SAP2000 Analysis Report: License #3010 1PYJ54VRZK2HPED

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License #3010*1PYJ54VRZK2HPED

SAP2000 Analysis Report

Model Name: caballete 2.sdb

19 octubre 2020
caballete 2.sdb SAP2000 v22.0.0 - License #3010*1PYJ54VRZK2HPED

1. Model geometry 19 octubre 2020

1. Model geometry........................................................................................................................................................ 5
1.1. Joint coordinates............................................................................................................................................... 5
1.2. Joint restraints................................................................................................................................................... 6
1.3. Element connectivity......................................................................................................................................... 7
2. Material properties.................................................................................................................................................... 8
3. Section properties..................................................................................................................................................... 9
3.1. Frames.............................................................................................................................................................. 9
3.2. Solids............................................................................................................................................................... 11
4. Load patterns.......................................................................................................................................................... 12
4.1. Definitions....................................................................................................................................................... 12
5. Load cases.............................................................................................................................................................. 12
5.1. Definitions....................................................................................................................................................... 12
5.2. Static case load assignments.......................................................................................................................... 13
5.3. Response spectrum case load assignments................................................................................................... 13
6. Load combinations.................................................................................................................................................. 13
7. Structure results...................................................................................................................................................... 15
7.1. Mass summary................................................................................................................................................ 15
7.2. Base reactions................................................................................................................................................ 16
8. Joint results............................................................................................................................................................. 17
9. Frame results.......................................................................................................................................................... 18
10. Material take-off.................................................................................................................................................... 22
11. Design preferences............................................................................................................................................... 22
11.1. Steel design................................................................................................................................................... 22
11.2. Concrete design............................................................................................................................................ 23
11.3. Aluminum design........................................................................................................................................... 23
11.4. Cold formed design....................................................................................................................................... 23
12. Design overwrites.................................................................................................................................................. 24
12.1. Steel design.................................................................................................................................................. 24
13. Design summary................................................................................................................................................... 27
13.1. Steel design.................................................................................................................................................. 27

List of Figures
Figure 1: Finite element model...................................................................................................................................... 5
Figure 2: Deformed shape........................................................................................................................................... 15

List of Tables
Table 1: Joint Coordinates, Part 1 of 2.......................................................................................................................... 5
Table 1: Joint Coordinates, Part 2 of 2.......................................................................................................................... 6
Table 2: Joint Restraint Assignments............................................................................................................................ 7
Table 3: Connectivity - Frame, Part 1 of 2..................................................................................................................... 7
Table 3: Connectivity - Frame, Part 2 of 2..................................................................................................................... 7
Table 4: Frame Section Assignments............................................................................................................................ 8
Table 5: Material Properties 02 - Basic Mechanical Properties..................................................................................... 8
Table 6: Material Properties 03a - Steel Data, Part 1 of 2............................................................................................. 9
Table 6: Material Properties 03a - Steel Data, Part 2 of 2............................................................................................. 9
Table 7: Material Properties 03b - Concrete Data, Part 1 of 2....................................................................................... 9
Table 7: Material Properties 03b - Concrete Data, Part 2 of 2....................................................................................... 9
Table 8: Material Properties 03f - Tendon Data............................................................................................................. 9

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1. Model geometry 19 octubre 2020

Table 9: Frame Section Properties 01 - General, Part 1 of 7......................................................................................... 9
Table 9: Frame Section Properties 01 - General, Part 2 of 7....................................................................................... 10
Table 9: Frame Section Properties 01 - General, Part 3 of 7....................................................................................... 10
Table 9: Frame Section Properties 01 - General, Part 4 of 7....................................................................................... 10
Table 9: Frame Section Properties 01 - General, Part 5 of 7....................................................................................... 10
Table 9: Frame Section Properties 01 - General, Part 6 of 7....................................................................................... 10
Table 9: Frame Section Properties 01 - General, Part 7 of 7....................................................................................... 10
Table 10: Frame Property Modifiers, Part 1 of 2.......................................................................................................... 11
Table 10: Frame Property Modifiers, Part 2 of 2.......................................................................................................... 11
Table 11: Solid Property Definitions, Part 1 of 2.......................................................................................................... 11
Table 11: Solid Property Definitions, Part 2 of 2.......................................................................................................... 12
Table 12: Load Pattern Definitions.............................................................................................................................. 12
Table 13: Load Case Definitions, Part 1 of 3............................................................................................................... 12
Table 13: Load Case Definitions, Part 2 of 3............................................................................................................... 12
Table 13: Load Case Definitions, Part 3 of 3............................................................................................................... 13
Table 14: Case - Static 1 - Load Assignments............................................................................................................. 13
Table 15: Function - Response Spectrum - User......................................................................................................... 13
Table 16: Combination Definitions, Part 1 of 3............................................................................................................ 13
Table 16: Combination Definitions, Part 2 of 3............................................................................................................ 14
Table 16: Combination Definitions, Part 3 of 3............................................................................................................ 14
Table 17: Assembled Joint Masses, Part 1 of 2........................................................................................................... 15
Table 17: Assembled Joint Masses, Part 2 of 2........................................................................................................... 16
Table 18: Base Reactions, Part 1 of 3......................................................................................................................... 16
Table 18: Base Reactions, Part 2 of 3......................................................................................................................... 16
Table 18: Base Reactions, Part 3 of 3......................................................................................................................... 16
Table 19: Joint Displacements..................................................................................................................................... 17
Table 20: Joint Reactions............................................................................................................................................ 17
Table 21: Element Forces - Frames, Part 1 of 2.......................................................................................................... 18
Table 21: Element Forces - Frames, Part 2 of 2.......................................................................................................... 20
Table 22: Material List 2 - By Section Property............................................................................................................ 22
Table 23: Preferences - Steel Design - AISC 360-16, Part 1 of 4................................................................................ 22
Table 23: Preferences - Steel Design - AISC 360-16, Part 2 of 4................................................................................ 22
Table 23: Preferences - Steel Design - AISC 360-16, Part 3 of 4................................................................................ 22
Table 23: Preferences - Steel Design - AISC 360-16, Part 4 of 4................................................................................ 22
Table 24: Preferences - Concrete Design - ACI 318-14, Part 1 of 2............................................................................ 23
Table 24: Preferences - Concrete Design - ACI 318-14, Part 2 of 2............................................................................ 23
Table 25: Preferences - Aluminum Design - AA-ASD 2000......................................................................................... 23
Table 26: Preferences - Cold Formed Design - AISI-ASD96, Part 1 of 2..................................................................... 23
Table 26: Preferences - Cold Formed Design - AISI-ASD96, Part 2 of 2..................................................................... 23
Table 27: Overwrites - Steel Design - AISC 360-16, Part 1 of 7.................................................................................. 24
Table 27: Overwrites - Steel Design - AISC 360-16, Part 2 of 7.................................................................................. 24
Table 27: Overwrites - Steel Design - AISC 360-16, Part 3 of 7.................................................................................. 24
Table 27: Overwrites - Steel Design - AISC 360-16, Part 4 of 7.................................................................................. 25
Table 27: Overwrites - Steel Design - AISC 360-16, Part 5 of 7.................................................................................. 25
Table 27: Overwrites - Steel Design - AISC 360-16, Part 6 of 7.................................................................................. 26
Table 27: Overwrites - Steel Design - AISC 360-16, Part 7 of 7.................................................................................. 26
Table 28: Steel Design 1 - Summary Data - AISC 360-16, Part 1 of 2........................................................................ 27
Table 28: Steel Design 1 - Summary Data - AISC 360-16, Part 2 of 2........................................................................ 27

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caballete 2.sdb SAP2000 v22.0.0 - License #3010*1PYJ54VRZK2HPED

1. Model geometry 19 octubre 2020

1. Model geometry
This section provides model geometry information, including items such as joint coordinates, joint restraints, and
element connectivity.


Figure 1: Finite element model

1.1. Joint coordinates

Table 1: Joint Coordinates, Part 1 of 2

Table 1: Joint Coordinates, Part 1 of 2
Joint CoordSys CoordType XorR Y Z SpecialJt GlobalX
mm mm mm mm
1 GLOBAL Cartesian 0. 0. 1000. No 0.
2 GLOBAL Cartesian 200. 0. 1000. No 200.
3 GLOBAL Cartesian 1700. 0. 1000. No 1700.

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1. Model geometry 19 octubre 2020

4 GLOBAL Cartesian 1900. 0. 1000. No 1900.
5 GLOBAL Cartesian 200. -375. 0. No 200.
6 GLOBAL Cartesian 200. 375. 0. No 200.
8 GLOBAL Cartesian 200. 0. 200. No 200.
10 GLOBAL Cartesian 200. -300. 200. No 200.
11 GLOBAL Cartesian 200. 300. 200. No 200.
12 GLOBAL Cartesian 1700. -375. 0. No 1700.
13 GLOBAL Cartesian 1700. 375. 0. No 1700.
15 GLOBAL Cartesian 1700. 0. 200. No 1700.
17 GLOBAL Cartesian 1700. -300. 200. No 1700.
18 GLOBAL Cartesian 1700. 300. 200. No 1700.
19 GLOBAL Cartesian 950. 0. 200. No 950.
20 GLOBAL Cartesian 950. 0. 1000. No 950.

Table 1: Joint Coordinates, Part 2 of 2

Table 1: Joint Coordinates, Part 2 of 2
Joint GlobalY GlobalZ GUID
mm mm
1 0. 1000. 83b49aec-b0dd-448a-
2 0. 1000. 23f1b324-db64-4cea-
3 0. 1000. b9ce9f48-b669-49cc-
4 0. 1000. c5a04044-56c3-4707-
5 -375. 0. 144d96f4-a667-459e-
6 375. 0. f39f1571-5b4f-4275-
8 0. 200. 81701972-31e9-4892-
10 -300. 200. dcb3b7ff-6f64-4861-
11 300. 200. 674889cd-575a-450f-
12 -375. 0. ca26059e-902d-43ea-
13 375. 0. 74bb5e25-c37d-4813-
15 0. 200. f737911e-5f83-4e23-
17 -300. 200. fa6d3c30-dca1-4763-
18 300. 200. 02146370-05b4-4e5f-
19 0. 200. 6093bc73-2797-4a77-
20 0. 1000. 192e02fc-60a9-423e-

1.2. Joint restraints

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1. Model geometry 19 octubre 2020

Table 2: Joint Restraint Assignments
Table 2: Joint Restraint Assignments
Joint U1 U2 U3 R1 R2 R3

5 No No Yes No No No
6 No No Yes No No No
12 No No Yes No No No
13 No No Yes No No No

1.3. Element connectivity

Table 3: Connectivity - Frame, Part 1 of 2

Table 3: Connectivity - Frame, Part 1 of 2
Frame JointI JointJ IsCurved Length CentroidX CentroidY CentroidZ
mm mm mm mm
1 1 2 No 200. 100. 0. 1000.
2 2 3 No 1500. 950. 0. 1000.
3 3 4 No 200. 1800. 0. 1000.
4 5 2 No 1068. 200. -187.5 500.
5 2 6 No 1068. 200. 187.5 500.
6 11 8 No 300. 200. 150. 200.
7 8 10 No 300. 200. -150. 200.
8 12 3 No 1068. 1700. -187.5 500.
9 3 13 No 1068. 1700. 187.5 500.
10 18 15 No 300. 1700. 150. 200.
11 15 17 No 300. 1700. -150. 200.
15 8 19 No 750. 575. 0. 200.
16 19 15 No 750. 1325. 0. 200.
17 8 20 No 1096.59 575. 0. 600.
18 20 15 No 1096.59 1325. 0. 600.

Table 3: Connectivity - Frame, Part 2 of 2

Table 3: Connectivity - Frame, Part 2 of 2
Frame GUID

1 3981bd78-87c5-4a1b-
2 f65acfa5-3ff0-451c-b3b4-
3 71d4ff1c-a339-423c-
4 f5dd2395-a43a-4116-
5 21f3b3ed-2afd-4131-
6 64d29214-14af-4900-
7 18bf5a50-137b-43c3-
8 260028ae-ed22-40ff-

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1. Model geometry 19 octubre 2020

9 c00e5625-9132-4feb-
10 dc536fcd-55a5-4451-
11 f709b41c-2469-4073-
15 62ba20ff-b96a-4221-
16 19f1fa69-6fd6-4771-
17 68906cb7-f3e0-461c-
18 8fffeb37-6272-40e4-

Table 4: Frame Section Assignments

Table 4: Frame Section Assignments
Frame SectionType AutoSelect AnalSect DesignSect MatProp

1 Box/Tube N.A. TS3x3x3/16 TS3x3x3/16 Default

2 Box/Tube N.A. TS3x3x3/16 TS3x3x3/16 Default
3 Box/Tube N.A. TS3x3x3/16 TS3x3x3/16 Default
4 Box/Tube N.A. TS3x3x3/16 TS3x3x3/16 Default
5 Box/Tube N.A. TS3x3x3/16 TS3x3x3/16 Default
6 Box/Tube N.A. TS3x3x3/16 TS3x3x3/16 Default
7 Box/Tube N.A. TS3x3x3/16 TS3x3x3/16 Default
8 Box/Tube N.A. TS3x3x3/16 TS3x3x3/16 Default
9 Box/Tube N.A. TS3x3x3/16 TS3x3x3/16 Default
10 Box/Tube N.A. TS3x3x3/16 TS3x3x3/16 Default
11 Box/Tube N.A. TS3x3x3/16 TS3x3x3/16 Default
15 Box/Tube N.A. TS3x3x3/16 TS3x3x3/16 Default
16 Box/Tube N.A. TS3x3x3/16 TS3x3x3/16 Default
17 Box/Tube N.A. TS3x3x3/16 TS3x3x3/16 Default
18 Box/Tube N.A. TS3x3x3/16 TS3x3x3/16 Default

2. Material properties
This section provides material property information for materials used in the model.

Table 5: Material Properties 02 - Basic Mechanical Properties

Table 5: Material Properties 02 - Basic Mechanical Properties
Material UnitWeight UnitMass E1 G12 U12 A1
Kgf/mm3 Kgf-s2/mm4 Kgf/mm2 Kgf/mm2 1/C
4000Psi 2.4028E-06 2.4501E-10 2534.564 1056.068 0.2 9.9000E-06
A36 7.8490E-06 8.0038E-10 20389.019 7841.93 0.3 1.1700E-05
A416Gr270 7.8490E-06 8.0038E-10 20037.484 1.1700E-05
A992Fy50 7.8490E-06 8.0038E-10 20389.019 7841.93 0.3 1.1700E-05

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1. Model geometry 19 octubre 2020

Table 6: Material Properties 03a - Steel Data, Part 1 of 2
Table 6: Material Properties 03a - Steel Data, Part 1 of 2
Material Fy Fu EffFy EffFu SSCurveOpt SSHysType SHard SMax
Kgf/mm2 Kgf/mm2 Kgf/mm2 Kgf/mm2
A36 25.311 40.778 37.966 44.856 Simple Kinematic 0.02 0.14
A992Fy50 35.153 45.7 38.669 50.269 Simple Kinematic 0.015 0.11

Table 6: Material Properties 03a - Steel Data, Part 2 of 2

Table 6: Material Properties 03a - Steel
Data, Part 2 of 2
Material SRup FinalSlope

A36 0.2 -0.1

A992Fy50 0.17 -0.1

Table 7: Material Properties 03b - Concrete Data, Part 1 of 2

Table 7: Material Properties 03b - Concrete Data, Part 1 of 2
Material Fc eFc LtWtConc SSCurveOpt SSHysType SFc SCap FinalSlope
Kgf/mm2 Kgf/mm2
4000Psi 2.812 2.812 No Mander Takeda 0.002219 0.005 -0.1

Table 7: Material Properties 03b - Concrete Data, Part 2 of 2

Table 7: Material Properties 03b -
Concrete Data, Part 2 of 2
Material FAngle DAngle
Degrees Degrees
4000Psi 0. 0.

Table 8: Material Properties 03f - Tendon Data

Table 8: Material Properties 03f - Tendon Data
Material Fy Fu SSCurveOpt SSHysType FinalSlope
Kgf/mm2 Kgf/mm2
A416Gr270 172.322 189.829 270 ksi Kinematic -0.1

3. Section properties
This section provides section property information for objects used in the model.

3.1. Frames

Table 9: Frame Section Properties 01 - General, Part 1 of 7

Table 9: Frame Section Properties 01 - General, Part 1 of 7

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1. Model geometry 19 octubre 2020

SectionName Material Shape t3 t2 tf tw
mm mm mm mm
FSEC1 A992Fy50 I/Wide Flange 304.8 127. 9.652 6.35
TS3x3x3/16 A36 Box/Tube 76.2 76.2 4.763 4.763

Table 9: Frame Section Properties 01 - General, Part 2 of 7

Table 9: Frame Section Properties 01 - General, Part 2 of 7
SectionName t2b tfb Area TorsConst I33 I22 I23
mm mm mm2 mm4 mm4 mm4 mm4
FSEC1 127. 9.652 4264.51 96511.77 65724174.7 3301257.17 0.
TS3x3x3/16 1303.22 1781470.59 1082201.67 1082201.67 0.

Table 9: Frame Section Properties 01 - General, Part 3 of 7

Table 9: Frame Section Properties 01 - General, Part 3 of 7
SectionName AS2 AS3 S33 S22 Z33 Z22 R33
mm2 mm2 mm3 mm3 mm3 mm3 mm
FSEC1 1935.48 2043.01 431260.99 51988.3 491187.5 80716.53 124.145
TS3x3x3/16 725.81 725.81 28404.24 28404.24 34412.83 34412.83 28.817

Table 9: Frame Section Properties 01 - General, Part 4 of 7

Table 9: Frame Section Properties 01 - General, Part 4 of 7
SectionName R22 ConcCol ConcBeam Color TotalWt TotalMass FromFile
mm Kgf Kgf-s2/mm
FSEC1 27.823 No No Gray8Dark 0. 0. No
TS3x3x3/16 28.817 No No Blue 113.19 0.0115 Yes

Table 9: Frame Section Properties 01 - General, Part 5 of 7

Table 9: Frame Section Properties 01 - General, Part 5 of 7
SectionName AMod A2Mod A3Mod JMod I2Mod I3Mod MMod

FSEC1 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1.
TS3x3x3/16 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1.

Table 9: Frame Section Properties 01 - General, Part 6 of 7

Table 9: Frame Section Properties 01 - General, Part 6 of 7
SectionName WMod SectInFile FileName GUID

FSEC1 1.
TS3x3x3/16 1. TS3x3x3/16 e:\

Table 9: Frame Section Properties 01 - General, Part 7 of 7

Table 9: Frame Section Properties 01 - General, Part 7 of
SectionName Notes

FSEC1 Added 19/10/2020 10:27:21

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1. Model geometry 19 octubre 2020

TS3x3x3/16 Imported 19/10/2020 10:34:36 from

Table 10: Frame Property Modifiers, Part 1 of 2

Table 10: Frame Property Modifiers, Part 1 of 2
Frame AMod AS2Mod AS3Mod JMod I22Mod I33Mod MassMod

1 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1.
2 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1.
3 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1.
4 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1.
5 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1.
6 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1.
7 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1.
8 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1.
9 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1.
10 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1.
11 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1.
15 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1.
16 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1.
17 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1.
18 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1.

Table 10: Frame Property Modifiers, Part 2 of 2

Table 10: Frame Property Modifiers, Part 2 of 2
Frame WeightMod EAModifier EIModifier

1 1. 0.8 0.8
2 1. 0.8 0.8
3 1. 0.8 0.8
4 1. 0.8 0.8
5 1. 0.8 0.8
6 1. 0.8 0.8
7 1. 0.8 0.8
8 1. 0.8 0.8
9 1. 0.8 0.8
10 1. 0.8 0.8
11 1. 0.8 0.8
15 1. 0.8 0.8
16 1. 0.8 0.8
17 1. 0.8 0.8
18 1. 0.8 0.8

3.2. Solids

Table 11: Solid Property Definitions, Part 1 of 2

Table 11: Solid Property Definitions, Part 1 of 2
SolidProp Material MatAngleA MatAngleB MatAngleC InComp Color

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1. Model geometry 19 octubre 2020

Degrees Degrees Degrees
Solid1 4000Psi 0. 0. 0. Yes White

Table 11: Solid Property Definitions, Part 2 of 2

Table 11: Solid Property Definitions, Part 2 of 2
SolidProp GUID Notes TotalWt TotalMass
Kgf Kgf-s2/mm
Solid1 0. 0.

4. Load patterns
This section provides loading information as applied to the model.

4.1. Definitions

Table 12: Load Pattern Definitions

Table 12: Load Pattern Definitions
LoadPat DesignType SelfWtMult AutoLoad GUID Notes

DEAD Dead 1. bb8b6739-cf35-4580-

live Live 0. 23f71113-d31d-4087- Added 19/10/2020 10:44:32

5. Load cases
This section provides load case information.

5.1. Definitions

Table 13: Load Case Definitions, Part 1 of 3

Table 13: Load Case Definitions, Part 1 of 3
Case Type InitialCond ModalCase BaseCase MassSource DesTypeOpt DesignType

DEAD LinStatic Zero Prog Det Dead

MODAL LinModal Zero Prog Det Other
live LinStatic Zero Prog Det Live

Table 13: Load Case Definitions, Part 2 of 3

Table 13: Load Case Definitions, Part 2 of 3
Case DesActOpt DesignAct AutoType RunCase CaseStatus GUID

DEAD Prog Det Non- None Yes Finished d0c84c29-8cfc-42c2-

Composite b9ca-79ace65f726e

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1. Model geometry 19 octubre 2020

MODAL Prog Det Other None No Not Run 4545f415-d0fc-4fb6-
live Prog Det Short-Term None Yes Finished 94bab11d-2dec-4517-
Composite a567-0607cacc28fc

Table 13: Load Case Definitions, Part 3 of 3

Table 13: Load Case Definitions, Part 3 of 3
Case Notes


5.2. Static case load assignments

Table 14: Case - Static 1 - Load Assignments

Table 14: Case - Static 1 - Load Assignments
Case LoadType LoadName LoadSF

DEAD Load pattern DEAD 1.

live Load pattern live 1.

5.3. Response spectrum case load assignments

Table 15: Function - Response Spectrum - User

Table 15: Function - Response Spectrum - User
Name Period Accel FuncDamp
UNIFRS 0. 1. 0.05
UNIFRS 1. 1.

6. Load combinations
This section provides load combination information.

Table 16: Combination Definitions, Part 1 of 3

Table 16: Combination Definitions, Part 1 of 3
ComboName ComboType AutoDesign CaseType CaseName ScaleFactor SteelDesign

DSTL1 Linear Add Yes Linear Static DEAD 1.4 Strength

DSTL2 Linear Add Yes Linear Static DEAD 1.2 Strength
DSTL2 Linear Static live 1.6
DSTL3 Linear Add Yes Linear Static DEAD 1. Deflection

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DSTL4 Linear Add Yes Linear Static DEAD 1. Deflection
DSTL4 Linear Static live 1.

Table 16: Combination Definitions, Part 2 of 3

Table 16: Combination Definitions, Part 2 of 3
ComboName CaseName ConcDesign AlumDesign ColdDesign

DSTL1 DEAD None None None

DSTL2 DEAD None None None
DSTL2 live
DSTL3 DEAD None None None
DSTL4 DEAD None None None
DSTL4 live

Table 16: Combination Definitions, Part 3 of 3

Table 16: Combination Definitions, Part 3 of 3
ComboName CaseName GUID Notes

DSTL1 DEAD bc6ecd04-96a2-4306- Dead Only; Strength

DSTL2 DEAD b22a780f-84dd-439f- Dead + Live; Strength
DSTL2 live
DSTL3 DEAD ed5fd040-ea73-4606- Dead Only; Deflection
DSTL4 DEAD 90feb57d-e2b8-4b8c- Dead + Live; Deflection
DSTL4 live

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1. Model geometry 19 octubre 2020

7. Structure results
This section provides structure results, including items such as structural periods and base reactions.


Figure 2: Deformed shape

7.1. Mass summary

Table 17: Assembled Joint Masses, Part 1 of 2

Table 17: Assembled Joint Masses, Part 1 of 2
Joint MassSource U1 U2 U3 R1 R2 R3 CenterX
Kgf-s2/mm Kgf-s2/mm Kgf-s2/mm Kgf-mm-s2 Kgf-mm-s2 Kgf-mm-s2 mm
1 MSSSRC1 1.043E-04 1.043E-04 1.043E-04 0. 0. 0. 0.
2 MSSSRC1 0.0014 0.0014 0.0014 0. 0. 0. 200.
3 MSSSRC1 0.0014 0.0014 0.0014 0. 0. 0. 1700.
4 MSSSRC1 1.043E-04 1.043E-04 1.043E-04 0. 0. 0. 1900.
5 MSSSRC1 1.114E-04 1.114E-04 1.114E-04 0. 0. 0. 200.
6 MSSSRC1 1.114E-04 1.114E-04 1.114E-04 0. 0. 0. 200.
8 MSSSRC1 0.0013 0.0013 0.0013 0. 0. 0. 200.
10 MSSSRC1 7.135E-04 7.135E-04 7.135E-04 0. 0. 0. 200.
11 MSSSRC1 7.135E-04 7.135E-04 7.135E-04 0. 0. 0. 200.
12 MSSSRC1 1.114E-04 1.114E-04 1.114E-04 0. 0. 0. 1700.
13 MSSSRC1 1.114E-04 1.114E-04 1.114E-04 0. 0. 0. 1700.
15 MSSSRC1 0.0013 0.0013 0.0013 0. 0. 0. 1700.
17 MSSSRC1 7.135E-04 7.135E-04 7.135E-04 0. 0. 0. 1700.
18 MSSSRC1 7.135E-04 7.135E-04 7.135E-04 0. 0. 0. 1700.
19 MSSSRC1 7.823E-04 7.823E-04 7.823E-04 0. 0. 0. 950.
20 MSSSRC1 0.0019 0.0019 0.0019 0. 0. 0. 950.
SumAccelUX MSSSRC1 0.0115 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 950.
SumAccelUY MSSSRC1 0. 0.0115 0. 0. 0. 0. 950.

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SumAccelUZ MSSSRC1 0. 0. 0.0115 0. 0. 0. 950.

Table 17: Assembled Joint Masses, Part 2 of 2

Table 17: Assembled Joint Masses, Part 2 of 2
Joint MassSource CenterY CenterZ
mm mm
1 MSSSRC1 0. 1000.
2 MSSSRC1 0. 1000.
3 MSSSRC1 0. 1000.
4 MSSSRC1 0. 1000.
5 MSSSRC1 -375. 0.
6 MSSSRC1 375. 0.
8 MSSSRC1 0. 200.
10 MSSSRC1 -300. 200.
11 MSSSRC1 300. 200.
12 MSSSRC1 -375. 0.
13 MSSSRC1 375. 0.
15 MSSSRC1 0. 200.
17 MSSSRC1 -300. 200.
18 MSSSRC1 300. 200.
19 MSSSRC1 0. 200.
20 MSSSRC1 0. 1000.
SumAccelUX MSSSRC1 -4.509E-16 532.47
SumAccelUY MSSSRC1 -4.509E-16 532.47
SumAccelUZ MSSSRC1 -4.509E-16 532.47

7.2. Base reactions

Table 18: Base Reactions, Part 1 of 3

Table 18: Base Reactions, Part 1 of 3
OutputCase CaseType GlobalFX GlobalFY GlobalFZ GlobalMX GlobalMY GlobalMZ GlobalX
Kgf Kgf Kgf Kgf-mm Kgf-mm Kgf-mm mm
DEAD LinStatic 0. 0. 113.19 1.583E-10 -107527.01 0. 0.
live LinStatic 0. 0. 5700. 5.704E-09 -5415000. 0. 0.

Table 18: Base Reactions, Part 2 of 3

Table 18: Base Reactions, Part 2 of 3
OutputCase GlobalY GlobalZ XCentroidF YCentroidF ZCentroidF XCentroidF YCentroidF ZCentroidF
mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm
DEAD 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
live 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.

Table 18: Base Reactions, Part 3 of 3

Table 18: Base Reactions, Part 3 of 3
OutputCase XCentroidF YCentroidF ZCentroidFZ
mm mm mm

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DEAD 950. 1.398E-12 0.
live 950. 1.001E-12 0.

8. Joint results
This section provides joint results, including items such as displacements and reactions.

Table 19: Joint Displacements

Table 19: Joint Displacements
Joint OutputCase CaseType U1 U2 U3 R1 R2 R3
mm mm mm Radians Radians Radians
1 DEAD LinStatic 0.000394 0.018335 -0.002717 -3.388E-20 5.002E-06 -0.00001
1 live LinStatic 0.019773 0.882496 -0.100448 -1.735E-18 0.0005 -0.000487
2 DEAD LinStatic 0.000394 0.016309 -0.00372 -3.388E-20 5.774E-06 -0.00001
2 live LinStatic 0.019773 0.785066 -0.201216 -1.735E-18 0.000726 -0.000487
3 DEAD LinStatic 0.000215 0.00112 -0.00372 -1.953E-20 -5.774E-06 -0.00001
3 live LinStatic 0.011477 0.054345 -0.201216 -1.128E-18 -0.000726 -0.000487
4 DEAD LinStatic 0.000215 -0.000905 -0.002717 -1.953E-20 -5.002E-06 -0.00001
4 live LinStatic 0.011477 -0.043085 -0.100448 -1.128E-18 -0.0005 -0.000487
5 DEAD LinStatic -0.00529 0.008326 0. -0.000042 5.839E-06 -0.00001
5 live LinStatic -0.19234 0.40294 0. -0.002025 -0.000138 -0.000503
6 DEAD LinStatic 0.002304 0.024292 0. 0.000042 5.839E-06 -0.00001
6 live LinStatic 0.17302 1.167193 0. 0.002025 -0.000138 -0.000471
8 DEAD LinStatic -0.000097 0.016309 -0.009818 -4.087E-20 0.000017 -0.00001
8 live LinStatic -0.023068 0.785066 -0.458475 -1.816E-18 -6.579E-06 -0.000487
10 DEAD LinStatic -0.003363 0.016204 -0.003227 -0.00003 5.839E-06 -0.00001
10 live LinStatic -0.182229 0.777619 -0.154824 -0.001378 -0.000138 -0.000503
11 DEAD LinStatic 0.002712 0.016415 -0.003227 0.00003 5.839E-06 -0.00001
11 live LinStatic 0.11006 0.792514 -0.154824 0.001378 -0.000138 -0.000471
12 DEAD LinStatic -0.001695 -0.006863 0. -0.000042 -5.839E-06 -0.00001
12 live LinStatic -0.14177 -0.327782 0. -0.002025 0.000138 -0.000471
13 DEAD LinStatic 0.005899 0.009104 0. 0.000042 -5.839E-06 -0.00001
13 live LinStatic 0.22359 0.436471 0. 0.002025 0.000138 -0.000503
15 DEAD LinStatic 0.000706 0.00112 -0.009818 -2.518E-20 -0.000017 -0.00001
15 live LinStatic 0.054318 0.054345 -0.458475 -1.138E-18 6.579E-06 -0.000487
17 DEAD LinStatic -0.002103 0.001015 -0.003227 -0.00003 -5.839E-06 -0.00001
17 live LinStatic -0.07881 0.046897 -0.154824 -0.001378 0.000138 -0.000471
18 DEAD LinStatic 0.003972 0.001226 -0.003227 0.00003 -5.839E-06 -0.00001
18 live LinStatic 0.213479 0.061792 -0.154824 0.001378 0.000138 -0.000503
19 DEAD LinStatic 0.000304 0.008715 -0.024249 -3.350E-20 -1.315E-20 -0.00001
19 live LinStatic 0.015625 0.419705 -0.456008 -1.521E-18 -6.294E-19 -0.000487
20 DEAD LinStatic 0.000304 0.008715 -0.010831 -1.059E-20 0. -0.00001
20 live LinStatic 0.015625 0.419705 -0.57705 -5.450E-19 -1.203E-18 -0.000487

Table 20: Joint Reactions

Table 20: Joint Reactions
Joint OutputCase CaseType F1 F2 F3 M1 M2 M3
Kgf Kgf Kgf Kgf-mm Kgf-mm Kgf-mm
5 DEAD LinStatic 0. 0. 28.3 0. 0. 0.
5 live LinStatic 0. 0. 1425. 0. 0. 0.
6 DEAD LinStatic 0. 0. 28.3 0. 0. 0.

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6 live LinStatic 0. 0. 1425. 0. 0. 0.
12 DEAD LinStatic 0. 0. 28.3 0. 0. 0.
12 live LinStatic 0. 0. 1425. 0. 0. 0.
13 DEAD LinStatic 0. 0. 28.3 0. 0. 0.
13 live LinStatic 0. 0. 1425. 0. 0. 0.

9. Frame results
This section provides frame force results.

Table 21: Element Forces - Frames, Part 1 of 2

Table 21: Element Forces - Frames, Part 1 of 2
Frame Station OutputCase CaseType P V2 V3 T M2
mm Kgf Kgf Kgf Kgf-mm Kgf-mm
1 0. DEAD LinStatic 0. -7.105E-15 0. 0. -3.638E-12
1 200. DEAD LinStatic 0. 2.05 0. 0. -3.638E-12
1 0. live LinStatic 0. -2.274E-13 0. 0. -2.328E-10
1 200. live LinStatic 0. 600. 0. 0. -2.328E-10
2 0. DEAD LinStatic -2.54 -6.16 -2.665E-15 4.339E-13 -3.183E-12
2 375. DEAD LinStatic -2.54 -2.33 -2.665E-15 4.339E-13 -2.184E-12
2 750. DEAD LinStatic -2.54 1.51 -2.665E-15 4.339E-13 -1.185E-12
2 750. DEAD LinStatic -2.54 -1.51 -1.776E-15 -1.666E-13 -1.023E-12
2 1125. DEAD LinStatic -2.54 2.33 -1.776E-15 -1.666E-13 -3.570E-13
2 1500. DEAD LinStatic -2.54 6.16 -1.776E-15 -1.666E-13 3.091E-13
2 0. live LinStatic -117.56 -1173.69 -1.137E-13 2.216E-11 -1.601E-10
2 375. live LinStatic -117.56 -48.69 -1.137E-13 2.216E-11 -1.174E-10
2 750. live LinStatic -117.56 1076.31 -1.137E-13 2.216E-11 -7.481E-11
2 750. live LinStatic -117.56 -1076.31 -1.279E-13 -1.086E-11 -6.185E-11
2 1125. live LinStatic -117.56 48.69 -1.279E-13 -1.086E-11 -1.388E-11
2 1500. live LinStatic -117.56 1173.69 -1.279E-13 -1.086E-11 3.408E-11
3 0. DEAD LinStatic 0. -2.05 -1.332E-15 0. -1.137E-13
3 200. DEAD LinStatic 0. 2.706E-15 -1.332E-15 0. 1.528E-13
3 0. live LinStatic 0. -600. 8.527E-14 0. 7.276E-12
3 200. live LinStatic 0. -2.274E-13 8.527E-14 0. -9.777E-12
4 0. DEAD LinStatic -26.49 -9.94 -7.105E-15 2.274E-13 -9.095E-13
4 213.6 DEAD LinStatic -24.45 -9.17 -7.105E-15 2.274E-13 6.082E-13
4 213.6 DEAD LinStatic -14.66 2.5 -1.27 -0.39 -543.16
4 534. DEAD LinStatic -11.59 3.65 -1.27 -0.39 -136.72
4 1068. DEAD LinStatic -6.47 5.57 -1.27 -0.39 540.69
4 0. live LinStatic -1334.27 -500.35 0. 0. -2.910E-11
4 213.6 live LinStatic -1334.27 -500.35 0. 0. -2.910E-11
4 213.6 live LinStatic -1015.67 182.7 -58.78 5212. -8500.04
4 534. live LinStatic -1015.67 182.7 -58.78 5212. 10332.3
4 1068. live LinStatic -1015.67 182.7 -58.78 5212. 41719.53
5 0. DEAD LinStatic -6.47 -5.57 1.27 0.39 540.69
5 534. DEAD LinStatic -11.59 -3.65 1.27 0.39 -136.72
5 854.4 DEAD LinStatic -14.66 -2.5 1.27 0.39 -543.16
5 854.4 DEAD LinStatic -24.45 9.17 -3.553E-15 1.137E-13 0.
5 1068. DEAD LinStatic -26.49 9.94 -3.553E-15 1.137E-13 7.589E-13
5 0. live LinStatic -1015.67 -182.7 58.78 -5212. 41719.53
5 534. live LinStatic -1015.67 -182.7 58.78 -5212. 10332.3
5 854.4 live LinStatic -1015.67 -182.7 58.78 -5212. -8500.04
5 854.4 live LinStatic -1334.27 500.35 0. 7.276E-12 -2.910E-11
5 1068. live LinStatic -1334.27 500.35 0. 7.276E-12 -2.910E-11

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6 0. DEAD LinStatic 7.48 -13.27 -1.27 -508.71 -190.35
6 300. DEAD LinStatic 7.48 -10.2 -1.27 -508.71 190.21
6 0. live LinStatic 527.7 -538.15 -58.78 -6128.78 -7864.71
6 300. live LinStatic 527.7 -538.15 -58.78 -6128.78 9768.56
7 0. DEAD LinStatic 7.48 10.2 1.27 508.71 190.21
7 300. DEAD LinStatic 7.48 13.27 1.27 508.71 -190.35
7 0. live LinStatic 527.7 538.15 58.78 6128.78 9768.56
7 300. live LinStatic 527.7 538.15 58.78 6128.78 -7864.71
8 0. DEAD LinStatic -26.49 -9.94 3.553E-15 2.274E-13 0.
8 213.6 DEAD LinStatic -24.45 -9.17 3.553E-15 2.274E-13 -7.589E-13
8 213.6 DEAD LinStatic -14.66 2.5 1.27 0.39 543.16
8 534. DEAD LinStatic -11.59 3.65 1.27 0.39 136.72
8 1068. DEAD LinStatic -6.47 5.57 1.27 0.39 -540.69
8 0. live LinStatic -1334.27 -500.35 0. 1.091E-11 2.910E-11
8 213.6 live LinStatic -1334.27 -500.35 0. 1.091E-11 2.910E-11
8 213.6 live LinStatic -1015.67 182.7 58.78 -5212. 8500.04
8 534. live LinStatic -1015.67 182.7 58.78 -5212. -10332.3
8 1068. live LinStatic -1015.67 182.7 58.78 -5212. -41719.53
9 0. DEAD LinStatic -6.47 -5.57 -1.27 -0.39 -540.69
9 534. DEAD LinStatic -11.59 -3.65 -1.27 -0.39 136.72
9 854.4 DEAD LinStatic -14.66 -2.5 -1.27 -0.39 543.16
9 854.4 DEAD LinStatic -24.45 9.17 7.105E-15 0. 0.
9 1068. DEAD LinStatic -26.49 9.94 7.105E-15 0. -1.518E-12
9 0. live LinStatic -1015.67 -182.7 -58.78 5212. -41719.53
9 534. live LinStatic -1015.67 -182.7 -58.78 5212. -10332.3
9 854.4 live LinStatic -1015.67 -182.7 -58.78 5212. 8500.04
9 854.4 live LinStatic -1334.27 500.35 0. 7.276E-12 5.821E-11
9 1068. live LinStatic -1334.27 500.35 0. 7.276E-12 5.821E-11
10 0. DEAD LinStatic 7.48 -13.27 1.27 508.71 190.35
10 300. DEAD LinStatic 7.48 -10.2 1.27 508.71 -190.21
10 0. live LinStatic 527.7 -538.15 58.78 6128.78 7864.71
10 300. live LinStatic 527.7 -538.15 58.78 6128.78 -9768.56
11 0. DEAD LinStatic 7.48 10.2 -1.27 -508.71 -190.21
11 300. DEAD LinStatic 7.48 13.27 -1.27 -508.71 190.35
11 0. live LinStatic 527.7 538.15 -58.78 -6128.78 -9768.56
11 300. live LinStatic 527.7 538.15 -58.78 -6128.78 7864.71
15 0. DEAD LinStatic 11.38 -7.67 -2.665E-15 1.372E-13 -2.728E-12
15 375. DEAD LinStatic 11.38 -3.84 -2.665E-15 1.372E-13 -1.729E-12
15 750. DEAD LinStatic 11.38 3.742E-15 -2.665E-15 1.372E-13 -7.301E-13
15 0. live LinStatic 1096.67 5.684E-14 -5.684E-14 5.487E-12 -1.601E-10
15 375. live LinStatic 1096.67 5.684E-14 -5.684E-14 5.487E-12 -1.388E-10
15 750. live LinStatic 1096.67 5.684E-14 -5.684E-14 5.487E-12 -1.174E-10
16 0. DEAD LinStatic 11.38 8.882E-16 -2.220E-15 1.550E-13 -6.821E-13
16 375. DEAD LinStatic 11.38 3.84 -2.220E-15 1.550E-13 1.505E-13
16 750. DEAD LinStatic 11.38 7.67 -2.220E-15 1.550E-13 9.832E-13
16 0. live LinStatic 1096.67 0. -9.948E-14 7.135E-12 -4.729E-11
16 375. live LinStatic 1096.67 0. -9.948E-14 7.135E-12 -9.990E-12
16 750. live LinStatic 1096.67 0. -9.948E-14 7.135E-12 2.731E-11
17 0. DEAD LinStatic -15.33 -2.25 4.441E-16 9.379E-13 -2.274E-13
17 548.29 DEAD LinStatic -11.24 1.59 4.441E-16 9.379E-13 -4.709E-13
17 1096.59 DEAD LinStatic -7.15 5.42 4.441E-16 9.379E-13 -7.144E-13
17 0. live LinStatic -1454.86 -21.83 4.263E-14 4.911E-11 -1.455E-11
17 548.29 live LinStatic -1454.86 -21.83 4.263E-14 4.911E-11 -3.793E-11
17 1096.59 live LinStatic -1454.86 -21.83 4.263E-14 4.911E-11 -6.130E-11
18 0. DEAD LinStatic -7.15 -5.42 -2.220E-15 -1.563E-13 -1.023E-12
18 548.29 DEAD LinStatic -11.24 -1.59 -2.220E-15 -1.563E-13 1.943E-13
18 1096.59 DEAD LinStatic -15.33 2.25 -2.220E-15 -1.563E-13 1.412E-12

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18 0. live LinStatic -1454.86 21.83 -8.527E-14 -1.364E-11 -5.093E-11
18 548.29 live LinStatic -1454.86 21.83 -8.527E-14 -1.364E-11 -4.181E-12
18 1096.59 live LinStatic -1454.86 21.83 -8.527E-14 -1.364E-11 4.257E-11

Table 21: Element Forces - Frames, Part 2 of 2

Table 21: Element Forces - Frames, Part 2 of 2
Frame Station OutputCase M3 FrameElem ElemStation
mm Kgf-mm mm
1 0. DEAD -9.095E-13 1-1 0.
1 200. DEAD -204.58 1-1 200.
1 0. live -2.910E-11 1-1 0.
1 200. live -60000. 1-1 200.
2 0. DEAD -1216.83 2-1 0.
2 375. DEAD 375.65 2-1 375.
2 750. DEAD 529.67 2-1 750.
2 750. DEAD 529.67 2-2 0.
2 1125. DEAD 375.65 2-2 375.
2 1500. DEAD -1216.83 2-2 750.
2 0. live -141786.54 2-1 0.
2 375. live 87411.37 2-1 375.
2 750. live -105265.71 2-1 750.
2 750. live -105265.71 2-2 0.
2 1125. live 87411.37 2-2 375.
2 1500. live -141786.54 2-2 750.
3 0. DEAD -204.58 3-1 0.
3 200. DEAD -1.062E-12 3-1 200.
3 0. live -60000. 3-1 0.
3 200. live 7.276E-11 3-1 200.
4 0. DEAD 0. 4-1 0.
4 213.6 DEAD 2040.31 4-1 213.6
4 213.6 DEAD 2120.73 4-2 0.
4 534. DEAD 1136.04 4-2 320.4
4 1068. DEAD -1324.46 4-2 854.4
4 0. live -2.328E-10 4-1 0.
4 213.6 live 106875. 4-1 213.6
4 213.6 live 106519.69 4-2 0.
4 534. live 47981.27 4-2 320.4
4 1068. live -49582.75 4-2 854.4
5 0. DEAD -1324.46 5-1 0.
5 534. DEAD 1136.04 5-1 534.
5 854.4 DEAD 2120.73 5-1 854.4
5 854.4 DEAD 2040.31 5-2 0.
5 1068. DEAD 5.570E-12 5-2 213.6
5 0. live -49582.75 5-1 0.
5 534. live 47981.27 5-1 534.
5 854.4 live 106519.69 5-1 854.4
5 854.4 live 106875. 5-2 0.
5 1068. live -3.799E-10 5-2 213.6
6 0. DEAD -80.42 6-1 0.
6 300. DEAD 3439.3 6-1 300.
6 0. live 355.31 6-1 0.
6 300. live 161801.15 6-1 300.
7 0. DEAD 3439.3 7-1 0.
7 300. DEAD -80.42 7-1 300.
7 0. live 161801.15 7-1 0.

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7 300. live 355.31 7-1 300.
8 0. DEAD -1.364E-12 8-1 0.
8 213.6 DEAD 2040.31 8-1 213.6
8 213.6 DEAD 2120.73 8-2 0.
8 534. DEAD 1136.04 8-2 320.4
8 1068. DEAD -1324.46 8-2 854.4
8 0. live -4.366E-11 8-1 0.
8 213.6 live 106875. 8-1 213.6
8 213.6 live 106519.69 8-2 0.
8 534. live 47981.27 8-2 320.4
8 1068. live -49582.75 8-2 854.4
9 0. DEAD -1324.46 9-1 0.
9 534. DEAD 1136.04 9-1 534.
9 854.4 DEAD 2120.73 9-1 854.4
9 854.4 DEAD 2040.31 9-2 0.
9 1068. DEAD -4.691E-13 9-2 213.6
9 0. live -49582.75 9-1 0.
9 534. live 47981.27 9-1 534.
9 854.4 live 106519.69 9-1 854.4
9 854.4 live 106875. 9-2 0.
9 1068. live -6.811E-11 9-2 213.6
10 0. DEAD -80.42 10-1 0.
10 300. DEAD 3439.3 10-1 300.
10 0. live 355.31 10-1 0.
10 300. live 161801.15 10-1 300.
11 0. DEAD 3439.3 11-1 0.
11 300. DEAD -80.42 11-1 300.
11 0. live 161801.15 11-1 0.
11 300. live 355.31 11-1 300.
15 0. DEAD -1523.41 15-1 0.
15 375. DEAD 634.28 15-1 375.
15 750. DEAD 1353.51 15-1 750.
15 0. live -154.83 15-1 0.
15 375. live -154.83 15-1 375.
15 750. live -154.83 15-1 750.
16 0. DEAD 1353.51 16-1 0.
16 375. DEAD 634.28 16-1 375.
16 750. DEAD -1523.41 16-1 750.
16 0. live -154.83 16-1 0.
16 375. live -154.83 16-1 375.
16 750. live -154.83 16-1 750.
17 0. DEAD 505.99 17-1 0.
17 548.29 DEAD 687.83 17-1 548.29
17 1096.59 DEAD -1233.53 17-1 1096.59
17 0. live -12102.72 17-1 0.
17 548.29 live -132.37 17-1 548.29
17 1096.59 live 11837.98 17-1 1096.59
18 0. DEAD -1233.53 18-1 0.
18 548.29 DEAD 687.83 18-1 548.29
18 1096.59 DEAD 505.99 18-1 1096.59
18 0. live 11837.98 18-1 0.
18 548.29 live -132.37 18-1 548.29
18 1096.59 live -12102.72 18-1 1096.59

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1. Model geometry 19 octubre 2020

10. Material take-off

This section provides a material take-off.

Table 22: Material List 2 - By Section Property

Table 22: Material List 2 - By Section Property
Section ObjectType NumPieces TotalLength TotalWeight
mm Kgf
TS3x3x3/16 Frame 15 11065.17 113.19

11. Design preferences

This section provides the design preferences for each type of design, which typically include material reduction
factors, framing type, stress ratio limit, deflection limits, and other code specific items.

11.1. Steel design

Table 23: Preferences - Steel Design - AISC 360-16, Part 1 of 4

Table 23: Preferences - Steel Design - AISC 360-16, Part 1 of 4
THDesign FrameType PatLLF SRatioLimit MaxIter SDC SeisCode SeisLoad ImpFactor

Envelopes SMF 0.75 0.95 1 D Yes Yes 1.

Table 23: Preferences - Steel Design - AISC 360-16, Part 2 of 4

Table 23: Preferences - Steel Design - AISC 360-16, Part 2 of 4
SystemRho SystemSds SystemR SystemCd Omega0 Provision AMethod SOMethod SRMethod

1. 0.5 8. 5.5 3. LRFD Direct General 2nd Tau-b Fixed

Analysis Order

Table 23: Preferences - Steel Design - AISC 360-16, Part 3 of 4

Table 23: Preferences - Steel Design - AISC 360-16, Part 3 of 4
NLCoeff PhiB PhiC PhiTY PhiTF PhiV PhiVRolledI PhiVT PlugWeld

0.002 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.75 0.9 1. 0.9 Yes

Table 23: Preferences - Steel Design - AISC 360-16, Part 4 of 4

Table 23: Preferences - Steel Design - AISC 360-16, Part 4 of 4
HSSWelding HSSReduce CheckDefl DLRat SDLAndLLR LLRat TotalRat NetRat
T at

ERW No No 120. 120. 360. 240. 240.

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1. Model geometry 19 octubre 2020

11.2. Concrete design

Table 24: Preferences - Concrete Design - ACI 318-14, Part 1 of 2

Table 24: Preferences - Concrete Design - ACI 318-14, Part 1 of 2
THDesign NumCurves NumPoints MinEccen PatLLF UFLimit SeisCat Rho Sds

Envelopes 24 11 Yes 0.75 0.95 D 1. 0.5

Table 24: Preferences - Concrete Design - ACI 318-14, Part 2 of 2

Table 24: Preferences - Concrete Design - ACI 318-14, Part 2 of 2
PhiT PhiCTied PhiCSpiral PhiV PhiVSeismi PhiVJoint

0.9 0.65 0.75 0.75 0.6 0.85

11.3. Aluminum design

Table 25: Preferences - Aluminum Design - AA-ASD 2000

Table 25: Preferences - Aluminum Design - AA-ASD 2000
THDesign FrameType SRatioLimit MaxIter LatFact UseLatFact Bridge

Envelopes Moment 1. 1 1.333333 No No


11.4. Cold formed design

Table 26: Preferences - Cold Formed Design - AISI-ASD96, Part 1 of 2

Table 26: Preferences - Cold Formed Design - AISI-ASD96, Part 1 of 2
THDesign FrameType SRatioLimit MaxIter OmegaBS OmegaBUS OmegaBLT OmegaVS OmegaVNS

Envelopes Braced 1. 1 1.67 1.67 1.67 1.67 1.5


Table 26: Preferences - Cold Formed Design - AISI-ASD96, Part 2 of 2

Table 26: Preferences -
Cold Formed Design - AISI-
ASD96, Part 2 of 2
OmegaT OmegaC

1.67 1.8

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caballete 2.sdb SAP2000 v22.0.0 - License #3010*1PYJ54VRZK2HPED

1. Model geometry 19 octubre 2020

12. Design overwrites

This section provides the design overwrites for each type of design, which are assigned to individual members of the

12.1. Steel design

Table 27: Overwrites - Steel Design - AISC 360-16, Part 1 of 7

Table 27: Overwrites - Steel Design - AISC 360-16, Part 1 of 7
Frame DesignSect FrameType Fy RLLF AreaRatio XLMajor
1 Program Determined Program Determined 0. 0. 0. 0.
2 Program Determined Program Determined 0. 0. 0. 0.
3 Program Determined Program Determined 0. 0. 0. 0.
4 Program Determined Program Determined 0. 0. 0. 0.
5 Program Determined Program Determined 0. 0. 0. 0.
6 Program Determined Program Determined 0. 0. 0. 0.
7 Program Determined Program Determined 0. 0. 0. 0.
8 Program Determined Program Determined 0. 0. 0. 0.
9 Program Determined Program Determined 0. 0. 0. 0.
10 Program Determined Program Determined 0. 0. 0. 0.
11 Program Determined Program Determined 0. 0. 0. 0.
15 Program Determined Program Determined 0. 0. 0. 0.
16 Program Determined Program Determined 0. 0. 0. 0.
17 Program Determined Program Determined 0. 0. 0. 0.
18 Program Determined Program Determined 0. 0. 0. 0.

Table 27: Overwrites - Steel Design - AISC 360-16, Part 2 of 7

Table 27: Overwrites - Steel Design - AISC 360-16, Part 2 of 7
Frame XLMinor XLLTB K1Major K1Minor K2Major K2Minor KLTB

1 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
2 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
3 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
4 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
5 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
6 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
7 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
8 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
9 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
10 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
11 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
15 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
16 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
17 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
18 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.

Table 27: Overwrites - Steel Design - AISC 360-16, Part 3 of 7

Table 27: Overwrites - Steel Design - AISC 360-16, Part 3 of 7
Frame CmMajor CmMinor Cb B1Major B1Minor B2Major B2Minor

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caballete 2.sdb SAP2000 v22.0.0 - License #3010*1PYJ54VRZK2HPED

1. Model geometry 19 octubre 2020

1 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
2 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
3 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
4 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
5 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
6 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
7 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
8 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
9 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
10 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
11 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
15 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
16 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
17 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
18 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.

Table 27: Overwrites - Steel Design - AISC 360-16, Part 4 of 7

Table 27: Overwrites - Steel Design - AISC 360-16, Part 4 of 7
Frame HSSReduce HSSWelding Omega0 Ry Pnc Pnt Mn3
Kgf Kgf Kgf-mm
1 Program Program 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
Determined Determined
2 Program Program 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
Determined Determined
3 Program Program 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
Determined Determined
4 Program Program 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
Determined Determined
5 Program Program 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
Determined Determined
6 Program Program 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
Determined Determined
7 Program Program 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
Determined Determined
8 Program Program 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
Determined Determined
9 Program Program 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
Determined Determined
10 Program Program 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
Determined Determined
11 Program Program 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
Determined Determined
15 Program Program 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
Determined Determined
16 Program Program 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
Determined Determined
17 Program Program 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
Determined Determined
18 Program Program 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
Determined Determined

Table 27: Overwrites - Steel Design - AISC 360-16, Part 5 of 7

Table 27: Overwrites - Steel Design - AISC 360-16, Part 5 of 7
Frame Mn2 Vn2 Vn3 CheckDefl DeflType DLRat SDLAndLLR
Kgf-mm Kgf Kgf

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caballete 2.sdb SAP2000 v22.0.0 - License #3010*1PYJ54VRZK2HPED

1. Model geometry 19 octubre 2020

1 0. 0. 0. Program Program Determined 0. 0.
2 0. 0. 0. Program Program Determined 0. 0.
3 0. 0. 0. Program Program Determined 0. 0.
4 0. 0. 0. Program Program Determined 0. 0.
5 0. 0. 0. Program Program Determined 0. 0.
6 0. 0. 0. Program Program Determined 0. 0.
7 0. 0. 0. Program Program Determined 0. 0.
8 0. 0. 0. Program Program Determined 0. 0.
9 0. 0. 0. Program Program Determined 0. 0.
10 0. 0. 0. Program Program Determined 0. 0.
11 0. 0. 0. Program Program Determined 0. 0.
15 0. 0. 0. Program Program Determined 0. 0.
16 0. 0. 0. Program Program Determined 0. 0.
17 0. 0. 0. Program Program Determined 0. 0.
18 0. 0. 0. Program Program Determined 0. 0.

Table 27: Overwrites - Steel Design - AISC 360-16, Part 6 of 7

Table 27: Overwrites - Steel Design - AISC 360-16, Part 6 of 7
Frame LLRat TotalRat NetRat DLAbs SDLAndLLA LLAbs TotalAbs
mm mm mm mm
1 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
2 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
3 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
4 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
5 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
6 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
7 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
8 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
9 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
10 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
11 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
15 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
16 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
17 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
18 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.

Table 27: Overwrites - Steel Design - AISC 360-16, Part 7 of 7

Table 27: Overwrites - Steel Design - AISC 360-16, Part 7 of 7
Frame NetAbs SpecCambe DCLimit
mm mm

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caballete 2.sdb SAP2000 v22.0.0 - License #3010*1PYJ54VRZK2HPED

1. Model geometry 19 octubre 2020

1 0. 0. 0.
2 0. 0. 0.
3 0. 0. 0.
4 0. 0. 0.
5 0. 0. 0.
6 0. 0. 0.
7 0. 0. 0.
8 0. 0. 0.
9 0. 0. 0.
10 0. 0. 0.
11 0. 0. 0.
15 0. 0. 0.
16 0. 0. 0.
17 0. 0. 0.
18 0. 0. 0.

13. Design summary

This section provides the design summary for each type of design, which highlights the controlling demand/capacity
ratio and it's associated combination and location in each member.

13.1. Steel design

Table 28: Steel Design 1 - Summary Data - AISC 360-16, Part 1 of 2

Table 28: Steel Design 1 - Summary Data - AISC 360-16, Part 1 of 2
Frame DesignSect DesignType Status Ratio RatioType

1 TS3x3x3/16 Beam No Messages 0.122777 PMM

2 TS3x3x3/16 Beam No Messages 0.32719 PMM
3 TS3x3x3/16 Beam No Messages 0.122777 PMM
4 TS3x3x3/16 Brace No Messages 0.268581 PMM
5 TS3x3x3/16 Brace No Messages 0.268581 PMM
6 TS3x3x3/16 Beam No Messages 0.370112 PMM
7 TS3x3x3/16 Beam No Messages 0.370112 PMM
8 TS3x3x3/16 Brace No Messages 0.268581 PMM
9 TS3x3x3/16 Brace No Messages 0.268581 PMM
10 TS3x3x3/16 Beam No Messages 0.370112 PMM
11 TS3x3x3/16 Beam No Messages 0.370112 PMM
15 TS3x3x3/16 Beam No Messages 0.032431 PMM
16 TS3x3x3/16 Beam No Messages 0.032431 PMM
17 TS3x3x3/16 Brace No Messages 0.066574 PMM
18 TS3x3x3/16 Brace No Messages 0.066574 PMM

Table 28: Steel Design 1 - Summary Data - AISC 360-16, Part 2 of 2

Table 28: Steel Design 1 - Summary Data - AISC 360-16, Part 2 of 2
Frame Combo Location ErrMsg WarnMsg
1 DSTL2 200. No Messages No Messages
2 DSTL2 375. No Messages No Messages
3 DSTL2 0. No Messages No Messages

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1. Model geometry 19 octubre 2020

4 DSTL2 213.6 No Messages No Messages
5 DSTL2 854.4 No Messages No Messages
6 DSTL2 300. No Messages No Messages
7 DSTL2 0. No Messages No Messages
8 DSTL2 213.6 No Messages No Messages
9 DSTL2 854.4 No Messages No Messages
10 DSTL2 300. No Messages No Messages
11 DSTL2 0. No Messages No Messages
15 DSTL2 0. No Messages No Messages
16 DSTL2 750. No Messages No Messages
17 DSTL2 0. No Messages No Messages
18 DSTL2 1096.59 No Messages No Messages

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