Review On Drowsy Driving: Becoming Dangerous Problem: Kusuma Kumari B. M
Review On Drowsy Driving: Becoming Dangerous Problem: Kusuma Kumari B. M
Review On Drowsy Driving: Becoming Dangerous Problem: Kusuma Kumari B. M
Abstract: Every year, traffic accidents due to human errors cause increasing amounts of deaths and injuries globally. Driver
drowsiness is recognized as an important factor in the vehicle accidents. It was demonstrated that driving performance deteriorates with
increased drowsiness with resulting crashes constituting more than 20% of all vehicle accidents. But the life lost once cannot be re-
winded. In this paper, I discuss basic introduction about drowsy driving. It stars with definition of drowsy driving, its problems, and
effects of lack of sufficient sleep, which is at risk of drowsy driving and how to prevent drowsy driving.
Keywords: drowsy driving, characteristics, problem of drowsy driving, risk of drowsiness, prevention of drowsy driving.
they really are to causing a crash. Even if you are only Not only are they putting themselves in danger, but they are
starting to feel sleepy while driving, be safe and pull over. At a risk to everyone else on the road. In this paper, I discussed
the very least, take a short nap to rest your eyes. This will go drowsy driving, its problems, and effects of lack of sufficient
a long way toward keeping you safe. sleep, which is at risk of drowsy driving and how to prevent
drowsy driving.
Third, it is also wise for drivers to avoid alcohol and
medications that can make them tired. Be very careful. Never References
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Some companies are working on a system that recognizes (Seeing Machine, Canberra, Australia)
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parameters of the individual's driving behavior (with steering
behavior having proved a particularly telling indicator) a
warning sounds and an alert symbol appears in the Author Profile
instrument cluster so the driver knows it's time for a break.
Some assistance systems are developing to controlling Kusuma Kumari B.M received the M.C.A. degree in
Computer Science from University of Mysore,
accident due to drowsiness. Here one eye blink sensor is
Karnataka, India in 2006 and M.Phil from Vinaya
fixed in vehicle where if driver looses consciousness, then it Mission University, Salem, India in 2009. She is
alerts the driver through buzzer to prevent vehicle from currently pursuing PhD at Tumkur University. 7 Years
accident. of teaching experience and working as an Assistant Professor,
Department of Computer Science in Tumkur University, Tumkur,
7. Conclusion Karnataka, India.