
concrete slabs may vary, depending on the relative humidity tions, type and thickness of concrete, and location of the slab.
and temperature environment inside the building, the type of For example, slabs on ground require longer drying periods
curing compound used, whether a bond-breaking compound than suspended slabs. Usually, several months of drying are
was used, such as is used in tilt-up construction; whether an required after the moist cure period. (Several manufacturers
antidusting compound was used; the amount of troweling; and recommend that concrete be at least 60 days old before their
the type of aggregate used. floor covering is installed.) Lightweight concrete may require
X1.5.2.1 Some curing compounds applied to the slab sur- a longer drying period than normal-weight concrete.”15
face to retard moisture dissipation oxidize and wear off in
about two weeks, but others such as wax-based products have X1.6 Post-Construction Mitigation
to be worn off. Any type of curing compound may be harmful
X1.6.1 Reducing Sub-Grade Moisture:
to adhesion of certain finishes, but if curing compounds are
compatible with finishes, those that are water or resin based X1.6.1.1 Exterior drainage—When poor exterior drainage
and which oxidize will result in earlier slab drying. is a contributing factor to excessive concrete moisture,
X1.5.2.2 More troweling may mean longer drying time. mitigate by reducing irrigation watering, checking for and
X1.5.2.3 Using cinder, pumice, and other lightweight repairing irrigation leaks, providing better runoff, or installing
aggre-gates may cause concrete to dry slower. Aggregates exterior sub-drains.
conform-ing to Specification C 33 are less permeable and X1.6.1.2 Plumbing leaks can raise the moisture content of
produce less hygroscopic concrete than aggregated subsoils or a sand or crushed rock layer beneath a slab.
conforming to Specifi-cations C 330 or C 332. Aggregates Mitigate by locating and repairing leaks.
conforming to Specifica-tion C 332 are not recommended. X1.6.2 Reducing vapor transmission:
X1.5.2.4 For above-grade slabs, some authorities believe X1.6.2.1 Post-construction application of surface treatments
the underside of structural metal composite deck components may reduce vapor emission to acceptable levels. In order to be
or permanent metal form liners should be perforated to permit effective, treatments must reduce moisture emission to toler-
the free evaporation of moisture, although this could pose a able levels while not resisting pressure so much as to result in
problem if the environment below a slab has a higher spalling. Commercially available treatments typically include
humidity than the environment above the slab. systems incorporating one or more of the following:
X1.5.2.5 The Carpet and Rug Institute advises that at least (1) Acrylic or styrene-butadiene (SBR) polymer-
90-120 days are to be allowed for a concrete slab to cure and modified cementitious overlays, some with fibrous inter-layers
reach an acceptable dryness.12 designed to disperse moisture from areas of relatively high
X1.5.2.6 The World Floor Covering Association advises: emission to areas of relatively low emission.
“It has been said that 28 days is required for on-grade or (2) Water-based epoxies.
below-grade slabs to “dry” out enough for flooring. This (3) Sodium silicates.
statistic, however, is greatly influenced by a number of (4) Potassium silicates.
variables and should not be used as a criterion as to whether X1.6.3 Substituting a more moisture tolerant finish, such as
or not it is safe to install a flooring. Above grade slabs poured carpet with a permeable backing for wood or vinyl.
in metal pans take significantly longer to “dry” and have been
known to require several months to well over a year to be safe
to install upon.”13
14 Resilient Floor Covering Institute (RFCI) Addressing Moisture Related
Problems Relevant to Resilient Floor Coverings Installed Over Concrete
12 CRI 104-1994, Standard for Installation of Commercial Textile (Rockville, MD, Resilient Floor Covering Institute, November 1995) p. 5.
Floorcovering Materials (Dalton, GA: The Carpet and Rug Institute, 1994) p. 7 15 Steven H. Kosmatka, “Floor-Covering Materials and Moisture in
13 Moisture Guidelines for the Floor Covering Industry (Anaheim, CA: Concrete”, Concrete Technology Today (Skokie, IL: Portland Cement Association,
September, 1985) pp. 4-5. (Appendix E)
World Floor Covering Association, undated but received August 1995)

Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Fri Jul 6 17:52:15 EDT 2007
Downloaded/printed by
Linda Lockwood () pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized.
E 1907 – 06a

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Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Fri Jul 6 17:52:15 EDT 2007
Downloaded/printed by
Linda Lockwood () pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized.

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