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Assignment No

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Assignment No.

What do people worry about most these days? Write about your own experience.
People are worried about this pandemic, which can test their faith in God. In this situation, many
have lost their job, lack of financial capability, and suffer from mental mental breakdown.

What was the consequence for Egypt when they hardened their heart towards God?
The consequence for Egypt when they hardened their heart towards God was their family was
pained by the death of their firstborn child.

Who is your enemy? Use Ezekiel 28:12-19 to support your answer.

My enemy is Satan because he can easily manipulate the man. He is working to turn man away
from God. He was created by God and used to lead worship in the kingdom of God, he was respected,
and had privileges but he does not remain true to God and became the enemy of all God’s work.

What is Satan’s purpose for man? Write down the adversary’s characteristics.
Satan’s purpose for man is to remove God in our hearts and to block Him from our mind so that
the message of salvation will not be preached nor accepted in this world.

Explain what it means to you to live a life in integrity.

To live a life in integrity is to do what you have said. To make things with a strong moral
uprightness even though many circumstances will hinder you.

Assignment No.6

What was Jesus’ mission when He came to this earth?Why could only He carry it out?
Jesus’ mission was really important as He is the only one who would die just to save every one of
us from our sins.

How is Israel’s experience of the Passover in Egypt linked to the power of the Blood of Jesus in your
The Israel’s experience of the Passover were by redeeming and freeing them from the
oppression of the yoke of Egypt’s Pharaoh. As I linked it to the power of the Blood of Jesus in my life,
it is the blood of Jesus that saves me from my sin. I should have a relationship with God and abolish
my old nature to free and redeem myself from my sinful past life.

List 5 confessions of victory over the enemy.

1. Through the Blood of Jesus, I have been redeemed from the power of the enemy.
2. Through the Blood of Jesus, all my sins have been forgiven.
3. Because I walk in the light, and have fellowship with my brothers, the Blood of Jesus cleanses me
now and continually from all sin.
4. Through the Blood of Jesus, I have been justified and God sees me as if I had never sinned.
5. Through the Blood of Jesus, I am sanctified, set apart for God.

Write about the main characteristics of each confession of victory.

1. When Jesus died on the Cross of Calvary, He freed us from the dominion of Satan.
2. Satan’s strategy is to make us believe that our sins have no yet forgiven but when we confess our
sins with full assurance that we have already been forgiven by the Blood of Jesus, we experience
complete victory.
3. We must walk in the light and live with fellowship with other believers and live in obedience to
what God reveals through His Word.
4. When we were God’s enemies, we were reconciled to him through the death of His Son. God sees
us as righteous as Jesus took all of the bad that we have done and exchange us all of His goodness.
5. One of the prices the adversary set, in return for granting benefits to anyone who desires to
prosper or expand their areas of conquest, is the price of blood.
What place does the Blood of Jesus occupy in your Christians life.

Assignment No. 7

How do you view the Word of God or the Bible as being part of your Christian life?
I view God’s word or the Bible as my guide or handbook that leads my Christian life with

Describe and explain the role of the Word of God as spiritual food:
1. Milk - we crave for pure spiritual milk, so we will grow up in our salvation.
2. Bread- signifies Jesus that who ever come to Him will never be suffer as He will give His provision.
3. Solid food - for those who have acquired maturity.
4. The Voice of God was in creation -
5. It has the power to create - the word of God made all those creations.

How does Bible establish us in the kingdom of God?

Bible establish us in the kingdom as it turn us from darkness to light, and from the power of
Satan to God, so we receive forgiveness of sins and a place among those who are sanctified by faith in

How does the Bible help us to know Jesus?

Bible helps us to know Jesus as it is where the life, goodness, and miracles of Him is being

How does the Bible help us to reach salvation?

Bible helps us to reach salvation as it is the word of God that is eternal. Thus, also having an
eternal life.

Assignment No. 8

What happened inside you when you met the HS?

When I met the Holy Spirit, I have a burning desire to carry out the works of God.

What is the Holy Spirit’s role in the life of a Christian?

Holy Spirit immerses us in the presence of the Spirit of God who floods our very being and gives
life to our spirit. It works supernaturally in our life, helping us to guard our Christian life and to grow in
our relationship with God and His word.

What is the Spirit’s deposit for you?

The Holy Spirit marked you with a seal that promised the guarantee of your inheritance until the
redemption of God’s possession.

Write down the distinctive points of the ministry of the HS:

1. He glorifies Jesus, revealing what is in His heart.
2. The Holy Spirit guide us.
3. He intercedes through us.
4. He clothes us with power.
5. He convicts concerning sin, righteousness and judgment.

What can be said about the presence of the HS in the life of Jesus?
With the presence of the Holy Spirit in the life of Jesus, he receive the gift of the Holy Spirit that
helps Him to preach the good news to others and He overcame temptations.

Assignment No.9

What is the relationship between David and god’s comprehensive blessing?

David was lift up by God. Started from a young boy from the sheep pen and became one of the
greatest kings.

What do you understand by the phrase “God is good”?

For me, I perceive the phrase “God is good” as God always filled us with our needs. He is
generous even though we, humans always commit sins, he did not close His heart towards us.

List the characteristics of Abel’s offering:

1. Unequalled.
2. Implies sacrifice.
3. Substitute for what Jesus would do for our redemption.
4. Powerful argument.
5. Speaks after his death.

Explain the verses Luke 7:44-48 in relation with your own personal experience.
The verses 7:44-48 implies that even though we have many sins but when we accept and truly
love God in our life, we are forgiven. As for my experience, I have many sins that I have done; but
here I am, I am living with the light of God, which he forgiven me and working for a mission.

Do you believe you have learnt to tithe according to God’s teaching?

Yes, because I gave tithe with an open heart. I do this because I want to payback all the blessing I
have received from God.

Assignment No.10

What about your personal experience of the revelation of the Cross.

My personal experience of the revelation of the Cross was when I have change my sinful life into
a great one who’s serving God. I am here walking and fighting from victory because Jesus already
finished it for us. The enemy has already been defeated.

What does a “change of nature” mean?

A “change of nature” means before we are contaminated from Adam and Eve’s sin but when
Jesus sacrifices His life, though His blood, we are cleanse from the acts that lead to death, so that we
may serve the living God.

Do you think of yourself as God’s fellow worker? Explain.

Yes, I as God’s fellow worker. I am doing my best in doing my work or mission in the ministry
with a supervision.

List the steps on the ladder of success:

1. Win
2. Consolidate
3. Disciple
4. Send

How does the ladder of success related to the Great Commission?

The ladder of success related to the Great Commission as our success as a Christian also implies
how we make disciples and preach the good news to the people who do not already accept and know

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